Not Mine Survival Guide

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The document provides an overview of the subjects and workload for 3rd year medicine, along with tips and strategies for preparing for different subjects.

The main subjects covered include Medicine, Surgery, Pediatrics, Obstetrics, Gynecology and several others as listed on page 1.

Tips provided for Medicine 2 include always samplexing, sticking to certain references for certain modules, and advice on the easiest and hardest modules as covered on pages 2-3.


June 5, 2017

Hi Batch 2019!
Its me again! Congratulations on making it to V-neck! Brace yourselves for #TiredYear.
Best of luck on your Road to JI!
~ Allie P



Medicine 2 10

YEARLY Surgery 7

Pediatrics 2 5
Obstetrics 2 1.5

Gynecology 1.5
Clinical Neurology 3 1.5

Behavioral Medicine 2 1.5

SEMESTRAL Legal Medicine 1.5

Ophthalmology 1
1st Sem A/B ENT-Head and Neck Surgery 1
2nd Sem C/D
Medical Nutrition 1
1st Sem C/D Preventive Medicine 3 1
2nd Sem A/B Clinical Epidemiology 3 1

Bioethics 3 1

Dermatology 0.5

Rehabilitation Medicine 0.5

Radiology 0.5

Note: All cut-offs for Finals exemption are set at 90% class standing, NOT 89.5%.
1. Medicine 2
2. Pediatrics 2
3. Clinical Neurology 3
4. Behavioral Medicine 2
5. Preventive Medicine 3
6. Medical Nutrition
Medicine 2 (Internal Medicine) is divided into 4 Modules covering 2 to 3 IM Subspecialties each,
scheduled per shift as follows:
Section A: Cardio/Pulmo Endo/Nephro GI/Hema/Onco Infectious/Rheuma
Section B: Endo/Nephro Cardio/Pulmo Infectious/Rheuma GI/Hema/Onco
Section C: GI/Hema/Onco Infectious/Rheuma Cardio/Pulmo Endo/Nephro
Section D: Infectious/Rheuma GI/Hema/Onco Endo/Nephro Cardio/Pulmo

My take on each module:

Easiest Modules: Cardio/Pulmo and Endo/Nephro are equally easy. Both are trans-
and samplex-based with limited reports and very kind facis.
Hardest Module: Infectious/Rheuma but the curve is huge!
Funnest Module: Cardio/Pulmo! Their workshops are the best! Free food!

(CCC) Clinical Case Conference Youll listen as residents and fellows present a case in
front of a panel of consultants with an accompanying Q&A among the facis/presenters. An easy
short quiz usually follows so make sure you listen up!

General Tips!

1. NEVER EVER BE LATE! Quizzes are at 7 AM SHARP for ALL modules.

2. RECORD all quizzes and TRANS them later. These are helpful for review as facis
tend not to return your quiz papers. But they do discuss the answers!
3. Stick to HARRISONS for Infectious/Rheuma and GI/Hema/Onco. LEC TRANSES are
sufficient for Cardio/Pulmo and Endo/Nephro.
4. SHARE / EXCHANGE SAMPLEXES with friends from other sections. Youll need
(3 weeks Cardio / 3 weeks Pulmo)

Grading Components:
o Long Quizzes 20 points each, True or False and Multiple Choice
o Shifting Exam 50 points Cardio, 50 points Pulmo
o Post-CCC Quizzes 10 points each for Cardio, 5 points each for Pulmo
o Integration Quiz 10 points
o Ward Work and Histories
o SGD Facilitator-Based Grading

High Yield!
1. Batch 2017 Lecture and Workshop Transes
2. PPT Slides: CCC, Workshops, Lectures, etc.
3. Pulmo Workbook

Survival Tips!
1. ALWAYS SAMPLEX. This holds true especially for Cardio since there arent many
Pulmo samplexes out there. Cardio returns exam papers!

a. Cardio Post-CCC quizzes are super samplex. They dont really change the
cases so try to get a hold of CCC slides from the upper batch and get
samplexes from sections whove finished the module already.
b. Cardio Long Quizzes are also samplex. You can actually eliminate choices
as the same type of questions come out in the exams of other sections.
You also more or less get an idea of whats gonna come out in the exam
so you can do a focused review of the transes.
c. While there arent many Pulmo samplexes, the quizzes are quite easy so
listen well to the lectures and workshops and study the handouts closely.
d. Shiftings is samplex! But of course, be prepared for anything. Reverse
samplex is the key to success!

2. Keep up with schedule changes, these are uploaded to e-LEAP. Take special note
of the listed exam coverage.

3. Refer to the PULMO WORKBOOK. The diagrams are super helpful!

4. All Cardio/Pulmo facis are nice. I can ascertain that Doc Ramirez is high-yield but
he requires PPTs for SGDs. Dra. Garcia is high-yield too!
(3 weeks Endo / 3 weeks Nephro)

Grading Components:
o Short Quizzes 20 points each, True or False and Multiple Choice
o Shifting Exam 50 points Endo, 50 points Nephro
o Post-CCC Quizzes
o Integration Quiz 5 points
o Ward Work and Histories
o SGD Facilitator-Based Grading

High Yield!
1. Batch 2017 Lecture and Workshop Transes
2. PPT Slides: Workshops, Lectures, etc.

Survival Tips!
1. ALWAYS SAMPLEX. Endo/Nephro requires a closer review of the transes as
opposed to Cardio/Pulmo but all you need to know is there. They dont return
papers so be sure to record and trans the discussion of answers after the quiz.
Shiftings is also samplex-based, so the best strategy for review is reverse-samplex
/ samplex-based learning.

2. For NEPHRO, you will find that Pedia 2 Nephro Lectures are more high-yield than
Med 2 Nephro Lectures so you might wanna study the transes for Pedia since they
basically cover the same thing. This is to the advantage of Sections A and C who
take the Med 2 and Pedia 2 Nephro lectures during the same shift.

3. DO NOT CONFUSE the treatment protocols for Thyroid diseases between

General Surgery and Endocrinology. Sometimes, where Endo would prefer a total
thyroidectomy, GenSurg would rather do a partial lobectomy. Be wary of this so
you get to answer properly in their respective exams.

4. Ill leave you to figure out the Integration Activity by yourselves coz its messy.


For Cardio/Pulmo and Endo/Nephro, the way to go is:

Transes / PPT Samplex and Reverse-Samplex

And that marks the conclusion of your MED 2 CHILL SEM!

(4 weeks for GI, 2 weeks for Hema/Onco)


Grading Components
o Reading Assignments Quizzes 10 pts each, ALL Multiple Choice
o BGD Quizzes 5 pts per BGD; 3 BGDs per quiz, MOSTLY Multiple Choice,
SOME Identification/ Enumeration but always Case-Based
o Post-CCC Quizzes
o BGD Report PRE-ASSIGNED individual topics (MAX 5 SLIDES per reporter)
o SGDs, Histories and Ward Work
o Shifting Exam 70 points GI, 30 points Hema/Onco
entire class will get the chance to report

1. Harrisons Reading Assignments OR Harrisons-Based Allie Notes
2. General Lecture Batch 2017 Transes
4. Sleisenger Textbook for BGD only if NOT in Harrisons

Survival Tips!

The department will be giving out reading assignments. Make sure you read the
chapters because the quizzes are mostly cases so the approach is clinical.

Make sure you read the CORRECT chapters. The reading assignments are
labeled as Week 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B, 4A and 4B. Week A readings ALWAYS
fall on a MONDAY. Week B readings ALWAYS fall on a FRIDAY.

If there is an UNSCHEDULED suspension, the topics are SKIPPED as in, no

BGD, no lecture, no CCC, etc. BUT the missed Reading Assignments Quiz will be
taken TOGETHER WITH the quiz for the next set of reading assignments.
Example: Week 3A (Mon) was suspended. On Friday, youll be taking the quiz for
BOTH Week 3A and 3B readings.

If there is a SCHEDULED suspension (ex. national holidays, etc.), the missed

topics will be taken up A WEEK LATER. So in that sense, the schedule will be
flipped per week. Example:
Mon: HOLIDAY (supposedly WK 1A)
Next Mon: WK 1A Sched (moved)
Next Fri: WK 2B (YES, B!)
Next Next Mon: WK 2A
Next Next Fri: WK 3B

Just note that Week A topics will always fall on a Monday, and Week B topics will
always fall on a Friday for both un/scheduled class disruptions.


I actually made Harrisons-based notes for the GI Reading Assignments, except

for Week 3A because I ran out of time. Theyre high-yield especially if you dont
have time to read the book.

Theyre most useful for SHIFTINGS! You wont really have time to go over
Harrisons anymore. The study strategy that worked very well for me was Samplex-
Based learning using SHIFTINGS SAMPLEXES (NOT quizzes samplex, NOT
recall samplex) then refer back to Allie Notes to look for the answers coz theyre
all there and there are ALWAYS key words in the cases.


Just to add to what I listed above, really, really make sure you study as many
shiftings samplexes as you can, even the oldest ones. Dont just memorize them;
dissect them and understand why the answers are as such.

There are some verbatim samplex questions but these are mostly LECTURE
topics. Youll be having only 4 lectures in GI and theyre usually sleepy time. You
dont really have to listen coz there are transes already, theres no post-quiz, and
the shiftings questions are super samplex EXCEPT FOR HEPATITIS! Make sure
you listen to and understand Doc Wongs lecture on Hepatitis Serology. It will make
your life so much easier, and thats 5 sure points in the Shiftings.


The thing about the GIRHO sem is that there are VERY FEW lectures, and they
dont even cover the vital topics that form the bulk of your grade. What you have
are reports and more reports. You teach your classmates while the profs grill you
while youre at it.

The GI doctors are vicious. Theyre notorious for shouting at students (Dr. Ismael),
borderline insulting you during the report (Dr. Ismael), making students cry (Dr.
Ismael), and asking difficult questions (Dr. Dy, Dra. Ruiz, and of course, Dr.
Ismael). Just dont get on their bad side. Be prepared. Eat Harrisons. Do your
research. Be more prepared if you end up getting the more difficult topics like
pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment.
So the way the BGD works is that the class is divided into 4 subsecs. Each subsec
is given a case and divided into 4 subgroups: Analyst Group, Disease 1, Disease
2, Disease 3. Individual report topics are PRE-ASSIGNED. Only 5 SLIDES per
speaker are allowed.

The ANALYST group covers the case history and PE findings, the approach to
(enter chief complaint here) diagram, and the 3rd speaker gets the most difficult
job of introducing the differentials and defending the final diagnosis for the case.
The 3rd speaker reports TWICE during the BGD (right before and right after all the
Disease groups), BUT is still limited to 5 slides.

IMPORTANT NOTE! The LAST SPEAKER of every DISEASE group must defend
why you think your assigned disease is the diagnosis for the patient based on
Hx/PE. Take note of this! The profs failed to inform us of this during the orientation
then they grilled the 1st BGD group (aka me huhu).


Grading Components:
o Reading Assignments Quizzes 20 to 30 points each, ALL Multiple Choice
o BGD Quizzes 20 points each, ALL Multiple Choice
o BGD Report PRE-ASSIGNED topics

1. Harrisons Reading Assignments OR Rocket Notes 2017 Transes

Study Tips!

Hema/Onco will go by SO FAST, so that means you have to read even faster.
This module is difficult because the topics themselves are hard to understand
AND they screw up the schedule so you have different reading assignments
from BGD topics. You may have to read as many as 80 pages for just 1
meeting. You will inevitably give up on Harrisons at some point.

How to survive? The Reading Assignments quizzes are SUPER HARRISONS

BASED. They ask about the most insignificant details, its so frustrating. The
fellows make the quizzes, sometimes Doc Julian makes them too hes nicer.
People from Sec D told me that around 10 points was always samplex from
Sec C quizzes and their last quiz was exactly the same as ours.

Samplex is useful for Hema/Onco shiftings. Again, understand, dont memorize

verbatim. There are always keywords so look for them!

Make sure you know how to compute for/ stage the following:
Absolute Neutrophil Count
Iron Deficiency Anemia Stages
Ann Arbor Staging


More chill than GI. Listen well to the facis and youll survive the BGD quizzes
but read Harrisons still in case your faci isnt high yield. Swerte if you get Doc
Julian/ Dra Tapispisan!

The style of GI exams varies with the department head. Section C had Dr. Dy and our exams
were more clinical in nature and somewhat samplex-based. Another section had Dra. Dalupang,
super book-based. Dra. Ruiz also headed one section, not sure how she conducted exams.
The safest advice would be to stick to Harrisons and finish all the readings. Its doable!
Expect lowest Med 2 grades for the GI/Hema/Onco module.
(Both modules taken simultaneously, NOT one after the other.)

Grading Components
o Reading Assignments Quizzes Correct or Wrong + Identification, mix of ID
and Rheuma, may include Rheuma ICD for the day
o Post Quizzes 10 to 15 points each, Identification/ Correct or Wrong, may cover
any of the activities for the day including lectures, ID/Rheuma ICD, CCC, etc.
o Rheuma BGD
o HIV BGD ANYONE can be called at RANDOM to report
o ID-Integrated Case Discussion ANYONE can be called at RANDOM to report
o Shifting Exam 70 points ID, 30 points Rheuma

1. Harrisons Reading Assignments better than Rocket Notes!
4. Samahan lagi ng DASAL!

Study Tips!

For you to be able to answer the Correct or Wrong questions correctly, you really
have to read Harrisons at least twice. They sometimes change or add just 1
word to make the entire statement wrong so beware!

They say that for ID, when in doubt, WRONG. For Rheuma, when in doubt,
CORRECT. But still, no shortcuts here. READ HARRISONS!

There is also a 2015 Rheuma Reviewer made by Dra. Bernal. Study that too!


Quizzes samplex are most useful for the Identification questions. Never ever
forget to samplex, especially if you did not finish the reading assignments. You
can guess your way through the Correct or Wrong questions but not for the
Identification items so ALWAYS SAMPLEX from the most recent to the oldest.
Dankey Notes (samplex compilation in notes format) is helpful!

They also show PPTs of the answer keys to the quizzes so take pictures and
transcribe all of them as these will come out in the shifting exam.

Study this for Shiftings! High-yield! Always keep them at hand during ID-ICDs
because ANYONE can be called, even more than once. The answers to Doc
Delgados questions are all in the file already. This will save your life.

For ID-ICDs and HIV BGDs, work as a class. Pre-assign groups to make PPTs
and write down full SCRIPTS in the Notes portion of the PPT and keep it on
Presenter View during the report so that its less stress for everyone. You are
graded as a group so help each other out!


The lectures did come out in the shifting exam even the very first activity on
PPEs. There are several transes already so study them.

I used A WHOLE LOT of stock knowledge for the shifting exam coz there is
absolutely no way you can cram a thorough review within a few days of the
shifting exam. Try to retain as much as you can throughout the shift. Questions
are application type, not samplex.


For GIRHO Sem, stick to HARRISONS. Nothing beats reading the book.
Never ever forget to SAMPLEX, especially for ID-Rheuma identification.
Brace yourselves for REPORTING, prepare as much as you can.
Have ALLIE ID-ICD Notes at hand always. Do not panic.

Pray, pray, pray.

Grabe. 10 pages into this Survival Guide and thats just Med 2 haha huhu.

Surgery is divided into General Surgery and 6 Surgery Subspecialties with the breakdown for
the final Surgery 2 grade as follows:

General Surgery: 8% per Module 32%

Module 1 Stomach, Small Intestines, Colon, Anorectum

Module 2 Liver, Gallbladder, Pancreas, Spleen
Module 3 Head and Neck, Salivary Glands, Endocrine
Module 4 Breast, Abdominal Wall, Trauma, Skin and Soft Tissue

Pediatric Surgery: 8%
Neurosurgery: 8%
Plastic Surgery: 8%
Urosurgery: 8%
TCVS: 8% (Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery)
Orthosurgery: 8% (1 shift ONLY)

Total of Modules: 80%

Finals: 20%


Sections A and B:
1st Sem: GenSurg Mod 3&4, UroSurg, TCVS, OrthoSurg
2nd Sem: GenSurg Mod 1&2, PediaSurg, NeuroSurg, PlasticSurg

Sections C and D:
1st Sem: GenSurg Mod 1&2, PediaSurg, NeuroSurg, PlasticSurg
2nd Sem: GenSurg Mod 3&4, UroSurg, TCVS, OrthoSurg

General Tips:
1. LECTURE / BOOK TRANSES for everything are available. Read them!

a. GenSurg Lec PPTs/Transes + Samplex

b. NeuroSurg Dr. Tan Lec Transes + Schwartz + Sabiston (*NOT SAMPLEX!*)
NeuroSurg is the HARDEST Module. May CT/MRI images pa sa Finals!!!
c. PediaSurg Dr. Dizon Lec PPTs | Not sure for Dr. Regals section.
Dr. Dizon is the best! Chillest Surg SubSpec if hes your faci!
d. PlasticSurg Snorlax Notes / Lec PPTs + Samplex
Dra. Gannabans topics are NOT Samplex! Attend her lectures!!!
e. UroSurg Book (Adams) Transes + Samplex
Read the book transes!!! Exams arent super samplex but are book-based.
f. TCVS Schwartz + Samplex
g. OrthoSurg Handouts / Lec Transes + Samplex
2. NEUROSURG! Yes you have to read BOTH Schwartz and Sabiston in addition to the
lecture transes of Dr. Tan. He makes the exams. Hes retired and has a lot of free time
hence the new questions. NeuroSurg Finals is deadly.

3. ORTHOSURG! Youll have this for just 1 shift with only Prelims and Finals as exams so
dont alay! Study the department handouts or Lec PPTs, theyre equally high-yield. All the
questions are taken from there.

be sure to make recalls of the exam questionnaires as the same questions will come out
in your Shifting or Final Exam.

General Surgery 50 % to 100% of the Shifting Exam MAY be Recall

GenSurg Finals 90% Recall, 10% Old Samplex
TCVS Finals 80% Recall, 20% Old Samplex
PlasticSurg Finals ALL Recall except Dra. Gannaban topics

5. Do not expect high grades for GenSurg. 40% of your Shifting Grade is SGD faci-based
grading and they dont grade all that high (except if youre under Dr. Ida Lim or Dr. George
Lim coz they give 90+). Advanced condolences to subsections wholl be under Dr. Cuevas.
He gives nothing above line of 7 with DO NOT TRANSMUTE instructions for the Surg
secretary. Yes, surgery is unfair. No exemptions here too.

6. Watch out for Dr. Karl Morales exams in GenSurg. Half our exam was multiple modified
true or false (morse code type?). Yung A if 123 is correct, B if 1 and 3, you get me. 25
points of that nightmare of an exam type huhu. Pray that he doesnt make your exams.

Pedia 2 is divided into Pediatrics 2, Pedia Clinical Correlates (PCC), and Family and Community
Pediatrics (FCP).
Pediatrics 2 Modules:
Module 1: GI, Hematology, Oncology, Cardiology
Module 2: Neurology, Infectious Diseases, Rheumatology
Module 3: Pulmonology, Endocrinology, Immunology
Module 4: Neonatology, Nephrology, Genetics

Sections A & B:
1st Sem: Modules 3&4, Sec A: FCP, Sec B: PCC
2nd Sem: Modules 1&2, Sec A: PCC, Sec B: FCP
Sections C & D:
1st Sem: Modules 1&2, Sec C: FCP, Sec D: PCC
2nd Sem: Modules 3&4, Sec C: PCC, Sec D: FCP

High Yield!
o Pedia 2 Modules: Batch 2017 Lecture Transes (Pig Notes) or Lec PPTs
o FCP: Lec PPTs, Samplex 2013
o PCC: Pedia Blue Book, Pedia Red Book, Pedia 1 Notes/Slides, Samplex

Study Tips!
1. DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE PEDIA 2. Shifting Exams are difficult, you have to really
memorize the transes and listen well to the lectures. There is a 10 to 15 point quiz
(sometimes identification) after each lecture so study up! Samplex helps!

2. PCC quizzes are based on the Blue Book. Make sure you get the coverage right! Its
Hx/PE of the NEWBORN before Hx/PE of the Older Child/Adolescent. Theres a Pedia
Radio Trans too, very nice file.

3. PCC has Prax and OSCE. Stick to the Blue Book and youll be fine because everything
they ask you to demonstrate/ identify is there. Whenever you see laptop stations, move
the slides coz there are other pictures to identify!!!
4. FACI-BASED GRADING may pull your grades down so beware! They never released
a breakdown for FCP grades but some subsections averaged at 85, others 90+. So
depende sa faci. The same goes for PCC so prepare for your reports well!

5. For those aiming for EXEMPTION, Pedia 2 is the most difficult subject to exempt. The
class standing is computed as follows:

Average of Pedia 2 Modules 70%

PCC Final Grade 15%
FCP Final Grade 15%

Again, faci-grades can pull you down so I suggest that you aim for an average of 93
and above for the Pedia 2 Modules to create a buffer for PCC and FCP. Note that only
1 person got 90+ for PCC in our batch. FCP grades varied widely.

No exemptions for Sec B and D in our batch coz they submitted their FCP papers late.
Be warned.

6. PEDIA FINALS is a 120-point combination of the 4 Modules + PCC + FCP. I found it

rather easy coz it was presented as matching type cases in sets of 4 so you can
eliminate choices. Not really samplex but it will test your Pedia knowledge base.

Aaand that concludes the MAJORS! Time for Minors!

The approach to studying OB 2 and Gyne are generally the same. As with OB 1, recitation still
accounts for 10% of your final OB 2 and Gyne grades, while quizzes form 50%.
High Yield!
o Lalala or PPP Notes Gynecology (I also read Katz, its helpful!)
o Mallen Notes OB 2 (These are actually just PPT slides of Dra. Mallen's SGDs.)
o Pikachu/TP Notes OB 2
o General Lecture PPTs/Transes
Study Tips!
Samplex as much as you can for quizzes. Study quizzes, prelims and finals samplexes
from the get go, that way you cover as many questions as possible and you dont cram
as much for the longer exams. Again, dont be content with just studying recent quizzes
samplexes, youll regret finding out later that the questions asked in your quiz came
out in the 2012 prelims or some other old exam. Samplexes are actually sufficient to
get you through Prelims and Finals so study up!

NOTE! Gyne Finals is cover to cover. OB 2 Finals is 2nd shift topics only.

Get information about your facilitators from the upper batch. Some are easy 10s,
others require you to recite more than once.

For GYNE, read Lalala beforehand and have Katz available. I had Dra. Trinidad and
Dra. Dee for Gyne, theyre both high-yield facis! Dra. Lunas class beware. She likes
picking on students and she wont allow you to sit unless youve correctly answered
her questions. Try to get on her good side. Dr. Gil Gonzales is chill. Dra. Punsalan is
the basis of PPP Notes, dont know much about her. Dra. Mariano is nice too.

For OB 2, read Mallen Notes, everything you need to know is there. You can also opt
to read TP/Pikachu Notes for more information. For Dra. Gamillas class, you have to
recite more than once to get full marks. Dra. Irma Lee is high-yield in OB 2 and she
really enjoys teaching it more than OB 1, she also has her own set of PPTs so try to
get a copy for recit and try to recite EVERY MEETING. Dra. Coloma is nice. Dra.
Mallen is the chillest and high-yield. Dr. Mon Gonzales is also super high-yield and he
makes most of the quizzes. No information about Dra. Sison.


The lecturers make the exam questions for their particular topics. It might not seem
appealing to have to get up at 7 AM when attendance wont be checked at all but I
strongly encourage you to attend the GLs coz theyre high-yield and theres no
certainty that last years lecturer will be conducting the same lecture this year so you
cant simply rely on transes or PPT slides.

High Yield!
o Boruka or CBAC Notes

Study Tips!
1. BORUKA or CBAC Notes

Take your pick, content-wise theyre both okay but I like Borukas format more. The
lectures are all cut-able hahaha.


Do not ever forget to samplex for Neuro! Samplex, especially RECALL samplexes
from the previous semester, are high-yield! Answer keys to the quizzes are announced
immediately after the quiz. Shiftings answer keys are discussed in a separate session.
As with OB/Gyne, study Shiftings and Finals samplexes already as you review for the
quizzes. Finals, however, was NOT samplex. But Neuro curves!



You really have to digest TP Notes to get a good score in the quizzes. Only 2 people
were exempted in my section for BehMed 2. The quizzes were so difficult, they werent
samplex and they were mostly cases. Pikachu isnt enough if youre aiming for
exemption go read Kaplan.

However! The final exam is super TP-notes based. So make super bawi in the Finals
by memorizing Pikachu!

Attend and listen to the lectures especially those on Psychopharmacology and
Psychotherapies. Pharma will be a constant topic in all the quizzes even if it will be
one of the last topics discussed. So read ahead on Dr Baroques lecture on
Psychopharma, there are transes available.
Legal Medicine is divided into Medical Jurisprudence and Forensic Pathology. Listed below are
tips for Dra. Oropilla and Dr. Rebosas classes. No info on Dr. Bu-Castro and the new prof.
1. DRA. OROPILLA (Forensic Pathology)

Attend her lectures and listen very well. Her Final exam and take-home case are rather
difficult. Its not samplex so you really have to digest her PPTs and your notes. Or make-
bawi in Juris.

2. DR. REBOSA (Medical Jurisprudence)

There are these awesome transes of Doc Rebosas lectures so you dont need to attend
class. Hes very entertaining so you might wanna attend lectures just for fun but youd
rather spend time studying for other exams.

His Final exam is composed to a 100-point multiple choice questionnaire thats super
samplex coz he forgot to make our exam so he had to recycle questions. Theres also a
4-item essay exam so you have to study the transes well. Juris is very interesting and

PrevMed 2 consists of Applied Epidemiology, Family Medicine and Community Health. Youll be
up to your neck in videos and projects for this subject so brace yourselves.
Study Tips!
Attend class and recite coz he gives a lot of bonuses! Get a copy of the shifting exam
samplex coz he doesnt change it. You can get a 100 as final grade!

No info on other Applied Epi facilitators, sorry.

Do you best in the videos and group papers. Each point in the quiz and the shiftings
is roughly equivalent to 1% of your final grade so study up coz items are limited.
Memorize the PPTs and listen to the lectures of the facis.

Videos and group papers again. The quiz is 50 points with 25 cases in which you will
identify if the intervention is a primary / secondary / tertiary preventive measure and
the identity of the initiating group (organization, government, private, etc.) Shiftings is
~90% samplex 2013 with new True or False items.
The much-feared subject!
High Yield!
o Super Group Notes (Book Transes)
o Allie Notes for 2nd Shift (Dr. Yutangco SGDs)

Study Tips!

If your subsection is assigned to Dr. Yutangco then rejoice! Hes the highest-yield faci
ever! You dont even have to read the book anymore, just record and trans his lectures
or take down notes coz he tells you everything you need to know!

Dra. Macaraig is another high-yield faci daw.


For the unlucky majority to be under the instruction of other facilitators, you may study
Vaughans but its not an easy read. Super Group Notes are book transes, so thats
another option. The department opted to make their lecture PPTs uniform so it might
help to study the slides too.


Samplex as much as you can for Ophtha. They have favorite questions and keywords
for cases! Our Finals was NOT cover to cover, 2nd shift topics only, but this depends
on whos making the exam.


High Yield!
o Lecture PPTs
o Teachers Guides for Cases (Uploaded to Dropbox)
Endless group presentations and RANDOM reporting. Many video projects and papers.
Make sure you always reserve laptops and projectors for SLDs (Student-Led
Discussions). I recommend that you randomize tasks for the PPTs for fair division of work.
Base your presentations on Probst (textbook).
Nobody fails ENT! (But the stress is unparalleled coz of the insane amount of projects.)
Lec PPTs and Teachers Guides are sufficient for Quizzes, Prelims and Finals.
High Yield!
o Handouts
o Lecture PPT (Dr. Matawaran)
Study Tips!
The handouts and lectures are quite nice even if the schedule isnt haha. Each
lecture is followed by an exercise to mark attendance. This is 10% of your grade.

Never ever forget to samplex, especially for DR. LAYGO topics!

By far the most difficult 3rd Year subject because they make it so.
Study Tips!

Each subsection will be handed a case for which youll select 2 journal articles. In a 3-
part set of reports you will present for EACH journal: 1) Clinical Question and Search
Strategy, 2) Critical Appraisal, 3) Results and ROLEPLAY. The catch here is that a
manuscript that supposedly contains EVERYTHING youll be reporting from clinical
question to results has to be submitted at the start of the sem. Work on that coz the
facis hate it when your PPT differs from the manuscript.


Exams for this subject are crazy difficult. Online quizzes are only 5 to 6 points each so
every point counts! Listen well to the reports and the comments of the facis, also study
your classmates PPTs. Good luck fighting off the urge to sleep! Hahaha. Note that
they DO ask questions about the roleplay.

Study Tips!

Listen to Doc Morals lectures! Everything he said came out in the Finals!
This is the most enjoyable Ethics class yet, youll find out why.
Be good and decent people!

High Yield!
o Lalala Derma Megatable
o High Yield Notes (They dont really have a name huhu)


Everything you need to know is in the Lalala Megatable and in the High-Yield Notes.
All you have to do is look for the topics for the day as these are jumbled up.
Memorize the table for even just 30 minutes before the quiz and youre sure to do
well. Quizzes are at 7AM sharp! Dont be late.

Quizzes are mostly multiple choice and matching type. And theyre kinda easy too.
But you have to do well in all of them because there are only 6 quizzes in Derma.
Samplex helps!

NOTE! Know the case for the day, ask the reporting group. This is usually 1 point in
the quiz. Also know the diagnosis in the grand rounds as this will come out in the
quiz of the following week. Cases are interesting!

You really have to memorize Lalala for the Final exam. The questions are ALL
CASES. There are always keywords for you to arrive at the correct diagnosis and
treatment. So stick to Lalala. Samplex did not help much for Finals.


Use Andrews to prepare for the Case group reports so you dont get floored by your
faci. There are also voluntary individual reports for bonus points so sign up if you
want. Use Andrews as your source.


Other sections had it harder for Derma, I guess its faci-based too and it depends on whos
making the exams.

Derma is a 1 shift subject so do not alay!

High Yield
o Lecture Transes and PPTs
o OSCE Reviewers
o OSCE Video

Study Tips!

Watch the OSCE Video and study the OSCE Reviewers THEN get yourself a live
Physical Therapist to demonstrate all the maneuvers and explain what theyre for.


The lecture transes or PPTs plus samplexes are sufficient for written exams.



Samplex is a must for Radio, the transes are NOT enough. Study as many samplexes
as you can, even the older ones, and MAKE RECALLS! The finals is mostly recall of
your previous long tests. The PRELIMS is the most difficult exam for Radio. GU/ Kidney
is NOT samplex, making it the most difficult topic.


Use these to follow the lectures. Do not be absent as they sometimes give quizzes after
lectures and after ICDs.


Base your report on the textbook (Chen) and consult the resident early so you can
prepare. The facis can be mean during the report so you have to know your shit. Some
images are actually online and explanations are provided in the websites hehe.

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