Computation and Cognition
Computation and Cognition
Computation and Cognition
Abstract: The computational view of mind rests on certain intuitions regarding the fundamental similarity between computation and cognition.
We examine some of these intuitions and suggest that they derive from the fact that computers and human organisms are both physical systems
whose behavior is correctly described as being governed by rules acting on symbolic representations. Some of the implications of this view are
discussed. It is suggested that a fundamental hypothesis of this approach (the "proprietary vocabulary hypothesis") is that there is a natural
domain of human functioning (roughly what we intuitively associate with perceiving, reasoning, and acting) that can be addressed exclusively
in terms of a formal symbolic or algorithmic vocabulary or level of analysis.
Much of the paper elaborates various conditions that need to be met if a literal view of mental activity as computation is to serve as the basis
for explanatory theories. The coherence of such a view depends on there being a principled distinction between functions whose explanation
requires that we posit internal representations and those that we can appropriately describe as merely instantiating causal physical or biological
laws. In this paper the distinction is empirically grounded in a methodological criterion called the "cognitive impenetrability condition."
Functions are said to be cognitively impenetrable if they cannot be influenced by such purely cognitive factors as goals, beliefs, inferences, tacit
knowledge, and so on. Such a criterion makes it possible to empirically separate the fixed capacities of mind (called its "functional
architecture") from the particular representations and algorithms used on specific occasions. In order for computational theories to avoid being
ad hoc, they must deal effectively with the "degrees of freedom" problem by constraining the extent to which they can be arbitrarily adjusted
post hoc to fit some particular set of observations. This in turn requires that the fixed architectural function and the algorithms be
independently validated. It is argued that the architectural assumptions implicit in many contemporary models run afoul of the cognitive
impenetrability condition, since the required fixed functions are demonstrably sensitive to tacit knowledge and goals. The paper concludes with
some tactical suggestions for the development of computational cognitive theories.
Keywords: cognitive science; artificial intelligence; computational models; computer simulation; cognition; mental representation; mental
process; imagery; philosophical foundations; functionalism; philosophy of mind
1. Introduction and summary precisely what constitutes the core of the approach and what
constraints it imposes on theory construction.
The view that cognition can be understood as computation is In this essay I shall present what I consider some of the
ubiquitous in modern cognitive theorizing, even among those crucial characteristics of the computational view of mind and
who do not use computer programs to express models of defend them as appropriate for the task of explaining
cognitive processes. One of the basic assumptions behind this cognition. As in the early stages of many scientific endeavors,
approach, sometimes referred to as "information processing the core of the approach is implicit in scientists' intuitions
psychology," is that cognitive processes can be understood in about what are to count as relevant phenomena and as
terms of formal operations carried out on symbol structures. It legitimate explanations of the underlying processes. Yet as we
thus represents a formalist approach to theoretical explana- tease out the central assumptions, we will find room for
tion. In practice, tokens of symbol structures may be depicted refinement: not everything that is intuitively cognitive will
as expressions written in some lexicographic notation (as is remain so as the theory develops, nor will all processes turn
usual in linguistics or mathematics), or they may be physi- out to be appropriate for explaining cognitive phenomena.
cally instantiated in a computer as a data structure or an We begin with an informal discussion of the position that
executable program. certain types of human behavior are determined by repre-
The "information processing" idiom has been with us for sentations (beliefs, tacit knowledge, goals, and so on). This,
about two decades and represents a substantial intellectual we suggest, is precisely what recommends the view that
commitment among students of cognition. The fields that mental activity is computational. Then we present one of the
share this view (notably, segments of linguistics, philosophy of main empirical claims of the approach - namely, that there is
mind, psychology, artificial intelligence, cultural anthropolo- a natural domain of inquiry that can be addressed at a
gy, and others) have been increasingly looking toward some privileged algorithmic level of analysis, or with a proprietary
convergence as the "cognitive sciences." Several journals vocabulary.
devoted to that topic now exist (including, to some extent, The remainder of the paper elaborates various require-
BBS), and a Cognitive Science Society has just been formed. ments for constructing adequate explanatory theories on this
There remains, however, considerable uncertainty regarding basis. First, however, we need to analyse the notions of