Dynamic Mesh

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Dynamic Mesh Handling in OpenFOAM

Hrvoje Jasak

Wikki Ltd, United Kingdom

OpenFOAM Course, Uni Ghent 3-4/May/2016. Tracking 5568512168 Dynamic Mesh Handling in OpenFOAM p. 1
Present the layout and use of dynamic mesh features in OpenFOAM
Demonstrate how object orientation makes it easy to set up complex interacting
motion and topological changes
Definition of a mesh motion problem
Geometry handling in OpenFOAM: polyhedral cell support
Deforming mesh strategies
FE-based automatic mesh motion solver for the FVM
Support in the Finite Volume Discretisation
Topological mesh changes
Algorithmic implications
Dynamic mesh classes with examples: 6-DOF bodies, IC engines, FSI
Advanced topics: RBF motion and morphing, immersed boundary method, overset

OpenFOAM Course, Uni Ghent 3-4/May/2016. Tracking 5568512168 Dynamic Mesh Handling in OpenFOAM p. 2
Simulations with Time-Varying Geometry in CFD
In many simulations, shape of computational domain changes during the solution,
either in a prescribed manner or as a part of the solution
In cases of prescribed motion, it is possible to pre-define a sequence of meshes
or mesh changes which accommodate the motion
. . . but mesh generation now becomes substantially more complex
Solution-dependent motion implies the shape of computational domain is a part
of the solution itself: depends on solution parameters
Examples of solution-dependent motion
Contact stress analysis: shape and location of contact region is unknown
Free surface tracking simulation: unknown shape of free surface
Fluid-structure interaction

OpenFOAM Course, Uni Ghent 3-4/May/2016. Tracking 5568512168 Dynamic Mesh Handling in OpenFOAM p. 3
Prescribed Mesh Motion
Example: Prescribed Mesh Motion
Domain shape is changing during the simulation in a prescribed manner
Motion is known and independent of the solution
. . . but it is usually only prescribed at boundaries
Definition of moving mesh involves point position and mesh connectivity for every
point and cell for every time-step of the simulation. This is typically defined with
reference to a pre-processor or parametrically in terms of motion parameters
(crank angle, valve lift curve, etc.)
Solution-dependent mesh changes are out of the question: eg. mesh refinement
Can we simplify mesh generation for dynamic mesh cases?

OpenFOAM Course, Uni Ghent 3-4/May/2016. Tracking 5568512168 Dynamic Mesh Handling in OpenFOAM p. 4
Solution-Dependent Motion
Example: Solution-Dependent Motion
External shape of the domain is
unknown and a part of the
By definition, it is impossible to
pre-define mesh motion a-priori
In all cases, it is the motion of
the boundary that is known or
Automatic mesh motion deter-
mines the position of internal
points based on boundary motion

OpenFOAM Course, Uni Ghent 3-4/May/2016. Tracking 5568512168 Dynamic Mesh Handling in OpenFOAM p. 5
Geometry Handling
Handling Complex Geometry in OpenFOAM
Complex geometry is a rule, not exception
f Polyhedral cell support
Polyhedral cell with polygonal faces
Consistent handling of all cell types
More freedom in mesh generation

Interfaces to mesh generation packages

Native Automatic Mesh Generation

Two techniques under active development,
based on STL surface geometry description
Polyhedral dual mesh; surface-adjusted octree
hexahedral mesh
Dynamic Mesh Handling
Supporting cases of deforming geometry using
automatic mesh motion solvers
For extreme mesh deformation, mesh topol-
ogy is modified during the simulation using the
topology change engine

OpenFOAM Course, Uni Ghent 3-4/May/2016. Tracking 5568512168 Dynamic Mesh Handling in OpenFOAM p. 6
Automatic Mesh Motion Solver
Definition of Automatic Mesh Motion
Automatic mesh motion will determine the position of mesh points based on the
prescribed boundary motion
Motion will be obtained by solving a mesh motion equation, where boundary
motion acts as a boundary condition
Properties of motion equation: preserve spatial consistency
The correct space-preserving equation is a large deformation formulation of
linear elasticity . . . but it is too expensive to solve
Choices for a simplified mesh motion equation:
Spring analogy: insufficiently robust
Linear + torsional spring analogy: complex, expensive and non-linear
Laplace equation with constant and variable diffusivity

(ku) = 0

Linear pseudo-solid equation for small deformations

[(u + (u)T ) + I u] = 0

OpenFOAM Course, Uni Ghent 3-4/May/2016. Tracking 5568512168 Dynamic Mesh Handling in OpenFOAM p. 7
Automatic Mesh Motion Solver
Control of Mesh Spacing and Discretisation Error
Mesh spacing and quality control by variable diffusivity (Tukovic, 2005)
Changing diffusivity implies re-distribution of the boundary motion through the
volume of the mesh: it is not necessarily good to absorb deformation next to the
moving boundary
Distance-based methods: 1/L, quadratic or exponential distance from a
moving boundary
Quality- and distortion-based methods
Preserving Mesh Quality
Definition of valid motion from an initially valid mesh implies that no faces or cells
are inverted during motion
Face area and cell volume on polyhedral meshes is calculated using
triangular/tetrahedral decomposition of the cell of face. Motion validity is
guaranteed if no triangles or tetrahedra in the cell and face decomposition are
inverted during motion
The rest reduces to controlling the discretisation error in the motion equation

OpenFOAM Course, Uni Ghent 3-4/May/2016. Tracking 5568512168 Dynamic Mesh Handling in OpenFOAM p. 8
Automatic Mesh Motion
Effect of Variable Diffusivity: Oscillating Airfoil Simulation
Initial mesh; constant diffusivity
Distance-based diffusivity 1/l2 ; deformation energy; distortion energy


OpenFOAM Course, Uni Ghent 3-4/May/2016. Tracking 5568512168 Dynamic Mesh Handling in OpenFOAM p. 9
Choice of Motion Solvers
Motion Solver Equations in OpenFOAM
Second-order Finite Element method with polyhedral support
Vertex-based method: no interpolation required
FE shape function does not allow tetrahedral or triangular flip: perfect for large
boundary deformation
Mini-element technique involves enriching the point set: more equations but
lower discretisation error
Choice of element decomposition
Cell decomposition: additional point in every cell centroid
Cell-and-face decomposition: additional point in cell and face centroid
Validated and efficient for large deformation, eg. internal combustion engines
Cell-based methods
Solving motion equation on cell centres, interpolating motion into points
Special corrections and extrapolation on corners and patch intersections
Smaller equation set, but problems in cell-to-point interpolation

OpenFOAM Course, Uni Ghent 3-4/May/2016. Tracking 5568512168 Dynamic Mesh Handling in OpenFOAM p. 10
Moving Mesh Finite Volume Method
Finite Volume Moving Mesh Support
Definition of conservation laws will involve a moving volume rather than a
stationary one, where ub is the mesh velocity
Additional terms relate to the change of cell volume and mesh motion fluxes
dV + ds(u ub ) = dsq + s()dV
dt V S S V
dV dsub = 0
dt V S
dsub = dsub = Fm
S f Sf

Volume change appears in the rate-of-change term and is handled automatically

Mesh motion flux appears in all convection terms and needs to be accounted for
Note: in incompressible flows, there are two possible formulations on the pressure
equation, working either with relative or absolute fluxes. As a result, moving mesh
solvers are not yet consistently integrated with static mesh solvers (efficiency)

OpenFOAM Course, Uni Ghent 3-4/May/2016. Tracking 5568512168 Dynamic Mesh Handling in OpenFOAM p. 11
Complex Mesh Motion
Dynamic Mesh Examples of Complex Combination of Motion and Sliding

OpenFOAM Course, Uni Ghent 3-4/May/2016. Tracking 5568512168 Dynamic Mesh Handling in OpenFOAM p. 12
Topological Mesh Changes
Topological Changes on Polyhedral Meshes

For extreme cases of mesh motion, changing point positions is not sufficient to
accommodate boundary motion and preserve mesh quality
Definition of a topological change: number or connectivity of points, faces or cells
in the mesh changes during the simulation
Motion can be handled by the FVM with no error (moving volume), while a
topological change requires additional algorithmic steps
Cell insertion and deletion will formally be handled as a combination of mesh
motion (collapsing cells and faces to zero volume/area) and a change in
connectivity after the face and cell collapse

OpenFOAM Course, Uni Ghent 3-4/May/2016. Tracking 5568512168 Dynamic Mesh Handling in OpenFOAM p. 13
Topological Mesh Changes
Implementation of Topological Changes in OpenFOAM
Primitive mesh operations
Add/modify/remove a point, a face or a cell
This is sufficient to describe all cases, even to to build a mesh from scratch
. . . but using it directly is very inconvenient
Topology modifiers
Typical dynamic mesh operations can be described in terms of primitive
operations. Adding a user-friendly definition and triggering logic creates a
topology modifier class for typical operations
Some implemented topology modifiers
Attach-detach boundary
Cell layer additional-removal interface
Sliding interface
Error-driven adaptive mesh refinement
Dynamic meshes
Combining topology modifiers and user-friendly mesh definition, create
dynamic mesh types for typical situations
Examples: mixer mesh, 6-DOF motion, IC engine mesh (valves + piston),
solution-dependent crack propagation in solid mechanics

OpenFOAM Course, Uni Ghent 3-4/May/2016. Tracking 5568512168 Dynamic Mesh Handling in OpenFOAM p. 14
Topology Modifiers
Set-and-Forget Definition of Topology Modifiers
layerAdditionRemoval mesh modifier removes cell layers when the mesh is
compressed and adds cells when the mesh is expanding. Definition:
Oriented face zone, defining an internal surface
Minimum and maximum layer thickness in front of the surface
Both internal and patch faces are allowed
slidingInterface allows for relative sliding of components. Definition:
A master and slave patch, originally external to the mesh
Allows uncovered master and slave faces to remain as boundaries
right mixerSlider
{ {
type layerAdditionRemoval; type slidingInterface;
faceZoneName rightExtFaces; masterPatchName outsideSlider;
minLayerThickness 0.0002; slavePatchName insideSlider;
maxLayerThickness 0.0005; projection visible;
active on; active on;
} }

Even for simple cases, it is easier to speak about problem classes (mixer vessels,
engines, 6-DOF bodies) rather than working out individual topology modifiers

OpenFOAM Course, Uni Ghent 3-4/May/2016. Tracking 5568512168 Dynamic Mesh Handling in OpenFOAM p. 15
Dynamic Mesh Classes
Implementation of Dynamic Mesh Motion
Definition or details of motion are irrelevant from top-level solver
. . . but it makes sense to simplify mesh setup: a suite of problem- or
algorithm-specific classes with a common interface
Virtual base class: dynamicFvMesh

class dynamicFvMesh
public fvMesh
static autoPtr<dynamicFvMesh> New(const IOobject& io);

// Destructor
virtual dynamicFvMesh();

//- Update the mesh for both mesh motion and topology change
virtual bool update() = 0;

class topoChangerFvMesh : public dynamicFvMesh

{ ... };

OpenFOAM Course, Uni Ghent 3-4/May/2016. Tracking 5568512168 Dynamic Mesh Handling in OpenFOAM p. 16
Dynamic Mesh Classes
Dynamic Mesh with Automatic Mesh Motion
dynamicMotionSolverFvMesh: dynamic mesh with motion solver

class dynamicMotionSolverFvMesh
public dynamicFvMesh
autoPtr<motionSolver> motionPtr_;

virtual bool update()


// Mesh motion only - return false

return false;

Boundary motion is prescribed by setting a boundary condition on the motion

equation: from top-level code, moving mesh class, boundary condition etc.
Example: 6-DOF dynamic mesh = motion solver + 6-DOF solid body motion solver
setting up its boundary condition

OpenFOAM Course, Uni Ghent 3-4/May/2016. Tracking 5568512168 Dynamic Mesh Handling in OpenFOAM p. 17
Dynamic Mesh: Floating Body
Example: Single Floating Body in Free Surface Flow (VOF)
Single phase VOF free surface flow model with accurate pressure reconstruction
6-DOF force balance for solid body motion: solving an ODE
Variable diffusivity Laplacian motion solver with 6-DOF boundary motion as the
boundary condition condition

Problem Setup
1. Specify mesh, material properties and initial + boundary flow conditions
2. Dynamic mesh type: sixDofMotion. Mesh holds floatingBody objects
3. A floating body holds 6-DOF parameters: mass, moment of inertia, support, forces
4. Flow solver only sees a dynamicMesh: encapsulated motion

OpenFOAM Course, Uni Ghent 3-4/May/2016. Tracking 5568512168 Dynamic Mesh Handling in OpenFOAM p. 18
Floating Body Simulations
Multiple Floating Bodies
Problem setup: as above, but with multiple bodies

Example: simulation of two bodies in close proximity with different distance
Elastic support for each boat in the x-direction with linear spring and damping;
minor elastic support in the y-direction
Automatic mesh motion shows its use: adding constrained components is trivial
Extensive validation effort under way in collaboration with clients and University
research groups

OpenFOAM Course, Uni Ghent 3-4/May/2016. Tracking 5568512168 Dynamic Mesh Handling in OpenFOAM p. 19
Floating Body Simulations
Capsizing Body with Topological Changes or GGI
Full capsize of a floating body cannot be handled without topology change
Mesh motion is decomposed into translational and rotational component
External mesh performs only translational motion
Rotation on capsize accommodated by a GGI interface
Automatic motion solver handles the decomposition, based on 6-DOF solution
Mesh inside of the sphere is preserved: boundary layer resolution
Precise handling of GGI interface is essential: boundedness and mass
conservation for the VOF variable must be preserved

OpenFOAM Course, Uni Ghent 3-4/May/2016. Tracking 5568512168 Dynamic Mesh Handling in OpenFOAM p. 20
Automatic Motion: Surface Tracking
Hydrofoil Under A Free Surface Single Solver, Complex Coupling
Flow solver gives surface displacement FVM on moving meshes:
Mesh adjusted to free surface position segregated p u solver
Automatic mesh motion
Finite Area Method (FAM)
vb = vF

Free-Rising Air Bubble with Surfactants

Two meshes coupled on free surface

vF y aF
SA o x


OpenFOAM Course, Uni Ghent 3-4/May/2016. Tracking 5568512168 Dynamic Mesh Handling in OpenFOAM p. 21
Dynamic Mesh: IC Engine
Example: Multi-Valve Engine Mesh
For complex topological changes, multiple interacting topology modifiers are used
and need to be synchronised and used in unison with mesh motion
Case setup requires the mesh class to adhere to the language of the problem
Example: Engine valve
Definition identifies valve stem, top and bottom surface in geometry
Topology modifiers: layer addition-removal on top and bottom surface; sliding
interface along valve curtain
Valve motion defined in terms of valve lift curves and crank angle degree
Result: topology modifiers are added automatically for each valve
Engine mesh components
Piston class, with motion defined in terms of crank angle degree and cell
layering thickness
List of valves, each with own lift curve
Identification of intake and exhaust ducts, piston bowl etc.
The user builds the mesh and associates various surfaces to engine components:
easy setup after initial static mesh generation

OpenFOAM Course, Uni Ghent 3-4/May/2016. Tracking 5568512168 Dynamic Mesh Handling in OpenFOAM p. 22
More Dynamic Mesh Examples
Example: In-Cylinder Flow with Moving Piston and Valves
Exhaust and intake stroke in a 2- and 4-stroke engine
Moving piston and operating valves using topological changes
Interacting topological modifiers and mesh motion handled by the mesh class
Politecnico di Milano: combining mesh deformation, topological changes and
re-meshing to achieve optimum resolution and quality (SAE 2007-01-0170)
Example: Fluid-Structure Interaction
Formally, considerably more complex than floating body cases
. . . but due to automatic mesh motion only limited changes are needed
Dynamic mesh class transfers data on surface and uses automatic motion
(Close coupling: shared matrix format or Reduced Rank Extrapolation)

OpenFOAM Course, Uni Ghent 3-4/May/2016. Tracking 5568512168 Dynamic Mesh Handling in OpenFOAM p. 23
New Interpolation Tools
Radial Basis Function Interpolation
General interpolation for clouds of points
Mathematical tool which allows data interpolation from a small set of control points
to space with smoothness criteria
Used for mesh motion in cases of large deformation: no cross-over
Implemented by Frank Bos, TU Delft and Dubravko Matijaevic, FSB Zagreb

OpenFOAM Course, Uni Ghent 3-4/May/2016. Tracking 5568512168 Dynamic Mesh Handling in OpenFOAM p. 24
Immersed Boundary Methods (IBM)
Immersed Boundary Method: Non-Conformal Boundary Surfaces
Simulation of the flow around immersed boundary is carried out on a grid (usually
Cartesian) which does not conform to the boundary shape
Immersed boundary (IB) is represented by surface grid
IB boundary conditions modify the equations in cells which interact with the
immersed boundary




OpenFOAM Course, Uni Ghent 3-4/May/2016. Tracking 5568512168 Dynamic Mesh Handling in OpenFOAM p. 25
Immersed Boundary Methods (IBM)
Implementation of IBM In OpenFOAM
Discrete forcing approach with direct imposition of boundary conditions
Basic principle: Value of dependent variable in the IB cell centres is calculated by
interpolation using neighbouring cells values and boundary condition at the
corresponding IB point

Fluid cells
Solid cells
IB cells
n IB points

OpenFOAM Course, Uni Ghent 3-4/May/2016. Tracking 5568512168 Dynamic Mesh Handling in OpenFOAM p. 26
Immersed Boundary Methods (IBM)
Immersed Boundary Condition via Quadratic Interpolation
P = ib + C0 (xP xib ) + C1 (yP yib )

+ C2 (xP xib )(yP yib ) + C3 (xP xib )2 + C4 (yP yib )2

Unknown coefficients of quadratic polynomial determined using weighted least square
method on extended stencil.

111 Fluid cells

Solid cells

IB cells

IB points

Extended stencil

OpenFOAM Course, Uni Ghent 3-4/May/2016. Tracking 5568512168 Dynamic Mesh Handling in OpenFOAM p. 27
Immersed Boundary Methods (IBM)
Immersed Boundary Implementation in Three Classes:
class immersedBoundaryPolyPatch: Basic mesh support, IB mesh
class immersedBoundaryFvPatch: FV support, with derived Fv properties
Cell and face mask fields, live and dead cells indication
Calculation of intersection points, normals and distances
Calculation of interpolation matrices used in imposition of boundary conditions
Parallel communications framework and layout
class immersedBoundaryFvPatchField: field support and evaluation of
boundary conditions
Patch field evaluation for the IB patch
Calculation and interpolation of field data at mesh intersection, fixed value
and fixed gradient conditions etc.
Handling of boundary updates

OpenFOAM Course, Uni Ghent 3-4/May/2016. Tracking 5568512168 Dynamic Mesh Handling in OpenFOAM p. 28
Immersed Boundary Methods (IBM)
Example Case:: flowOverCylinder

Laminar flow around a circular

cylinder in open space
Case setup data
Open space dimensions:
90 90 m
Inlet velocity: 1 m/s
Cylinder diameter: 1 m
Reynolds number:
100 10 000
Automatic surface proximity refinement of background mesh
Single phase laminar/turbulent steady or transient flow
Wall function treatment on immersed boundary is available for high Re flows!

OpenFOAM Course, Uni Ghent 3-4/May/2016. Tracking 5568512168 Dynamic Mesh Handling in OpenFOAM p. 29
Immersed Boundary Methods (IBM)

Dam break VOF interface

capturing simulation with circular
bump at the bottom boundary
Case setup data:
Domain dimension: 2 2 m
Bump diameter: 0.5 m
Water-air multi-phase system

Most of OpenFOAM library models (eg. material properties, turbulence,

combustion) are used without change
Due to explicit flux manipulation, top-level solvers still require minor changes:
code conversion cook-book is provided with the library
In specialist applications, eg. Lagrangian particle tracking or surface-to-surface
radiation, large changes are required

OpenFOAM Course, Uni Ghent 3-4/May/2016. Tracking 5568512168 Dynamic Mesh Handling in OpenFOAM p. 30
Overset Mesh in OpenFOAM
Native Overset Mesh Implementation
Previous implementation based on SUGGAR and DirtLib is too restrictive and
insufficiently flexible: modification of all models, use of external linear algebra
package, ITAR restrictions on library components
Objective: native open source, parallel bottom-up implementation of Overset
Mesh with minimal impact on existing OpenFOAM capabilities
Design layout matches the Immersed Boundary Method
Overset boundary patch to handle geometrical support
For multiple overset patches, the interpolation information must be shared:
oversetMesh object
Overset boundary patch field to handle field updates: like immersed boundary
patch, but with implicit updates
Overset mesh specific tools
Overset mesh hierarchy interpolation tools
Selection of donor and acceptor cells
Parallelisation support for inter-processor interpolation and fringe search

OpenFOAM Course, Uni Ghent 3-4/May/2016. Tracking 5568512168 Dynamic Mesh Handling in OpenFOAM p. 31
Overset Mesh in OpenFOAM
Native Overset Mesh Implementation
Example: two-mesh overset with inactive cells blanked out
Transient laminar flow around a cylinder in a shedding mode

OpenFOAM Course, Uni Ghent 3-4/May/2016. Tracking 5568512168 Dynamic Mesh Handling in OpenFOAM p. 32
Overset Mesh in OpenFOAM
Overset Mesh in Naval Hydrodynamics
Free surface flow solver from Wikki Naval Hydro pack used for steady resistance
simulation around a Wigley hull geometry

OpenFOAM Course, Uni Ghent 3-4/May/2016. Tracking 5568512168 Dynamic Mesh Handling in OpenFOAM p. 33
OpenFOAM implements polyhedral mesh handling in library form
Mesh analysis classes separated from discretisation support classes
Built-in support for mesh motion and topological changes
Simple handling of moving boundary problems: automatic mesh motion solver
Topological changes support
Basic operations: add/modify/remove point/face/cell
Mesh modifier classes operate in terms of basic operations. Triggering of
topological changes is a part of the class (automatic)
Pre-defined mesh modifiers available for standard operations
Dynamic mesh classes encapsulate topology modifiers and (automatic) mesh
motion for easy handling of classes of dynamic mesh problems
Top-level physics solver is separated from dynamic mesh handling for
inter-operability of components. Example: 6-DOF moving body in flow
Quest for a fully automatic polyhedral mesh generator continues:
snappyHexMesh, cfMesh

OpenFOAM Course, Uni Ghent 3-4/May/2016. Tracking 5568512168 Dynamic Mesh Handling in OpenFOAM p. 34

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