Benhabib Kohn
Benhabib Kohn
Benhabib Kohn
Primeira Fase
Segunda Fase
Quarta fase diferena entre povo e nao. Judeus deveriam se revoltar contra os nazistas,
comear nova histria. Similaridades com revoluo.
A "right to have rights" is not a civil but a political right, and politics is always for Arendt what
goes on between a plurality of individuals speaking together about what concerns them in common,
generating the power to do what they determine can be done by acting together. Founding a new
state is a risky business, as we know from both ancient and modern history-hence Arendt's
considerable interest in foundation myths-but because of what they suffered and endured, Arendt
thought that Jews, her own people, had an opportunity to found a state whose power potential
might be very great. The Jewish people, exercising their "right to have rights" and mindful of the
role of justice in their past, could found a state that would require nothing beneath them to sustain
its existence: they themselves would be their own foundation.
"Local self-governing and mixed Jewish-Arab municipal and rural councils, on a small scale and as
numerous as possible, are the only realistic political measures that can eventually lead to the
political emancipation of Palestine," as Arendt puts it. In this structure power would be generated
by agreements handed up, not down, from level to level of councils, arising from the levels in
which ordinary Jews and Arabs come together to deal with the common problems that lie between
them and relate them. Politically speaking, there is no "other" to be excluded in the council system,
and its power potential is immense: it could become, as Arendt suggests, a federation of
Mediterranean peoples, which would not be a sovereign state but rather a new autonomous polity
with its own large place in the world. The condition of the council system of governing does not
entail loving one's neighbor but rather entering into political friendship with him.