Edtpa Lesson Plans
Edtpa Lesson Plans
Edtpa Lesson Plans
Grade Level: 8
Subject / Content area: ELA (English Language Arts)
Unit of Study: Story Elements
Lesson Title: Characterization
Central Focus for the learning segment:
Content Standard(s): According to the CCSS this lesson meets the
following standards: RL.8.3
Formal Assessment:
Students will turn in their characterization packet for grading and
Lesson Timeline: This lesson will take one class (60 minutes) to complete,
but will be a continuous lesson for two more days.
Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks: Students will take out their
"Characterization in The Cat in the Hat" packet from the previous day. As
a class, students will engage in discussion about the direct and indirect
character traits they found withing The Cat in the Hat. Students will focus
on looking at the indirect character traits of Sally/the narrator, the cat,
and the fish through speech, thoughts, effect on others, actions, and
looks. Students will then spend class time individually reading two texts:
"The Tell Tale Heart" by Edgar Allen Poe and the graphic novel of "The Tell
Tale Heart" by Rick Geary. Students will then fill out a Venn diagram
comparing and contrasting the two texts for homework.
Formal Assessment:
Students will turn in their characterization packet for grading and
Lesson Timeline: This lesson will take one class (60 minutes) to complete,
but will be a continuous lesson for one more day.
Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks: Students will take out their
Venn diagram comparing and contrasting the two "The Tell Tale Heart"
texts. As a class, students will discuss the similarities and differences
between the two texts. Students will then turn in their Venn diagram for
assessment. Students will then get together with a partner and will
discuss story elements of "The Tell Tale Heart", including: setting,
characters, conflict, plot, point of view, tone, mood, and theme. After
discussing with a partner the story elements, students will discuss as a
class the setting, characters, conflict, plot, point of view, tone, mood, and
theme they found in "The Tell Tale Heart". Students will use the plot line to
help identify the character traits for the narrator. The students will then
turn in their plot lines for assessment.
Formal Assessment:
The Venn diagram and story element sheet will be turned in for
Students will take a test on characterization in "The Tell Tale Heart",
used to formally assess the entire lesson on characterization.
Lesson Timeline: This lesson will take one class (60 minutes) to complete.