Lab 2 Microscopy Fa 05

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Lab 2 Microscopy

I. Purpose: To familiarize the student with the care and use of the light microscope.

II. Performance objectives: At the end of this exercise the student should be able to:

1. Define resolving power, field of view, depth of field (focus), working distance

2. Name the parts of the microscope describe the function of each.

3. Use, clean and store the microscope using the techniques describe in this lab.

4. Calculate the resolving power of a specific lens system if the numerical aperture
and wavelength of light is given.

5. Calculate the total magnification of a lens system if the power of the ocular and
objective lens is given.

6. Make a simple wet mount of a specimen.

7. Know how to use the oil immersion lens.

8. Answer the questions at the end of the lab exercise.

III. Introduction

Only objects 0.1mm and larger can be visualized by the human eye. Because most
microorganisms are much smaller than 0.1mm, a microscope must be utilized in order to
directly observe them. In general, the diameter of microorganisms ranges from 0.2 - 2.0
A light microscope, which uses light as a source of illumination, will be employed in
this lab. There are several types of light microscopes. The type used in this course is a
brightfield microscope, where the specimen appears darker against a bright background.

IV. Basic Principles

Resolving Power

Field of View

Depth of Field

Working distance

V. Care of the microscope Observe the following precautions when using the

1. These microscopes are large and heavy. Always use both hands when carrying the
microscope. One hand holds the arm while the other hand supports the base. Always
carry the scope in an upright position. Do not bump the scope while removing it from
the cabinet.

2. Several parts are loosely connected to the scope. When the dust cover is removed or if
the scope is tipped at an angle, the following parts may detach from the scope:

1) Collector lens and blue filter (resting above the lamp),
2) Rubber eye shields (these attach to the top of the eyepieces, the viewer's eyes rest on
these shields),
3) The eyepieces, themselves, may be loose in the eyepiece tubes. Always take care when
removing the dust cover, and always carry the scope in an upright position.

3. Follow cleaning instructions carefully (Preparation for viewing.).

4. Do not let the electric cord dangle or become entangled.

VI. Parts of the light microscope

1. Arm and base.

All other parts of the microscope are attached to the arm or base.

2. Mechanical stage: The platform on which the microscope slide rests and the clamping
device that secures the slide.

3. Mechanical stage control knobs: These knobs, under the stage, move the stage front to
back and the slide from side to side.

4. Lamp (illuminator).

The lamp on/off switch is located on the base. The light intensity can be adjusted with
this on/off switch. The lamp should be adjusted to a medium level at the start of
viewing. The lamp or illuminator usually has a a blue filter that rests on the light
housing or under the condensor.

5. Iris diaphragm: adjusts the amount of light reaching the specimen. It is adjusted with
a thin, black lever under the stage.It has a dramatic effect on the contrast observed in
the specimen and may need to be adjusted frequently.

6. Lens systems: There are three lens systems: the eyepieces (ocular), the objectives (four),
and the condenser.

1) Eyepieces (ocular): Magnification of 10X. The eyepieces are held rather

loosely in the eyepiece tubes. Never remove the eyepieces from the eyepiece
tubes. A rubber eye shield should be on the top of each eyepiece. The width
between the eyepieces should be moved until a full circle (the viewing field) is
visible with both eyes simultaneously.

2) Objectives: There are four objectives: 4X (red), 10X (yellow), 40X (blue), and
100X (white, oil immersion objective). The objectives are attached to a
rotatable nosepiece (nose turret).

The total magnification is calculated by multiplying the

ocular magnification and the magnification of the objective in use.

3) Condenser: The condenser is located directly beneath the stage. It gathers and
conducts the light to the specimen. Although it can be raised and lowered

with the condenser adjustment knob, the condenser should remain at its
highest position.

7. Focusing knobs: located on both sides of the microscope.

The larger, inner coarse adjustment knob moves the stage up and down much faster
and farther than the smaller, outer fine adjustment knob. The coarse adjustment knob
is used ONLY with the low power (4X, 10X) objectives. When focusing under the 40X
or 100X objective, ONLY use the fine adjustment, never the coarse adjustment.

Refer to each of the following procedures every time the microscope is used.

VI. Preparation for viewing

1. If you have not done so, carefully remove a scope from the cabinet and set it on your
lab bench. Remove the dust cover. Check that no parts are loose or missing.
Immediately contact the instructor if parts are missing or anything is wrong with the

2. There are two ways to position the eyepieces: toward or away from the stage. The
head containing the eyepieces is loosened or tightened using the silver Head
Positioning Screw protruding below the microscope head. Do not loosen the screw too
much as the head may detach completely.

3. Plug in microscope. Be sure the electrical cord is not dangling off of the lab bench or is
not entangled.

4. Use the coarse adjustment knob to move the stage to its lowest level.

5. Cleaning the microscope. Clean all objective lenses with lens paper and, if necessary,
liquid lens cleaner. Place a small amount of liquid lens cleaner on the swab. Use a
fair amount of pressure to clean the lens. Dry the lens with a different swab. Use
different swabs for each lens. Do not use liquid lens cleaner on the eyepieces. Dust on
the eyepieces, or elsewhere, may be removed using the blower brush. NEVER remove
any parts.

6. Before use, clean all slides, top and bottom, with Kimwipes. Place a coverslip over the
specimen on the slide. Do not use a coverslip if viewing prepared slides.

7. Adjust the condenser to its highest level. Turn on the lamp. Adjust the on/off switch to
a low/medium light level.

8. Rotate the nosepiece until the 4X objective clicks into place (10X if viewing bacteria).

9. Place the slide on the stage so that it is held within the slide holder clamping device.
The slide must lie flat on the stage. Using the mechanical stage knobs, position the slide
so that the specimen is in the exact center of the light coming through the condenser.

10. While looking through the eyepieces, adjust the width between the eyepieces until a
single, circular field is seen simultaneously with both eyes.

11. If problems are encountered during viewing, repeat the procedure. If problems persist,
review the Common Problems section at the end of this document.

VIII. Viewing the specimen under the 4X, 10X, and 40X objectives

1. Always start with a low power objective (4X or 10X) clicked into place.

The lowest power objectives have the largest field of view (a larger portion of the slide can be
seen), making it easier to initially find the specimen.

2. Be sure to bring the stage to its lowest point with the coarse adjustment knob. In other
words, the stage should be as far away from the objective as possible.

3. Light control

Light intensity is a essential aspect of microscopy. For optimal viewing, the light must be
adjusted at each magnification. Perform the following steps to adjust the light. Always adjust
the light while looking through the eyepieces.

a. Adjust the light intensity switch that turns the lamp on. Begin at a low/medium

b. The entire viewing area (field) must be filled with light.

c. Locate the thin, black iris diaphragm lever under the stage. Adjust this lever to
a medium/low light level. The iris diaphragm will need to be adjusted as
magnifications increase.

4. Under low power, SLOWLY focus with the coarse adjustment knob until the specimen
comes into view. Adjust the light as instructed as needed.

Many specimens are very small and may look like specks at this magnification. If the stage
moves too quickly, you may go past the specimen without seeing it.

5. Refine the image with the fine adjustment knob and by adjusting the light.

6. Important! Before switching to the next objective, move the slide so that the desired
specimen is located in the center of the field (circular viewing area).



a. Always start with a low power objective (4X or 10X). After making appropriate
observations, rotate the nosepiece until the next objective clicks into place. Do
not skip objectives.

b. Do not move the stage up or down before rotating the nosepiece to the next
objective. When properly focused, there is no need to adjust the objective's
distance from the stage before increasing the magnification.



d. Before increasing the magnification, always move the slide so that the desired
specimen is located in the center of the field.

e. Remember to adjust the light each time the magnification is changed if the area
observed is too dark.

IX. 100X Oil Immersion Procedure

Immersion oil is used with the 100X objective because it increases the resolution. The oil
should come in contact with both the lens of the 100X objective and the slide/coverslip. This
prevents the scattering of light rays.

1. Be sure that the specimen is in the EXACT CENTER of the viewing field under the
40X objective.

2. NOTE! Again, do not move the stage up or down before rotating the nosepiece to the
100X objective. Rotate the 40X objective away from the slide but do not yet click the
100X objective into place.

3. Put a small drop of immersion oil on the slide/coverslip directly over the light.

4. Rotate the nosepiece until the 100X oil immersion objective is clicked into place.



6. Adjust the light for optimal viewing.

7. In order to determine the size of your specimen, you will need to estimate utilizing
the size of the field (circular viewing area). When you observe your specimen, estimate
its size by comparing it with the size of the field.

Objective Size of field of view

40X mm

100X mm

When finished viewing, complete the Student Microscope Checklist.

X. Common Problems

1. The field is dark.

Is the light on?

Is the objective securely clicked into place?
Is the diaphragm open?
Is the slide lying flat on the stage?

2. You are not sure if you are looking at dirt on the objective lens or the specimen.

Use the mechanical stage knobs to move the slide slightly while looking through the
eyepieces. If what you are looking at does not move, it is probably dust or dirt on the
objective. If it does move, it is on the slide.

Rotate the ocular gently between your fingers. If what you are looking at rotates, it is
probably dirt on the ocular.

3. You cannot find the specimen.

The stage may be too far from the objective. Did you start with the stage as close as
possible to the low power objective?
Is the specimen directly over the light?
Is the slide secure and flat in the mechanical stage?
Did you start with a low power objective and focus on the lower objectives first?
Have you adjusted the light?
Are you moving the adjustment knobs too quickly? Work slowly so you do not miss
the specimen.

4. You are having trouble focusing.

Always start on a low power objective, and focus here first.

Focus SLOWLY! It is very easy to move past the specimen if the adjustment knobs are
moved too quickly.
Be sure to look in the ocular while you are focusing with the adjustment knobs or
changing the light intensity.
Adjust the light.
Press down on the stage with your fingertips. Does the stage move? If so, tighten using
the knob next to the coarse adjustment.

5. You lose the specimen when switching from the 40X objective to the oil immersion

Was the specimen in the exact center of the field before switching to the 100X objective?
Is the 100X objective lens clean?
Have you adjusted the light?
Have you refined the image with the fine adjustment?

XI Assignment (see attached Lab Report):

A. Preparation of a Wet Mount

1. Add one or two drops of IKI solution to the central region of a clean glass slide.

2. Using a toothpick gently scrape the inside of your cheek to obtain epithelial

3. Place the cheek cells into the IKI on the slide and mix.

4. Place the cover glass so that one edge touches and glass slide and then gently
lower the cover slip.

5. View the specimen with all objective lenses except the oil immersion lens.
Draw what you see on the data sheet provided.

B. Preparation of Hair

1. Prepare a wet mount of two crossed hairs

2. Study the slide under 40X, 100X, and 400X (total magnification)

3. Observe the differences in depth of field, field of view and working distance
between these powers.

C. Letter "e".

1. Prepare a wet mount using the letter "e" as the specimen. Place the preparation
with the letter "e" on stage so that you can read the letter "e" as in the
previous sentence.

2. Study the slide under 40X, 100X, and 400X (total magnification). What
observation did you make when you looked at the "e" for the first time under
low power (40X)?


3. Using 40X total magnification (low power) while looking at the letter"e", move
the stage forward and backward and right then left. What happens to the "e".


D. Human Blood Smear (if time permits).

1. Obtain a prepared slide of human blood and observe under 40X, 100X
and 400X. What cells did you find?


Lab Report
Introductory Anatomy & Physiology



1. Draw and label the letter "e" after focusing with 10X and 40X objectives.

2. Draw and label the crossed hairs after focusing with 10X and 40X objectives.

3. Draw and label the cheek cells (squamous cells) after focusing with 10X and 40X

4. If you had enough time to look at a prepared Human Blood Smear, what cells did you


5. Define resolution.

6. What is the total magnification of the following?

Ocular magnification Objective magnification Total magnification

10X 40X

10X 100X

7. What is the function of the iris diaphragm?

8. List two instances when the coarse adjustment knob is never used.

9. When should the lenses be cleaned? What is the correct way to clean them?

10. Why is immersion oil used with the 100X objective?


11. List two common problems associated with using the microscope and how you would
go about solving it.

12. Using the following formula below calculate the resolving power of your oil immersion


Student Microscope Checklist

When finished using the microscope, complete the following.
Check off each step when completed.

Name: Lab Section:

Date: Microscope Number:

Bring the stage to its lowest level.

Click the 4X objective into place.

Remove the slide and dispose of appropriately. Wipe prepared slides until ALL oil/dirt is
removed (top and bottom).

Clean objective lenses with lens paper, and, if using oil, use lens cleaner.

Clean eyepieces with lens paper.

Clean condenser lens with lens paper.

If necessary, clean the stage with a damp Kimwipe.

Turn the light switch OFF.

Follow teacher's directions for method to secure the electrical cord.

Replace the dust cover if one is available.

Return the microscope to the appropriate location in the cabinet.


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