Week 1-Eng
Week 1-Eng
Week 1-Eng
I. Objectives Pictures (fox and wolf)
A. Expressive Objective
Film (any inspirational short film)
Observe politeness at all times
Picture words forming compound words
Show kindness to everyone
Outline/graphic organizer
B. Instructional Objectives
1. Listening Comprehension:
III. Procedure
Note significant details
2. Oral Language:
Day 1
Use appropriate facial expressions
3. Vocabulary Development:
I. Objectives
Infer the meaning of unfamiliar compound words based on given
1. Note significant details of the selection listened to.
context clues, synonyms and antonyms
2. Observe politeness at all times.
4. Oral Reading Fluency:
3. Show kindness to everyone.
Self-correct when reading
4. Use appropriate facial expressions in delivering some lines of
5. Grammar:
the characters of the selection listened to.
Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate
grammatical structures (aspects of verbs)
II. Subject Matter
6. Writing/ Composition:
A. Topic:
Plan a two to three-paragraph composition using an outline/
Noting significant details of the selection listened to
other graphic organizers
Use appropriate facial expressions
7. Viewing:
B. References:
Describe different forms and conventions of film and moving
EN5LC- Ia- 2.1
pictures (lights, blocking, direction, characterization, acting,
The Sly Fox -Developing Reading Power 5 p. 43-45
dialog, setting or setup)
8. Attitude:
C. Materials:
Observe politeness at all times
selections, pictures, laptop
II. Subject Matter
III. Procedure
A. Topics
A. Setting the Stage
1. Literature
Show pictures of fox and wolf
The Sly Fox
Ask: Are these animals the same?
2. Context Clues (Synonyms and Antonyms)
What can you say about the fox? How about the wolf?
3. Aspects of verbs
If you are going to choose between the two, who will you
4. Writing Three-paragraph composition using an
want to be? Why?
outline/graphic organizers
5. Forms and Conventions of Films and Moving Pictures
B. Explaining the Students What to Do
Page 1-ENGTG-1STQuarter
Say: Today, we are going to read a story and learn to use I could have been a good dinner for you last year. I was
appropriate facial expressions in delivering the lines of the then very fat and plump. But I had three babies then. Now Im
characters. You will be learning to answer questions based on slim and not delicious.
the noted significant details of the selection you listened to. I dont care if you are plump or not. I dont care how many
Set the standards in listening to a story. babies you have. Im going to eat you right now!
Page 2-ENGTG-1STQuarter
Answer the comprehension questions based on the story heard. 1. Who is the main character of the story?
1. Who were the characters of the story? 2. Draw the appropriate facial expression related to this line of
2. Where did the story happen? Aurea My allowance is not enough for the remaining three days
3. What did the fox do to be not eaten for dinner by the before my next allowance.
4. Why did the wolf not eat the fox? V. Assignment
5. What was at the bottom of the well that looked delicious Make a comic strip of the story The Sly Fox
and good?
Day 2
Ask: What did you do to answer all the given questions?
I. Objectives:
(Listened to the story and remembered the details)
1. Infer the meaning of unfamiliar compound words based on
given context clues, synonyms and antonyms.
D. Guided Practice
2. Appreciate experiences in life.
Refer to LM, Try and Learn
3. Write meaningful sentences using compound words.
E. Independent Practice
II. Subject Matter
Refer to LM, Do and Learn
A. Topic:
Inferring Meaning of Unfamiliar Compound Words
F. Closure/Assessment
Based on Context Clues, Synonyms and Antonyms.
Noting details of a story means pointing out the characters
around which the story revolves, the place and when it
B. References:
happened and the series of actions that make the story itself.
EN5V-Ia-12 and 13
Lesson Guides in Elem Eng. 5(Ateneo) p.103
Use of appropriate facial expressions in delivering the lines
of the characters in the story helps in making the story more
realistic, creative and emotional. The listeners feel more excited
to know what will happen next and they become more
C. Materials:
IV. Evaluation
short paragraph
Listen to the story to be read by the teacher. Then answer the
activity sheets
questions that follow.
Aurea is in a hurry preparing to go to school. She didnt
wake up early because she watched her favorite late night show.
III. Procedure
She opened her purse and said, My allowance is not enough for
A. Setting the Stage
the remaining three days before my next allowance she felt so
Have you experienced riding a bus?
worried. It is because she is fond of buying bracelets and
Page 3-ENGTG-1STQuarter
Did you experience witnessing a commotion on your A B
community? C
What did you feel? backpack front door mother-in-
B. Explaining the Students What to Do
newspaper back lawn editor-in-
Say: We are going to read a short paragraph about Marks
experiences on his way home. In here, you are going to
learn some compound words. And later on, we are going to
How many words were combined to form new word and new
infer meanings of unfamiliar compound words based on
given context clues, synonyms and antonyms.
What do you call the words with two or more words that are
Compound words are words that are combined
combined together to form a new word and new meaning?
together to form new words and new meanings.
How do compound words in column A written? In column
Context clues are the parts of sentence or
B?in column C?
paragraph that comes before or after the unfamiliar words.
Synonyms are words with similar meanings while
Say: Infer the meaning of the underlined compound words in
antonyms are those words with opposite meanings.
the following sentences.
a. The sky was overcast, rain was expected
because it was cloudy afternoon.
-. What word in the sentence hint the meaning of the
C. Modeling for the Students
unfamiliar word? (cloudy)`
This is an example of context clue.
The class will read the paragraph.
Page 4-ENGTG-1STQuarter
Gr. 1- Infer meaning of compound words through a. cheated b. defeated c.
context clues revived
Gr. 2- Infer meaning of compound words through
synonyms V. Assignment
Gr.3- Infer meaning of compound words through Using your own understanding of the words, define the following
antonyms words and compound words. Use the compound words in
meaningful sentences.
E. Independent Practice 1. boxing-
For Exercise 1 refer to LM, Do and Learn _____________________________________________
For Exercise 2 refer to LM, Learn Some More ring-
F. Closure/ Assessment boxing ring-
Compound words come from two or more words that _________________________________________
are combined together to form a new word and a new Sentence:________________________________________
meaning. ___
Context clues hint the parts of a sentence or
paragraph that come before or after the unfamiliar word. 2. finger-
Synonyms are words with similar meanings. ______________________________________________
Antonyms are words with opposite meanings. print-
IV. Evaluation finger print-
Infer the meaning of the compound word in each sentence. __________________________________________
Encircle the letter of the correct answer. Sentence:________________________________________
Day 3
1. My mother and I cross at the overpass. The underlined
compound word is synonymous to ____________. I. Objectives
a. footbridge b. hall way c. 1. Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate
road grammatical structures- aspects of verbs.
2. Infer the meaning of unfamiliar compound words based on word
2. The keywords must be in uppercase because it is easier to parts.
emphasize if they are written in capital letters. What words in 3. Appreciate the beauty of the environment
the sentence hint the meaning of the word uppercase?
a. capital letters b. keywords II. Subject Matter
c. emphasize A. Topic:
Aspects of Verbs
3. Manny Pacquiao experienced being knocked-out in his Inferring Meaning of Compound Words Based on Word Parts
fights. ___________ has opposite meaning with the word
knocked-out. B. References:
EN5-Ia-12 and 13
Page 5-ENGTG-1STQuarter
EN5G-Ia-3.3 breakable break + able (having the
http://promethee.philo.ulg.ac.be/engdep1/download/defiswitt/do quality= having the quality
c/compounds.pdf to break
adulthood adult+ hood(state/condition
C. Materials: of being)= state of
laptop, pictures, metacards
being adult
III. Procedure In what part of the words in set A do the syllables added? (at
the beginning)
A. Setting the Stage -Syllables added at the beginning of a word are called prefixes.
The teacher will show pictures of trees, flowers, birds, rivers In what part of the words in set B do the syllables added? (at
Ask: the last part)
Do you take care of our environment? -Syllables added at the last part of the word are called suffixes.
What activity do you usually do to take care of our Say: Prefixes and suffixes change the meaning of words.
environment? Study the following sentences.
postdate post(after) + date= after the
supernatural super(more than) + natural=
more than the natural - ex- president A B
ex( former)+ president= former president
nonsense non(without) + sense= without
multitask multi(many) + task= many task
He continued working Theywill
B continue
colorless color+ less(without)= with the group his father to inspire
without color people of all
cheerful cheer+ ful (full of)= full of founded since 2002.
cheer ages.
Page 6-ENGTG-1STQuarter
C D Present
Look at the sentences in tree A and B. When are you going Future
to add s or es in your verb? tense:______________________________________________________
Look at the sentence in tree C. What will be added to a
regular verb when the action was done already? How about
in irregular verb? c. The shark swam through the ocean.
Look at tree D. What modal will be added to the base form of Present
the verb to express futurity? tense:__________________________________________
D. Guided Practice Future
The class will be divided into 5 and play a game called E- tense:__________________________________________
Raffle .Each group will be receiving metacards to write their ___________
answer. As the raffle goes, there are verbs to be flashed with
corresponding tense of verb. Each group will compose clear Exercise 2
and coherent sentences using the verb in the tense asked. 2 Compose sentences using the given sets of words.
minutes will be used to answer each item. Refer to the word enclosed in the parentheses to know the
1st word: play tense: future tense of the verb to be used in each item.
2nd word: cook tense: past Ex: Carlito, swim, beach, (present)
3 word: run tense: future Carlito swims at the beach.
4th word: use tense: present
5th word: see tense: past a. Angel, read, pocketbook, (future)
E. Independent Practice b. Pila, celebrate, Pailah Festival, last year (past)
Exercise 1 ____________________________________________
The following sentences are written in past tense. c. Farmers, plant, rice, ( present)
Rewrite them in present and future tense on the lines ____________________________________________
F. Closure/ Assessment
a. The rain fell on the green valley. Verbs are action words.
There are three aspects of verbs.
Present If the action is being done in the present time, the
tense:_____________________________________________________ verb is in present tense.
Future If the action is done already in the past time, the
tense:______________________________________________________ verb is in past tense.
If the action is to be done in future time , the verb is
b. Jane borrowed Richards eraser. in future tense.
Page 7-ENGTG-1STQuarter
Day 4 Today, we are going to write paragraphs based on outline/ other
graphic organizers.
I. Objectives
1. Plan a two to three- paragraph composition using an outline/other
graphic organizers C. Modeling for Students
2. Observe politeness at all times.
3. Show respect to others Analyze the following graphic organizer. Answer the questions
that follow.
II. Subject Matter
A. Topic:
Planning a Two to Three Paragraph Composition Using an Filipino
Outline/Other Graphic Organizers Fiilipino Fiilipino
as as God-
B. References: respectful loving
EN5WC- Ia- person Person
Lesson Guides in Elementary English 6 p.2 calls older patterns
brother prays not life the
using "po" way God
C. Materials: "Kuya",an only for
and "opo" wants it
d sister himself
Pictures, laptop, graphic organizers, outline "Ate"
shows due
kisses the respect to
III. Procedures hands of parents, loves his believes in
parents/gra elders and neighbors one God
ndparents people in
A. Setting the Stage authority
Based on the Semantic web, who is a respectful person and a God-
Who is in the picture? loving person?
What makes him so popular around the How do Filipinos show respect to others?
world? How do Filipinos show love to God?
What characteristic of a Filipino does he
signify? Say: Now, let us plan a two-paragraph composition using the details of
As a Filipino, how do you show respect to the semantic web.
others? To God? A Filipino is a respectful person. He calls older brother
(Graphic organizer will be used to elicit answers) kuya and older sister ate. He kisses the hands of his parents and
grandparents. He is always using po and opo. He shows de
B. Explaining the Students What to Do respect to parents, elders and people in authority.
A Filipino is also a God-loving person. He believes in one God.
Yesterday, you have learned about the aspects of verbs and you He patterns his life the way God wants it. He loves his neighbors.
were able to compose clear and coherent sentences using verbs in And most of all, he prays not only for himself.
different aspects.
Page 8-ENGTG-1STQuarter
D. Guided Practice The use of graphic organizers and outlines
Using the details of the semantic web, plan provides the organization of ideas easy to
a two-paragraph composition. understand and makes learning more enjoyable.
Day 5
B. References:
C. Materials:
video, laptop, projector
E. Independent Practice
III. Procedure:
The outline contains a personality of a Filipino. Write
A. Setting the Stage
a two- paragraph
composition using the following details.
Are you fond of watching films?
The Filipinos are humane and concern to his fellowmen. What kind of film do you like?
A. Cares for himself and to his fellowmen What things do you notice when the film is already
B. Thoughtful, loving, understanding, helpful, friendly and playing?
C. Ready to give a helping hand when needed B. Explaining the Students What to Do
D. Ready to share laughter to cheer up those who are lonely Say: Today, we are going to watch a video. But before
we proceed, let us take notes and analyze the different
F. Closure/ Assessment forms and conventions of the film.
Page 9-ENGTG-1STQuarter
It might be used for: Backlighting.A romantic heroine is often backlit to
Realism - (Time and place of setting is made create a halo effect on her hair.
Atmosphere - (Reinforce desired mood) D. Guided Practice
E.g. Horror movies With the aid of the teacher, the class will view the video
Symbolism - (Can be conveyed through Stellar Moves: The Story of Pluto. The students will
setting) take note of the different forms and conventions of the
E.g. a storm can represent inner turmoil film.
Page 10-ENGTG-1STQuarter
WEEK 2 DISCOVERING MY TALENTS Observe politeness at all times.
1. Identify and use polite words.
2. Identify the characters, setting, and plot of a literary
3. Write two to three paragraph compositions using an 1. Identify the elements of a literary text.
outline/other graphic organizer. 2. Infer the theme of the literary text.
3. Observe politeness at all times.
B. Instructional Objectives
Listening Comprehension A. Topics
Identify the elements of literary texts. Story: A Letter Soup by Pedro Pablo Sacristan
Oral Language soup
Use appropriate body movement/gestures Story: The Fox in the Well Aesops Fables
Story: The Queue by Jean Paul Banay
Vocabulary Development
Infer the meaning of unfamiliar words (compound) B. Materials
based on given context clues (synonyms, antonyms, Picture of a thief, a stealing machine, deaf little girl using
word parts) and other strategies. sign language, letter soup
flashcards containing polite words.
Reading Comprehension Story Chart of A Letter Soup, The Fox in the Well, and
Infer the theme of a literary text. Inside the Canteen
Page 11-ENGTG-1STQuarter
Call a pupil-volunteer to read and retell the story
B. Explaining the Students What To Do using the information he/she have gathered.
Say: Today we are going to learn about the elements of
a literary text. E. Independent Practice
Present the story in the LM on page ____. Read the story The Fox in the Well and answer the wh-
Call a pupil volunteer to read the story orally. questions.
Comprehension Check: Ask the questions in the LM. THE FOX IN THE WELL
Talk about the pupils answers. Aesops Fable
One day a fox fell into a well. He jumped and jumped but he
get out. The well was too deep. Soon he began to feel cold and hungry.
C. Modelling for Students Suddenly there was a noise from above. A goat had come to d
Unlocking of Difficult Words (using picture clues, context the well. It looked in and saw the fox. Why, what are you doing down
clues, and examples. Fox? asked the goat.
The fox was very cunning. Quickly, he thought of a way to trick
a. crook Oh, Im drinking, he said.
Say: The crook is stole the ladys bag. (show the Down there? But theres water in the bucket up here.
picture of a crook) Yes, I know, said the fox. But the water down here is much sw
What do crooks steal? Why do they steal Why dont you come down and taste it for yourself?
things? I think I will do that. And the silly animal jumped into the well.
At once the fox leapt on to the goats back. And from there
b. argue jumped out of the well.
Say: Dont argue over who little things. (show Hey! Where are you going? cried the goat. What about me?
picture of two people arguing) going to get out of here?
Why do people argue?
c. deaf Guide Questions:
Say: The two girls are deaf. (Show pictures of
two deaf girls) 1. Who was trapped in the well?
Why do some people cannot hear? 2. Who came passing one day?
3. What convinced the goat to go down the well?
Ask: What should you remember when listening to a 4. How did the fox get out of the well?
5. What is the moral of the story?
What are the things we should know about the
What elements did you remember from the story we F. Closure/Assessment
read? Teaching Points
Refer to Find Out and Learn on the LM. We could also take down notes while listening and
Page 12-ENGTG-1STQuarter
character setting conflict
The elements of a literary text are the character,
plot theme
setting, and plot, conflict, and theme.
The theme is the subject of the story and what the 1. It was 9:30 in the morning at Labuin
author wants to convey to the readers. Elementary School.
2. Luke, a Grade 3 pupil
The plot is made up of events that happened in the 3. Luke rushed in front of the queue
story. It consists of the beginning, the middle, and 4. The canteen manager told Luke about the
the ending. rules inside the canteen.
o Beginning It gives the problem faced by 5. Following rules inside the canteen is the
the main character. right thing to do.
o Middle It presents the actions made by
the character to solve the problem.
o Ending It gives the solution to the LESSON 7 COMPOUND WORDS
G. Evaluation 1. Infer the meaning of unfamiliar words (compound) based
Read the story Inside the Canteen and identify the on given context clues (synonyms, antonyms, word
elements of the literary text. parts) and other strategies
2. Read aloud grade level appropriate text with an
accuracy rate of 95 100%.
Inside the Canteen 3. Observe politeness at all times.
by Jean Paul V. Banay
It was 9:30 in the morning at Labuin Elementary School. It was already A. Topic
break time for Grade V-Coral. Children line up in a queue to go the canteen to Compound Words
have their recess. Story: A Letter Soup by Pedro Pablo Sacristan taken from
At the canteen, the children lined up in a queue waiting for their turn to buy
their food. Luke, a Grade 3 pupil rushed in front of the queue and shouted at the
canteen manager for food. B. Materials
Calmly, the canteen manager said to Luke Luke, it is not nice to shout at chartcontaining compound words.
people, especially when youre at the canteen. And we should observe the rules picture puzzle of compound words.
inside the canteen. Look at these children, they line up in a queue and wait for their Story Chart of A Letter Soup
turn. You should do the same. said the canteen manager. http://clipart.me/premium-people/outlaw-565307
After that day, Luke lined up in the queue and asked politely for food.
C. References:
Curriculum Guide: CG in English 5 Week 2
o EN5LC Ib 12 and 13
Identify the element of the literary text from the story you just read. o EN5RC Ib 1.6
Choose your answer from the boxes below.
D. Focus Skill/s:
Page 13-ENGTG-1STQuarter
Speaking, Oral Reading Fluency, Vocabulary
Development D. Guided Practice
Match the words in Column A to the words in Column B in
E. Value Focus: order to create a compound word. Note that the words in
Being polite Column B can only be used once.
III. PROCEDURE Column A Column B
A. Setting Up the Stage 1. rain a. case
Motivation: 2. flower b. drop
Divide the class into 8-10 groups. Give them the 3. window c. fly
picture puzzle of compound words. 4. butter d. light
Ask them to solve the puzzle and write the name of 5. police e. man
the picture on a strip of paper. 6. book f. pane
Have a representative from each group present the 7. sun g. pot
picture and the word they have formed. 8. day h. room
9. sea i. shell
10. store j. shine
E. Independent Practice
Do Do and Learn in the LM page ____.
F. Closure/Assessment
cupcake mailman love letter fairy tale Compound words are two words put together to
create a new word.
Page 14-ENGTG-1STQuarter
1. Read aloud grade level appropriate text with an Answer the questions below the sentences.
accuracy rate of 95 100%.
2. Use appropriate body movements/gestures. C. Modelling for Students
Unlocking of Difficult Words (using picture clues, context clues,
II. SUBJECT MATTER and examples)
A. Topic: chatting
Appropriate Body Movements/Gestures Say: Everybody was chatting about what their father
The Homecoming by Jean Paul V. Banay looked like now. (show picture of people talking)
What are they doing?
B. Materials: tapped
pictures of body movements/gestures Say They just tapped their feet to loose boredom.
flashcards of action words (verbs) (show picture of someone tapping their feet.
What is he doing? How does he do it?
C. References:
Curriculum Guide in English 5 EN5OL Ib 2.6.2
Learners Manual in Grade 5 (Division Level)
Say: Mother was sipping coffee she bought from a
kiosk. (show the picture of a kiosk)
D. Focus Skill/s:
Oral Language, Oral Reading Fluency
Read the story The Homecoming in the LMs Lets
Read More page ___ and answer the questions after.
E. Value Focus:
Love of Family
D. Guided Practice
III. PROCEDURE Have the pupils read Try and Learn on the LM page ____.
A. Setting Up the Stage
Group the class into two groups.
Have them play a game of charades using the words below.
Call a representative from each group to act out the word. Sad angry excited ignore Hungry
E. Independent Practice
B. Explaining the Students What to Do Answer Do and Learn on page ____ of the LM.
Say: Today we are going to study about body
movements and gestures. F. Closure/Assessment
Have the pupils read Read and Learn from the LM
Body movements refer to the actual movement of the
page ____.
Page 15-ENGTG-1STQuarter
body. It is a kind of nonverbal communicationwhere
D. Focus Skill/s:
thoughtsintentionsor feelings are expressed by physical
behavioursuch as facial expressions, body posture, gestures,
eye movement, touch, and use of space. E. Value Focus:
Observe Politeness at all times
Body movements maybe implied as a verbs or an
adjective. III. PROCEDURE
A. Setting Up the Stage
Sing Shell be coming round the mountain
G. Evaluation B. Explaining the Students What to Do
Have the pupils read the following sentences and have Say: Today we are going to write about the aspects of
them identify the body movement/gesture used in the verb
But first, what are verbs?
1. Terence Romeo shoots the ball at the last second.
2. The athletes stretched their body before doing the What are the tenses of verbs?
routine. C. Modelling for Students
3. Mother rubs fathers back when he is tired. Have the students read Read and Learn on the LM page
4. Squeeze it to get the toothpaste. ____.
5. My sister likes pinching me when she is mad. Discuss the process on how to create an outline and use
other graphic organizers.
D. Guided Practice
LESSON 9 Group the class into five groups and have them answer Try
and Learn on the LM page ____.
I. OBJECTIVES Have them write their answer on a manila paper and have a
1. Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate
grammatical structures aspects of verbs. representative present their answer in front of the class.
2. Plan a two or three paragraph composition using an outline E. Independent Practice
or other graphic organizers. Let the pupils answer Do and Learn on page _____.
F. Closure/Assessment
A. Topic: The aspect of a verb is determined by whether the
Writing Compositions Using Aspects of Verbs action is on-going or completed.
Page 16-ENGTG-1STQuarter
video about making films
An outline is a formal system used to think and organize your ideas. You sample of a script
can use it to see if your ideas are connected to each other and what order
works best. Outlines can be useful to help you see the overall picture. C. References:
Curriculum Guide in English 5 EN5V-Ib-5.1
Learners Manual page
There are two kinds of outlines: the topic outline and the sentence
outline. D. Focus Skill/s:
1. The topic outline consists of words or short phrases. Viewing, Listening, Speaking, Writing
2. The sentence outline is done in full sentences. It is normally
used when you want to focus on complex details. E. Value Focus:
paying attention, being punctual, cooperation
Steps in making an outline:
1. Identify the topic or the main idea. III. PROCEDURE
2. Identify the main categories. A. Setting Up the Stage
3. Create the first category. Show posters of movies and films, local and abroad.
4. Create subcategories. Ask: How do you think these movies are made?
If you were to make your own movie, what
Normally, use Roman numerals to write the main idea. Then do you think do you need?
under the main idea, we indent and write the first subcategory with a What are the things you need to remember
capital letter. See the example below. when making a movie?
Page 17-ENGTG-1STQuarter
3. Directionis the control of the scenes in the film.
Lights blocking direction acting In simpler terms, it is giving directions to the
Dialogue characterization setting or set-up. actors and the people in charge of the set and
those behind the camera.
blocking 1. The actors are positioned in front of the
house. 4. Characterizationrefers to the process by which
direction 2. The director is telling the actors what he the writer reveals the personality of a character
wants in the scene.
setting 3. They are filming near the sea. 5. Actingis the work of an actor or actress, in
lights 4. They use natural sunlight. which a person in theatre, film, television, and
acting 5. The actress made us cry at that scene. any other storytelling medium portrays a
dialogue 6. Get out, the house is on fire!!! shouted the character.
characterization 7. Glinda plays as the good witch. 6. Dialogueis the conversation between characters
in the film.
Page 18-ENGTG-1STQuarter
C. Modeling
The teacher will read the story of Princess Polite to the
Week 3
Princess Polite (Short Story)
Day 1 by Jasmine Logan, Grade pr, QLD
Once there was a girl called Princess Polite but people in her
I. Objective castle called her Polly or Polly Polite. One day a super star came
EO: Observe politeness at all times to her castle. Polly said Why have you come here? And what is
LC: Identify the elements of literary texts your name? The super star said My name is Sarah Jones. Im
RC: Summarize narrative texts based on the elements here to rock out on your castles stage! Polly said I dont have a
F: Read aloud grade level appropriate text with an accuracy rate stage in my castle!
of 95 100% Ooooh dear! Sarah cried. Polly said I will make a grand stage
just for you and I will name it Stage Sarah. Sarah said
II. Subject Matter You dont have to call it stage Sarah. Polly called for the best
Topic: Identifying the elements of literary texts builders in the land to come build the stage. The building started. It
Materials: Pictures, Stories written in cartolina
took them two years to build it! Polly called Sarah on the phone.
Its finished come see! Polly said. Sure, Ill be there as soon as
Reference: Curriculum Guide
possible! Super star Sarah said. Sarah brought a prince with her.
Code: EN5LC Ic 2.17.2, EN5RC-Ic-2.23, EN5A-Ic-16
Polly said Where did you find him and whats his name?
III. Learning Activities
A. Setting the Stage James Sammy and I met him at a wedding. Sarah said.
(using a picture of a girl) Refer to LM,Think and Tell Oh how sweet! Polly said.
Ask: What can you see on the picture? Nice to meet you Polly Polite. the handsome prince said.
What can you say about the girl in the picture? You smell like tuna! Polly said.
Have you heard the story of Princess Polite? Oh. He said.
What are the standards in listening? We are here to get married! Sarah said.
Wait, I thought we were here to see you rock out. I dont want to marry you!
B. Explaining the Students What to Do James said, I want to marry Polly!
Polly married the prince. The rock star rocked out on the stage but was crying the
whole time. She stopped crying for a moment then she cried into a bucket it had
Say: Class, our lesson for today is about identifying the
a thousand drips in it and it went all the way up to the top. She had to tip it out
elements of literary texts and
and start all over again. The prince and the princess lived happily ever after. The
summarizing narrative texts rock star spent the rest of her life crying a million tears into a bucket and starting
Literary elements refers to an aspect of a whole text. all over again and again andisagain
Ask: Who the and
mainagain and again
character andstory?
in the again and again and
The elements are setting, character again. How would you describe h
and plot.
Page 19-ENGTG-1STQuarter
Is it good to be polite to other people specially to the Read the selection and do the activity that follows.
elders? Why? Read LM, do and Learn for the selection Mind Your
Who are the minor characters in the story? Own Business
Where did the story occur? When? Read the part. Describe it. Summarize the elements of the story by filling in the
semantic web.
What do you call this part of the story? (setting)
Title of the Story
Do all stories need a setting? Why?
Say: Class, these are the elements of literary texts and their Setting
The characters are the people or animals in Plot Characters
the story.
The setting talks about the place and the time F. Closure
that the events in the story happened. Class, kindly complete the statements below by filling out the
The plot is made up of the events that missing information.
happened in the story. It consists of the
beginning, the middle, and the ending.
The elements of literary texts are ______________, plot ,
Beginning it gives the problem
________________, and _____________.
faced by the main character
Middle it represents the actions
made by the characters to solve IV. Evaluation
theproblem The teacher will give a short story entitled The Ant and the
Ending it gives the solution to the Dove to the pupils for them to read and analyze,Refer to LM,
problem Learn Some More. Comprehension questions with choices will
also be provided to assess whether the competency was
D. Guided Practice achieved
Read aloud the story The Greedy Boy then, identify the
elements of liteary text. V. Agreement
Refer to LM, Try and Learn. Choose your favorite story and identify elements of literary texts
in your notebook.
Ask: What is the setting of the story? Read the part where
the setting is mentioned.
Who are the characters in the story? Describe each of
the characters.
Identify the parts in the selection that helped you
described the characters.
E. Independent Practice
Page 20-ENGTG-1STQuarter
Page 21-ENGTG-1STQuarter
Ask: 2. Turn on the _____________. It is dark in this room.
Who celebrated their anniversary? 3. Bring this letter to the post office for _____________.
How did they celebrate their anniversary? 4. I can hear someone _______________ at the door.
What was the purpose of their trip? 5. Father brought some flowers which mother put in a
How can you descrice a virgin forest? _____________.
Where do you think can we find a virgin forest?
What value did the Girl Scout learn about the forest?
Say: To get the meaning of a word, it must be used
in a context and there is a clue.When we say Week 3
context clue, it means get the meaning of the word
Day 3
as it is used with other words. Therefore, the words
that precede and follow an unfamiliar word will help I. Objective
you get its specific meaning. The word or is a signal EO: Show tactfulness when communicating with others
that a meaning for a new word will follow. W: Write two to three paragraph composition based on the
prepared outline
D. Guided Practice
Refer to LM, Try and Learn II. Subject Matter
Topic:Writing two to three paragraph based on the prepared
E. Independent Practice Materials: pictures, copy of outline
Refer to LM, Learn Some More
Reference: Curriculum Guide
Code: EN5WC Ic 2.2.4
F. Closure
How can we get the meaning of unfamiliar words?
III. Learning Activities
IV. Evaluation
A. Setting the Stage
Read the given sentences, then choose one of the words from
below that will best fit the sentence. After this, underline the word
in the sentence that gave you clue to the word you chose.
1. Every ________ I have breakfast.
Page 22-ENGTG-1STQuarter
Ask: Do you like? What birds do you like? Why? Call selected pupils to write the paragraph on the board.
Introduce the title of the outline.
D.Guided Practice
(Group Activity)
B. Expalining the Students What to Do
Write the paragraph using the outline given.
Class, our lesson for today is about writing two to
three paragraph based on the outline that I will give to Conduct the writing relay. Post the outline on the board. Give a sheet
you.And how do we write paragraph using an outline? of paper to each group.
(By writing the topics following their correct order in the
Have the group sets on a row before conducting it.
C. Modeling
1. Leader writes the first sentences of the
Read the outline to the pupils.
paragraph then passes the paper at his/her
I. Characteristics of Vultures 2. The second member writes another sentence
following the outline. And passes again the
paper afterwards.
A. Large birds of prey 3. Continue until all the topics in the outline has
B. Have baldheads and neck been written.
C. Have very good eyesight 4. Show tactfulness when communicating with your
D. Have a keen sense of smell groupmates/ classmates.
II. How vultures get their food
A. Do not hunt for food
B. Live on rotting bodies of dead animals The Air Pump
C. Have to wait for their dinner
D. Eats food left by the lion I. The diaphragm is an air pump
Ask: A. It moves up to push the air out of the lungs.
B. The curved muscles under the lungs is
What kind of birds are vultures? (Large birds of prey) called the diaphragm.
C. The diaphragm works so that fresh air will
Why do vultures do not hunt for food? (because they live
flow in your ribs
on dead animals)
What kind of outline is presented? (topic outline)
II. There are special body parts that control a
What are the main topics in the outline? (Characteristics parsons breathing.
of Vultures and How vultures get their food) A. You cant switch you muscle on and off
Are they subtopics given for the main topics? (yes) B. You cant let them go fast or slow
Can this outline be written in paragraph form? (yes) C. You breath sometimes go slow or faster
depending upon the activity you do.
Lets try writing them in paragraph form.
Page 23-ENGTG-1STQuarter
E.Independent Practice Write the paragraphs based on the outline given below.
Day 4
I. Objective
EO: Take good care of personal belongings
Page 24-ENGTG-1STQuarter
G: Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate grammatical THEN AND NOW
structures: modals When I was a child
I used to go from place to place
II. Subject Matter Crawling with my hands and feet.
I used to play with all my toys
Topic:Modal Auxiliaries used to, would Tearing and pulling them apart.
Materials: pictures, poem written in a cartolina Now that I have grown
Reference: Lesson Guides in Elem. English 5, page 69 I would go wherever I want
Curriculum Guide Going out with all my friends.
Code: EN5G-Ic-3.6 I would join all kinds of games
Playing ball whenever I can
III. Learning Activities
- Let the pupils read the poem as a class then by groups.
A.Setting the Stage
Ask: What did the author use to do when he was a child? (Write the
Do you still remember what you used to do when you were answers on the board)
small? What helping verbs were used to describe what he always
What are these activities that you used to do? did when he was small?
How do you feel when you recall these activities that you - Let the pupils read the answers on the board. Tell them that these
used to do? are the activities that the author always did when he was small.
- Let the pupils read this paragraph
B.Explaining the Students What to Do
We usually visit my grandparents every Sunday. Early in the
Say: Class, we will compose clear and coherent sentences morning on Sundays, mother will prepare some food to take with
using appropriate grammatical us. She will cook fish as well as chicken because grandpa likes
Structures specifically the modal auxiliaries used to,will and fish but grandma eats only chicken.
Page 25-ENGTG-1STQuarter
-auxiliary verbs Now she _______ use a glass whenever she drinks
In what forms are these auxiliary verbs used? milk.
-base forms I _______ sleep on my parents bed when I was
What do we call the helping verbs used before the auxiliary small.
verbs? She ______ buy her mother a gift on her birthday.
-modals or madol auxiliaries They ______ live in Manila in the 1990s.
Do the modals remain in the same form or do they follow
that the subject is? F.Closure
-They remain in the same form no matter what the subject is.
When do we use the modal used to and would? What are modals?
-To express past habit What modals are used to express a past habit?
When do we use the modal will? What modals are used to express a present habit?
-To express present habit
Say: According to the poem, how did the author play with his IV. Evaluation
Did he take good care of his toys? Use each modals inside the pie in a sentence.
As he grow older do you think he still did that to his toys or
other belongings?
How about you, do you take good care of your things and used to join would eat will go
other personal belongings? How?
Why should we take good care of our things or personal used to get will visit
How should we handle borrowed things or the things in
school? QUARTER 1
Page 26-ENGTG-1STQuarter
http://www.slideshare.net/u1024811/film-conventions- who tells the story by portraying a character and,
powerpoint usually, speaking or singing the written text or play.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_bZPoOMfsVg Dialog the things that are said by the characters in a
movie; a discussion/ conversation between two or more
Setting or set up the time, place, circumstances in which
III. Learning Activities a film takes place
Direction the instructions given to the actors and other
A.Setting the Stage people working on a film
Blocking is the positioning and movement of the characters
Are you fond of watching films or movies? to tell the story in visual term
Lighting - the use of various light sources, both artificial and
What movies have you watched?
natural, to achieve some aesthetic or practical effect while
Which from those movies you have watched,do you like illuminating a scene.
We will also tackle about the use of informal and formal
Look at the pictures below and guess the title of the movie.
Formal language is using standard English (not slang) and
appropriate grammar when speaking or writing. Informal
language is the language we use when we feel very
comfortable and casual around people. For example, talking
with or writing to our peers, close friends, and family may be
appropriate times to use informal speech. You may choose
to use slang or some inappropriate grammar. Informal
language does not require standard English.
B.Explaining the Students What to do
Say: Class, today we will discuss about the different forms and The teacher will discuss about the powerpoint presentation to the pupils.
conventions of films and moving pictures but let me first describe Afterwards, pupils will be given a chance to watch the movie entitled
what a film/ movie is.. imagination and analyze the forms and convention of this film.
Page 27-ENGTG-1STQuarter
D.Guided Practice B.Using the pictures below, write a simple dialogue with Formal and
Informal English.
Pupils will play the game Laglag Panyo whoever pupils get the
handkerchief will be the one to answer the questions inside the box.
1. The use of lighting can be both artificial and natural. A. Expressive Objectives
2. Actors/actress tells the story in a film by portraying a character.
3. Directions are the instructions given to the actors only. 1. Realize the important of being polite at all times.
4. Dialog are the things that are said by the characters in the
movie. 2. Express tactfulness when communicating with others.
5. A film createsthe illusion of moving images.
B. Instructional Objectives
Listening Comprehension
What are the different conventions of a film?
Distinguish fact from opinion.
IV. Evaluation
Oral Language
A. Match Column A with the descriptions in Column B.
Respond to ideas and opinions after reflection
Column A
Column B Vocabulary Development
1. Things that are said by the characters in a movie A. Identify different meanings of content specific words (denotation and
Dialog connotation) (Science)
2. The time, place, circumstances in which a film takes place B.
Directions Reading Comprehension
3. The use of various light sources C.
Film Distinguish text types according to purpose- To classify or describe
4. Instructions given to the actors and other people
D.Lighting Oral Reading Fluency
5. Motion picture or photoplay E.
Setting Read with automaticity grade level frequently occurring content area
Page 28-ENGTG-1STQuarter
Grammar -Stereotypes -Point view -
Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate
grammatical structures (collective nouns and verb agreement) B. Materials
I. Objectives
Observe politeness at all times 1. Distinguish fact from opinion.
2. Respond to ideas and opinion after reflection.
Show tactfulness
II. References:
II. Subject Matter PELC II 12
Developing My English Power 5 pp. 97-100
A. Topics
English Expressways Language p.242-244
a. Fact and opinion
Code: EN5LC-IId-2.10 and EN5OL-IID-3.4.1
b. Ideas and opinions after reflection
c. Different meanings of content specific words (denotation and Chart, pictures
connotation) (Science) III. Procedure
e. Automaticity to grade level frequently occurring content area words Game: Pick out a strip (rolled with ribbon) with a statement
stating a fact or an opinion inside a box. Those who picked
f. Clear and coherent sentences using appropriate grammatical structures an opinion should go to the left side; those who picked a fact
(collective nouns and verb agreement) should go to the right side. Pupils who did not get it correctly
should recite a poem; render a song or a dance number.
g. Clarity-correct spelling
Page 29-ENGTG-1STQuarter
Boats never sink.
Ice is cold. E. Closure/ Assessment
Three is not a number between two and four.
Shade the if the sentence states a fact and for the
All people can read.
sentence that states an opinion cross it.
A kitten grew up to be a cat.
You should brush your teeth. 1. A forest is the best place to relax.
A baby cannot count one to ten
Rich people are happy. 2. Christmas is the best time of the year.
Water is important to men.
3. Forest protects our wildlife; gives homes; food and water
to animals and birds.
B. Explaining the Students what to do
4. it is easier to wrap a big gift that a small one.
a. Today were going to distinguish fact from opinion. 5. Malunggay leaves is good for the health.
Refer to LM Try and Learn.
Page 30-ENGTG-1STQuarter
Day 2 E. Closure/ Assessment
Shows different pictures in the class (e.g. house Group the 2. Gather relevant information from various resources-Dictionaries
class into two. Let the first class identify the meaning of the word
while the other group must give their own meaning about the II. References:
pictures. PELC III 1.2
English Expressway Reading pp.20-24
Code: EN5V-EN5F-IId-1.8.1, EN5SS-IId-1.4
Dictionary, picture, charts, papers, pentel pen
B. Explaining the Students what to III. Procedure
Today class we are going to discuss about the connotation
and denotation of the words in Science. Based on the game that A. Setting the Stage
we have we simply identify the difference of the two. So for more
clarification let us have the activity. You have been using the dictionary for a long time.
Do you also know the important of dictionary in our speaking
C. Guided Practice specially with our diction? What will happen if we are not
Divide the group into four. Give them a manila paper and able to talk but we have to communicate? Let us have this
pictures. Let them post the pictures on it and make a column for game.
connotation and denotation. Refer to LM Find Out and Learn
D. Independent Practice
Refer to LM Try and Learn
Page 31-ENGTG-1STQuarter
Divide students into groups of 3. Give each group a dictionary. Let Ants are found everywhere in the world. They make their home in
them create the ideal student, school, class, teacher, or buildings, gardens etc. They live in anthills. Ants are very hardworking
whatever. When they have their creation finished, each group insects. Throughout the summers they collect food for the winter season.
will explain the meaning of it through the use of the dictionary. Whenever they find a sweet lying on the floor they stick to the sweet and
carry it to their home. Thus, in this way, they clean the floor. Ants are
B. Explaining the Students what to do generally red and black in color. They have two eyes and six legs. They are
social insects. They live in groups or colonies. Most ants are scavengers they
From the Game that we have done ask the collect whatever food they can find. They are usually wingless but they
following: develop wings when they reproduce. Their bites are quite painful.
What do you feel during the game?
Are you able to communicate clearly without talking? V. Assignment
Emphasize the importance of reading correctly. Use a dictionary and copy one entry with three or more meanings.
Copy all the information on that entry, including the given sample sentences.
C. Guided Practice Write your notes in your notebook.
Group the class into three. Refer to LM. Find Out Day 4
and Learn
Give them a story to read. Let them discuss the correct I. Objectives
pronunciation of the words in the selection. Then let the group
have one presenter to read the selection in front of the class. 1. Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate
After the presentation the teacher must look for the rubric that grammatical structures: -collective nouns and verb agreement
he/she prepared for the scoring. Also as a facilitator the teacher
must correct if there is any correction in the reading of the pupils. 2. Revise writing for clarity correct spelling
Let the pupils know the importance of using the dictionary in
II. References:
getting the correct diction of each word in the paragraph.
English Language 5 p. 109
D. Independent Practice
Refer to LM Try and Learn verb- http://www.preservearticles.com/2011080410136/7-sample-
Ask the pupils to get their dictionary and answer the activity. http://www.englishleap.com/grammar/collective-nouns
Code: EN5G-IId-2.2.6 EN5G-d-3.9, EN5WC-IId-1.8.2
E. Closure/ Assessment
Refer to LM, Do and Learn
Charts pictures
IV. Evaluation
Read the paragraph by group and check for the pronunciation of the III. Procedure
A. Setting the Stage
Page 32-ENGTG-1STQuarter
Call 9 students and group them into 3. Give the group each b. Something ___ very wrong here.
envelops. Inside on it is a group of words to be arrange to form a c. The crowd ___ getting angry.
sentence. Group 2
a. Each _____ a trophy for playing.
Answers: b. Something ___ very wrong here.
c. The crowd ___ getting angry.
Group 1 My dogs always growl at the postal carrier.
Group 3
Group 2 Peter doesnt likes vegetables a. Each _____ a trophy for playing.
b. Something ___ very wrong here.
Group 3 Basketball rolls across the floor. c. The crowd ___ getting angry.
Group 4
Ask the pupils What did you notice in the subject? a. Each _____ a trophy for playing.
b. Something ___ very wrong here.
How about the verb?
c. The crowd ___ getting angry.
What is the relationship of the subject and the verb?
D. Independent Practice
Teacher will say that they are going to tackle about the verb E. Closure/ Assessment
Subject verb agreement simply means the subject and verb
In this process teacher can use the Think Pad for more must agree in number. This means both need to be
clarification about the verb agreement. singular or both need to be plural.
Example: Choose in the parenthesis the correct verb to be use in
the sentence. Collective nouns can be singular or plural depending on
meaning. Here are some examples of subject verb
1. Sugar and flour (is are) needed to the recipe. agreement with collective nouns:
2. The majority (rules, rule) most of the time.,
3., Basketball (roll, rolls) across the floor
IV. Evaluation
C. Guided Practice
Draw a in a blank if the statement is correct and a if it is
Group the class into 4. Perform the activity. Let the teacher
give the standard in group activity and ready rubrics for scoring.
______1., These scissors cut well.,
The entire group will have the same question to be answer so
______2. Athletic develops good sportsmanship.
that after the activity they can compare the result. Instruct them
______3.The staff have gone their separate ways for the holidays.
to complete the sentence.
______4. The jury have finally reached his decision.
______5. The committee meets every Thursday.
Group 1
a. Each _____ a trophy for playing.
Page 33-ENGTG-1STQuarter
V. Assignment Look at the pictures class.
Write the verb and subject of the following sentence.
1. Jack, along with some of his closest friends, is sharing a limo to What can you say about the pictures?
the prom.
Is anyone of you already watched a movie?
2. The recent string of burglaries, in addition to poor building
maintenance, have inspired the outspoken resident to call a How do you act inside a movie theater?
tenants meeting.
3. The travelling salesman was dismayed to learn that neither his Do you think it is important to act correctly during watching any
son his daughter were interested in moving. film movie or even we are just watching a TV?
4. Pepperoni and cheese are great on a pizza.
5. Nothing has determined as of yet. Emphasize the good attitudes in watching a film viewing.
Day 5
B. Explaining the Students what to do
Present to the class a video clip entitled Let them watch
I. Objectives
the video and ask them to get the values that the characters in
1. Determine images/ideas that are explicitly used to influence the movie possess.
viewers C. Guided Practice
Watch the video
-Stereotypes -Point view - D. Independent Practice
Propagandas Answer the activity on Do and Learn
E. Closure/ Assessment
2. Observe politeness at all times.
II. References:
Page 34-ENGTG-1STQuarter
B. Explaining the students What to Do
What is alliteration ?
- Example:
The silken tent.
A. Modeling
Say: What do you see in the picture? The teacher will give more sample of sound devices (
Can you imitate the sounds of it? onomatopoeia , alliteration, assonance)
Page 35-ENGTG-1STQuarter
Group 3: List down the sentences sound devices ( assonance )
Refer to LM. D. Closure
Differentiate the sound devices learned today. ( onomatopoeia,
Say: alliteration, assonance )
IV. Evaluation
1. Which example /sentence imitates its sound ?
2. Which sentence start with the same sound are
Directions: Read and analyze the sound devices used in the
used close together in a phrase or sentence?
sentences ( onomatopoeia, alliteration, assonance ).
3. From the examples given by the teacher which
sentence takes place when two or more words
1. The early bird catches the worm.
close to one another repeat the same vowel
sound but start with different consonant sounds? 2. The squeaky wheel gets the grease.
B. Guided Practice
The teacher will present new sentences to analyze the 3. Go and mow the lawn.
sounds devices. Arrange it on the table below.
4. Johnny went here and there and everywhere.
1. The sheep went, Baa. 5. The engineer held the steering to steer the vehicle
2. Silence your cellphone so that it does not beep during the movie.
3.We light fire on the mountain. FIRST QUARTER LM
4. I feel depressed and restless. Day 1
5. Dans dog dove deep in the dam, drinking dirty
water as he dove.
Think and Tell
6. Erics eagle eats eggs, enjoying each episode of
Look at the picture.
C. Independent Practice
Group Activity
Analyzing the sound devices used in the sentences.
, Bow-wow!
Both bees and buzzers buzz.
The birds chirp filled the empty night air
Honesty is the best policy.
Let the cat out of the bag.
A stitch in time saves nine.
Alices aunt ate apples and acorns around August.
Beckys beagle barked and bayed, becoming bothersome for Billy.
Carrie's cat clawed her couch, creating chaos.
Page 36-ENGTG-1STQuarter
Can you imitate the sounds of it?
I woke up at school in a slobbery pool; though I used to be dry, now
Im drowning in pool.
Find Out and Learn
I dreamt of a drip-dropping drain in my dream.
Directions :Analyze the following sentences identify the sound device used .
The crowd cheered when the champion hit the challenger with Group Activity
a chair.
of charred chicken.
Page 37-ENGTG-1STQuarter
Analyzing the sound devices used in the sentences.
She could feel her sons sweet smell of success.
Group 1: The large dog said, Bow-wow!
List down Both bees and buzzers buzz.
the The birds chirp filled the empty night air What is assonance ?
sound Honesty is the best policy. -Assonance takes place when
devices ( Let the cat out of the bag.
onomatopo two or more words close to one
eia ) A stitch in time saves nine.
another repeat the same vowel
Group 2: Alices aunt ate apples and acorns around August.
List down Beckys beagle barked and bayed, becoming bothersome for Billy.
sound but start with different
Carrie's cat clawed her couch, creating chaos.
sentences consonant sounds.
devices ( - Example:
alliteration ) The silken tent.
Group 3: List down the sentences sound devices ( assonance )
Sound Devices
What is onomatopoeia?
- Onomatopoeiais when a words pronunciation
imitates its sound.
What is alliteration ?
- Alliteration happens when words that start with the
same sound are used close together in a phrase or
sentence. The sound is usually a consonant and the
words dont have to always be right next to one
- One of the fun features of alliteration is when it
becomes a tongue twister.
Page 38-ENGTG-1STQuarter
FIRST QUARTER Say: Today we discuss about using formal and informal English
Week 5 based on their task and situation.
Day 2
Say: How do you differentiate the formal and informal English ?
Topic: Formal and informal English when appropriate to task Informal English we use it with friends, children
and situation and relatives.
Materials: chart, pictures ,activity sheet,meta cards Example : stand for, In the end
Reference: EN5OL -Ie 3.9 C. Modeling
Focused Skill: Speaking
The teacher will give more sample of formal and informal
III. Procedure
A. Setting the Stage
Refer to LM.
Look at the picture . Try to analyse which of them are using the
formal and informal English based on the situation portrayed . Say: What have you noticed about the samples of the
formal and informal English? Which of the two do you
want to use ?
D. Guided Practice
The teacher will present new sample of formal & informal
Say: What can you say about the picture? Direction: Write F if the words state formal English and IF for
Can you tell something about this? informal English.
Based on their actions. Which do you think shows the formal
and informal ____1 . Go up ____ 4. ASAP
conversation ? ____2.Therefore ____ 5.negative
____3. Totally
B. Explaining the students What to Do
Page 39-ENGTG-1STQuarter
Completely loaded
E. Independent Practice Smart You can call me if you need anything.
Rich intelligent
Group Activity I look forward to having from you. Please do not hesitate to contact
Complete the table below . me. Hope to hear from you soon.
Group 1: Abbreviation
Formal English Informal English
Formal English Informal English
television 1. 1.
photo 2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.
Week 5
Group 2: Letter of Expression
Day 2
Formal English Informal English
Truly Yours, Look at the picture . Try to analyse which of them are using the
formal and informal English based on the situation portrayed .
Group 3: Slang
Formal English Informal English
Right answer
F. Closure
When do we use formal English ? informal English? What can you say about the picture?
Can you tell something about this?
IV. Evaluation Based on their actions. Which do you think shows the formal
and informal
Directions: Arrange the words in the table below . conversation ?
Find Out and Learn
Example: bad - negative
Formal Informal
establish Set up
Page 40-ENGTG-1STQuarter
examine look at Hi Robert
Emphasis Children
Formal Informal Right answer
much A lot of
definitely very
Formal Informal
negative bad
positive good
Group 1: Abbreviation
Formal English Informal English
Week 5
Day 3
I. Objectives
Page 41-ENGTG-1STQuarter
Say : Inference clue is a kind of context clue. In an inference
Topic: Meaning of Unfamiliar Words Based on Given Context clue, some kind of information is given in the sentence to help
Clues you figure out the meaning of the unfamiliar word.
Materials: chart, pictures ,activity sheet,context Say: The examples use antonyms as hints to the meaning of
Reference: EN5V- Ie-12 and 13 the unfamiliar word.
Internet An antonym is a word that means the opposite of a given
Developing Reading Power 5 p. 17-26 word. In this kind of
Focused Skill: Inferring Context clue the antonym of the unfamiliar word is given within
Value: Save the animals. the sentence or in the next to help the reader figure out the
meaning of the unfamiliar word.
III. Procedure
A. Setting the Stage C. Modeling
Study the following sentences. Find the meaning of the Directions: Read the paragraph below. Infer the meaning of the
underlined word. What word in the sentence hints at underlined words.
the meaning of the unfamiliar word ?
Say :What words in the sentence hint at the meaning of the
a. beautiful c. wicked
unfamiliar word ? What kind of context clue is used in the
b. great d. unfriendly
sentences ?
2. Normally, the sharks prey are other fishes. What does prey mean ?
B. Explaining the students What to Do
Page 42-ENGTG-1STQuarter
a. Animals who eat other animals Directions: Determine if the sentence has a context clue for
b. Animals that are hunted as food the underlined word.
c. All animals that swim Write Con the first blank if the sentence has a context clue: write
d. Animals that live together NCif it does not have on the blank, write the kind of context clue
3. When a hungry shark attacks viciously, it moves _________.
Refer to LM.
a. gently c. in slow motion Group 2
b. gracefully d. with force Directions :Study the sentences. Find the word or word group that help
youunderstand the meaning of the underlined word. Write the
4. If you deserve something, you are _____ of it. clues on your paper.
a. worthy c. burdehed
Refer to LM.
b. ashamed d. proud
Group 3
5. What does reputation mean ? Directions: Study the following sentences. Select the
word or word group that has the same meaning as the
a. the way a person or thing is named
underlined word. Tell the information you used
b. ones family name To figure out the meaning of the unfamiliar word.
c. ones work calling
F. Closure
Group Activity 2. The firemen looked through the debris of the burned
building. They tried to
Group 1 find out how the fire started.
Page 43-ENGTG-1STQuarter
a. Flames c. remains The sky wasovercast and rain was expected in the
b. Twisted steel d. broken doors afternoon.
Thousand of years ago, primitive people discovered fire
3. Alvin holds a grudgeagainst me when I did not vote for and learned to cook their food.
him in the student
a. Feeling of forgiveness c. feeling of happiness What words in the sentence hint at the meaning of the
b. Feeling of bitterness d. feeling of unfamiliar word ? What kind of context clue is used in the
encouragement sentences ?
B. Directions: Read each sentence. Circle the antonym clue. Find Out and Learn
Underline the word that is explained by the antonym clue.
4. The parents were lukewarm in their response. They Directions: Read the paragraph below. Infer the meaning of the
were not enthusiastic. underlined words.
5. Mother changed the drab color into something lively.
Week 5
Day 3
Study the following sentences. Find the meaning of the The shark is a sea animals whose prodigious strength and size is uneq
underlined word. What word in the sentence hints at A hungry shark attacks its prey viciously. Because of this, many people fear t
the meaning of the unfamiliar word ? the shark does not deserve such bad reputation. In reality, sharks rarely atta
beings. The animals does so only when provoked by hunters who invade its t
Attendance in the meeting is mandatory. any other animal, the shark resents invasion of its home.
The parents thought it was voluntary.
1. The elephant is another mammal with prodigious strength Prodigious
The police officer was stalwart . means
He wasnot weak nor fearful.
a. beautiful c. wicked
b. great d. unfriendly
Can you tell the meaning of the unfamiliar word ? What groups
of words in the sentence helps you figure out the meaning of the 2. Normally, the sharks prey are other fishes. What does prey mean ?
unfamiliar word ?
a. Animals who eat other animals
b. Animals that are hunted as food
c. All animals that swim
Page 44-ENGTG-1STQuarter
d. Animals that live together 1. Motherlooked longingly at the fragile flower
3. When a hungry shark attacks viciously, it moves _________. _____________
a. gently c. in slow motion
2. Father was in a predicament when he did not
b. gracefully d. with force follow the odd-even scheme traffic rule. He was
in a difficult situation.
4. If you deserve something, you are _____ of it.
a. worthy c. burdehed ____________________________
b. ashamed d. proud 3. The coat smelled musty after it has been stored
in the closest for so many months.
5. What does reputation mean ? _____________
a. the way a person or thing is named ____________________________
4. The gullies on the hillside showed the rains had
b. ones family name washed much of the good topsoil.
c. ones work calling _____________
Try and Learn
5. We put up a fence on the boundary of our
Directions: Read each sentence. Circle the antonym clue.
Underline the word
That is explained by the antonym clue.
1. Life in the barrio is not extraordinary. It is mundane.
2. The drinks served today is sparkling but yesterday was flat.
3. The Spaniards called the Filipinos indolent but actually we
Group 2
are industrious.
Directions : Study the sentences. Find the word or word group that help
4. The sea today is turbulent, not calm.
you understand the meaning of the underlined word. Write the
5. The soiled bed sheet is not clean. It needs washing.
clues on your paper.
Do and Learn
1. The dog yanked or pulled at the meat until it came off
the bone.
Group Activity
2. The sunken ship contains bag of pistoles . The bags of
old gold coins are worth a lot of money.
Group 1
3. The list of alternatives, that is choices, for the class trip
Directions: Determine if the sentence has a context clue for
includes a trip to the Enchanted Kingdom.
the underlined word.
4. The fanciful or unrealistic costumes in the play are
Write Con the first blank if the sentence has a context clue: write
NCif it does not have on the blank, write the kind of context clue
5. Hepatitis is a very malevolent (harmful)disease.
Group 3
Page 45-ENGTG-1STQuarter
Directions: Study the following sentences. Select the
word or word group that has the same meaning as the
underlined word. Tell the information you used
to figure out the meaning of the unfamiliar word.
Page 46-ENGTG-1STQuarter
Inference clue is a kind of context clue. In an inference clue, Say :Have you been absent from your class before? When was
some kind of information is given in the sentence to help you that? Why were you absent? Tell the class when you were
figure out the meaning of the unfamiliar word. absent and why. Use these patterns:
An antonym is a word that means the opposite of a given word. I was absent last __________________.
In this kind of Context clue the antonym of the unfamiliar word is I was absent because _______________.
given within the sentence or in the next to help the reader figure (or : I missed my classes last _______________.
out the meaning of the unfamiliar word. I missed my classes because ___________.
- Who were absent from their classes? 1. You rest and sleep because you have a bad cold.
- Why was Joyce absent and was able to go to school? 2. You rest and sleep if you have a bad cold.
- Did Joyce explain clearly their reasons to be excuse?Why? 3. When you have a bad cold, you rest and sleep.
4. You rest and sleep although you have a bad cold.
B. Explaining the students What to Do 5. Since you have a bad cold, you rest and sleep.
Page 47-ENGTG-1STQuarter
Which tells a condition for you to rest and sleep ? Directions :Choose the most appropriate conjunction to connect the
ideas in each sentence.
When combining two ideas into one sentence, think
how they are related Refer to LM.
To each other. Then, choose a conjunction that will clearly Group 3
show that relationship. Directions: Complete each into a complex sentence.
Add another idea appropriate to the given conjunction.
Refer to LM.
D. Guided Practice
F. Closure
Directions: Can you combine the ideas in this paragraph
clearly ? Use the appropriate conjunctions and form complex Use conjunctions like, because, so that, when, where, if,
sentences. although, among others, to express clear relationships.
A complex sentence is made up of two or more ideas
combined using the said conjunctions.
Refer to LM.
Group 2
Page 48-ENGTG-1STQuarter
To each other. Then, choose a conjunction that will clearly
Week 5 show that relationship.
Day 4
Try and Learn
Think and Tell
Directions: Can you combine the ideas in this paragraph clearly
Directions : Listen carefully as your teacher reads letter ? Use the appropriate conjunctions and form complex
of excuse from her student. sentences.
We wanted to go camping. We love the outdoors. We
- Who were absent from their classes? packed our supplies. We boarded the bus. We sang. We would
- Why was Joyce absent and was able to go to school? not feel bored and sleepy.
- Did Joyce explain clearly their reasons to be excuse?Why?
When combining two ideas into one sentence, think 1. It was a warm and bright day when ________.
how they are related 2. Dondon and Edgar dressed up well because _______.
3. They had formed a singing group since ____________.
Page 49-ENGTG-1STQuarter
4. The boys had practiced for long hours so that 1. Analyze a 2- stanza poem in terms of its elements (
__________. rhymes, sound devices, imaginary and figurative language )
5. They would not join the singing contest unless 2. Distinguish among various types of viewing materials.
II. Subject Matter
Group 3
Topic: Analyzing a 2- stanza poem in terms of its elements
Directions : Choose the most appropriate conjunction to connect the Materials: chart, poems,activity sheet
ideas in each sentence. Reference: EN5RC I e 6 / EN5VC I e 6
Developing Reader Power 5 p. 35-37
1. Dona brings a waterjug( when, where ) he goes hiking. Focused Skill: Analyzing
2. I like hiking, too, ( since, although ) it can be tiring. Value: Appreciate all the creatures of God.
3. ( When, Before ) I get very tired, I usually take a rest.
4. I began hiking 9 since, if ) I was seven. III. Procedure
5. You should not climb the mountain( so that, unless ) A. Setting the Stage
someone is with you.
Presenting some lines from several poems.
Learn Some More
Slides Presentation
Directions:Complete each into a complex sentence. Add another idea
appropriate to the given conjunction. B.Explaining the students What to Do
1. They strongly believe in winning because ___________. Say :Here are some lines from several poems. Can you tell the
2. The audience was very quiet when ________________. meaning of the underlined words ? What do the underlined
3. At last the time came when __________. words describe ?
4. After _________, the boys continued to practice singing.
5. If _________, you should develop by using it well. Figurative Language describes things in new ways. This kind of
Language goes beyond what words actually mean. Poets often use
figurative language meanings.
Use conjunctions like, because, so that, when, where, if, although, among others, to express clear
Directions: Read the poem.
A complex sentence is made up of two or more ideas combined using the said conjunctions.
Week 5
Day 5
I. Objectives
Page 50-ENGTG-1STQuarter
THE NIGHT WILL NEVER STAY Directions :Study the following lines from some poems. Identify
By :EleonorFarjeon the figurative language used. Tell the meaning of the figurative
The night will never stay, words in everyday language.
The night will still go by,
Though with a million stars Group 1: Group 3:
You pin it to the sky Slowly,silently now the moon Where carts are blue
Though you bind it with the blowing wind, Walks the night in her silver shoon And barns are red,
And buckle it with the moon. This way and that , she peers and sees And the road unwinds
The night will slip Silver fruits upon silver trees. Like a twist of thread.
Like a sorrow or a tune Group 2:
IV. Evaluation
By: Emilie F. johnson
Directions: Study the lines from poem. Identify the figurative
language used. Tell the meaning of the figurative words in
My tree is like a duster
everyday language.
reaching high.
Stretching forth to sweep the cloudy sky.
Butterfly, butterfly,light a summer air
Group Activity
Page 51-ENGTG-1STQuarter
Week 5 And buckle it with the moon.
Day 5 The night will slip away.
Like a sorrow or a tune
Think and Tell
Directions: Study the following lines from some points. Identify the
figurative language used. Tell the meaning of the figurative words in
everyday language. What do you call the underlined
1. Where carts are blue
How did the poet describe the
And barns are red,
And the road unwinds
Can moon really do what the
Like a twist of thread.
poets suggest?
Page 52-ENGTG-1STQuarter
Directions : Study the following lines from some poems. Identify
the figurative language used. Tell the meaning of the figurative
words in everyday language.
Group 1: Group 3:
Where carts are blue Slowly,silently now the moon
And barns are red, Walks the night in her silver shoon
And the road unwinds This way and that , she peers and sees
Like a twist of thread. Silver fruits upon silver trees.
Group 2:
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