LET Reviewer Module
LET Reviewer Module
LET Reviewer Module
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d. Panggunita kina Padre Gomez, Burgos at II. As a legislator
Zamora III. Although he raised his voice
22. Recent bank runs into bankruptcy because of: IV. Accepted several amendments
a. Corruption c. Flight of capital a. II, I, IV, III c. I, II, III, IV
b. Mismanagement d. Loss of capital b. IV, III, II, I d. II, I, III, IV
23. The Philippine Group in Netherlands insists on 34. The committee discussed the issue and everyone
holding peace talk outside the Philippines. Where at the end seemed ____to the findings.
is the best venue where people concerned can a. ignorant and civil c. negative get open
meet? b. reluctant to accept d. amendable to
a. Philippine shores c. Netherlands consider
b. Hongkong d. United states 35. Batay sa bilingual na edukasyon, mainam ang
24. There are to 2 big pineapple canning factories in gamit ng Filipino sa Araling Panlipunan dahil:
the Philippines. Which is located in Cotabato? a. Malimit pag-usapan ng mga mag-aaral ang
a. Dole c. Del Monte konsepto kahit sa labas ng paaralan
b. Mama site d. Purefoods b. Madaling paipaliwanag ang mga konsepto sa
25. Kitchen fuel that caused big conflagration in Filipino
homes and cites are: c. Madaling maunawaan ang mga konsepto sa
a. Use of electrics stoves Filipino
b. Use of firewood d. Walang pag-aalinlangan ang pagsagot ng mga
c. Use of saw dust for fuels mag-aaral sa wikang Filipino
d. Use of gas stove 36. The sociological concept of home for most
a.15:1 b. 1:15 c. 1:4 d. 2:15 Filipino is the presence of:
26. Did you get the instructions? What is the a. Families with boarders in addition to the family
appropriate answer? members
a. Well and good c. Certainly, we did b. Family nucleus and extended families
b. Thats OK d. Sorry, we didnt c. Families with illegal light and water
27. Excursions are encouraged to allow participants to connections
see places. All the 400 personnel fell ill. Doctors d. Families with pet dogs, cooks and cats
laboratory finding traced the cause to: 37. Manila Zoo attracted children during excursions.
a. congestion on the bus c. excitement How should children be briefed about newly born
b. food poisoning d. excessive fat tigers cub to avoid accidents?
Aling Salita sa Bicol ang Kapareho sa Ilocano? a. Use sticks to awaken mother tigers
a. gabi b. bulan c. araw d. ulan b. How at the cub with a microphone
28. Dangal ang puhunang sa bayay pamana. Bago c. Watch the mother feeding and just take picture
ang sarili ay bayan muna. Ano ang payo ditto? d. Allow children to feed cubs with their palms
a. bayan muna bago ang sarili 38. If a = 8; b = 16; c = 38; Find the value of c.
b. mamamayan muna, bago bayan a. 4 b. 6 c. 3 d. 5
c. mahalaga ang nayan at sarili 39. The advice on the invitation was found. Who
d. sarili ang dapat unahin upang umunlad failed to get the massage?
29. After an airplane crash, passengers who choose a a. No barong Tagalog please
flight would say: b. Come in coat and tie
a. A front seat would be safest. c. Polo barong with denims are OK
b. I want a reservation on the back seat. d. Denim pants are al right
c. A middle aisle seat would allow easy escape. 40. The bank was swarmed with depositors. The bank.
d. A seat closest to the cockpit be given to me a. declared an open house c. declared a
30. In June, classes in home economics are asked to holiday
prepare fruits into: b. declared dividends d. declared bankruptcy
a. Preserved fruit juices c.Preserved fruit 41. On is stressed in given situations. Choose the
confections situation called for:
b. Conserved fruit juices d. Preserved fruit a. her visitors are on the way c. he came on
products holiday
31. Which statement is true? b. be on time please d. it happened on a Tuesday
a. 5 is a rational number c. 3 is a real 42. Noong taong 1962 ano ang pagbabago sa
number paglimbang ng diploma at sertipiko ng
b. 0 is a positive number d.4 is an irrational pagtatapos?
number a. Pinahintutukan ang pribadong paaralan na
32. Every December 10, schools and civic grouos maglimbag sa wikang Ingles
gather to celebrate b. Nilimbang sa Filipino ang diploma ngunit may
a. Human rights Day c. Independence Day Ingles
b. Mothers Day d. United Nation Day c. Malimbag sa Filipino and diploma
33. Form a sentence from these words. d. Nilimbag sa Taglisg ang diploma sa di Tagalog
I. The senator na bayan
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43. The areas of Navotas, Valenzuela and Caloocan a. 3 b. 1 c. 2 d. 4
are always flooded during rainy season. The 55. Australian experts were asked to explore a better
engineers account this to high tide especially in way of generating electricity. This is dor through
July and August. But really it is: a. undersea cable transmission
a. below sea level c. approximately of sea b. sulphuric reserve actuation
level c. waterfall reserve actuation
b. under sea level d. above sea level d. geothermal utilization
44. How many grams of shabu will no allow bonds for 56. Cooperatives established by the farmers failed to
culprits? thrive well because:
a. 2150 grams c. 1000 grams a. cooperative activities are poorly managed and
b. 200 grams d. 300 grams implemented
45. A swimming contest is held in a four lane b. members distrust their cooperative officials
swimming pool of 50 meters long. The contest is c. seed money for cooperative shared by senators
for 200 meters. How many times will each and congressmen poorly administered
swimmer run in this contest? d. farmers were used to dole outs
a. 4 times c. 5 times 57. Ang kahon ay mabigat kaya di ____ ng bata.
b. 10 times d. 16 times a. inkinaya c. mabuhat
46. Write the ratio in the lowest term two hours to 30 b. mabuhat buhat d. buhatin
minutes 58. There are many cases of abuse on Filipino contract
a. 2:15 b. 2:4 c. 2:30 d. 4:1 workers. Where can these workers seek justice and
47. Lately, students are exposed to a series of redness?
achievement tests. Parents observed that: a. Philippine Supreme Count
a. Tests were used for teaching b. Department of Justice and the Foreign Affairs
b. Tests are indices of teachers competencies Consulate Office in the foreign seek justice and
c. Children learned through periodic teaching release?
d. Teaching was for tests c. International Court of Justice
48. The virus Love bug is a recent technological d. Department of labor and Employment
element spread by: 59. Which of this group of capitalized words does not
a. Internet c. television belong to the group in terms of sound?
b. radio d. computer a. THAT picture is impressionistic
49. NAPOCOR is to privatized. This means: b. This THESIS is original
a. Every private individual gets a share c. THOSE are her new projects
b. Government has a share d. THESE books are of recent editors
c. Everyone owns NAPOCOR 60. DOGS are often affected by rabies but lately other
d. Some private owners will come in animals have been identified and they are:
50. Ang dinanas ng mga babae sa kamay ng Hukbong a. Birds c. pigs
Hapon ay sinasalaysay ni: b. cats d. snakes
a. Maria Clara c. Gabriela 61. Home is the soldier. Home and free! This tell us
b. Diwata d. Orang a. The soldier died heroically
51. Tere is a campaign against cholera. How can the b. The soldier is at peace in death
pupils get protected catching the disease? c. The soldier is well armed home
a. Contact the parents for a meeting d. The soldier is decorated upon arrival
b. Teach children to wash their hands before and 62. What is the sun of 9 and 4.
after meals a. 3 b. 5 c. 2 d. 4
c. Open up a store in the classroom for childrens 63. Aling wika ang ginagamit na batayan ng wikang
recess snack pambansa?
d. Allow children to eat food sold by peddlers a. Tagalog c. Bisaya
52. Poisoning of farmers during fertilizing field is b. Hiligaynon d. Bicol
traced to: 64. Quality of education they say is:
a. smoking during and after spraying a. every citizens accounting task
b. using bottle drinking b. every parents and teachers responsibilities task
c. failure to use hand gloves c. everyones responsibility
d. spraying fields at high noon d. everybodys concern at times
53. Choose the statement that seems right in 65. Which placard tells of a wide choice during the
negotialors grand sale?
a. he led the group to areas of concerns a. Pairs Varied Plenty c. No Duplicates
b. he lead group to clear out differences Available
c. he led the group to a conclusion b. Single items Limited d. Choose Your
d. he led the group to an interactive discussion Wild
and conclusion 66. How does the Department of Science and
54. Give the value of a if the statement 1s 4ab = 20 technology (DOST) assure quality science
and b = 5: teaching is secondary schools?
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a. Carry one science fair every year b. 44 d. 43 4/16
b. Open up science high schools in every province 76. Honey is extracted from bees. To ensure a supply
c. share researchers and distributes equipment to of honey for food and medicine. What has been
schools resorted to lately?
d. Maintain a scholars grant for deserving science a. Discourage the use of pesticides in honey farms
and mathematics teacher b. Gather honey from the forest
67. Long fellow mentioned life as light as shadow. c. Encourage bee farm in chosen areas
What figure of speech is it used? d. Culture honey bees for propagation
a. Personification c. Simile 77. Which expresses the polynomial in the following?
b. Argumentation d. a. x x + 9 3x + 10x c. xy x 6
Metaphor b. 2x + 4x 3 d. x 4x + 2x x + 2
68. Magbababala ang pulis sa mga tumatawid alin 78. She bought her daughter a new dress, which was
ang tama? fashionable. It was
a. Tawid na kayo at luntian ang ilaw a. a copy from, Italian catalogue
b. Hoy! Pula ang ilaw, tigil b. a remodeled dress
c. Bantayan and ilaw bago tatawid c. an imitation from the original
d. Huhulihin and tatawid sa maling ilaw o signal d. an origin creation of a couturier
69. Never the Twain shall meet Means the lines 79. A package sent by a balikbayan was discovered
are: open. This is a case of
a. straight c. parallel a. substitution c. pilferag
b. perpendicular d. circular b. rubbery d. oppression
70. Before a formal legislation is passed, approval 80. Ang Gintong panahon ng mga manunulat noong
settlement of issues are done by committee panahon ng Amerikano ay batid sa uring:
members of both houses. This avoids unnecessary a. Sanaysay c. Panulaan
controversial issues. What do you call the body? b. Nobela d. Maikling kwento
a. Senate Committee 81. The majority members in the House of
b. BI-cameral Committee Representation rejected the measure. This mean:
c. Oversight Committee a. They defined party commitment
d. House of Representatives Committee b. They favored the leadership
71. This was as beautiful as a picture. She sough an c. They joined the minority
answer to this. I want to be loved birth body and d. They bottled the majority party
soul. Here she meant that love. 82. Cement factories can only operate if given a
a. can be carnal and platonic permit by the DENR which guarantees:
b. must be sexy to be adored a. viability of feasibility study
c. is both mind and body b. environment clearance and condition
d. is a process of mental exercise c. pollution safety and prevention
72. Transplanting of human organs are no longer d. environmentally friendly
impossible. The most recent discovery in Russia 83. The Red Cross humanitarian job is to gather and
is: give needed blood to the needy. Name the
a. heart transplant c. kidney universal blood type:
transplant a. Type O c. Type AB
b. retina eye transplant d. placenta transplant b. Type B d. Type Bt
73. How can a farmland transferred to a tenant be 84. She was asked to make a census of the place.
reclaimed by the landowner? In such conditions What is she supposed to do?
as: a. Gather data on each occupant in each
a. when the tenant re-sells his land to non- household in the are
recognized transferees b. Ask residents to make a consensus
b. When the tenant on a rent basic fails to submit c. Identify strangers in the area
the agreed rental of several cavans of rice and d. Gather data on people on the area
corn for three (3) consecutive harvest 85. The common saying which is accepted in values
c. When the tenant fails to pay the agreed rental education is.
for five planting season a. values are individual sets of behavior
d. When the tenant fails to pay land tax b. values are caught not preached
74. The issue on the Spratly island claims can be c. values are dependent on individual and societal
solved by a panel made up of representatives standards
from: d. values are valueless
a. United Nations Assembly 86. Aling Salita ang nasa talasalitang Filipino na
b. European Countries hiram sa Cebuano?
c. Security Council a. asawa b. balay c. bahay d. bana
d. ASEAN Pacific countries laying claims 87. Di padat bayaran ang lahat ng utang sapagkat:
75. What is the value on N in: 18 2/16 + 26 = N a. may pababarin silang iba
a. 44 3/8 c. 44 b. may iba sa siyang pababayarang
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c. mayroon na siyang pagbabarang iba 98. How do you determine the total length of the
d. may pagbabayaran pang iba clothing materials if there are 7 2/10 meter and 15
88. Mosquitoes have been identified of having caused 4/5 meter available?
illness among children bitten in the morning. This a. 18 m c. 18 m
fever is b. 23 m d. 18 m
a. Asthma c. 99. Eight men can paint a 3 unit army school building
Dengue in 3 days. How many more units will 12 men pain
b. Malaria d. of this building?
diarrhea a. b. 1 c. 2 d. 1
89. The people of Montalban in Rizal raised protest 100. Class interactions is brought about by.
on the landfill since. a. teacher listens, students listen
a. Water seepage would pollute water source b. question and answer method
b. People were disturbed by garbage trucks c. teacher talk at all times
c. Air pollution could not be controlled d. teacher student exchange questions and answer
d. Garbage cold be recycled 101. NHA homes were sold to recipients payable in
90. The weather report recorded a temperature of the longest term of:
29C in the morning and 33.5C at two Oclock in a. 15 years c. 10 years
the afternoon. How many degrees higher was the b. 25 years d. 5 years
afternoon temperature 102. Values information seminar mandated by the
a. 4.5C b. 5.8C c. 6.3C d. Moral Recovery Program has transformed many
5.5C government officers
91. Why are Filipino overseas workers considered a. Workshops on values have made Father
modern time heroes? Damasos out of some leaders
a. They sacrifice all-the family life and economies b. Religious leaders are not fulfilled on their
just to improve their quality of life. moral ascendancy
b. They became broad minded, skilled and c. DECS officials conduct workshops on values to
economically stable. be models by themselves
c. They have helped stabilize Philippine economy d. PNP hierarchy are examples of moral strength
d. They come home ready to feast their 103. There had been plants discovered as effective
townmales and friends insect repellants. Which of these plants belong to
92. Hindi naman pangit ang larawan ngunit _____ang the group?
kanyang anyo. a. Orchids c. Bouganvilla
a. pinapuri puri c. kapuri-purihan b. Gumamela d. Cosmos
b. kapuri puri d. kapurihan 104. Only 682 examinees passed in a Pharmacists
93. I have one life to give and I give it al to my Licensure Examination out of 2550 examinees.
country. This pictures a: What is the passing percentage?
a. a soldier at war a. 26.5% b. 26% c. 26.7% d. 26.8%
b. worker in a cement factory 105. A Chinese proverb says, The virtue with the
c. a policeman on the street shortest memory is gratitude. This tells of
d. a doctor in the operating room. persons who are:
94. The endangered species are protected by DENR. a. greetful c. careful
All these are concerns of: b. grateful d. hospitable
a. Tourism c. Urbanization 106. Ang kanyang sinsakyan galling Quipo
b. Industrialization d. Terrorism papuntang Kalookan ay nasa ibabaw. Ito ay
95. Abuses to soldiers, women, children an the ______
helpless are attended to by a Commission. Who a. jeep c. bus
was the first Commissioner on Human Rights? b. trambiya d. LRT
a. Hon. Aurora Recine 107. That is the face that caused a thousand ship
b. Hon. Mary Conception Bautista and men to raise their arms and fight. Who was
c. Hon. Teofisto Guingona referred to by the poet?
d. Hon. Sedfrey Ordonez a. Helen of Troy c. Helen Keller
96. A girl receive her report card with the following b. Mary Magdalene d. Cleopatra of
grades: 93, 88, 80, 86 and 89? Which is average the Nile
grade? 108. In the film ANAK portrayed a daughter
a. 86 b. 87 c. 86 1/5 d. 88 whose values were affected greatly by:
97. The meat sent by air cargo is 1,340 pounds. The a. the economics of an overseas mothers value
weight was computed into kilogram determine the b. the peer groups and society
kilogram of the cargo. c. the confusion of a mothers role
a. 0090kg c. 61 kg d. the absence of a father image
b. 609.09 kg d. 00.908 kg 109. The Internal Rice Research Institute in UP Los
Baos has introduced varieties of the rice for all
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seasons. Name the most popular one that was a. 152 hectares c. 122 hectares
exported in the 70s. b. 132 hectares d. 142 hectares
a. Dinorado c. sampagita 120. The Department of agriculture noted that only
b. 0 5 variety d. C 4 variety 1/3 of the palay produced are used to advantage.
110. Convert this confiscated 8, 000 grams of What measure was adapted to save observed
dangerous drugs into kilograms harvest wastage?
a. 8 kg c. 800 kg a. Palay drying and storage
b. 800 kg d. 80 kg b. Rice milling process
111. If April 13 is a Friday, on what day April 21 c. Rice transplanting method
falls? d. Palay exchange and marketing
a. Monday c. Thursday 121. What does this means? Excuses are for
b. Saturday d. Friday losers.. those who take responsibility for their
112. Almost all nations believe in giving a roof to actins are real winners in life. This tells of
cover every familys head. How does the a. losers who often fail because they find reasons
government address this? for losing
a. Developing housing czars b. a winner can also be a quiter
b. Creating a cabinet for housing c. accountability of ones action tell of bravery
c. Establishing homes for middle class families d. excuses are needed to justify any failure.
d. Driving squatter along river 122. A couple accepted a wedding invitation. They
113. The presence of fake doctors and showed pleasure in these remarks.
malpractitioners on medical/heath services are a. All guests congratulated the organizers and
growing in number. Ho may this be discouraged? couple.
a. Ignore the presence of such persons b. Guests came in and out of the ceremonies
b. Refuse patronage of said services c. The ceremonies were very impressive
c. Take patients to professional medical d. I felt uneasy with the priest
practitioners 123. Factories are raided to determine the presence
d. Identifying such personalities and reporting of working children and women. Why should
them to authorities these raides be done?
114. Majority of school children have been found a. To determine the humane treatment of workers
with very defective teeth. How does the b. To determine the condition of the working
government address the problem? place
a. Put up the factories for toothbrush c. To determine the rights of children and women
b. Open up dental clinics in the barangay in works places
c. Donate toothpaste to every complete d. To determines violation of the labor code
elementary school 124. Sea accidents have been caused by disregard
d. Subject first grade pupils to early dental of typhoon signals. When are basic suspended
treatment from lifting anchor?
115. The volume of a gas is inversely proportional a. Signal # 1 c. Signal # 3
to its pressure. When the pressure is 30 cm of b. Signal # 2 d. Signal # 4
mercury, the volume is 600 cubic cm. Find the 125. Ang wikang Filipino ay hawig sa mga wika sa
pressure when the volume is 250 cubic cm. Asya. Alin ditto ang pinakamalapit sa Filipino?
a. 28 cm of mercury c. 72 cm of mercury a. katakana c. bahasa
b. 2.5 cm of mercury d. 65 cm of mercury b. mandarin d. malayo
116. Students on the secondary schools are asked to 126. A diet full of animal fat usually come up with
go home when patients found ill of ____________
a. typhoon no. 3 is raised a. Diabetes c.
b. typhoon signal no. 1 is raised Hypertension
c. typhoon signal no. 2 is raised b. Kidney malfunction d. Sclerosis
d. there is flood caused by high tide 127. Sea turtles multiply fast because they propage
117. A rice field is divided into four sections. Each through
section is 25 meters by 38 meters. Get the a. egg hatching c. transfusion
perimeter of each section. b. migrato d. mutation
a. 152 m b. 126 m c. 156 m d. 146 m 128. Clogged blood vessels often cause heart
118. To assure healthy banking industry, the ailment. What process is used by cardiologists
Bangko Central has encouraged whereby clogged arteries are replaced?
a. selling of stocks to interested buyers a. Angioplasty c. Heart bypass
b. bank Merger b. Plastic surgery d. X-ray
c. bank closure and declared bankruptcy 129. The host had only 8 gallons of ice cream to
d. bank tie up with foreign banks serve. Upon arrival of the guest she served 3
119. Hacienda Rosita was to be decided among 22 gallons. How many gallons are left for the late
tenants. Each tenant will be rewarded 6-hectares corners?
each. What was the area of Hacienda Rosita? a. 5 gallons c. 4 gallons
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b. 4 gallons d. 4 1/8 gallons a. Mahinahon c. Mapagsarili
130. Find 1 2/5 x 1 / 7/18 b. Handa d. Mapagsamantala
a. b. 4 c. 1/5 d. 4/5 142. Ano ang ibig sabihin ng tigil putukan?
131. Ang kimonong suot sa centennial ay patuloy a. walang maglalaban sa loob ng takdang araw
pagkat ____ito nang lahat. b. sumuko ang mga rebelde
a. papamalakihin c. pagmamalaki c. walang lalabas sa kawal
b. ipagmalaki d. ipinagmamalaki d. tigil ang labarian sa isang panig
132. What is the product of (3+20) (4- 30)? 143. A Filipino commited a crime in America. He
a. 598 b. 598 c. 59.8 d. 5.98 returned to the Philippines after wards. Can he be
133. The first prize of P40, 000,000 was shared by asked to return to the State for trial?
16 winners. How much will each claim? a. Yes, because he committed the crime
a. P 2,500, 000.00 c. P 3,000, b. No, because he is a Filipino
000.00 c. Yes, if it is covered by an extradition order
b. P 2, 800, 000.00 d. P 2, 700, agreed upon by both countries
000.00 d. Yes, because covered he has proven his
134. To avoid the thinning of the ozone layer, what innocence
should be avoided in waste disposal? 144. Before Pres. Estrada to Washington D.C. is the
a. Dumping waste in the river doing liason from the Department of Foreign
b. Dumping waste into landfills Affairs?
c. Dumping waste into the sea a. Ambassador Bautista c. Ambassador Romero
d. Burning garbage in pits b. Ambassador Maceda d. Ambassador
135. Children with smallpox, chickenpox, or Brillantes
measles should be segregated or quarantined. 145. A child insisted on knowing her real father.
When should this be done? What right is involved?
a. The set on the fever a. Right to education c. Right to freedom of
b. The first days of skin wound healing choice
c. The first week upon skin eruption b. Right to name and Identify d. Right to seek the
d. The most infections stage is within 2 days of truth
the fever 146. Immunization is done by health authorities to
136. A couple was just married when the groom is children age 2 moths to 2 years old. Vaccination is
three scores older than the bride. How old is the to stop the spread of
bride is she is one score younger? a. Chlolera c. Rabies
a. 20 years c. 30 years b. Meads d. Diptheria
b. 50 years d. 40 years 147. The wounded soldiers were visited by the
137. Ms. Cruz had her house raided by authorities. President who honored then with ____ for their
She refused to open the door. Was she right? She ____.
has the right a. Medals valor c. Appointments
a. to assert her individually consistency
b. to protection against police authorities b. Appearance bravey d. Money sacrifice
c. to life, liberty and property 148. Ano ang Katumbas ng Decalohue ni
d. to do self defense Apilonario mabini na nagsasaad ng aral sa
138. Which of the following is the least stable Filipino?
measure of central tendency? a. New Society ni President marcos
a. median and mode c. median b. Ten Commandments
b. mode d. mean c. Code of Citizenship ni President Quezon
139. Mean is to a central tendency as Standard d. Code of Ethics ni Kalantiaw
deviation is to: 149. The harvest of corn is P 8.00 per kilograms.
a. Discrimination c. correlation The whole harvest total worth is P 10, 000.00.
b. level of difficulty d. How many kilograms was the corn harvest?
variability a. 1050 kg c. 2000 kg
140. Natives of ancestral lands have been asserting b. 1250 kg d. 2250 kg
their ownership of lands. This has been addressed 150. What must be employed to continuously
by Congress in what way? strengthen a school guidance program?
a. Laws and administration have identified a. Assignment of responsibilities c.
ancestral landaus and report on owner Evaluation
b. Ancestral lands of lumads are government b. Research d.
reservation Program planning
c. Ancestral land of lumads are government
d. The Commission on human right has returned
the lands to the lumads
141. Ano ang ibig sabihin ng tigi-putukan?
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A tenant as awarded a house and lot package worth P 180, 000.00. She has to pay 55. A 111. B
package for 20 years 56. C 112. C
1. B 57. B 113. B
2. B 58. B 114. D
3. D 59. B 115. C
4. B 60. B 116. C
5. B 61. B 117. B
6. D 62. B 118. B
7. A 63. A 119. B
8. B 64. C 120. A
9. C 65. A 121. C
10. C 66. C 122. C
11. B 67. C 123. D
12. C 68. C 124. A
13. A 69. C 125. D
14. B 70. B 126. C
15. C 71. A 127. A
16. D 72. D 128. C
17. A 73. D 129. C
18. B 74. D 130. B
19. B 75. A 131. D
20. C 76. D 132. A
21. A 77. C 133. A
22. D 78. D 134. D
23. C 79. C 135. A
24. A 80. D 136. D
25. B 81. A 137. C
26. C 82. B 138. B
27. B 83. A 139. D
28. A 84. A 140. C
29. D 85. A 141. A
30. D 86. A 142. A
31. C 87. D 143. C
32. A 88. C 144. B
33. D 89. A 145. B
34. A 90. A 146. D
35. B 91. C 147. A
36. B 92. B 148. D
37. C 93. A 149. B
38. B 94. A 150. B
39. C 95. B
40. D 96. B
41. B 97. B
42. C 98. B
43. A 99. B
44. B 100. D
45. A 101. B
46. D 102. C
47. C 103. D
48. A 104. C
49. D 105. B
50. D 106. D
51. B 107. A
52. C 108. A
53. B 109. D
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