Experimental and Numerical Investigations of Low-Density Nozzle and Plume Flows of Nitrogen
Experimental and Numerical Investigations of Low-Density Nozzle and Plume Flows of Nitrogen
Experimental and Numerical Investigations of Low-Density Nozzle and Plume Flows of Nitrogen
Experimental and numerical investigations are performed and compared for the flow of nitrogen in a small
nozzle and in the near field of the plume resulting from expansion into near-vacuum conditions. The experimen-
tal data obtained were in the form of pressure measurements using a pitot tube, in the nozzle-exit plane and near
field of the plume. Since the flow regimes vary from continuum, at the nozzle throat, to rarefied, in the plume,
two different numerical studies are undertaken: the first employs a continuum approach in solving the
Navier-Stokes equations, and the second employs a stochastic particle approach through the use of the direct
simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method. Comparison of the experimental data and the numerical results at the
nozzle exit reveals that the DSMC technique provides the more accurate description of the expanding flow. It
is discovered that the DSMC solutions are quite sensitive to the model employed to simulate the interaction
between the gas and the nozzle-wall surface. It is concluded that the simple fully diffuse model is quite
satisfactory for the present application. The study provides the strongest evidence to date that the DSMC
technique predicts accurately the flow characteristics of low-density expanding flows.
Nomenclature thrust level of these engines is usually quite small, and it was
De = diameter at nozzle exit thought previously that they presented few problems of inte-
Dp = diameter of probe gration with the spacecraft. However, as discussed by Dettleff1
Dt = diameter at nozzle throat in his excellent review, such rockets may cause a number of
Mx - Mach number ahead of a shock deleterious effects which reduce significantly the operational
Px = static pressure ahead of a shock lifetime of a spacecraft. Although the firing times of the
P0 = total pressure thrusters are usually only a few seconds, it must be remem-
Poy = total pressure behind a shock bered that they are fired repeatedly for a number of years.
Px = static pressure ahead of a shock This may lead to the gradual accumulation of contamination
Rep - probe Reynolds number from the plume on sensitive surfaces such as solar arrays. In
T0 - total temperature addition, the plume can cause heating or electrical charging of
rref = reference temperature the spacecraft, which can alter the thermal balance and dam-
Tw = temperature of nozzle wall age scientific instruments. Thrust loss and disturbance torques
Tx = static temperature ahead of a shock are also unwanted effects which can result from the firing of
Ty = static temperature behind a shock the control thrusters. The magnitude of these effects is very
U0 = thermal velocity at total temperature much dependent on both the thruster design and the satellite
t/oo = freestream velocity configuration.
7 = ratio of specific heats The assessment of the interaction between the spacecraft
jLtref = viscosity given by reference temperature and the plume requires an accurate description of the expand-
Hy = viscosity given by temperature behind a shock ing flowfield. Therefore, a research program has been estab-
a? = viscosity temperature exponent lished with the objective of advancing the theoretical predic-
Poo = freestream density tions of small rocket expansions through comparison with
experimental data. The major phenomena to be investigated
include the flowfield of low-Reynolds-number nozzles, the
Introduction resultant plume flowfields and impacts, and the ambient envi-
ronment effects which arise during testing in ground-based
F OR the control of satellites and large space structures in
orbit, a number of propulsive devices are often used. The facilities. The approach adopted is to develop and compare
various theoretical and numerical techniques used in predic-
Received Sept. 16, 1991; revision received Jan. 28, 1992; accepted tions and to obtain accurate experimental data for code devel-
for publication Feb. 6, 1992. Copyright 1992 by the American opment and verification. Although the program encompasses
Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. No copyright is as- all low-thrust propulsion concepts, including the neutral flows
serted in the United States under Title 17, U.S. Code. The U.S. of resistojets, the plasma flows of arcjet thrusters, and small
Government has a royalty-free license to exercise all rights under the chemical rockets, the initial emphasis is directed toward an
copyright claimed herein for Governmental purposes. All other rights
are reserved by the copyright owner.
understanding of the nozzle and plume flows of resistojets.
* Research Scientist, mailing address: NASA Ames Research Cen- The purpose of the present study is to compare recently
ter, MS 230-2, Moffett Field, CA 94035 acquired experimental data with predictions obtained using
tAerospace Engineer. Member AIAA. numerical methods. The region of study is the nozzle flow,
jGraduate Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering. and the near-field expansion of the plume. The gas employed
Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering. Member AIAA. is nitrogen due to its simple diatomic structure. The aim is to
scribed) that simulated a thruster as shown schematically in and rotational movements. The range of travel was 24 mm in
Fig. 3. Two heat-exchanger assemblies of different design the radial direction (R), 36 mm in the axial direction (Z), and
were used in the tests and are illustrated in Figs. 3a and 3b. A 360 deg in rotation (0). The tables were positioned manually
traversing mechanism was used to survey the plume with a through mechanical links between the rotary handles on each
pressure probe. table and handles outside the vacuum chamber. Position of
In the design illustrated in Fig. 3a, and denoted as configu- traverse was monitored by linear-variable-differential trans-
ration 1, the nitrogen was heated in a 3.2-mm-diam tube that formers (LVDTs) mounted on each of the tables. Output
was coiled around a cartridge heater of diameter 15.9 mm. In signals from the LVDTs were read on a digital voltmeter.
the design illustrated in Fig. 3b, and denoted as configuration A pitot tube of 1.02 mm o.d. and 0.15-mm wall thickness
2, the nitrogen was heated in an annular area comprised of a was used to measure pressure and flow angle in the nozzle
12.7-mm-diam cartridge heater contained in a tube of 17.3 plume. The probe had a 30-deg chamfer on the internal diame-
mm i.d. The heater for configuration 2 had a lower power ter at the tip to form a sharp lip at the leading edge. The pitot
density and lower surface temperature than that of configura- tube was attached directly to a capacitance manometer having
tion 1, but the heat exchangers produced the same gas temper- a range of 0-1.33 kPa and a listed manufacturer's accuracy of
ature. The design of configuration 2 produced nozzle-wall 0.1% of full scale to measure the pressure. The manometer
temperatures about 40 K lower than configuration 1 as listed was mounted directly on the rotary table. The pitot tube was
in Table 2. The heat exchanger on the apparatus was changed bent in a U-shape so that the tip was located on the axis of the
from the design of configuration 1 to the design of configura- rotary table as shown schematically in Fig. 3b.
tion 2 to lengthen the operational life of the heating element. Temperatures of the nozzle wall were measured by two
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For both configurations, the pressure and temperature of chromel-alumel thermocouples that were tack-welded to the
the flow were measured upstream of the nozzle in a 22.1-mm- outer wall surface. As shown in Fig. 1, a thermocouple was
diam plenum. The measurements were effectively nozzle-inlet located about midway between the nozzle throat and exit
stagnation conditions as the ratio of area at the measurement plane r wl , and another at the exit plane Tw2.
station to the throat area was about 48:1. The pressure was
measured with a capacitance-manometer transducer having a Test Procedure
range of 0-13.3 kPa. Temperature was measured with a half The test section containing the experimental apparatus was
shielded, chromel-alumel thermocouple where the hot junc- first evacuated without gas flow to establish zero settings for
tion was located at the centerline of the measurement station. the capacitance manometers. The vacuum pressure without
The thermocouple was connected to a digital voltmeter with flow was about 10 ~ 4 Pa which served as the zero-reference
self-contained, cold-junction compensation. The flow of ni- pressure. The flowmeter was zeroed while containing nitrogen
trogen was measured with a transducer of the type that relates at the accumulator supply pressure. After the instruments
thermal changes in a capillary tube to volumnetric flowrate. A were zeroed, flow was established in the apparatus and main-
schematic of the flow system is shown in Fig. 2. tained by the flow controller. Simultaneously, 70 V at about
Although the nozzles for each configuration were machined 0.9 A was applied to the cartridge heater and time allowed for
from the same specifications, the plenum pressures differed the system to equilibrate at a nozzle-inlet temperature of 700
slightly for equivalent flowrates and gas temperatures (see K.
Table 2). For a flowrate of 6.8 x 10 ~ 5 kg/s and a gas temper- After the system reached steady state, pressure scans were
ature of 700 K, configuration 1 had a plenum pressure of 6400 made by moving the pitot probe to a given location and then
Pa which was slightly higher than the 6210 Pa of configuration rotating the probe to determine the point of maximum pres-
2. The difference in plenum pressures implied a difference in sure. Following Bailey,5 the maximum pressure was taken as
the throat diameters of about 1 % with the throat diameter of the pitot pressure reading for the particular location. The
configuration 2 being the larger of the two. angle 6 through which the probe was rotated to obtain the
The experimental apparatus was designed specifically for maximum pressure was taken as the flow-angle reading. A
making measurements in an expanding flow by use of a typical rotary scan, in this case at the exit plane (Z/De = Q)
traversing mechanism. The mechanism consisted of a rotary- and a radial position, R/De = 0.38, is shown in Fig. 4. The
traverse table mounted atop two linear-traverse tables, with flow angles were measured with respect to the nozzle axis. The
travel axes mutually perpendicular to provide radial, axial, error in the pressure measurement was estimated to be 5 Pa,
and in the flow angle, 2 deg.
Cartridge Heatei
Radiation TQ
Shielding (Shielded
1.02 mm O.D.
with 30 Chamfer"^
Cartridge Heater
Comparisons of vertical and horizontal scans of pressure forms of the constitutive relations for viscous stress and heat
across the nozzle diameter indicated that the flow was sym- transfer. This problem has received detailed investigation in a
metrical within experimental error. All reported pressure scans study relating to the problem of the normal shock wave.12 It
were made in the horizontal plane starting at the nozzle center- has been shown that solutions of shock waves obtained with
line (R/De =0) and extending outward radially. the Navier-Stokes equations give much poorer correspondence
to experimental data than computations performed with the
Numerical Investigations DSMC technique, or with the Burnett equations (a higher-or-
Previous numerical investigations of expanding flowfields der extension of the Navier-Stokes equations). Although Ref.
under rarefied conditions include those of Boyd and Stark,2'3 3 makes direct comparison between DSMC results and a solu-
Campbell,8 and Nelson and Doo.9 Each of the studies em- tion of the Euler equations (using the method of characteris-
ployed the DSMC technique, and Refs. 2, 3, and 9 also consid- tics) for an expanding gas under rarefied flow conditions, no
ered continuum methods, but all were unsatisfactory in differ- such study has been performed previously to investigate the
ent ways. For the different cases, the high computational time effect of the failure of the Navier-Stokes equations. This was
requirements of DSMC resulted in the analysis of only a small one of the primary aims of the present study.
part of the expansion, in the analysis of an unrealistic thruster
configuration, or in the use of numerical parameters that DSMC Computations
called into question the validity of the computations. As will The DSMC method13 is now a familiar tool employed in the
be discussed in the following sections, the present investiga- numerical modeling of flows involving rarefied gases. It has
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tion has the advantage of using a numerically efficient DSMC been applied to expanding flows in a number of studies,
code which permits the computation of a real nozzle and although almost none of these have made direct comparison
plume flow without violating numerical restrictions. Another with experimental data. The present study therefore makes an
important aspect of the study is the availability of a contin- important contribution in that numerical and experimental
uum code which is discussed next. studies of an expanding flow have been performed simulta-
neously. The DSMC code employed in the present work is
Continuum Computations effectively structured for optimum use on vector supercom-
The continuum computation of the flow was made with the puters, and has been described in detail previously.14 The flow
numerical code termed the viscous nozzle analysis program is modeled axisymmetrically in two dimensions using the pro-
(VNAP2) that was originally developed for laminar, viscous cedures described in Chapter 9 of Ref. 13.
nozzle flow.10 It was later modified to allow computation of The code has been configured specifically to compute the
both internal and external flows, and, with the inclusion of flow in the nozzle, in the plume forward of the nozzle, and in
turbulence models, validated at higher Reynolds number.11 a small portion of the backflow. This region has been designed
The code solves the Navier-Stokes equations for a compress- to include a larger area than that investigated experimentally,
ible fluid in time-dependent, nonconservative form by the and to ensure that all flow contributing to that region has been
explicit, two-step MacCormack method which gives second- included. It is not, however, the purpose of this study to
order accuracy in space. With this scheme, the equations are provide a definitive computation of the backflow region. This
marched in space and iterated in time from a specified initial would be performed in a more numerically efficient way by
flowfield to a steady-state solution. For this problem, given starting a fresh computation at the nozzle-exit plane, using the
the relatively low Reynolds number, laminar flow was as- macroscopic results from the present study. This is proposed
sumed. as a topic worthy of future investigation. The computational
The code produces a body-fitted, nonorthogonal grid in domain extends to an axial distance of about 40 mm from the
physical coordinates that, by transformation, is rectangular in nozzle-exit plane, and to a radial distance of 50 mm. A com-
computational space. For the problem in this study, 31 radial putational grid of 760 x 50 nonuniform cells was required to
and 51 axial grid lines were specified. Furthermore, the grid meet the restriction of a cell length of one local mean-free path
was clustered in the nozzle throat and near the nozzle wall to in the flow direction. The DSMC computations are started at
capture adequately the steep gradients of the flow variables in a point just after the nozzle throat using the input of macro-
those regions. scopic properties from the continuum solution. Several differ-
The computation was started in the upstream, subsonic ent gas/surface interaction models have been considered in-
portion of the nozzle. The inflow conditions included specifi- cluding specular reflection, diffuse reflection, varying
cation of total pressure and temperature, and zero radial fractions of these two extremes, and the Cercignani-Lampis
velocity. The subsonic inflow boundary employed the method model implemented in DSMC by Lord.15 This model offers
of characteristics such that the axial velocity was determined separate accommodation coefficients for the reflection of the
from interior, downstream points, and evolved with the solu- normal and tangential velocity components, and would there-
tion from an initial profile. fore appear to offer greater versatility than combinations of
The stream pressure at the outflow surface in the subsonic the diffuse and specular models. For nitrogen, the rotational
portion of the flow was extrapolated rather than specified as is energy exchange model of Boyd16 was employed which in
normally done with the code. This scheme gave relatively essence varies the rotational collision number with tempera-
smooth profiles of properties in the vicinity of the wall at the ture. The exchange of vibrational energy is assumed frozen
exit plane, but did, in effect, impose an ambient pressure on due to the low temperatures encountered in the flowfield.
the flow. In cases where the subsonic exit-plane pressure was The limitations of the DSMC technique applied under the
explicitly fixed, the computed properties exhibited a disconti- present conditions are more of a computational nature, and
nuity across the sonic line where the flow decelerates from quite different from the physical difficulties experienced by
supersonic to subsonic in the plane normal to the wall. the Navier-Stokes equations. The numerical cost of DSMC
The code was iterated for 20,000 timesteps from an initial computations is linearly proportional to the density of the
condition corresponding to one-dimensional, isentropic flow. flow. This is because the size of a computational cell should be
Convergence of the scheme was not monitored as such, but scaled with the mean-free path, which is, of course, itself
conservation of mass was checked and used as a guide. At scaled inversely with the density. Therefore, a high-density
20,000 timesteps the mass flow was fairly consistent through- flowfield requires a large number of computational cells. This
out the nozzle. In the diverging section, it was within 1% of means that more particles must be simulated, and conse-
the value specified by the inlet conditions, and in the converg- quently more collisions computed. The computations of the
ing section, within 29/o. nozzle flow are quite expensive for the DSMC code because
It is well established that the Navier-Stokes equations break the conditions near the nozzle throat are those of a relatively
down at high Knudsen numbers due to the failure of the linear high-density, continuum regime. This computation represents
one of the most numerically intensive simulations undertaken This procedure was performed for each of the two different
with the DSMC technique. Reasonable computational execu- experimental configurations. The DSMC code has a numerical
tion times have been achieved through the vectorization of efficiency of l . l x l O " 6 CPU s/timestep/particle, and the
many parts of the algorithm for efficient performance on a computation required 3 CPU h on the Cray Y/MP. The
Cray-Y/MP supercomputer. execution time for the continuum code was 0.8 CPU h.
The first comparison of the two numerical solutions is made
Calculation of Pitot Pressure in Fig. 5 in which the velocity profiles close to the nozzle
throat are shown. Radial distance R and the velocity U have
To compare the numerical solutions with experimental data, been normalized by the throat diameter Dt and the thermal
pitot pressures were first calculated from the numerical results velocity in the stagnation chamber U0. Excellent agreement is
using the computed state variables. The calculated pitot pres- obtained for the two profiles, verifying that the continuum
sure can be viewed as the pressure that would be measured if and DSMC solutions are in agreement in the continuum-flow
a pitot tube were inserted into the stream computed by the regime near the nozzle throat.
numerical codes. Since the flow was both supersonic and
Significant differences were, however, observed in the two
rarefied, the calculation involved a two-step process: numerical solutions further downstream in the nozzle. In Fig.
1) The pressure ratio across a normal shock was calculated
6, the velocity profiles computed by the two methods are
with the Rayleigh pitot tube equation (c.f. Ref. 17, p. 154)
compared at the nozzle exit plane (the radial distance is here-
represented by the functional relation: after normalized by the nozzle exit diameter De). The velocity
predicted by DSMC is always greater than the continuum
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*P om '/P
* oy
Rep = (3)
Fig. 1 Comparison of computed temperature profiles in the nozzle- correspondence to the experimental data. The continuum so-
exit plane for configuration 1. lution predicts higher pitot pressures in the isentropic core of
the expansion, and then lower pressures in the thick, laminar
boundary layer. The DSMC solution employing specular wall
400 reflection essentially provides a nonviscous Euler solution
with no boundary layer. The sensitivity of the exit-plane pro-
file to the surface model is readily seen by comparison of the
tours of Mach number (lower portion) and flow angle (upper R/De
portion) are shown. The Mach number contours reveal that Fig. 10 Comparison of computed (DSMC and continuum) and mea-
the sonic line intersects the nozzle lip, as observed previously sured pitot pressure profiles for configuration 1 in the nozzle-exit
by Bird.21 Although not shown here, comparison with the plane at Z = 0 mm.
condition. A computation in Ref. 13 (p. 188) proposes that the
translational temperature is lower than the continuum temper- Fig. 13 Comparison of computed (DSMC) and measured pitot pres-
ature, and the rotational temperature higher, for a one-dimen- sure profiles for configuration 1 at Z = 36 mm.
sional steady spherical expansion at a similar Knudsen number
as the nozzle flow. The exact divergence of the translational
and rotational temperatures is very much dependent upon the
6 6
Concluding Remarks
By comparison with new experimental data, it has been
shown that the direct simulation Monte Carlo method pro-
vides an accurate description of a low-density flow in the
nozzle and the near-field expansion of a small rocket for two
slightly different experimental configurations. This study
thereby provides verification of the DSMC method in an
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Support for the first author by NASA Grant NCC2-582 is
gratefully acknowledged.
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