Tax Jurisdiction
Tax Jurisdiction
Tax Jurisdiction
The purpose of this page is to clarify the functionality of tax jurisdiction in SD.
In the following sections you will find information about the Customizing in SD and FI, Tax
determination in the Sales document and Releasing to accounting.
Customizing in FI and SD
Customizing in FI
SPRO -> Financial Accounting -> Financial Accounting Global settings ->Tax on
Sales/Purchases -> Basic settings
Access Sequences
Define Condition Types
Define Procedures
The tax procedures are similar to SD pricing procedures. They contain all tax conditions that
could appear in the SD document.
The Tax jurisdictions are necessary in countries were they are activated. Technically speaking:
The country has a Tax procedure assigned in transaction OBBG (field T005-KALSM)
If this Tax procedure has entries in transaction OBCO (table TTXD), then the country is
relevant for Tax jurisdiction
Customizing in SD
The pricing procedure must include the trigger condition and the tax conditions. In this sample,
in US: trigger condition UTXJ, tax conditions JR1, JR2, JR3, JR4
Standard - CA /With Jur.Code \ _ tax jurisdiction values calculated internally from
RVAJUS Standard - USA /With Jur.Code /
RVAXUD Standard - USA /with Jur. ext. \ _ tax jurisdiction values calculated by
external tax system (Vertex, Sabrix, Taxware, etc.)
RVAXUS Standard - USA /with Jur. ext. /
Trigger condition
The purpose of trigger condition is only to set the tax code. The tax value will be build by
conditions JR1, JR2, JR3, JR4.
UTXJ is the trigger condition used in US. It is calculated on item level. In external calculation
(from external tax system) it has value formula 300 assigned the pricing procedure. It is triggered
in function Pricing.
Trigger conditions UTXD and UTXE are used in external tax calculation. Both conditions must
be used together in the pricing procedure (for technical reasons). Condition UTXD has value
formula 500 and condition UTXE has value formula 501. They are triggered only by FM
PRICING_COMPLETE. The RFC is called only once per document. This is called the MaxTax
procedure (developed by FI), and it is supposed to be faster.
Tax jurisdiction conditions
Tax jurisdiction conditions JR1, JR2, JR3, JR4 must be defined both in SD and in FI.
In SD the condition JR1 does not have access sequence. The amounts of conditions come from
Note that after XKOMV_AUFBAUEN_STEUERN (LV61AA57), the base value and condition
value are not determined yet.
The amount, base value and condition value are determined in XKOMV_BEWERTEN.
Internal calculation
External Calculation
Obs.: For external tax calculation it is recommended that the rate is maintained as 100% in
1. Check what is the value formula assigned to the relevant tax jurisdiction condition. For
example, tax jurisdiction condition XR1 is assigned to value formula 301 (FV64A301) in
the pricing procedure.
2. Set a breakpoint in the statement call function 'GET_TAX_RESULTS_FOR_301_306
3. Create the SD document or update the pricing with pricing type G (which redetermines
the tax conditions), for example.
4. Check the call stack. The values returned by GET_TAX_RESULTS_FOR_301_306 are
only effective when the value formula (FV64A301 in this example) is called by form
Another way to debug:
1. SE24
3. Set a Breakpoint at call function 'RFC_CALCULATE_TAXES_DOC'
If condition control (technical field KSTEU) is F or H, the external tax system is NOT called.
Note 1043372 changes KSTEU in the base formula so that the external tax system could be
Releasing to Accounting
Closer look at error message FF805
Set a watchpoint where the error message is issued and check structures BSEG and BSET.
In FI, BSEG contains line items and BSET contains the tax lines. If this structure does not
contain a tax line, it is either because the condition has base value zero or is completely missing
in SD.
There is a note (1255945) about how to create pure tax documents but it is very, very rare. This
note clears xauto in SD and forward to FI. If xauto is cleared, the FI checks are not performed.
Relevant fields:
The standard system behavior regarding the tax jurisdiction code for export cases has been
changed with the following notes:
After all these notes are implemented (via SNOTE or delivered in Support Package), the default
tax jurisdiction code from OBCL is used in all export cases (instead of the ship-to party tax
jurisdiction code) as a result of the corrections.
This data is transfered to the interface for the external tax system. Within this interface it is
decided that for this default tax jurisdiction code, no call to the external tax system is needed as
this business would always lead to a zero percentage rate.
In case another behavior is preferred (to not use this default tax jurisdiction code for these export
processes) then you could use program MV45AFZZ for the order process and program
RV60AFZZ for the invoice process. Consulting Note 2016990 has an example of a modification
for export cases between US and Canada. Consider SAP Notes 83020 and 381348 in this regard.
Related Content
Related SAP Notes
SAP Note 392696: R/3 Tax Interface Configuration Guide