TVCHSA Annual Report 2017

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Thames Valley Council of Home &

School Associations

Making Memories
Since 1905

Annual Report

2016 2017 Executive
Sheena Davis President

Sarah Thomson Vice-President

Adam Lowe Treasurer

Robin Harvey Area Chair Coordinator

Kathy Doyle Secretary

Arlene Morell Past President

Thames Valley
Home & School Associations

Adelaide W.G. McDonald Lord Nelson

Algonquin Lord Roberts
B. Davison Masonville
Bonaventure Meadows McGillivray Central
Caradoc Northdale Central
Centennial Central Oxbow
Clara Brenton Parkhill West Williams
Clarke Road Prince Charles
Eagle Heights Princess Anne
Ealing Princess Elizabeth
East Williams Memorial Riverside
Evelyn Harrison Sir G.E. Cartier
F.D. Roosevelt Southside
Glen Cairn St. George's
Harrisfield Tecumseh
Hickson Trafalgar
IDCI Victoria
J.P. Robarts W. Sherwood Fox
Jeanne Sauve West Nissouri
Knollwood Park West Oaks
Lambeth Wilfrid Jury
Lester B. Pearson Wortley Road
Zorra Highland Park
2016 - 2017

The following Home and School Associations increased their membership by at least
20% over the previous years numbers.

BRONZE (+20%)
Clara Brenton
Glen Cairn
Northdale Central

SILVER (+50%)
Lester B. Pearson
Lord Nelson
Princess Anne
Wortley Road

GOLD (+100%)
Bonaventure Meadows
Centennial Central
East Williams Memorial
Evelyn Harrison
F.D. Roosevelt
Jeanne Sauve
Knollwood Park
McGillivray Central
Prince Charles
Princess Elizabeth
Sir G.E. Cartier
W. Sherwood Fox
West Nissouri
West Oaks

St. George's 110 years

Prince Charles 65 years

Clarke Road 35 years

Glen Cairn 25 years

Jeanne Sauve 25 years

Lord Nelson 25 years

Lord Roberts 25 years

Masonville 25 years

Harrisfield 5 years

Adelaide W. G. MacDonald 5 years

Presidents Report Sheena Davis
It has been another wonderful year working with all the Home and School Association
members in Thames Valley.
One of TVCHSAs ongoing goals is to build a stronger connection with our associations
and members. It was wonderful to see our monthly General Meetings very well attended,
both when held at the TVDSB Education Centre and at our on the road special
locations. Council would like to encourage all associations to be sure to select a Council
Representative/s while holding elections, and take advantage of the resources, networking
and information sharing that happens at the TVCHSA General Meetings (held the 4th
Monday of each month). This year, members of the executive team were able to visit
many associations to learn more about the activities and initiatives happening around
Thames Valley. Thank you to those associations who welcomed us to your table, and if
we missed you this year, we hope to get a chance to visit your group next year!

TVCHSAs PRO Grant presentation Raising Resilient Children in Anxious Times saw
more than 350 parents, educators, trustees, administration, and community partners
gather together to hear Dr. Alex Russells message on how we can help our students
develop resiliency through their own personal relationship with school and achievement.

It has been an honour to preside as president of TVHCSA for the past two years. Thank
you to the amazing TVCHSA executive team who makes volunteering such a positive
and rewarding experience. We are ever grateful to the Thames Valley District School
Board staff, Director Laura Elliot, Chair Matt Reid, our Trustee Representative Sheri
Polhill and all the trustees, for their constant support of parent engagement. Thank you to
all our members who spend countless hours doing everything possible to support and
enhance 'The Best For Each Student.'

Respectfully submitted,
Sheena Davis, President
Thames Valley Council of Home and School Associations
Vice-Presidents Report Sarah Thomson
I logged a lot of kilometres this year! I was able to travel all over Thames Valley visiting
various Associations, sometimes with the whole TVCHSA team, sometimes just myself
and a partner. I have always felt that it is important to remember that, as OFHSA
members, we are more than just one member, in one Association, in one school. We are
one of hundreds of members throughout Ontario, and one of thousands throughout
Canada. What an incredible feeling being a small part of something so huge. I have
enjoyed getting to know more members this year and being able to support them as they
work tirelessly for the benefit of the children in Thames Valley.

In November, Laura Gonzalez and I were presenters at the TVPIC Symposium, giving a
presentation on how schools can have a Home and School Association and a School
Council and how they can co-exist. It is always a privilege when we are invited to share
the values of having Home and School.

In April, I represented OFHSA at the Regional Parent Involvement Symposium. There,

not only did I get to network with amazing fellow engaged parents and community
members, I was able to meet Sami Jo Small, an Olympic gold medalist, and Mitzie
Hunter, the Minister of Education. Being an OFHSA member sure provides some
incredible opportunities.

It was a pleasure to serve as the vice-president for Thames Valley Council. I look forward
to the next challenge I find within OFHSA. As we all look towards next year and what
roles we are considering, I leave you with my favourite quote by Thomas Paine: Lead,
follow or get out of the way.

Respectfully submitted,
Sarah Thomson, Vice-President
Thames Valley Council of Home and School Associations

Area Chair Coordinator Robin Harvey

This year we have 45 active Home and School Associations in the Thames Valley region,
including two new Associations: Southside and Victoria!

Associations are asked to forward the following information to the Thames Valley
Council annually: executive contact information sheet, meeting dates, verified financial
statement for the past year, budget for current year, and current bylaws.

Special thanks to our Area Chairs, who have been liaisons between groups of Home and
School Associations and Thames Valley Council Shelly Caron, Jennifer Nuyens, Laura
Gonzalez, Donna Draper and Lori-Ann Pizzolato have been fantastic this year!

Respectfully submitted,
Robin Harvey, Area Chair Coordinator/Membership
Thames Valley Council of Home and School Associations

Community Safety and Crime Prevention Advisory Committee

May 2017 Sheena Davis

TVCHSA is proud to sit as a member on the City of Londons Community Safety and
Crime Prevention Advisory Committee. This year, the committee hosted Safety Week
from May 1-6. In addition to providing safety information, residents were surveyed and
attended public consultation events to collect concerns and questions. Data collected will
be used to provide recommendation on initiatives to increase community safety
throughout the city.

Thames Valley Parent Involvement Committee (TVPIC)

May 2017 Sarah Thomson, Laura Gonzalez

The purpose of a Parent Involvement Committee is to support, encourage and enhance

parent engagement at the board level in order to improve student achievement and well-
being. During the November 2016 Building Parent Engagement together TVPIC
symposium, we collaborated to give a presentation on School Councils and Home and
School Associations and how both groups can work together at each school. For our PRO
Grant event this year, we partnered with TVPIC to host a presentation on Raising
Resilient Children Ready to Thrive in Anxious Times by Dr. Alex Russell, author of
Drop the Worry Ball: How to Parent in the Age of Entitlement. We had over 600 parents,
teachers, and administrators registered and received very positive feedback after the

Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC)

May 2017 Jennifer Nuyens

In Ontario, all school boards are required to have SEAC. This committee provides advice
and feedback about Special Education and services provided by TVDSB. In Thames
Valley, the members of this committee include representatives from local community
groups, three trustees, and members of the community. Available to SEAC as
administrative resources are elementary and secondary school principals, the learning
support supervisor, and the superintendant of student achievement. This SEAC meets
monthly from September to June. Membership is based on a four-year term that coincides
with the municipal elections.

This Award was introduced in 1989-90 and is presented to an Educator who has demonstrated in
an exceptional way his or her support for parental involvement in education through the Home
and School organizations. Nominations may be submitted by Associations, Councils, Regional
Boards, or the Federation Executive.

At the1990 Annual Meeting, the first Educator was presented to Mr. R.A. (Dick) Dodds, Director
of Education for the Board of Education for the Borough of East York.

Thames Valley Recipients

Gary Thatcher 1994 Superintendent London Board of Education

Mary Greenwood 1995 Vice-Principal, Glen Cairn
Fred Tyrell 1996 Principal, University Heights
Gary Jazey 1997 Principal, Montcalm S.S.
John Thorpe 1998 Principal, Clarke Rd. S.S.
Darryl Dann 1999 Principal, Chippewa
Debbie Farquhar 2000 Principal, Prince Charles
Glenna Hall 2003 Teacher, W. Sherwood Fox
Ena Runnalls 2004 Teacher, Sir Winston Churchill
Donna Draper 2005 Teacher, Glen Cairn
Aretta Blue 2012 Teacher, Glen Cairn
Virginia Dahms 2015 Educational Assistant, Glen Cairn
Terry Growden 2017 Learning Support Teacher, Bonaventure Meadows


Qualities of leadership, congeniality and willingness to serve the community are present in many
students. The Ontario Federation of Home & School Associations wishes to recognize their
students that are thoughtful of the needs of others, have demonstrated their concern for the
betterment of society- both in their school and in the wider community.

Grade 6 Mikayla Coderre Princess Anne

Home and Schoolers work tirelessly for the Best for Each Student. What they are not are self
promoters. Home and Schoolers are those parents in the background. In 1992 London Council
of Home and School thought that they should do something to showcase those unsung heroes of
the organization. Since Federation had the Col. S. McLaughlin Award, LCHSA thought that they
should have their own award. Since there were so many that could and should qualify it was
decided to have an award at the Association level and one at the Council level.

Who better to acknowledge for their dedication to Home and School than two absolute
outstanding ladies. Doris Ford and Mary Bawden both started with Home and School when their
children entered the public elementary level.

Doris worked with the Wortley Road Home and School throughout her childrens education and
her grand and great grandchildrens education. She became known as Mrs. Home and School.
Her participation at Home and School events such as conference etc. was well documented.
Doris was still promoting Home and School until she passed away in her 80s. As most of Doris
work was at the Association level it was decided to name the award in her honour.

Mary joined London Council, went through the ranks of Council President, Region President and
finally served two successful years as Ontario Federation President. However she did not sit on
her laurels, she continued to help both Federation and London Council in any capacity that she
could and served multiple years on the Federation Board of Directors and assisted London
Council with their newsletter; all of this after working her way through the level to Federation
President. Only age and health (she is in her 80s) have slowed her down. Her dedication made
the naming of the Council award a natural.

Each separately have probably dedicated more than 40 years to the Home and School


The Doris Ford Award was introduced in 1996 and was presented annually by the London
Council of Home & School Associations and carried on by the Thames Valley Council of Home
& School Associations. This award is presented to an individual for outstanding contribution to
an Association within the Thames Valley Council of Home & School Associations.

Lynda Huber Evelyn Harrison Home & School Association 1996

Audrey Myke Empress Home & School Association 1997
Val Richardson Clarke Road S. S. Home & School Association 1998
Sue Anthony Masonville Home &School Association 1999
Brenda Pentland Woodland Heights Home & School Association 2000
Pam Snyder Knollwood Park Home & School Association 2001
Joy Reuben Glen Cairn Home & School Association 2002
Dan Breg Glen Cairn Home & School Association 2003
Angela Kalus Prince Charles Home & School Association 2005
Carol Cousins Plover Mills Home & School Association 2006
Bernice Connell M.B. MacEachern Home & School Association 2007
Clara Bacsi F.D. Roosevelt Home & School Association 2008
Joan Wyatt F.D. Roosevelt Home & School Association 2010
Petros Kifle Glen Cairn Home & School Association 2012
Nancy Ticknor Knollwood Park Home & School Association 2013
Kim Apps McGillivray Central Home & School Association 2014
Nancy Porter Jeanne Sauve Home & School Assocition 2015
Dawn Thorner Bonaventure Meadows Home & School Association 2016
Colleen Da Rosa Princess Anne FI Home & School Association 2017
The Mary Bawden Award was introduced in 1996 and was presented annual by the
London Council of Home & School Associations and carried on by the Thames Valley
Council of Home & School Associations. This award is presented to the individual for
outstanding contribution to the Thames Valley Council of Home & School Associations.
Sandie Sydorko Wortley Rd. Home & School Association 1996
Bev Cassar Montcalm S. S. Home & School Association 1997
Janet Andruchow Orchard Park Home & School Association 1998
Ruth Hannah Ealing Home & School Association 1999
Marguerite Fortune Empress Home & School Association 2000
Sharon Watson Clarke Rd. S.S. Home & School Association 2001
Laureen Wingert Trafalgar Home & School Association 2002
Mary Hope Montcalm S.S. Home & School Association 2003
Dolly Hughes Clarke Rd. S.S. Home & School Association 2005
David Smith Ashley Oaks Home & School Association 2006
Teresa Blum Prince Charles Home & School Association 2009
Gail Selig Sir George Ross S.S. Home & School Association 2010
Darlene Snyders Knollwood Park P.S. Home & School Association 2011
Mark Snyders Knollwood Park P.S. Home & School Association 2012
Debbie Hanke Clarke Road S.S. Home & School Association 2013
Robin Harvey J. P. Robarts Home & School Association 2014
Arlene Morell Thames Valley Council Life Member 2016


In 1982, Fred Sawyer proposed that a plaque should be presented to An individual who has
demonstrated outstanding service to education by fostering co-operation between parents and
teachers and promoting understanding between the Home and School. The nominees must serve
or have served a full term on council executive, region board, or the federation board of directors
in Ontario. Fred Sawyer also donated the initial plaques.

The award was named the Col. R.S. McLaughlin Memorial Award. Mrs. McLaughlin served
the Ontario Federation of Home and School Associations for many years, serving as president
from 1931 to 1936. In the 1960s, Col. McLaughlin donated The Adelaide Louise McLaughlin
Endowment Fund to the federation so that funds generated by the interest would help defray

Thames Valley Recipients

Doris Ford 1982

Mary Bawden 1985
Vina Kellie 1989
Marian Obeda 1994
Joanne Mason 1996
Sandie Sydorko 1997
Janet Andruchow 1999
Lesley Schuurs 2004
Brian Peat 2007
London Council of Home & School Associations
Life Members 1956 2003

Mrs. J. E. Richards 1956

Mrs. W. W. Winkler 1956
Vicki Lane 1982
Dr. M. Hardy 1986
Doris Ford 1989
Marian Obeda 1990
Shirley McCormick 1991
Jack Little 1992
Vina Kellie 1993
Joyce Bennett 1993
Ray and Mary Bawden 1993
Ross and Joanne Mason 1993
Brian and Heather Smith 1993
May Parkinson 1994
Gary Thatcher 1995
Darrel Skidmore 1996
Sandie Sydorko 1997
Fred Tyrrell 1997
Janet Andruchow 1997
Marguerite Fortune 1998
Sharon Watson 1998
Bill Brock 1998
Don Scanlon 1998
Rena Princis 1998
Shirley Williams 1999
Bev Cassar 1999
Pam Snyder 2000
Dolly Hughes 2001
Mary Hope 2003

Thames Valley Council of Home & School Associations

Life Members 2004 2016

Dolly Hughes 2004

Rita Rowlands 2006
Mary Hope 2006
Brian Peat 2007
Teresa Blum 2009
Bill Tucker 2011
Darlene Snyders 2011
Debbie Hanke 2013
Mark Snyders 2014
Arlene Morell 2015
Middlesex Council of Home & School Associations
Life Members
Margaret Dann 1979
John Gummow 1981
Norma Wright 1992
Marie May 1994
Jay Cook 1994
Ted Anderson 1996
Robert Young 2000
Hilary Nicpon 2003
Vanda Braunton 2003

Oxford Council of Home & School Associations

Life Members
Peter Askey
Marilyn Way
Donna MacKenzie
Beth Papais
Lesley Schuurs
Brian Peat
Debbie Johnston
Terry Sue Coventry

Presidents of London Home & School Associations and/or Presidents of

London Council of Home & School Associations and/or Thames Valley
Council of Home & School Associations to serve as Trustees
Life Members
Mary Gee 1969 1988
May Parkinson 1973 1994
Dianne Cunningham 1973 1988
(MPP for London North 1988 2003)
Cheryl Miller 1980 1994
Joyce Bennett 1988
Shirley Clement 1988 1994
Marie May (Middlesex) 1988 1994
Janet Andruchow 1994 1997
Arlene Morell 2014
Ontario Federation of Home & School Associations Life Memberships
Thames Valley Council of Home & School Associations Recipients:

Jessie Ball
Mary Bawden
Mrs. H. W. Bull
Mrs. F. Fair
Marie May
Mrs. G. C. McCully
Brian Peat
Mrs. J. E. Richards
Lesley Schuurs
Sandie Sydorko
Teresa Blum
Dolly Hughes

Presidents of Thames Valley Council of Home & School Associations and/or

Presidents of Thames Valley Council of Home & School Associations that went on to
be President of The Ontario Federation of Home & School Associations:

Marie May 1981 1983

Mary Bawden 1987 1989
Lesley Schuurs 2001 2003
Brian Peat 2005 2007
Teresa Blum 2013 2015

OFHSA Ada Courtice Award

To earn this certificate the Volunteer Portfolio Tracking Sheets must be completed. The purpose
of these sheets is to record the skills that volunteers practice and acquire as they complete various
Home and School activities.

2006 Rita Rowlands H.B. Beal Secondary School Home & School
2008 Teresa Blum Prince Charles Home & School
2017 Laura Gonzalez Jeanne Sauve Home & School

OFHSA Trillium Award

To honour an Ontario Federation of Home and School Associations Board of Directors for
outstanding service to the Federation

2003 Lesley Schuurs

2005 Dolly Hughes
London Council of Home & School Associations
Presidents 1905 2003

Mrs. M. F. Irwin 1905 1907

Mrs. J. McPherson 1907 1908
Mrs. M. F. Irwin 1908 1911
Mrs. Colin Smith 1911 1912
Mrs. H. B. White 1912 1915
Mrs. F. W. Hughes 1915 - 1917
Mrs. A. E. Tuff 1917 1919
Mrs. J. Gemmell 1919 1921
Mrs. J. Rose 1921 1923
Mrs. W. A. Tanner 1923 1925
Mrs. C. Turner 1925 1927
Mrs. J. McNiven 1927 1929
Mrs. J. F. Calvert 1929 1931
Mrs. H. R. Kingston 1931 1933
Mrs. A. G. Cress 1933 1935
Mrs. L. W. Cousins 1935 1937
Mrs. H. Neely 1937 1939
Mrs. J. H. Day 1939 1941
Mrs. J. F. Richards 1941 1942
Mrs. E. Winkler 1943 1946
Mrs. W. S. Knight 1946 1949
Mrs. C. L. Cushing 1949 1952
Mrs. F. G. Huddleston 1952 1955
Mrs. T. E. Pellow 1955 1957
Mrs. J. E. Gernacy 1957 1959
Mrs. J. Otton 1959 1962
Mrs. N. E. Stevenson 1962 1964
Grace Warder 1964 1965
Reta Cumpson 1965 1967
Peggy Bottom 1967 1969
Vicki Lane 1969 1971
May Parkinson 1971 1973
Marie May 1973 1975
Mary Bawden 1975 1977
Velma Moore 1977 1979
Catharine Scott 1979 1981
Beverley Bowden 1981 1983
Vina Kellie 1983 1985
Joyce Bennett 1985 1988
Joanne Mason 1988 1990
Sandie Sydorko 1990 1992
Janet Andruchow 1992 1994
Penny Westmacott 1994 1995
Sharon Watson & Marguerite Fortune 1995 1998
Pam Snyder & Janet Andruchow 1998 1999
Dolly Hughes 1999 2001
Mary Hope 2001 2003

Thames Valley Council of Home & School Associations

Presidents 2003 2017
Dolly Hughes 2003 2004
Mary Hope 2004 2006
Teresa Blum 2006 2008
Darlene Snyders 2008 2012
Arlene Morell 2012 2014
Sheena Davis 2014
Thames Valley Home & School Associations

School Year Formed First President

Adelaide W.G. MacDonald 2012-13 Brenda Milligan

Algonquin 2013-14 Sherri DeVries
B. Davison Sept. 2015 Jane Lowman
Bonaventure Meadows Feb. 3, 1995 R. Sutherland / D. Gooding
Caradoc 1952 L. Straus
Centennial Central Sept 1988 Linda Winder
Clara Brenton Nov 12, 1963 Rev. G. Mesley
Clarke Road Apr. 28, 1982 V. Kellie
Eagle Heights Oct. 15, 1959 Mr. H. Neilson
(formally Empress and Oxford Park)
Ealing Feb. 1916 A. Palmer
East Williams Memorial June 14, 1953 Mr. A. McGregor
Evelyn Harrison Mar. 13, 1962 Mr. R. Perry
dormant Nov. 22, 1968 reorganized Oct. 23, 1980 A. MacKintosh
F.D. Roosevelt Oct. 28,1954 Mr. H. Hyatt
dormant July 1972 reorganized May 18, 1978 Mr. B. Kirk
Glen Cairn Apr. 2,1992 Marlene Patten
Harrisfield 2012 David Cripps
Hickson June 16, 1993 Susan Dolan
Ingersoll District Collegiate Institute Nov 29, 1995 Beth Papais
J. P. Robarts Mar. 23,1960 Mr. R. Tazzman
dormant 1981 reorganized Oct 18, 2003 Cia Addy
Jeanne Sauve Mar. 10, 1992 Kathy Fraser
Knollwood Park 1920 A. Bishop
Lambeth 2015 Bonnie Kolkman
Lester B. Pearson 2013-14 D. Downs
Lord Nelson Mar. 1, 1992 K. Spurzda
Lord Roberts 1906 Miss J. Laidlaw
dormant Sept. 18,1967 reorganized Mar. 1, 1992 M. Scarborough
Masonville 1938 Rev. G. Oliver
dormant 1963 reorganized Sept. 1992 D. Wannacott
McGillivray Central Apr. 26, 1962 Mr. B. Taylor
dormant Mar. 1967 reorganized Feb. 11, 1974 G. Lynn
Northdale Central 2013-14 Jennifer Nuyens
Oxbow Oct 20,1981
Parkhill West Williams 1979
Prince Charles June 24, 1952 J. McClatchie
Princess Anne Dec. 11,1957 Mr. F. Haire
reorganized 1995 M. Lauriks
Princess Elizabeth 1925 J. Caton
(formally Chelsea Heights)
Riverside 2013 Carrie Arnold
Sir George Etienne Cartier Apr. 22, 1991 P. Felker
Southside 2016 Lauren Musson
St. Georges 1907 W. A. Tanner
Tecumseh Jan. 15, 1914 A. Brown
dormant Sept. 1968 reorganized Nov. 7, 1974 J. Holmes
dormant July 1976 reorganized Sept 13, 1989 S. Hunner
Trafalgar Mar. 1924 F. C. Barnard
Victoria 2016 Leanne Ward
W. Sherwood Fox Mar. 4, 1974 A. Neill
West Nissouri Jan. 26, 1966 V. Rogers
(formerly Leesboro, Plover Mills, Prince Andrew)
West Oaks 2012 Michelle White
Wilfrid Jury 2016 Christine Seguin
Wortley Road 1906 Mrs. Westland
dormant Jan. 1937 reorganized Dec. 1941 A. Rudder
Zorra Highland Park Jan 12, 1993
~Association Reports~

Adelaide W.G. MacDonald Courtnie Nutt

Algonquin Christine Elgie

The 2016-17 school year has been a phenomenal fundraising year for our association. As we entered our 4th year of operation, we had
a few new members join our team while saying goodbye and thank you to others. While we continue to struggle to gain new members,
our volunteer base has grown for both the Festive Feast and Carnaval Pancake Day.
Our fundraising efforts kicked off early with an apple fundraiser in September, accompanied by a Gold Card fundraiser. Both were
new initiatives. The apple fundraiser was well received by our school community. The Gold Card program offered people discounts at
many local restaurants and businesses.

Our hot lunch team together with Lunchbox Orders offered 30 weekly lunches from October until early June. Pizza slices, pasta
and submarine sandwiches were offered for purchase each Thursday. We utilized part of these proceeds to help support the schools
fundraising initiatives for one of our own families battling a serious health issue with a donation to Xaviers Hope.

December, as usual, was a particularly busy month with the planning and organization of the Annual Festive Feast. We had an
overwhelming turnout from our parents with over 35 volunteers helping to serve Christmas dinner to our school community. We also
ran a very successful mint smoothie campaign.

In February, we organized the second annual Carnaval Pancake Day a free event for the school community, run in conjunction with
the schools French Department and their annual Winter Carnaval. Approximately 30 parent volunteers and association members
prepared and served 1,300 pancakes to 567 students at the school.

In late March, we worked together with the School Council to organize and run Bedtime Stories. Primary students were entertained by
stories, participated in book draws and received a bedtime snack. The Mayor of Woodstock graciously agreed to read at the evening
event and posed with the kids for photos. The evening was a great success!

Our final fundraising event took place in April, involving the selling of Kettle Corn to both our school community and the greater
Woodstock community with a pop day at a local grocery store. This was a new fundraising event for us.

With such a successful fundraising year we were able to continue to supply all 26 classrooms with bins of outdoor play equipment;
help reduce the cost of the Festive Feast, keeping it affordable for all; purchase books for our Learning Commons in conjunction with
the Forest of Reading Program; send our school choirs and band to the Music Festival; and supply frozen treats for the schools
Annual Fun Day. Additionally, we purchased standup desks, alternative seating for our classrooms, Ipads, plasma cars and a set of
sports jerseys to be utilized by our juniors.

Our ability to both financially support our school and help build a strong sense of community amongst our students through the many
events we run, makes me proud to say I am a member of the amazing team which is the Algonquin Home & School Association.

B. Davison Audean Green

Bonaventure Meadows Sarah Crandall

We enjoyed a very busy and successful year at Bonaventure!

Our monthly hot lunches were once again popular with new choices from Pizza Vera as well as Subway lunches. We also supported
our Athletic Department with two hot dog lunches. We continued with our traditional fundraisers including Little Caesars Pizza Kits,
the Samko Toy Sale, spirit wear clothing, pointsettia sales and Mias Flowers. This year we also sold student art Christmas cards
and Worlds Finest Chocolates.

We also held two successful fundraising events: Bernardo Karate and The Next Step Dance Session. Planning for our annual Fun Fair
in June is well underway!
As a result of our fundraising efforts, we were able to provide funds for each student to be used for school trips/events. We also
provided funds to each teacher to be used for extra supplies. We assisted with the costs of the new outdoor education space that will be
built by the end of this school year and we also supported the Winter Carnival, Primary Math Night, Winter Wonderland music
concert, and Grade 8 graduation. We celebrated Teacher Appreciation Week with a lunch for all teachers and staff, prepared by
students from Clarke Road Secondary School.

We were very honoured to have one of our teachers receive the OFHSA Educator Award this year. Ms. Growden is an amazing
teacher who truly strives to provide The Best for Each Student. We were also excited to increase our membership this year and receive
the Gold Booster Award.

Our executive committee consisted of: Sarah Crandall - president, Becky Collins - vice-president, Shelly Caron treasurer, Sarah &
Becky co-secretaries, Christa Fisher special events coordinator and Dawn Thorner fundraising coordinator.

We also had some dedicated members step forward and assist the executive committee on a regular basis with our fundraising and
events this year. We appreciate the efforts from all of our members and we look forward to even more success next year!

Caradoc Diane Whitney

We have had another busy and exciting year with our new home and school executive. In September, we hosted a hit back-to-school
meet the teacher event, complete with dinner, dessert and an open coffee bar.
Our focus this year has been parent engagement. We have succeeded in garnering more interest with short-term volunteering, new
contact lists and a quarterly parent newsletter to help keep parents informed and engaged.

We have added more simple and continuous fundraisers with Lunch Lady on Wednesdays and Lunch Box Lunches on alternating
Fridays. These run alongside an online OJoe Coffee fundraiser. In January, we had a family event to see a London Knights game and
the kids got the chance to meet a few players at an assembly at the school before watching them play in a game. Everyone was so
excited and the kids loved hanging out with the principal outside of school.

We also had a very successful Little Caesars pizza fundraiser, Fundscript gift cards, Christmas turkey/balloon draw and a parent night
with a local band at the Legion, where we raised money to put towards our goals such as day planners for all students next year, math
books for primary grades, a Library mural, and library books. Local donations to the womens shelter, Caring Cupboard and Scouts
are in progress. Additions to the much enjoyed student design den are also ongoing. We have given away so many exciting donated
prizes to Caradoc families this year through our fundraisers, I cannot even begin to list them all. It was fun for us to gift them all

We have had a great year at Caradoc Public School with help from of all of our many hard working volunteers and our super helpful
and accommodating principals Corene Jovichevich and Brenda Hinschberger. We couldnt have accomplished anything without our
beloved Caradoc staff and our community businesses. We look forward to what the future holds for our school and community!

Centennial Central Patrick Veerman

Clara Brenton Kirsten Brimmell

Clara Brenton Home & School has had a year of many changes. Unfortunately, our new principal, John Richmond, has been off ill
since early in the school year. We are currently on our 5th temporary principal. Although all our administrators have done their best to
be helpful, it is difficult to get some things accomplished, especially at the board level, without a consistent leader. It has been very
frustrating for our Association and we hope to have more consistency in leadership soon!
We did begin our year with a positive change by forming a partnership with our School Council. Although we continue to be separate
entities, we meet on the same night and combine a portion of our meetings. This has helped both groups increase their attendance and
membership as well as volunteer base and understanding of each others goals and purpose.

Our weekly pizza lunch program continues to be our primary and most financially successful fundraiser. Thanks to our AMAZING
hot lunch coordinator Sarah Haygarth, our hardworking parent and student volunteers and supportive staff and parent community, we
have been able to support the following with the money raised from our pizza lunch: new instruments for the music program, teacher
fun fund, staff appreciation lunch, year-end awards, FDK field trip shirts, FDK yard and gardening maintenance, community volunteer
efforts for students, assist with the Christmas Mitten Program and chairs/equipment for students with special needs.

We are currently hard at work planning our Annual Fun Fair on June 22, 2017. Thanks to our wonderful volunteers, staff member,
parents, students and fun fair expert, Jen McCloskey, it is always an exciting and much anticipated event!
Clarke Road Robin Harvey

The Clarke Road Home and School Association celebrated our 35th anniversary this year! The H&S continues to partner with the
School Council in various activities taking place at the school, including our monthly meetings. This year, we changed the date of our
meetings from the first Monday of the month, to the second Monday, when possible, due to the fact many of our feeder schools hold
their Home and School Association meetings on the first Monday. We look forward to welcoming new parents next year.

Eagle Heights Denise Bilyea

Ealing Donna Blackwood

Our Home and School had a productive year, once again. Our fundraisers were Cinnabon, Little Ceasar's and Tupperware.
We planted the Canada 150 tulip bulbs we won from Heeman's Garden Centre and can't wait till they bloom!

We had a good Meet the Teacher evening. Our membership chair worked really hard to have more families join. The Christmas bazaar
had 38 vendors and was really busy. Student volunteers were awesome in many areas of the night. We have had one movie night so
far. A paint night for adults is planned for May 17. We are getting things ready for our Mother's day sale.

Spring fling will be June 8, 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. We have some new ideas for this year, as well as food and ice cream. The raffle will be
baskets with a theme made up by all the classes in the school. We still do our charity bingo at Lucky Days once a month and many
alumni or people who had children in our school come out to play and support our efforts.

Nominations forms have been sent out for the new executive.

2016-2017 went by quickly and hope to continue doing our best for the students, parents and staff.

East Williams Memorial Tara Van Moorsel

East Williams Home & School has been able to continue with many of our successful fundraising activities (hot lunch program,
Ricco's) and were excited to bring back our Christmas bazaar this year. We really enjoy the events that bring the community into the
school so we can see familiar faces that might not ordinarily have reason to attend school functions.

Some new fundraising endeavors that East Williams opted for this year included selling tickets to a London Knights game, Elmira
Chicken, Rheo Thompson Mint Smoothies, Little Caesar Pizza Kits, as well as trying our hand at our first Quarter Auction and first
movie night.

Heading into a lively spring, we get organized for our biggest event of the year -- our Spring Fun Fair. Due to restrictions on the types
of equipment permitted at school functions, we have recently revamped so that we have gone back to traditional 'picnic' games such as
three-legged races, wheelbarrow races, etc. Games that many of us remember from childhood but, surprisingly, most of today's
students are not familiar with. We had also introduced theme baskets (with contents donated by East Williams families and local
businesses) for which tickets were sold. There was a wonderful response to these last year and we will continue with these again this

Something new this year will be a used book sale to take place on the same night as the Spring Fun Fair. Again, the invitation will be
issued to the community to attend. We're hoping that every year, we will see more and more community members attend.

As far as how we have been able to provide support at the school, we allot money to each class to put towards field trip busing costs.
A good portion of our budget has gone towards the school's wonderful snack program, which provides healthy snacks three days a
week. We also provided a free hot dog day for all students back in the fall and will be helping out at our school's first Family Game
Night in May.

We've had a fantastic, positive year and are looking forward to finishing the year out in similar fashion.

Evelyn Harrison Kim Huisman

Our focus for this year was putting a new bike rack in the front of the school as the old one was taken out.

We started the year off with Meet the Teacher night, handing out free pizza and drinks to all students of Evelyn Harrison.
Our fundraisers have included Valentine's candy grams , themed bake sales, hot lunches, Samko Toy sale and World's Finest
chocolate bars. This year we tried Little Caesar's pizza kits and North Country meat and seafood. We also had the holiday gift shop
(where students could shop for family and friends). The kids always have a great time secretly shopping for their presents. We plan on
making this a yearly event. We also plan on having another Christmas bazaar, as this year we had to cancel.

Evelyn Harrison H&S has helped out with Scholastic book fair as well as purchasing band shirts for the senior band. We have
provided bus money for class trips, sports, best buddies, planners, tech fund and awards for graduation.

We will end this year with Grandfriends Day, handing out refreshments to all grand friends; Play Day, handing out much needed
freezies to all students participating; staff lunch; and we are making plans for our annual Spring Fling.

This year we also boosted our membership! Thank you to all our volunteers who work very hard!

F.D. Roosevelt Kathy Doyle

As I am now completing my second year as president at F.D. Roosevelt, I find myself looking back.

We have had a very busy year full of fun! We have run many successful fundraising campaigns and continue to have monthly Bingos
at Lucky Days bingo hall. The funds we raise have been put to very good resources for the students at our school, from technology to
learning tools, to some things just for fun.

We have run a cooking club, and continue to offer special lunches and popcorn sales for the students. We help offset the cost of busing
for field trips and sometimes just provide a special snack.

I would like to thank all the volunteers for making this year run so smoothly.

Glen Cairn Leigh-Anne Currie

Harrisfield Tracy Mahoney

Hickson Sheri Louie

IDCI Dave Cripps

J.P. Robarts Sheena Davis

JP Robarts Home and School Association was happy to welcome several new members to our group this year. Its always wonderful
to have new parents join and bring new ideas.
Our third annual Family Dance was very well attended and so much fun! Parents and students got into the spirit, and most wore 80s
clothing to go along with this years 80s theme.

Partnering with School Council, our Parent Involvement Funds (PIF) were spent hosting a Welcome to Grade One night, which
provided parents an opportunity to learn about school routines, take home activities and information about what they can do at home
to support their children, volunteer opportunities within the school, and information on how engagement benefits children.

A brand new initiative saw six Home and School members trained in the Middlesex-London Health Units Lets Get Cookin
program, which allows trained facilitators to teach students cooking skills over a seven-week program. With financial assistance from
a Metro Green Apple Grant, members were able to run the program with close to 60 Grade 6 students.

Staff Appreciation Week was celebrated with daily draws, waffle breakfast, classroom visits from the Coffee and Snack Cart.

Members set up a baked goods sale at the Argyle Breakfast with Santa event, raising much needed funding for our Breakfast Club
program. Members ran, and participated in an extremely successful volleyball tournament at Spikes to fundraise for supports and
resources (fidget toys, wiggle seats, therapy bands, sensory-based items) for our Learning Support Teachers to use in the Resource
JP Robarts H&S continued the annual support of many other school programs such as sports teams, Grade 8 graduation, hot lunches,
carnival, school dances, TVNELP, Meet the Teacher night, etc. Thank you to all our members who give so much time and effort for
the students at our school and to our very supportive teaching staff, secretaries, custodians, and administration.

Jeanne Sauve Sarah Thomson/Adam Lowe

This has been a calm year for our Association. We had many returning members and were blessed with some new members.

Fundraising was successful and we used Steeped Tea, Samko Miko, Fundscript, Under One Sun Ornament fundraiser. Pizza lunches
continue to be our main money-maker and we are just starting to use Pita Pit. We also worked with Byron Pizza on two kickback

We provided hospitality tables at a few family nights at the school, helping foster a welcoming environment. We feel like our greatest
accomplishment this year was an amazing movie night. It was a huge success bringing approximately 140 people of all ages to watch
Trolls. We had a snack bar and learned epic popcorn lessons. At the end of the day, we spent about $50 on the event. Money well
spent bringing families into the school for some fellowship and fun.

Thank you to all the other Associations attending the Thames Valley Council meetings whose sharing has really educated and inspired
us to try to provide "The Best for Each Student."

Knollwood Park Nicole Bartlett

Lambeth Tanya Cornish

Lester B. Pearson Peter Ferguson/Judith Francis

Lord Nelson Christine Shaw

It has been a busy 2016-17 school year at Lord Nelson and proud to announce we are celebrating our 25th Home and School
anniversary. This has been a first year for many of our executive, including myself as president, Kelly Twells as vice president, Janiss
Marth as treasurer and Stephanie Weaver as secretary. It has been a year of learning for all of us. I would like to say a big thank you to
all of our members, staff and students for a successful year at Lord Nelson Public School.

We held our first BBQ at Meet the Teacher night. It was a great way for parents to interact with one another, as well as meet the staff
of Lord Nelson. We sold hamburgers, hotdogs, drinks and memberships.

In November, we had our second annual Vendor Sale. We had approximately 45 vendors, featuring direct sales such as Scentsy to
Melissa Christopher Photography. Our community enjoyed being able to come shopping for Christmas gifts.

For our first fundraiser, we sold QSP cookie dough which is always a big profit for our school. We were chosen for the London
Knights 50/50 tickets in December. We had approximately 40 volunteers come out for the evening to sell tickets. It was a successful
fundraiser. We purchased a scoreboard for the gym that says "Lord Nelson Admirals." The kids love it! We have started our next
fundraiser selling Little Caesar Pizza Kits. Thank you to Kendra Sharpe on her first year as fundraising coordinator.

Each month we host bingo at Lucky Days Bingo. A big thank you to Randi Clipperton, Cherie Hunter, Andrea Bauer, Heather
Walkom, Kelly Twells, Dolly Stensil, Ruthie McConnell and Stephanie Weaver for volunteering to help raise money towards helping
our school.

Each month we alternate between Pizza Day/Sub Day. Thank you to Stephanie Weaver, Kendra Sharpe, Amy Deman, Jodie St. Clair,
Janiss Marth, Cherie Hunter and Michelle Lenehan for volunteering as well as our student helpers.

As a result of our fundraising, we have been able to donate towards: in-town buses for each class, new school mats, t-shirts for
sporting events, musical instruments, library books, Chromebooks, grade 8 graduation, movie nights, dance nights and we will be
having our Annual Fun Fair this year on May 27. We are also celebrating our 50th Anniversary for Lord Nelson Public School! We
anticipate it to be our most successful fun fair to date. We have lots of games planned, video game bus, superheroes, princesses,
Kennedy Kridders and BBQ.
Again, thank you to all home and school members who give their time to come to monthly meetings and for volunteering their time
helping out in our school. Thank you to our principal, Ms. Reid, our vice principal, Mrs. Wilson, and Mrs. Warden, FDK teacher, for
attending each meeting and helping make our school the best it can be!

Lord Roberts Dawn Fitzgerald

Masonville Hilary Oakman

Masonville Public School continued to see continued growth this year in student population and H&S membership made similar gains.
The year has seen tremendous participatory support at both fundraising and community oriented events. A membership and
volunteerism drive during the first week of school was successful in attracting a roster of volunteers for the various events during the

This year the Association once again provided our traditional welcome back to school coffee and treats to enable goodbyes to be said
on the yard as students located their class years. The Association provides coffee and aims for a presence at our communitys English
as a Second Language parent/caregiver meetings.

During the holiday season, volunteers run a holiday giving program that supports families with needs at some of our sister schools.
We continue to express our gratitude to our teachers and staff through the Teacher Staff Appreciation Week in February, and regular
teacher munchies.

The popular hot lunch program saw some shifts in vendors and technology and continued to grow. Volunteers run and deliver
approximately 230 lunches each Wednesday. The success of this program means that Home and School Association has been able to
support buses for some school activities, invest in technology for the classrooms, additional outdoor education equipment, provide
fees for tournaments and referees, support for the learning commons, and this year, support Masonvilles first Carnival dHiver in

February also held our very popular Valentines Day cake raffle, a beloved (and highly profitable) Masonville tradition. Our third
annual Family Fun Night had a Canadian theme this year to lead up to Canadas sesquicentennial. It was a great success, thanks to
some fabulous sponsors, and a great deal of fun.

Home and School is trialling a Bookclub as a way of connecting caregivers/parents through an interest in reading. Three meetings are
set leading into summer months and we hope to continue it next year as an important part of the H&S mission to connect

Once again planning is underway for our Spring Fair which will take place on June 15 of this year. The Association is also looking
forward to helping the school celebrate its 160th anniversary in 2017.

We have been thrilled to connect with TVCHSA in a variety of settings over the course of the year and appreciate the resources that
the regional structure provides.

McGillivray Central Julie Rees

Northdale Central Jennifer Nuyens

Northdale Central has had another busy and exciting year! In September, we hit the ground running with our weekly alternating pizza
lunch/sub lunch days. In October, we continued our monthly recognition of our students who display the qualities of a Northdale
Knight K knowledge driven, N noble, I initiative, G generous, H humble, T team player with our Purple Heart Awards.
At our monthly Recognition Assemblies, students from every grade receive a Purple Heart Award certificate, a ruler with the saying
"Youre are capable beyond measure!", as well as a gift certificate for a 6-inch sub from the Home & School. By the end of the year,
the majority of our students will have achieved this award.
This years events have included a career fair with over 40 community members coming out to talk to students and parents about their
careers. It was amazingly well attended by our students as well as students from other schools in the area. Our third annual Northdale
Central Annual Craft Show was attended by over 30 vendors and attendance from our very supportive community surpassed

Teacher Appreciation Week and fun fair shared a Star Wars theme and included treats like Wookie Cookies and Padawan Popcorn.
We look forward to supporting Northdale Central staff in putting on the first school show in many years, Lion King.

Thank you to Mrs. Zeisner (principal), Mr. Lease (vice principal), Mrs. Queenan (secretary), Mr. Rath, Mr. Forbes, and Ms. Knight
(custodial staff), and the entire teaching staff at Northdale Central. Only with their support and cooperation for "The Best for Each
Student" could all of this have been achieved.

Oxbow Sue Lidbetter

Parkhill West Williams Crystal McLean

Our Home and School would like to say a huge thank you to all of our members, students, staff and volunteers for another successful
year at PWW.
In September, we welcomed our new principal, Darryl Mann. All of our H&S executive were returning members except our parent
member: Crystal MacLean (president), Lisa Cornelissen (vice president), Christine McCarter (secretary), Kasey Norton (treasurer) and
Beth Moir (parent member).

We have had a busy time coming up with new and different fundraisers to go along with some of our favourites. We continued with
Lunch Lady again this year, going from every other Tuesday to every Tuesday. We also did a Fall Vendor Event, Appin Meats,
Bundles Wood Sign Workshops, Wendells Chocolate and Elmira Chicken fundraisers, raffles at our Christmas concert and a cake
walk. We will also be doing a BBQ at our school track and field day. Our fundraising dollars have helped support our new outdoor
classroom, Forest of Reading, grad awards, classroom donations, winter carnival, Christmas hampers and the return of PWWs
Christmas meal for the entire school/staff.

This year our school implemented colour house teams and a character trait to reach and then be recognized for each month. We also
started a Healthy School Committee which includes a healthy snack three days a week.

We want to say congrats to all the extra curricular teams for having a great year and doing your best. A big congrats to PWWs choir
who placed silver and to the Green Team who reached their goal to get a composter. Our school once again sent JK/SKs, Gr. 3 and Gr.
6/7/8 to dance fest.

We said goodbye to Mr. Fradgley and hello to Ms. Mueller in the start of 2017. We will be saying goodbye to Mrs. Wilcocks and Ms.
Fynn in June, as both are leaving. You will be missed greatly!

THANK YOU everyone, have a safe summer and see you in September.

Prince Charles Charlene Howlett

Princess Anne FI Stephanie Bilodeau

As always PAFI H&S aims to promote our schools main objectives which are Community, French Culture and Academics. Our
Home and School Association is successful because of our great volunteers who help with organizing and serving our weekly hot
lunch, sell popcorn, help at our Family Skate, movie night, and are behind the scenes on our executive. Without the help of all our
volunteers, we would not be able to provide the students with all the extras that they receive from us. So, a big THANK YOU to our
Home and School volunteers!
This years fundraising initiatives included: weekly hot lunches, weekly popcorn sales, spirit wear sales, our annual Holiday Bazaar,
bake sale and book sale, our online auction, sent out financial donation requests to parents, Indigo, Mabels Labels, Fresh From the
Farm, Dominos Pizza, Canadian Diabetes Clothesline fundraiser and pop can recycling.

In the community, we held a family movie night, family Carnival and Skate held at local arena with free skate, crafts and
refreshments for our families and staff, family video dance and volunteer appreciation dinner

School/student purchases we have helped with this year include: field trip to Fanshawe Pioneer Village for grade 3 students, School
Council gift of 10 cinch bags, donation for grad, String method books, Eric Walters author visit, Computing Challenge, French Book
sale in Toronto, SK math and language centres, Fossil Guy, girls basketball tournaments, Sara Westbrook visit, Salthaven Wildlife and
Mireille Messier.

We have had a great year at Princess Anne and look forward to another successful next year to come.
Princess Elizabeth Shermila Box

Riverside Pat Angerstein

Sir G.E. Cartier Lisa Reed

We have had a busy but very fun year at Sir G.E. Cartier Home and School Association and I would like to thank the many very
dedicated and hard working volunteers, parents, students, staff and the Home & School executive for a job very well done.

Things that we have accomplished, and some items we are still planning and organizing for this school year, include: Welcome to
Cartier meet the teacher event which doubled our memberships, Facebook page got us over 80 followers, lunch and milk ordering
with Lunchbox is successful, hotdog days, fall craft show, Loot Bag delivery to every student (from Santa) on the last day of school
before Christmas break, Secret Santa sale, dance-a-thon fundraiser for our playground committee, family movie nights, staff
appreciation week, cake walk, Easter floral arrangement fundraiser, year-end event and graduation.

We have approved teacher's spending requests, with more in the works for next year.

We are looking forward to an exciting spring and well be starting to plan for September soon.

Southside Lauren Musson

This year was full of much needed and welcomed change at Southside P.S! It began in September with the formation of our new
Home and School Association and snowballed from there. We kicked off the year with an open house and pizza party that welcomed
the students and parents back with a tour of our new library learning commons. In early October, it was announced that Southside
school would receive an addition and renovation of which it is in desperate need. The school is ecstatic about this news and upon
hearing it, the Home and School Association decided it was finally time to fully commit ourselves to raising funds needed for two
fully-accessible, inclusive playgrounds at Southside school.

We began fall by establishing an approach to our playground fundraising and preparing a community donation letter. We were also
busy during that time preparing for our annual mom2mom sale, and our second ever Math Night: Fun With Numbers, planned
alongside the School Council.

In December, after celebrating our annual turkey dinner, we were ready for the much needed break that followed, but glad to get back
to work in January. Upon return and over the next few months we were busy organizing fundraisers, contacting playground sales reps
and writing our playground proposal to the board. Since the proposal was approved, we applied for various grants and fundraising

Earlier this month we received news that we would be participating in the Ford Drive One 4UR community test drive. This gives our
school the chance to earn funds to put towards our playgrounds, generously donated by Ford Woodstock Dealership. We will
be participating in this fundraiser in September so stay tuned for next year's update.

Now, before you know it, it is already spring! We just had our first ever paint night, we are just about ready for our first ever movie
night, and we are beginning to plan for our end of year BBQ, rummage sale and bottle drive. It has been a year full of hard work at
Southside but it has all been worth it. The Association has recently chosen a playground design!

I cant wait to see what next year brings for Southside school as it has been such an exciting year full change and new beginnings with
many more sure to come!

With that, Id like to thank all the joiners at our school! Your devotion, commitment and hard work means so much. A special thanks
to the executive committee, I could not do it without you! Your hand work doesn't go unnoticed or unappreciated. Thank you!

St. George's Kristi Davis

Tecumseh Lynn Dionne

As the school year winds down, we reflect on all the fundraising events weve held and the amazing volunteers, students, teachers and
staff who have been so generous with their time and talents.
The highlight of this year has been our Celebrate Canada: Student Art & Silent Auction. Our lofty goal was to raise funds towards a
new classroom set of Chromebooks and a charging cart for our school. Under the direction of our teachers and staff, each student
submitted two pieces of artwork, one with a Canadian theme in celebration of Canada 150. Our Tecumseh families and community
were invited to come and bid on the students artwork and silent auction items. The event was an overwhelming success and Im
pleased to report that we exceeded our goal!

We also introduced the Fresh from the Farm ( program last fall. Not only does it support local farmers and
healthy eating, 40% of the profits come back in fundraising dollars. This was also a very successful fundraiser and we had terrific
feedback from our families.

Other fundraisers weve planned this year include: Lunchbox Orders Program ( featuring lunches
and Booster Juice smoothies, QSP Magazine fundraiser, Halloween bake sale, Halloween pizza & movie night with a costume
competition, #Dancetime with Stars from The Next Step, holiday fundraiser at Chapters South, White Elephant sale, sweetheart bake
sale just in time for Valentines Day, sweetheart pizza & movie night we did a photo booth using the new green screen in our
Learning Commons, free throw basketball tourney, Tecumseh Fair to make it equally available to all students, it will be free
admission with a request for a donation at the door again this year.

So far, this year weve been privileged to help fund Tecumseh PS new Outdoor Learning Area which will be completed this spring. It
will include opportunities to stimulate learning and education in an outdoor, eco-friendly setting for all our students.

We also continue to provide classroom funding to every classroom, purchased 30 ukuleles for our schools music program, subsidized
our schools musical play Once Upon a Lily Pad, purchased mini iPads, coordinated a week of staff appreciation treats, directed funds
to our Grade 8 field trip to Niagara Falls, committed funding towards a Grade 7 & 8 entrepreneurial program, purchased hockey
helmets and paid for Skate Canada coaches for our school skating program, helped fund class field trips and will contribute towards
Grade 8 graduation.

Thank you to our Principal Mr. Barlow, the Tecumseh staff, student and families, and especially to all of our Tecumseh Home &
School members and volunteers. Everyones contributions have resulted in a very successful year for our association. I would also like
to recognize our executive team who have been a terrific group to work with again this year, including Renee Gehl (VP), Sarah
Iwasaki (treasurer), Julie Koortekaas (secretary) and Kate Goring (School Council rep).

Trafalgar Renee Lundrigan

Victoria Leanne Ward

W. Sherwood Fox Krista Buck/Dwayne Buck

This year at W. Sherwood Fox Public School, we have seen some great examples of commitment and dedication to our childrens
learning. Parents and teachers involvement is evident in the many activities that are continuing every day at our school.

Some notable activities for this year include, but are not limited to: sports teams, book fairs, Chocolate Bingo, meat pies, pizza days,
London Knights night, Wendys nights, Family Paint Night, Glee, Christmas baskets and class field trips. Many parent volunteers and
teachers make all these programs thrive and happen at W.S. Fox P.S.

Through some of these programs, we have raised funds to purchase new sound equipment for our school's gymnasium, bus trips for
our classroom field trips, recess equipment and new kindergarten area equipment.

The Home & School executive has worked diligently to outreach to new parents in our school to increase awareness of what we do
and to increase future involvement. We are proud to receive the OFHSA Booster Award this year for increasing our memberships.

Thank you to all the parents, volunteers, administrative staff and teachers at W.S. Fox P.S., one of the best schools in London.

West Nissouri Allie Stubgen/Mary Wilson

West Oaks Susan Williams

We have had a fantastic year at West Oaks! We were able to raise money for classroom technology and Forest of Reading books for
the library and we were able to support our nutrition program and Grade 8 grad. We are just coming to the end of our second year of
fundraising for new playground equipment. We have chosen the playground we hope to build and if all goes well, are hopeful the
playground will be completed within the next year. Fingers crossed.
Our fundraisers this year included pizza lunches, Lunch Lady, QSP, movie nights and Fresh From the Farm. We ran our third
successful Read-A-Thon in February. With a fabulous suggestion from a new Home and School member, we kicked off the Read-A-
Thon with a book sale called the Second Chance Book Store. Students were able to buy a gently used book for $1 or $2 to read during
the Read-A-Thon. The sale was so popular we had to open it for a second day.

We had a great time bringing 175 fans to a London Knights game in January (the Knights won 11-2!) and our choir performed the
National Anthem at the game for the first time. Thank you to Madame Sturby for organizing the choir. They were amazing!

Since our expansion, this is only the second year West Oaks has had Grade 8s and a Grade 8 grad. We are finding there is no history at
West Oaks, so the Grade 8 parents are sometimes at a loss when organizing and fundraising. Home and School has agreed to help
facilitate organizing and fundraising with Grade 8 parents and students for the Grade 8 grad each year.

We are looking forward to our third annual Boston Pizza Celebrity Server in May which is already booked up for two seatings and our
annual Spring Family Night in June.

THANK YOU all of our Home and School volunteers, our principal and awesome teachers! Without you, none of these things would
be possible.

Wilfrid Jury Christine Seguin

Wortley Road Allison Neufeld

In September, we welcomed back our students, parents and teachers with our annual Meet the Teacher barbecue. We then did our
second year of Fresh From The Farm fundraising in October.

In March, we had a teacher appreciation week, followed by a movie night. In April, we will be having our vendor and artisan sale and
to end the year, we will be having our Fun Night.

Zorra Highland Park Katrina deWit


1. The name of the Home and School Council shall be the Thames Valley Council of Home and School Associations.

2. The Thames Valley Council of Home and School Associations agrees to accept the Constitution and Bylaws of the
Ontario Federation of Home and School Associations.

3. The Officers of the Thames Valley Council of Home and School Associations shall be the President, Past
President, Vice President(s), Secretary, Treasurer and Area Chair Coordinator.

4. The Thames Valley Council of Home and School Associations Executive Committee shall consist of elected
officers, Area Chairs, and any Thames Valley Council committee chairpersons. Two people may share one
executive position, but there will be only one vote per executive position.

5. The absence of any executive member from three (3) consecutive meetings, without cause, shall constitute a
vacancy. The member will be notified of his or her removal from office by the Thames Valley Council of Home
and School Associations President in writing.

6. The Annual Meeting of the Thames Valley Council of Home and School Associations shall be held in late April or
May. The new Executive Committee as elected at the Annual Meeting, shall take office at the date of installation.

7. The Thames Valley Council of Home and School Associations will follow the election procedures of the Ontario
Federation of Home and School Associations bylaws.

8. A quorum for Thames Valley Council of Home and School Associations meetings shall be 51% of the Thames
Valley Council of Home and School Associations Executive Committee, and 10% of Association representatives
to Thames Valley Council of Home and School Associations.

9. The Thames Valley Council of Home and School Associations Executive shall be empowered to spend for the
Thames Valley Council of Home and School Associations up to two hundred ($200.00) dollars at any one meeting,
excluding budgeted items.

10. The Thames Valley Council of Home and School Associations bylaws may be amended at any Thames Valley
Council meeting by a 2/3 majority, a quorum being present, provided that the amendments were distributed to all
Associations in writing from the Thames Valley Council of Home and School Associations a minimum of 15 days
prior to that meeting.

Proposed January 14, 2003

Amended March 24, 2003
Amended March 27, 2006
Amended January 22, 2007
Amended April 25, 2016
Thames Valley Council Of Home and School Associations
Annual General Meeting
Monday, May 9, 2016 at 6:00 PM
TVDSB Education Centre | London, ON

1. Welcome/MC: Sheena Davis

2. Musical/Performance: Wilfrid Jury

3. Introduction of Invited Guests/Representatives: Sheena Davis

TVDSB Director Laura Elliott, Superintendent Paul McKenzie, Sherry Kilborn, Chair Bill McKinnon,
Trustee Representative Sheri Polhill, trustees Joyce Bennett, Arlene Morell, Chris Goodall, Ruth Tisdale,
Matt Reid and Phil Schuyler, OFHSA President Sandra Binns, MP Teresa Armstrong

4. Reflections: Joyce Bennett

5. Dinner was enjoyed by all in attendance: (120)

6. Toast to Canada, the Queen and the Children: Arlene Morell

7. Greetings:
Director Laura Elliott on behalf of TVDSB
Chair Bill McKinnon on behalf of trustees

8. Greetings from TVCHSA President: Sheena Davis

9. Awards: Sheena Davis, presented by Sandra Binns and Shelly Caron

OFHSA Citizenship Award

Student: Malik Young F. D. Roosevelt
Student: Matthew Emmons Clarke Road
Educator: Barb Nunn-Millar, Bonaventure Meadows

Celebration of OFHSA Booster Awards:

East Williams
F.D. Roosevelt
Innerkip Central
Jeanne Sauve
McGillivray Central
Princess Elizabeth
Clara Brenton

Celebration of Volunteer of The Year Award:

Winners - In Attendance:
Bonaventure Meadows Becky Collins
Clarke Road Lesley Stephenson
Evelyn Harrison Cyndi Shill
F.D. Roosevelt Barb Miskokoman
Innerkip Central Kim Swanson
J.P. Robarts Tammy Jackson
Lord Nelson Christine Shaw
Northdale Central Kim Summerhayes
Princess Anne Vicky Lacroix
Trafalgar Dana Davies-Hales
Wilfrid Jury Loretta Honsinger
Jeanne Sauve Tara Kuran and Carrie Snook
Winners - Not in Attendance:
Caradoc Lori Vander Tuin
Ealing Candace Doward
Glen Cairn Jane Graham
Tecumseh Renee Gehl
West Oaks Jennifer McLean
Wortley Road Christa Veitch

Celebration of Association Anniversaries:

Anniversaries In attendance:
Ealing 100 years
Sir G.E. Cartier 25 years

Anniversaries Not in attendance:

West Nissouri 50 years
Oxbow 35 years
West Oaks 5 years

Presentation of Doris Ford Award (Association level): Shelly Caron

Recipient: Dawn Thorner, Bonaventure Meadows

Presentation of Mary Bawden Award (Council level): Sheena Davis

Recipient: Arlene Morell, Thames Valley Council Life Member

10. Recognition of Life Members for Associations and Council:

Brian Peat | Dolly Stensil | Mary Hope | Teresa Blum | Joyce Bennett | Arlene Morell

11. Presentation of new TVCHSA Life Membership:

B. Davison Gail Selig, Marlene Dale
Glen Cairn Donna Draper

12. Presentation of new OFHSA Charters: Arlene Morell

B. Davison
Wildfrid Jury

13. 2016-2017 TVCHSA Nominations report: Shelly Caron

Sheena Davis President
Arlene Morell Past President
Sarah Thomson Vice President
Kathy Doyle Secretary
Adam Lowe Treasurer
Robin Harvey Membership/Area Chair Coordinator
Shelly Caron Area Chair
Laura Gonzalez Area Chair
Jennifer Nuyens Area Chair
Donna Draper Area Chair
Donna Blackwood Area Chair
Lori-Ann Pizzolato Area Chair

14. Installation of TVCHSA Officers for the 2016/17 term: Teresa Blum
Motion: Teresa Blum, OFHSA Past President
Second: Gail Selig, B. Davison

15. Acceptance of Minutes from May 2014 AGM: Sarah Thomson

Motion : Sarah Thomson, Jeanne Sauve
Second: Lesley Stephenson, F. D. Roosevelt
16. Acceptance of 2014 Finance Report: Adam Lowe
Motion : Adam Lowe, Jeanne Sauve
Second: Gail Selig, B. Davison

17. Acceptance of Minutes from May 2015 AGM: Kathy Doyle

Motion: Kathy Doyle, F. D. Roosevelt
Second: Shelly Caron, Bonaventure Meadows

18. Acceptance of 2015 Finance Report: Adam Lowe

Motion: Adam Lowe, Jeanne Sauve
Second: Donna Blackwood, Ealing

19. Acceptance of 2015 Annual Report: Robin Harvey

Motion: Robin Harvey, JP Robarts
Second: Gail Selig, B. Davison

20. Acceptance of 2016 Annual Report: Robin Harvey

Motion: Robin Harvey, JP Robarts
Second: Donna Draper, Glen Cairn

21. Singing of the Home & School song

22. Adjournment of May 9, 2016 AGM:

Motion: Gail Selig, B. Davison
Second: Jennifer Nuyens, Northdale Central

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