RA 9275 Written Report - Discharge Fee
RA 9275 Written Report - Discharge Fee
RA 9275 Written Report - Discharge Fee
The DENR shall require owners or operators of facilities that discharge regulated
effluents to secure a permit to discharge.
The discharge permit shall specify among others, the quantity and quality of
effluent that said facilities are allowed to discharge into a particular water body,
compliance schedule and monitoring requirement.
WDF = Ln x R
R = rate per kilogram (PhP/kg) initially fixed at Php 5.00 per kilogram for
priority pollutant parameter (BOD or TSS )
Said guidelines shall form basis for DENR to set standards for disposal on land
and computation of the wastewater discharge fee.
Expansion of Coverage
Expansion of coverage of the charge system to cover other pollutants after due
consultations with the affected sectors.
Discharge Permits
First time application. Persons applying for the first time shall
submit such documents, information and data as may be
required by the Regional Office including but not limited to
the following, to be contained in a verified Engineer's Report
prepared by a registered chemical or sanitary engineer or
pollution control officer:
a) vicinity map identifYing the street address, location or plant
b) the nature of project or business;
c) production capacity; quantity or volume and the
generic name(s) of product(s);
d) the nature and character of the applicant's wastewater
and its
physical and chemical composition;
e) total daily volume of discharge of raw wastewater;
f) treatment process and estimated treatment efficiency;
g) the total daily volume of water consumption and
discharge of final treated wastewater or effluent;
h) the name of receiving body of water and its official
classification and in case of land discharge, the
nearest receiving body of water and its official water
i) information on flow measurement equipment and
j) Pollution prevention/ Environmental
Management System plan or program.
k) DENR ID Number as hazardous waste generator (if applicable)
I) statement of the cost incurred in the
installation and maintenance of wastewater treatment
facility, if any.
m) quality and quantity of abstracted water
n) copy of the Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC) from
Department or Certificate of Non-Coverage (CNC), as
The Department shall require program and projects proponent to put up EGF as
part of the environmental management plan attached to the ECC.
The EGF shall finance the maintenance of the health of the ecosystems and
specially the conservation of watersheds and aquifers affected by the
development and the needs of emergency response, clean up or rehabilitation of
areas that may be damaged during the programs or project implementation.