Speaker Recognition System Using MFCC and Vector Quantization
Speaker Recognition System Using MFCC and Vector Quantization
Speaker Recognition System Using MFCC and Vector Quantization
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Don Bosco Institute of Technology
Bangalore-560078, India
ABSTRACT: Speech recognition is very important topic in digital signal processing. This paper
deals with the Speaker Recognition using MFCC (Mel Frequency Cepstral Co-efficient) and
vector quantization algorithms. The speech signals are recorded in wav file at 8 KHz sampling rate
and then MFCC features are extracted in Mel frequency scale. VQ (Vector Quantization) method
is used for reduction of amount of data to decrease computation time. In the feature matching stage
Euclidean distance is applied as similarity criterion. Because of high accuracy of used algorithm
the accuracy of voice command system is high. The result shows that the speaker is recognized
with high accuracy.
Speech is the most natural way to communicate for humans. While this has been true since the
dawn of civilization, the invention and widespread use of the telephone, audio-phonic storage
media, radio, and television has given even further importance to speech communication and
speech processing. The advances in digital signal processing technology has led the use of speech
processing in many different application areas like speech compression, enhancement, synthesis,
and recognition.
This paper is organized as follows. Section II describes the speaker identification & Verification.
Section III describes speech acquisition process ,Section IV describes Feature Extraction module
using pre-emphasis, frame blocking and windowing, Mel frequency filter bank, which is at the
heart of the MFCC algorithm. Finally, section V gives the result and Section VI concludes the
The main aim of this project is speaker identification, which consists of comparing a speech signal
from an unknown speaker to a database of known speaker. The system can recognize the speaker,
which has been trained with a number of speakers. Speaker identification is the process of
determining which registered speaker provides a given speech. On the other hand, speaker
verification is the process of rejecting or accepting the identity claim of a speaker. In most of the
applications, voice is uses as the key to confirm the identities of a speaker are classified as speaker
verification. Fig 1shows the different phases of speaker identification system.
Speech Acquisition process involves recording of the speech signals to create a database of speech
signals of known users in Training Phase. Here speech signals are recorded at the sampling rate of
8 KHz and
At the core of the feature extraction lies the short-term spectral analysis (e.g. discrete Fourier
transform), accompanied with several signal processing operations. The basic principle here is to
extract a sequence of features for each short-time frame of the input signal, with an assumption
that such a small segment of speech is sufficiently stationary to allow meaningful modeling [3].
The efficiency of this phase is important for the next phase since it affects the behavior of
modeling process. We use the Mel-frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC) for feature extraction.
The speech waveform, sampled at 8 kHz is used as an input to the feature extraction module.
Software Audacity is used to record the input speech database. In MATLAB, wavread function
reads the input wave file and returns its samples. Speech files are recorded in wave format, with
the following specifications: Fs = Sample rate in Hertz = 8000 and n = Number of bits per sample
= 16. Figure 1 shows block diagram of the feature extraction processing.
Spectral analysis is concerned with determining the frequency content of an arbitrary signal.
Feature extraction is done on short time basis. The speech signal is divided into overlapped fixed
length frames. A set of cepstrum domain or frequency domain parameters, called feature vector are
derived from each frame. Different signal processing operations such as pre-emphasis, framing,
windowing and Mel cepstrum analysis are performed on the input signal, at different stages of the
MFCC algorithm.
Noise has a greater effect on the higher modulating frequencies than the lower ones. Hence, higher
frequencies are artificially boosted to increase the signal-to-noise ratio. Pre-emphasis process
performs spectral flattening using a first order finite impulse response (FIR) filter [1], [3].
Equation (1) represents first order FIR filter.
Speech is a non-stationary signal. If the frame is too long, signal properties may change too much
across the window, affecting the time resolution adversely. If the frame is too short, resolution of
narrow-band components will be sacrificed, affecting the frequency resolution adversely.
There is a trade-off between time resolution and frequency resolution [1], [3]. We choose number
of samples in each frame as 256, with the number of samples overlapping between adjacent frames
as 128. Overlapping frames are used to capture information that may occur at the frame
boundaries. Number of frames is obtained by dividing the total number of samples in the input
speech file by 128. For covering all samples of input, last frame may require zero padding. All
frames are stored as rows in one single matrix with number of rows equal to number of frames and
number of columns equal to 256, which is also equal to the frame width.
Discontinuities at the beginning and end of the frame are likely to introduce undesirable effects in
the frequency response. Hence, each row is multiplied by window function. A window alters the
signal, tapering it to nearly zero at the beginning and the end [1], [3]. We use Hamming window
as, it introduces the least amount of distortion. Our implementation uses Hamming window of
length 256. Equation (2) shows the discrete time domain representation of Hamming window
0.54 0.46 cos ,0 n N
H(n)= 0 , otherwise (2)
Spectral information means the energy levels at different frequencies in the given window. Time
domain data is converted into frequency domain to obtain the spectral information. Time domain
data is converted to frequency domain by applying Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) on it [5].
Equation (3) represents DFT. (3) Here, x(n) represents input frame of 256 samples and X(k)
represents its equivalent DFT. We use 256-point FFT algorithm to convert each frame of 256
samples into its equivalent DFT. FFT output is a set of complex numbers i.e. real and imaginary
parts. Speech recognition systems deal with real data. Hence, complex value is always ignored [1].
If we assume the real and imaginary parts of X(k) as Re(X(k)) and Im(X(k)), then the spectral
magnitude of the speech signal can be obtained by using equation (4). Spectral magnitudes of each
frame are stored as rows in one single matrix with number of rows equal to number of frames and
number of columns equal to 256, which is also equal to the frame width.
X(K)= x(n)e ,0 K N 1 .(3)
Mel-frequency analysis of speech is based on human perception experiments. It has been proved
that human ears are more sensitive and have higher resolution to low frequency compared to high
frequency. Hence, the filter bank is designed to emphasize the low frequency over the high
frequency [1], [3]. Also the voice signal does not follow the linear frequency scale used in FFT.
Hence, a perceptual scale of pitches equal in distance, namely Mel scale is used for feature
extraction. Mel scale frequency is proportional to the logarithm of the linear frequency, reflecting
the human perception [1]. We use log because our ears work in decibels. Figure 2 shows
frequencies in Mel scale plotted against frequencies in linear scale. Equation (5) is used to convert
linear scale frequency into Mel scale frequency.
Triangular band pass filters are used to extract the spectral envelope, which is constituted by
dominant frequency components in the speech signal. Thus, Mel-frequency filters are triangular
band pass filters non-uniformly spaced on the linear frequency axis and uniformly spaced on the
Mel frequency axis, with more number of filters in the low frequency region and less number of
filters in the high frequency region [1], [6].
Mel(f)=2595log 1+ ..........................(5)
Magnitude response of each filter is equal to unity at the center and decreases linearly to zero at
the center frequencies of two adjacent filters. We use Mel frequency filter bank with 20 triangular
overlapping filters. Maximum modulating frequency is 4000 Hz. Hence the maximum frequency
in Mel scale is 2146.1. Also, the bandwidth of each triangular band pass filter in Mel scale is
204.39. Centers of triangular band pass filters in Mel frequency domain and corresponding centers
in linear frequency domain are shown in table I.
We do not have the frequency resolution required to put the filters at the exact linear frequency
points, since we are processing the data in discrete frequency domain. Hence, we round these
linear frequencies to nearest FFT points.
Figure 3: Plot of Mel frequencies against Figure 4: Plot centers of triangular band pass
linear frequencies filters in Mel frequency domain, linear
frequency domain and discrete frequency
Figure 3 shows center of triangular band pass filters in Mel frequency domain, linear frequency
domain and discrete frequency domain plotted against m i.e. number of triangular band pass filter
in the filter bank. It is observed that as m increases, the difference between centers of two adjacent
filters increases in linear scale and remains the same in Mel scale. Equation (6) represents the filter
bank with M (m = 1, 2, 3.M) filters, where m is the number of triangular filter in the filter bank
We use 20 filters. Hence, M = 20. FFT spectrum is passed through Mel filters to obtain Mel
spectrum. Mel frequency filter bank is applied to every 256 samples frame and the filtered
response is computed. In frequency domain, filtering is obtained by multiplying the FFT of signal
and transfer function of the filter on element by element basis.
0, for k < (m 1)
( )
, for f(m 1) k f(m)
( ) ( )
Hm(k)= ( )
, for f (m) k f(m + 1)
( ) ( )
0, for k > ( + 1)
Each triangular filter in the filter bank satisfies equation (7).
Hm(k) = 1 ..............(7)
Human ears smooth the spectrum and use the logarithmic scale approximately. We use equation
(8) to compute the log-energy i.e. logarithm of the sum of filtered components for each filter [1],
Thus, each bin per frame per filter holds the log-energy obtained by computing logarithm of
weighted sum of spectral magnitudes in that filter-bank channel. Hence, we get 20 numeric values
for each frame at the output of this stage. Output of this stage is stored in a matrix with number of
rows equal to number of frames and number of columns equal to 20 i.e. number of filters in the
filter bank.
S(m)=log |X(k)| Hm(k) ,0 M N .....(8)
The discrete cosine transform (DCT) converts the log power spectrum (Mel frequency domain)
into time domain [7]. DCT gathers most of the information of the signal to its lower order
coefficients, resulting in significant reduction in computational cost [1]. Equation (9) represents
the discrete cosine transform.
Here, value of K ranges between 8 and 13. We choose K as 13. Hence, we obtain 13 coefficients
for each frame. At the output of this stage, we get a matrix with number of rows equal to the
number of frames and number of columns equal to K = 13. Thus, cepstral analysis is performed on
Mel-spectrum to obtain Mel Frequency Cepstrum Coefficients (MFCC).
C(K)= s(m)cos ( ) ,0 k < (9)
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000
rdct of framed speech signal
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000
-25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25
A system for reliable recognition of voice has been designed and developed. This system can be
made highly efficient and effective if stringent environmental conditions are maintained. The setup
for maintaining these environmental conditions will be a onetime investment for any real life
application The goal of this project was to create a gender and speaker recognition system, and
apply it to a speech of an The unknown speaker. By investigating the extracted features of the
unknown speech and then compare them to the stored extracted features for each different speaker
in order to identify the unknown speaker. The feature extraction is done by using MFCC (Mel
Frequency Cepstral Coefficients). The function melcepst is used to calculate the mel cepstrum of
a signal. The speaker was modelled using Vector Quantization (VQ). A VQ codebook is generated
by clustering the training feature vectors of each speaker and then stored in the speaker database.
In this method, the K means algorithm is used to do the clustering. In the recognition stage, a
distortion measure which based on the minimizing the Euclidean distance was used when
matching an unknown speaker with the speaker database.
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