Murex Mig Poster 2008 PDF
Murex Mig Poster 2008 PDF
Murex Mig Poster 2008 PDF
Car and coach body manufacture and repair.
Exhaust system manufacture. To provide a safe and comfortable working environment whilst
WARNING: Adequate safety precautions must be taken to offset the effect of heat, glare and fumes MIG welding and to make the welding jobs easier, a wide range
Commercial vehicle manufacture and repair.
SEE ACCESSORIES of Accessories are available:
Trailer and caravan manufacture.
Container and storage tank manufacture. Helmets & Lenses
Earth moving equipment manufacture and repair.
Construction industry, structural steelwork.
Process Description
Goggles & Lenses
General Eye & Face
In the MIG process the heat generated by an arc, formed between the end of a consumable filler wire and the workpiece,
Ship building. Welding screens & curtains
is used to fuse the joint area.
Elevator and conveyor engineering. Cables, Connectors & Lugs
The filler wire is fed continuously, through a contact tube or tip (from which it picks up welding current), into the arc area. Antispatter & Paint
Ducting, heating and ventilation engineering.
Fan and blower manufacture. The arc is formed in an inert gas which prevents oxidation of the weld, assists in cleaning, determines the heating Respiratory protection
Pipework and plumbing.
characteristics of the arc and the mode of transfer. Clothing & Gloves
Garden equipment. Notes Wire brushes
Leisure equipment and toy manufacture. 1. The only truly inert gases used in welding are argon and helium but for many applications gases containing Work return clamps
Metal furniture manufacture. chemically active constituents are used, in these cases the process is referred to as M.A.G. (Metal Active Gas). Safety spectacles
In the USA the process is sometimes referred to as Gas Metal Arc Welding or G.M.A.W. Hand tools
Sheet metal product producers.
Domestic appliance manufacture. 2. Constant current type power sources can be used with voltage control wire feed units. Torches
Training establishments. 3. Murex publications are available giving guidance on consumable selection, process data, equipment choice and
operating procedures. Contact your local Murex distributor.
In the dip mode the arc is In Free Flight transfer, a continuous arc is maintained between the electrode and
Dip periodically extinguished. Free Flight the workpiece and the metal is transferred to the weld pool as droplets.
The wire is fed at a rate which is just greater than the burn-off At currents above those which produce dip transfer, but below the This mode of transfer consists of a spray of very small molten In pulse transfer, the droplets are transferred by a high current
rate for the particular arc voltage being used, as a result the current level required for spray transfer globular transfer occurs. metal droplets which are projected towards the workpiece by which is periodically applied to the arc. Typical operating
wire touches the weld pool and short circuits the power supply. electrical forces within the arc. This mode of transfer is frequencies are 50 to 100 droplets per second. A background
The filler wire then acts as a fuse and when it ruptures a free The droplet size is large relative to the wire diameter and transfer particularly suited to downhand welding, but can be used by current is maintained between pulses to sustain the arc but
burning arc is created. This phenomenon is repeated regularly is irregular. positional welding with aluminium and its alloys. avoid metal downtransfer. Ideally, one drop is transferred with
up to 200 times every second. This mode of transfer occurs with steel wires at high currents each pulse and is fired across the arc by the pulse. This may
in C02 but is generally regarded as unusable unless high spatter be achieved with synergic power units. Solid state electronics
The net effect is a continuous welding condition with a low heat greatly improves the ease of operation and single knob control
input and small weld pool. levels can be tolerated. The use of cored wires gives a controlled
form of globular transfer which is acceptable. is possible over a wide range of pulsed parameters.
A good weld under the correct Lack of fusion this is caused by cold Porosity the most common cause of Poor bead appearance can be Spatter results from explosive rupture
operating conditions, excellent weld (low current) welding conditions or this defect is the presence of Nitrogen in caused by the use of incorrect current of the short-circuited filler in dip
quality, surface finish and absence from incorrect manipulation of the torch. steel or nickel, and Hydrogen in aluminium. setting, excessive voltage or poor transfer or to a lesser extent ejection of
defects can be obtained with MIG. To correct this defect, raise the welding operating technique. fine metal droplets in spray transfer.
Hydrogen commonly arises from
current and/or the level of secondary Spatter can be controlled by adding
Certain defects can be produced by surface contaminants or moisture and Overfilled or peaky welds result from
inductance and ensure that the correct inductance (to limit the peak short
poor welding procedure. The most can be avoided by cleaning the work, low heat input
weave pattern is being used. circuit current), reducing the current
common problems and their remedies ensuring that the wire is protected from
and employing an Argon/CO2 shielding
are shown for reference contamination during storage and
gas instead of CO2.
using gas hoses which do not
absorb moisture.
Arc Welding & Cutting Equipment
Gas Welding & Cutting Equipment CORED WIRE
Welding Consumables & PPE Welding Accessories
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