M 4-D M C S G: 1.0 Scope and Application
M 4-D M C S G: 1.0 Scope and Application
M 4-D M C S G: 1.0 Scope and Application
version. Please refer to the official version in the FR publication, which appears on the Government Printing
Office's eCFR website:
1.1 Analytes.
Analyte CAS No. Sensitivity
Water vapor (H2O) 7732-18-5 N/A
1.2 Applicability. This method is applicable for the determination of the moisture content of
stack gas.
1.3 Data Quality Objectives. Adherence to the requirements of this method will enhance the
quality of the data obtained from air pollutant sampling methods.
2.0 Summary of Method
2.1 A gas sample is extracted at a constant rate from the source; moisture is removed from the
sample stream and determined either volumetrically or gravimetrically.
2.2 The method contains two possible procedures: a reference method and an approximation
2.2.1 The reference method is used for accurate determinations of moisture content (such as are
needed to calculate emission data). The approximation method, provides estimates of percent
moisture to aid in setting isokinetic sampling rates prior to a pollutant emission measurement
run. The approximation method described herein is only a suggested approach; alternative means
for approximating the moisture content (e.g., drying tubes, wet bulb-dry bulb techniques,
condensation techniques, stoichiometric calculations, previous experience, etc.) are also
2.2.2 The reference method is often conducted simultaneously with a pollutant emission
measurement run. When it is, calculation of percent isokinetic, pollutant emission rate, etc., for
the run shall be based upon the results of the reference method or its equivalent. These
calculations shall not be based upon the results of the approximation method, unless the
approximation method is shown, to the satisfaction of the Administrator, to be capable of
yielding results within one percent H2O of the reference method.
3.0 Definitions [Reserved]
4.0 Interferences
4.1 The moisture content of saturated gas streams or streams that contain water droplets, as
measured by the reference method, may be positively biased. Therefore, when these conditions
exist or are suspected, a second determination of the moisture content shall be made
simultaneously with the reference method, as follows: Assume that the gas stream is saturated.
Attach a temperature sensor [capable of measuring to 1C (2 F)] to the reference method
probe. Measure the stack gas temperature at each traverse point (see section during the
reference method traverse, and calculate the average stack gas temperature. Next, determine the
moisture percentage, either by: (1) Using a psychrometric chart and making appropriate
corrections if the stack pressure is different from that of the chart, or (2) using saturation vapor
pressure tables. In cases where the psychrometric chart or the saturation vapor pressure tables are
not applicable (based on evaluation of the process), alternative methods, subject to the approval
of the Administrator, shall be used.
5.0 Safety
5.1 Disclaimer. This method may involve hazardous materials, operations, and equipment. This
test method may not address all of the safety problems associated with its use. It is the
responsibility of the user of this test method to establish appropriate safety and health practices
and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to performing this test method.
6.0 Equipment and Supplies
6.1 Reference Method. A schematic of the sampling train used in this reference method is shown
in Figure 4-1.
6.1.1 Probe. Stainless steel or glass tubing, sufficiently heated to prevent water condensation, and
equipped with a filter, either in-stack (e.g., a plug of glass wool inserted into the end of the
probe) or heated out-of-stack (e.g., as described in Method 5), to remove particulate matter.
When stack conditions permit, other metals or plastic tubing may be used for the probe, subject
to the approval of the Administrator.
6.1.3 Cooling System. An ice bath container, crushed ice, and water (or equivalent), to aid in
condensing moisture.
6.1.4 Metering System. Same as in Method 5, section, except do not use sampling
systems designed for flow rates higher than 0.0283 m3/min (1.0 cfm). Other metering systems,
capable of maintaining a constant sampling rate to within 10 percent and determining sample gas
volume to within 2 percent, may be used, subject to the approval of the Administrator.
6.1.5 Barometer and Graduated Cylinder and/or Balance. Same as Method 5, sections 6.1.2 and
6.2.5, respectively.
6.2. Approximation Method. A schematic of the sampling train used in this approximation
method is shown in Figure 4-2.
6.2.2 Condenser. Two midget impingers, each with 30-ml capacity, or equivalent.
6.2.3 Cooling System. Ice bath container, crushed ice, and water, to aid in condensing moisture
in impingers.
6.2.4 Drying Tube. Tube packed with new or regenerated 6- to 16-mesh indicating-type silica gel
(or equivalent desiccant), to dry the sample gas and to protect the meter and pump.
6.2.5 Valve. Needle valve, to regulate the sample gas flow rate.
6.2.6 Pump. Leak-free, diaphragm type, or equivalent, to pull the gas sample through the train.
6.2.7 Volume Meter. Dry gas meter, sufficiently accurate to measure the sample volume to
within 2 percent, and calibrated over the range of flow rates and conditions actually encountered
during sampling.
6.2.8 Rate Meter. Rotameter, or equivalent, to measure the flow range from 0 to 3 liters/min (0 to
0.11 cfm).
6.2.11 Vacuum Gauge. At least 760-mm (30-in.) Hg gauge, to be used for the sampling leak
7.0 Reagents and Standards [Reserved]
8.0 Sample Collection, Preservation, Transport, and Storage
8.1 Reference Method. The following procedure is intended for a condenser system (such as the
impinger system described in section of Method 5) incorporating volumetric analysis to
measure the condensed moisture, and silica gel and gravimetric analysis to measure the moisture
leaving the condenser.
8.1.1 Preliminary Determinations. Unless otherwise specified by the Administrator, a minimum of eight traverse points shall
be used for circular stacks having diameters less than 0.61 m (24 in.), a minimum of nine points
shall be used for rectangular stacks having equivalent diameters less than 0.61 m (24 in.), and a
minimum of twelve traverse points shall be used in all other cases. The traverse points shall be
located according to Method 1. The use of fewer points is subject to the approval of the
Administrator. Select a suitable probe and probe length such that all traverse points can be
sampled. Consider sampling from opposite sides of the stack (four total sampling ports) for large
stacks, to permit use of shorter probe lengths. Mark the probe with heat resistant tape or by some
other method to denote the proper distance into the stack or duct for each sampling point. Select a total sampling time such that a minimum total gas volume of 0.60 scm (21 scf)
will be collected, at a rate no greater than 0.021 m3/min (0.75 cfm). When both moisture content
and pollutant emission rate are to be determined, the moisture determination shall be
simultaneous with, and for the same total length of time as, the pollutant emission rate run,
unless otherwise specified in an applicable subpart of the standards. Place known volumes of water in the first two impingers; alternatively, transfer water
into the first two impingers and record the weight of each impinger (plus water) to the nearest 0.5
g. Weigh and record the weight of the silica gel to the nearest 0.5 g, and transfer the silica gel to
the fourth impinger; alternatively, the silica gel may first be transferred to the impinger, and the
weight of the silica gel plus impinger recorded. Set up the sampling train as shown in Figure 4-1. Turn on the probe heater and (if
applicable) the filter heating system to temperatures of approximately 120C (248F), to prevent
water condensation ahead of the condenser. Allow time for the temperatures to stabilize. Place
crushed ice and water in the ice bath container.
8.1.3 Leak Check Procedures. It is recommended, but not required, that the volume metering
system and sampling train be leak-checked as follows: Sampling Train. Disconnect the probe from the first impinger or (if applicable) from the
filter holder. Plug the inlet to the first impinger (or filter holder), and pull a 380 mm (15 in.) Hg
vacuum. A lower vacuum may be used, provided that it is not exceeded during the test. A
leakage rate in excess of 4 percent of the average sampling rate or 0.00057 m3/min (0.020 cfm),
whichever is less, is unacceptable. Following the leak check, reconnect the probe to the sampling
8.1.4 Sampling Train Operation. During the sampling run, maintain a sampling rate within 10
percent of constant rate, or as specified by the Administrator. For each run, record the data
required on a data sheet similar to that shown in Figure 4-3. Be sure to record the dry gas meter
reading at the beginning and end of each sampling time increment and whenever sampling is
halted. Take other appropriate readings at each sample point at least once during each time
NOTE: When Method 4 is used concurrently with an isokinetic method (e.g., Method 5) the
sampling rate should be maintained at isokinetic conditions rather than 10 percent of constant
rate. To begin sampling, position the probe tip at the first traverse point. Immediately start the
pump, and adjust the flow to the desired rate. Traverse the cross section, sampling at each
traverse point for an equal length of time. Add more ice and, if necessary, salt to maintain a
temperature of less than 20C (68F) at the silica gel outlet. After collecting the sample, disconnect the probe from the first impinger (or from the
filter holder), and conduct a leak check (mandatory) of the sampling train as described in section Record the leak rate. If the leakage rate exceeds the allowable rate, either reject the test
results or correct the sample volume as in section 12.3 of Method 5.
8.2.1 Place exactly 5 ml water in each impinger. Leak check the sampling train as follows:
Temporarily insert a vacuum gauge at or near the probe inlet. Then, plug the probe inlet and pull
a vacuum of at least 250 mm (10 in.) Hg. Note the time rate of change of the dry gas meter dial;
alternatively, a rotameter (0 to 40 ml/min) may be temporarily attached to the dry gas meter
outlet to determine the leakage rate. A leak rate not in excess of 2 percent of the average
sampling rate is acceptable.
NOTE: Release the probe inlet plug slowly before turning off the pump.
8.2.2 Connect the probe, insert it into the stack, and sample at a constant rate of 2 liters/min
(0.071 cfm). Continue sampling until the dry gas meter registers about 30 liters (1.1 ft3) or until
visible liquid droplets are carried over from the first impinger to the second. Record temperature,
pressure, and dry gas meter readings as indicated by Figure 4-4.
9.0 Quality Control
9.1 Miscellaneous Quality Control Measures.
Section Quality control measure Effect
Section Leak rate of the sampling system cannot exceed Ensures the accuracy of the volume four percent of the average sampling rate or of gas sampled. (Reference Method).
0.00057 m /min (0.020 cfm)
Section Leak rate of the sampling system cannot exceed Ensures the accuracy of the volume
8.2.1 two percent of the average sampling rate of gas sampled. (Approximation
10.1 Reference Method. Calibrate the metering system, temperature sensors, and barometer
according to Method 5, sections 10.3, 10.5, and 10.6, respectively.
10.2 Approximation Method. Calibrate the metering system and the barometer according to
Method 6, section 10.1 and Method 5, section 10.6, respectively.
11.0 Analytical Procedure
11.1 Reference Method. Measure the volume of the moisture condensed in each of the impingers
to the nearest ml. Alternatively, if the impingers were weighed prior to sampling, weigh the
impingers after sampling and record the difference in weight to the nearest 0.5 g. Determine the
increase in weight of the silica gel (or silica gel plus impinger) to the nearest 0.5 g. Record this
information (see example data sheet, Figure 4-5), and calculate the moisture content, as
described in section 12.0.
11.2 Approximation Method. Combine the contents of the two impingers, and measure the
volume to the nearest 0.5 ml.
12.0 Data Analysis and Calculations
Carry out the following calculations, retaining at least one extra significant figure beyond that of
the acquired data. Round off figures after final calculation.
12.1.1 Nomenclature.
Bws = Proportion of water vapor, by volume, in the gas stream.
Mw = Molecular weight of water, 18.0 g/g-mole (18.0 lb/lb-mole).
Pm = Absolute pressure (for this method, same as barometric pressure) at the dry gas meter, mm
Hg (in. Hg).
Pstd = Standard absolute pressure, 760 mm Hg (29.92 in. Hg).
R = Ideal gas constant, 0.06236 (mm Hg)(m3)/(g-mole)(K) for metric units and 21.85 (in.
Hg)(ft3)/(lb-mole)(R) for English units.
Tm = Absolute temperature at meter, K (R).
Tstd = Standard absolute temperature, 293K (528R).
Vf = Final volume of condenser water, ml.
Vi = Initial volume, if any, of condenser water, ml.
Vm = Dry gas volume measured by dry gas meter, dcm (dcf).
Vm(std) = Dry gas volume measured by the dry gas meter, corrected to standard conditions, dscm
Vwc(std) = Volume of water vapor condensed, corrected to standard conditions, scm (scf).
Vwsg(std) = Volume of water vapor collected in silica gel, corrected to standard conditions, scm
Wf = Final weight of silica gel or silica gel plus impinger, g.
Wi = Initial weight of silica gel or silica gel plus impinger, g.
Y = Dry gas meter calibration factor.
Vm = Incremental dry gas volume measured by dry gas meter at each traverse point, dcm (dcf).
w = Density of water, 0.9982 g/ml (0.002201 lb/ml).
K1 = 0.001333 m3/ml for metric units,
= 0.04706 ft3/ml for English units.
K2 = 1.0 g/g for metric units,
= 453.6 g/lb for English units.
K3 = 0.001335 m3/g for metric units,
= 0.04715 ft3/g for English units.
12.1.4 Sample Gas Volume.
K4 = 0.3855 K/mm Hg for metric units,
= 17.64 R/in. Hg for English units.
NOTE: If the post-test leak rate (Section exceeds the allowable rate, correct the value of
Vm in Equation 4-3, as described in section 12.3 of Method 5.
12.1.6 Verification of Constant Sampling Rate. For each time increment, determine the Vm.
Calculate the average. If the value for any time increment differs from the average by more than
10 percent, reject the results, and repeat the run.
12.1.7 In saturated or moisture droplet-laden gas streams, two calculations of the moisture
content of the stack gas shall be made, one using a value based upon the saturated conditions (see
section 4.1), and another based upon the results of the impinger analysis. The lower of these two
values of Bws shall be considered correct.
12.2 Approximation Method. The approximation method presented is designed to estimate the
moisture in the stack gas; therefore, other data, which are only necessary for accurate moisture
determinations, are not collected. The following equations adequately estimate the moisture
content for the purpose of determining isokinetic sampling rate settings.
12.2.1 Nomenclature.
Bwm = Approximate proportion by volume of water vapor in the gas stream leaving the second
impinger, 0.025.
Bws = Water vapor in the gas stream, proportion by volume.
Mw = Molecular weight of water, 18.0 g/g-mole (18.0 lb/lb-mole).
Pm = Absolute pressure (for this method, same as barometric pressure) at the dry gas meter, mm
Hg (in. Hg).
Pstd = Standard absolute pressure, 760 mm Hg (29.92 in. Hg).
R = Ideal gas constant, 0.06236 [(mm Hg)(m3)]/[(g-mole)(K)] for metric units and 21.85 [(in.
Hg)(ft3)]/[(lb-mole)(R)] for English units.
Tm = Absolute temperature at meter, K (R).
Tstd = Standard absolute temperature, 293 K (528 R).
Vf = Final volume of impinger contents, ml.
Vi = Initial volume of impinger contents, ml.
Vm = Dry gas volume measured by dry gas meter, dcm (dcf).
Vm(std ) = Dry gas volume measured by dry gas meter, corrected to standard conditions, dscm
Vwc(std) = Volume of water vapor condensed, corrected to standard conditions, scm (scf).
Y = Dry gas meter calibration factor.
w = Density of water, 0.09982 g/ml (0.002201 lb/ml).
K5 = 0.001333 m3/ml for metric units,
=0.04706 ft3/ml for English units.
K6 = 0.3855 K/mm Hg for metric units,
=17.64 R/in. Hg for English units.
16.1 The procedure described in Method 5 for determining moisture content is an acceptable
alternative to Method 4.
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1. Air Pollution Engineering Manual (Second Edition). Danielson, J.A. (ed.). U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards. Research Triangle Park, NC.
Publication No. AP-40. 1973.
2. Devorkin, Howard, et al. Air Pollution Source Testing Manual. Air Pollution Control District,
Los Angeles, CA. November 1963.
3. Methods for Determination of Velocity, Volume, Dust and Mist Content of Gases. Western
Precipitation Division of Joy Manufacturing Co. Los Angeles, CA. Bulletin WP-50. 1968.
18.0 Tables, Diagrams, Flowcharts, and Validation Data
Plant ________________________________________
Location _____________________________________
Operator _____________________________________
Date ________________________________________
Run No. _____________________________________
Ambient temperature ___________________________
Barometric pressure ____________________________
Probe Length _________________________________
Gas sample
Pressure temperature at Temperature
differential Meter dry gas meter of gas
across reading leaving
Stack orifice gas Inlet Outlet condenser
Sampling temperature meter H sample Tmin Tmout or last
Traverse Pt. time C (( mm (in.) volume Vm m3 C (( C (( impinger
No. (), min deg;F) H2O m3 (ft3) (ft3) deg;F) deg;F) C (( deg;F)
Location _____________________________
Test _________________________________
Operator _____________________________
Barometric pressure ____________________
Figure 4-3. Moisture DeterminationReference Method
Clock Gas Volume through meter, (V m), Rate meter setting m3/min Meter temperature C ((
time m3 (ft3) (ft3/min) deg;F)