(COURSE CODE: 3351901)
Subject knowledge of thermal engineering is required in many industries. The
objective of this course is to establish basic fundamental and practical knowledge in
the field of internal combustion engine, refrigeration, air conditioning, eco-friendly
fuels, etc. These are major fields of mechanical engineering. Student will be able to
understand different systems and apply its competencies in major fields in related
industries. Knowledge of alternate fuels is required as emerging field and todays need
of society which will be provided by the course content.
The course content should be taught and implemented with the aim to develop
different types of skills so that students are able to acquire following competencies:
The theory should be taught and practical should be carried out in such a manner that
students are able to acquire different learning outcomes in cognitive, psychomotor and
affective domain to demonstrate following course outcomes.
Thermal Engineering-II Course Code: 3351901
2 0 2 4 70 30 20 30 150
Thermal Engineering-II Course Code: 3351901
1.6 Concept of Common Rail
Direct Injection System-(CRDI)
for diesel engine.
1.7 Performance testing of IC
engines and its heat balance
sheet (Simple numerical
examples) with familiarization
with testing as per BIS.
2a. List characteristics and 2.1 Alternatives fuels: Types,
Unit II properties of fuels used for properties, compositions,
ICEs. advantages, disadvantages and
Alternate 2b. Explain needs and types of implementation issues- includes
fuels. alternate fuels & their mainly Compressed Natural Gas
applications. (CNG), Liquefied Petroleum
2c. Explain system requirements Gas (LPG) and Biodiesel. Effect
for alternate fuels with of these fuels from pollution
suitable diagrams. point of view.
2.2 Supply system requirement for
CNG and LPG as alternate fuel
in vehicle.
2.3 Conversion devices/ kits for SI
Engines- vaporizer/ PRV for
fuel compatibility, piping and
allied needs.
3a. Describe the processes and 3.1 Introduction to refrigeration.
Unit III elements of VCRS with 3.2 Reversed Carnot cycle & Bell
functions of each element. column cycle. (No numerical)
Refrigeration. 3b. Operate VCRSs, observe the 3.3 Unit of refrigeration & basic
changes in properties of terminology.
refrigerant during each 3.4 Vapor compression refrigeration
process on VCRS and cycle (VCRS), working with the
calculate / analysis the help of P-V, T-s & P-h
performance using diagrams.
thermodynamic charts/ 3.5 VCRS components, types, their
diagrams. construction, working,
3c. List characteristics of applications, (components
refrigerants used for VCRSs. include compressor-
3d. Explain thermodynamic Reciprocating, Rotary, Screw
cycles based on second law of and scroll; condensers- Air
thermodynamics by using cooled and water cooled;
thermodynamic diagrams. evaporators- Dx type, flooded,
3e. Detect the leakages in VCRS shell and tube type; expansion
by using appropriate tools and devices -Automatic,
equipment. thermostatic expansion valve
3f. Evacuate and recharge the and capillary tube, High side
refrigerant in VCRS. float valve).
GTU/ NITTTR Bhopal/14-15 Gujarat State
Thermal Engineering-II Course Code: 3351901
Thermal Engineering-II Course Code: 3351901
4a. Plot and interpret various air 4.1 Introduction to air conditioning.
UnitIV conditioning processes on 4.2 Air conditioning- types and its
psychometric chart. applications.
Air- 4b. Measure various air 4.3 Psychrometry- properties of air.
Conditioning properties. 4.4 Representation of psychrometry
4c. Explain working of various properties on chart (simple
air-conditioning equipment. numerical using chart).
4.5 Various air conditioning
processes on psychometric
4.6 Dessert cooler, window and
split air conditioners-
components and working.
4.7 Ducts- need, types with
applications, constructional
materials, and installation,
common troubles with their
4.8 Air conditioning fans-types,
constructional features,
applications and common
troubles with their remedies.
1. This specification table shall be treated as only general guideline for students
and Teachers. The actual distribution of marks in the question paper may vary
from above Table.
Thermal Engineering-II Course Code: 3351901
2. Ask the questions from each topic as per marks weightage. Numerical questions
are to be asked only if it is specified. Optional questions must be asked from the
same topic.
3. If midsem test is part of continuous evaluation, unit numbers I (Up to 1.3 only)
and III (Up to 3.8 only) are to be considered.
4. In the optional numerical question, numerical of same chapter should be asked.
Faculty should refer to that common list and should ensure that students also
acquire outcomes in affective domain which are required for overall achievement
of Programme Outcomes/Course Outcomes.
Thermal Engineering-II Course Code: 3351901
Thermal Engineering-II Course Code: 3351901
a. It is compulsory to prepare log book of exercises. It is also required to get each
exercise recorded in logbook, checked and duly dated signed by teacher.PA
component of practical marks is dependent on continuous and timely evaluation of
b. Term work report must not include any photocopy/ies, printed manual/pages, litho,
etc. It must be hand written / hand drawn by student only.
c. Student activities are compulsory and are part of term work.
d. Term work content of industrial visit report should also include following.
i. Brief details of industry/ site visited.
ii. Type, location, processes / products, rough layout, human resource, etc of
iii. Details, description and broad specifications of machineries/ processes
iv. Safety norms and precautions observed.
Thermal Engineering-II Course Code: 3351901
1 Enlist I C Engine specifications at your institute.
2 Prepare Charts of ICE systems.
3 Prepare chart of CNG/LPG/Diesel/ Petrol engine fuelling system.
4 Search different ICE components from scrap and identify type of defect/
5 Visit any Industry working on I C Engine manufacturing/ running or
power plant working on I C Engine.
6 Visit any petrol/ diesel/ CNG/ LPG station and study different fuel filling
systems along with different parameters affected.
7 Enlist VCRS system specifications at your institute.
8 Prepare chart VCRS/ VARS.
9 Visit cold storage plant, ice plant and air-conditioning Plant to observe
VCRS or VARS, different kinds of ducting. After visit, student should
submit detail industrial report of his understanding.
10 Preparation of small model of VCRS.
11 Built up/ evacuate VCRS available at your institute.
12 Prepare property table for different types of refrigerants/ alternate fuels.
Thermal Engineering-II Course Code: 3351901
A) List of Books
Title of Book Author Publication
1. Heat Engines. Pandya and Shah. Charotar Publishing House.
Thermodynamics and
2. Mathur and Mehta. Tata Mcgraw- Hill.
Heat power Engg.
3. Heat Engines. D. A. Wrangham. Cambridge University Press.
4. Thermal Engineering. R K Rajput. Laxmi. Publications
A Text book of Thermal R S Khurmi& J.K.
5. S Chand & Co.
Engineering. Gupta.
6. I C Engine Domkundwar
7. I C Engine Mathur and Sharma. DhanpatRaiPubli.
8. Principles of Refrigeration Dossat Pearson Education
Refrigeration and air Arora &
9. Khanna publication.
conditioning Domkundwar
AText Book of
10. Refrigeration and Air R S Khurmi Eurasia Publishing House
11. Thermal engineering P.L.Ballaney Khanna Publication
Thermal Science and
12. Dr. D.S.Kumar S.K.Kataria & Sons.
Refrigeration & Air-
13. R.K.Rajput S.K.Kataria& Sons.
Thermal Engineering-II Course Code: 3351901
Thermal Engineering-II Course Code: 3351901
i. http://nptel.ac.in/courses/112105128/
ii. http://nptel.ac.in/courses/Webcourse-
iii. http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLE2DA184A2E479885
iv. http://www.kolpak.com/asset/?id=tuqvr