Activity 2 Ci Ut2
Activity 2 Ci Ut2
Activity 2 Ci Ut2
Economy in United States
According to some research carried out mentions that the United States is the
world's first economy by volume of GDP. However this has public debt was
17,166,182 million euros this registered in 2015 making it the most indebted
country in the world, with a debt of 105.61% of GDP. Its debt per capita is 53,494
euros per inhabitant, then its inhabitants are among the most indebted in the world.
The United States is the richest, most powerful and influential country on Earth,
this is mentioned by the people, but it is still the most indebted it is contradictory to
hear that
The last annual rate of change of the CPI published in the United States is of May
of 2017 and was of 1.9%.
There are some variables that can help you know more if you are going to travel to
the United States or just want to know more about the standard of living of its
GDP per capita is a very good indicator of the standard of living and in the case of
the United States, in 2016, it was 51,917. This figure means that its inhabitants
have a good standard of living, since it occupies the 9th place in the ranking of 196
countries in the ranking of GDP per capita.
The United Nations to measure the progress of a country and ultimately shows the
standard of living of its inhabitants, indicates that Americans are among the best
quality of life.
If the reason for visiting the United States is business, it is useful to know that the
United States is ranked 8th out of the 190 that make up the Doing Business
ranking, which classifies countries according to the ease of doing business.
As for the Public Sector Corruption Perceptions Index in the United States has
been 74 points, so, its inhabitants have a low level of perception of government
Economy of England
The UK is one of the leading nations in the world in terms of industry and trade.
Not for taste England was the center of the Industrial Revolution. The gross
domestic product of the United Kingdom is in the fifth place in the world, after the
United States, Japan, Germany, China. This amounts to more than two million
dollars, which means more than 41 thousand dollars per head.
The economy of England has been traditionally solid, it has been established
decades as one of the main economies based on industry and commerce, which
has generated that for years its GDP is among the first 5 of the world, below the
United States, Japan, Germany and China.
The key to success in the English economy is that after the hard losses of the
Second World War as well as when their colonies became independent they
managed to maintain a double alliance, always keeping close to the European
markets without losing for a minute their good treatment With the United States,
which meant that for a long time the English economy maintained very good rates.
One of the things that has fought England is not to belong to the eurozone what
has managed to keep its currency that is the British Pound one of the currencies
that more transactions daily in the world currency market.
After World War II, the country resumed a powerful economic course, boosting in
turn the alliance that maintains until today with the United States.
The main industrial activities are machinery, chemicals and transport material.
Traditional coal mines are located in Wales, Scotland, Yorkshire and Lancashire. It
is also the second European producer of oil, after Norway, because in 1970 the
mineral was discovered in the North Sea.