GST NAV 2016 Setup For India
GST NAV 2016 Setup For India
GST NAV 2016 Setup For India
March 2017
Goods and Services Tax
Goods and Services Tax .......... 1 This white paper provides detailed insight into development of
1. Key Areas of GST Impact GST related features in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016.
on Product Design....................3
2. GST Setups ....................... 11
The documentation starts by describing Key Areas of GST and
3. GST Fields in Masters.. 13
their Impact on the Product Design, GST related fields added in
4. GST Fields in Purchase, Setups, Master and Documents.
Sales Documents and General
Journals....................................... 15
5. GST Ledger Entry and GST Then it explains the Purchase and Sales scenarios, Advance
Detailed Ledger Entry .......... 20 Payment and Application scenarios, Service Management, Stock
6. Purchases .......................... 25 Transfers and Transitional Provisions.
7. Sales..................................... 39
8. Advance Payment and its
Finally, it explains GST Reconciliation feature, Credit Adjustment
Application to Invoice ......... 44
Journal and GST Reconciliation.
9. Service Management, Stock
Transfers and Transitional
Provisions .................................. 60
10. GST Reconciliation &
Credit Adjustment Journal 63
11. GST Settlement & Posted
Reconciliation Table ............. 69
12. Document Reports .. 78
13. Scope Exclusions for this
release ......................................... 79
14. Code Box Section ..... 80
Goods &
Goods & Service
Service Tax
Tax in
in NAV
NAV 2016
1. Key Areas of GST Impact on Product
A. Basics of GST:
a. Proposed GST:
Goods and Service Tax (GST) is an indirect tax levied on supply of goods or services or both.
It is a destination/consumption based tax levy which is payable in the state in which the goods
and services are consumed.
It is levied and collected on value addition at each stage of production or distribution process
(all points in supply chain).
The supplier can avail credit on input tax credit paid on procurement of goods or services.
b. Components of GST:
Component Levied by Applicable on
Central GST (CGST) Centre Intra-state supply of goods or services in India
State GST (SGST) States Intra-state supply of goods or services in India
Integrated GST Centre Inter-state supply of goods or services, Exports and
(IGST) Imports
Central Excise duty will continue on petroleum products. States will continue to impose sales
tax on sale of petroleum products and alcohol for human consumption.
B. Provisions of Draft Law, Draft Rules and Formats and Business Processes Documents
pertinent to GST Design in NAV
Goods &
Goods & Service
Service Tax
Tax in
in NAV
NAV 2016
Registration Number under GST is called Goods and Service Tax Payer Identification
Number (GSTIN). It is a state-wise PAN based 15-digit number the structure of which is as
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
First two digits represent the State codes. The next thirteen-digits are alphanumeric and are
assigned depending on number of registrations a legal entity (having the same PAN) has
within one state. (Provided business entities go for vertical wise registrations)
All UN bodies seeking to claim refund of taxes would be required to obtain a Unique
Identification Number (UID) from GSTN portal. The supplier supplying to these organizations
is expected to mention UID in the respective invoices.
Government authorities/PSUs not making outward supplies of GST goods (and thus not liable
to obtain GST registration) but are making inter-state purchases will be allotted Government
Department Unique ID (GID) from GSTN portal.
The structure of both UID & GID are uniform across all the states in uniformity with GSTN
Validations are provided to ensure that the Registration No. entered is of 15-digits and is of
the same format as mentioned above. Moreover, the first two digits of the Registration No.
shall match with the state code defined in State code. Validation has been provided for these.
GST Registration Type field in Customer master enables the user to select whether the
Registration No. is GSTIN, UID or GID.
b. HSN/SAC Codes:
Goods and Services are to be reported along with HSN and SAC codes in compliance Returns
HSN codes comprises of eight digits. The number of digits to be mentioned in the GST Returns
is dependent on the turnover. If turnover exceeds five crores, it is mandatory to mention four-
digits. In case turnover is between 1.5 to 5 crores, it is mandatory to mention two-digits. For
exports and imports, it is mandatory to mention eight-digits. However, a taxpayer irrespective
of turnover may opt to use either six-digits or eight-digits.
HSN/SAC codes must also be selected in Items master and G/L Account card for each item
and service respectively.
These codes also flow in purchase lines and sales lines, based on the item or service selected.
However, the user can edit the codes in the respective documents.
System validates HSN/SAC codes at the time of applying an advance payment with an invoice
and allows you to apply if HSN code of the Advance Payment matches with any or all of the
HSN/SAC codes in purchase or sales lines.
Purchase lines are clubbed based on either the HSN or SAC code for the purpose of
Reconciliation and disclosure in compliance returns (GSTRs).
c. Place of Supply:
Place of Supply is the place where services are deemed to be provided or goods are deemed
to be sold as per GST Law. Place of Supply is critical in determining whether a transaction is an
interstate sale or intrastate sale.
Place of Supply can be a Buyers Location, Sellers Location or any other place where goods
are delivered or services are rendered.
Place of supply provisions are different for goods and services in Model GST law. Within
services and goods, they may vary from service to service and goods to goods.
Apart from the above, Place of Supply has been specified in the IGST Draft Law, for
Specified services.
For any GST Group, if the Place of Supply is different from what is defined in GST
Dependency Type, then the same can be defined in GST Group Setup. If for a GST group,
System validates shipping location state code and place of supply state code with GST
configuration setup for any matching line and triggers the tax accordingly.
Example: For Advertising Services, if Place of Supply is Ship to Address and the same is
defined in GST Group, then GST Place of Supply field in Sales lines is auto-populated with
Ship to Address. If the ship to address is, Karnataka and the shipping location is Tamilnadu,
and then system checks for matching line in the GST configuration set-up and triggers the tax
rate accordingly.
Place of Supply can also be defined for each GST Group. Place of Supply is critical in
determining whether it is an interstate sale or intrastate sale. Place of Supply can be Bill to
Address, Ship to Address or Location address.
If Place of Supply is not defined in the GST Group, then system considers GST Dependency
type defined in Sales & Receivable Set-up as Place of Supply.
d. Time of supply:
Time of supply provisions of Model GST Law contemplates when the liability to pay GST arises.
This point in time is different for goods, services and for goods and services which are subject
to Reverse charge.
Time of Supply for goods & Services: Invoice date or Receipt of Payment whichever is earlier
For goods that are subject to reverse charge (Purchases from an unregistered vendor), liability
to pay tax arises at the time of receipt of goods or at the time of payment whichever is earlier.
Hence, at the time of receipt of advance, payable account shall be credited because advance
payment arises earlier than receipt of goods. For reverse charge transactions, purchaser has to
issue self-invoice and as invoice can be issued only on receipt of goods in system. Payable
account shall be credited at the time of invoice provided there is no advance payment
application or advance amount applied is less than the invoice value.
For services that are subject to reverse charge (Import of services and services from an
unregistered vendor), liability to pay tax arises at the time of vendor payment. Hence, payable
account is credited at the time of advance payment. It is also credited at the time of payment
done to vendor post issuance of invoice, if there is no advance payment or if the advance
payment is less than the invoice value. At the time of posting invoice, Payable (Interim) Account
is credited to the extent of payment due to vendor. At the time of payment to vendor, the
same shall be credited to Payable Account.
For import of services from Associated Enterprises, the treatment would be same as it is in
case of reverse charge for goods.
b. All the above documents shall contain details prescribed in Draft Invoice Rules. Further, in case
of exports the invoice shall carry an endorsement SUPPLY MEANT FOR EXPORT ON PAYMENT
c. These documents shall contain a consecutive serial number, unique for a financial year.
e. In sales documents, a field Invoice Type has been created with a drop down of Taxable Invoice,
Bill of supply, Debit Note, Supplementary Invoice and Non-GST. The user can select the
appropriate invoice at the time of posting. Separate posted number series can be defined for
each of these documents in Locations master.
f. For Service Management module, separate posted invoice number series can be defined in
the Service Setup.
g. The document reports generated for the above invoice types contain the information
prescribed in draft invoice rules.
b. GST Group:
Goods and Services of similar nature are grouped here. Each group is assigned a group code.
Place of Supply can also be defined for each GST Group. It is critical in determining whether
it is an interstate sale or intrastate sale. Place of Supply can be Bill to Address, Ship to address
or Location address.
If Place of Supply is not defined in GST Group, then system considers GST Dependency Type
defined in Sales & Receivable Setup as Place of Supply.
c. GST Component:
GST Components along with formula and jurisdiction type are defined here. As of now, there
are three GST components IGST, CGST and SGST. IGST is applicable on an interstate Purchase
or Sale whereas CGST & SGST are applicable on an Intrastate Purchase or Sale.
e. GST Setup:
The percentage and effective date for each GST component is defined state-wise here.
If GST State Code is blank, then percentage and effective date defined for a GST Component
is applicable for all states where there is no specific entry for such GST Group. For example, if
Advertising Service has a uniform CGST rate in all states except Delhi, then instead of defining
it for each state, it can be defined only once keeping state code as blank. A separate line can
be created for Delhi state with Delhi specific percentage.
f. GST Configuration:
This setup aids the system in determining the taxable state based upon
Dispatching state code and customer state code for Sales
Receiving state code and vendor state code for Purchases
Determining the taxable jurisdiction enables the system to pick up the tax percentage
For an import transaction, vendor state code shall be blank, as vendor is located outside the
The first two-digits of a registration number shall contain the state code to which that number
HSN/SAC codes for various GST Groups can be defined here.
i. States:
Each state shall have a two-digit code under GST. Those codes can be defined here.
c. Vendor Master:
d. Customer Master:
Apart from the above, fields for entering various posted Sales documents numbers has been
provided in the Numbering tab of the Locations master.
f. Service cost
b. Purchase Lines
c. Sales Header:
d. Service Header:
e. Sales Lines
f. Transfer Lines:
Note: Service lines also contain all the above fields except GST Place of Supply. Multiple sales
lines may have different place of supply so long as all line result in uniform jurisdiction i.e.
either interstate or intrastate but not both.
Assuming in the above example, place of supply for the first line is Karnataka; system allows you to
post the transaction, as both lines are intrastate transactions despite place of supply being different.
Field Description
GST on Advance Activate this field, if you want to make an advance
Payment payment for this transaction.
HSN/SAC code HSN/SAC code flows from the transaction.
GST Reverse Charge This field is activated if the posted transaction
pertains to reverse charge.
Adv. Pmt. Adjustment This field is activated when a posted advance payment
is adjusted.
Field Description
GST on Advance Activate this field, if you want to make an advance
Payment payment for this transaction.
HSN/SAC code HSN/SAC code flows from the transaction.
Adv. Pmt. Adjustment This field is activated when a posted advance payment
is adjusted.
System shall create GST entries per line in documents and journals. The GST Ledger Entry shall
be merge/club the GST Component or Gen. Prod. Posting Group if the same group code is
used multiple times in a single transaction.
In Detailed GST Ledger Entry, system shall create GST Components wise details for
sales/purchase lines and journal lines.
System updates these entries in GST Ledger Entry table and GST Detailed Ledger Entry Table.
Field Description
Entry No. Displays the entry number.
Gen. Bus. Posting Displays the general business-posting group to which
Group the transaction pertains.
Gen. Prod. Posting Displays general product posting group to which the
Group transaction pertains.
Posting Date Displays the date on which the transaction is posted.
Document No. Displays the document number.
Document Type Displays whether the document type is Payment,
Invoice, Credit Memo, Transfer or Refund.
Transaction Type Displays whether the transaction is a sale or purchase.
GST Base Amount Displays the base amount on which GST percentage is
Source Type For sales transaction, Source Type is customer. For
purchase transaction, Source Type is vendor.
Source No. Displays the vendor number, if Source Type is
vendor. If Source Type is customer, the Customer
No. is displayed.
User ID Displays the user ID of the user who posted the
Source Code Displays the source code. Source code can be
Field Description
Entry No. Displays the entry number.
Entry Type Displays whether the entry is an initial entry or an
Transaction Type Displays whether the transaction is a sale or purchase.
Document Type Displays whether the document type is Payment,
Invoice, Credit Memo, Transfer or Refund.
Document No. Displays the document number.
Posting Date Displays the date on which the transaction is posted.
Type Displays whether the type is G/L Account, Item,
Resource, Fixed Asset or Charge (Item).
No. Displays the Item No. , G/L Account No. etc.
Product Type The product type is displayed only when Type is Items.
It displays whether the Item is a normal item or Capital
Source Type For sales transaction, Source Type is customer. For
purchase transaction, Source Type is vendor.
Source No. Displays the vendor number, if Source Type is vendor.
If Source Type is customer, then the customer number
is displayed.
GST Group Type GST Group Type can be either goods or service.
External Document Displays the external document number entered in
No. the purchase document.
Amount Loaded on This field displays the amount if GST Credit is Non-
Item Availment.
Quantity Displays the quantity.
Paid This field is activated, if GST is paid to the government
through GST Settlement.
GST Without Payment This field is activated, for an export sales made
of Duty without payment of duty. For purchase transaction,
this field would be blank.
G/L Account No. This displays the G/L Account of tax component.
Reversed by Entry No. Reversal entry number is displayed here. For
transactions posted through payment journals, it can
be reversed in this field.
Reversed This field is activated for transactions posted through
payment journals when the posted entry is reversed.
User ID Displays the user ID of the user who posted the
Item Ledger Entry No. Displays the item ledger entry number.
Positive This field is activated if the amounts are positive.
Document Line No. Displays the document line number.
Item Charge Entry This field is activated if the entry is an Item charge
Reverse Charge This field is activated if the transaction is reverse
charge. Reverse charge is applicable for import of
Purchases from
Imports from
The first two digits of the registration number is validated against the State code defined in
States Set-up against the Vendor state.
If the Location state code and Vendors state code are different, then the purchase becomes
an interstate purchase and it attracts IGST.
A purchase becomes an intrastate purchase, if the location and vendor state codes are the
same. CGST & SGST are attracted in this case.
b. Composite Vendor:
A composite vendor has to register himself with the GST authorities and hence Registration
No. is mandatory in Vendor Card, if the Vendor Type is selected as Composite. State Code
is also mandatory.
A composite vendor cannot be engaged in supply of services and cannot make inter-state
supplies of goods. However, system allows interstate purchases from a composite vendor and
service purchases.
c. Unregistered Vendor:
Persons whose aggregate turnover in a financial year does not exceed twenty lakh rupees are
not required to be registered with the GST authorities. Such persons are called Unregistered
Vendors. Any purchases from unregistered vendors attract Reverse Charge i.e. the purchasers
themselves has to pay tax to the government.
Interstate purchases from an unregistered vendor shall not arise, as any person irrespective of
his turnover has to register with the authorities, if he is making an interstate sale.
GST Vendor Type shall be unregistered in Vendor Card to handle this scenario. State code
and GST Registration numbers are not mandatory fields for an unregistered Vendor.
The purchasing user has to issue self-invoices under GST, if the purchases are made from an
unregistered vendor. The user can issue a self-invoice in the system by selecting self-invoice
from the dropdown of Invoice type in Tax Information tab of purchase documents.
d. Exempted Vendor:
A vendor who is exempted from payment of GST either by Central or State GST authorities is
known as Exempted Vendor. An exempted vendor neither collects tax from customers nor
pays any tax to the government. No GST Entries are generated in the system, if GST Vendor
Type is exempted.
This vendor type can also be used to handle a scenario where purchase of only certain goods
and services from an Unregistered Vendor is subject to reverse charge and the remaining are
exempted. (Law is not clear as of now). State Code and Registration No. are not mandatory
for the exempted vendor in Vendor Card.
Bringing goods to India from a place outside India is import of goods. For Services, if the
supplier is located outside India, the recipient is located in India and the place of supply is in
India, then it is called Import of services.
Purchase of goods and/or services from a foreign vendor is subject to Reverse Charge i.e. the
person importing goods or services has to remit tax to the government. Import of goods are
subject to both customs duty and IGST whereas import of services are subject to IGST. There
is another scenario of importing services from associated enterprises. Accounting Entries differ
in each scenario.
GST Vendor Type shall be Import in Vendor Card for a foreign vendor. Registration Number
and State Code are not mandatory fields in Vendor Card.
Under GST, any registered taxpayer is eligible to take credit of input tax paid on inputs and
inputs purchased by him, if they are used in the course or furtherance of business.
This input credit availed by the tax payer can be utilized for adjustment of GST payable on
Outward Supplies made by him, subject to certain conditions.
Keeping in view of the above, the user has been given flexibility to opt for credit availment or
non-availment by creating GST Credit field in Invoicing tab of Item Master. A similar field is
created in the Posting tab of the G/L Account Card.
The option selected- Availment or Non-Availment in GST Credit Field either in Item master
or G/L Account Card shall flow to purchase documents. The user can change the option in
purchase lines, if he desires.
At the time of posting invoice in the system, only two conditions would be satisfied receipt
of goods and receipt of vendor invoice. Hence, credit is posted to the Receivable Interim
Account at the time of posting purchase documents.
The third condition specified above, i.e. payment of tax by the supplier can be ignored as it is
difficult to obtain the date of payment from different suppliers on a periodic basis.
GSTR-1 (Outward Supplies made by the taxpayer) & GSTR-2 (Inward Supplies made by the
taxpayer) are the pre-requisites for filing GSTR-3 (GST Return). In other words, GSTR-3 (GST
Return) contains auto-populated information from GSTR-1(Outward Supplies made by the
taxpayer), GSTR-2 (Inward Supplies made by the taxpayer), GSTR-6 (Return for Input Service
Distributor) and GSTR-7 (TDS Return).
Based on the invoice level information uploaded by counter party suppliers, GSTR-2A (Inward
Supplies made by the taxpayer) of the purchasing user will be auto populated. The user has to
reconcile GSTR-2A with posted purchase lines in the system. This can be done by using GST
Reconciliation feature.
To the extent of purchase transactions reconciled, GST credit is posted from Receivable
(Interim) Account to Receivable Account. The credit amount to that extent is also updated in
GST amount of GST Reconciliation table.
Credit can also be availed on unreconciled transactions on a provisional basis by using Credit
Adjustment Journal. Then also, Credit amount to that extent is updated in GST amount of
GST Reconciliation table.
Purchase Lines Reconciled with GSTR-2A downloaded from GSTN Portal using
GST Reconciliation Feature
Reconciled Credit from GST Reconciliation and Unreconciled but availed credit
through Credit Adjustment Journal will be updated in Posted Reconciliation Table
Credit Amount flows from Posted Reconciliation table to Credit Availed field of
GST Settlement
Credit Availed in GST Settlement can be used against Output Tax liability
As services are intangible, there can only be receipt of invoice and payment of tax to the
government. As unregistered purchases and import of services are subject to reverse charge,
tax payment to the government is to be done by the purchaser himself. This is done through
GST Settlement screen by selecting Nature of Liability as Reverse Charge Invoice.
Credit can be availed on purchase transactions subject to reverse charge in the month in which
the tax is paid to the government. Tax is paid to the government by 20th of the succeeding
month. For example, if a reverse charge purchase transaction is posted in the month of July,
the tax liability is discharged to government by the 20th of succeeding month, which is 20th
August. Hence, credit of such tax paid can be availed in the month of August.
The credit amount from posted reconciliation table flows to GST Settlement and is available
for set-off against Output Tax liability payable on sales.
Credit gets updated in Posted Reconciliation Table in the month of tax payment
to government
Credit Amount flows from Posted Reconciliation table to Credit Availed field of
GST Settlement
Credit Availed in GST Settlement can be used against Output Tax liability of Sales
Credit Amount flows from Posted Reconciliation table to Credit Availed field of
GST Settlement
Credit Availed in GST Settlement can be used against Output Tax liability
Description Calculation
Base Amount 10000
CGST 1000 (10000*10%)
SGST 1000 (10000*10%)
IGST 2000 (10000*20%)
Entry for an Intrastate Purchase Credit Memo for goods with Credit - Availment
Entry for Intrastate purchase Credit Memo for goods with Credit Non Availment
1. Entries for purchases would be similar except that Service General Ledger Account replaces
Purchases Account in the above entries. Similarly, for fixed assets, Fixed Assets Account
replaces Purchases Account.
2. Entries for interstate transactions would be similar to the above entries except that CGST &
SGST Receivable (Interim) Account is replaced by IGST Receivable (Interim) Account
wherever applicable.
Entry for purchase Credit Memo for a Composite Vendor and Exempted Vendor
1. No GST entries are generated for a composite vendor, as a composite vendor is not entitled
to collect any tax from the customers.
2. Similarly, no GST entries are generated for exempted vendor, as an exempted vendor is exempt
from payment of GST.
Description Calculation
Base Amount inclusive of CIF 10000
Customs Duty (BCD) 1000 (10000*10%)
IGST 2200 (11000*20%)
As per the Time of supply provisions in Model GST Law, liability to pay tax arises at the time of
posting invoice, in the system. Hence, GST is posted to Payable Account at the time of posting
purchase documents.
Entry for intrastate Purchase Credit Memo for goods with Credit - Availment
Interstate purchases from an unregistered vendor shall not arise and hence entries are not
provided for the same.
Entry for purchase credit memo for Services from an Unregistered Vendor Credit -
Entry for purchase credit memo of services with Credit Non Availment
Interstate purchases from an unregistered vendor shall not arise and hence entries are not provided
for the same.
Entry for Purchase Credit Memo for Import of Services with Credit - Availment
Entry for Purchase Credit Memo for Import of Services with Credit Non-Availment
In the above entry, if TDS is computed excluding GST, then Vendor Account and TDS Payable
Account becomes Rs. 11000 and Rs. 1000 respectively.
Under Reverse charge, GST is payable by the purchaser. Hence the amount that is payable to
vendor does not include TDS. Therefore, whether GST is included in GST or not, TDS
computation remains the same.
Accounting Entry for TDS & GST in purchase document (Reverse charge)
Particulars Debit (Rs.) Credit (Rs.)
Service Account.................................Dr. 10000
IGST Receivable (Interim) Account..Dr. 2000
To Vendor Account 9000
To IGST Payable (Interim) Account 2000
To TDS Payable Account 1000
Deemed E-commerce
B2B Sales B2C Sales Exports Sales Exempt Sales
Exports Sales
For B2B sales, GST Customer Type shall be selected as Registered. Registration No., State
Code and Address are mandatory fields for these transactions.
For B2C sales, GST Customer Type shall be selected as Unregistered. State Code and Address
are mandatory fields for these transactions.
c. Exports Sales:
Export of goods is defined as taking goods out of India to a place outside India. Export of
Services means the supply of services where the supplier of service is located in India, recipient
of service is located outside India and the place of supply is outside India.
Exports with payment of duty: However, if any exporter has accumulated Input credits and
wishes to utilize them then he can opt for payment of duty. The duty paid can be claimed as
refund later. IGST is payable on such transactions.
If Export is without payment of duty, then GST without payment of duty Boolean is to be
If GST Customer Type is Export and Type in Sales lines is Item, then Bill of Export date and
Bill of Export No. fields have to be mandatorily filled in Sales header.
d. Deemed Exports:
Deemed Exports refer to those transactions in which the goods supplied do not leave India
and payment for such supplies is received either in Indian Rupees or in convertible foreign
Supply of goods and /or services to an SEZ developer or SEZ or EOU falls under this
GST customer Type shall be selected as Deemed Exports in Customer master. System
calculates IGST on such transactions.
e. Exempt Sales:
Sales made to an exempted customer are known as Exempt sales. GST Customer Type shall
be selected as Exempted. No GST is computed on such transactions
Two fields are added on sales header E-commerce Operator field for selecting e-commerce
operator relevant for the transaction and E-commerce Merchant Id field for selecting
merchant Id assigned by the E-Commerce operator to the company. All customers checked
with E-commerce operator in customer master come as a drop down for E-commerce
operator field. E-commerce Merchant Id table is linked to E-commerce merchant Id field
so that the user can select the appropriate Id.
These two fields flows from sales document flows to Detailed GST Ledger while posting the
transaction from which they are reported in GSTR-1
Price Inclusive of Tax field on Item master shall be true and PIT structure shall be selected
for calculating PIT in sales transactions.
A. Accounting Entries:
Description Calculation
Base Amount 10000
CGST 1000 (10000*10%)
SGST 1000 (10000*10%)
IGST 2000000*20%)
1. For an Interstate transaction, CGST & SGST Payable Accounts are to be replaced by IGST
Payable Account.
2. Entries for Registered Customer and Unregistered Customer are one and the same
3. For Services, Sales Account is replaced by Services General Ledger Account. Fixed Assets
Account replaces Sales Account for Fixed Assets.
b. Export Entries:
1. Entries for Exports and Deemed Exports Customer are one and the same
2. For Services, Sales Account is replaced by Services General Ledger Account. Fixed Assets
Account replaces Sales Account for Fixed Assets
GST on Advance Payment is not calculated in the following scenarios. In other words, system shall
not allow you to check GST on Advance Payment in the following scenarios:
Normal purchases
Import of goods
For the above scenarios, no GST liability is created at the time of advance payment and hence no
GST related accounting entries are generated.
In case of scenarios that are subject to reverse charge, the purchaser himself has to pay tax to the
government. As per Time of Supply provisions of Model GST law, liability to pay tax arises at the
time of advance payment for reverse charge scenarios. Hence, the system computes tax for import
of services and purchase of goods and services from an unregistered person.
The provisions of Customs Act govern import of goods and as there is no provision for payment
of tax on advances under Customs Act, no liability is created at the time of advance payment for
import of goods.
The liability is created for import of services and purchases from an unregistered person by
crediting GST to Payable Account.
There is no Credit Availment or Non-Availment option for advance payment. Hence Receivable
(Interim) is by default debited in all cases.
An advance payment entry can be reversed before the tax is paid to government. If the tax liability
is discharged to the government through GST Settlement screen, then paid field in Detailed
Ledger Entry is activated. Then the advance payment cannot be reversed.
Advance Payment made to vendor does not include tax payment, as the purchaser is liable to pay
tax under reverse charge. Hence, tax is applied straight away on base.
Reversal Entry for Advance Payment when GST on Advance Payment is checked:
G/L Account Name Debit Amount Credit Amount
(Rs.) (Rs.)
Bank Account..Dr. 10000
CGST Payable Account..Dr. 1000
SGST Payable Account..Dr. 1000
To CGST Receivable (Interim) Account 1000
To SGST Receivable (Interim) Account 1000
To Vendor Account 10000
When the advance payment is applied in the same month to an invoice, then the liability for
payment arises for both advance payment and invoice in the same month and such applications
need not be disclosed in GSTR-2.
This transaction ID helps in mapping the advance payment application with the invoice. GSTN
portal is expected to have inbuilt mechanism where it validates the HSN/SAC code entered at the
time of advance payment with HSN/SAC code specified in invoice based upon this transaction ID.
Hence, the advance payment application in the system is developed in such a way that the system
validates the HSN/SAC code of both invoice and advance payment, and allows applying them only
if they are same.
HSN/SAC is required to be mandatorily entered at the time of posting an advance payment. This
HSN/SAC is displayed in the Vendor Ledger Entries page.
If an invoice is having a single line or multiple lines with same HSN/SAC code, then system
validates at the time of application whether the HSN/SAC code in advance payment matches with
that of HSN/SAC entered in purchase lines. System does not allow you to apply if HSN/SAC in
both documents are not the same.
If an invoice is having multiple lines with multiple HSN/SAC codes, then any of such HSN/SAC
codes shall match with HSN/SAC code in Advance Payment. The advance amount is applied to the
purchase line amount having same HSN/SAC code. This can be explained with the following
Advance Payment:
Credit on tax payable at the time of advance payment can be availed when:
The tax liability is discharged to the government
The advance payment is applied to the invoice
When an advance payment is applied to an invoice before payment is made to the government,
and then out of the two conditions, only one condition is satisfied. Hence, credit will still be in
Receivable (Interim) Account. It goes to Receivable Account only when it is discharged to the
government through GST Settlement Screen.
When an advance payment is applied to an invoice after payment is made to the government, and
then the two conditions stipulated above are satisfied. Hence, the credit to the extent of advance
amount applied to invoice goes to Receivable Account from Receivable (Interim) Account.
Entries in pink are generated, if advance payment is applied to Invoice offline i.e. through vendor
ledger entries.
For Interstate transactions CGST, SGST shall be replaced by IGST.
Un-application entries are same for both online application and offline application.
For Interstate transactions CGST, SGST shall be replaced by IGST
Entries in pink are created, if advance payment is applied to Invoice offline i.e. through vendor
ledger entries.
Un-application entries are same for both online application and offline application.
For Interstate transactions CGST, SGST shall be replaced by IGST.
Entries in pink are created, if advance payment is applied to Invoice offline i.e. through vendor
ledger entries.
For Interstate transactions CGST, SGST shall be replaced by IGST
Un-application entries are same for both online application and offline application.
For Interstate transactions CGST, SGST shall be replaced by IGST.
Entries in pink are created, if advance payment is applied to Invoice offline i.e. through vendor
ledger entries.
For Interstate transactions CGST, SGST shall be replaced by IGST.
Un-application entries are same for both online application and offline application.
For Interstate transactions CGST, SGST shall be replaced by IGST.
Online Application of an Advance Payment to Invoice after tax on advance payment is paid
to the government- Goods with Credit Availment (when Paid Boolean is checked)
Entries in pink are created, if advance payment is applied to an invoice offline i.e. through vendor
ledger entries.
For Interstate transactions CGST, SGST shall be replaced by IGST.
Un-application entries are same for both online application and offline application.
For Interstate transactions CGST, SGST shall be replaced by IGST.
Online Application of an Advance Payment to Invoice after tax on advance payment is paid
to the government- Services with Credit Availment (when Paid Boolean is checked)
Entries in pink are created, if advance payment is applied to an invoice offline i.e. through vendor
ledger entries.
For Interstate transactions CGST, SGST shall be replaced by IGST
Un-application entries are same for both online application and offline application.
For Interstate transactions CGST, SGST shall be replaced by IGST.
An advance payment cannot be applied to an invoice if the tax liability is paid to the government
on both documents through GST Settlement screen.
GST on Advance Receipt is not calculated in the following scenarios. In other words, system shall
not allow to check GST on Advance Payment in the following scenarios:
Deemed Export
Exempted Sales
For the above scenarios, no GST liability is created at the time of advance payment and hence no
GST related accounting entries are generated.
An advance receipt entry can be reversed before the tax is paid to government. If the tax liability
is discharged to the government through GST Settlement screen, then paid field in Detailed
Ledger Entry is activated. Then the advance receipt cannot be reversed.
Reversal Entry for Advance Receipt when GST on Advance Payment is checked:
G/L Account Name Debit Amount Credit Amount
(Rs.) (Rs.)
Customer Account..Dr. 10000
CGST Payable Account.Dr. 762
SGST Payable Account..Dr. 763
To CGST Payable (Interim) Account 762
To SGST Payable (Interim) Account 763
To Bank Account 10000
However, if advance receipt is paid in a month and is applied to invoice in the subsequent month,
then this application also needs to be reported in GSTR-1 referring the transaction ID generated
at the time of discharging tax liability on advance receipt to the government.
This transaction ID helps in mapping the advance receipt application with the invoice. GSTN portal
is expected to have inbuilt mechanism where it validates HSN/SAC code entered at the time of
advance receipt with HSN/SAC code specified in invoice based upon this transaction ID.
Hence, the advance receipt application in the system is developed in such a way that the system
validates the HSN/SAC code of both invoice, advance receipt, and allows you to apply only if they
are same.
HSN/SAC is required to be mandatorily entered at the time of posting an advance receipt. This
HSN/SAC code is displayed in the Customer Ledger Entries page.
If an invoice is having a single line or multiple lines with same HSN/SAC code, then system
validates at the time of the application whether HSN/SAC code in advance receipt matches with
that of HSN/SAC entered in purchase lines. System does not allow applying if HSN/SAC is both
documents are not same.
If an invoice is having multiple lines with multiple HSN/SAC codes, then any of such HSN/SAC
codes shall match with HSN/SAC code in advance receipt. The advance amount is applied to the
purchase line amount having same HSN/SAC code. This can be explained with the following
Advance Receipt
Note: Entries in pink are generated, if advance payment is applied to an invoice offline i.e. through
customer ledger entries.
For Interstate transactions CGST, SGST shall be replaced by IGST.
Un-application entries are same for both online application and offline application.
For Interstate transactions CGST, SGST shall be replaced by IGST.
An advance receipt and invoice application cannot be unapplied, if the tax liability on both is
discharged through GST Settlement Screen.
Once an advance payment/receipt is reported in the return and tax liability is discharged to the
government, then a transaction ID will be generated. In subsequent periods, when any invoice is
applied to such an advance payment, such applications need to be disclosed in the return along
with transaction ID and the tax paid at the time of advance payment. GSTN portal is expected to
validate HSN/SAC Code of invoice with that of advance payment/receipt by means of transaction
System, when applying an advance payment/receipt to an invoice validates the HSN/SAC code
and allows them to be applied only when the code is identical in both the documents. When user
wants to apply an advance payment/receipt to an invoice having a different HSN/SAC code, the
same can be done by revising the advance payment/receipt through this functionality.
The advance payment adjustment shall be processed by posting a refund entry and by posting a
new advance payment with refund amount.
The advance payment adjustment shall be posted manually through Payment Journal and Cash
Receipt Journal.
Adv. Pmt. Adjustment field in General journal Line is to be activated for the purpose of this
While posting adjustment entry, system posts both entries together. System validates the refund
entry amount with advance payment entry amount and ensures that the amount in both entries
are equal.
On posting of the adjustment entry, system creates a customer/vendor ledger entry, which
contains an adjustment entry flag.
System will not allow the user to reverse the adjustment entry.
B. Stock Transfers:
a. Background:
Stock transfers between locations having different registration numbers are taxable under GST.
If the shipment location and recipient location both are in the same state, then CGST and SGST
are levied. IGST is payable if the shipment and recipient locations are in different states.
Transfers between locations in the same state with same registration numbers are not liable
to be taxed.
Transfer is an Outward supply for shipment location. Hence GST becomes payable on such
transactions and the same is to be reported in GSTR-1. Once the shipment location uploads
GSTR-1 into GSTN portal, the transfer reflects in GSTR-2A of the recipient location.
At the time of posting a transfer order, user has to select either Shipment or Receipt. On
selecting and posting, the status of the transfer order changes to released. Once the other
option is also selected and posted, the transfer order is deleted from Transfer Order List page.
If Shipment is selected at the time of posting and if the transfer is interstate, then the following
entry is generated:
If the transfer is intrastate, then in the above entry, IGST is replaced by CGST and SGST.
The above Payable Amount shall be reflected in GST Settlement when the nature of liability
is selected as Sales.
If Receipt is selected at the time of posting and if the transfer is interstate, then the following
entry is generated:
If the transfer is intrastate, then in the above entry, IGST Receivable (Interim) is replaced by
CGST Receivable (Interim) Account and SGST Receivable (Interim) Account.
As the transaction is a purchase for the Recipient location, it reflects in GSTR-2A of that location
once the shipment has included the transfer in GSTR-1. The transaction has to undergo
reconciliation at the Recipient location through GST Reconciliation feature and will be
updated in the GST Amount of the Posted Reconciliation table. The credit is also transferred
from Receivable (Interim) Account to Receivable Account. It will be available as Credit in
GST Settlement screen for adjusting against Output tax liability.
C. Transitional Provisions:
GST is a new regime of tax. The closing credit balances of taxes in old regime such as Central
Excise, Service Tax and VAT are to be brought forward as opening balances under GST regime.
The transitional provisions of Model GST Law guide this transition.
In the system, the existing General Journals are enhanced to handle this migration.
User is required to do final settlement of credit available with the payment liability under
different taxes.
Amount entered shall be considered as tax amount and it shall be positive. Additionally for
Excise duty, Excise Type is required to be selected from the drop down.
Once the transactions is generated, the system creates General Ledger entry and Detailed
Ledger Entries along with the Accounting Entries. The entries posted can also be reversed.
GST Reconciliation
Posted T
a. Purpose of Reconciliation:
Line wise details of all invoices, supplementary invoices, debit notes and credit notes issued
by a vendor/supplier towards Outward supplies made during a month shall be reported in
GSTR-1 by 10th of the succeeding month.
Sales uploaded by the supplier/vendor in GSTR-1 are auto-reflected in GSTR-2A and GSTR-2
of the buyer as Inward supplies. For example, if the buyer purchases goods or services from
100 vendors in a month, the details of all such purchases will be reflected in GSTR-2A & GSTR-
2 of the buyer, provided all 100 vendors have uploaded their sales in GSTR-1.
Purchase transactions posted in the system for a month shall be reconciled with the supplier-
uploaded information in GSTR-2A. This is because, certain discrepancies may arise between
the two due to the following reasons:
Any supplier or suppliers may ignore to upload invoice details in their GSTR-1
Supplier entering wrong GSTIN of the buyer
Omission of entering any invoice by the buyer
Invoice No. & Date, Tax Amounts may be wrongly entered by the buyer in his ERP/books
of account.
GSTR-1 stands
Supplier accepts or modifications made in
amended to the extent
rejects modifications GSTR-2 made available
of modifications
available in GSTR-1A to supplier GSTR-1A
accepted in GSTR-1A
Buyer can avail credit with respect to invoice lines matched with the information in GSTR-2A.
Though buyer can avail mismatched credit on a provisional basis, the same will get auto-
reversed, if the supplier fails to upload invoices.
Hence, every month before uploading GSTR-2 by the buyer, the purchases as per the books
of account of buyer shall be matched with the supplier-uploaded information in GSTR-2A
because this matching is a pre-condition for availing credit.
Purchase Transactions with Vendor Type Unregistered, Imports and Composite are excluded
from Reconciliation. [This is due to the reason that unregistered and import vendors are not
Multi-lines in an invoice with same HSN/SAC codes are clubbed together and shown as one
line in GST Reconciliation feature.
Periodic GSTR-2A can be downloaded in Excel or XML format. The following fields in GSTR-2A
is matched with that of GST Reconciliation lines
External Document No.
HSN/SA Codes
Tax Amounts (IGST, CGST, SGST)
GSTIN of the Supplier
Document Date
Mismatched lines are displayed with error type so that the same can be rectified. If due to any
reason, HSN/SAC codes or External Document is wrongly entered in the system, the same can
be altered by using Update Invoice Details feature.
GSTR-2A can be downloaded and reconciled with existing GST Reconciliation lines multiple
times, but posting can be done only once in a month.
For a given month, GST Reconciliation lines include lines pertaining to purchase transactions
posted during the month and the lines, which are posted, reconciled and unmatched during
the previous months.
Once the GST Reconciliation lines are posted the following entry is generated:
Sum of Amounts pertaining to purchase lines for which GST Credit is Availment and matched with
GSTR-2A lines shall be displayed in the above entry.
If certain GST reconciliation lines do not match during reconciliation but provisional credit is
availed on the same by means of Credit Adjustment Journal, then amounts in such transactions
are excluded for the above entry.
However, if payment to vendor is not made within ninety days of the date
of invoice, the credit availed may be reversed. This adjustment handles the
scenario where reconciled credit needs to be adjusted due to any reason.
Reconciled In the above scenario, credit is reversed due to the reason that vendor
Re-avail payment is not made within ninety days. Subsequently, if the vendor
payment is made, then the reversed credit can be re-availed. Hence, this
adjustment allows the user to re-avail the reconciled credit due to any
Unreconciled- Model GST Law allows the user to take provisional credit. However, such
Avail provisional credit shall be matched with the supplier-uploaded
information within a prescribed period. Otherwise, the availed credit is
required to be reversed. The user by using this option can avail credit on
any unreconciled purchase lines.
Unreconciled - If Provisional Credit is availed and credit remains unmatched, then after a
Reversal prescribed period, the credit gets auto-reversed in Credit ledger of GSTN
Portal. This adjustment enables the user reverse such credit availment in
the books of account.
Unreconciled If the user is certain that the vendor will never upload the invoice
Permanent information in GSTN portal, then the user can reverse the credit posted to
Reversal Receivable (Interim) Account and expense the same.
b. Accounting Entries:
Note: If the transaction is intrastate, then the amounts are posted to CGST
Receivable/Receivable (Interim) Accounts. If the transaction is interstate, then the amounts
are posted to IGST Receivable/Receivable (Interim) Accounts.
a. Background:
Settlement refers to discharge of tax liability to the government. Tax liability arises under two
Outward Supplies (Sales, Transfers)
Inward Supplies that are subject to Reverse charge (Purchases, inward transfers)
This tax liability on both interstate transactions (IGST) and intrastate transactions (SGST, CGST)
is to be discharged on a monthly basis to the government. GST paid on purchase transactions
can be taken as credit subject to certain conditions. Such credit can be offset against the tax
payable on Sales.
Hence, GST payable on sales transactions can be discharged by payment of cash or utilization
of credit or both. Credit utilized can be credit pertaining to the same component or different
components. As per Model GST Law, credit of IGST, CGST and SGST shall be claimed in the
chronological order as given below:
Claim Setoff Table: In order to permit users to define cross credit utilization, Claim Setoff
table has been provided (GST Components Actions). For each component of tax, the cross
credit component and its priority can be assigned in this table. To illustrate, for discharging
IGST liability, credits of CGST and SGST can be used. Similarly, CGST liability and SGST liability
can be offset with IGST liability. This can be claimed in the Claim Setoff table as given below:
Reverse charge Liability shall always be discharged in cash. Credit can be availed in the month
of tax remittance to the government.
For Outward supplies, GSTR-1 is to be filed monthly by 10th of the succeeding month. Based
on the transactions reported in the return, Output liability is determined. GSTR-2 is the inward
supply return, which is required to be filed by the 15th of the succeeding month. This return
determines the credit that can be availed. Three ledgers are maintained on the GSTN portal
Liability ledger, Credit Ledger and Payment ledger. Liability ledger is updated based upon
GSTR-1 filed, Credit ledger is updated based upon GSTR-2 filed and Cash ledger is updated
on tax payment made in cash.
As on date, it is not clear, whether the taxpayer has to offset the available credit compulsorily
or liability can be discharged in his own way either utilizing credit fully or partly or discharging
entire liability in cash, despite availment of credit. GSTR-3 does not contain any tables where
this sort of tax planning can be done.
Hence there should be some mechanism in the system where by user can record the Tax
Liability, Credit availed, Credit utilized and cash payment made in cash, which is called
Settlement. In a word to say, system should replicate the settlement process done in GSTN
portal but in a bit different way.
For GSTN portal, the returns filed becomes the source for accomplishing the process. As the
transactions are posted in the system itself, the tax entries generated by posted transactions
becomes the source for accomplishing the process of settlement and GST Settlement screen
becomes the venue where such process is accomplished.
b. Sales liability:
The net liability of the following transactions are shown in Tax Liability:
Advance Receipt
Reversal of Advance Receipt
Transactions posted through sales documents
Credit Memo
The auto population of credit utilization shall be based on the assumption that unless the
credit availed both own credit (Credit of the component itself) and cross credit (credit of
other components) is utilized fully, cash payment for a particular component shall not arise.
Assuming the priority set out in Claim Set-off table given above, each components credit is
utilized first for that component itself. Any balance left over can be utilized for discharging tax
liability of other components.
In the given example, SGST Tax liability is Rs.15000 and Credit Available is Rs. 20000. The credit
is utilized for discharging SGST liability first. Balance Credit of Rs. 5000 (20000-15000) is used
for discharging IGST liability.
CGST Tax liability is Rs.10000 and Credit Available is Rs. 15000. The credit is utilized for
discharging CGST liability first. Balance Credit of Rs. 5000 (15000-10000) is used for
discharging IGST liability.
IGST Tax liability is Rs.20000 and Credit Available is Rs. 10000. The credit utilized becomes Rs.
20000, which is sum of IGST Credit Rs. 10000, CGST balance Credit 5000 and SGST balance
credit Rs. 5000.
Settlement through partly credit and partly cash: (System auto-populates credit utilized
as given in the example)
GST Tax Liability Credit Availed Credit Utilized Tax Liability
IGST 30000 10000 15000 5000
CGST 10000 15000 10000 0
In the given example, SGST Tax liability is Rs.25000 and Credit Available is Rs. 20000. After
utilizing credit, the balance amount of Rs. 5000 is to be payable by cash.
CGST Tax liability is Rs.10000 and Credit Available is Rs. 15000. The credit is utilized for
discharging CGST liability first. Balance Credit of Rs. 5000 (15000-10000) is used for
discharging IGST liability.
IGST Tax liability is Rs.20000 and Credit Available is Rs. 10000. The credit utilized becomes Rs.
15000, which is sum of IGST Credit Rs. 10000 and CGST balance credit 5000. After utilizing
credit, the balance amount of Rs. 5000 is to be payable by cash.
As said earlier, auto-populated credit utilized field can be edited by the user. However, if credit
availed for any component is less than or equal to the tax liability and if the credit availed is
not utilized in full, then the same cannot be utilized for other components. It will be carried
forward to next month.
If credit availed for any component is greater than the tax liability and the credit is not utilized
in full for that component, then the credit that can be carried forward to the cross components
would be Credit Availed Tax Liability. Remaining credit shall be carried forward to the next
In the given example, SGST is having Tax Liability of Rs. 15000 and the Credit Availed is Rs.
10000. Here Credit Availment is less than the tax liability and the user is utilizing only Rs. 5000
credit. Hence, the remaining credit cannot be utilized for other components but the same will
be carried forward to next month.
Tax Liability of CGST is Rs. 10000 and Credit Availed is Rs 15000. This is the case where credit
Availed is more than Tax Liability. However, credit utilized is Rs. 5000. The difference between
Tax Liability and Credit Availed is Rs. 5000 (15000-10000) which is used against IGST liability.
The difference between Tax Liability and Credit Utilized will be carried forward to next month.
Accounting Entry:
After posting the entry, Paid field in GST Detailed Ledger Entry of Advance Payment & Invoice
shall be activated. Posted GST Reconciliation is also to be updated with Credit Utilized and
Carry Forward fields.
Accounting Entry for discharge of Advance payment liability applied to invoice and
paid Boolean in Detailed GST Ledger Entry is not checked.
Particulars Debit (Rs.) Credit (Rs.)
IGST Receivable Account..Dr. 10000
CGST Receivable Account.Dr. 5000
SGST Receivable Account..Dr. 7500
To IGST Receivable (Interim) Account 10000
To CGST Receivable (Interim) Account 5000
To SGST Receivable (Interim) Account 7500
The amounts in the above entry are sample amounts assuming that half of the advance
payment are advance payments for which Paid field is not activated in GST Detailed Ledger
Entry and are applied to invoices.
When the tax liability on advance payment is yet to be discharged and it is applied to an
invoice, then credit can be availed to the extent of applied amount in advance payment once
the tax remittance is made to the government, in the month of payment to government. GST
amount field in Posted Reconciliation table shall be updated accordingly.
Field Description
GSTIN No. GSTIN of the location to be entered
Reconciliation Month Month of the Reconciliation
Reconciliation Year Year of the Reconciliation
GST Component GST Component
GST Amount Note: 1
GST Prev. Period B/F Amount Note: 2
GST Amount Utilized Note: 3
GST Prev. Period C/F Amount Note: 4
GST Amount pertaining to reconciled transactions shall be updated in GST amount, at the time of
posting Reconciliation, for the month, reconciliation is being done.
Any adjustments made with the following nature of adjustment shall be updated in GST Amount,
at the time of posting such adjustments in Credit Adjustment Journal.
Reconciled Reversal
Reconciled Reavail
Based on the posting date in the Credit Adjustment Journal system updates the Posted
Reconciliation page against the relevant month.
Net Entries (Initial entry Application entry) of Invoices and Credit Memos for which GST
Group Type is goods and Reverse Charge is activated in Detailed Ledger Entry shall be
updated in field GST Amount of Posted Reconciliation table once they are posted in GST
Settlement screen.
Settlement can be done even if reconciliation has not been done. The application shall create
a line for the month, even reconciliation is not done but any or all transactions specified in b,
c, d, e and f are posted.
GST Amount shall always be positive. If due to credit adjustments it is negative, then the same
shall be updated as zero and the amount shall be deducted from Previous Period B/F Amount.
If Previous period B/F amount is also zero, then the same shall be added to Payment liability
(Nature of liability selected as sales) in GST Settlement screen.
Note 2
Note 3
The following example depicts the amount to be updated in GST amount Utilized field:
GST Amount GST Credit Utilized of a selected period gives the amount that can be carried
forward to the next period.
Service Tansfers between interstate/intrastate locations within the same legal entity
Result := 0;
CallLevel := CallLevel + 1;
Expression := COPYSTR(Expression,2);
Parantheses := 0;
IsExpression := FALSE;
Operators := '+-*/^';
OperatorNo := 1;
i := STRLEN(Expression);
Parantheses := Parantheses + 1
Parantheses := Parantheses - 1;
IsExpression := TRUE
i := i - 1;
OperatorNo := OperatorNo + 1;
IF i > 1 THEN
LeftOperand := COPYSTR(Expression,1,i - 1)
LeftOperand := '';
RightOperand := COPYSTR(Expression,i + 1)
RightOperand := '';
Operator := Expression[i];
LeftResult :=
RightResult :=
CASE Operator OF
Result := POWER(LeftResult,RightResult);
IF RightResult = 0 THEN
Result := 0
SETRANGE("GST Component",GSTComponentCode);
IF EffectiveDate = 0D THEN
SETFILTER("Effective Date",'<=%1',WORKDATE)
SETFILTER("Effective Date",'<=%1',EffectiveDate);
EXIT("GST Component");
EXIT("GST Component");
SETFILTER("Starting Date",'<=%1',PostingDate);
SETFILTER("Starting Date",'>=%1',PostingDate);
SETFILTER("Starting Date",'<=%1',PostingDate);
SETFILTER("Starting Date",'>=%1',PostingDate);
PeriodClosedErr,GSTAccountingPeriod."Starting Date",
GSTAccountingPeriod."Ending Date",PostingDate));
PeriodClosedErr,GSTAccountingPeriod."Starting Date",
GSTAccountingPeriod."Ending Date",PostingDate));
Sales Posting
SalesLine.SETRANGE("Document Type",DocumentType);
SalesLine.SETRANGE("Document No.",DocumentNo);
SalesLine.SETRANGE("Line No.",LineNo);
Type := SalesLine.Type;
"No." := SalesLine."No.";
GSTPercentage := 0;
GSTAmount := 0;
ConvertGSTBaseAmountToLCY(CurrencyCode,"GST Amount",CurrencyFactor,"Posting
"No." := SalesLine."No."
"No." := DetailedGSTEntryBuffer."No.";
DetailedGSTEntryBuffer.TESTFIELD("Location Code");
B. Purchase Posting
PurchaseLine.SETRANGE("Document Type",DocumentType);
PurchaseLine.SETRANGE("Document No.",DocumentNo);
PurchaseLine.SETRANGE("Line No.",LineNo);
Type := PurchaseLine.Type;
"No." := PurchaseLine."No.";
Quantity := PurchaseLine.Quantity;
GSTPercentage := 0;
GSTAmount := 0;
Type := PurchaseLine.Type;
"No." := PurchaseLine."No."
"No." := DetailedGSTEntryBuffer."No.";
DetailedGSTEntryBuffer.TESTFIELD("Location Code");
C. GST Application
QtyFactor :=
TransactionType,DetailedGSTEntryBuffer."Document Type",
"GST Amount" :=
GSTApplicationBuffer[2] := GSTApplicationBuffer[1];
AmounttoApply := 0;
Sign := -1;
AmountRequired *= Sign;
AmounttoApply *= Sign;
IF ShowWarning THEN
GetInvoiceGSTComponentWise(GSTApplicationBuffer1,DocumentType,DocumentNo,TRUE) /
"Applied Amount" :=
GSTApplicationRound(GSTRoudingType,GSTRoundingPrecision,"GST Amount" *
D. GST Settlement
"Account Type"::"G/L
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