Brunei Second Output
Brunei Second Output
Brunei Second Output
Capital: Bandar Seri Begawan Type of Government: Absolute monarchy or sultanate (locally known as Malay Islamic Monarchy)
Main Religion: Islam Independence: January 1, 1984 (UK) Structure of Legislature:Unicameral (Consultative only)
Administrative Divisions: 4 districts (daerah-daerah, singular - daerah); Belait, Brunei-Muara, Temburong, Tutong
Head of State and Head of Government: Sultan and Prime Minister HASSANAL Bolkiah (since 5 October 1967)
Head of State and Head of Government PART VI: THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL Brunei has a dual legal system:
( His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di- Legislative Council or Majlis Mesyuarat Judicial power is vested in the Supreme
Pertuan) Negara Brunei (36 seats; members Court and the Subordinate Courts. The
Supreme executive authority of Brunei appointed by the sultan; meets annually Supreme Court comprises the High
Darussalam shall be vested in His Majesty for approximately two weeks) Court and the Court of Appeals, while
the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan The Legislative Council shall consist of six the Subordinate Courts comprises the
The constitution allows the existence of a ex-officio Members, five Official Members Magistrates Court.
Prime Minister who shall be appointed by and ten Nominated Members. (However,
currently there are more than 21 members Matters related to the Islamic faith are
the Sultan. He must be a Brunei Malay
because the Sultan appointed more people dealt with by the Islamic Court or the
professing the Muslim Religion. Currently,
than as stipulated in the constituition. Shariah.
the PM and the Sultan positions belong to
only one person. Power level: GOD)
Prerogative of Mercy (Sultans power The ex-officio Members of the Legislative The High Court receives appeals from
to give Pardon) Council shall be the Prime Minister, the Magistrates Court in the districts and is
The Sultan has the power the dissolve Minister, the Attorney General and the itself a court of first instance for criminal
legislature. s Religious Adviser (Accdg to the and civil cases. Appeal from the High Court
constitution). is submitted to the Court of Appeals. The
Judicial Committee of the Privy Council in
Election: None. Monarchy is hereditary. Every Official and Nominated Member of
London is the final court of appeal for civil
Term: Monarchy is hereditary. the Legislative Council shall hold his seat
cases only.
therein during His Majestys pleasure.
The Official Members of the Legislative
Meayuar at Di-Raja) (Sultans Advisory INTERPRETATION OF THE
Council shall be persons who hold public
office and shall be appointed by His
Shall consist of: Majesty the Sultan His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-
Ex-officio Members, namely, the Prime The Nominated Members of the Legislative Pertuan may by Proclamation,
Minister, the Wazirs, Members of the Council shall be persons who do not hold amend or revoke any of the
Council of Ministers, and the person who public office, and shall be appointed by His provisions of the Constitution
holds such other office as may from time Majesty and Sultan. including this section; and this
to time be designated by His Majesty the Constitution shall not otherwise be
Sultan by Proclamation in the Government Disqualification for official and nominated
Gazette; No person shall be qualified to be appointed His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-
Shall hold office depending on the Sultans as an Official Member or a Nominated Pertuan shall consult the Privy
pleasure Member of the Legisalative Council or having Council in relation to the exercise of
Functions of the Privy Council: been so appointed shall sit or vote therein, the powers vested in him by this
Shall advise His Majesty the Sultan and who: section but shall not be obliged to
Yang Di-Pertuan in relation to the act in accordance with the advice of
amendment or revocation of any of the 1. obedience or adherence to power or state that Council.
provisions of this Constitution, outside Brunei Darussalam.
council also advises the Sultan on the Gin include ko la ini, bangin
2. is a person declared to be of unsound mind pwede ma answer ha Judiciary
conferring of Malay customary ranks, titles
under any law in force in Brunei Darussalam; na part. Lol
and honours.
3. has been sentenced by a Court in Brunei
It also performs functions such as
Darussalam, in any part of the
proclaiming a succession of regency. Note: There is no section in Bruneis
Commonwealth or in the Republic of Ireland
Meetings shall be presided by the Sultan. constitution that discusses about the
to death or to imprisonment
No business shall be transacted at any Judicial Branch of the government. This
meeting of the Privy Council if there are 4. is an undischarged bankrupt, having been was taken on the country profile of Brunei,
less than one-third of the Members of the adjudged or otherwise declared through CIAs website:
Council (besides His Majesty
bankrupt under any law in force in Brunei
Darussalam or in any foreign country.
PART V: THE COUNCIL OF MINISTERS 5. is a party to, or a partner in, a firm or a
Presided over by His Majesty and shall This is also based on the government of
director or manager of a company, which is a
consist of the Ministers appointed by the Bruneis publication Brunei Darussalam
party to any contract the consideration for
Sultan In Brief. Typeset by Department of
which exceeds in value the sum of 1000
Information, Prime Ministers Office,
dollars with the Government for or on account
Every member shall hold his seat in the Brunei Darussalam, Revised Edition
of the public service, and has not disclosed to
Council of Ministers depending on His (2013)
the Speaker the nature of such contract and
Majestys pleasure.
his interest, or the interest of such firm or
perform the day-to-day administrative company therein.
functions of government.
The Sultan has the power the dissolve
Whenever His Majesty the Sultan and Yang
Di-Pertuan or other person presiding
desires to obtain the advice of any person
touching the affairs of government, he Note: Currently, there are 36 member of the
may require such person to attend any Legislative Council. Under the 1959
meeting of the Council of Ministers for constitution there was an elected Legislative
such purpose. Council but only one election has ever been
held, in 1962. Soon after that election, the
Council of Ministers shall have seniority assembly was dissolved following the
and precedence among themselves declaration of a state of emergency, which
saw the banning of the Brunei People's Party.
In 1970 the Council was changed to an
appointed body by decree of the Sultan. In
2004 the Sultan announced that for the next
parliament, 15 of the 20 seats would be
elected. However, no date for the election has
been set.