IM Rules Republic - Act - 7658 PDF
IM Rules Republic - Act - 7658 PDF
IM Rules Republic - Act - 7658 PDF
a. When the child works directly under the sole responsibility of his/her parents
or legal guardian who employs members of his/her family only, under the following
Republic Act 7658
1. the employment does not endanger the childs life, safety, health and
2. the employment does not impair the childs normal development;
The Regional Office shall require the employer to submit the following
documents in support of the application for a work permit:
a. Two (2) pictures of the child, one full body and the other showing the childs
face, both of which must be recently taken and recognizable;
SECTION 7. Penalties. - Any person who shall violate any provision of Article
12 of RA 7610 as amended by RA 7658, shall suffer the penalty of a fine of not less than
One Thousand Pesos (P1,000) but not more than Ten Thousand (P10,000) or
imprisonment of not less than three (3) months but not more than three (3) years, or both
at the discretion of the court: Provided, that in case of repeated violations of the
provisions of this Article, the offenders license to operate shall be revoked.
SECTION 8. Effectivity. - This Rules and Regulations shall take effect fifteen
(15) days after its publications in a newspaper of general circulation.
Pursuant to Section 32 of Republic Act No. 7610 (An Act Providing for Stronger
Deterrence and Special Protection Against Child Abuse, Exploitation and Discrimination,
Providing Penalties for its Violation and for Other Purposes), the following Rules and
Regulations are hereby promulgated concerning the reporting and investigation of child
abuse cases:
Sec. 2. Definition of Terms. - As used in these Rules, unless the context requires
otherwise -
a) Child shall refer to a person below eighteen (18) years of age or one over
said age and who, upon evaluation of a qualified physician, psychologist or psychiatrist,
is found to be incapable of taking care of himself fully because of a physical or mental
disability or condition or of protecting himself from abuse;
d.) Physical injury includes but is not limited to lacerations, fractured bones,
burns, internal injuries, severe injury or serious bodily harm suffered by a child;
f.) Neglect means failure to provide, for reasons other than poverty, adequate
food, clothing, shelter, basic education or medical care so as to seriously endanger the
physical, mental, social and emotional growth and development of the child;
j.) Department shall refer to a duly authorized officer or social worker of the
Department of Social Welfare and Development or similar agency of a local government
Sec. 3. Reporting. - A person who learns of facts or circumstances that give rise
to the belief that a child has suffered abuse may report the same, either orally or in
writing, to the Department, to the police or other law enforcement agency or to a
Barangay Council for the Protection of Children.
Sec. 7. Immunity for Reporting. - A person who, acting in good faith, reports a
case of child abuse shall be free from any civil or administrative liability arising
therefrom. There shall be presumption that any such person acted in good faith.
Whenever practicable, the Department shall conduct the interview jointly with the
police and/or barangay official.
To minimize the number of interviews of the child victim, his statement shall be
transcribed or recorded on voice or video tape.
Sec. 10. Immunity of Officer Taking the Child under Protective Custody. - The
duly authorized officer or social worker of the Department and the assisting police officer
or barangay official, if any, who shall take a child under protective custody shall be
exempt from any civil, criminal and administrative liability therefor.
Sec. 11. Notification of Police. - The Department shall inform the police or other
law enforcement agency whenever a child victim is placed under protective custody.
Sec. 12. Physical Examination: Interview. - The Department shall refer the child
who is placed under protective custody to a government medical or health officer for a
physical/mental examination and/or medical treatment. Thereafter, the Department shall
determine the rehabilitation or treatment program which the child may require and to
gather data relevant to the filing of criminal charges against the abuser.
Sec. 13. Involuntary Commitment. - The Department shall file a petition for the
involuntary commitment of the child victim under the provisions of Presidential Decree
No. 603, as amended, if the investigation confirms the commission of child abuse.
Sec. 16. Who May File A Complaint. - A complaint against a person who abused a
child may be filed by the -
a. offended party;
b. parent or legal guardian;
c. ascendant or collateral relative of the child within the third degree of
d. duly authorized officer or social worker of the Department;
e. officer, social worker or representative of a licensed child caring institution;
f. Barangay Chairman; or
g. at least three (3) concerned responsible citizens of the community where the
abuse took place who have personal knowledge of the offense committed.
Sec. 17. Filing of Criminal Case. - The investigation report of the Department
and/or of the police or other law enforcement agency on the abuse of a child, together
with the results of the physical/mental examination and/or medical treatment and other
relevant evidence, shall be immediately forwarded to the provincial or city prosecutor
concerned for the preparation and filing of the appropriate criminal charge against the
person who allegedly committed the abuse.
Sec. 18. Closure of Establishment. - The Department shall immediately close the
establishment or enterprise found to have promoted, facilitated or conducted activities
constituting child abuse. The closure shall be for a period of not less than one (1) year.
Upon said closure, the Department shall post signs with the words off limits in
conspicuous places outside the premises of the closed establishments or enterprise. The
unauthorized removal of said sign shall be punishable by prision correcional.
The Department shall seek the assistance of the local government unit concerned
or the police or other law enforcement agency in the closure of an offending
establishment or enterprise.
The Department shall also file the appropriate criminal complaint against the
owner or manager of the closed establishment or enterprise under the provisions of R.A.
7610, the Revised Penal Code, as amended, or special laws.
Sec. 19. Guardian Ad Litem. - Upon the filing of the criminal complaint for child
abuse, the Department shall ask the appropriate court to appoint a guardian ad litem to
represent the best interest of the child.
a) explain to the child the legal proceedings in which the child will be involved;
b) advise the judge, when appropriate, and as a friend of the court, regarding the
childs ability to understand the proceedings and questions propounded
d) attend all investigations, hearings and trial proceedings in which the child is a
participant; and
Sec. 20. Confidentiality of Identity of Victim. - At the request of the victim or his
representative, the name of the child shall be withheld by the Department until the court
has acquired jurisdiction over his case.
Sec. 21. Speedy Trial of Child Abuse Cases. - The trial of child abuse cases shall
take precedence over all other cases before the courts, except election and habeas corpus
cases. The trial in said cases shall commence within three (3) days from the date the
accused is arraigned, and no postponement of the child initial hearing shall be granted
except on account of the illness of the accused or other grounds beyond his control.
Sec. 22. Protection of Victim from Undue Publicity. - The prosecutor in a child
abuse shall, taking into consideration the age, psychological maturity and understanding
of the child victim, the nature of the unlawful acts committed, the desire of the victim and
the interest of the childs family, take the necessary steps to exclude the public during the
giving of testimony of the child victim; to limit the publication of information,
photographs or artistic renderings that may identify the victim; and to prevent the undue
and sensationalized publicity of the case.
Section 24. Effectivity. - These Rules shall take effect upon the approval of the
Secretary of Justice and fifteen (15) days after its publication in two (2) national
newspapers of general circulation.
a. Child shall refer to a Filipino citizen who is below eighteen (18) years of
c. Parent shall refer to the natural parents, legal guardian of a child or one
exercising parental authority over the child;
e. Code shall refer to Presidential Decree No. 603, The Child and Youth
Welfare Code.
SEC. 3. Child Left With A Private Individual. - If a child is left by the parent with
a private individual for the same period mentioned in Section 2 above without providing
for the care and support of the child, the private individual who has custody over the
child shall report such fact to the Department.
SEC. 6. Prohibited Act. - It shall be unlawful for a hospital, clinic, duly accredited
child placement agency or person to deliver an abandoned child under its custody to a
public institution or private individual without the written consent of the parent or person
who entrusted such child to its or his care, or in the absence of the latter, of the
Violation of this provision will subject the guilty party to the penalty of arresto
mayor and payment of a fine not exceeding five hundred pesos (P500.00). This is
without prejudice to the filing of a separate complaint against the guilty party under
Article 210 of the Code.
If the child dies as a result of the abandonment, the culprit shall be punished by
prision correctional in its medium and maximum periods.
If the child is merely exposed to danger by reason of the abandonment, the culprit
shall be punished by prision correctional in its minimum periods.
SEC. 10. Parental Travel Permit. - The written permission given by the natural
or adoptive parents, guardian or legal custodian for the unaccompanied foreign travel of
their child shall be in the form prescribed by the Department. It shall be under oath and
signed by both natural parents, the adoptive parent/s or the legal guardian or other person
having legal custody of the child.
If the child will travel in the company of one of the natural parents or adoptive
parents, the permit shall be signed by the parent who will stay behind in the Philippines.
SEC. 11. Contents of Application for Department Travel Clearance and Parental
Travel Permit. - An application for a Department travel clearance and a parental travel
permit shall, among others, indicate the exact address of the child at the point of
destination, the date of departure, the purpose and duration of the childs travel and the
arrangements for the welfare of the child in the country of destination.
a. the passport or other travel document of the child, including the visa or other
appropriate documentation;
b. the childs birth certificate and marriage certificate of the natural parents or if
the same are not available, other proof of the childs age and filiation, or the
adoption decree, guardianship or custody papers of the adoptive parent or
person having legal custody of the child; and
c. proof that the child will not become a public charge in the country of
If the Department, after investigation, finds that the foreign travel is inimical to
the interest, it shall request the Bureau of Immigration to place the child in its hold-
departure list and shall notify the parent of the child of said action.
SEC. 15. Attempt to Commit Child Trafficking. - The following shall be liable for
the offense of attempt to commit child trafficking as defined and penalized under Section
8 of Republic Act No. 7610:
a. The parent or other person who is responsible for the travel arrangements of
the unaccompanied child,
d. The physician, surgeon, public officer or other person who, in violation of his
profession or office, cooperates in the simulation of the birth for the purpose
of trafficking;
e. The person, whether natural or juridical, who locates children among low-
income families, hospitals, clinics, nurseries, day care centers, or other child-
caring institutions for the purpose of offering said children for placement or
SEC. 17. Criminal Liability. - If any of the offenses described herein is committed
by a juridical person, the penalty shall be imposed upon the manager, administrator,
representative, director, agent, or employee who committed the violation or who caused,
directed, cooperated or participated in said violation.
Pursuant to Section 32 of Republic Act No. 7610 (An Act Providing for Stronger
Deterrence and Special Protection against Child Abuse, Exploitation and Discrimination,
Providing Penalties for its Violation and for Other Purposes), the following Rules and
Regulations are hereby promulgated concerning children of indigenous cultural
SEC. 2. Definition of Terms. - As used in these Rules, unless the context requires
otherwise -
b. child refers to a person below eighteen (18) years of age who is a member
of an indigenous cultural community;
SEC. 3. Access to Education. - The DECS shall ensure that a child is provided
with the opportunity to obtain an education and to develop his skills.
SEC. 6. Non-Formal Education. - The DECS shall accredit and support non-
formal programs of NGOs that provide a child with practical skills and crafts that will
propagate and develop the traditional arts, culture and vocational skills of the indigenous
cultural community to which the child belongs.
SEC. 7. Health Services. - The DOH, in coordination with the local government
unit concerned and NGOs, shall make essential nutrition and health services available to
a child. It shall provide a child with basic immunization services, protect him from
endemic diseases, and establish programs as will ensure that the child will be given
medical attention in regional and provincial hospitals, rural and municipal health centers
and other field units of the DOH.
The health and nutrition programs that may be established by the DOH shall take
into account the beliefs, customs and practices of the indigenous cultural community to
which the child belongs. The DOH shall train workers in the health practices of the
indigenous cultural community to be served and shall encourage the use of scientifically
acceptable traditional medicine.
The Community shall elect its Chairman and other officers from among its
members. The municipality/city social worker shall act as the convenor of the
Committee and shall serve as its secretary.
a) identify the barangays where the indigenous cultural community resides and
prepare a mapping plan thereof;
c) identify, coordinate, monitor and evaluate all programs affecting the children
of an indigenous cultural community in the area and submit a report thereon
to the local government unit concerned and if necessary, recommend the
establishment of other programs to meet the identified needs of the children;
Any other act, practice, process or treatment which results in the deprivation or
curtailment of the rights, freedoms and privileges to which a child is entitled under the
Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the United Nations Convention on the Rights of
a Child, The Child and Youth Welfare Code (Presidential Decree 603, as amended) and
similar issuances and laws on the sole basis of said child being a member of an
indigenous cultural community shall be considered discrimination.
SEC. 12. Penalty for Discrimination. - Any person or entity that practices acts of
discrimination against a child shall, if found guilty, suffer the penalty of arresto mayor in
its maximum period and a fine of not less than five thousand pesos (P5,000.00) nor more
than ten thousand pesos (P10,000.00).
SEC. 13. Effectivity. - These Rules and Regulations shall take effect upon
completion of its publication in at least two (2) newspapers of general circulation.
Measures shall be undertaken to protect them from harm and assure their survival
and well-being. Children in situations of armed conflict shall be accorded special
treatment by government forces.
SEC. 7. Free Passage of Service Workers and Flow of Goods. - The government
forces shall coordinate with the Peace and Order Council (POC) concerned and the social
worker in ensuring, under normal conditions, the immediate and unimpeded flow to and
from areas of armed conflict, of health personnel and patients, medical supplies and
equipment, foodstuffs and other basic necessities, and relief goods.
Any dispute arising from the restriction of the flow of goods and services shall be
resolved by the POC concerned.
If the POC upholds the temporary restriction of the flow of goods and services,
the POC shall expedite the release of the goods or the rendition of the services upon the
termination of combat operations, provided that in no case shall said temporary
suspension be for a period longer than three (3) days, and provided further, that in no case
shall the restriction lead to the starvation of those inside the combat area.
b. prepare a master list of the families in the affected areas, with a separate list
of children, and a written assessment of their requirements for food, medicine
and other basic needs;
The social worker shall submit a copy of the results of the activities enumerated in
paragraphs a and b above to the Department.
SEC. 10. Evacuation Priority. - Before and upon the outbreak of an armed
conflict, children shall be the first to be rescued, evacuated and given assistance.
In the evacuation of children, the social worker shall, in coordination with the
government forces and the local Disaster Coordinating Council and non-government
organizations, place the children to be evacuated under the care of persons who shall be
responsible for their transfer to an evacuation area/center: Provided, that the separation
of children from their families shall be avoided and if this is not possible, the social
worker shall ensure that at least one parent or relative shall accompany the child in the
evacuation area/center.
SEC. 12. Family Life and Temporary Shelter. - The Department shall establish the
minimum standards for evacuation centers.
SEC. 13. Unaccompanied Children. - The social worker shall identify the children
who have been separated from their parents or guardians during an evacuation. Said
children shall be provided with individual and sustained care in the evacuation center to
minimize stress. The name of the unaccompanied child shall be registered by the head of
the evacuation center or social worker in a record book to be opened and maintained for
said purpose. Whenever practicable, the child shall be photographed and an individual
file shall be made containing all available information about him.
Efforts shall be made to ensure the early reunion of the unaccompanied child with
his parents or guardians.
SEC. 14. Return of Evacuees to their Homes. - The government forces shall allow
the evacuees to return to their homes or to be reunited with their families as soon as
tactical consideration permit.
SEC. 15. Rights of Child Under the Custody of Government Forces. - A child
who is taken into custody by government forces in an area of armed conflict shall be
informed of his constitutional rights and treated humanely. He shall not be subjected to
torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment, or used in a military operation in any
capacity. The government forces shall ensure, the physical safety of the child under its
custody; provide him with food and the necessary medical attention or treatment; and
remove him from the area of armed conflict and transfer him at the earliest possible time
to higher echelons of command/office for proper disposition.
The government forces shall, within twenty-four hours after the child is
transferred to a military camp, inform the parents or guardian of the child and the social
worker or the Department, of the presence of the child in the said camp.
SEC. 16. Transfer of Child to the Philippine National Police. - In case a child is
taken into custody by the Armed Forces of the Philippines, the military commander
concerned shall immediately transfer custody over said child to the nearest station of the
Philippine National Police, preferably to the Child and Youth Relations unit thereof.
Whenever possible, the parents of the child shall be given previous notice of said transfer.
In the proper case, the affidavits/statements of the persons who have personal
knowledge of the childs offense shall be transmitted by the military commander
concerned to the Philippine National Police.
a. arrest/detain the suspect and notify the parents or guardian of the child and
the Commission, the Department or social worker of the detention;
b. refer the case of the child to the nearest public or private agency which
provides free legal assistance; and
c. give the child a thorough physical and mental examination as required under
Article 10 of Presidential Decree No. 603, as amended.
SEC. 18. Place of Detention of Child. - The government forces shall keep the
child who is taken into custody in a detention/jail facility that is separate from adults,
except where the child and his family are accommodated in a family detention unit.
SEC. 19. Visitation Rights of the Child. - The family members, relatives, friends,
legal counsels of the child under custody shall be granted free access to the detention
center where the child is held. Private physicians and other health personnel shall be
given the same access in accordance with existing government guidelines on the matter.
SEC. 21. Visitation of Child. - Upon being informed of the detention/arrest of the
child by the government forces, the Department or the local representative of the
Commission shall immediately visit the child to determine the observance by the
government forces of the human rights of the suspect.
As used herein, the term human rights refers to the rights of children under the
Philippine Constitution, Presidential Decree No. 603, as amended, Republic Act No.
7610, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the United Nations General
Assembly on 10 December 1948, the Declaration of the Rights of the Child, the United
Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, the International Covenant on Economic,
Social and Cultural Rights and the Geneva Convention of 12 August 1949 and the
Protocol Additional to said Geneva Convention Relating to the Protection of Victims on
Non-International Conflicts (Protocol II), relevant laws and government issuances.
SEC. 24. Release of Child on Recognizance. - Within twenty-four (24) hours after
the filing of a criminal complaint/information against the child in court, the legal counsel
of the child, or in his absence, the representative of the Department or Commission may
request the appropriate Court to release the child on recognizance to the representative of
the Department or Commission or to any responsible member of the community who
shall be responsible for the childs appearance in court. The child who is released on
recognizance may be placed with a family, in a government rehabilitation center, or in
accredited welfare agency.
SEC. 25. Suspension of Sentence. - If after hearing, the court finds that the child
committed the acts charged against him, the court shall determine the imposable penalty,
including any civil liability chargeable against him.
SEC. 26. Appeal. - The child whose sentence is suspended can appeal from the
order of the court in the same manner as appeals in criminal cases. He shall be accorded
the rights and privileges enjoyed by a Youth Offender under the provisions of
Presidential Decree No. 603, as amended.