CCA Pole Brochure
CCA Pole Brochure
CCA Pole Brochure
Stakes treated with
Wolman preserva-
hromated Copper tive and embedded
Arsenate, or CCA, is iin a test plot, such
a chemical preservative which as the one pictured
gives utility poles durability by here, by the U.S.
FForest Service in
rendering the wood fiber use- 1934 have shown no
less as a food source for fungi ssign of failure from
and termites. Wolmanized decay or insects.
CCA poles are protected by an Untreated posts
oxide formulation of CCA Type ffailed after just three
C. It is a mixture of stable
metallic oxides which, on
contact with wood fibers,
forms insoluble precipitates
in the wood cells. Once these
precipitates become fixed in the wood, they do not migrate or evaporate. The treated poles are highly leach-
resistant. Since Wolman preservative is an oxide formulation of CCA, it provides optimal reactivity and fixation
without leaving unwanted, corrosive by-products on the surface of the pole.
Low Conductivity
Since the Wolman preservative used in CCA poles is
an oxide, rather than a salt formulation, there are no
by-products to increase conductivity. The low conduc-
tivity of dry Wolmanized poles provides protection
against the eects of current leakage and increases
the safety and security of line workers.
Low Corrosivity
Corrosion of hardware galvanized through bolts,
metal pole steps, and lag screws has not been a
problem with CCA poles since the oxide formulation
was introduced. Fasteners meeting ASTM A 153 are
Fixed Preservative
Because of CCA fixation in the wood, there is virtu-
ally no migration. As a result, remedial groundline
treatment is not necessary for aging poles and there is An eastern utility has subjected CCA poles to strength tests. All
no need to rotate poles in storage. samples passed ANSI design criteria, some deflecting more than
seven feet before breaking.
In addition to the long-lasting performance they
provide, CCA poles make good neighbors. Since the
preservative is carried into the wood
in a water solution and is highly leach
resistant, CCA poles are clean to the
touch and nonstaining to utility work
crews and to children who might come
in contact with them.
Another alternative: PA
In addition to the ET treatment, CCA 6
6. W l
Wolman C
CCAA soluti
l tion iis pumped
d iinto
t the
th cylinder,
li d and d the
poles may be treated with Polymer Additive pressure is raised to about 150 psi, forcing the preservative into the
to facilitate climbing. wood. The pole is treated to a retention level of 0.60 pounds per
cubic foot in the assay zone appropriate for the species. For ET poles,
Co-developed with the research institute of the oil emulsion is impregnated into the
Hydro-Qubec, the patented CCA-PA system outer layer of the pole following CCA
begins with pressure-injection of water-soluble
7. After treatment, the poles are al-
solution into the poles. The wood is then heated, lowed to dry, and the chemicals become
polymerizing the additive so that it forms a three- fixed in the wood. The poles are then
dimensional insoluble network. shipped to their destinations, where they
can be stored in the same position for
Like ET treatment, PA makes poles easier to years without any loss of protection or
climb. need for rotation.
8. CCA poles are in common use
around the world for both the distribution
and transmission of electricity.
Backed by
international expertise . . .
. . . And proven
environmental benefits