EPA Region 7 Communities Information Digest: Headlines

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EPA Region 7

Communities Information Digest

June 30, 2017

EPA Region 7s Communities Information Digest provides
communities with the latest news about funding technical
assistance opportunities, webinars, conferences, and other
activities related to human health and the environment.

Webinars and Conference Calls

*EPA Releases Green Infrastructure in Parks: A Guide to Collaboration, Funding, and Community
EPA recently released a document titled Green Infrastructure in Parks: A Playbook for Collaboration,
Funding, and Community Engagement. The playbook is intended to encourage partnerships between park
agencies and stormwater agencies and provide a roadmap for creating them. By building strong
partnerships, agencies can improve park lands and access to parks, better manage stormwater, increase
community resiliency to changing weather patterns, and provide funding to implement and maintain park
enhancements that benefit the community.
The guide is designed to provide a stepwise approach for building relationships with potential partners, and
includes information on how to identify and engage partners, build relationships, involve the community,
leverage funding opportunities, and identify green infrastructure opportunities.

*Exploring the Drivers Affecting Rural Drinking Water Quality

New EPA research examines the complex dynamics of corn production and nitrogen cycling in the U.S.,
and models future intensification of corn production and expansion into new regions.
The study is part of a larger effort to understand how nutrients like nitrogen move through the biosphere and
affect the environment and our health. To address this complex question, EPA scientists developed the One
Biosphere Modeling System. Researchers used the model to predict how nitrate, a common nitrogen-based
fertilizer associated with adverse human health effects, might find its way into groundwater.

*New Smart Growth Resource for Climate Resiliency

Climate change is one of many threats communities are planning for, and strategic choices about land use,
transportation, and infrastructure are helping them do it. Building Resilient States: Profiles in Action, a new
resource from the Governors' Institute on Community Design, looks at some of the nations best examples
of these ideas at work.

*Middle Blue River Urban Waters Ambassador Request for Applications Due August 15
The Urban Waters Federal Partnership Program seeks to accelerate and coordinate projects that are critical
to improving water quality and public health, restoring forest resources and fostering community
stewardship in urban watersheds. A critical component of the Partnership is the Urban Waters
Ambassador. The Urban Waters Ambassador coordinates locally with EPA Region 7 and a local steering
committee to work with state, local and tribal governments, non-governmental organizations and other local
partners/residents to help urban and metropolitan areas connect with their waterways and work to improve

*Departments of Agriculture and Energy Announce Up to $9 Million through the Interagency

Biomass Research and Development Initiative Due September 22
The U.S. Department of Agricultures (USDA) National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA), in
collaboration with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), announced that up to $9 million in funding will be
made available through the Biomass Research and Development Initiative (BRDI) to increase the nations
energy independence by supporting the development of bioenergy feedstocks, biofuels, and biobased

*USDA Seeks Applications for Grants to Repair Housing

USDA is seeking applications for grants to make housing repairs for low- and very-low-income rural
residents. The grants are being provided through USDA Rural Developments Housing Preservation Grant
program. Eligible applicants for Housing Preservation Grants include town or county governments, public
agencies, federally recognized Indian tribes, and nonprofit and faith-based organizations. USDA does not
provide funding directly to homeowners under this program.

*CALL FOR INPUT: Science Breakthroughs 2030

The provisional committee on Science Breakthroughs 2030: A Strategy for Food and Agricultural Research
is asking for you to share your ideas for innovative scientific approaches and research concepts to help
identify compelling future directions for research in food and agriculture. The year-long study will explore
novel scientific approaches suggested by members of the scientific community, with special attention to
those ideas empowered by insights and tools from disciplines of science and engineering not typically
associated with food and agriculture. Based on community input, the study committee will produce a report
describing ambitious and achievable scientific pathways to addressing major problems and creating new
opportunities for the food and agriculture system.

*USDA Helps Expand Rural Broadband Infrastructure in Four States

USDA recently announced they are awarding four loans to help provide broadband service in rural portions
of California, Illinois, Iowa and Texas. The $43.6 million announced today will add nearly 1,000 miles of fiber
to fund broadband service. In Iowa, the Coon Valley Cooperative Telephone Association will use a $6.5
million loan to construct 216 miles of fiber to improve access to advanced telecommunications services.
USDA is providing these loans through Rural Developments Telecommunications Program.

*NEW INTERACTIVE TOOL: Understanding Approaches for Carbon Dioxide Removal and
The project website for the study on Developing a Research Agenda for Carbon Dioxide Removal and
Reliable Sequestration now provides a high level overview of various approaches, as well as associated
estimates for cost and rate of capture and/or sequestration. Check out the interactive tool here.

*DOE Seeking Information on Clean Water Processing Tech, Including Desalination

A new request for information from the Energy Departments Advanced Manufacturing Office is seeking
information about clean water processing technologies, like solar thermal applications for desalination, with
the potential for early-stage research. Learn more and send your feedback to
AMOCleanWater@ee.doe.gov no later than 5:00 p.m. (ET) on July 28.
*Solar Career Map
As solar energy continues to grow in the United States, so do the number of job opportunities within the
solar industry. The Solar Career Map explores an expanding universe of solar-energy occupations,
describing diverse jobs across the industry, charting possible progression between them, and identifying the
sorts of credentials necessary to do them well.

*Energy Department Announces $15.8 Million Investment for Innovation in Hydrogen and Fuel Cell
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced approximately $15.8 million for 30 new projects aimed at
discovery and development of novel, low-cost materials necessary for hydrogen production and storage and
for fuel cells onboard light-duty vehicles. Selected projects will leverage national lab consortia launched
under DOE's Energy Materials Network (EMN) this past year, in support of DOE's materials research and
advanced manufacturing priorities.

*The Best Complete Streets Policies of 2016

As of the end of 2016, more than 1,000 jurisdictions in the United States have made formal commitments to
streets that are safe and convenient for everyone no matter their age, income, race, ethnicity, physical
ability, or how they choose to travel by passing a complete streets policy, according to a new report
issued by Smart Growth America and the National Complete Streets Coalition. Communities adopted a total
of 222 new complete streets policies that year. Nationwide, a total of 1,232 policies are now in place, in all
50 states, Puerto Rico, and the District of Columbia, including 33 state governments, 77 regional planning
organizations, and 955 individual municipalities.

*Energy Department Announces Nearly $32 Million for Innovative Small Businesses Focused on
Clean Energy Technologies
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has announced nearly $32 million in funding for small business-led
projects to further develop clean energy technologies that have a strong potential for commercialization and
job creation. These 32 awards will help small businesses advance their promising concepts that improve
manufacturing processes, boost the efficiency of buildings, increase transportation sustainability, and
generate electricity from renewable sources.

*USDA Announces Farm to School Grant Awards; Projects Nationwide Chosen

The U.S. Department of Agriculture recently announced the projects selected to receive the USDAs annual
farm to school grants designed to increase the amount of local foods served in schools. Sixty-five projects
were chosen nationwide. According to the 2015 USDA Farm to School Census, schools with strong farm to
school programs report higher school meal participation, reduced food waste, and increased willingness of
the students to try new foods, such as fruits and vegetables. In addition, in school year 2013-2014 alone,
schools purchased more than $789 million in local food from farmers, ranchers, fishermen, and food
processors and manufacturers.

*Energy Department Announces $3 Million for High Performance Computing to Advance Clean
Energy Manufacturing
The Energy Department announced up to $3 million in available support for manufacturers to use
supercomputers at the department's national laboratories to tackle major manufacturing challenges. The
High Performance Computing for Manufacturing (HPC4Mfg) Program enables the use of high performance
computing (HPC) expertise and resources for the manufacturing sector to address research and
development challenges with HPC and investigate its use to support advanced energy and manufacturing

*13 Small Solar Businesses to Receive Awards for Research Projects

The Energy Department recently announced 13 solar companies will receive awards to conduct research
through the Small Business Innovation Research and Small Business Technology Transfer (SBIR/STTR)
programs. These programs encourage U.S.-based small businesses to engage in high-risk, innovative
research and technology development with the potential for future commercialization.

*USDA Announces $20 Million for Jobs for Young People, Veterans
USDA and partners committed $20 million in 21st Century Conservation Service Corps partnership
agreements to provide 4,000 work opportunities for youth, young adults and veterans up to 35 years old, a
move that will help the U.S. Forest Service accomplish mission-critical infrastructure and landscape
restoration projects on the ground.

Wildland Fire Sensors Challenge Due November 22

Do you have ideas on new air pollution measurement strategies for wildfire events? Six federal agencies
have announced a Wildland Fire Sensors Challenge seeking an accurate, lower-cost, and low-maintenance
air quality monitoring system that can be used during a wildfire or controlled fire. The data provided by the
sensor system will help federal, state, local and tribal agencies protect the health of first responders and
communities affected by the smoke. Developers are encouraged to submit a prototype sensor system that
measures fine particulate matter (PM2.5), carbon monoxide (CO), ozone (O3) and carbon dioxide (CO2).

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Funding/Technical Assistance Opportunities & Due Dates

EPA FY 2017 Clean Diesel Funding Assistance Program for projects that achieve significant reductions
in diesel emissions in terms of tons of pollution produced by diesel engines and diesel emissions exposure,
particularly from fleets operating at or servicing goods movement facilities located in areas designated as
having poor air quality. Projects can include solutions from vehicle aerodynamic technologies and other fuel
efficiency measures. Due July 5

*North American Wetlands Conservation Act Grants provides matching grants to wetlands conservation
projects in the United States, Canada, and Mexico to increase bird populations and wetland habitat, while
supporting local economies and American traditions such as hunting and fishing. Due July 14

*USDA Rural Development Housing Preservation Grant program provides qualified public agencies,
private nonprofit organizations, which may include but not be limited to Faith-Based and Community
Organizations, and other eligible entities grant funds to assist very low- and low-income homeowners in
repairing and rehabilitating their homes in rural areas. Due July 17

EPA FY 2017 Clean Diesel Funding Assistance Program for projects that achieve significant reductions
in diesel emissions in terms of tons of pollution produced by diesel engines and diesel emissions exposure,
particularly from fleets operating at or servicing goods movement facilities located in areas designated as
having poor air quality. Due July 20

*People for Bikes Fall 2017 Community Grant Program supports bicycle infrastructure projects and
targeted advocacy initiatives that make it easier and safer for people of all ages and abilities to ride. Due
July 21

USDA Community Facilities Technical Assistance and Training Grant Program helps rural
communities develop their applications for Community Facilities loans and grants. Communities can use the
grants to hire specialized personnel, pay for feasibility studies, retain consultants to prepare financial
assistance applications and identify and plan for long-term community facilities needs. Due July 24

USDA Community Development Grants will provide technical assistance and training to help nonprofit
organizations and communities develop their capacity to undertake housing, community facilities or
economic development projects. Due July 25

*Partners for Places is a matching grant program for cities and counties in the United States and Canada
to improve communities by building partnerships between local government sustainability offices and place-
based foundations. Due July 31

Rural Impact County Challenge Community Coaching seeks to highlight and support counties making a
real difference in the lives of children in rural communities. Up to 10 county teams will be selected to receive
assistance from a Roadmaps to Health Community Coach from the County Health Rankings & Roadmaps
Program. Due August 26

FWS Tribal Wildlife Grants Program funding to provide assistance to tribal governments in programs that
benefit wildlife and habitat of tribal cultural or traditional importance, including species that are not hunted or
fished. Due September 1

Ongoing Opportunities
USDA Food Insecurity Nutrition Incentive Program Grants

POWER (Partnerships for Opportunity and Workforce and Economic Revitalization) Grants
Applications accepted on a rolling basis
Tribal Climate Change Funding Guide Regularly updated grants and programs
EDA Public Works and Economic Adjustment Assistance Program
USDA Agricultural Conservation Easement Program Local USDA Service Center
American Planning Association Community Planning Assistance Teams
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Native Youth Community Adaptation and Leadership Congress July 9-15, Shepherdstown, WV
*Flolo Farms Field Day July 10, West Union, IA

National Environmental Health Association (NEHA) 2017 Annual Educational Conference &
Exhibition July 10-13, Grand Rapids, MI

Intersolar North America July 11-13, San Francisco, CA

Missouri Brownfields Conference July 17, Osage Beach, MO

Earth Educators Rendezvous July 17-21, Albuquerque, NM
SunShot National Laboratory Multiyear Partnership Workshop July 21,Lemont, IL
*THE CHANGING FACE OF ENGAGEMENT Workshop: Reaching the 21st Century Forest &
Rangeland Client, July 25-27, Manhattan, Kansas

Grid Evolution Summit July 25-27, Washington, DC

Greater, Greener 2017: Parks Connecting Cities, Cultures and Generations July 29-August 2,
Minneapolis and St. Paul, MN
Soil and Water Conservation Society Annual Conference July 30-August 2, Madison, WI

Atmospheric Chemistry Gordon Research Conference: Addressing the Complexity of Our

Atmosphere Through Integration Across Scales July 30-August 4, Newry, ME

*2017 KS Environmental Conference August 8-10, Topeka, KS

*Missouri Recycling Association Conference August 9-11, Osage Beach, MO
Tribal Lands and Environment Forum (TLEF) August 14-17, Tulsa, OK

2017 International Emissions Inventory Conference (EIC): Applying Science and Streamlining
Processes to Improve Inventories August 14-18, Baltimore, MD
California Resource Recovery Association (CRRA) 2017 Conference August 20-23, San Diego, CA
American Chemical Society National Meeting August 20-24, Washington, DC
*Grassroots Grazing in Northeast Iowa Delaware County, June 28; Dubuque County, August 29;
Fayette County, September 13; and Garber, November 15.
*Midwest Food Recovery Summit September 6-8, Des Moines, IA
*National Recreation and Park Association Annual Conference September 26-28, New Orleans, LA
Southeast Greenways & Trails Summit October 1-3, Durham, NC
*Iowa Recycling Association Conference October 2-4, Coralville, IA
2017 Growing Sustainable Communities Conference October 3-4, Dubuque, IA
*2017 EcoDistricts Summit October 10-11

International Society of Exposure Science (ISES) 2017 Annual Meeting: Integrating Exposure
Science Across Diverse Communities October 15-19, Research Triangle Park, NC

American Association for Aerosol Research (AAAR) Annual Conference October 16-20,
Raleigh, NC

NADP Annual Meeting and Scientific Symposium October 30-November 3, San Diego, CA

American Public Health Association (APHA) Annual Meeting November 4-8, Atlanta, GA

Governors Conference on the Future of Water November 8-9, Manhattan, KS

Sigma Xi Symposium on Atmospheric Chemistry, Climate, and Health and Annual Student
Research Conference November 10-11, Raleigh, NC
2017 National Brownfields Training Conference December 5-7, Pittsburgh, PA
*2018 No-till on the Plains Winter Conference January 30-31, 2018, Wichita, KS
*Instream Flow Council April 24-26, 2018 Fort Collins, CO

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Webinars and Conference Calls

*EPA National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) Webinar August 30, 1:00-2:30 p.m.(EST)
The U.S. Environmental Protection agency (EPA) is hosting a webinar on the National Ambient Air Quality
Standards (NAAQS) for communities. This webinar will discuss how to attain & maintain the NAAQS and
what role the community can play in the implementation process. Participant Dial-in Number: (800) 309-
5450, Conference ID: 30986885.

*Webinar: Soil Health Challenges of High Disturbance Crops July 11, 2:00 p.m. (EDT)
In stark contrast to the soil health principle of minimizing soil disturbance, certain crops, such as potatoes,
sugar beets, and peanuts, require a lot of soil disturbance during harvest, leaving these soils in a degraded
state. This webinar focuses on how innovative farmers overcome the impact of disturbance activities by
adopting the ecological concepts outlined in NRCS' soil health principles.

Webinar Series: Creating Sustainability and Climate Action Plans for Your Organization July 11-13,
12:00 p.m. (CST)
Sustainable City Network will present an online training course for any personnel who are responsible for
developing sustainability plans, greenhouse gas emission inventories, climate action plans or any sustainability
strategy for a community, business or institution. This course will be presented in three 2-hour sessions held on
consecutive days, July 11, 12 and 13, 2017. This course will focus on the implementation and strategic thinking
that is required to implement a Sustainability Plan.

*Overview of Updates to the Green e Energy National Standard July 12, 11:00 a.m. (PT)
Green-e just released an update to the Green-e Energy National Standard, version 3.1. This is the second
major update to the Standard since December 2016. Join Green-e staff in a free webinar to review these recent
updates. This webinar is relevant to anyone participating in Green-e Energy, including generators, sellers,
electricity service providers, brokers, and large purchasers.

*EPAs Water Quality Modeling Webinar: Introduction to WASP July 12, 1:00 p.m. (EST)
This webinar will introduce the Water Quality Analysis Simulation Program (WASP) water quality model. This
watershed modeling application is intended for use by citizens, conservation practitioners, municipal decision-
makers, educators, students, and others. WASP enables users to interpret and predict water quality responses
to natural phenomena and manmade pollution for various pollution management decisions. The Webcast will
provide background on the tool, will demonstrate the tool, and will highlight how this tool is being used by
several states and others for their TMDL, nonpoint source, and municipal stormwater programs.

EPA Webinar: Seeking Savings Indoors and Outdoors with EPA WaterSense July 12, 1:00 p.m. (EDT)
Join EPA to learn about water use profiles of typical commercial facilities and areas where water is often
wasted. Find out about free WaterSense tools and resources available to help facility managers and building
owners identify potential water savings including water-efficient products and practices to save water during the
operation and maintenance, renovation, and construction of commercial buildings. Come away with tips and
project ideas to proactively manage water use and maximize building performance with water, energy, and cost

*Webinar: USDA Rural Community Development Initiative- Listen, Learn & Improve You RCDI
Application July 14, 1:00 p.m. (EST)
The Rural Community Development Initiative was created to help non-profit housing and community
development organizations support community and economic development in rural areas. This grant program
provides up to $250,000 in funding to public bodies, nonprofit organizations, and federally recognized Tribes.
This years allocation of RCDI grants is now open for applications, and CDFA is here to help you through the
process before the July 25th deadline.

*Webinar on New Publication-Climate Change Mitigation & Adaptation: Using the STAR Community
Rating System to prioritize planning and make decisions July 20, 2:00 p.m. (EST)
STARs Climate Change Guide provides step-by-step guidance, checklists, messaging support, and links to
numerous other climate resources for communities working in the climate change space. Communities can use
the Climate Change Guide to support new climate action planning, expand existing efforts, implement climate
pledges, and advocate for new efforts. Join the webinar on Thursday, July 20th, at 2:00 p.m. (EST) to discuss
the newly released Climate Change Guide and recent efforts to move climate action forward.

EPA Webinar: Just Add EPA WaterSense to Your Energy Efficiency Efforts September 13, 1:00 p.m.
If youre just focusing on energy, you may be leaving money on the table. Join EPA to learn how to incorporate
water into your energy management activities by assessing your facilitys water use and identifying areas of
water waste. Find out what it takes to make your building more water-efficient from simple, low-cost changes to
larger-scale improvements and how WaterSense tools can help you start maximizing your savings and building

EPA WaterSense Sanitary Fixtures and Equipment Webinars October 11, 1:00 p.m. (EDT)
Water use in restrooms and laundries can account for nearly 50 percent of water use within a facility. Join EPA
to learn about water-efficient operations and maintenance practices and retrofit and replacements options that
can help reduce water and energy use in public and private bathrooms and commercial laundries. Find out how
using WaterSense labeled and ENERGY STAR qualified products in these areas can significantly reduce your
facility operating costs.

EPA WaterSense Wednesday Showcase Webinar November 8, 1:00 p.m. (EST)

Join EPA to hear a case study from an ENERGY STAR partner who has had success in reducing water use.
The speaker will share their journey of benchmarking water use and roadblocks they overcame along their
journey to conserve water. Find out how to implement best practices for water management in your
sustainability plan to save both water and energy.

On-Going and On-Demand Webinars

Leveraging Resources for Brownfields Revitalization Webinar
This webinar discusses available tools to assist communities in leveraging resources to address community
revitalization goals and challenges, including a presentation on Dubuques, Iowa, efforts to leverage its own
resources to attract other federal, state, public and private sources of funding and technical assistance.

EPA Computer Training Helps Water and Wastewater Utilities Build Resilience
The training covers several topics including: identifying and funding potential hazard mitigation projects,
developing and updating an Emergency Response Plan, coordinating mutual aid and assistance during
emergencies, conducting damage assessments, and many more.

EPA Sensible Steps to Healthier School Environments 10-Part Webinar Series

Student Curriculum: Recipes for Healthy Kids, and a Healthy Environment. Each 45-minute lesson empowers
kids to take steps in their everyday lives to improve the environment for their communities and reduce their
environmental risk.

LeanPath presents: Five Food Waste Myths to Debunk Now!

This webinar will explore five myths about food waste and the facts you need to debunk them in your kitchen.

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This digest is being provided by EPA Region 7 for informational purposes only.
This digest contains links to information, agencies, sites, and organizations outside of the EPA website.
EPA is not responsible for third party links. EPA does not endorse third party organizations or agencies.

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