Department of Chemical Engineering: (An Autonomous Institution Affiliated To JNTUK, AP)
Department of Chemical Engineering: (An Autonomous Institution Affiliated To JNTUK, AP)
Department of Chemical Engineering: (An Autonomous Institution Affiliated To JNTUK, AP)
1. Objectives
a. Enable impart knowledge on Antoine equation
b. Learnt the calculation of vapor pressure of components from Antoine equation
2. Topic Learning Outcomes
After the completion of the class the students will able to:
a. be able to identify the various parts of a three dimension Pressure-Volume-
Temperature (PvT) phase diagram including those regions where a single phase
exists and those where two phases coexist.
b. Explain phase diagram and its components Vapor pressure, triple point, equilibrium,
Dew point, bubble point
c. Calculate vapor pressure of a substance from a vapor pressure equation
d. Calculate temperature of substance from vapor pressure
3. Teaching Methodology
a. Chalk & Talk /PPT Mode
4. Applications
a. Evaporation
b. Drying
c. Distillation
d. Humidification and dehumidification
e. Cooling towers
6. Discussion
Vapor pressure or equilibrium vapor pressure is defined as the pressure exerted by a vapor in
thermodynamic equilibrium with its condensed phases (solid or liquid) at a given temperature in
a closed system. The equilibrium vapor pressure is an indication of a liquid's evaporation rate. It
relates to the tendency of particles to escape from the liquid (or a solid). A substance with a high
vapor pressure at normal temperatures is often referred to as volatile. The pressure exhibited by
vapor present above a liquid surface is known as vapor pressure. As the temperature of a liquid
increases, the kinetic energy of its molecules also increases. As the kinetic energy of the
molecules increases, the number of molecules transitioning into a vapor also increases, thereby
increasing the vapor pressure.
Main points on the phase diagram:
The forces causing the vaporization of a liquid are derived from the kinetic energy of
translation of its molecules. An increase in kinetic energy of molecular translation should
increase the rate of vaporization and therefore the vapour pressure. It was pointed out that the
kinetic energy of translation is directly proportional to the absolute temperature. On the basis of
this theory, an increase in temperature should cause an increased rate of vaporization and a
higher equilibrium vapour pressure. This is found to be universally the case. It must be
remembered that it is the temperature of the liquid surface that is effective in determining the rate
of vaporization and the vapour pressure.
An exact thermodynamic relationship between vapour pressure and temperature is
developed as
dT T (VG VL )
Where p = vapour pressure
T = absolute temperature
= heat of vaporization at temperature T
dp dT d 1
d ln p
p RT 2 or R T (14)
is named the August equation, after the German physicist Ernst Ferdinand August (17951870).
The August equation describes a linear relation between the logarithm of the pressure and the
reciprocal temperature. This assumes a temperature-independent heat of vaporization. The
Antoine equation allows an improved, but still inexact description of the change of the heat of
vaporization with the temperature.
The Antoine equation can also be transformed in a temperature-explicit form with simple
algebraic manipulations:
7. Mind Map
1. Hougen, Olaf A., and Kenneth M. Watson. "Chemical Process Principles-Part 1: Material
and Energy Blances." (1948).
2. Himmelblau, David Mautner, and James B. Riggs. Basic principles and calculations in
chemical engineering. FT Press, 2012.
3. Bhatt, B. I., and S. M. Vora. Stoichiometry:(si units). Tata McGraw-Hill Pub. Co., 1996.
9. Questions:
1. Dene i. Vapour pressure. ii. Normal boiling point
2. Write Antoines Equation, explain its significance.
3. What is Bubble point and Dew point?
1. What is the main principle involved to derive Clausius Clapeyron equation and what
are the assumptions made.
1. A liquid mixture containing equimolar amounts of benzene, toluene and ethylebenzene
is flashed to conditions of T= 110oC, P= 90 KPa, determine the equilibrium
molefraction{xi} and {yi} of the liquid and vapour phase formed and the molar fraction
of V of the vapour formed. Assume that raoults law applies