Value of Systems Engineering

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Value of Systems Engineering

SECOE Research Project Progress Report

Eric Honour Brian Mar
Honourcode, Inc. Professor Emeritus,
3008 Ashbury Lane University of Washington
Pensacola, FL 32533 10615 60th Ave. So.
Seattle, WA 98178
Abstract. This paper is a progress report on the difference that the relationship shown in the NASA data
results of a SECOE research project to collect and ana- only loosely supports a hypothesis related to systems
lyze data that describes project cost, schedule, and qual- engineering.
ity with systems engineering cost and quality. The
original hypotheses to be tested are that (a) at low lev- Target Overrun vs Definition Ratio

els, increasing systems engineering effort results in 200


better project quality, and (b) there is an optimum 180

CNV Definition $
Definition Ratio = ----------------------------------
Target Estimate 1978$

above which further increases are detrimental. The 160 GALL

IRAS Actual (Adjusted) RY$

collection of data is much more difficult than antici- Overrun of Target % 140 HST
Target Overrun = ----------------------------------
Target RY$

pated. The preliminary results are presented in an at- 120


tempt to encourage more individuals to submit data.
80 MAG ERB77

Analysis of the preliminary data (25 project submis- 60


sions) supports the hypotheses. The data suggests that 40



dimensionless ratios of actual to planned cost and actual 20



to planned schedule correlate with an independent vari-

0 5 10 15 20 25
able defined as an index of systems engineering effort Definition Ratio %
(product of systems engineering cost and systems engi-
neering quality divided by total project cost). Figure 1. NASA Data on Impact of Front
End Project Definition Effort
Total Project Effort
For many years, project managers and systems engi-
neers have feuded over the level of systems engineering
Development Effort

effort that is appropriate for each project. While many Definition
individuals suggest that intuitive information exists, it Effort
has yet to be shared or made public. There is a desper- Engineering
ate need for quantitative information that can guide Effort
managers and technical leaders. Werner Gruhl of the
NASA Comptrollers office presented the only known
public results that relate project quality metrics with
some form of systems engineering effort (Figure 1).
This data was developed in NASA in the late 1980s for Time
32 projects over the 1970s and 1980s. It was made
public over ten years ago. While various organizations Figure 2. Definition Effort is not Equal to
maintain similar data on their in-house efforts, these Systems Engineering Effort
data are not shared to protect their competitive advan-
In March of 2001, the Systems Engineering Center of
Excellence (SECOE), a subsidiary research arm of
Even the NASA data, however, does not directly
INCOSE, initiated project 01-03 to collect and analyze
apply to systems engineering. In Gruhls research, the
data that would quantify the value of systems
independent variable is the percent of funding spent on
engineering. The INCOSE Board of Directors
NASA Phases A and B, the project definition phases.
supported the project with seed grant money to leverage
Figure 2 shows the difference between this and true
other sources.
systems engineering effort. It is apparent from this
The lesson for SECOE to learn was to anticipate that
(function of Technical Quality, Cost, Schedule, Risk) OPTIMUM EFFORT grant awards must be announced and made nine to
Development Quality
TO APPLY twelve months in advance of the start date. Grants
smaller than $50,000 will not be well received by
graduate researchers, but possible undergrads may be
sought as summer hires to perform such research if an
Parameter curve appropriate mentor or supervisor can be found.
selected for In addition to the lack of proposals to perform the
Technical Size
Technical Complexity
Value of Systems Engineering Project, the response
Acceptable Risk Level to the call for voluntary submission of project
information for the phase I data base was poor. A
Systems Engineering Effort survey form was prepared and placed on the SECOE
Figure 3. Initial project hypothesis web site with notice on the INCOSE home page. The
same form was distributed in email and hard copy
The overall goal of this project is to collect and analyze forms to many INCOSE members. The scope of the
data which would relate Development quality with project and the implementation plan were also placed
Technical effort for a wide range of engineering on the INCOSE home page with a special call for
projects that employed various levels of systems inputs. Only a few responses were received along with
engineering. The initial hypothesis as in Figure 3, based several messages indicating that the requested data was
on widely accepted heuristics, was that development unavailable to systems engineers or that the requested
quality would be directly related to systems engineering data was inappropriate. Alternative actions to obtain
effort up to an optimum level, after which additional more responses to the survey are in progress and have
systems engineering effort would impede quality. resulted in 25 project submissions. A search is
Development quality would include technical quality, underway for program managers or executives of
cost, schedule and risk. The project desires to explore engineering organization to identify people who may
parameters such as technical complexity, size or scale have such data available.
as well as effort.
Measuring development quality and technical effort is a
In the spring of 2001, an executive summary of the pro- challenge in todays environment of heuristic
ject (SECOE 2001a), a grant solicitation (SECOE knowledge. Following (Honour 2001), technical
2001b), and a data submission form (SECOE 2001c) quality can be measured by the degree to which the
were placed on the SECOE web site. system meets its intended objective function. Cost and
The grant solicitation defined a three-phase effort. schedule can be measured using both planned and
Phase I is a volunteer effort to obtain subjective data, actual values, thereby also allowing a measurement of
Phase II would be an INCOSE funded grant for up to how well the project met its plans for cost and schedule.
$15,000 to evaluate the subjective data and prepare for As in (Honour 2001) and (Langenberg 1999), risk can
Phase III. Phase III would be a two-year set of grants be measured numerically based on the cost exposure
to obtain and evaluate contractual data, to be funded represented by all known risks.
from other sources at approximately $50,000. The original data submission form was created for
The schedule for submission and evaluation was total project data as well as phase-by-phase reporting
defined as the month of June, 2001 with Phase II for data. The form for total project data included
scheduled for the summer of 2001. Planned & actual cost
Unfortunately, the only proposal submitted was Planned & actual duration
one by Mar to conduct the research as a volunteer Systems engineering (SE) cost
effort, in case no proposals were submitted. In Systems engineering quality
hindsight, it became apparent that the academic Objective success
community viewed grants for less than $100,000 per Comparative success
year to have a poor return on investment. The effort to Each of the parameters was defined, and these
prepare a proposal for the SECOE was the same as that definitions can be found on the submission form. A
required for a $100,000 or greater proposal. Also the brief definition of terms are:
turn around time of one month in June is not feasible Costs (planned/actual) project costs up to
for academic research. Graduate students are assigned delivery of first article, not including production costs
to summer research in the Fall as part of their initial Duration (planned/actual) schedule up to
research assistantships. At the latest, the good graduate delivery of first article
students have their summer research selected by winter.
SE Costs actual costs of performing traditional the effort was normalized as the ratio of systems
SE tasks, no matter who performed them. For this engineering costs to total actual costs. There was no
project, traditional SE tasks are viewed with the apparent trend in these relationships.
broad definitions of (Frank 2000). Upon further analysis, it was hypothesized that the
SE Quality subjective evaluation using a 0-10 systems engineering quality would impact the
scale where 0 represents SE of no value, 5 indicates a effectiveness of the systems engineering costs expended
normal SE effort, and 10 is unexcelled, world class SE in a project in a linear relationship. Thus, if the systems
Objective success - subjective evaluation using a engineering quality (SEQ) is zero, no amount of
scale where 0 indicates no objectives met, 1.0 indicates investment in the systems engineering effort will
all objectives met, and >1.0 indicates exceeding the improve the project cost or schedule performance. A
objectives. This subjective measure is intended to be an project with a SEQ of 10 should have twice as good
approximation of the Objective Function based performance as a project with a SEQ of 5.
technical quality of (Honour 2001). To apply SEQ as a linear scaling factor on the
Comparative success subjective evaluation ratios, the SEQ scale was compressed to a 0 to 1 scale
using a 0 to 10 scale where 0 indicates project failure, 5 (reported SEQ was divided by 10). This redefined the
indicates success equal to other projects, and 10 (normalized) systems engineering effort (SEE) as
indicates unexcelled, world class success. This
subjective measure is intended to be an alternate SEE = SEQ * SE Cost / Actual Cost
measure of the project success.
In the preliminary form, the data submission The results of this analysis are shown in Figure 4
requested planned and variance values for cost and and Figure 5. Figure 4 shows the data for actual cost
schedule rather than planned and actual values. The (AC) / planned cost (PC), while Figure 5 shows the data
responses to the variance parameters indicated that the for actual schedule (AS) / planned schedule (PS).
convention used to indicate over or underruns was
confusing. Thus the form was modified to ask for
actual and planned cost and schedule, and then the
variance was computed by the analyst.
Actual/Planned Cost

Since the request for data included a Proprietary
Data policy indicating that all responses will be
screened to avoid identification of data sources, the 1.4

ratios of planned to actual and schedule are placed in y = 12.882x2 - 4.4735x + 1.3817
R2 = 0.1965
the data base. Thus the form could be modified to
request such ratios rather than the absolute values for 1.0
0% 2% 4% 6% 8% 10% 12% 14% 16% 18%
cost and schedule. Doing so, however, would eliminate
the future potential of stratifying the project 0.6
information by size, complexity and risk. If more data SE Effort = SE Quality * SE Cost/Actual Cost
can be solicited, this issue will need to be addressed. If
requesting only ratios of planned to actual values Figure 4. Cost performance as a function
increases the number of responses, the stratification of systems engineering effort
analysis may have to be a follow up task.
Actual/Planned Schedule

The analysis of data received was performed in an 1.8

EXCEL worksheet. Data were entered in row format.
If variance data were submitted, then the actual values
were computed as planned values minus the actual val- 1.4

ues, assuming that a positive variance indicated a value y = 18.384x2 - 5.2191x + 1.3898
R2 = 0.1504
below planned. For later submissions that submitted
planned and actual values (no variance data) this was 1.0
0% 2% 4% 6% 8% 10% 12% 14% 16% 18%
not necessary. To reduce the chance that a data source
could be identified, ratios of planned to actual values 0.6
were computed. SE Effort = SE Quality * SE Cost/Actual Cost
Cost and Schedule Performance. The initial
analysis plotted the actual to planned ratios for cost and Figure 5. Schedule performance as a
schedule (hypothesized dependent) versus the systems function of systems engineering effort.
engineering effort (hypothesized independent), where
Each figure also shows a trend line based on the 2.2

statistical averaging of the data points to the

hypothetical relationship. Trend lines are calculated by
EXCEL using least-squares regression on the data and

Actual/Planned Cost

that curve form that results in the most favorable

regression correlation. In both cost and schedule cases,
the best fit is obtained with a second order polynomial.
As expected, there is also a large scattering of the data
indicative of the effects of many determinants other 1.0
than the systems engineering effort. 0% 2% 4% 6% 8% 10% 12% 14% 16% 18%

Cost and Schedule Risk. The data scattering of Figure 0.6

4 can be interpreted as cost risk, i.e. the statistical SE Effort = SE Quality * SE Cost/Actual Cost
variation in cost due to unplanned factors. Figure 6
shows the residual cost risk after removal of the Figure 7. Cost risk shown as 90% assurance
correlated trend line values. Figure 6 suggests that the curves around trend
larger the SEE, the smaller is the residual from the fit.
Thus at lower SEE the actual to planned costs are not 2.2
only higher, but there is a greater risk that the residual
deviation from the predicted value is higher.

Actual/Planned Schedule
This cost risk can be evaluated statistically as the
second moment of the distribution. By applying least-
squares regression analysis to the residual values, 1.4
Figure 7 shows the cost risk as 90% probability
bounding curves around the trend line. Values for the
cost risk bounding curves are based on a statistical 1.0

variance of 2 = 0.036*e-16*SEE. It is a significant 0% 2% 4% 6% 8% 10% 12% 14% 16% 18%

addition to the project findings to note that the risk

reduces significantly with increased SEE. Specifically, 0.6

SE Effort = SE Quality * SE Cost/Actual Cost

the risk at 15% SEE is approximately 1/3 of the risk at
1% SEE.
Figure 8. Schedule risk shown as 90% assur-
0.8 ance curves around trend
Actual/Planned Cost Residuals

Cost and Schedule Correlation. The similarities in
cost and schedule performance and in cost and schedule
risk imply that cost and schedule themselves are highly
correlated. This hypothesis matches heuristic
management wisdom. As a check, Figure 9 plots
0.0 AC/PC against AS/PS to show that performance in each
0% 2% 4% 6% 8% 10% 12% 14% 16% 18% dimension is highly correlated.


SE Effort = SE Quality * SE Cost/Actual Cost 2.0

Actual/Planned Cost

R2 = 0.4899
Figure 6. Residual of actual/planned cost 1.5

A similar analysis of schedule risk results in the 90% 1.0

probability bounding curves shown in Figure 8. As

with cost risk, schedule risk is also shown to reduce 0.5

significantly with increased SEE. Values for the

schedule risk bounding curves are based on a statistical 0.0

variance of 2 = 0.039*e-13*SEE. The schedule risk at 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5

15% SEE is once again approximately 1/3 of the risk at Actual/Planned Schedule
1% SEE.
Figure 9. Correlation of cost and schedule.
cost and schedule ratios:
Parametric Evaluation of Risk. The large scatter in
DQ = 1 / ( * (AC/PC + AS/PS) )
the data at low levels of the independent variable SEE
was explored. In the original hypothesis, development
Figure 11 shows this rudimentary DQ plotted
quality is heuristically expected to be a function of
against SEE. There is already a trend that appears to
technical size, complexity, and risk. The variance seen
follow the pattern of the original hypothesis. However,
in the earlier figures may be explained by these as-yet-
because this approach does not yet include the factors
unmeasured factors. It was hypothesized that actual
of product quality, technical size, complexity, or risk,
cost might be a valid measure of technical size. Thus,
there is significant variability around the expected
large projects would do less well than smaller projects
trend. It is noted that none of the projects submitted so
at any given expenditure of SE Effort. To explore this
far appear to be beyond the assumed optimum.
secondary relationship, the impact of total costs on the
actual to planned costs was examined for SEE values of 1.3

2%-3%. The results are shown in 1.2

(Cost/Schedule Based)

Development Quality

Actual/Planned Schedule

y = -11.499x2 + 3.4582x + 0.741
1.5 R2 = 0.2477


0.5 0.4
0% 2% 4% 6% 8% 10% 12% 14% 16% 18%

SE Effort = SE Quality * SE Cost/Actual Cost

0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000
Actual Cost Figure 11. Test of original hypothesis

Figure 10. While there are few data points, the As a second test of the original hypothesis, Figure 12
relationship appears to. exist and more data needs to be plots the comparative success values as reported by
collected. respondents. This shows that respondents perceived
significantly lower success with projects that had low
2.5 SEE (in comparison to other projects) than with
projects with high SEE. The shape of the comparative
Actual/Planned Schedule

2.0 success also approximates the original hypothesis,

indicating that this subjective value might also be a
1.5 rough measure of the hypothesized DQ.

Comparative Success


0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 5.0

Actual Cost 4.0


Figure 10. Impact of project size on schedule 2.0

performance (SEE = 2%-3%) 1.0

0% 2% 4% 6% 8% 10% 12% 14% 16% 18%
Development Quality. In the original hypothesis of
SE Effort = SE Quality * SE Cost/Actual Cost
Figure 3, Development Quality (DQ) is expected to be a
function of technical product quality, project cost,
Figure 12. Subjective quality as reported
project schedule, technical size, technical complexity,
and risk. The few data points gathered do not support
exploration of all these factors, but a tentative approach
to DQ can be calculated as the inverse average of the
LIMITATIONS Langenberg, I. and F. de Wit, Managing the Right
Thing: Risk Management, INCOSE International
The data available for analysis in this project presents
Symposium 1999, INCOSE, Seattle, 1999.
several important limitations to the results. Any use of
SECOE Project Summary 01-03,
the values herein should be tempered by these limita-, 2001.
SECOE Grant Solicitation 01-03,
The data are self-reported and largely subjective,, 2001.
without checking. Those responding to the data
SECOE Data Submission Form 01-03,
requests may be assumed to be senior engineering, 2001.
personnel by nature of their association with INCOSE;
such personnel can be expected to have the kind of data
requested. Nonetheless, there have been no quality BIOGRAPHIES
controls on the submission of data.
Perceptive influences likely color the data. The Dr. Brian Mar is an Emeritus Professor of the
underlying hypotheses for this project are well-known University of Washington. Prior to his retirement, he
and widely accepted. Because of the wide acceptance, was at the University of Washington for over 30 years
respondents can be expected to include a subconscious and was a Professor of Civil and Systems Engineering.
bias toward supporting the hypotheses. This single fact The Boeing Company employed him for 10 years prior
might have caused much of the correlation observed. to his joining the University of Washington. He holds a
Systems engineering effort is also self-reported Ph.D. in Chemical/Nuclear Engineering as well as
based on the respondents individual perceptions of several degrees in Civil and Chemical Engineering and
systems engineering. There is no certainty that has served on International and National councils and
different respondents hd the same perceptions about the advisory boards. He is a member of Phi Beta Kappa
scope of work to be included within SEE. and Tau Beta Pi Honor Societies. Currently he is
The number of data points is small, only barely mentoring the development of a web based MS Systems
sufficient to support the statistical conclusions made. engineering program at Portland State University. He
Respondents come from the population of INCOSE is one of the founders, a Past President and a Fellow of
members and others with whom the authors had INCOSE. He has published several books and over 100
contact. This limits the scope of projects included papers.
within the data. Eric Honour was the 1997 INCOSE President. He has
a BSSE from the US Naval Academy and MSEE from
the US Naval Postgraduate School, with 34 years of
The initial data analysis suggests that there is a strong systems experience. He was a naval officer for nine
case to be made for a quantitative relationship between years, using electronic systems in P-3 anti-submarine
systems engineering investment and the quality of pro- warfare aircraft. He has been a systems engineer,
ject performance. Far more data is needed, however, to engineering manager, and program manager with
quantify and parameterize the relationships. It is hoped Harris, E-Systems, and Link. He has taught
that this project report will stimulate organizations to engineering at USNA, at community colleges, and in
share their data on systems engineering effectiveness to continuing education courses. He was the founding
support work such this research project. President of the Space Coast Chapter of INCOSE. He
A significant future benefit of this continuing work was the founding chair of the INCOSE Technical
is in the estimation of systems engineering effort. If the Board. Mr. Honour provides technical management
original hypothesis can be proven, quantified, and support and systems engineering training as President
parameterized, then future systems project will be able of Honourcode, Inc., and is the director of the INCOSE
to select a level of systems engineering investment that Systems Engineering Center of Excellence.
is appropriately optimum for the desired product quality
and risk.

Frank, M. Cognitive and Personality Characteristics of
Successful Systems Engineers, INCOSE
International Symposium 2000, INCOSE, Seattle,
Honour, E., Optimising the Value of Systems
Engineering, INCOSE International Symposium
2001, INCOSE, Seattle, 2001.

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