The document lists the schedule for Tarawih prayers at the Ibnu Graha Mustika Mosque in Cileungsi for the month of June 2017. It includes the names of the imams and bilals (muezzins) who will lead each night of prayers from June 26th to June 30th along with their assigned dates.
The document lists the schedule for Tarawih prayers at the Ibnu Graha Mustika Mosque in Cileungsi for the month of June 2017. It includes the names of the imams and bilals (muezzins) who will lead each night of prayers from June 26th to June 30th along with their assigned dates.
The document lists the schedule for Tarawih prayers at the Ibnu Graha Mustika Mosque in Cileungsi for the month of June 2017. It includes the names of the imams and bilals (muezzins) who will lead each night of prayers from June 26th to June 30th along with their assigned dates.
The document lists the schedule for Tarawih prayers at the Ibnu Graha Mustika Mosque in Cileungsi for the month of June 2017. It includes the names of the imams and bilals (muezzins) who will lead each night of prayers from June 26th to June 30th along with their assigned dates.
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Jadwal Shalat Tarawih Musholla Ibnu
Graha Mustika Cileungsi
No. Imam Bilal Tanggal Hari 1 P Warsito Cahya 26 Mei 2017 Jumat 2 P Taadi Cahya 27 Mei 2017 Sabtu 3 P Cahya Cahya 28 Mei 2017 Minggu 4 P Andi Danang 29 Mei 2017 Senin 5 P Warsito Danang 30 Mei 2017 Selasa 6 P Taadi Danang 31 Mei 2017 Rabu 7 P Cahya Danang 01 Juni 2017 Kamis 8 P Andi Cahya 02 Juni 2017 Jumat 9 P Parmin Cahya 03 Juni 2017 Sabtu 10 P Warsito Andi 04 Juni 2017 Minggu 11 P Taadi Danang 05 Juni 2017 Senin 12 P Cahya Danang 06 Juni 2017 Selasa 13 P Andi Andi 07 Juni 2017 Rabu 14 P Parmin Andi 08 Juni 2017 Kamis 15 P Andi Cahya 09 Juni 2017 Jumat 16 P Warsito Danang 10 Juni 2017 Sabtu 17 P Taadi Andi 11 Juni 2017 Minggu 18 P Andi Danang 12 Juni 2017 Senin 19 P Parmin Cahya 13 Juni 2017 Selasa 20 P Warsito Cahya 14 Juni 2017 Rabu 21 P Upang Cahya 15 Juni 2017 Kamis 22 P Upang Danang 16 Juni 2017 Jumat 23 P Upang Andi 17 Juni 2017 Sabtu 24 P Upang Danang 18 Juni 2017 Minggu 25 P Taadi Andi 19 Juni 2017 Senin 26 P Warsito Cahya 20 Juni 2017 Selasa 27 P Upang Cahya 21 Juni 2017 Rabu 28 P Taadi Andi 22 Juni 2017 Kamis 29 P Warsito Andi 23 Juni 2017 Jumat 30 P Upang Danang 24 Juni 2017 Sabtu