CNN-SLAM: Real-Time Dense Monocular SLAM With Learned Depth Prediction

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The paper proposes a method to fuse CNN-predicted dense depth maps with direct monocular SLAM measurements to overcome limitations of each approach. It also introduces a framework to jointly reconstruct 3D geometry and semantics from a single view.

One main limitation of monocular SLAM approaches is the estimation of the absolute scale. Another limitation is pose estimation under pure rotational camera motion.

The proposed method uses CNN-predicted dense depth maps to estimate the absolute scale of the reconstruction, overcoming one of the major limitations of monocular SLAM.

CNN-SLAM: Real-time dense monocular SLAM with learned depth prediction

Keisuke Tateno1,2 , Federico Tombari1 , Iro Laina1 , Nassir Navab1,3

{tateno, tombari, laina, navab}
1 2 3
CAMP - TU Munich Canon Inc. Johns Hopkins University
Munich, Germany Tokyo, Japan Baltimore, US

Abstract (a) Proposed method (b) LSD-SLAM [4]

Given the recent advances in depth prediction from Con-

volutional Neural Networks (CNNs), this paper investigates
how predicted depth maps from a deep neural network can
be deployed for accurate and dense monocular reconstruc-
tion. We propose a method where CNN-predicted dense Scale
depth maps are naturally fused together with depth mea-
surements obtained from direct monocular SLAM. Our fu-
sion scheme privileges depth prediction in image locations
where monocular SLAM approaches tend to fail, e.g. along
low-textured regions, and vice-versa. We demonstrate the
use of depth prediction for estimating the absolute scale of
the reconstruction, hence overcoming one of the major lim-
itations of monocular SLAM. Finally, we propose a frame-
(c) Our Joint 3D and Semantic Reconstruction
work to efficiently fuse semantic labels, obtained from a sin-
Figure 1. The proposed monocular SLAM approach (a) can es-
gle frame, with dense SLAM, yielding semantically coherent
timate a much better absolute scale than the state of the art (b),
scene reconstruction from a single view. Evaluation results
which is necessary for many SLAM applications such as AR, e.g.
on two benchmark datasets show the robustness and accu- the skeleton is augmented into the reconstruction. c) our approach
racy of our approach. can yield joint 3D and semantic reconstruction from a single view.

struction. However, a main drawback of such approaches

1. Introduction is that depth cameras have several limitations: indeed, most
of them have a limited working range, and those based on
Structure-from-Motion (SfM) and Simultaneous Local-
active sensing cannot work (or perform poorly) under sun-
ization and Mapping (SLAM) are umbrella names for a
light, thus making reconstruction and mapping less precise
highly active research area in the field of computer vision
if not impossible in outdoor environments.
and robotics for the goal of 3D scene reconstruction and
camera pose estimation from 3D and imaging sensors. Re- In general, since depth cameras are not as ubiquitous as
cently, real-time SLAM methods aimed at fusing together color cameras, a lot of research interest has been focused on
range maps obtained from a moving depth sensor have wit- dense and semi-dense SLAM methods from a single camera
nessed an increased popularity, since they can be employed [22, 4, 20]. These approaches aim at real-time monocular
for navigation and mapping of several types of autonomous scene reconstruction by estimating the depth map of the cur-
agents, from mobile robots to drones, as well as for many rent viewpoint through small-baseline stereo matching over
augmented reality and computer graphics applications. This pairs of nearby frames. The working assumption is that the
is the case of volumetric fusion approaches such as Kinect camera translates in space over time, so that pairs of con-
Fusion [21], as well as dense SLAM methods based on secutive frames can be treated as composing a stereo rig.
RGB-D data [30, 11], which, in addition to navigation and Stereo matching is usually carried out through color consis-
mapping, can also be employed for accurate scene recon- tency or by relying on keypoint extraction and matching.
One main limitation of monocular SLAM approaches is
The first two authors contribute equally to this paper. the estimation of the absolute scale. Indeed, even if camera

pose estimation and scene reconstruction are carried out ac- state of the art in monocular SLAM. Fig. 1, a) shows an
curately, the absolute scale of such reconstruction remains example illustrating the usefulness of carrying out scene re-
inherently ambiguous, limiting the use of monocular SLAM construction with a precise absolute scale such as the one
within most aforementioned applications in the field of aug- proposed in this work. Moreover, tracking can be made
mented reality and robotics (an example is shown in Fig. more robust, as the CNN-predicted depth does not suffer
1,b). Some approaches suggest solving the issue via object from the aforementioned problem of pure rotations, as it is
detection by matching the scene with a pre-defined set of estimated on each frame individually. Last but not least,
3D models, so to recover the initial scale based on the es- this framework can run in real-time since the two processes
timated object size [6], which nevertheless fails in absence of depth prediction from CNNs and depth refinement can
of known shapes in the scene. Another main limitation of be simultaneously carried out on different computational re-
monocular SLAM is represented by pose estimation under sources of the same architecture - respectively, the GPU and
pure rotational camera motion, in which case stereo estima- the CPU.
tion cannot be applied due to the lack of a stereo baseline, Another relevant aspect of recent CNNs is that the same
resulting in tracking failures. network architecture can be successfully employed for dif-
Recently, a new avenue of research has emerged that ad- ferent high-dimensional regression tasks rather than just
dresses depth prediction from a single image by means of depth estimation: one typical example is semantic segmen-
learned approaches. In particular, the use of deep Convolu- tation [3, 29]. We leverage this aspect to propose an exten-
tional Neural Networks (CNNs) [16, 2, 3] in an end-to-end sion of our framework that uses pixel-wise labels to coher-
fashion has demonstrated the potential of regressing depth ently and efficiently fuse semantic labels with dense SLAM,
maps at a relatively high resolution and with a good ab- so to attain semantically coherent scene reconstruction from
solute accuracy even under the absence of monocular cues a single view: an example is shown in Fig. 1, c). Notably,
(texture, repetitive patterns) to drive the depth estimation to the best of our knowledge semantic reconstruction has
task. One advantage of deep learning approaches is that the been shown only recently and only based on stereo [28] or
absolute scale can be learned from examples and thus pre- RGB-D data [15], i.e. never in the monocular case.
dicted from a single image without the need of scene-based We validate our method with a comparison on two public
assumptions or geometric constraints, unlike [10, 18, 1]. A SLAM benchmarks against the state of the art in monocu-
major limitation of such depth maps is the fact that, al- lar SLAM and depth estimation, focusing on the accuracy
though globally accurate, depth borders tend to be locally of pose estimation and reconstruction. Since the CNN-
blurred: hence, if such depths are fused together for scene predicted depth relies on a training procedure, we show ex-
reconstruction as in [16], the reconstructed scene will over- periments where the training set is taken from a completely
all lack shape details. different environment and a different RGB sensor than those
available in the evaluated benchmarks, so to portray the ca-
Relevantly, despite the few methods proposed for sin- pacity of our approach - particularly relevant for practical
gle view depth prediction, the application of depth predic- uses - to generalize to novel, unseen environments. We also
tion to higher-level computer vision tasks has been mostly show qualitative results of our joint scene reconstruction
overlooked so far, with just a few examples existing in lit- and semantic label fusion in a real environment.
erature [16]. The main idea behind this work is to exploit
the best from both worlds and propose a monocular SLAM 2. Related work
approach that fuses together depth prediction via deep net-
works and direct monocular depth estimation so to yield In this Section we review related work with respect to
a dense scene reconstruction that is at the same time un- the two fields that we integrate within our framework, i.e.
ambiguous in terms of absolute scale and robust in terms SLAM and depth prediction.
of tracking. To recover blurred depth borders, the CNN-
predicted depth map is used as initial guess for dense re- SLAM There exists a vast literature on SLAM. From the
construction and successively refined by means of a direct point of view of the type of input data being processed, ap-
SLAM scheme relying on small-baseline stereo matching proaches can be classified into either depth camera-based
similar to the one in [4]. Importantly, small-baseline stereo [21, 30, 11] and monocular camera-based [22, 4, 20]. In-
matching holds the potential to refine edge regions on the stead, from a methodological viewpoint, they are classified
predicted depth image, which is where they tend to be more as either feature-based [12, 13, 20] and direct [22, 5, 4].
blurred. At the same time, the initial guess obtained from Given the scope of this paper, we will focus here only on
the CNN-predicted depth map can provide absolute scale monocular SLAM approaches.
information to drive pose estimation, so that the estimated As for feature-based monocular SLAM, ORB-SLAM
pose trajectory and scene reconstruction can be significantly [20] is arguably the state of the art in terms of pose esti-
more accurate in terms of absolute scale compared to the mation accuracy. This method relies on the extraction of
Every input frame

Camera Pose Frame-wise Depth

Input RGB Estimation Refinement
CNN Depth Key-frame Pose Graph
Prediction Initialization Optimization Global Map and
CNN Semantic Semantic Label Fusion
Every Key-frame
Figure 2. CNN-SLAM Overview.

sparse ORB features from the input image to carry out a maps are fused together with depth measurements obtained
sparse reconstruction of the scene as well as to estimate the from direct monocular SLAM. Additionally, we show how
camera pose, also employing local bundle adjustment and CNN-predicted semantic segmentation can also be coher-
pose graph optimization. As for direct monocular SLAM, ently fused with the global reconstruction model. The flow
the Dense Tracking and Mapping (DTAM) of [22] achieved diagram in Fig. 2 sketches the pipeline of our framework.
dense reconstruction in real-time on s GPU by using short- We employ a key-frame based SLAM paradigm [12, 4, 20],
baseline multiple-view stereo matching with a regulariza- in particular we use as baseline the direct semi-dense ap-
tion scheme, so that depth estimation is smoother on low- proach in [4]. Within such approach, a subset of visually
textured regions in the color image. Moreover, the Large- distinct frames is collected as key-frames, whose pose is
Scale Direct SLAM (LSD-SLAM) algorithm [4] proposed subject to global refinement based on pose graph optimiza-
the use of a semi-dense map representation which keeps tion. At the same time, camera pose estimation is carried
track of depth values only on gradient areas of the input im- out at each input frame, by estimating the transformation
age, this allowing enough efficiency to enable direct SLAM between the frame and its nearest key-frame.
in real-time on a CPU. An extension of LSD-SLAM is the To maintain a high frame-rate, we propose to predict a
recent Multi-level mapping (MLM) algorithm [7], which depth map via CNN only on key-frames. In particular, if
proposed the use of a dense approach on top of LSD-SLAM the currently estimated pose is far from that of existing key-
in order to increase its density and improve the reconstruc- frames, a new key-frame is created out of the current frame
tion accuracy. and its depth estimated via CNN. Moreover an uncertainty
map is constructed by measuring the pixel-wise confidence
Depth prediction from single view Depth prediction of each depth prediction. Since in most cases the camera
from single view has gained increasing attention in the com- used for SLAM differs from the one used to acquire the
puter vision community thanks to the recent advances in dataset on which the CNN is trained, we propose a spe-
deep learning. Classic depth prediction approaches em- cific normalization procedure of the depth map designed to
ploy hand-crafted features and probabilistic graphical mod- gain robustness towards different intrinsic camera param-
els [10, 18] to yield regularized depth maps, usually making eters. When additionally carrying out semantic label fu-
strong assumptions on the scene geometry. Recently devel- sion, we employ a second convolutional network to predict
oped deep convolutional architectures significantly outper- a semantic segmentation of the input frame. Finally, a pose
formed previous methods in terms of depth estimation accu- graph on key-frames is created so to globally optimize their
racy [16, 2, 3, 29, 19, 17]. Interestingly, the work of [16] re- relative pose.
ports qualitative results of employing depth predictions for A particularly important stage of the framework, also
dense SLAM as an application. In particular, the predicted representing one main contribution of our proposal, is
depth map is used as input for Kellers Point-Based Fusion the scheme employed to refine the CNN-predicted depth
RGB-D SLAM algorithm [11], showing that SLAM-based map associated to each key-frame via small-baseline stereo
scene reconstruction can be obtained using depth predic- matching, by enforcing color consistency minimization be-
tion, although it lacks shape details, mostly due to the afore- tween a key-frame and associated input frames. In partic-
mentioned blurring artifacts that are associated with the loss ular, depth values will be mostly refined around image re-
of fine spatial information through the contractive part of a gions with gradients, i.e. where epipolar matching can pro-
CNN. vide improved accuracy. This will be outlined in Subsec-
tions 3.3 and 3.4. Relevantly, the way refined depths are
3. Proposed Monocular Semantic SLAM propagated is driven by the uncertainty associated to each
depth value, estimated according to a specifically proposed
In this section, we illustrate the proposed framework confidence measure (defined in Subsec. 3.3). Every stage of
for 3D reconstruction, where CNN-predicted dense depth the framework is now detailed in the following Subsections.
3.1. Camera Pose Estimation 3.2. CNN-based Depth Prediction and Semantic
The camera pose estimation is inspired by the key-frame
approach in [4]. In particular, the system holds a set of key- Every time a new key-frame is created, an associated
frames k1 , .., kn K as structural elements on which to depth map is predicted via CNN. The depth prediction ar-
perform SLAM reconstruction. Each key-frame ki is as- chitecture that we employ is the state-of-the-art approach
sociated to a key-frame pose Tki , a depth map Dki , and a proposed in [16], based on the extension of the Residual
depth uncertainty map Uki . In contrast to [4], our depth Network (ResNet) architecture [9] to a Fully Convolutional
map is dense because it is generated via CNN-based depth network. In particular, the first part of the architecture
prediction (see Subsec. 3.2). The uncertainty map mea- is based on ResNet-50 [9] and initialized with pre-trained
sures the confidence of each depth value. As opposed to weights on ImageNet [24]. The second part of the archi-
[4] that initializes the uncertainty to a large, constant value, tecture replaces the last pooling and fully connected lay-
our approach initializes it according to the measured con- ers originally presented in ResNet-50 with a sequence of
fidence of the depth prediction (described in Subsec. 3.3). residual up-sampling blocks composed of a combination
In the following, we will refer to a generic depth map ele- of unpooling and convolutional layers. After up-sampling,
ment as u = (x, y), which ranges in the image domain, i.e. drop-out is applied before a final convolutional layer which
u R2 , with u being its homogeneous representation. outputs a 1-channel output map representing the predicted
At each frame t, we aim to estimate the current camera depth map. The loss function is based on the reverse Huber
pose Ttki = [Rt , tt ] SE(3), i.e. the transformation be- function [16].
tween the nearest key-frame ki and frame t, composed of a Following the successful paradigm of other approaches
33 rotation matrix Rt SO(3) and a 3D translation vec- that employed the same architecture for both depth predic-
tor tt R3 . This transformation is estimated by minimiz- tion and semantic segmentation tasks [3, 29], we also re-
ing the photometric residual between the intensity image It trained this network for predicting pixel-wise semantic la-
of the current frame and the intensity image Iki of the near- bels from RGB images. To deal with this task, we modi-
est key-frame ki , via weighted Gauss-Newton optimization fied the network so that it has as many output channels as
based on the objective function the number of categories and employed a soft-max layer
  and a cross-entropy loss function to be minimized via back-
X r u, Ttki propagation and Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD). It is
E(Ttki ) =    (1) important to point out that, although in principle any seman-
u r u, Tt tic segmentation algorithm could be used, the primary ob-
jective of this work is to showcase how frame-wise segmen-
where is the Huber norm and is a function measuring the tation maps can be successfully fused within our monocular
residual uncertainty [4]. Here, r is the photometric residual SLAM framework (see Subsec. 3.5).
defined as
     3.3. Key-frame Creation and Pose Graph Optimiza-
r u, Ttki = Iki (u) It KTtki Vki (u) . (2) tion
One limitation of using a pre-trained CNN for depth pre-
Considering that our depth map is dense, for the sake diction is that, if the sensor used for SLAM has different
of efficiency, we limit the computation of the photometric intrinsic parameters from those used to capture the train-
residual only on the subset of pixels lying within high color ing set, the resulting absolute scale of the 3D reconstruction
gradient regions, defined by the image domain subset u will be inaccurate. To ameliorate this issue, we propose to
u . Also, in (2), represents the perspective projection adjust the depth regressed via CNN with the ratio between
function mapping a 3D point to a 2D image coordinate the focal length of the current camera, fcur and that of the
sensor used for training, ftr as
[xyz]T = (x/z, y/z)

Dki (u) = Dki (u) (5)
while Vki (u) represents a 3D element of the vertex map ftr
computed from the key-frames depth map
where Dki is the depth map directly regressed by the CNN
Vki (u) = K 1 uDki (u) (4) from the current key-frame image Ii .
Fig. 3 shows the usefulness of the adjustment proce-
where K is the camera intrinsic matrix. dure defined in (5), on a sequence of the benchmark ICL-
Once Ttki is obtained, the current camera pose in world NUIM dataset [8] (compare (a) with (b) ). As shown, the
coordinate system is computed as Tt = Ttki Tki . performance after the adjustment procedure is significantly
(A) Comparison on Pose Trajectory Accuracy
2500 the nearest key-frame kj as

Dkj (v)
(a) Raw Depth Ukj (v) = Uk (v) + p2 (7)
Prediction Dki (u) j
(b) With
where v = KTkkji Vki (u) while, following [4], p2 is

the white noise variance used to increase the propagated un-

0 (c) With
-1350 -1200 -1050 -900 -750 -600 -450 -300 -150 0 150 Adjustment and certainty. Then, the two depth maps and uncertainty maps
-500 are fused together according to the weighted scheme
(B) Comparison on Depth Estimation Accuracy
Accuracy: 33.99% 55.75% 64.52%
Ukj (v)Dki (u)+Uki (u)Dkj (v)
Dki (u) = Uki (u)+Ukj (v)
Ukj (v)Uki (u)
Uki (u) = Uki (u)+Ukj (v)
. (9)
RGB Image (a) Raw Depth Prediction (b) With Adjustment (c) With Adjustment
and Refinement
Finally, the pose graph is also updated at each new key-
Figure 3. Comparison among (a) direct CNN-depth prediction, frame, by creating new edges with the key-frames already
(b) after depth adjustment and (c) after depth adjustment and re- present in the graph that share a similar field of view (i.e.,
finement, in terms of (A) pose trajectory accuracy and (B) depth
having a small relative pose) with the newly added key-
estimation accuracy. Blue pixels depict correctly estimated depths,
i.e. within 10 % of ground-truth. The comparison is done on one
frame. Moreover, the pose of the key-frames is each time
sequence of the ICL-NUIM dataset [8]. globally refined via pose graph optimization [14].
3.4. Frame-wise Depth Refinement
improved over that of using the depth map as directly pre- The goal of this stage is to continuously refine the depth
dicted by the CNN. The improvement shows both in terms map of the currently active key-frame based on the depth
of depth accuracy as well as pose trajectory accuracy. maps estimated at each new frame. To achieve this goal, we
In addition, we associate each depth map Dki to an un- use the small baseline stereo matching strategy described in
certainty map Uki . In [4], this map is initialized by setting the semi-dense scheme of [5], by computing at each pixel of
each element to a large, constant value. Since the CNN the current frame t a depth map Dt and an uncertainty map
provides us with dense maps at each frame but without Ut based on the 5-pixel matching along the epipolar line.
relying on any temporal regularization, we propose to in- These two maps are aligned with the key-frame ki based on
stead initialize our uncertainty map by computing a con- the estimated camera pose Ttki .
fidence value based on the difference between the current The estimated depth map and uncertainty map are then
depth map and its respective scene point on the nearest key- directly fused with those of the nearest key-frame ki as fol-
frame. Thus, this confidence measures how coherent each lows:
predicted depth value is across different frames: for those
Ut (u)Dki (u)+Uki (u)Dt (u)
elements associated to a high confidence, the successive re- Dki (u) = Uki (u)+Ut (u) (10)
finement process will be much faster and effective than the Ut (u)Uki (u)
one in [4]. Uki (u) = Uki (u)+Ut (u) (11)
Specifically, the uncertainty map Uki is defined as the
Importantly, since the key-frame is associated to a dense
element-wise squared difference between the depth map of
depth map thanks to the proposed CNN-based prediction,
the current key-frame ki and that of the nearest key-frame
this process can be carried out densely, i.e. every element
kj , warped according to the estimated transformation Tkkji
of the key-frame is refined, in contrast to [5] that only re-
from ki to kj
fines depth values along high gradient regions. Since the
   2 observed depths within low-textured regions tend to have
Uki (u) = Dki (u) Dkj KTkkji Vki (u) . (6) a high-uncertainty (i.e., a high value in Ut ), the proposed
approach will naturally lead to a refined depth map where
To further improve the accuracy of each newly initialized elements in proximity of high intensity gradients will be re-
key-frame, we propose to fuse its depth map and uncertainty fined by the depth estimated at each frame, while elements
map with those propagated from the nearest key-frame (this within more and more low-textured regions will gradually
will obviously not apply to the very first key-frame) after hold the predicted depth value from the CNN, without being
they have been refined with new input frames (the depth re- affected from uncertain depth observations.
finement process is described in Subsection 3.4). To achieve Fig. 3 demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed
this goal, we first define a propagated uncertainty map from depth map refinement procedure on a sequence of the
benchmark ICL-NUIM dataset [8]. The Figure reports, in allow our entire framework to run in real-time.
(c), the performance obtained after both adjustment and We use sequences from two public benchmark datasets,
depth refinement of the depth map, showing a significant i.e. the ICL-NUIM dataset [8] and TUM RGB-D SLAM
improvement of both depth estimation and pose trajectory dataset [26], the former synthetic, the latter acquired with a
with respect to the previous cases. Kinect sensor. Both datasets provide ground truth in terms
of camera trajectory and depth maps. In all our experiments,
3.5. Global Model and Semantic Label Fusion we used the CNN model trained on the indoor sequences
The obtained set of key-frames can be fused together of the NYU Depth v2 dataset [25], to test the generaliza-
to generate a 3D global model of the reconstructed scene. tion capability of the network to unseen environments; also
Since the CNN is trained to provide semantic labels in ad- because this dataset includes both depth ground-truth (rep-
dition to depth maps, semantic information can be also as- resented by depth maps acquired with a Microsoft Kinect
sociated to each element of the 3D global model, through a camera) and pixel-wise semantic label annotations, neces-
process that we denote as semantic label fusion. sary for semantic label fusion. In particular, we train the
In our framework, we employ the real-time scheme pro- semantic segmentation network on the official train split of
posed in [27], which aims at incrementally fusing together the labeled subset, while the depth network is trained using
the depth map and the connected component map obtained more frames from the raw NYU dataset, as reported in [16].
from each frame of a RGB-D sequence. This approach uses Semantic annotations consist of the 4 super-classes floor,
a Global Segmentation Model (GSM) to average the assign- vertical structure, large structure/furniture, small structure.
ment of labels to each 3D element over time, so to be robust Noteworthy, the settings of the training dataset are quite dif-
to noise in the frame-wise segmentation. In our case, the ferent from those on which we evaluate our method, since
pose estimation is provided as input to the algorithm, since they encompass different camera sensors, viewpoints and
camera poses are estimated via monocular SLAM, while in- scene layouts. For example, NYU Depth v2 includes many
put depth maps are those associated to the set of collected living rooms, kitchens and bedrooms, which are missing in
key-frames only. Here, instead of connected component TUM RGB-D SLAM, being focused on office rooms with
maps as in [27], we use semantic segmentation maps. The desks, objects and people.
result is a 3D reconstruction of the scene, incrementally
built over new key-frames, where each 3D element is as- 4.1. Comparison against SLAM state of the art
sociated to a semantic class from the set used to train the We compare our approach against the publicly available
CNN. implementations of LSD-SLAM1 [4] and ORB-SLAM2
[20], two state-of-the-art methods in monocular SLAM rep-
4. Evaluation resentatives of, respectively, direct and feature-based meth-
We provide here an experimental evaluation to validate ods. For completeness, we also compare against REMODE
the contributions of our method in terms of tracking and [23], state-of-the-art approach focused on dense monocular
reconstruction accuracy, by means of a quantitative com- depth map estimation. The implementation of REMODE
parison against the state of the art on two public benchmark has been taken from the authors code3 . Finally, we also
datasets (Subsec. 4.1), as well as a qualitative assessment compare our method to the one in [16], that uses the CNN-
in terms of robustness against pure rotational camera mo- predicted depth maps as input for a state-of-the-art depth-
tions (Subsec. 4.2) and accuracy of semantic label fusion based SLAM method (point-based fusion[11, 27]), based
(Subsec. 4.3). on the available implementation from the authors of [27]4 .
The evaluation is carried out on a desktop PC with an In- Given the ambiguity of monocular SLAM approaches to
tel Xeon CPU at 2.4GHz with 16GB of RAM and a Nvidia estimate absolute scale, we also evaluate LSD-SLAM by
Quadro K5200 GPU with 8GB of VRAM. As for the im- bootstrapping its initial scale using the ground-truth depth
plementation of our method, although the CNN network map, as done in the evaluation in [4, 20]. As for REMODE,
works on an input/output resolution of 304228 [16], both since it requires as input the camera pose estimation at each
the input frame and the predicted depth map are converted frame, we use the trajectory and key-frames estimated by
to 320240 as input for all other stages. Also, the CNN- LSD-SLAM with bootstrapping.
based depth prediction and semantic segmentation are run Following the evaluation methodology proposed in [26],
on the GPU, while all other stages are implemented on the Table 1 reports the camera pose accuracy based on the Ab-
CPU, and run on two different CPU threads, one devoted to solute Trajectory Error (ATE), computed as the root mean
frame-wise processing stages (camera pose estimation and 1
depth refinement), the other carrying out key-frame related 2
processing stages (key-frame initialization, pose graph op- 3

timization and global map and semantic label fusion), so to 4

Table 1. Comparison in terms of Absolute Trajectory Error [m] and percentage of correctly estimated depth on ICL-NUIM and TUM
datasets (TUM/seq1: fr3/long office household, TUM/seq2: fr3/nostructure texture near withloop, TUM/seq3: fr3/structure texture far.
Abs. Trajectory Error Perc. Correct Depth
Our LSD-BS LSD ORB Laina Our LSD-BS LSD ORB Laina Remode
Method [4] [4] [20] [16] Method [4] [4] [20] [16] [23]
ICL/office0 0.266 0.587 0.528 0.430 0.337 19.410 0.603 0.335 0.018 17.194 4.479
ICL/office1 0.157 0.790 0.768 0.780 0.218 29.150 4.759 0.038 0.023 20.838 3.132
ICL/office2 0.213 0.172 0.794 0.860 0.509 37.226 1.435 0.078 0.040 30.639 16.7081
ICL/living0 0.196 0.894 0.516 0.493 0.230 12.840 1.443 0.360 0.027 15.008 4.479
ICL/living1 0.059 0.540 0.480 0.129 0.060 13.038 3.030 0.057 0.021 11.449 2.427
ICL/living2 0.323 0.211 0.667 0.663 0.380 26.560 1.807 0.167 0.014 33.010 8.681
TUM/seq1 0.542 1.717 1.826 1.206 0.809 12.477 3.797 0.086 0.031 12.982 9.548
TUM/seq2 0.243 0.106 0.436 0.495 1.337 24.077 3.966 0.882 0.059 15.412 12.651
TUM/seq3 0.214 0.037 0.937 0.733 0.724 27.396 6.449 0.035 0.027 9.450 6.739
Avg. 0.246 0.562 0.772 0.643 0.512 22.464 3.032 0.226 0.029 18.452 7.649
Accuracy: 66.18% 57.15% 11.91% 12.26%

Color Ground Truth Ours Raw Depth Prediction LSD-SLAM REMODE

Figure 4. Comparison in terms of depth map accuracy and density among (from the left) the ground-truth, a refined key-frame from our
approach, the corresponding raw depth prediction from the CNN, the refined key-frame from LSD-SLAM [4] with bootstrapping and
estimated dense depth map from REMODE [23], on the (office2) sequence from the ICL-NUIM dataset [8]. The accuracy value means
correctly estimated depth density on this key-frame.

square error between the estimated camera translation and MODE, as well as the higher density with respect to LSD-
the ground-truth camera translation for each evaluated se- SLAM is also shown in Fig. 4. The figure compares the
quence. In addition, we assess both reconstruction accu- ground-truth with, a refined key-frame using our approach,
racy and density, by evaluating the percentage of depth val- the corresponding raw depth prediction from the CNN, the
ues whose difference with the corresponding ground truth refined key-frame from LSD-SLAM [4] using bootstrap-
depth is less than 10%. Given the observations in the Ta- ping and the estimated dense depth map from REMODE
ble, our approach is able to always report a much higher on a sequence of the ICL-NUIM dataset. Not only our ap-
pose trajectory accuracy with respect to monocular meth- proach demonstrates a much higher density with respect to
ods, due to the their aforementioned absolute scale ambigu- LSD-SLAM, but the refinement procedure helps to drasti-
ity. Interestingly, the pose accuracy of our technique is on cally reduce the blurring artifacts of the CNN-based pre-
average higher than that of LSD-SLAM even after apply- diction, increasing the overall depth accuracy. Also, we can
ing bootstrapping, implying an inherent effectiveness of the note that REMODE tends to fail along low-textured regions,
proposed depth fusion approach rather than just estimating as opposed to our method which can estimate depth densely
the correct scaling factor. The same benefits are present in over such areas by leveraging the CNN-predicted depth val-
terms of reconstruction, being the estimated key-frames not ues.
only dramatically more accurate, but also much denser than
those reported by LSD-SLAM and ORB-SLAM. Moreover, 4.2. Accuracy under pure rotational motion
our approach also reports a better performance in terms As mentioned, one of the advantages of our approach
of both pose and reconstruction accuracy, also comparing compared to standard monocular SLAM is that, under pure
to the technique in [16], where CNN-predicted depths are rotational motion, the reconstruction can still be obtained
used as input for SLAM without any refinement, this again by relying on CNN-predicted depths, while other methods
demonstrating the effectiveness of the proposed scheme to would fail given the absence of a stereo baseline between
refine the blurred edges and wrongly estimated depth values consecutive frames. To portray this benefit, we evaluate our
predicted by the CNN. Finally, we clearly outperform also method on the (fr1/rpy) sequence from the TUM dataset,
REMODE in terms of depth map accuracy. mostly consisting of just rotational camera motion. The
The increased accuracy with respect to the depth maps reconstruction obtained by, respectively, our approach and
estimated by the CNN (as employed in [16]) and by RE- LSD-SLAM compared to ground-truth are shown in Fig-
Ground Truth Ours LSD-SLAM
Figure 5. Comparison on a sequence that includes mostly pure rotational camera motion between the reconstruction obtained by ground
truth depth (left), proposed method (middle) and LSD-SLAM [4] (right).

:Floor :Vertical structure/Wall :Large structure/furniture :Small structure

Figure 6. The results of reconstruction and semantic label fusion on the office sequence (top, acquire by our own) and one sequence
(kitchen 0046) from the NYU Depth V2 dataset [25] (bottom). Reconstruction is shown with colors (left) and with semantic labels (right).

ure 5. As it can be seen, our method can reconstruct the included in the supplementary material.
scene structure even if the camera motion is purely rota-
tional, while the result of LSD-SLAM is significantly noisy, 5. Conclusion
since the stereo baseline required to estimate depth is for
most frames not sufficient. We also tried ORB-SLAM on We have shown how the integration of SLAM with depth
this sequence but it completely fails, given the lack of the prediction via a deep neural network is a promising direc-
necessary baseline to initialize the algorithm. tion to solve inherent limitations of traditional monocular
reconstruction, especially with respect to estimating the ab-
4.3. Joint 3D and semantic reconstruction
solute scale, obtaining dense depths along texture-less re-
Finally, we show some qualitative results of the joint 3D gions and dealing with pure rotational motions. The pro-
and semantic reconstruction achieved by our method. Three posed approach to refine CNN-predicted depth maps with
examples are shown in Fig. 6, which reports an office scene small baseline stereo matching naturally overcomes these
reconstructed from a sequence acquired with our own setup issues while retaining the robustness and accuracy of direct
and two sequences from the test set of the NYU Depth V2 monocular SLAM in presence of camera translations and
dataset [25]. Another example from the sequence living0 high image gradients. The overall framework is capable of
of the ICL-NUIM dataset is shown in Fig.1,c). The Figures jointly reconstructing the scene while fusing semantic seg-
also report, in green, the estimated camera trajectory. To mentation labels with the global 3D model, opening new
the best of our knowledge, this is the first demonstration perspectives towards scene understanding with a monocular
of joint 3D and semantic reconstruction with a monocular camera. A future research avenue is represented by closing
camera. Additional qualitative results in terms of pose and the loop with depth prediction, i.e. improving depth estima-
reconstruction quality as well as semantic label fusion are tion by means of geometrically refined depth maps.
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