Performance Analysis of Surface Roughness in Al Alloy Using Different Cutting Parameters
Performance Analysis of Surface Roughness in Al Alloy Using Different Cutting Parameters
Performance Analysis of Surface Roughness in Al Alloy Using Different Cutting Parameters
Online ISSN: 2349-4182, Print ISSN: 2349-5979, Impact Factor: (RJIF 5.72)
Volume 3; Issue 4; April 2016; Page No. 01-04
The Quality and productivity play very important role in manufacturing technology. The quality of any product influences the
extent or degree of satisfaction of the shoppers throughout its usage & therefore quality becomes a significant concern for
every manufacturing unit. Todays manufacturing business should manufacture product among lesser time with no compromise
shown on quality; thus on tackle these a pair of totally different criteria; it's a necessity to examine the quality level of the
merchandise either offline or on-line. In associate passing manufacturing unit, one of customers most like demand is surface
roughness that's associate indicator of the surface quality. Throughout this gift work associate offline estimation of surface
roughness and its variation with reference to projectile cutting parameters in turning of element alloy is applied. Taguchi DOE and
ANOVA unit of measurement used for locating out the foremost acceptable cutting parameters for minimizing surface roughness.
This paper shows the impact of machining parameters on surface roughness throughout step turning of Al alloy with inorganic
compound tools underneath dry conditions. Experimental setup determined by victimization Taguchi style methodology. The
assorted machining parameter combination was non in heritable by victimization quantitative relation signal/noise (S/N) ratio
analysis. In keeping with the experimental results, surface roughness enlarged with a rise in feed rate, whereas small with increase
in cutting speed. Optimum machining conditions for the surface roughness (Ra) were obtained by victimization the L9 orthogonal
array and analysis of variance.
1. Introduction
CNC Turning is that the one among the foremost wide used complete that Speed includes a larger influence on the Surface
machine for manufacturing rounded form work piece in shorter Roughness. Gaurav Vohra et al. [3] have optimized the
time at affordable prize with smart surface end. Metallic machining parameters for boring of aluminium material on
element is widely accustomed manufacture the elements of the CNC turning centre e.g. cutting speed, feed rate and depth of
vehicles by turning method due its light-weight weight. Its cut, to get optimum material removal rate and minimum
extremely desired that product having smart surface quality surface roughness by exploitation the Taguchi - method.
area unit factory-made in short time. The surface quality of
product is usually determined in terms of the measured surface II. Research Methodology
roughness. Surface roughness usually depend upon the cutting In this study, performance analysis of the machining
parameters such as: cutting speed, feed rate and depth of cut. parameters using Taguchi design by step turning of Al Alloy
Proper choice of the management factors for the experiment is under dry cutting condition with carbide tipped tools was
very important so as to supply the parts with smart surface end investigated. The standard grade for the cutting tool is shown
and high tolerance in brief time. Within the previous few on fig1.Signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) analysis, analysis of
decades, lots of labor has been dole out to boost the standard of variance (ANOVA) and regression analysis were carried out to
the merchandise and potency in machining. Still varied aspects determine the effects of each machining parameters on the
associated with this paper area unit however to be explored. surface roughness and optimal factor settings by using
Ravindra Thamma [1] has found completely different models to MINITAB software. Finally, Taguchi & ANOVA method
obtain optimal machining parameters for needed surface analyze the machining parameters performance with sufficient
roughness for an aluminium 6061 work items. He complete accuracy.
that Spindle speed, feed rate, and nose radius have significant
control factors for surface roughness. Sander surfaces will be
created once machined with a bigger spindle speed, smaller
feed rate, and nose radius Depth of cut has a significant
influence on surface roughness. H. M. Somashekara et al. [2]
used management factors e.g. cutting speed, feed rate and
depth of move optimize Surface Roughness. While machining
Al 6351-T6 alloy with uncoated Carbide tool. They used
Taguchi Technique to optimize the process parameters and
confirmation take a look at were additionally performed for
locating main factors influencing Surface Roughness. They Fig 1: Cutting tool (carbide tipped tool CNMG120408TM-T9125)
Taguchi Method Analysis (Doe) Table 2: Control factors for Experimental set up
Taguchi method is used to improve the Product quality. DOE is Machining parameters Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
a powerful tool for analyzing the influence of control Cutting speed, v(rpm) 425 625 825
parameters on response. The conventional experiment design is Feed rate, f(mm/rev) 0.1 0.2 0.4
complex to be used especially when large number of Depth of cut (mm) 0.4 0.8 1.2
experiments are conducted and when the no. of machining
factors are increasing. Taguchi method was proposed by Dr. G.
Taguchi in the year 1950. The 1st step in Taguchis is the
selection of control factors. Parameter design is select the
proper orthogonal array (OA) according to the control factors.
Then, observation runs are based on control factors which form
an orthogonal array and the experimental values are analyzed
to find the optimum condition. When optimum conditions are
found, then analysis of variance (ANOVA) is used to identified
the optimum levels of all the factors. SIGNAL TO NOISE
RATIO is the major part in Taguchi design. Signal defines the
effect on the average response while the noise represents the
influence on the deviation from the average response. The S/N
ratio helps to find the performance level of process parameters.
The mathematical equation for calculating S/N ratios for
surface roughness is smaller-the-better type because we need
surface roughness as low as possible.
Fig 2: Job material (step turned Al)
Table 3: L9 orthogonal array with factors and responses
Exp No. Speed (V) Rpm Feed (F) Mm/Rev Depth Of Cut (D) Mm Surface Roughness (Ra) m Signal to Noise Ratio
1 425 0.1 0.4 1.690 -4.5577
2 425 0.2 0.8 4.260 -12.5881
3 425 0.4 1.2 6.825 -16.6820
4 625 0.1 0.8 2.154 -6.6649
5 625 0.2 1.2 3.614 -11.1597
6 625 0.4 0.4 4.223 -12.5124
7 825 0.1 1.2 1.111 -0.91428
8 825 0.2 0.4 1.467 -3.3286
9 825 0.4 0.8 3.524 -10.9407
Me an of SN ratios
Evaluation of Surface Roughness -12
Ra 4
0.2 FEED 3
500 600 700 0.1
Mean of Means
From Figure 5. the surface roughness value will decreasing
with increasing in cutting speed. This shows a positive effect of
the increase value of cutting speed on surface roughness. It can 0.4 0.8 1.2
Table 5: Response Table for Means Basically ANOVA is a collection of statistical models which is
used to analyze the variation among the groups. The below
Level Speed Feed Depth
table shows the ANOVA analysis result for S/N ratio. From the
1 4.258 1.652 3.850
result the most significant input control factor for surface
2 3.330 3.114 3.313
roughness is feed rate.
3 2.034 4.857 3.850 In this paper ANOVA & F-Test is used to determine the
Delta 2.224 3.206 1.390 experimental value shown in Table 6. The %age contribution
Rank 2 1 3 of feed rate is maximum in this experiment. Here the most
important input factor is Feed rate then cutting speed & depth
Analysis of Anova Using Adjusted Ss of cut, which are shown in Table.4. rank wise which is obtain
ANOVA is basically used in this experiment to determine, from MINITAB 15 software. The value of depth of cut is
which cutting factors mostly affect the roughness value. contribute less effect on surface roughness.
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