Provision of Export Terminal Tug-Checklist
Provision of Export Terminal Tug-Checklist
Provision of Export Terminal Tug-Checklist
Bulk equipment
Fuel oil capacity AGO capacity range of 100-200m3 with capacity to
transfer to another vessel/installation via flow
Fuel oil separator AGO separator of 5,000 liters per day minimum
Fuel meter and Installed dedicated non by-passable flow meter
monitoring system with print out and certificate and equipped with an
electronic web based fuel monitoring system
Lube oil Capacity of LO tank shall be sufficient for 1
complete oil change of all units. Lube tank shall
have valves and plugs to transfer/ fill from drums
Potable water capacity Capacity range of approx. 40-80m3
TODO Fittings AGO connections should be of a TODO types
Foam 10m3 holding tank
Detergent 10m3 holding tank
Tow winch Electric or hydraulic; 2 speed single drum winch.
Wire spooling gear fitted. Emergency tow release
mechanism required. Tow line load monitoring
with wheelhouse monitoring 150t brake holding
with adjustable rendering line pull up to 20 m/min
@ 20m/t, 6m min. @ 70 m/t, 800m wire drum
Bow tow winch Electric or hydraulic driven two speed split drum
heavy duty towing winch. Wire spooling gear
fitted. 150t brake holding with adjustable
rendering. Line pull up to 20 m.min @ 20m/t.
6m.min @70m/t. Must be independent capstan or
integrated warping heads and means to handle
and stow towing stretcher and pennant.
Emergency tow release mechanism required. Tow
line load monitoring with wheelhouse monitoring
400m wire drum capacity
Accommodation 2X1 cabins ( to have their own wash basin)
Accommodation 3x4 crew(to have 2 toilets, 3 wash basin and 2
Air conditioning All accommodations. State rooms and bridge
Crew requirements Qualification as per STCW
Deck powe 220V power
Emergency lighting 24DC back-up battery system
Tannoy system All stations in accommodation and separate system
for main deck
Gyro Min. of one gyro compass with repeater at each
maneuvering station
Radar One daylight ARPA radar`s and one radar equip
with automatic identification system
Searchlights Two each, 2000 watt halogen
VHF radio Fixed station to marine multi channel
programmable min. of 3 portable VHF radio.
Intrinsically safe multi marine channel