Ques.1. What Are The Principles of Energy Conscious Design? Explain in Detail With The Help of Case Examples
Ques.1. What Are The Principles of Energy Conscious Design? Explain in Detail With The Help of Case Examples
Ques.1. What Are The Principles of Energy Conscious Design? Explain in Detail With The Help of Case Examples
Human comfort is gaining importance in the recent decades. The energy conscious
design approach helps designers and building owners to economically reduce
building costs, while improving comfort for the buildings residents. Passive
Architecture involves the use of eco-friendly and less energy intensive materials for
construction of building, incorporating passive solar principles in building design and
operation including day lighting features, integration of renewable energy, methods
to conserve water, waste water recycling techniques, rainfall harvesting and use of
appliances in buildings that are energy efficient.
Passive cooling can be adopted as a viable alternative to conventional cooling
system because conventional means of creating thermal comfort are energy
intensive and hence harmful to ecological system.
An energy efficient building is designed to deliver maximum comfort to occupants by
making the most of free natural heating, cooling, lighting and utilizing efficient design
principles and building materials to reduce.
A. Building Envelope
A building interacts with the environment through its external faades such as
walls, projections, windows and roofs referred to as the building envelope.
This building envelope is a thermal shell, which if constructed in a thoughtless
way, may result in energy leaks through each and every component.
Configuring the geometry of the building appropriate to the climate and usage
C. Orientation of Buildings
E. Building Configuration
Configuring the geometry of the building appropriate to the climate and usage
can control the magnitude of the heat flow. Wind when obstructed by a
building creates pressure differences, creating positive pressure on the
windward side and negative pressure on the leeward side. Consequently, a
new airflow pattern gets developed around the building. Thus, wind pattern
across any building can get modified by shaping it appropriately. Structures
can be designed to conserve energy in both winter and summer. Shading
devices such as chajjas block the solar radiation incident on the exposed
surfaces of a building, consequently reducing heat gain. Buffer spaces such
as courtyards, atria, balconies and verandahs provide shading and catch
F. Building Components
The nature of a building envelope determines the amount of radiation and
wind that will enter the building. It consists of Roof, Walls, Ground-based floor,
fenestrations, external color and texture. The heat flow through these
elements is characterized by their resistance, thermal capacity, absorption,
transmission and emission. Windows act as the means of achieving desired
solar heat gains, natural light and ventilation. They can also be the major
route of internal heat loss and excessive heat gain resulting in overheating.
G. Passive solar heating
Passive solar heating is one of the several design approaches collectively
called passive solar design. Passive solar design involves mainly the
Using this reasoning, there are three categories of passive solar heating
systems .
(A) Direct gain systems
Direct gain systems In this technique, sunlight is admitted into the living
spaces directly through openings or glazed windows. The sunlight heats the
walls and floors, which then store and transmits the heat to the indoor
environment. The main requirements of a direct gain system are large glazed
windows to receive maximum solar radiation and thermal storage mass
Ques.2. What are the tools and techniques of design and evaluation
of energy efficient buildings?
With growing urbanization, our cities are playing an increasingly important role in
accelerating energy efficiency improvements and mitigating climate change. Cities
are one of the biggest consumers of energy in the world, representing almost two-
thirds of global primary energy demand and accounting for 70 per cent of
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the energy sector
Selecting the tools Selection of the analytical and information tools for building
energy efficiency has been conducted based on the following criteria:
Focus on energy efficiency in buildings;
Are free and publicly available; and
Support energy efficiency actions in a city
A wide range of design tools is now available to help architects and engineers in the
design of more energy-efficient buildings. They range from quite simple paper-based
assessment procedures to advanced computer-based applications.
Design tools include a diversity of tools, from those used to inform the design
process by indicating trends in energy use associated with strategic design
decisions, to tools to predict the energetic performance of detailed architectural and
engineering proposals. In some cases, design tools have been developed to replace
laborious calculation procedures used in the design process. In using the design
tool, the 'number crunching' exercise is either carried out by the computer or has
been simplified by following a number of pre-defined steps in the case of a manual
design tool. They can save considerable time if used correctly, cutting a weeks work
on paper to possibly an hour or less in the case of a computer based design tool.
Design tools can greatly assist where specialist or expert knowledge of a topic is not
available or where the required study of an issue would be prohibitively complex or
time consuming. Most design tools are based on either mathematical or empirical
relationships. However, the user does not necessarily have to understand these
formulae in order to use the tool. With an awareness of the limitation of the tool and
the help of guidance documentation and/or training, he or she may carry out studies
of a particular proposal and the energy consequences for a building or component
However, tools also have their limitations. They are often mistakenly used with the
assumption that they can predict reality. This can be a most misleading assumption
and is often the basis for serious misuse of design tools. While some tools can
achieve quite accurate predictions, they are based, including assumptions, on
approximations which can introuduce errors. Similarly, users will bring to a tool their
own assumptions and simplifications of the design problem. For the potential user of
a design tool, awareness of the assumptions and simplifications made within the
tools theoretical analysis method is important.
architectural and engineering practice. The various issues which can be addressed
are extensive; they may be broken down into the following groupings:
building fabric
thermal performance
daylighting and electrical lighting
ventilation (mechanical and natural)
services systems
energy consumption
All of these issue are inter-related, in that they can directly or indirectly affect one
another and the overall energy performance of a building or services system.
However, less sophisticated tools will often focus on only one or a few of these
issues. The more issues taken into account, the more complex the model.
Accordingly, to provide design tools which are more suited to early stages of the
design process the number of issues considered is kept to a minimum. It is also
often the case that more assumptions are made to reduce the information needed as
input. The use of more complex tools is then appropriate in later stages of design to
ensure all energy related issues are addressed, in greater detail.
The use of such design tools can provide the confidence necessary to proceed with
new ideas and thus move forward in improving building design and innovation.
However, the main aim in the use of tools, in energy efficient design in general, is in
achieving the optimum balance between all factors to minimise energy consumption.
Unfortunately, no design tool can do this automatically. It is an iterative process
involving the expertise of the design team itself, together with appropriate design
tools. There are many software packages available which analyse a specific aspect
of one or more building components.
In supporting the improvement of energy efficiency in buildings, several factors are
generally taken into account by all design tools. These are considered in the
following sections.
1. Location
3. Standard Calculations
For the study of energy use/energy consumption, lighting, daylighting, ventilation
and infiltration, running costs, etc. there are many different theoretical calculation
methods. The differences between comparative methods are often small.
However, some regulatory bodies do require that certain standards be used,
particularly when assessing compliance with Building Standards and Regulations.
4. Services Systems
The services systems to be included in the building (including space heating,
ventilation, air-conditioning, lighting, controls) become important energy issues in
the later stages of design. Many intermediate and high level tools offer a wide
range of different systems describing services within a building. However, for
more detailed study of services systems, design tools developed specifically for
such analyses are probably more appropriate.
In the development of building design tools, efforts are being made to integrate
these and CAD systems to produce what would appear to the user as one single
design system with built-in CAD facilities -but in reality is a network of tools
connected so as to exchange data in a common format. Some of these tools already
exist but at present only very simple CAD systems are used. CAD systems also
provide facilities for the visualisation of three dimensional building models through
rendering software and can also be linked to databases and other software through
built-in functionality, making them much more than the original simple drawing tools.
The building industry is a vital element of any economy but has a significant impact
on the environment. By virtue of its size, construction is one of the largest users of
energy, material resources, and water, and it is a formidable polluter. In response to
these impacts, there is growing consensus among organizations committed to
environmental performance targets that appropriate strategies and actions are
needed to make building activities more sustainable.
It is estimated that by 2056, global economic activity will have increased fivefold,
global population will have increased by over 50%, global energy consumption will
have increased nearly threefold, and global manufacturing activity will have
increased at least threefold [9,10]. Globally, the building sector is arguably one of the
most resource-intensive industries. Compared with other industries, the building
industry rapidly growing world energy use and the use of finite fossil fuel resources
has already raised concerns over supply difficulties, exhaustion of energy resources
and heavy environmental impactsozone layer depletion, carbon dioxide emissions,
global warming, climate change.
Resource Conservation
Methods for minimizing material wastage during building construction process and
providing opportunities for recycling and reuse of building material also contribute to
improving resource consumption efficiency. Calls to be resource efficient have been
born from concern for increasing depletion of non-renewable natural resources.
Since the non-renewable resources that play major role in a construction project are
energy, water, material and land, the conservation of these non-renewable resources
has vital importance for a sustainable future.
Energy Conservation
Energy use is one of the most important environmental issues and managing its use
is inevitable in any functional society. Buildings are the dominant energy consumers.
Buildings consume energy and other resources at each stage of building project from
design and construction through operation and final demolition. The kind and amount
of energy use during the life cycle of a building material, right from the production
process to handling of building materials after its end life can, for example, affect the
flow of greenhouse gases (GHGs) to the atmosphere in different ways over different
periods of time. Their consumption can be largely cut back through improving
efficiency, which is an effective means to lessen greenhouse gas emissions and slow
down depletion of non-renewable energy resources. With this realization, increasing
more attention is being paid to the improved energy conservation in building sector
over the years, partly because the sector harbours a considerable potential of
primary energy saving and reduction of emissions, having a negative impact on the
Energy use in a life cycle perspective includes energy needed for both operational
and embodied energy. The operational energy requirements of a building can be
considered as the energy that is used to maintain the environment inside that
2. Insulating the building envelope is the most important of all energy conservation
measures because it has the greatest impact on energy expenditure. A well designed
and installed insulation can reduce the amount of heat lost through the building
envelope by at least half. Draughts and heat loss will be eliminated with an air-
tightness strategy, where existing vents and chimneys will be blocked, floors and
ceilings will be insulated, and walls will be coated with modified plaster. Heat
recovery in high temperature areas such as kitchens and bathrooms, will achieve
optimum energy efficiency through a mechanical ventilation unit that takes heat from
these areas and uses it elsewhere in the house.
3. Designing for energy efficient deconstruction and recycling of materials cut energy
consumption in manufacturing and save on natural resources. Buildings designed for
deconstruction will include the disentanglement of systems, and reductions in
chemically disparate binders, adhesives or coatingsor
thermal/chemical/mechanical means to better separate constituent materials. They
will include a construction blueprint and also a deconstruction blueprint. They will
have bar codes for materials so that the deconstruction contractor will have
handling instructions for the material or component upon removal. These buildings
will have self-supporting and self-stabilizing components, component accessibility
designed in, and built- in tie-offs and connection points for workers and machinery.
Most importantly, buildings that facilitate reuse and recycling will use non-hazardous
materials, bio-based materials, high quality and highly recyclable materials. Design
for deconstruction offers possibilities for the design of buildings that will close the
loop of materials-use in building, and help make the transition towards a zero-energy
building industry.
Therefore the design of low energy houses should be combined with an urban
design that allows the use of public transportation and bicycles. If the cities maximize
public transportation, the use of bicycles and minimize the use of private cars the
result would be lower costs for energy and road construction, less traffic jams and
less air pollution.
Materials Conservation
1. Design for Waste Minimization. The construction industry is one of the major
waste generators, which causes several environmental, social and economic
problems. Waste takes the form of spent or unwanted materials generated from
construction and demolition processes. Prevention and reduction of waste in the
construction of housing can save considerable amounts of non-renewable resources.
Waste minimization should be addressed as part of the project sustainability agenda
throughout the design process by the application of the three key designing out
waste principles namely: Reducing and recovering construction waste; Reuse and
Recycling and the storage and disposal of construction waste.
a. Reducing and recovering construction waste: This will reduce reuse, recycling and
disposal needs thus providing economic benefits. An analysis has shown that
recovery reduces the amount of waste and Green House Gas (GHG) emissions,
saves energy, and reduces the use of raw materials [58]. Recovery of useful energy
and materials from wastes has also been emphasized as one of the most important
environmentally friendly practices for achieving energy savings to alleviate the
pressing energy situations .
3. Specify Natural and Local Materials. Natural materials are generally lower in
embodied energy and toxicity than man-made materials. They require less
processing and are less damaging to the environment. Many, like wood, are
theoretically renewable. When natural materials are incorporated into building
products, the products become more sustainable. The use of building material
sourced locally can help lessen the environmental burdens, shortens transport
distances, thus reducing air pollution produced by vehicles. Often, local materials are
better suited to climatic conditions, and these purchases support area economies.
For instance, the decorative use of marble quarried halfway around the world is not a
sustainable choice. Steel, when required for structural strength and durability, is a
justifiable use of a material that is generally manufactured some distance from the
building site.
4. Design for Pollution prevention. Pollution prevention measures taken during the
manufacturing and construction process can contribute significantly to environmental
sustainability. It may also be a problem in the extraction of some minerals, when the
waste is deposited, especially hazardous waste. This wastewater is often released
directly into streams and can contain toxic substances. The means of transport is
also important. Emissions from road, air and rail transport are a major cause of
photochemical smog, of which the main components are carbon monoxide, nitrogen
oxides, hydrocarbons and ozone released by the action of sunlight on organic
compounds in the lower atmosphere. Because of their bulk, and the large quantities
involved, moving construction materials contributes very significantly to the total
pollution emissions from transport. By becoming aware of which manufacturers use
environmentally sustainable manufacturing methods, specifying their products, and
avoiding goods produced through highly polluting methods, building designers can
encourage the use and marketing of sustainable construction materials.
Water Conservation
With the fast development of the global economy, depletion of water resources is
becoming an environmental issue of the utmost concern worldwide. The effects a
sector can have on the environment are nowhere more apparent than in the building
industry. Building construction and its operations draw heavily on water from the
environment. Growth in urban water use has caused a significant reduction of water
tables and necessitating large projects that siphon supplies away from agriculture .
Water used to operate buildings is a significant component of national water
consumption. However, this is not the only form of water consumed throughout a
buildings life cycle. Water is also consumed in the extraction, production,
manufacturing, and delivery of materials and products to site, and the actual on-site
construction process
1.Utilizing water-efficient plumbing fixtures such as ultra-low flow toilets and urinals,
waterless urinals, low-flow and sensored sinks, low-flow showerheads, and
water-efficient dishwashers and washing machines, to minimize wastewater.
2.Design for dual plumbing to use recycled water for toilet flushing or a gray water
system that recovers rainwater or other non-potable water for site irrigation.
Gray water is produced by activities such as hand washing, and does not
need to be treated intensively as sewage. It can be recycled in a building to
irrigate ornamental plants or flush toilets.
3.Collecting rainwater using rainwater and grey water storage for irrigation greatly
reduces the consumption of treated water. Rainwater can also be used for
household applications including drinking water. In fact, people in many
regions of the world have traditionally relied on harvested rainwater for their
water supply.
5.Designing low-demand landscaping using plants native to the local ecosystem also
reduces water consumption on site, since these plants have been adapted to
the local rainwater levels, thus eliminating additional watering. The efficiency
of water can also be improved by means of underground drip irrigation
systems, which reduces water loss caused by evaporation of surface water
during watering or after rain.
6.Pressure Reduction. Because flow rate is related to pressure, the maximum water
flow from a fixture operating on a fixed setting can be reduced if the water
pressure is reduced. For example, a reduction in pressure from 100 pounds
per square inch to 50 psi at an outlet can result in a water flow reduction of
about one-third.
Land Conservation