Language in Use: Classroom Book
Language in Use: Classroom Book
Language in Use: Classroom Book
Adrian Doff
Christopher Jones
The Pitt Building, Trumpington Street, Cambridge, United Kingdom
1 Saying what people do; saying how often you do things; Grammar exercises
Things talking about facts Listening: The best time of the day
people do Grammar: Present simple tense; frequency expressions
3 Describing places; saying what there is; asking about Grammar exercises
Talking facilities Listening: Rooms and flats
about Grammar: There is/are; have/has got
5 Talking about things happening now and around now; Grammar exercises
Talking describing scenes Listening: Were busy
about Grammar: Present continuous tense; There is/are + -ing
6 Describing dishes and ingredients; saying what you eat; Vocabulary exercises
Food and buying food Listening: Polish dishes
drink Vocabulary: Food and drink; containers
7 Talking about past events; saying when things happened Grammar exercises
The past Grammar: Past simple tense; time expressions Listening: A man and a penguin
9 Talking about things that have just happened; asking Grammar exercises
Ive about preparations Listening: What has happened?
done it! Grammar: Present perfect tense; past participles
10 Talking about clothes; buying clothes; saying when you Vocabulary exercises
Clothes wear things Listening: Working clothes
Vocabulary: Clothes; colours, sizes and prices
11 Talking about quantity; saying there is too much and not Grammar exercises
Quantity enough Listening: A healthy diet
Grammar: a/some/any; quantity expressions; How
much/many ?; too much/many and not enough
12 Talking about aches and pains; saying what you do when Vocabulary exercises
How do youre ill; going to the doctor Listening: Ouch!
you feel? Vocabulary: aches and pains; parts of the body; remedies;
doctors and medicine
16 Talking about leisure activities; explaining how sports are Vocabulary exercises
Free time played Listening: Rock climbing
Vocabulary: Leisure activities; enjoyment and ability;
18 Talking about jobs; saying why you would(nt) enjoy Vocabulary exercises
A days different jobs; describing a career Listening: A security guard
work Vocabulary: Names of jobs; features of jobs; stages of a
19 Talking about past events and their circumstances; telling Grammar exercises
Telling stories; describing a scene in the past Listening: The wedding video
stories Grammar: Past continuous tense; Past simple tense; when
and while
21 Talking about intentions and plans; talking about future Grammar exercises
Future arrangements Listening: Plans for the evening
plans Grammar: going to; will; Present continuous tense; future
time expressions
22 Saying where things are in the world; saying what places Vocabulary exercises
Around are like; asking about tourist destinations Listening: Living in a hot climate
the world Vocabulary: Countries and continents; geographical
features and location; climate
Final review
2 Cures
lie down
1 What do people do if see a doctor
drink some water
a they have a cold? d they have flu?
get some fresh air
b they feel sick? e they have toothache?
take some vitamin C
c they cant get to sleep? f they have hiccups?
go to the dentist
Choose answers from the box. take an aspirin
2 You will hear three people talk about cures. How do you think count to 100
they use these things?And for which problem? go to bed
2 A man tells a story about going to the doctor. Listen and answer the questions.
a Where did he work? What did he do in his job? e What did the man have to do?
b How did he feel? f Did he feel better after three days?
c What did the doctor do? g What did he think about it?
d What did the doctor say?
3 Try to tell the story yourself. Use the expressions in the box to help you.
4 A long and healthy life Reading and listening activity
1 Look at what these people say. Do you think they are right?What would you say to them?
Eso Isleep
I dont usually
B I usually go to
bed at midnight, F My grandfather had
a heart attack a year
ago. Now he has half a
and wake up at six.
My husband is bottle of wine every
worried about me evening. We all think
he says I should sleep its bad for him to drink
at least eight hours a so much, but he says its
night, but I feel fine good for his heart.
I dont need a lot of
C Im trying to
lose weight. I
G Im trying to lose weight.
My brother says I should
do exercises or go running,
used to have lunch in but I dont think that would
the office restaurant, help. Exercise just makes
but now I just have a you feel hungry, and then
cheese sandwich and you eat more afterwards.
a packet of crisps.
D Im glad Im married.
I read that people Three of my grandparents
with partners usually live lived to be over 90, and
longer than people who both my parents are in their 70s
live alone! and still very healthy. So I think
Ive got a good chance of having
a long life, too.
2 A doctor comments on what the people say. Does she say they are right,
wrong, or partly right?Listen and complete the sentences.
a You can get energy from ... e If you drink alcohol, ...
b You need to sleep at least ... f A small amount of alcohol ...
c Bread, cheese and crisps ... g If you do exercise, ...
d On average, people with partners ... h If your parents and grandparents have long lives, ...
3 Look again at what the people say, and the doctors answers.
Do you think you will have a long and healthy life?