ENVS 322 - Course Outline 2017

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Course Outline Semester 2, 2017

Aim: To develop an understanding of environmental management theory and


Content: Theoretical and critical examination of the issues of environmental

management by examining the history of environmentalism and mainstream
approaches and their alternatives. The module also examines the
relationship between environment and planning; and the different tools and
methods used in environmental management.

Code of conduct and module requirements:

In registering for this module, you are obliged to read the Code of Conduct for the
Discipline, and comply with the instructions therein. The Code of Conduct is available on
It is required that a minimum of 80% of all academic contact activities (lectures and
practicals / tutorials) are attended;
Students are responsible for checking their emails, the Moodle system (learn.ukzn.ac.za)
and the Geography notice board for updated notifications.

Lecture notes:

While course notes are available on Moodle (learn.ukzn.ac.za), it is imperative that students attend
all lectures and take appropriate notes during the course of these. Students are expected to
engage in class and ask questions to ensure that they have a sound understanding of material
covered. Students are advised to refer to Moodle where additional readings may be provided at the
lecturers discretion. Students must also access additional readings off the net. This will aid in
learning how to access e-journals.

Practicals / tutorials (compulsory attendance):

Practical exercises are conducted weekly in the DSLT venue. Scripts must be submitted on the
day of the practical, with a barcode appended and name and student number stated on every
page. Marks will not be entered for any scripts without names and barcodes. Those missing a
practical or submitting after the end of the practical session will receive zero for that exercise.
Please take the opportunity to discuss the previous weeks practical exercise with the
demonstrators at the subsequent practical session if you have any concerns with your
performance in that exercise. Practicals will be returned to you one week after submission, and
any mark queries must be addressed within one week of having your practical scripts returned.

Practicals will include:

1. The sustainability principle summary and focus group discussion.
2. The polluter pays principle summary and focus group discussion.
3. The precautionary principle and the equity principle summary and focus group
4. Human rights principle and the participation principle summary and focus group
5. Transdisciplinarity in environmental management workshop with guest lecturer
(Ms. R. Davids DRAP)
6. Technology in IEM workshop with guest lecturer (Mr. J. Richardson JG Afrika)
7. Life cycle assessment workshop with guest lecturer (Ms. S. Oosthuizen INR)
8. Natural Capital Accounting workshop with guest lecturer (Mr. P. Jorgensen


Formal Test 1: Section A, Thursday 17th August 2017 (10h30), Venue TBA
Formal Test 2: Section B, Tuesday 03rd October 2017 (14h10), Venue TBA

Both tests are based primarily on theory covered in class, with an appreciation of material covered
in practical / tutorial sessions. You are also expected to be familiar with information derived from
extra readings. If you are ill for compulsory activities such as tests, you need to furnish a medical
certificate. A number of spot tests may also be carried out during lecture periods over the duration
of the semester. These tests will contribute towards the overall test component of your class
mark. If you are not in attendance for these tests, you need to furnish a medical certificate,
otherwise you will be assigned a zero mark for these tests.

Essay and assignment:

All essays / assignments handed in are to be accompanied with a signed plagiarism form and
TurnitIn receipt. Turnitin will be set to allow for multiple submissions until the due date of the essay.
Should any issues of plagiarism be detected during this time, please use this an opportunity to
discuss the matter with the lecturer, and then redo and resubmit your essay onto Turnitin.
Thereafter, any student caught plagiarising will receive a zero mark for the assignment and further
action may be taken. Essays and assignments include:

1. Theoretical essay - students will work independently and in the form of a formal
2. Practical EIA public participation exercise students work in groups and are required to
assume the role of a particular stakeholder group in a hypothetical EIA scenario.

Guest Lectures and other activities:

This is dependent on the availability of the guest speakers:

1. Transdisciplinarity in environmental management (Ms R. Davids DRAP)

2. The role of GIS in IEM (Mr. J. Richardson JG Afrika)
3. The purpose and process of LCA (Ms. S. Oosthuizen INR)
4. A corporate perspective on natural capital accounting (Mr. P. Jorgensen - SRK)


Class work (50%), 3 hour exam (50%)

Class work: Essays / Assignments (15%), Tests (20%), Practicals / tutorials (15%)

In keeping with College rules, the minimum class mark needed to obtain the DP for the module is
40%. A subminimum of 40% in the exam / assessment is required to pass the module overall.


Section A Theory and Concepts

1. Defining environmental management

2. Development of environmental awareness and concern
3. Environmental management and science
4. Environmental decision-making
5. Introduction to environmental modelling
6. Approaches to environmental management
7. Environmental governance

Section B Instruments, tools and processes

1. South African policy and legislative context

2. Integrated Environmental Management (IEM)
3. Environmental management and planning
4. Baseline environmental reporting and desired outcomes
5. Strategic plans and instruments
6. Project-specific plans, tools, instruments and methods
7. Site-specific plans and tools
8. Other environmental instruments, tools and processes


Recommended Books:

Aucamp, P.J. 2009. Environmental Impact Assessment: a practical guide for the discerning
practitioner. Van Schaik Publishers, Pretoria.
Barrow, C.J. 2005: Rise of Environmental Concern and Environmental Development in
Developing Countries.
Burns, M. and Weaver, A. 2008. Introduction - Exploring sustainability science from a
southern african perspective. Exploring Sustainability Science - A southern african
perspective (ed. by M. Burns & A. Weaver), pp. 1-38. African Sun Media, Stellenbosch,
South Africa.
Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism, 2006: South African Environment
Outlook: A Report on the State of the Environment. DEAT, Pretoria.
Goodstein, E. S. 2011. Economics and the Environment. Wiley, UK.
Lee, N. and George, C. (eds). 2000. Environmental assessment in developing and
transitional countries. John Wiley and Sons Ltd, England.
Mentis, M. 2010. Environmental Risk Management in South Africa. Mike Mentis, Hillcrest,
South Africa.
Morrison-Saunders, A. and Arts, J. (eds). 2004. Assessing Impact: handbook of EIA and
SEA follow-up. Earthscan, UK.

Recommended Websites:

https://www.environment.gov.za/ (NEMA regulation documents, IEM information series and

other relevant news articles)
http://eadp.westerncape.gov.za (NEMA regulation documents and guideline documents)
http://www.saeon.ac.za (Ecosystem Services)

Section A
Amin, S. 2006. The Millennium Development Goals: A Critique from the South. Monthly
Review, 57:10.
Bourdeau, P.H. 2004: The man-nature relationship and environmental ethics. Journal of
Radioactivity, 72: 9-15.
Burns, M., Audouin, M. and Weaver, A. 2006. Advancing sustainability science in South
Africa. South African Journal of Science, 102: 379 - 384.
de Anguita, P.M., Alonso, E. and Martn, M.A. 2008. Environmental economic, political and
ethical integration in a common decision-making framework. Journal of Environmental
Management, 88: 154164
Dietz, T. 2003. What is a Good Decision? Criteria for Environmental Decision Making.
Human Ecology Review, 10: 1-7.
Leith, P., K. OToole, M. Haward, B. Coffey, C. Rees, and E. Ogier. 2014. Analysis of
Operating Environments: A Diagnostic Model for Linking Science, Society and Policy for
Sustainability. Environmental Science & Policy, 39: 16271.
Kates, R. W. and Dasgupta, P. 2007. African Poverty: a grand challenge for Sustainability
Science. PNAS, 104 (43): 1674716750.
McNeil, J.R. 2003. Observations on the nature and culture of environmental history. History
and Theory, Theme Issue 42: 5-43.
Mol, A.P.J. 2000. The environmental movement in an era of ecological modernization
Geoforum, 31: 45-56.
Oelofse, C., Scott, D., Oelofse, G. and Houghton, J. 2006. Shifts within Ecological
Modernization in South Africa: Deliberation, Innovation and Institutional Opportunities.
Local Environment, 11: 6178.
Olsson, L and Ness, B. Undated. Linking theories and methods for sustainability science.
LUCSUS Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies.
Potschin, M and Haines-Young, R. 2006. Rio+10, sustainability science and Landscape
Ecology. Landscape and Urban Planning 75: 162174.

Section B

Baker, J., Sheate, W. R., Phillips, P. and Eales, R. 2013. Ecosystem services in
environmental assessment help or hindrance? Environmental Impact Assessment
Review, 40: 313.
Bidstrup, M. and Hansen, A. M. 2014. The paradox of strategic environmental assessment.
Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 47: 2935.
Bull, J. G. and Kozak, R.A. 2014. Comparative life cycle assessments: The case of paper
and digital media. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 45:1018.
Chee, Y.E. 2004. An ecological perspective on the valuation of ecosystem services,
Biological Conservation, 120: 549565.
Chen, L., Yang, X., Chen, L., Potter, R., and Li, Y. 2014. A state-impact-state
methodology for assessing environmental impact in land use planning. Environmental
Impact Assessment Review, 46: 112.
Costanza, R. 2008. Ecosystem services: Multiple classification systems are needed.
Biological Conservation, 141: 350 352.
du Pisani, J. A. and Sandham, L. A. 2006. Assessing the performance of SIA in the EIA
context: A case study of South Africa. Environmental Impact Assessment Review 26: 707
Glavovic, B. C. 2006. The evolution of coastal management in South Africa: Why blood is
thicker than water. Ocean & Coastal Management, 49: 889904.
Hope, B. K. 2006. An examination of ecological risk assessment and management
practices. Environment International, 32: 983995.
Koskela, S., Dahlbo, H., Judl, J., Korhonen, M-R, and Niininen, M. 2014. Reusable plastic
crate or recyclable cardboard box? A comparison of two delivery systems. Journal of
Cleaner Production (In press: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2014.01.045).
Lawrence, D.P. 2000. Planning theories and environmental impact assessment,
Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 20: 607625.
Partidario, M. R. and Gomes, R. C. 2013. Ecosystem services inclusive strategic
environmental assessment. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 40: 3646.
Retief, F., Jones, C. and Jay, S. 2007. The status and extent of strategic environmental
assessment (SEA) practice in South Africa, South African Geographical Journal, 89: 44-55.
Retief, F., Jones, C. and Jay, S. 2008.The emperor's new clothesReflections on strategic
environmental assessment (SEA) practice in South Africa, Environmental Impact
Assessment Review, 28: 504514.

Scott, D. & Oelofse, C. 2005. Social and Environmental Justice in South African Cities:
Including Invisible Stakeholders in Environmental Assessment Procedures. Journal of
Environmental Planning and Management, 48, No. 3: 445 467.
Stojanovic, T.A. and Ballinger, R.C. 2009. Integrated Coastal Management: A comparative
analysis of four UK initiatives, Applied Geography, 29: 4962.
Svarstad,H., Petersen L. K., Rothman, D., Siepel, H. and Watzold, H. 2008. Discursive
biases of the environmental research framework DPSIR. Land Use Policy, 25: 116125.
Tukker, A. 2000. Life cycle assessment as a tool in environmental impact assessment.
Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 20: 435456.
Wallace, K. J. 2007. Classification of ecosystem services: Problems and solutions.
Biological Conservation: 235 246.
Visser, G. 2001. Social Justice, Integrated Development Planning and Post Apartheid
Urban Reconstruction. Urban Studies, 38 (10): 1673-1699.

Important Government Publications

DEA, 2017a. National Environmental Management Act (NEMA) Amendments to the EIA
Regulations of 2014, GN.R 327. Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA), Pretoria.
DEA, 2017b. National Environmental Management Act (NEMA) Amendments to the EIA
Regulations Listing Notice 1 of 2014, GN.R 327. Department of Environmental Affairs
(DEA), Pretoria.
DEA, 2017c. National Environmental Management Act (NEMA) Amendments to the EIA
Regulations Listing Notice 2, GN.R 325 of 2017. Department of Environmental Affairs
(DEA), Pretoria.
DEA, 2017d. National Environmental Management Act (NEMA) Amendments to the EIA
Regulations Listing Notice 3, GN.R R 324 as amended in 2017. Department of
Environmental Affairs (DEA), Pretoria.
DEA, 2014a. National Environmental Management Act (NEMA) EIA Regulations No. R.
982. Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA), Pretoria.
DEA, 2014b. National Environmental Management Act (NEMA) Listing Notice 1: List of
Activities and Competent Authorities in terms of Section 24(2) and 24D. No. R. 983.
Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA), Pretoria.
DEA, 2014c. National Environmental Management Act (NEMA) Listing Notice 2: List of
Activities and Competent Authorities in terms of Section 24(2) and 24D. No. R. 984.
Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA), Pretoria.

DEA, 2014d. National Environmental Management Act (NEMA) Listing Notice 3: List of
Activities and Competent Authorities in terms of Section 24(2) and 24D. No. R. 985.
Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA), Pretoria.
DEA, 2010. National Environmental Management Act (NEMA) Environmental
Management Framework Regulations: List of Activities and Competent Authorities in
terms of Section 24(2) and 24D. No. R. 547. Department of Environmental Affairs
(DEA), Pretoria.
DEA, 2013. Amendments to List of Waste Management Activities in terms of the
National Environmental Management Act (NEMA): Waste Act. No. R. 921. Department
of Environmental Affairs (DEA), Pretoria.
DEA, 2014e. Environmental Impact Assessment and Management Strategy. Department of
Environmental Affairs, Pretoria, South Africa.

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