Galarza2015 PDF
Galarza2015 PDF
Galarza2015 PDF
DOI 10.1007/s10327-015-0587-x
Received: 22 September 2014 / Accepted: 9 December 2014 / Published online: 24 March 2015
The Phytopathological Society of Japan and Springer Japan 2015
Abstract Native Trichoderma spp. were isolated from here are potential biocontrol agents against important
agricultural fields in several regions of Ecuador. These pathogens of banana and cacao in Ecuador.
isolates were characterized via morphological observation
as well as molecular phylogenetic analysis based on DNA Keywords Trichoderma spp. Biocontrol Fusarium
sequences of the rDNA internal transcribed spacer region, oxysporum f. sp. cubense Mycosphaerella fijiensis
elongation factor-1a gene and RNA polymerase subunit II Moniliophthora roreri Moniliophthora perniciosa
gene. Fifteen native Trichoderma spp. were identified as T.
harzianum, T. asperellum, T. virens and T. reesei. Some of
these strains showed strong antagonistic activities against Introduction
several important pathogens in Ecuador, such as Fusarium
oxysporum f. sp. cubense (Panama disease) and My- Trichoderma, a cosmopolitan soil-borne fungus that inter-
cosphaerella fijiensis (black Sigatoka) on banana, as well acts with root systems, soil and foliar environment (Hjel-
as Moniliophthora roreri (frosty pod rot) and Monilioph- jord and Tronsmo 1998), is an important biological agent
thora perniciosa (witches broom disease) on cacao. The for controlling plant pathogens. Trichoderma spp. have
isolates also showed inhibitory effects on in vitro colony been reported to control several phytopathogens of diverse
growth tests against Japanese isolates of Fusarium oxys- crops by various mechanisms such as the production of
porum f. sp. lycopersici, Alternaria alternata and Roselli- antifungal metabolites, competition for nutrients and space,
nia necatrix. The native Trichoderma strains characterized mycoparasitism and promoting defense mechanisms
(Hoyos-Carvajal et al. 2008; Woo and Lorito 2007). The
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this mycoparasitism of Trichoderma strains is characterized by
article (doi:10.1007/s10327-015-0587-x) contains supplementary hyphal coiling around host hyphae, haustoria and
material, which is available to authorized users. penetration into host cell walls (Abdullah et al. 2007).
& Motoichiro Kodama
Knowledge of the Trichoderma taxa is important both for control efficiency and environmental conservation when
Trichoderma is introduced as a biocontrol agent into the
The United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences, Tottori rhizosphere of a given ecosystem.
University, 4-101 Koyama-Minami, Tottori 680-8553, Japan
To identify and characterize Trichoderma spp., mor-
Faculty of Agriculture, Tottori University, 4-101 Koyama- phological characteristics should be considered along with
Minami, Tottori 680-8553, Japan
molecular data from DNA sequencing (Samuels 2006). In
Fungus/Mushroom Resource and Research Center, Faculty of addition, a multigene approach using at least two unlinked
Agriculture, Tottori University, 4-101 Koyama-Minami,
loci is desirable for the molecular identification of closely
Tottori 680-8553, Japan
related Trichoderma spp. The internal transcribed spacer
Biotechnology Research Center of Ecuador, Higher
(ITS) region of the ribosomal DNA (rDNA) is one of the
Polytechnic College of the Littoral CIBE-ESPOL, Campus
Gustavo Galindo, Km 30, 5 Perimetral Road, Guayaquil, most reliable targets for identifying a strain at the species
Ecuador level (Kullnig-Gradinger et al. 2002). Genes EF-1a and
202 J Gen Plant Pathol (2015) 81:201210
RPB2, which encode the translation elongation factor 1-a wilt), which is caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp.
and the second largest subunit of RNA polymerase II, re- cubense (Ploetz 2006; Stover 1962). Cacao (Theobroma
spectively, are more variable and can be used to reflect cacao) is grown in many tropical environments (Wood and
differences within and between groups of closely related Lass 2001) and is also an economically important crop in
species (Liu and Hall 2004; Matheny 2005; Zhang et al. Ecuador and other countries. The most prominent diseases
2005). Combined use of these three genes enables the of cultivated cacao include Moniliophthora roreri, which
identification of most Trichoderma spp. at the species level causes frosty pod rot (Bowers el al. 2001; Wood and Lass
(Samuels 2006). TrichOKEY and TrichoBLAST (www. 2001), and Mo. perniciosa, which causes witches broom are convenient online tools for the molecular disease (Aime and Phillips-Mora 2005). These pathogens
identification of Trichoderma strains and are based on se- can cause complete yield loss. Therefore, the control of
quence comparisons of these genes (Druzhinina et al. these diseases is the most important agricultural issue in
2005; Kopchinskiy et al. 2005). However, molecular many countries of South America, Southeast Asia and
identification has also shown a high level of heterogeneity Africa.
at the species level in, e.g., T. harzianum (Chaverri et al. However, chemical controls for these diseases are un-
2003; Hermosa et al. 2000; Samuels et al. 1999). desirable in these areas for economical and environmental
Many Trichoderma species have been used for the reasons. A biocontrol method would be a preferable al-
biological control of a wide range of foliage diseases ternative for controlling these banana and cacao diseases.
(Nelson 1991). The primary species used as biocontrol The search for potential biocontrol agents against
agents are T. harzianum (Sharma et al. 2009), T. viride banana and cacao diseases in Ecuador led to the consid-
(Karthikenyan et al. 2006), T. hamatum (Harman et al. eration of Trichoderma species, which are native to various
1981), T. atroviride (Hjeljord and Tronsmo 2003), T. regions in Ecuador. The use of endogenous and domestic
asperellum (Watanabe et al. 2005) and T. virens microorganisms as biocontrol agents is the most important
(Mukherjee et al. 2006). The control efficiency for each factor in biosafety, environmental conservation and sus-
disease differs between Trichoderma strains and depends tainability in this scenario. The native Trichoderma isolates
on the target disease(s) (Harman et al. 2004). were characterized using both morphological observation
Banana [including plantain (Musa spp.)] is one of the and molecular identification. The antagonistic activity and
most important crops in the world. However, banana pro- mycoparasitism of the isolates were evaluated against
duction in tropical areas has recently faced a crisis due to banana and cacao disease pathogens common to Ecuador.
the outbreak of several diseases, such as black Sigatoka or The antagonistic activity of these isolates against the im-
black leaf streak disease, which is caused by My- portant foliar disease pathogen Alternaria alternata, as
cosphaerella fijiensis, as well as Panama disease (Fusarium well as soil-borne disease pathogens Rosellinia necatrix
J Gen Plant Pathol (2015) 81:201210 203
and F. oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici (from Japan) was also DNA sequencing and phylogenetic analysis
examined for comparison. of Trichoderma spp.
204 J Gen Plant Pathol (2015) 81:201210
J Gen Plant Pathol (2015) 81:201210 205
Fig. 1 Phylogenetic relations of Trichoderma spp. based on neigh- bootstrap sampled data sets supporting the clade to the right of the
bor-joining analysis of the ITS, EF-1a and RPB2 sequences. The branch and with values [50. (A) T. asperellum strains, (B) T.
number above selected branches indicates the percentage of 2000 harzianum strains, (C) T. virens strains and (D) T. reesei strains
study as T. virens (belonging to section Pachybasium (100 %) (Fig. 1). Samuels et al. (2010) described the new
clade Virens) and T. reesei (belonging to section Longi- species T. asperelloides and redescribed the closely re-
brachiatum clade Longibrachiatum) (Table 1). lated species T. yunnanense, T. asperellum and T.
The phylogenetic analysis based on ITS and the EF-1a asperelloides. These species cannot be distinguished by
and RPB2 genes indicated four distinct groups (AD) in their phenotype, biology or biogeography, and 33 % of
the isolates (Fig. 1). The first dominant group (A) was T. the T. asperellum isolates examined were identified to be
asperellum, which forms part of section Trichoderma, the recently described T. asperelloides (Samuels et al.
clade Pachybasium A or Hamatum, with high bootstrap 2010).
206 J Gen Plant Pathol (2015) 81:201210
J Gen Plant Pathol (2015) 81:201210 207
Fig. 3 Mycoparasitism index for strains of Trichoderma spp. against oxysporum f. sp. cubense (Fo-01), (Mf) Mycosphaerella fijiensis
seven pathogenic fungi determined using the scale described in the (Ec-01), (Mr) Moniliophthora roreri (Cp-01), (Mp) Mo. perniciosa
Materials and Methods section. Strains: T. harzianum (T1, T3, T15, (MrEO-1), (Fol) F. oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici (Chz1-A), (Aa)
T19, T20, T36), T. asperellum (T2, T4, T5, T9, T10, T13, T18), T. Alternaria alternata tomato pathotype (As-27), (Rn) Rosellinia
reesei (T29) and T. virens (T43). Pathogens: (Foc) Fusarium necatrix (ES-0601)
showed relatively low mycoparasitism against all pathogens identification of Trichoderma spp. Three different groups,
(Supplementary Fig. 3). T. harzianum, T. viride, and Trichoderma spp., were de-
termined using this method; as previously mentioned by
Lieckfeldt et al. (1999), T. viride and T. asperellum could
Discussion not be separated using this morphology-based method.
The molecular identification of Trichoderma at the
The genus Trichoderma comprises many agriculturally species level was based on a combination of several genes
useful strains that act as biological control agents through (not only a single gene sequence). Three genes [ITS, EF-1a
direct or indirect mechanisms (Lo 1998). When using and RPB2 (Kim et al. 2012)] were selected for the iden-
Trichoderma as a biocontrol agent, native and domestic tification and phylogenetic analysis of the Ecuadorian
strains are desired to prevent the disturbance of native strains. Among these genes, EF-1a has been shown to be
biodiversity and ecosystems. Thus, Trichoderma spp. better for distinguishing Trichoderma spp. because it is
should be carefully identified before application, and suit- more variable than the other genes and reflects species
able strains should be selected to fit the target fields, crops differences within and between groups of closely related
and pathogens. To facilitate this process, we identified and species (Samuels 2006). The sequence data were further
did the phylogenetic analyses of native Trichoderma strains analyzed using several online tools ( such as
for the present study before investigating their antagonistic TrichOKEY and TrichoBLAST (Druzhinina et al. 2005;
activities against important and intractable diseases in Kopchinskiy et al. 2005). The sequencing data of these
banana and cacao in Ecuador. three genes were useful in identifying all strains collected
Taxonomic knowledge on Trichoderma strains is im- from the agricultural soils of several crops as well as cacao
portant for further searches and identification of potential bark in various Ecuadorian provinces (Table 1). Among 15
biocontrol species and to avoid potential risk from intro- native isolates, six isolates, T1, T3, T15, T19, T20 and
ducing an unknown fungal species into the rhizosphere of a T36, were identified as T. harzianum using TrichOKEY
given ecosystem. A combination of morphological and and TrichoBLAST based on sequence homology with
molecular methods is desirable for the reliable and accurate greater than 99 % of the genes tested.
identification of Trichoderma spp. The few morphological T. viride is a paraphyletic group, and an integrated
characteristics with limited variation in Trichoderma spp. morphological/molecular approach has been used to con-
may lead to an overlap and misidentification of the species firm the reclassification of types I and II of T. viride into
(Kullnig-Gradinger et al. 2001). In this study, web-based two species (Samuels et al. 2010). Type I is the true T.
taxonomic keys ( viride species, which also includes the anamorph of H. rufa
keys/FrameKey.cfm?gen=Trichoderma) (Samuels et al. and is grouped together with the strains of T. atroviride and
2014) were used for the preliminary morphological T. koningii. Type II represents the new species T.
208 J Gen Plant Pathol (2015) 81:201210
asperellum (Lieckfeldt et al. 1999; Samuels et al. 1999), inhibition and mycoparasitism against some pathogens. T.
which conidiates more rapidly and produces darker, ovoid virens was reported to inhibit mycelial growth of several
conidia rather than globose conidia. Several isolates in this pathogens such as Rhizoctonia solani and Pythium ultimum
study were initially identified as T. viride via morpho- (Hjeljord and Tronsmo 1998). T. virens T43 showed a high
logical key; these strains were subsequently identified to be PIRGP with mycoparasitism against nearly all pathogens
T. asperellum using molecular analysis. Samuels et al. used in this study. These T. asperellum and T. virens strains
(2010) re-evaluated the taxonomy of T. asperellum using are also useful as candidate strains for field tests. T. reesei
different methods, including the sequence analysis of the T29 exerted only weak antagonistic activities compared
EF-1a and RPB2 genes, and identified several strains as with the other species.
belonging to the new species T. asperelloides. In our study, The antagonism and mycoparasitism of Trichoderma are
we found a correlation of one isolate (T4) with T. not properties belonging to a single species, and different
asperelloides via EF-1a gene analysis. However, all other strains of the same species can vary in their biocontrol
data indicated the isolate would belong to T. asperellum. potential. These biocontrol activities can involve produc-
Further molecular taxonomical analysis would be neces- tion of cell-wall-degrading enzymes such as b-1,3-glu-
sary using additional sequences to identify the isolate. canase, N-acetyl-glucosaminidases (NAGAse), chitinase,
Another isolate was identified as T. reesei (T29) with the acid phosphatase, acid proteases and alginate lyase
sexual state Hypocrea jecorina, section Longibrachiatum (Qualhato et al. 2013). The antagonistic activities can also
clade Longibrachiatum. This species is useful in industry, vary according to the target pathogens, as indicated in this
such as textile and paper manufacturing, due to its high study. Therefore, it is important to select the most effective
cellulose production (Seidl et al. 2008). As a biocontrol and suitable strains in accordance with the target diseases.
agent, T. reesei was reported to exert antifungal activity via In this study, several Ecuadorian strains of T. harzianum,
the production of degrading enzymes, e.g., 32-kDa endo- e.g., T15 and T. asperellum, e.g., T4 showed high an-
chitinase (Harjono and Widyastuti 2001). Another isolate tagonistic activities against important banana and cacao
was identified as T. virens (T43) section Pachybasium pathogens in the country, indicating that they are potential
clade Virens. This species has also been used as a model biocontrol candidates. In addition, these candidate strains
Trichoderma strain for research on biocontrol mechanisms, were isolated from diverse areas and sources.
and the draft genome sequence has recently been identified A thorough understanding of the molecular mechanisms
( Most isolates were of mycoparasitism as well as the development of more
placed in their correct clade using phylogenetic analysis. effective biocontrol methods with rapid and easy screen-
Members of Trichoderma spp., such as T. martiale, have ings are important for the future application of candidate
been reported to be potential biocontrol agents against strains. Using a subtraction hybridization approach,
cacao black pod disease (Hanada et al. 2009). T. oval- Scherm et al. (2009) identified potential marker genes that
isporum is also used for the biocontrol of frosty pod rot of could be used to rapidly screen and assess the biocontrol
cacao in an integral pest management program (Krauss potential of T. harzianum strains. The involvement of cell-
et al. 2010). T. harzianum is a typical species used for the wall-degrading enzymes in the mycoparasitism of T. har-
biocontrol of many diseases including a cacao disease zianum was also studied via the functional analysis of ge-
(Garcia et al. 2012). In banana production, Trichoderma nes that encode enzymes, e.g., ech-42 (Carsolio et al.
spp. have been used for integrated pest management pro- 1994), qid74 (Rosado et al. 2007) and Thctf1 (Rubio et al.
grams in which the fungus is applied some days before 2008).
planting (Perez et al. 2009). T. harzianum and T. asperel- In the present study, several candidate strains were
lum were also used for the biocontrol of banana fruit rot identified to act against important and intractable diseases
pathogens (Adebesin et al. 2009). of banana and cacao in Ecuador. Field tests of the candi-
Among the four Trichoderma species identified in this date strains against F. oxysporum f. sp. cubense (Panama
study, T. harzianum, T. asperellum and T. virens have been disease) and My. fijiensis (black Sigatoka) on banana as
reported to be the most potent biocontrol agents against a well as Mo. roreri (frosty pod rot) and Mo. perniciosa
variety of pathogens (Hjeljord and Tronsmo 1998; Jeger (witches broom disease) on cacao are now underway in
et al. 2009). Similar to the previous studies, several banana and cacao fields in Ecuador.
Ecuadorian T. harzianum isolates showed high antagonistic
activities in growth inhibition and mycoparasitism tests. T. Acknowledgments We thank T. Arie, T. Yasuda and D.
G. Gilchrist for providing the fungal strains. This work was supported
harzianum T15, T19 and T36 showed exceptional activities by the Global COE Program Advanced Utilization of Fungus/
in both criteria, and related isolates could be good candi- Mushroom Resources for Sustainable Society in Harmony with Na-
date strains for further field tests. Several strains of T. ture, MEXT, Japan. We thank the National Secretary of Higher
asperellum, e.g., T4, T5 and T13, also showed high growth Education, Science, Technology and Education of Ecuador and the
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