Programme LI HRC 2nd Annual Meeting FINAL
Programme LI HRC 2nd Annual Meeting FINAL
Programme LI HRC 2nd Annual Meeting FINAL
Word of Welcome
Mr. Markus Lning, LI VP and LI HRC Chair; Former German Federal
Commissioner for Human Rights (Free Democratic Party, Germany)
European Parliament
Willy Brandt Building
Rue Wiertz 60
B-1047 Brussels
10:00 12:00 Is R2P Dead?: Syria, Ukraine and beyond
Welcoming Remarks
Mrs. Annemie Neyts, LI Past President; Former MEP (Open VLD,
Panel Discussion:
- Mr. Hans Van Baalen MEP, ALDE Party President and LI President
of Honour (VVD, Netherlands)
European Parliament
-J.R. Neric Acosta, Advisor for Environmental Protection to the
President of the Philippines His Excellency Benigno Aquino III;
Secretary-General of the Council of Asian Liberals and Democrats
Panel Discussion:
- Dr. Irwin Cotler, Former Minister of Justice and Attorney General for
Canada, Liberal Party of Canada