GC Newsletter May 2017
GC Newsletter May 2017
GC Newsletter May 2017
Save the Date! The agenda for the afternoon Meeting for Worship
with a Concern for Business is now available. If you
Goose Creek Meeting House have any items that you wish to have included, please
Bicentennial Celebration contact Marcy Seitel, clerk of Interim Meeting, as
Saturday, October 21, 2017, 9:30 3:00 soon as possible (imclerk@bym-rsf.org).
Help celebrate the 200th year of our brick meeting June 23-28: Quaker Spring Experiencing the
house, the legacy of Goose Creek, and Friends' long- Inward Christ Together Oakwood Friends School
time presence in this part of Loudoun County. (Poughkeepsie, NY)
The Bicentennial Committee will meet on May 20 at 9 Are you longing for more quiet opportunities to
am to work on planning the celebrations program and worship and share with other Friends? Would you
its family-friendly activities. All are welcome to come enjoy taking part in a radically unprogrammed
and participate in the planning. We will be inviting retreat with Friends from a variety of theological
past members and families as well as the greater backgrounds for a week or just a few days? The
community to help us celebrate. program will be shaped by Gods leading as the week
unfolds. Each day will include Bible study, worship,
Quaker Events quiet time, evening explorations, and fellowship.
Fees by freewill offering (guideline of roughly $46-
June 2-4, 2017: Family Camp Weekend at Opequon 60/adult/day for dorm room and meals). Deadline to
Quaker Camp (Brucetown, VA) register for the childrens program is June 1. For full
Family Camp Weekends at Baltimore Yearly Meeting information and registration, go to www.quakerspring.
Camp Properties offer us all a chance to enjoy our org, or contact the planning group at quakerspring@
beautiful camp properties during the greening-up time gmail.com/
of year. Individuals and families are invited to enjoy
the camps for a day or for the weekend. A program Baltimore Yearly Meeting
coordinator will plan activities such as playing in the Annual Session
creek, a crafts project, or hiking around one of the
Growing Towards Justice Acting on Faith
most precious places on earth. There will also be
August 1-6, 2017 Pre-session Retreat begins July 31
plenty of work projects to do! We will enjoy meals
Hood College in Frederick, MD
together, have time to explore, and even spend time
Children from birth to 8th Grade attend for free!
around a camp fire in the evening. We invite you to
These Times! What to Do?
join us for a BYM Quaker Camp experience, give
Lets Explore Together at Annual Session
the gift of your time, participate with children in
activities, and find yourself rejuvenated. For more From Ken Stockbridge, Presiding Clerk:
information, see www.bymcamps.org/programs/ When I look at the theme narrative (p. 2) for this
family-camp-weekends/. To register, contact David years Annual Session, Growing Toward Justice
Hunter, Camp Property Manager: Acting on Faith, I quickly feel overwhelmed by the
davidhunter@bym-rsf.org or 301-774-7663 range of issues cited, especially realizing how little
Im doing about them. Yet I take heart in knowing
June 17: Sixth Month Interim Meeting
that I am part of a vibrant spiritual community in
Join Friends from all parts of the Yearly Meeting as we which so many people are involved in great efforts
gather at Gunpowder Friends Meeting (Sparks, MD) on these and other concerns. Our blessed community
on Saturday, June 17, to conduct the business of the provides a space in which we can support each other
Yearly Meeting. If you plan to attend, please register in growing into our gifts and leadings, integrating
in advance so that our hosts can plan for committee our contemplative and activist impulses as mutually
spaces and food for lunch and dinner. To register, and supportive and essential aspects of the life of the
for more details, go to http://www.bym-rsf.org/events/ Spirit. This is true both in our local Meetings and in
interim/sixth17.html/ the wider Quaker community.
Goose Creek Friends Newsletter | May 2017 | Page 3
Our Annual Session is an especially rich opportunity Yet we know that the cost of attendance is substantial
to connect with Friends from other Meetings to and may be preventing some Friendsparticularly
learn what each other is doing and explore ways to those who have never beenfrom attending.
work together. It offers a truly exciting variety of Thats why we offer each Meeting the opportunity
plenaries, workshops, interest groups. Junior Yearly to send three Friends for two days each at no cost.
Meeting provides rich programs and experiences for We hope that youll identify three people within your
our children. We share fellowship at meals, worship Meeting whom you feel would benefit from attending
sharing, and other times. Through our business the session and who would not be able to attend
sessions, we co-create our blessed community, otherwise. We are seeking participation by those who
making decisions that include everyone (which is a have not yet attended Annual Session, or havent
revolutionary act in the current partisan, polarized attended in over 10 years. We hope people from your
political environment). Meeting will be among them.
Imagine if you left our Annual Session with a greater Attenders at Annual Session over the years have found
sense of clarity of what you are personally led to do, it to be an enriching experience. Friends gain insight
what you can do that makes a difference, and who into the Quaker business process, become a part of a
wants to share in that work with you. Wouldnt that broader family of Friends, and come home refreshed
help energize you? Wouldnt it help energize our and rejuvenated. Many people have taken us up on
shared Quaker communities and our witness, locally this offer, and liked the experience so much that they
and in the Yearly Meeting? returned the next year on their own.
Come. Be a part of it. All are welcome, for a day or
for the whole week.
Is there someone in your Meeting who would like
Meeting News
to enrich their Quaker experience? Wed like to help Jack Douglas Webb was born to Cindy and Nathan
them. The more people who come to Annual Session, Webb on May 9. Congratulations to Cindy and
the more it enriches the gathering. And Annual Nathan, and to Jacks grandparents Nancy and Doug
Session attenders carry their experiences back to their Brown. Cant wait to meet him!
Meetings, benefiting the broader Quaker community.