Solar Turbine Turbotronic 4 SPTT-PG PDF

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The key takeaways are that the document discusses the Turbotronic 4 control system used for sequencing, control, and protection of gas turbine packages. It provides monitoring and control capabilities.

The Turbotronic 4 control system is used for sequencing, control, and protection of the gas turbine package, and for providing an extensive range of options for monitoring and plant control.

The Turbotronic 4 control system includes a control processor, I/O modules, vibration monitoring system, and different types of Human Machine Interfaces like TT4000S and TT4000.



Power Generation
Solar's Turbotronic 4 control system is used for to the programmable controller for computation
sequencing, control, and protection of the gas and generation of the required control actions
turbine package, and for providing an extensive and indications.
range of options for monitoring and plant control. The programmable controller, in conjunction
The control system is based on a commer- with the video display unit (VDU), permits a wide
cially available programmable controller config- range of features. These include a variety of ad-
ured to Solar's requirements. It provides an opti- vanced software and control options, as well as
mum combination of control and display features, condition and trend monitoring and supervisory
reliability and maintainability, and is configured control.
specifically for the control of turbomachinery and The control system provides the operator
associated equipment. with necessary information for operation of the
The control system described herein is pro- equipment. It also offers a variety of communica-
vided for Power Generation products and in- tions options for data exchange with the cus-
cludes a number of sensors, transducers, and tomer's supervisory system.
monitoring devices. Data are collected and sent

Introduction................................................................................................................................................... i

Standard Hardware .................................................................................................................................... 1

GENERAL INFORMATION ....................................................................................................................... 1
ONSKID CONTROL CONSOLE................................................................................................................ 1
PROGRAMMABLE CONTROLLER .......................................................................................................... 2
INPUT/OUTPUT MODULES ..................................................................................................................... 3
INTERNAL COMMUNICATION................................................................................................................. 4
POWER SUPPLY SYSTEM ...................................................................................................................... 4
BACKUP SYSTEM .................................................................................................................................... 4
VIBRATION MONITORING SYSTEM....................................................................................................... 5
GOVERNOR.............................................................................................................................................. 5
GENERATOR CONTROL AND PROTECTION........................................................................................ 6
VOLTAGE REGULATION ......................................................................................................................... 7
CONTROL AND PROTECTION................................................................................................................ 7
OPERATOR INTERFACE ......................................................................................................................... 9
Optional Control and Display Features ................................................................................................. 15
ENGINEERING UNITS............................................................................................................................ 15
FIRE DETECTION AND SUPPRESSION SYSTEM ............................................................................... 15
FIELD PROGRAMMING ......................................................................................................................... 15
LANGUAGE............................................................................................................................................. 15
COMMUNICATIONS TURBINE CONTROL TO SUPERVISORY SYSTEM ....................................... 15
VIDEO DISPLAY OPTIONS .................................................................................................................... 18
Appendix A: Hardware ........................................................................................................................... 20
PHYSICAL HARDWARE......................................................................................................................... 20
ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATION.............................................................................................................. 20
ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIFICATION..................................................................................................... 20
RFI/EMI SUSCEPTIBILITY AND EMISSION ..........................................................................................20
Appendix B: Technical Supplement ..................................................................................................... 21
HARDWARE INFORMATION ................................................................................................................. 21
HARDWARE CERTIFICATION ............................................................................................................... 22
AREA CLASSIFICATION ........................................................................................................................ 22
QUALITY ASSURANCE.......................................................................................................................... 22
CONTROL CONSOLE LAYOUT ............................................................................................................. 22
Appendix C: Control System Information ............................................................................................ 24
TURBOTRONIC DEFINITIONS .............................................................................................................. 24
HUMAN MACHINE INTERFACE DESCRIPTIONS ................................................................................ 24
SYSTEM DESCRIPTIONS...................................................................................................................... 24

Caterpillar is a registered trademark of Caterpillar Inc.

Solar, Centaur, Titan and Turbotronic are trademarks of Solar Turbines Incorporated.
Specifications subject to change without notice. Printed in U.S.A.
2002 Solar Turbines Incorporated. All rights reserved.

Standard Hardware
The Turbotronic 4 control system is a highly inte-
grated programmable controller-based control
system with a video display unit (VDU) and op-
erator interface panel (Figure 1).
The control system consists of several dis-
tinct modules: a programmable controller, in-
put/output (I/O) modules (discrete and analog),
VDU, relay backup system, control and monitor-
ing software, onskid control console, and the
package sensing and control elements. The in-
ternal computing capability of the control system
may vary by product line, but each control system
has the same basic internal components, as de-
picted in Figure 2.
The control system requires a source of 24-
Vdc nominal power, which is derived from a
source of 120-Vdc power supplied by a battery
bank with associated battery charger.


The control system is provided in two onskid,
NEMA 4 boxes. The control system is designed
to operate in a nonhazardous area. The turbine
control panel and onskid VDU include all neces-
sary switches and indicators for gas turbine op-
eration. Figure 1. Typical Control Console







Figure 2. Typical Package Control System

All components within the control console are The programmable controller is programmed
factory interconnected and wired to the sensors in a language called relay ladder logic or in
and transmitters. Labels are in English, but can function block diagram programming.
be provided in various other languages (see "Op- Ladder logic format (Figure 3) is quite fa-
tional Control and Display Features"). miliar to most operators and engineering person-
nel, since it closely emulates the relay logic used
PROGRAMMABLE CONTROLLER in the past. It also includes a variety of computa-
tional and file transfer commands useful for data
The heart of the control system is the program-
manipulation, calculation, and communication.
mable controller. The programmable controller
Using an optional programming terminal, the user
performs the following functions in conjunction
can monitor the program online and troubleshoot
with the input and output signal modules:
a problem or make modifications when required
(see Programmable Controller Field Program-
Sequencing of gas turbine and auxiliaries
ming option). In addition to viewing the ladder
Control of turbine and driven equipment logic online, a copy of the ladder files may be
during start-up, loading, operation and printed out.
shutdown Function block diagram programming
(Figure 4) allows control algorithms to be pro-
Protection of turbine from abnormal
grammed in a graphical format familiar to process
operating conditions
control engineers. This format can program a
Protection of driven equipment from complex algorithm on one page that would take
abnormal operating conditions multiple pages of ladder logic to implement. The
compact program is easier to read, troubleshoot,
Response to commands from operator
and understand.
Analog and status outputs for display
and monitoring

Figure 3. Ladder Logic Diagram

Figure 4. Function Block Diagram Programming

In order to perform many of its functions, the pro-
grammable controller must gather physical data.
This is accomplished through I/O modules that
are provided as discrete (input, output, or both) or
analog (input, output, or both). Discrete inputs are
typically used for alarms, shutdowns, or status
indications and analog inputs are used for scale-
able functions.
The I/O modules are mounted to terminal
base units (Figure 5). Terminal base units have
two primary functions. First, when they are con-
nected side to side, the bases serve as a back-
plane, allowing data to be transferred from the I/O
module to the programmable controller via Con-
trolNet 1.5. Second, the terminal base acts as the
terminal strip to which the field devices are wired.
Data are transferred to and from the I/O module
via an adapter module. The adapter serves as a
communication hub between each of the at-
tached I/O modules and the programmable con-
troller, providing not only I/O data, but also indi- Figure 5. Typical I/O Module Mounted
vidual module status and health. In addition, the on a Terminal Base Unit
adapter also serves to power the internal logic for
as many as eight I/O modules.

Discrete Input Modules. Discrete input modules used with both non-Flex I/O and Flex I/O and can
receive signals from on/off devices, such as level handle communications over distances of up to
switches, pressure switches, push buttons, re- 1000 m (3300 ft), or more if repeaters are used,
lays, and protective equipment normally used at a bus speed of 5.0 megabits per second. This
during sequencing of the gas turbine. Discrete is more than 50 times faster than the widely used
signals can be used for alarms, shutdowns or Data Highway Plus (DH+) and the Remote I/O
simply indicators, but are not necessarily dis- systems.
played. The discrete input modules can have a The physical layer of ControlNet 1.5 is quad
capacity of up to 16 channels depending on shielded RG-6U coaxial cable, with a passive tap
module type. used to make a connection.
The most significant features of ControlNet
Discrete Output Modules. Discrete output mod- 1.5 are its speed and the fact that it is both de-
ules are used to drive output devices such as terministic and repeatable. Deterministic is the
solenoid valves, relays or motor contactors. The ability to reliably predict when data will be deliv-
discrete output module is capable of having either ered, and repeatability ensures that transmit
8 or 16 channels of output data per module. times are constant and unaffected by devices
If dry contacts are required, then a set of connecting to, or leaving, the network. The net-
interposing relays or a two-amp contact relay work update time for a typical turbomachinery
output module may be provided at additional control system is around five milliseconds.
Analog Input Modules. Analog input modules
The power supply system supplies power to the
accept analog signals and digitize the data for
programmable controller, input/output modules,
transfer to the programmable controller. Modules
video display unit, and relay backup systems. It
can accept either four or eight single-ended in-
consists of independent, voltage converting, dc-
puts, with different channels being used for dif-
to-dc isolating power supplies. The system re-
ferent types of input. Each channel is individually
ceives 120-Vdc input from the battery system and
configured for current or voltage by choosing
converts it into a regulated and filtered 28-Vdc
where the input is connected on the terminal
power at a maximum of 20 amps.
Temperature Modules. Temperature modules
serve to condition and transfer temperature data The basic control system is equipped with an in-
from package resistance temperature detectors dependent relay backup system that serves to
(RTD), 100-ohm platinum preferred, and thermo- initiate emergency shutdown of the turbomachin-
couples to the programmable controller. The ery and to control the post-lube cycle. Critical
temperature module has eight input channels. input signals monitored by the backup system
include the backup power turbine overspeed
Speed Modules. Speed modules perform high- monitor, manual emergency stop switches (lo-
speed frequency algorithms. The frequency in- cated at the console and turbine skid), the pro-
puts can accept frequencies up to 32,767 Hz. grammable controller fail watchdog timer, and
The speed module has two input channels, each the fire system relay contacts. When activated by
of which may accept magnetic pickup signals any of the above faults, the relay backup system
from 500 mV to 28 Vac peak. initiates a safe shutdown of the turbine and driven
equipment. The backup control system is a com-
Analog Output Modules. Analog output mod- bination of instantaneous and time delay relays.
ules are used to send an analog signal, either When a failure of the programmable control-
repeating one of those supplied by the purchaser ler occurs, all discrete outputs are automatically
or used in the basic control or display of the con- switched off. The programmable controller fail
trol system. The analog output module is a four- relay is re-energized on a fault condition. A fault
channel output module. is initiated either by the internal programmable
controller watchdog or by failure of the output
INTERNAL COMMUNICATION module. The programmable controller fail relay
contacts are used in the relay backup system to
Communication between the programmable con-
initiate an emergency shutdown, to isolate the
troller and I/O modules is via ControlNet 1.5 (Fig-
driven equipment by transferring block valves or
ure 2). ControlNet 1.5 is a high speed, determi-
circuit breakers to their safe position, and to se-
nistic, serial communications link. This can be
quence operation of the post-lube oil system.
Once a shutdown is initiated by the backup of operation. The transfer from droop to isochro-
system, operation can only be restored manually nous and isochronous to droop is bumpless.
by a safety key switch lockout located on the Speed set-point adjustment is by means of speed
console front panel when all faults have been increase and speed decrease momentary push
cleared. This action re-energizes the master con- buttons on the turbine control console.
trol relay and its associated relays and timers are A solid-state combination generator control
restored to their normal position. module (CGCM) provides load sharing between
multiple units and is specifically designed to in-
VIBRATION MONITORING SYSTEM terface with the programmable controller to pro-
vide an integrated power generation control solu-
The vibration monitoring system provides vibra-
tion. Each generator's load is continuously meas-
tion indication and protection for the gas turbine,
ured by the respective CGCM and compared to
gearbox, and driven equipment. Depending on
other units on the same bus via interconnect cir-
the unacceptable vibration level, either a warning
cuits, facilitating equal real and reactive load
is indicated or a turbine shutdown is initiated.
sharing between the units.
The gas turbine vibration monitoring instru-
Turbine engine temperature (T5) is also an
mentation consists of a single proximity probe per
input to the governor control. When turbine tem-
bearing or two velocity transducers per engine for
perature exceeds rated levels, fuel flow is then
the Centaur 40 gas turbine. The gearbox is typi-
controlled based on temperature rather than
cally instrumented with an accelerometer. The
speed or load inputs. In the case of a generator
generator is typically instrumented with a velocity
paralleled with an infinite bus (utility), the tem-
transducer per bearing. The proximity probes,
perature control limits the load-carrying contribu-
accelerometers, and velocity transducers are
tion of the unit to its rated full-load capacity for
connected to individual transmitters that provide
the current ambient temperature conditions.
4-to-20 mA signals to be read by the turbine
When the generator is not paralleled with the
package control system.
utility, the temperature control is set to a higher
All data available to the programmable con-
temperature to allow momentary operation in ex-
troller are also obtainable via serial link for user
cess of rated load during on-load transients.
remote monitoring, diagnostics and trending. Di-
rect access to the raw vibration signals is avail-
T5 Temperature Limiter. Limits the real load
able via BNC connectors.
(kW) on a unit operating in parallel with a large
power source, such as an electric utility or other
infinite bus system at the maximum unit rating for
The "governor system" consists of various hard- any ambient temperature condition. The system
ware and systems integrated together to provide limits the kW load by limiting T5 temperature to a
the governor function. The governor is a speed, predetermined factory-set level. When the pre-
load and temperature control system whose determined temperature level is reached, the lim-
dominant signal depends on the mode of opera- iter takes control of the throttle and prevents any
tion of the turbine generator set: for example, further increase in temperature and, thus, load.
starting, stopping, operating in island mode, op- The unit continues to operate at this full site-rated
erating in parallel with other units, or operating in load for the current ambient temperature. With
parallel with a utility source. changes in ambient temperature (engine air inlet
The system consists of the turbine speed temperature T1), the limiter adjusts the load to
transducer (magnetic pickup), the speed monitor, maintain a constant T5 temperature, thus, auto-
turbine T5 temperature thermocouples, tempera- matically maintaining the unit at full site-rated
ture input module, electronic fuel valve, and the load at all times.
programmable controller software files. If the application periodically requires opera-
The governor system maintains generator tion at a specific constant load level, rather than
frequency and/or generator load distribution full site-rated capacity, then the optional kW con-
(when operating in parallel) by controlling turbine troller should be used.
fuel flow. Output current to the fuel actuator pro- The T5 temperature limited system is a part of
vides the mechanical interface to the electronic the turbine temperature control and indication
fuel valve. The system includes provisions for system and its set point can be viewed from the
selection of isochronous or speed droop modes VDU.

General. Combining several generator control
components into one powerful package, the
combination generator control module (CGCM)
provides more flexibility and accessibility to spe-
cific generator control options. The CGCM (Fig-
ure 6) combines load share, synchronization,
voltage control, reactive power control, and gen-
erator protection functions into one module. The
CGCM communicates with the programmable
controller via high speed ControlNet 1.5 (Figure
7). The module performs synchronization in com-
bination with the programmable controller soft-
ware program and voltage regulation via the con-
trol of the exciter field current. The module
senses the three-phase voltage and the three-
phase current via PTs and CTs. The module pro-
vides real load-sharing and reactive load sharing.
Reactive load sharing can be reactive droop or
reactive differential (cross-current compensation).

Auto Synchronizing. The control system in-

cludes an auto synchronizer for the closure of the
unit circuit breaker. Upon sending an initiate syn-
chronization discrete signal, the auto synchro- Figure 6. Combination Generator Control
nizer brings the generator into frequency, volt- Module (CGCM)

Figure 7. Typical Generator, Exciter, and Regulator System

age, and phase compliance and sends a signal to VOLTAGE REGULATION
close the unit circuit breaker. The error signal for
Steady-State Stability
the voltage and phase comes from the CGCM.
The communication is via ControlNet 1.5. Steady-state voltage regulation is defined as
constant frequency and load. When the generator
KW Control (Optional). Controls the real kilowatt is operating steady state at any load, the gen-
load on a generator operating in parallel with an erator voltage varies no more than 0.1%.
infinite bus or other large source. Three types of
kW load control are available: No Load to Full-Load Accuracy

1. KW Import Control The kW import At constant frequency and at rate power factor,
the voltage regulation varies no more than
control system controls the real load (kW)
on a unit operating in parallel with a large 0.25%.
source such as a utility. The import control
monitors the load that is being imported Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR)
from the utility source and adjusts the tur- The voltage adjustment range about the selected
bine generator output to maintain a pre- nominal value is 10%. The resolution of the
set amount of minimum load. The import voltage is 0.1%. Voltage metering accuracy is
control allows the import of unlimited 0.2%.
power while maintaining the minimum
power. This control is for applications Field Current Regulator (FCR)
where it is desired to prevent any power
from being exported to the utility. The current regulation mode allows the operator
to adjust the field current manually. This gives the
2. KW Control The kW control system operator a manual voltage regulator. During the
controls the real load (kW) on a unit oper- FCR mode, the automatic voltage regulator is
ating in parallel with a large source. The disabled. It is important to note that the FCR is
control monitors the load carried by the not the equivalent of an independent manual
turbine generator set and adjusts turbine voltage regulator, since it uses some of the same
fuel flow to maintain a constant load under circuitry as the automatic voltage regulator.
conditions of varying infinite bus fre-
quency. The turbine T5 limiter system pro- CONTROL AND PROTECTION
vides protection against excessive kW
load while in parallel with an infinite Reactive Voltage Droop
source. The kW control system provides Reactive voltage droop is possible through the
additional operational flexibility by allowing use of a single externally provided current trans-
unit kW load level to be set at any desired former (CT). The voltage droop is adjustable for a
constant level within the capacity of the maximum of 10% droop at 0.8-power factor and
unit. In this mode, the unit may be carrying full rated load of the generator. Reactive droop,
the entire load within the plant, while the cross-current compensation and no droop voltage
remaining unit capacity is being exported control are selectable via ControlNet 1.5.
to the utility. In addition, the kW control set
point can be the manipulated variable in Cross-Current Compensation
the process control loop. For example, to
modulate steam production in a cogen- The cross-current compensation method of par-
eration application, the steam production alleling is possible with other controllers of similar
control could modulate the kW control set type. This uses the same CT that is used if reac-
point. tive voltage droop is selected instead of cross-
current compensation.
3. KW Export Control The kW export
control limits the amount of power that is KVAR/Power Factor Control (Optional)
being exported to the utility or large
source. The amount of power that is being This feature maintains a constant reactive load
exported is limited to a preselected value. (kVAR) output or constant power factor (pf) on
If the selected value exceeds the turbine the generator set when the unit is operating in
capacity, then the T5 limiting control pro- parallel with a large source. Power factor and
tects the turbine against excessive kW kVAR control can be enabled or disabled by the
load. operator from the VDU. The operator can also

select whether to use kVAR control or power Loss of PMG (27)
factor control and set the set points from the Loss of excitation (40Q)
Over frequency (81O)
Kilowatt Load Sharing Under frequency (81U)
Reverse power (32R)
The load-sharing circuitry provides the ability to
communicate with another CGCM, such that two Phase rotation error (47)
or more generator sets may equally share load Over current (51)
when running in parallel. Also, the CGCM will Rotating diode monitor (58)
load share with older controls from Solar, such as Reverse VAR (40)
the LSM module or Woodward 2301 governor.
The load sharing between generators of unequal Over-Excitation Voltage. The over-excitation
rating is proportional to their rating. voltage protection has a timed over-excitation
trip. The timed over-excitation protects the con-
Over-Excitation Limiting troller and generator from long-term field forcing
The over-excitation limiter senses field current conditions.
and responds in less then three cycles. When
field current exceeds the limits, the limiter func- Generator Over Voltage. The unit has an over-
tion overrides the action of the CGCM AVR, VAR, voltage monitor adjustable from 100 to 140% of
or power factor modes and limits the current to rated voltage in 1% increments.
the preset level.
Generator Under Voltage. The unit has an un-
Under-Excitation Limiting der-voltage monitor adjustable from 60 to 100%
of rated voltage, settable in 1% increments.
Under-excitation limiting (UEL) limits the de-
crease in excitation to prevent loss of synchroni- Loss of Sensing. When the generator voltage
zation and excessive end-iron heating during falls below 15% of the rated generator voltage, a
parallel operation. loss of voltage sensing annunciation occurs. The
loss of sensing function is supervised by the loss
Line Drop Compensation of operating power function and does not become
Line drop compensation is a function of generator active until operating power reaches its minimum
output current. Both the real and the reactive threshold.
component of the current are used. The compen-
sation is based on the magnitude of the line cur- Loss of PMG. A loss of PMG fault is issued
rent. It is adjustable from 0 to 10% of rated volt- within three cycles (50 msec) if PMG power input
age. is lost.

Voltage Input Signal Loss of Excitation. A loss of excitation protec-

tion fault is issued in order to protect against a
The voltage regulator sensing uses three-phase reverse VAR condition in the event the excitation
signals. current is lost.
Current Input Signal Over Frequency. When generator frequency
The CGCM uses 5-amp nominal inputs. The ac- exceeds rated frequency for a specified amount
curacy is 0.2% of full scale. of time, an over-frequency fault is annunciated.

Protection Under Frequency. When generator frequency

falls below the rated frequency for a specified
The protection functions are designed to diag- amount of time, a definite time under-frequency
nose and respond to the following events: fault is annunciated.
Over-excitation voltage (59F) Reverse Power. The reverse power protection
Generator over voltage (59) pickup level is settable from 1 to 50% of rated
Generator under voltage (27) generator power in increments of 1%. This fea-
Loss of sensing (60FL) ture considers real power only.

Phase Rotation Error. When possible and en- Emergency Stop (shutdown without
abled, a phase rotation check is performed prior cooldown)
to initiation of breaker closure.
Normal Stop (shutdown with normal no-
load cooldown)
Over-Current Protection. Over-current protec-
tion must be provided with a short inverse time Speed Control (increase and decrease)
characteristic, Basler Electric Time Characteristic Start
curve S2, 99-1595. This feature is active if exci-
tation is enabled. Horn Silence (audible alarm)
Acknowledge (alarms and shutdowns)
Rotating Diode Protection. The rotating diode
monitor is capable of detecting one or more open Backup System (Active/Reset)
or shorted diodes in the rotating field. If a failed
diode is detected, a fault is issued. Operation Indication Lights
Reverse VAR. When excitation current is lost
and the reverse VAR level exceeds the rated Backup Active
value for a definite amount of time, a reverse Stopping
VAR fault is annunciated.
Onskid Video Display Unit
The video display unit is used to present an ex-
The control system operator interface has two tensive selection of the turbomachinery operating
major components: the turbine control panel and parameters. The display system consists of sev-
the video display unit. eral screens organized by systems and functions
to allow the operator to easily locate and monitor
Turbine Control Panel a given parameter. It also includes a password-
protected screen, which allows the operator to
The turbine control panel (Figure 8) provides the
input or modify certain values such as process
essential controls to start or stop the turbine, to
control set points.
adjust the gas generator speed, and other op-
The onskid VDU makes use of Solar's
tional control functions. Some typical gas turbine
TT4000S display and monitoring system, which
controls and indications that appear on the con-
performs several key functions to facilitate opera-
trol panel include the following:
tion of the turbomachinery equipment through a
user-friendly interface. The TT4000S system
Operation Switches
monitors the turbine and driven equipment pa-
Off/Local/Remote (control selector with rameters, annunciates alarms, reports on the
lockable positions) running status of the equipment, and provides a
comprehensive set of analysis tools.
Data storage consists of an alarm / event log
containing the last 5000 events, five trigger logs
containing one-second tag samples surrounding
the last five shutdowns, and an hourly log con-
taining snapshot data for the last 12 months.
The TT4000S display and monitoring system
uses the Embedded Windows NT operating sys-
tem and offers the following industry standard

Complies with Transmission Control Proto-

col and Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)
Supports Object Linking and Embedding
for Process Control (OPC)
Supports ActiveX controls
Can be integrated as part of a local area
network for sharing of data or remote dis-
Figure 8. Operator Interface play communications
Standard Display Screens
The display screens listed below are for a typical
package and are provided as standard equipment
for all turbine packages:

Main Menu
Operation Summary
Engine Temperature
Shaft and Bearing
Lube System
Generator Summary
Bus Summary
Generator Control Modes
Generator Set Points Figure 10. Typical Operation Screen
Gas Fuel System
Liquid Fuel System
generator data, control mode, fuel command
status, fuel selection, operation mode, shutdown
Alarm Summary status, and lube pump operation. This screen
Alarm Log also displays the starting and stopping se-
Event Log quences.
During the package start sequence, the VDU
Strip Chart
shows the various logic and timed sequences
Maintenance Modes involved from initiation of start-up to running con-
VFD Configuration dition. This feature is a valuable troubleshooting
resource for operations personnel to quickly
Menu Screen. (Figure 9) This screen provides identify the source of the starting problem and,
the operator the ability to view the selectable view thus, reach a faster solution.
Engine Temperature Display Screen. (Figure
11) This screen displays all the turbine-related
temperatures monitored on the unit. The screen
displays each individual thermocouple tempera-
ture, as well as the calculated averages.

Figure 9. Typical Menu Screen

Operation Summary Screen. (Figure 10) This

screen provides a view of the overall gas turbine Figure 11. Typical Engine Temperature
and driven equipment operating parameters. The Screen
screen displays turbine engine temperatures,

Shaft and Bearing Screen. (Figure 12) This
screen shows a bar graph representation of the
vibration levels of the engine and generator as
detected by the vibration monitoring system. The
screen displays the bearing temperatures for
engine and generator.

Figure 14. Typical Generator Summary


Bus Summary Screen. (Figure 15) This screen

is a summary of the real-time generator and
customer bus operating data system provided by
Figure 12. Typical Shaft and Bearing Screen the control system, including Circuit Breaker Trip
and Auto Sync Initiate control.

Typical Lube System Screen. (Figure 13) This

screen displays all pertinent data for the lube oil,
such as pressure, temperature, and the status of
the pumps, along with the manual backup pump
test function.

Figure 15. Typical Bus Summary Screen

Generator Control Screen. (Figure 16) This

screen allows the operator to view the status of
the various generator control modes and to select
Figure 13. Typical Lube Oil Screen the control mode desired through the use of pop-
up screens.

Generator Summary Screen. (Figure 14) This Generator Set-Point Screen. (Figure 17) This
screen is a summary of the real-time generator screen allows the operator to change set points
operating data provided by the control system, by means of a pop-up screen or the local In-
including operating modes, set points, along with crease/Decrease switch. The set point and actual
AC calculated and monitored values. values are viewed from this screen as well.

Figure 16. Typical Generator Control Figure 18. Typical Gas Fuel Screen
Modes Screen

Figure 19. Typical Liquid Fuel Screen

Figure 17. Typical Generator Set-Point

Gas Fuel Screen. (Figure 18) This screen dis-

plays all of the pertinent data for the gas fuel
system, such as pressure, flow, actuator, and
status of the fuel valves. For a dual fuel system,
the operator can transfer fuels from this screen.

Liquid Fuel Screen. (Figure 19) This screen dis-

plays all of the pertinent data for the liquid fuel
system, such as pressure, flow, actuator, and
status of the fuel valves. For a dual fuel system,
the operator can transfer fuels from this screen.

Enclosure Screen. (Figure 20) This screen dis-

plays information related to the enclosure de-
Figure 20. Enclosure Screen
vices, such as fan, temperature, and gas sensor.

Alarms Summary Screen. (Figure 21) This
screen displays all alarm and shutdown annun-
ciations with a time and date stamp. Alarms are
time stamped in the order in which they are re-
ceived from the programmable controller.
On the display, alarms are shown in yellow
and shutdowns in red. Unacknowledged alarms
are shown in reverse video. As the malfunctions
are acknowledged, they stop flashing and are
shown in the corresponding colored text until they
are cleared from the system and the Reset switch
is pressed. The first four malfunctions detected
are displayed at the top of all screens until

Figure 22. First Out Alarm Screen

Discrete Event Log. (Figure 23) This feature

monitors and records the changes in status of all
defined discrete (switch or binary) inputs. These
include operator command, alarms and shutdown
annunciations, and key sequencing and status
signals. They are displayed as a chronological,
time-stamped listing of events in the order in
which they occurred. It is possible to have multi-
ple events with the same time stamp due to the
update rate of the display system. Up to 500
events can be stored in the log. Events can be
selected by double clicking on the column head-
Figure 21. Typical Alarm Summary Screen ing. Right clicking anywhere on the screen and
selecting the Reports menu can easily create
First Out Alarms Display Screen. (Figure 22) This feature provides a historical record of
This screen displays the order in which alarms sequence and status events that changed. It can
occurred. The resolution of the alarm order for be used to audit package operation or to identify
this feature is the time of one programmable malfunctions that have occurred and areas of the
controller scan. These data are obtained by operation that need attention.
reading the controller's first out alarm buffer,
starting at the first unacknowledged alarm. The
controller updates this buffer each scan. Only
unacknowledged alarms appear on this screen.
Up to 22 alarms can appear.

Note: If the First Out Alarms display is to be used

to diagnose a shutdown, the Acknowledge button
on the control panel must not be pressed. Press-
ing the Acknowledge button does not eliminate
unacknowledged alarms from the controller's
alarm buffer, but it changes an alarm index so
that the First Out Alarms display cannot access
them. As long as the Reset button is not pressed,
however, the unchanged contents of the control-
ler alarm buffer can be viewed as described
Figure 23. Typical Discrete Event Log
Display Screen

Strip Chart Function. (Figure 24) This function
emulates a 10-pen strip chart recorder. The
screen displays in real-time up to 10 variables
selected by the operator. Parameters are se-
lected by assigning each pen a value; the values
can be analog or binary data available for moni-
toring. Each pen can be assigned different colors,
line weights, and symbols to make each moni-
tored value easily distinguished from one an-
other. The bottom of the strip chart screen dis-
plays the corresponding legend for each pen.
Each of the plots is scaled for the selected
variable and displays the actual numerical value
for each variable. The date range and scaling can
be changed by double clicking on the desired pen
to bring up the configuration pull-down menu. The
Figure 25. Typical Maintenance Screen
time axis on the strip chart can be configured for
each pen by date, hours, minutes, or seconds.
The "zoom" feature allows the user to zero in on
VFD Configuration Screen. (Figure 26) This
the particular area of interest.
screen allows the operator to configure the VFD
motors and monitor the performance of the mo-

Figure 24. Typical Strip Chart Screen

Figure 26. Typical VFD Configuration Screen

Maintenance Screen. (Figure 25) This screen
allows users to perform routine maintenance on
the turbine and displays information such as en-
gine hours and engine starts.

Optional Control and Display Features
Other hardware and software options are avail- cal logic and constants accessible. Limited secu-
able that provide additional flexibility and capabil- rity to prevent inadvertent programming changes
ity to the basic programmable controller control is built in, but predetermined programming altera-
system. These software, control and display fea- tions are possible with appropriate software.
tures are described in this section.
Programming Terminal. A computer specifically
ENGINEERING UNITS configured for programming the programmable
controller control logic and sequences is pro-
The following engineering units are available for
vided, along with software and a programming
display purposes:
manual to allow for field programming of the con-
trol system logic within the control system.
Type Pressure Temp. Length
English psig F inches Programming Kit. The field programming kit in-
Metric (SI) kPa mm cludes software, programming manual, and a
PMCIA Type II interface card to allow field pro-
Metric bar C mm gramming of the control system and logic.
Metric kg/cm C mm
The turbomachinery package labels, control con-
FIRE DETECTION AND SUPPRESSION sole labels, and operator interface screen dis-
SYSTEM plays are available in numerous languages. For
A fire detection system is available for installation languages available, please contact a Solar Tur-
in the enclosure. The primary fire detection sys- bines representative.
tem uses ultraviolet (UV) detectors. The system
includes an automatic optical integrity feature, COMMUNICATIONS TURBINE CONTROL
which provides a continuous check of the optical TO SUPERVISORY SYSTEM
surfaces and detector sensitivity. Communication between the gas turbine control
The secondary detection system uses rate- system and the user's supervisory control and
compensated thermal detectors. The two detec- data acquisition (SCADA), distributed control
tion systems act completely independent in de- system (DCS), or other supervisory system is
tecting a fire. available. Turbotronic 4 control systems can be
A fire system supervisory release panel is provided with an interface that allows the super-
furnished whose primary purpose is to supervise visory system to communicate with the program-
the fire system circuitry. An open circuit, ground mable controller, obtain data, and have the con-
fault condition, or loss of integrity in the electrical trol capability required.
wiring results in a trouble signal.
If a fire is sensed, the detectors transmit an Data for Transmission
electrical signal via the fire system controller and
the fire system supervisory panel to activate the The following information from the turbine pack-
fire suppression system. In receiving this signal, age is available to be accessed by the supervi-
the explosionproof control heads activate the dis- sory system:
charge valves on the primary and extended ex-
tinguishing cylinders, releasing the extinguishing 1. Analog instrumentation values
agent into the enclosure and pressurizing the 2. Discrete status values
trips that close all vent openings. The fire sup- 3. Discrete alarms and shutdowns
pression system achieves a static air condition
and then floods the enclosure with the proper The following information can be sent by the su-
concentration of suppressant to extinguish the pervisory system:
1. Discrete control commands (start, stop,
FIELD PROGRAMMING acknowledge/reset, and change mode of
One characteristic of the control is that it can be
reprogrammed using optional software with criti- 2. Analog operating set points (kW control,
speed, kVAR, pf, and voltage)
The specific addressing for the data transfer necessary drivers to communicate with all turbine
is provided for each turbine package. package control networks and network devices
(except Modbus) and is required for most appli-
Protocol cations.
The communication language used between pro-
Supervisory Interface Options
grammable controller systems usually follows a
set of rules or format called a protocol. The There are many ways to interface with the gas
protocol defines the sequence and organization turbine control system. The most common in-
of the transmitted data. The RSLogix controller clude serial communication (RS232, RS422,
uses an internal proprietary bus protocol called RS485), Ethernet TCP/IP, ControlNet 1.5, and
control and information protocol (CIP). Commu- Modbus. See Figure 27 for a typical communica-
nication modules allow different communication tion network layout.
networks to interface with this internal bus. Cer- Each communication network has certain ad-
tain arrays of information inside the controller can vantages and disadvantages that need to be
be configured to mimic PLC-5 data tables that considered when selecting a network for a par-
support the DF1 protocol. The user's supervisory ticular application. Below is a description of each
system must be programmed to handle the CIP, network to help select the optimum interface for
DF1, or Modbus protocols. The Allen-Bradley the users application:
communications software RSLinx provides all the

Remote Video
Display Unit Auxiliary Video Display
Unit with CNet1.5 PCIC
Basic Configuration Line Printer


Ethernet TCP/IP RS232


Onskid Control Box

ControlNet Module

Ethernet Module
Modbus Module

Backup Relay

Shutdown System

Flex I/O (Normal Input/Output)

ControlNet 1.5

Hardwire Interconnect

ControlNet 1.5
(NAP connection)
System Local Programming
Terminal (for use during

Figure 27. Typical Communication Network Layout

ControlNet 1.5 Typical Application. The turbine package
Ethernet module is usually connected to a local
This is an Allen-Bradley developed proprietary
hub that is connected to an Ethernet backbone
field bus network. Data transmission rates are
for data transfer to a remote supervisory system
high, the communication is deterministic, and all
over longer distances. 10BaseFL fiber lines sup-
interface modules can be configured for redun-
port 2000 m (6560 ft) segments.
dant media.
Modbus Slave
Physical media: quad shielded RG-6U
coaxial cable The Modbus protocol is an open, published and
widely implemented protocol. It is used to transfer
Protocol: CIP
I/O and register data between Modbus control
Topology: Trunk line/drop line, devices.
star with repeaters
Maximum distance (per Rockwell Physical media: shielded twisted
specifications): 1000 m (3280 ft) with conductors
2 nodes, 250 m (820 ft) with 48 nodes Protocol: Modbus RTU
Maximum data transmission rate: 5 Mbps Topology: point-to-point (RS232/RS422)
Maximum number of nodes: 48 or multi-drop (RS485)
Maximum distance (per Rockwell
Typical Application. This is the control network specifications): 15 m (50 ft) for RS232,
used to connect the distributed I/O modules to 1219 m (4000 ft) for RS422/RS485
the controller for turbine control. Onsite, VDUs
are typically connected directly to this I/O network Maximum data transmission rate:
via PCC or PCIC cards installed in the computer. 115.2 kbps
Supervisory interface (RS232C) with the turbine Maximum number of nodes: 32 (RS485)
via ControlNet is allowed only through a serial
link connection module (KFC15) or a separate Typical Application. The Modbus Interface op-
ControlNet network that is not directly connected tion gives the turbine package control system the
to the turbine I/O network. The maximum dis- ability to communicate with a Modbus master
tance and number of nodes allowed for the net- device through a serial interface (RS232, RS422,
work can be increased by adding repeaters or RS485). The turbine package control system
and/or by using optical fiber media. Field pro- acts as a Modbus slave device using a subset of
gramming terminals can connect to the network the RTU version of the Modbus protocol. The
via the network access port (RJ-type) located on user provides the Modbus master device, which
the interface module or Flex I/O adapters. Cur- may be a supervisory control system, a data ac-
rent ControlNet 1.5 networks and network de- quisition system, a central or plant control sys-
vices are not compatible with older ControlNet tem, a remote monitoring system or some other
1.25 networks or network devices. computer system.

Ethernet TCP/IP Remote RS232/422/485 Serial Link

Data transmission rates are high, the communi- Serial link communication allows connectivity of
cation is non-deterministic, and cabling and con- devices without special communication modules
nectivity is well known throughout most industries to communication networks.
(common office computer network technology).
Physical media: shielded twisted
Physical media: twisted pair (10BaseT) conductors
Protocol: CIP over TCP/IP Protocol: N/A
Topology: star Topology: point-to-point (RS232/RS422)
Maximum distance (per Rockwell or multi-drop (RS485)
specifications): 100 m (328 ft) to hub Maximum distance (per Rockwell
Maximum data transmission rate: 10 Mbps specifications): 15 m (50 ft) for RS232,
1219 m (4000 ft) for RS422/RS485
Maximum number of nodes: unlimited
(8 to 24 nodes per hub typical)

Maximum data transmission rate: 20 kbps The auxiliary VDU communicates with the
(RS232), 100 kbps @ 4000 ft/10 Mbps onskid controller through ControlNet 1.5. The
@ 40 ft (RS422/RS485) total ControlNet cable run must be no longer than
762 m (2500 ft). Cable run lengths for the auxil-
Maximum number of nodes: 32 (RS485)
iary VDU vary from project to project depending
upon how close the motor control center is to the
Typical Application. A remote serial link is pro-
gas turbine. Typically, the cable run without the
vided to allow a remote supervisory system to
auxiliary VDU is less than 150 m (500 ft), leaving
send and receive data to and from the ControlNet
610 m (2000 ft) for the auxiliary VDU cable run.
network via an external Allen-Bradley KFC15
Note: these distances are reduced if high flex
communication module (RS232). Supervisory
cable is used.
serial interface through the DH+ network using a
remote KF2 interface module is not advised,
Remote Video Display Unit
since this device can only handle local messag-
ing (communication through other remote net- The remote video display unit (VDU) option con-
works is not allowed). The application software sists of an industrial desktop computer equipped
on the remote supervisory system must handle with TT4000. The remote VDU has all the fea-
either DF1 or CIP communication protocols. tures of the auxiliary VDU with the exception that
some of the operational privileges are limited at
VIDEO DISPLAY OPTIONS the remote VDU. For example, lockout shut-
downs cannot be reset remotely. The auxiliary
Auxiliary Video Display Unit
VDU option is a prerequisite for the remote VDU
The auxiliary video display unit (VDU) consists of option.
an industrial desktop computer and the TT4000 The remote VDU communicates with the
display and monitoring system. The auxiliary auxiliary VDU through Ethernet. The Ethernet
VDU has all the features of the standard skid- interconnect is the responsibility of the customer.
mounted VDU plus the following enhancements: Distance is limited only by the customers net-
work. Both the remote VDU and the auxiliary
Additional Historical Data VDU come with an Ethernet port and modem.
2-Minute Log. 1 month of daily files with The viewing of historical data from the remote
data points taken every 2 minutes VDU may be noticeably slower depending upon
10-Second Log. Data are read at 10- the speed of the customer-supplied network.
second intervals for the last 14 days. A gas turbine performance map for the pre-
dicted rating of a gas turbine at standard condi-
Larger Trigger Log. The Trigger Log tions is displayed on the VDU (Figure 28). Algo-
function stores up to 25 triggered files,
each containing 6 minutes of 1-second
data points. (The onskid VDU stores 5
triggered files.)
Accommodates Additional Options
Gas turbine performance calculations
and display
Remote VDU
Higher Resolution Screen
More Memory, including RAM and
Non-Volatile Storage
Incorporates Visual Basic for
Application (VBA)
DVD Reader / CD Writer
Figure 28. Gas Turbine Performance Map

rithms convert site data to standard conditions Printer/Logger Option
and the operating point is displayed real time on
This option is available with the auxiliary VDU. It
the map at the intersection of X and Y cursors.
includes a printer, cable, and software and pro-
Digital values for the predicted power, inlet vides for a variety of reports and event logging.
air temperature, gas turbine temperature, fuel
flow, and compressor discharge pressure are Features provided are:
also displayed on the screen. A key performance
indicator is provided for display by calculating the
Alarm and Shutdown Log Prints one
differential value (actual minus predicted) of the
event per line with time and date stamp.
digital values. The trend of these parameters pro-
vides a true indication of performance degrada- Reports On demand, prints current
tion since the data are standardized for the actual values of standard analog variables and
operating point and not just optimum. calculated variables. Standard totalized
Information gained from this feature can point variables may be printed also.
to corrective and diagnostic action required, such Print Screen On demand, prints any
as washing the compressor and borescoping the screen that is currently being displayed.
hot gas path.

Appendix A: Hardware
Programmable Controllers Allen-Bradley ControlLogix
I/O Allen-Bradley Flex Modules
Voltage Regulator Basler Electric/Allen-Bradley
Combination Generator Control Module (CGCM)
Onskid Display Allen-Bradley 6181
Power Supply 120 Vdc to 24 Vdc
Transducers 4 to 20 mA
RTDs Platinum 100 Ohms a = 0.00385
Control Enclosure NEMA 4 or NEMA 4X
Backup Controls Backup overspeed box
Backup relay shutdown system
Internal Wiring 20 gauge, typical
22 gauge for low level shielded wire
12 gauge for most power wire
Wire identification, branded every 152 mm (6 in.)
All customer connects are to Flex I/O or terminal blocks on DIN rail

Input Power 120 Vdc
Internal Power 24 Vdc
Input Signals Discrete signals, 24 Vdc
Analog signals, 4 to 20 mA
Low level temperature RTD
High level temperature thermocouple
Speed signal magnetic pick-up
Output Signals Discrete 24 Vdc, 0.5 amp max.
Discrete 24 Vdc, 2 amps max.
Analog signals, 4 to 20 mA
Relay Rating 24 Vdc, 3 to 10 amps
120 Vac,12 amps

Operating Temperature 0 to 60C
Storage Temperature -40 to 85F
Relative Humidity 5 to 95% non-condensing
Vibration 1g peak 5 to 20 Hz
Area Classification Nonhazardous


Similar equipment has been tested to the specification list below and passed the test successfully:

IEC 801-2 Electrostatic Discharge Level 3

IEC 801-3 Radiated Immunity Level 3
IEC 801-4 Fast Transient/Burst Level 3
IEC 801-5 Electrical Surge Immunity Level 3
IEC 801-6 Conducted Emission Level 3
CISPR/B Conducted Emission Class A
CISPR/B Radiated Emission Class A
Appendix B: Technical Supplement
ControlLogix Processor. The Allen-Bradley Logix5555 processor has 1.5 Mbytes of user memory and
can be connected in a variety of networks for interconnection with computers, distributed processing, and
distributed I/O:

General Specifications
Processor for Logix5555 1756-L55M13
Environmental Conditions
Operational Temperature 0 to 70C (32 to 158F)
Storage Temperature -40 to 85C (-40 to 185F)
Relative Humidity 5 to 95% (without condensation)
Vibration Operating 10 to 500 Hz, 2.0 g maximum peak acceleration

Electrical Specifications
Operating Voltage 19.2 to 32 Vdc (24 Vdc nominal)
Integrated Battery Each Logix5555 processor is shipped with a battery installed for
memory backup (part number 1756-BA1).

ControlLogix Power Supply. Used with the 1756 chassis to provide power directly to the chassis back-

Model 1756-PB72
Input Voltage 24 Vdc
Input Power 97 W
Backplane Output Current 1.50 A @ 1.2 Vdc
4.00 A @ 3.3 Vdc
10.0 A @ 5.0 Vdc
2.80 A @ 24 Vdc

Discrete Input Modules. These modules receive input from on/off devices such as level switches, pres-
sure switches, push buttons, relays and protective equipment:

Model 1794-IB16
Channels 16
Signal 10 to 32 Vdc

Discrete Output Module. This module drives devices such as solenoid valves and motor contactors.

Current Rating
Model Channels Signal Per Channel Per Module
1794-OB16P 16 10 to 32 Vdc 0.5 8
1794-OB8EP 8 19 to 32 Vdc 2 10

Analog Input Modules. Some modules accept signals from high-level output devices, such as current
transmitters; others accept low-level signals, such as from RTDs.

Model 1794-IE8 Series B

Channels 8
Signal Rating 4 to 20 mA, 0 to 20 mA,
10 V, 0 to 10 V

Model 1794-IJ2
Channels 2
Inputs per Channel 2 (frequency and gate)
Frequency 32,767 Hz max.
Usage Fast, high resolution speed measurements

Model 1794-IRT8
Channels 8
Inputs Ranges -40 to +100 for thermocouples
0 to 325 mVdc for RTDs
0 to 500 ohm for resistance range
Usage High-speed module used for temperature measurements. Separate
scaling and cold junction compensation is required.

Analog Output Modules. These modules are used for drive-positioning devices such as the fuel throttle
valve and to provide analog signals to other instrumentation.

Model 1794-IE8 Series B

Channels 4
Output Current 4 to 20 mA, 0 to 20 mA
Output Voltage 10 V, 0 to 10 V,
5 V, 5 V

In general, Allen-Bradley components are SA and ATEX certified for Class I, Division 2, Zone 2, Groups
A, B, C, and D.


Complete control systems are put through three test phases at Solar: static test, pre-test, and final test.
Further tests are made during installation and commissioning.

1. Static Test. Verifies the correct console wiring and software was installed, including the standard
options and nonstandard features required for the project.
2. Pre-Test. The controller is mated with the unit it is shipped with and is used to verify correct skid
wiring and certain statically tested functions.
3. Final Test. The unit is operated with its control system, where final package and control tests are
made. The software used for this test is the as-shipped software (excluding Titan gas turbines).
4. Commissioning. During commissioning tests onsite, any further software changes that are found
to be necessary are included in the as installed software.


The basic arrangement for the programmable controller is to have one seven-slot 1756 I/O chassis and
power supply similar to the one seen in Figure 29. The programmable controller module is in the left-
most slot and all other applicable modules occupy the six remaining slots. This assembly is mounted on a
panel (Figure 30) attached to the back wall of the console.

Figure 29. ControlLogix Chassis Configuration

Figure 30. Generator Control Panel and Turbine Control Panel Internal Configuration

Appendix C: Control System Information
TURBOTRONIC DEFINITIONS package skid. It provides only limited data stor-
age capability.
Control Processor. The central controlling de-
vice. Turbotronic 4 uses the Allen-Bradley Con-
TT4000 Remote. This is the version of TT4000
trolLogix processor, which replaces the pro-
installed on a remote PC (A-B 6155). It mirrors
grammable logic controller (PLC5) used on ear-
the functionality of the primary TT4000 system.
lier systems.
Important Note
HMI. Human Machine Interface the generally
accepted industry term for display and monitoring TT4000 is provided only as a complete system
systems, such as Solars TT4000 product. installed, configured, and tested on computer
hardware supplied by Solar. This hardware must
Onskid. Located on and permanently attached be dedicated to the TT4000 system and no other
to the turbomachinery package skid. software may be loaded. This is necessary to
protect the integrity of the system and avoid any
Remote. Located someplace other than the tur- potential interaction with other software.
bomachinery area and control room, usually at
some distance away in an unclassified area. SYSTEM DESCRIPTIONS
Remote HMI implies a secondary HMI system in
Figure 31 shows the various components that
addition to the primary HMI.
make up the Turbotronic 4 control system.
TT4000. A Windows 2000 based display and
Auxiliary Desktop PC
monitoring system that is available with the Tur-
botronic 4 system. The TT4000 display and monitoring system in-
stalled in a desktop PC. This PC must be located
Turbotronic 4. Solar Turbines new package and no more than 762 cable m (2500 cable feet) from
control system. the package skid.

VDU. Video Display Unit a generic term for a Onskid Control System
computerized display device.
The control system is mounted in one or more
panels attached to the package skid. The panels
contain the key elements of the system, including
the control processor, the I/O modules, the vibra-
TT4000. Solars fully featured display and moni- tion monitoring system, and the TT4000S display
toring system consisting of a desktop PC (A-B system. Packages with onskid controls may only
6155) configured with the Windows 2000 operat- be installed in a nonhazardous area.
ing system, the TT4000 application software, and
the specific project software files. It provides ex- Remote Desktop PC
tensive data storage capabilities in addition to
A secondary TT4000 display and monitoring
display, communications, and control capabilities.
system installed in a desktop PC, providing re-
It is designed for operation in a nonhazardous
mote monitoring and control of the turbomachin-
area such as a control room.
ery package. This PC must be linked to the pri-
mary TT4000 system via a network connection.
TT4000S. A version of Solars TT4000 software,
The distance between this PC and the primary
which is installed in an onskid VDU (A-B 6183)
TT4000 system is limited only by the capability of
and makes use of the Windows Embedded NT
the network.
operating system. It provides display, communi-
cations, and basic control capabilities at the



TT4000 TT4000

Figure 31. Turbotronic 4 Control System Outline

Telephone: (+1) 619-544-5352
Telefax: (+1) 858-694-6715

Solar Turbines Incorporated

P.O. Box 85376
San Diego, CA 92186-5376 U.S.A.


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