A Review On Buildings Energy Consumption Information PDF
A Review On Buildings Energy Consumption Information PDF
A Review On Buildings Energy Consumption Information PDF
The rapidly growing world energy use has already raised concerns over supply difficulties, exhaustion of energy resources and heavy
environmental impacts (ozone layer depletion, global warming, climate change, etc.). The global contribution from buildings towards energy
consumption, both residential and commercial, has steadily increased reaching figures between 20% and 40% in developed countries, and has
exceeded the other major sectors: industrial and transportation. Growth in population, increasing demand for building services and comfort levels,
together with the rise in time spent inside buildings, assure the upward trend in energy demand will continue in the future. For this reason, energy
efficiency in buildings is today a prime objective for energy policy at regional, national and international levels. Among building services, the
growth in HVAC systems energy use is particularly significant (50% of building consumption and 20% of total consumption in the USA). This
paper analyses available information concerning energy consumption in buildings, and particularly related to HVAC systems. Many questions
arise: Is the necessary information available? Which are the main building types? What end uses should be considered in the breakdown?
Comparisons between different countries are presented specially for commercial buildings. The case of offices is analysed in deeper detail.
# 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. World energy use taking only 20 years to double its energy consumption at an
average growing rate of 3.7%.
The rapidly growing world energy use has already raised Interesting consequences can be obtained from the analysis
concerns over supply difficulties, exhaustion of energy of the trend of main world energy indicators [1] between 1973
resources and heavy environmental impacts (ozone layer and 2004 (Table 1): (1) the rate of population growth is well
depletion, global warming, climate change, etc.). The Inter- below the GDP, resulting in a considerable rise of per capita
national Energy Agency has gathered frightening data on personal income and global wealth, (2) primary energy
energy consumption trends. During the last two decades (1984 consumption is growing at a higher rate than population,
2004) primary energy has grown by 49% and CO2 emissions by leading to the increase of its per capita value on 15.7% over the
43%, with an average annual increase of 2% and 1.8% last 30 years, (3) CO2 emissions have grown at a lower rate than
respectively (Fig. 1). energy consumption showing a 5% increase during this period,
Current predictions show that this growing trend will (4) electrical energy consumption has drastically risen (over
continue. Energy use by nations with emerging economies two and a half times) leading to a percentage increase in final
(Southeast Asia, Middle East, South America and Africa) will energy consumption (18% in 2004), (5) efficiency in exploiting
grow at an average annual rate of 3.2% and will exceed by 2020 energy resources, shown as the relation between final and
that for the developed countries (North America, Western primary energy, has declined by 7% points, especially due to
Europe, Japan, Australia and New Zealand) at an average soaring electrical consumption, and (6) final and primary
growing rate of 1.1% (Fig. 2). The case of China is striking, energy intensities have dropped because of the higher rate of
growth of the GDP over the energy consumption increasing
ratio, resulting in an overall improvement of the global energy
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +34 954487256.
E-mail addresses: lpl@us.es (L. Perez-Lombard), These figures confirm the relationship linking energy
ortizj@bre.co.uk (J. Ortiz), poutc@bre.co.uk (C. Pout). consumption with economic development and population
0378-7788/$ see front matter # 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
L. Perez-Lombard et al. / Energy and Buildings 40 (2008) 394398 395
Table 1
Global energy indexes evolution between 1973 and 2004
Parameter 1973 2004 Ratio (%)
Population (millions) 3,938 6,352 61.3
GDP (G$ year 2000) 14,451 35,025 142.4
Per capita income ($ year 2000) 3,670 5,514 50.2
Primary energy (Mtoe) 6,034 11,059 83.3
Final energy (Mtoe) 4,606 7,644 66.0
Final energy/primary energy 0.76 0.69 9.4
Electrical energy (Mtoe) 525 1,374 161.8
Electrical energy/final energy 0.11 0.18 63.5
Per capita primary energy (toe) 1.53 1.77 15.7
Per capita CO2 emissions (ton) 3.98 4.18 5.0
Primary energy intensity (toe/G$ year 2000) 418 316 24.4
Fig. 1. Primary energy consumption, CO2 emissions and world population. Final energy intensity (toe/G$ year 2000) 319 218 31.5
Reference year 1984. Source: International Energy Agency (IEA).
Source: International Energy Agency (IEA).
Table 2 Table 3
World final energy consumption by sector Weight of buildings energy consumption
Final energy consumption by sector (%) 1973 2004 Ratio Final energy consumption (%) Commercial Residential Total
Industry 39 30 0.76 USA 18 22 40
Transport 25 28 1.14 UK 11 28 39
Other sectors 36 42 1.16 EU 11 26 37
Spain 8 15 23
Source: IEA.
World 7 16 24
UK, service energy use in 2004 accounted for around 11% of Year 2004. Sources: EIA, Eurostat, and BRE.
all final energy use, equal to the EU average. By contrast the
Spanish figure was only 8% but it is reporting massive Spanish 15% mainly due to a more severe climate and building
increases and has been multiplied by 2.5 between 1980 and type (predominance of independent houses over blocks).
2000. The EIA, in its International Energy Outlook [2], analyses
In the residential sector, size and location are key factors for and forecasts future trends in building energy consumption
energy consumption. Small flats need less energy as there is less (Fig. 4). Energy use in the built environment will grow by 34%
conditioned and transfer area, and also less occupation. The in the next 20 years, at an average rate of 1.5%. In 2030,
amount and type of energy used in dwellings are mainly related consumption attributed to dwellings and the non-domestic
to weather, architectural design, energy systems and economic sectors will be 67% and 33% respectively (approximately).
level of the occupants. By and large, dwellings in developed Spread in Southeast Asian, and therefore, the growth of
countries use more energy than those in emerging economies construction will boost energy demand on the residential sector.
and it is expected to continue growing due to the installation of Forecasts predict that both developed and non-developed
new appliances (air conditioners, computers, etc.). In USA, economies will be balanced in the use of energy in dwellings by
dwellings consume 22% of the total final energy use, compared 2010. Economic, trading and population growth in emerging
with 26% in the EU. The UK figure is 28%, well above the economies will intensify needs for education, health and other
services, together with the consequential energy consumption.
It is expected that energy consumption in the service sector in
non-developed countries will be doubled in the next 25 years,
with an annual average growth rate of 2.8%.
Table 4
Energy consumption by end uses in the residential sector
End uses in the residential sector (%) Spain UE USA UK
Space conditioning 42 68 53 62
Domestic hot water (DHW) 26 14 17 22
Lighting and appliances 32 18 30 16
Fig. 4. Buildings energy consumption outlook. Source: EIA. Year 2003. Source: EIA, IDAE [8] and BRE.
L. Perez-Lombard et al. / Energy and Buildings 40 (2008) 394398 397
Table 5 Table 7
Energy use in the commercial sector by building type Energy consumption in offices by end use
Building type USA (%) Spain (%) UK (%) Energy end uses USA (%) UK (%) Spain (%)
Retail 32 22 22 HVAC 48 55 52
Offices 18 33 17 Lighting 22 17 33
Hotels and restaurants 14 30 16 Equipment (appliances) 13 5 10
Schools 13 4 10 DHW 4 10
Hospitals 9 11 6 Food preparation 1 5
Leisure 6 6 Refrigeration 3 5
Others 9 23 Others 10 4 5
Year 2003. Sources: EIA, IDAE and BRE. Sources: EIA, BRE [12] and IDAE.
398 L. Perez-Lombard et al. / Energy and Buildings 40 (2008) 394398
area and about 18% of the energy use, equivalent to a 3.2% of the strategies a priority for energy policies developing new
total consumption. In Spain, they account for a third of the building regulations and certification schemes which now
commercial sector energy consumption and almost 2.7% of total include minimum requirements. With the consolidation of
energy consumed and in the UK for 17% of energy consumption the demand for thermal comfort, HVAC systems (and its
and 2% of total energy use. Therefore, it is advisable to start the associated energy consumption) have become an unavoidable
commercial analysis with office buildings. Other reasons, asset, accounting for almost half the energy consumed in
supporting energy surveys for this typology are: buildings, and around 1020% of total energy consumption
in developed countries.
(1) The substantial increase of total built area of office The growing trend in building energy consumption will
buildings due to the economical prosperity with many new continue during the coming years due to the expansion of built
business developments in mayor city outskirts [11]. During area and associated energy needs, as long as resource and
19902000, 9.3 Mm2 were built in Spain, with no reliable environmental exhaustion or economic recession allows it.
information on the total built area. In USA, per capita area is Private initiative together with government intervention
about 4 m2, well above the European figure of 2 m2. In the through the promotion of energy efficiency, new technologies
UK the total floor area of offices has increased by around for energy production, limiting energy consumption and raising
4% between 2000 and 2005 [13]. social awareness on the rational use of energy will be essential
(2) The amount of artificial lighting required, IT equipment use to make possible a sustainable energy future.
and air-conditioned area have steadily increased. In Spain,
more than 90% of companies use IT equipment and
virtually all-new offices are conditioned. Even in mild References
weather as in the UK more than half of new offices are
[1] International Energy Agency, Key World Energy Statistics, 2006.
conditioned. [2] Energy Information Administration, International Energy Outlook 2006,
(3) It is a typology quite uniform across the building stock, both U.S. Department of Energy, June 2006.
in envelope and building services, with three key energy [3] Directive 2002/91/CE of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16
end uses, HVAC, lighting and appliances, adding up December 2002 on the energy performance of buildings, 2002.
[4] Ministerio de Economa, Estrategia de ahorro y eficiencia energetica en
together to about 85% of the total (Table 7).
Espana 20042012, Noviembre 2003.
[5] L. Perez-Lombard, J. Adnot, J.A. Ortiz, P. Riviere, HVAC systems energy
comparisons for an office building, in: Proceedings of the Climamed,
6. Conclusions Lisbon, 2004.
[6] Energy Information Administration, Residential Energy Consumption
Energy consumption of buildings in developed countries Survey (RECS), U.S. Department of Energy, 2001.
[7] Energy Information Administration, Commercial Buildings Energy Con-
comprises 2040% of total energy use and is above industry and sumption Survey (CBECS), U.S. Department of Energy, 2003.
transport figures in EU and USA. However, available information [8] Instituto para la diversificacion y Ahorro de la energa (IDAE), Eficiencia
is clearly insufficient and not proportional to its importance. It is Energetica y Energas Renovables (No. 8), Madrid, octubre de 2006.
not considered as an independent sector and there is a lack of [9] EECCAC (Energy Efficiency and Certification of Central Air Condi-
tioners) Project for the Directorate General Transportation-Energy of the
consistent data which makes it difficult to understand the
Commission of the European Union, Final Report, April 2003.
underlying changes that affect energy consumption in this sector. [10] Ministerio de Industria, Turismo y Comercio, La Energa en Espana 2005,
It is essential to make available comprehensive building energy Madrid, 2006.
information to allow suitable analysis and efficiently plan energy [11] ACE (The Association for the Conservation of Energy), Energy efficiency
policies for the future. In that respect, studies developed by the in offices: assessing the situation, March 2003.
EIA on the energy consumption of residential and commercial [12] Best Practice Programme Energy Consumption Guide 19, Energy use in
offices, Carbon Trust, December 2000.
buildings in the USA are a valuable reference. [13] Commercial and Industrial Floorspace and Rateable Value Statistics 2005
Proliferation of energy consumption and CO2 emissions (2005 Revaluation), Office of the Deputy Prime Minister, London,
on the built environment have made energy efficiency February 2006.