Retaining Wall

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The document discusses the design and analysis of a retaining wall and foundation system including calculations for concrete quantities, reinforcement, stability, and pile design.

The steps include determining the pile dimensions, average N-value from SPT testing, calculating the ultimate vertical capacity considering soil friction and end bearing, and dividing the ultimate capacity by a safety factor to determine the allowable capacity.

The horizontal bearing capacity depends on the displacement of the pile, the Young's modulus and diameter of the pile, and the N-value of the soil. It is calculated considering bending stresses in the pile.

concrete = 23 x 400,000 = 9,150,000 48%

reinforcement = 1,315 x 7,500 = 9,864,717 52%

Rp 19,014,717 ,- /m'

reinforcement = 57.50 kg/m3-concrete

00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00
0. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
1 0.00 0.00
2 0.00 1.00
3 1.00 1.50
4 1.00 11.50
5 1.50 11.50
6 2.50 1.50
7 10.00 1.00
8 10.00 0.00
9 0.00 0.00

1 0.00 2.00
2 1.00 2.00

1 1.00 7.50
2 10.00 7.50

1 0.00 6.50
2 1.00 6.50
Location :

Top wall level = 79.00 m

D1 - Hulu River bed level = 69.50 m
Ground water level = 75.00 m
q (t/m2) b11 b12 b13 River water level = 74.00 m
Foundation level = 67.50 m

Dimension (unit length)

H = 11.50 m B = 10.00 m L = 1.00 m
b11 = 1.00 m b12 = 0.50 m b13 = 0.00 m
b21 = 7.50 m b22 = 1.50 m b23 = 1.00 m

h1 = 11.50 m h31 = 1.00 m h32 = 0.50 m

h4 = 2.00 m hw1 = 7.50 m hw2 = 6.50 m
q = 0.50 t/m2 Kh = 0.18
h31 Backfill soil gc = 2.40 t/m3 gw = 1.00 t/m3
g soil = 1.80 t/m3
b21 b22 b23 g sat = 2.00 t/m3 a = 0.00 o
(for stability analysis)
f = 30.0 o a = 5.71 o
(for structural analysis)
c = 0.00 t/m2 b = 0.00 o

Section of Retaining wall Foundation soil

g s' = 1.00 t/m3 Safety factor (normal) (seismic)
fB = 30.0 o Overturning |e| < B/6=1.92 B/3=3.33
cB = 0.00 t/m2 Sliding fs > 2.00 1.25
Friction coefficient Reaction of foundation soil
m = 0.50 qmax > qa=qu/3 qae=qu/2
Uplift coefficient Allowable stress
Um = 1.00 Compressive s ca = 60 90 kg/cm2
Cover of bar Tensile s sa = 1850 2775 kg/cm2
Wall Shear t a = 5.5 8.25 kg/cm2
d back = 7 cm Young's modulus ratio
d front = 7 cm 24 16
d upper = 7 cm
d lower = 7 cm

: D1 - Hulu

Normal Condition Seismic Condition

a) Stability against overturning a) Stability against overturning

|e| = 0.69 m < B/6 = 1.67 m OK! |e| = 1.09 m < B/3 = 3.33 m OK!

b) Stability against sliding b) Stability against sliding

Fs = 2.02 > 2.00 OK! Fs = 1.26 > 1.25 OK!

c) Reaction of foundation soil c) Reaction of foundation soil

q1 = 26.72 t/m2 < qa = 48.67 t/m2 OK! q1 = 29.93 t/m2 < qae = 73.00 t/m2 OK!
q2 = 16.46 t/m2 < qa = 48.67 t/m2 OK! q2 = 12.40 t/m2 < qae = 73.00 t/m2 OK!

Stressing of Reinforcement and Concrete
Name of Structure : D1 - Hulu
Location : 0
Normal Condition Allowable compressive stress (s ca) = 60 kg/cm2
Allowable tensile stress (s sa) = 1850 kg/cm2
Allowable shearing stress (t a) = 5.5 kg/cm2
Young's modulus ratio = 24
Item Section A-A Section B-B Section C-C Section D-D
b (cm) 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
h (cm) 90.0 150.0 150.0 150.0
D C d1 (cm) 7.0 back 7.0 back 7.0 lower 7.0 upper
B B d2 (cm) 7.0 front 7.0 front 7.0 upper 7.0 lower
d (cm) 83.0 143.0 143.0 143.0
M (ton m) 7 106 12 106
S (ton) 5 30 23 22
Bar size and spacing (mm)
Bar (As1) D 25 - 200 D 25 - 100 D 16 - 250 D 25 - 100
Section of Retaining wall Bar (As2) D 16 - 250 D 16 - 125 D 16 - 250 D 16 - 250
Stress sc 7 OK! 35 OK! 8 OK! 35 OK!
Stress ss 390 OK! 1699 OK! 1080 OK! 1699 OK!
Stress t 0.61 OK! 2.11 OK! 1.62 OK! 1.52 OK!

Seismic Condition Allowable compressive stress (s ca) = 90 kg/cm2

Allowable tensile stress (s sa) = 2775 kg/cm2
Allowable shearing stress (t a) = 8.25 kg/cm2
Young's modulus ratio = 16

Item Section A-A Section B-B Section C-C Section D-D

b (cm) 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
h (cm) 90.0 150.0 150.0 150.0
D C d1 (cm) 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0
d2 (cm) 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0
d (cm) 83.0 143.0 143.0 143.0
M (ton m) 11 162 13 162
S (ton) 8 46 26 28
Bar size and spacing (mm)
Bar (As1) D 25 - 200 D 25 - 100 D 16 - 250 D 25 - 100
Section of Retaining wall Bar (As2) D 16 - 250 D 16 - 125 D 16 - 250 D 16 - 250
Stress sc 13 OK! 62 OK! 11 OK! 62 OK!
Stress ss 583 OK! 2554 OK! 1204 OK! 2554 OK!
Stress t 0.93 OK! 3.19 OK! 1.82 OK! 1.95 OK!


1. Design Data
1.1 Dimensions q (t/m2)
b11 b12 b13
B = 10.00 m H = 11.50 m
L = 1.00 m (unit length)

b11 = 1.00 m b21 = 7.50 m

b12 = 0.50 m b22 = 1.50 m
b13 b23 H=h1
= 0.00 m = 1.00 m

h1 = 11.50 m h4 = 2.00 m
h31 = 1.00 m hw1 = 7.50 m hw1
h32 = 0.50 m hw2 = 6.50 m
h32 hw2
1.2 Parameters h31

q = 0.50 t/m (for normal condition)

b21 b22 b23
= 0.00 t/m2 (for seismic condition) Section of Retaining
B Wall
gc = 2.40 t/m3
gw = 1.00 t/m3
Backfill soil Foundation soil Safety factor
gsoil = 1.80 t/m 3 gs ' = 1.00 t/m 3 (=gsat-gw) Overturning
gsat = 2.00 t/m3 cB = 0.00 t/m2 normal |e|<B/6=1.67m
c = 0.00 t/m2 fB = 30.00 o
seismic |e|<B/3=3.33m
f = 30.00 o
m = 0.50 (Friction coefficient) Sliding
Um = 1.00 (Uplift coefficient) normal fs > 2.00
b = 0.000 o
seismic fs > 1.25
a = 0.000 o
(for stability analysis) Reaction of foundation soil
= 5.711 o
(for structural analysis) normal qmax<qa
d = 0.000 o
(for stability analysis in normal condition, d = b) qa=qu/3
= 20.00 o
(for structural analysis in normal condition, d = 2/3 f) seismic qmax<qae
= 24.23 o
(for stability analysis in seismic condition, see Section 2.3) qae=qu/2
= 15.00 o
(for structural analysis in seismic condition, d = 1/2 f)
F = 10.204 o
( = Arc tan(Kh) ) Kh = 0.18

2. Stability Calculation
2.1 Case 1 (Normal condition, with vertical live load)
q = 0.50 t/m2 0.50



Pa2 10 7
11.50 10.00

qa2 11
Pa3 6
7.50 12 5
Pw1 4
2.00 6.50
1 2 3 Pp1 1.00 Pw2
Pu1 O
qw1 qa4 qa3 qp1 qw2
qu2 Pu2
7.50 1.50 1.00

Acting Load in Case 1

(1) Vertical Load

No. Description W X WxX

1 1.00 x 7.50 x 2.40 18.000 6.250 112.50
2 1.50 x 1.50 x 2.40 5.400 1.750 9.45
3 1.00 x 1.00 x 2.40 2.400 0.500 1.20
4 0.50 x 0.50 x 7.50 x 2.40 4.500 5.000 22.50
5 0.50 x 0.50 x 1.00 x 2.40 0.600 0.333 0.20
6 0.50 x 10.00 x 1.00 x 2.40 12.000 2.167 26.00
7 10.00 x 0.50 x 2.40 12.000 1.250 15.00
8 0.50 x 10.00 x 0.00 x 2.40 0.000 1.000 0.00
9 0.50 x 10.00 x 1.00 x 1.80 9.000 2.167 19.50
10 7.50 x 4.00 x 1.80 54.000 6.250 337.50
11 7.50 x 6.00 x 2.00 90.000 6.250 562.50
12 0.50 x 7.50 x 0.50 x 2.00 3.750 7.500 28.13
q 0.50 x 8.50 4.250 5.750 24.44
T o t a l(1 to q) 215.900 1,158.92
Pu1 7.50 x 10.00 x 0.50 x -1.00 -37.500 6.667 -250.00
Pu2 6.50 x 10.00 x 0.50 x -1.00 -32.500 3.333 -108.33
Total ( 1 to Pu2) 145.900 800.58

(2) Horizontal Load

Coefficient of Active earth pressure

Cos2(f -a)
Ka =
Sin(f+d) x Sinf 2
Cos2a x Cos(a+d) x 1+
Cos(a+d) x Cosa
(for stability analysis)
a = 0.000 o
d = 0.000 o

Cos2(f -a) = 0.750 Sin(f+d) = 0.500

Cos a2
= 1.000 Sinf = 0.500
Cos(a+d) = 1.000 Cosa = 1.000

Ka = 0.333 for stability analysis

(for structural analysis)

a = 5.711 o
d = 20.000 o

Cos2(f -a) = 0.831 Sin(f+d) = 0.766

Cos a2
= 0.990 Sinf = 0.500
Cos(a+d) = 0.901 Cosa = 0.995

Ka' = 0.341 for structural analysis

Coefficient of Passive earth pressure

Kp =
Sin(f+d) x Sinf 2
Cos2a x Cos(a -d) x 1-
Cos(a -d) x Cosa
a = 0.000 o
d = 0.000 o

Cos (f+a) =
0.750 Sin(f+d) = 0.500
Cos2a = 1.000 Sinf = 0.500
Cos(a -d) = 1.000 Cosa = 1.000

Kp = 3.000

qa1 = Ka x q = 0.167 ton/m

qa2 = Ka x (h1- hw1) x gsoil = 2.400 ton/m
qa3 = qa1 + qa2 = 2.567 ton/m
qa4 = Ka x hw1 x (gsat - gw) = 2.500 ton/m
qw 1 = hw1 x gw = 7.500 ton/m
qw 2 = hw2 x gw = 6.500 ton/m
qp1 = Kp x h4 x (gsat - gw) = 6.000 ton/m


No. Description H Y HxY

Pa1 0.167 x 4.00 0.667 9.500 6.33
Pa2 2.400 x 4.00 x 0.50 4.800 8.833 42.40
Pa3 2.567 x 7.50 19.250 3.750 72.19
Pa4 2.500 x 7.50 x 0.50 9.375 2.500 23.44
Pw1 7.500 x 7.50 x 0.50 28.125 2.500 70.31
Pw2 -6.500 x 6.50 x 0.50 -21.125 2.167 -45.77
Pp1 -6.000 x 2.00 x 0.50 -6.000 0.667 -4.00
Total 35.092 164.90

(3) Stability Calculation

a) Stability against overturning

a) -1 Without Uplift
B = 10.00 m

SWxX-SHxY 1,158.92 - 164.90

X = = = 4.604 m
SW 215.900

B 10.00
e = - X = - 4.604 = 0.396 m < B/6 = 1.667 m OK !
2 2
a) -2 With Uplift
B = 10.00 m

SWxX-SHxY 800.58 - 164.90

X = = = 4.357 m
SW 145.900

B 10.00
e = - X = - 4.357 = 0.643 m < B/6 = 1.667 m OK !
2 2

b) Stability against sliding

b)-1 Without Uplift
Sliding force : SH = 35.092 ton
Resistance : HR = m x S W = 0.50 x 215.900 = 107.950 ton
(friction coefficient : m = 0.50 )

HR 107.950
Fs = = = 3.076 > 2.00 OK !
SH 35.092
b)-2 With Uplift
Sliding force : SH = 35.092 ton
Resistance : HR = m x S W = 0.50 x 145.900 = 72.950 ton
(friction coefficient : m = 0.5 )

HR 72.950
Fs = = = 2.079 > 2.00 OK !
SH 35.092

c) Reaction of foundation soil

SW 6xe
q1,2 = x (1 + )

215.900 6x 0.396
q1 = x (1 + ) = 26.720 t/m2 < qa = 48.667 t/m2 OK !
10.00 10.00

215.900 6x 0.396
q2 = x (1 - ) = 16.460 t/m2 < qa = 48.667 t/m2 OK !
10.00 10.00
Reaction of Foundation Soil in Case 1

16.460 t/m2 - t/m2

26.720 t/m 2
- t/m 2

in case, e > 0 in case, e < 0

(applicable) (not applicable)

2.2 Case 2 (Normal condition, without vertical live load)
q = 0.50 t/m2 0.50



Pa2 10 7
11.50 10.00

qa2 11
Pa3 6
7.50 12 4 5
Pw1 Pa4
2.00 6.50
1 2 3 Pp1 1.00 Pw2

qw1 qa4 qa3 Pu1 O qp1 qw2

qu2 Pu2
7.50 1.50 1.00
Acting Load in Case 2

(1) Vertical Load

No. Description W X WxX

1 1.00 x 7.50 x 2.40 18.000 6.250 112.50
2 1.50 x 1.50 x 2.40 5.400 1.750 9.45
3 1.00 x 1.00 x 2.40 2.400 0.500 1.20
4 0.50 x 0.50 x 7.50 x 2.40 4.500 5.000 22.50
5 0.50 x 0.50 x 1.00 x 2.40 0.600 0.333 0.20
6 0.50 x 10.00 x 1.00 x 2.40 12.000 2.167 26.00
7 10.00 x 0.50 x 2.40 12.000 1.250 15.00
8 0.50 x 10.00 x 0.00 x 2.40 0.000 1.000 0.00
9 0.50 x 10.00 x 1.00 x 1.80 9.000 2.167 19.50
10 7.50 x 4.00 x 1.80 54.000 6.250 337.50
11 7.50 x 6.00 x 2.00 90.000 6.250 562.50
12 0.50 x 7.50 x 0.50 x 2.00 3.750 7.500 28.13
T o t a l (1 to 12) 211.650 1134.48
Pu1 7.50 x 10.00 x 0.50 x -1.00 -37.500 6.667 -250.00
Pu2 6.50 x 10.00 x 0.50 x -1.00 -32.500 3.333 -108.33
Total ( 1 to Pu2) 141.650 776.15

(2) Horizontal Load

Coefficient of Active earth pressure

Ka = 0.333 (for stability analysis)

Ka ' = 0.341 (for structural analysis)

Coefficient of Passive earth pressure

Kp = 3.000
qa1 = Ka x q = 0.167 ton/m
qa2 = Ka x (h1- hw1) x gsoil = 2.400 ton/m
qa3 = qa1 + qa2 = 2.567 ton/m
qa4 = Ka x hw1 x (gsat - gw) = 2.500 ton/m
qw 1 = hw1 x gw = 7.500 ton/m
qw2 = hw2 x gw = 6.500 ton/m
qp1 = Kp x h4 x (gsat - gw) = 6.000 ton/m

No. Description H Y HxY

Pa1 0.167 x 4.00 0.667 9.500 6.33
Pa2 2.400 x 4.00 x 0.50 4.800 8.833 42.40
Pa3 2.567 x 7.50 19.250 3.750 72.19
Pa4 2.500 x 7.50 x 0.50 9.375 2.500 23.44
Pw1 7.500 x 7.50 x 0.50 28.125 2.500 70.31
Pw2 -6.500 x 6.50 x 0.50 -21.125 2.167 -45.77
Pp1 -6.000 x 2.00 x 0.50 -6.000 0.667 -4.00

Total 35.092 164.90

(3) Stability Calculation

a) Stability against overturning

a)-1 Without Uplift
B = 10.00 m

SWxX-SHxY 1,134.48 - 164.90

X = = = 4.581 m
SW 211.650
B 10.00
e = - X = - 4.581 = 0.419 m < B/6 = 1.667 m OK !
2 2
a)-2 With Uplift
B = 10.00 m

SWxX-SHxY 776.15 - 164.90

X = = = 4.315 m
SW 141.650
B 10.00
e = - X = - 4.315 = 0.685 m < B/6 = 1.667 m OK !
2 2

b) Stability against sliding

b)-1 without Uplift Pressure
Sliding force : SH = 35.092 ton
Resistance : HR = m x S W = 0.50 x 211.650 = 105.825 ton
(friction coefficient : m = 0.5 )

HR 105.825
Fs = = = 3.02 > 2.00 OK !
SH 35.092
b)-2 with Uplift Pressure
Sliding force : SH = 35.092 ton
Resistance : HR = m x S W = 0.50 x 141.650 = 70.825 ton
(friction coefficient : m = 0.5 )

HR 70.825
Fs = = = 2.02 > 2.00 OK !
SH 35.092

c) Reaction of foundation soil

SW 6xe
q1,2 = x (1 + )
211.650 6x 0.419
q1 = x (1 + ) = 26.486 t/m2 < qa = 48.667 t/m2 OK !
10.00 10.00
211.650 6x 0.419
q2 = x (1 - ) = 15.844 t/m2 < qa = 48.667 t/m2 OK !
10.00 10.00

15.844 t/m2 - t/m2

26.486 t/m 2
- t/m2

in case, e > 0 in case, e < 0

(applicable) (not applicable)

Reaction of Foundation Soil in Case 2

2.3 Case 3 (Seismic condition)

10 7
11.50 Pa1 10.00

qa1 11
7.50 Pa2
12 4 5
Pa3 2.00 6.50
1 2 3 Pp1 1.00 Pw2

qw1 qa3 Pu1

qa2 O qp1 qw2
qu1 qu2 Pu2
7.50 1.50 1.00
Acting Load in Case 3

(1) Vertical Load = Same as Case 2

(2) Horizontal Load

f = 30.00 o a = 0.000 o (for stability analysis) F = 10.204 o

b = 0.00 o
a = 5.711 o (for structural analysis) (F = Arc tan(Kh) )
q = 0.00 t/m (for seismic condition)
Kh = 0.18

Coefficient of Active earth pressure

Kae =
Sin(f+d) x Sin(f-b-F)
CosF x Cos2a x Cos(a+d+F) x 1+
Cos(a+d+F) x Cos(a-b)

(for stability analysis)

a = 0.000 o
d = 24.23 o

tan d = Sin f Sin ( F + D - b )

1 - Sin f Cos ( F + D - b )
sin D= Sin ( F + b )
Sin f

Sin (F+ b ) == 0.177 Sin f = 0.500

Sin D = 0.354 then D = 20.73
Sin(F+D-b) = 0.514 Cos(F+D-b)= 0.858
tan d = 0.450

Cos2(f-F-a)= 0.885 Sin(f+d) = 0.811

CosF = 0.984 Sin(f-b-F) = 0.339
Cos2a = 1.000 Cos(a-b) = 1.000
Cos(a+d+F) = 0.825

Kae = 0.438 (for stability analysis)

(for structural analysis)

a = 5.711 o
d = 15.00 o

Cos (f-F-a)=
0.941 Sin(f+d) = 0.707
CosF = 0.984 Sin(f-b-F) = 0.339
Cos2a = 0.990 Cos(a-b) = 0.995
Cos(a+d+F)= 0.858

Kae = 0.481 (for structural analysis)

Coefficient of Passive earth pressure

Kpe =
Sin(f-d) x Sin(f+b-F)
CosF x Cos2a x Cos(a+d-F) x 1-
Cos(a+d-F) x Cos(a-b)

a = 0.000 o
d = 24.23 o

Cos (f-F+a)=
0.885 Sin(f-d) = 0.101
CosF = 0.984 Sin(f+b-F) = 0.339
Cos2a = 1.000 Cos(a-b) = 1.000
Cos(a+d-F)= 0.970

Kpe = 1.406

qa1 = Kae x ( h1 - hw1) x gsoil = 3.154 ton/m

qa2 = qa2 = 3.154 ton/m
qa3 = Kae x hw1 x (gsat - gw) = 3.285 ton/m
qw 1 = hw1 x gw = 7.500 ton/m
qw 2 = hw2 x gw = 6.500 ton/m
qp1 = Kp x h4 x (gsat - gw) = 2.812 ton/m

No. Description H Y HxY

1 0.18 x 18.00 3.240 0.500 1.62
2 0.18 x 5.40 0.972 0.750 0.73
3 0.18 x 2.40 0.432 0.500 0.22
4 0.18 x 4.50 0.810 1.167 0.95
5 0.18 x 0.60 0.108 1.167 0.13
6 0.18 x 12.00 2.160 4.833 10.44
7 0.18 x 12.00 2.160 6.500 14.04
8 0.18 x 0.00 0.000 4.833 0.00
Pw1 0.50 x 7.50 x 7.50 28.125 2.500 70.31
Pw2 0.50 x -6.50 x 6.50 -21.125 2.167 -45.77
Pa1 0.50 x 3.15 x 4.00 6.307 8.833 55.71
pa2 3.15 x 7.50 23.652 3.750 88.70
Pa3 0.50 x 3.285 x 7.50 12.319 2.500 30.80
Pp1 -2.812 x 2.00 x 0.50 -2.812 2.000 -5.62
Total 56.348 222.24

(3) Stability Calculation

a) Stability against overturning

a)-1 Without Uplift
B = 10.00 m
SWxX-SHxY 1,134.48 - 222.24
X = = = 4.310 m
SW 211.650
B 10.00
e = - X = - 4.310 = 0.690 m < B/3 = 3.333 m OK !
2 2
a)-2 With Uplift
B = 10.00 m
SWxX-SHxY 776.15 - 222.24
X = = = 3.910 m
SW 141.650
B 10.00
e = - X = - 3.910 = 1.090 m < B/3 = 3.333 m OK !
2 2

b) Stability against sliding
b)-1 Without Uplift
Sliding force : SH = 56.348 ton
Resistance : HR = m x S W = 0.50 x 211.650 = 105.825 ton
(friction coefficient : m = 0.50 )
HR 105.825
Fs = = = 1.88 > 1.25 OK !
SH 56.348
b)-2 With Uplift
Sliding force : SH = 56.348 ton
Resistance : HR = m x S W = 0.50 x 141.650 = 70.825 ton
(friction coefficient : m = 0.50 )
HR 70.825
Fs = = = 1.26 > 1.25 OK !
SH 56.348
c) Reaction of foundation soil

c-1) in case, |e| < B/6 (applicable)

SW 6xe
q1,2 = x (1 + )
211.650 6x 0.690
q1 = x (1 + ) = 29.927 t/m2 < qae = 73.000 t/m2 OK !
10.00 10.00
211.650 6x 0.690
q2 = x (1 - ) = 12.403 t/m2 < qae = 73.000 t/m2 OK !
10.00 10.00

c-2) in case, B/6 < |e| < B/3 (not applicable)

q1' = = = - t/m2 qae = - t/m2
3 x (B/2-|e|)

12.403 t/m2

29.927 t/m2 - t/m2

in case, e > 0 and e < B/6 in case, e > 0 and B/6 < e < B/3
(applicable) (not applicable)

- t/m2

- t/m2 - t/m2
in case, e < 0 and |e| < B/6 in case, e < 0 and B/6 < |e| < B/3
(not applicable) (not applicable)

Reaction of Foundation Soil in Case 3

2.4 Bearing Capacity of soil

(1) Design Data

fB = 30.00 o cB = 0.00 t/m2 gs ' = 1.00 t/m3 (=gsat-gw)

B = 10.00 m z = 2.00 m L = 1.00 m (unit length)

(2) Ultimate Bearing Capacity of soil, (qu) ###
Calculation of ultimate bearing capacity will be obtained by applying the following ###
Terzaghi's formula : ###
qu = (a x c x Nc) + (gsoil' x z x Nq) + (b x gsoil x B x Ng) ###
Shape factor (Table 2.5 of KP-06) ###
a = 1.00 b = 0.50
Shape of footing : 1 (strip)
Shape of footing a b
1 strip 1.00 0.50
2 square 1.30 0.40
3 rectangular, B x L 1.11 0.40
(B < L) (= 1.09 + 0.21 B/L)
(B > L) (= 1.09 + 0.21 L/B)
4 circular, diameter = B 1.30 0.30

Bearing capacity factor (Figure 2.3 of KP-06, by Capper)

Nc = 36.0 Nq = 23.0 Ng = 20.0
f Nc Nq Ng
0 5.7 0.0 0.0
5 7.0 1.4 0.0
10 9.0 2.7 0.2
15 12.0 4.5 2.3
20 17.0 7.5 4.7
25 24.0 13.0 9.5
30 36.0 23.0 20.0
35 57.0 44.0 41.0
37 70.0 50.0 55.0
39 > 82.0 50.0 73.0

(a x c x Nc) = 0.000

(gsoil x z x Nq) = 46.000

(b x gsoil x B x Ng) = 100.000

qu = 146.000 t/m2

(3) Allowable Bearing Capacity of soil, (qa)

qa = qu / 3 = 48.667 t/m2 (safety factor = 3 , normal condition)

qae = qu / 2 = 73.000 t/m2 (safety factor = 2 , seismic condition)


3. Structure Calculation
3.1 Normal Condition

(1) Wall 1.00

q = 0.50 t/m2 0.50


10.00 Pa2

A A 0.9
6.00 Pw1 Pa4 Pw2 5.00
Pa3 B B
0.50 qw2
qw1 qa4 qa3
1.00 1.00

7.50 1.50 1.00

Load Diagram on Wall in Normal Condition

Ka = 0.341
a = 5.711 o

d = 20.00 o

cos (a+d) = 0.901

Kha = Ka x cos (a+d) = 0.307

a) Section A - A

h = 4.00 m
qa1 = ha x q = 0.153 ton/m
qa2 = Kha x h x gsoil = 2.210 ton/m

No. Description Ha Y (from A-A) Ha x Y

Pa1 0.153 x 4.00 0.614 2.000 1.228
Pa2 2.210 x 4.00 x 0.50 4.420 1.333 5.894
Total 5.034 7.122

Sa = 5.034 ton Ma = 7.122 ton m

b) Section B - B

h = 4.00 m hw1 = 6.00 m hw2 = 5.00 m

qa1 = ha x q = 0.153 ton/m
qa2 = Kha x h x gsoil = 2.210 ton/m
qa3 = qa1 + qa2 = 2.364 ton/m
qa4 = Kha x hw2 x (gsat - gw) = 1.842 ton/m
qw1 = hw1 x gw = 6.000 ton/m
qw2 = hw2 x gw = 5.000 ton/m

No. Description Hb Y (from B-B) Ha x Y

Pa1 0.153 x 4.00 0.614 8.000 4.911
Pa2 2.210 x 4.00 x 0.50 4.420 7.333 32.416
Pa3 2.364 x 6.00 14.182 3.000 42.546
Pa4 1.842 x 6.00 x 0.50 5.525 2.000 11.051
Pw1 6.000 x 6.00 x 0.50 18.000 2.000 36.000
Pw2 -5.000 x 5.00 x 0.50 -12.500 1.667 (20.833)
Total 30.242 106.090

Sb = 30.242 ton Mb = 106.090 ton m


(2) Footing
Case 1 (with vertical live load) Case 2 (without vertical live load)
q = 0.50 t/m2 q = 0.50 t/m2

4.00 4.00
4 4

6.00 6.00
0.50 0.50
1.00 1.00
3 1 3 1

7.50 1.50 1.00 7.50 1.50 1.00

4 4

3 3 1

in case, e > 0 in case, e > 0

6 6
10.260 2 2
24.925 16.460 t/m2 15.844 t/m2
24.155 t/m2 23.826 t/m2
25.694 t/m2 25.422 t/m2
26.720 t/m 2
26.486 t/m2

in case, e < 0 in case, e < 0

2 2
6 6

- t/m2 - t/m2 - t/m2 - t/m2

- t/m2 - t/m2 - t/m2 - t/m2

Load Diagram on Footing in Normal Case

a) Section C - C

Case 1 (with vertical live load)

No. Description Hc X (from C-C) Hc x X
1 1.000 x 1.00 x 2.40 2.400 0.500 1.200
0.500 x 1.00 x 2.40 x 0.50 0.600 0.333 0.200
2 -25.694 x 1.00 -25.694 0.500 -12.847
-1.026 x 1.00 x 0.50 -0.513 0.667 -0.342
Total -23.207 -11.789

Case 2 (without vertical live load)

No. Description Hc X (from C-C) Hc x X
1 1.000 x 1.00 x 2.40 2.400 0.500 1.200
0.500 x 1.00 x 2.40 x 0.50 0.600 0.333 0.200
2 -25.422 x 1.00 -25.422 0.500 -12.711
-1.064 x 1.00 x 0.50 -0.532 0.667 -0.355
Total -22.954 -11.666

Case 1 Sc = -23.207 ton Mc = -11.789 ton m

Case 2 Sc = -22.954 ton Mc = -11.666 ton m


b) Section D - D

Case 1 (with vertical live load)

No. Description Hd X (from D-D) Hd x Y
3 1.000 x 7.50 x 2.40 18.000 3.750 67.500
0.500 x 7.50 x 2.40 x 0.50 4.500 2.500 11.250
4 4.000 x 7.50 x 1.80 54.000 3.750 202.500
6.000 x 7.50 x 2.00 90.000 3.750 337.500
0.500 x 7.50 x 2.00 x 0.50 3.750 5.000 18.750
5 0.500 x 7.50 3.750 3.750 14.063
6 -16.460 x 7.50 -123.450 3.750 -462.938
-7.695 x 7.50 x 0.50 -28.856 2.500 -72.141
Total 21.694 116.484

Case 2 (without vertical live load)

No. Description Hd X (from D-D) Hd x Y
3 1.000 x 7.50 x 2.40 18.000 3.750 67.500
0.500 x 7.50 x 2.40 x 0.50 4.500 2.500 11.250
4 4.000 x 7.50 x 1.80 54.000 3.750 202.500
6.000 x 7.50 x 2.00 90.000 3.750 337.500
0.500 x 7.50 x 2.00 x 0.50 3.750 5.000 18.750
6 -15.844 x 7.50 -118.830 3.750 -445.613
-7.982 x 7.50 x 0.50 -29.931 2.500 -74.827
Total 21.489 117.061

Case 1 Sd = 21.694 ton Md = 116.484 ton m

case 2 Sd = 21.489 ton Md = 117.061 ton m

3.2 Seismic Condition

(1) Wall 1.00


Pa1 1 2 3

6.00 Pw1 Pa3 Pw2 5.00
0.50 qw2
1.00 qw1 qa3 qa2 1.00

7.50 1.50 1.00

Load diagram on Wall for Seismic case

Kae = 0.481
a = 5.711 o

d = 15.00 o

cos (a+d) = 0.935

Khea = Kae x cos (a+d) = 0.450 Kh = 0.18

a) Section A - A

h = 4.00 m
qa1 = hae x h x gsoil
K = 3.239 t/m
No. Description Hae Y (from A-A) Hae x Y
1 0.500 x 4.000 x 0.400 x 2.400 x 0.180 0.346 1.333 0.461
2 4.000 x 0.500 x 2.400 x 0.180 0.864 2.000 1.728
3 0.500 x 4.000 x 0.000 x 2.400 x 0.180 0.000 1.333 0.000
Pa1 3.239 x 4.000 x 0.500 6.479 1.333 8.638
Total 7.688 10.827

Sae = 7.688 ton Mae = 10.827 ton m


b) Section B - B

h = 4.00 m hw1 = 6.00 m hw2 = 5.00 m

qa1 = Khae x h x gsoil = 3.463 t/m
qa2 = qa1 = 3.463 t/m
qa3 = Khae x hw1 x ( gsat - gw) = 2.699 t/m
qw1 = hw1 x gw = 6.000 ton/m
qw2 = hw2 x gw = 5.000 ton/m

No. Description Hbe Y (from B-B) Hbe x Y

Pa1 3.463 x 4.00 x 0.50 6.926 7.333 50.794
Pa2 3.463 x 6.00 20.779 3.000 62.338
Pa3 2.699 x 6.00 x 0.50 8.098 2.000 16.197
Pw1 6.000 x 6.00 x 0.50 18.000 2.000 36.000
Pw2 -5.000 x 5.00 x 0.50 -12.500 1.667 -20.833
1 0.500 x 10.00 x 1.00 x 2.40 x 0.18 2.160 3.333 7.200
2 10.000 x 0.50 x 2.40 x 0.18 2.160 5.000 10.800
3 0.500 x 10.00 x 0.00 x 2.40 x 0.18 0.000 3.333 0.000
Total 45.624 162.495

Sbe = 45.624 ton Mbe = 162.495 ton m

(2) Footing
in case, e < B/6 in case, B/6 < e < B/3

4.00 4.00
4 4

6.00 6.00
0.50 0.50
1.00 1.00
3 1 3 1

7.50 1.50 1.00 7.50 1.50 1.00

4 4
3 1 3 1

in case, e > 0 ande < B/6 in case, e > 0 and B/6 < e < B/3

5 6
2 2
12.403 t/m2 - t/m2
25.546 t/m2
28.175 t/m2 - t/m2
29.927 t/m2 - t/m2

in case, e < 0 and |e| < B/6 in case, e < 0 and B/6 < |e| < B/3
2 6

- t/m2 - t/m2 - t/m2 - t/m2

- t/m2 - t/m2 - t/m2

Load Diagram on Footing in Seismic Case


a) Section C - C

No. Description Hce X (from C-C) Hce x X

1 1.000 x 1.00 x 2.40 2.400 0.500 1.200
0.500 x 1.00 x 2.40 x 0.50 0.600 0.333 0.200
2 -28.175 x 1.00 -28.175 0.500 -14.087
-1.752 x 1.00 x 0.50 -0.876 0.667 -0.584
Total -26.051 -13.271

Sce = -26.051 ton Mce = -13.271 ton m

b) Section D - D

No. Description Hde X (from D-D) Hde x X

3 1.000 x 7.50 x 2.40 18.000 3.750 67.500
0.500 x 7.50 x 2.40 x 0.50 4.500 2.500 11.250
4 10.000 x 7.50 x 1.92 144.000 3.750 540.000
0.500 x 7.50 x 2.00 x 0.50 3.750 5.000 18.750
5 -12.403 x 7.50 -93.023 3.750 -348.834
-13.143 x 7.50 x 0.50 -49.286 2.500 -123.216
Total 27.941 165.450

Sde = 27.941 ton Mde = 165.450 ton m

3.3 Design Bending Moment and Shear Force

(1) Bending moment and shear force in each case

Description Bending Moment Shear Force

Normal Seismic Normal Seismic
Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Case 1 Case 2 Case 3
Section A-A 7.122 7.122 10.827 5.034 5.034 7.688
Section B-B 106.090 106.090 162.495 30.242 30.242 45.624
Section C-C 11.789 11.666 13.271 23.207 22.954 26.051
Section D-D 116.484 117.061 165.450 21.694 21.489 27.941

(2) Design bending moment and shear force

Description Bending Moment Shear Force

Normal Seismic Normal Seismic
Section A-A 7.122 10.827 5.034 7.688
Section B-B 106.090 162.495 30.242 45.624
Section C-C 11.789 13.271 23.207 26.051
Section D-D 106.090 162.495 21.694 27.941
Notes: - Moment at Section C-C < Moment at Section B-B
- Moment at Section D-D < Moment at Section B-B

Structure (2)22/34

3. Structure Calculation
3.1 Normal Condition

(1) Wall 1.00

q = 0.50 t/m2 0.50


10.00 Pa2

A A 0.9
6.00 Pw1 Pa4 Pw2 5.00
Pa3 B B
0.50 qw2
qw1 qa4 qa3
1.00 1.00

7.50 1.50 1.00

Load Diagram on Wall in Normal Condition

Ka = 0.341
a = 5.711 o

d = 20.00 o

cos (a+d) = 0.901

Kha = Ka x cos (a+d) = 0.307

a) Section A - A

h = 4.00 m
qa1 = ha x q = 0.153 ton/m
qa2 = Kha x h x gsoil = 2.210 ton/m

No. Description Ha Y (from A-A) Ha x Y

Pa1 0.153 x 4.00 0.614 2.000 1.228
Pa2 2.210 x 4.00 x 0.50 4.420 1.333 5.894
Total 5.034 7.122

Sa = 5.034 ton Ma = 7.122 ton m

b) Section B - B

h = 4.00 m hw1 = 6.00 m hw2 = 5.00 m

qa1 = ha x q = 0.153 ton/m
qa2 = Kha x h x gsoil = 2.210 ton/m
qa3 = qa1 + qa2 = 2.364 ton/m
qa4 = Kha x hw2 x (gsat - gw) = 1.842 ton/m
qw1 = hw1 x gw = 6.000 ton/m
qw2 = hw2 x gw = 5.000 ton/m

No. Description Hb Y (from B-B) Ha x Y

Pa1 0.153 x 4.00 0.614 8.000 4.911
Pa2 2.210 x 4.00 x 0.50 4.420 7.333 32.416
Pa3 2.364 x 6.00 14.182 3.000 42.546
Pa4 1.842 x 6.00 x 0.50 5.525 2.000 11.051
Pw1 6.000 x 6.00 x 0.50 18.000 2.000 36.000
Pw2 -5.000 x 5.00 x 0.50 -12.500 1.667 (20.833)
Total 30.242 106.090

Sb = 30.242 ton Mb = 106.090 ton m

Structure (2)23/34

(2) Footing
Case 1 (with vertical live load) Case 2 (without vertical live load)
q = 0.50 t/m2 q = 0.50 t/m2

4.00 4.00
4 4

6.00 6.00
0.50 E 0.50
1.00 1.00
3 1 3 1

7.50 1.50 1.00 7.50 1.50 1.00

4 4

3 3 1

in case, e > 0 in case, e > 0

6 6
10.260 2 2
24.925 16.460 t/m2 15.844 t/m2
24.155 t/m2 23.826 t/m2
20.308 25.694 t/m2 19.835 25.422 t/m2
26.720 t/m 2
26.486 t/m2

in case, e < 0 in case, e < 0

2 2
6 6

- t/m2 - t/m2 - t/m2 - t/m2

- t/m2 - t/m2 - t/m2 - t/m2

Load Diagram on Footing in Normal Case

a) Section C - C

Case 1 (with vertical live load)

No. Description Hc X (from C-C) Hc x X
1 1.000 x 1.00 x 2.40 2.400 0.500 1.200
0.500 x 1.00 x 2.40 x 0.50 0.600 0.333 0.200
2 -25.694 x 1.00 -25.694 0.500 -12.847
-1.026 x 1.00 x 0.50 -0.513 0.667 -0.342
Total -23.207 -11.789

Case 2 (without vertical live load)

No. Description Hc X (from C-C) Hc x X
1 1.000 x 1.00 x 2.40 2.400 0.500 1.200
0.500 x 1.00 x 2.40 x 0.50 0.600 0.333 0.200
2 -25.422 x 1.00 -25.422 0.500 -12.711
-1.064 x 1.00 x 0.50 -0.532 0.667 -0.355
Total -22.954 -11.666

Case 1 Sc = -23.207 ton Mc = -11.789 ton m

Case 2 Sc = -22.954 ton Mc = -11.666 ton m

Structure (2)24/34

c) Section E - E

Case 1 (with vertical live load)

No. Description Hd X (from D-D) Hd x Y
3 1.000 x 3.75 x 2.40 9.000 1.875 16.875
0.500 x 3.75 x 2.40 x 0.50 2.250 1.250 2.813
4 4.000 x 3.75 x 1.80 27.000 1.875 50.625
6.000 x 3.75 x 2.00 45.000 1.875 84.375
0.500 x 3.75 x 2.00 x 0.50 1.875 2.500 4.688
5 0.500 x 3.75 1.875 1.875 3.516
6 -16.460 x 3.75 -61.725 1.875 -115.734
-3.848 x 3.75 x 0.50 -7.214 1.250 -9.018
Total 18.061 38.139

Case 2 (without vertical live load)

No. Description Hd X (from D-D) Hd x Y
3 1.000 x 3.75 x 2.40 9.000 1.875 16.875
0.500 x 3.75 x 2.40 x 0.50 2.250 1.250 2.813
4 4.000 x 3.75 x 1.80 27.000 1.875 50.625
6.000 x 3.75 x 2.00 45.000 1.875 84.375
0.500 x 3.75 x 2.00 x 0.50 1.875 2.500 4.688
6 -15.844 x 3.75 -59.415 1.875 -111.403
-3.991 x 3.75 x 0.50 -7.483 1.250 -9.353
Total 18.227 38.619

Case 1 Sd = 18.061 ton Md = 38.139 ton m

Case 2 Sd = 18.227 ton Md = 38.619 ton m

3.2 Seismic Condition

(1) Wall 1.00


Pa1 1 2 3

6.00 Pw1 Pa3 Pw2 5.00
0.50 qw2
1.00 qw1 qa3 qa2 1.00

7.50 1.50 1.00

Load diagram on Wall for Seismic case

Kae = 0.481
a = 5.711 o

d = 15.00 o

cos (a+d) = 0.935

Khea = Kae x cos (a+d) = 0.450 Kh = 0.18

a) Section A - A

h = 4.00 m
qa1 = hae x h x gsoil
K = 3.239 t/m
No. Description Hae Y (from A-A) Hae x Y
1 0.500 x 4.000 x 0.400 x 2.400 x 0.180 0.346 1.333 0.461
2 4.000 x 0.500 x 2.400 x 0.180 0.864 2.000 1.728
3 0.500 x 4.000 x 0.000 x 2.400 x 0.180 0.000 1.333 0.000
Pa1 3.239 x 4.000 x 0.500 6.479 1.333 8.638
Total 7.688 10.827

Sae = 7.688 ton Mae = 10.827 ton m

Structure (2)25/34

b) Section B - B

h = 4.00 m hw1 = 6.00 m hw2 = 5.00 m

qa1 = Khae x h x gsoil = 3.463 t/m
qa2 = qa1 = 3.463 t/m
qa3 = Khae x hw1 x ( gsat - gw) = 2.699 t/m
qw1 = hw1 x gw = 6.000 ton/m
qw2 = hw2 x gw = 5.000 ton/m

No. Description Hbe Y (from B-B) Hbe x Y

Pa1 3.463 x 4.00 x 0.50 6.926 7.333 50.794
Pa2 3.463 x 6.00 20.779 3.000 62.338
Pa3 2.699 x 6.00 x 0.50 8.098 2.000 16.197
Pw1 6.000 x 6.00 x 0.50 18.000 2.000 36.000
Pw2 -5.000 x 5.00 x 0.50 -12.500 1.667 -20.833
1 0.500 x 10.00 x 1.00 x 2.40 x 0.18 2.160 3.333 7.200
2 10.000 x 0.50 x 2.40 x 0.18 2.160 5.000 10.800
3 0.500 x 10.00 x 0.00 x 2.40 x 0.18 0.000 3.333 0.000
Total 45.624 162.495

Sbe = 45.624 ton Mbe = 162.495 ton m

(2) Footing
in case, e < B/6 in case, B/6 < e < B/3

4.00 4.00
4 4

6.00 6.00
0.50 0.50
1.00 1.00
3 1 3 1

7.50 1.50 1.00 7.50 1.50 1.00

4 4
3 1 3 1

in case, e > 0 ande < B/6 in case, e > 0 and B/6 < e < B/3

5 6
2 2
12.403 t/m2 - t/m2
25.546 t/m2
18.975 28.175 t/m2 - t/m2
29.927 t/m2 - t/m2

in case, e < 0 and |e| < B/6 in case, e < 0 and B/6 < |e| < B/3
2 6

- t/m2 - t/m2 - t/m2 - t/m2

- t/m2 - t/m2 - t/m2

Load Diagram on Footing in Seismic Case

Structure (2)26/34

a) Section C - C

No. Description Hce X (from C-C) Hce x X

1 1.000 x 1.00 x 2.40 2.400 0.500 1.200
0.500 x 1.00 x 2.40 x 0.50 0.600 0.333 0.200
2 -28.175 x 1.00 -28.175 0.500 -14.087
-1.752 x 1.00 x 0.50 -0.876 0.667 -0.584
Total -26.051 -13.271

Sce = -26.051 ton Mce = -13.271 ton m

b) Section E - E

No. Description Hde X (from D-D) Hde x X

3 1.000 x 3.75 x 2.40 9.000 1.875 16.875
0.500 x 3.75 x 2.40 x 0.50 2.250 1.250 2.813
4 10.000 x 3.75 x 1.92 72.000 1.875 135.000
0.500 x 3.75 x 2.00 x 0.50 1.875 2.500 4.688
5 -12.403 x 3.75 -46.511 1.875 -87.209
-6.572 x 3.75 x 0.50 -12.322 1.250 -15.402
Total 26.292 56.764

Sde = 26.292 ton Mde = 56.764 ton m

3.3 Design Bending Moment and Shear Force

(1) Bending moment and shear force in each case

Description Bending Moment Shear Force

Normal Seismic Normal Seismic
Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Case 1 Case 2 Case 3
Section A-A 7.122 7.122 10.827 5.034 5.034 7.688
Section B-B 106.090 106.090 162.495 30.242 30.242 45.624
Section C-C 11.789 11.666 13.271 23.207 22.954 26.051
Section E-E 38.139 38.619 56.764 18.061 18.227 26.292

(2) Design bending moment and shear force

Description Bending Moment Shear Force

Normal Seismic Normal Seismic
Section A-A 7.122 10.827 5.034 7.688
Section B-B 106.090 162.495 30.242 45.624
Section C-C 11.789 13.271 23.207 26.051
Section E-E 38.619 56.764 18.227 26.292
Notes: - Moment at Section C-C < Moment at Section B-B
- Moment at Section D-D < Moment at Section B-B

Re-bar 27/34

Reinforcement Bar Arrangement and Stress

Normal Condition
Name of Structure : D1 - Hulu
Location : 0

Wall (upper) Wall (lower) Footing (toe) Footing (heel)

Section A-A Section B-B Section C-C Section D-D
back front back front lower upper upper lower
Bending moment M kgfcm 712,163 10,609,021 1,178,900 10,609,021
Shearing force (joint) S kgf 5,034 30,242 23,207 21,694
Axial force N kgf 0 0 0 0

Height of member h cm 90.0 150.0 150.0 150.0

Covering depth d' cm 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0
Effective height d cm 83.0 143.0 143.0 143.0
Effective width b cm 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Young's modulus ratio n - 24 24 24 24

Required R-bar Asreq cm2 5.18 45.09 4.69 45.09

R-bar arrangement 25~200 16~250 25~100 16~125 16~250 16~250 25~100 16~250

Reinforcement As cm2 24.54 8.04 49.09 16.08 8.04 8.04 49.09 8.04
Perimeter of R-bar U 39.27 ok 78.54 ok 20.11 ok 78.54 ok

Dist. from neutral axis x cm 25.93 47.45 21.64 47.45

Compressive stress sc kgf/cm2 7.4 35.2 8.0 35.2

Allowable stress sca kgf/cm2 60.0 60.0 60.0 60.0
ok ok ok ok
Tensile stress ss kgf/cm2 390 1,699 1,080 1,699
Allowable stress ssa kgf/cm2 1,850 1,850 1,850 1,850
ok ok ok ok
Shearing stress at joint t kgf/cm2 0.61 2.11 1.62 1.52
Allowable stress ta kgf/cm2 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50
ok ok ok ok

Resisting Moment Mr kgfcm 3,350,296 13,748,467 1,565,235 13,738,413

Mr for compression Mrc kgfcm 3,350,296 14,771,164 4,568,003 14,733,743
x for Mrc cm 21 44 17 44
ss for Mrc kgf/cm2 2,598 2,693 6,427 2,690
Mr for tensile Mrs kgfcm 3,620,083 13,748,467 1,565,235 13,738,413
x for Mrs cm 27 55 19 55
sc for Mrs kgf/cm2 62 59 20 59
Distribution bar (>As/6 and >Asmin) 4.09 1.34 8.18 2.68 1.34 1.34 8.18 1.34
16~250 16~250 16~125 16~250 16~200 16~200 16~200 16~200
Reinforcement As cm2 8.04 8.04 16.08 8.04 10.05 10.05 10.05 10.05
ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok

Minimum requirement of distribution bar As min = 4.50 cm2

Re-bar 28/34

Reinforcement Bar Arrangement and Stress

Seismic Condition
Name of Structure : D1 - Hulu
Location : 0

Wall (upper) Wall (lower) Footing (toe) Footing (heel)

Section A-A Section B-B Section C-C Section D-D
back front back front lower upper upper lower
Bending moment M kgfcm 1,082,719 16,249,484 1,327,143 16,249,484
Shearing force (joint) S kgf 7,688 45,624 26,051 27,941
Axial force N kgf 0 0 0 0

Height of member h cm 90.0 150.0 150.0 150.0

Covering depth d' cm 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0
Effective height d cm 83.0 143.0 143.0 143.0
Effective width b cm 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Young's modulus ratio n - 16 16 16 16

Required R-bar Asreq cm2 5.15 45.18 3.49 45.18

R-bar arrangement 25~200 16~250 25~100 16~125 16~250 16~250 25~100 16~250

Reinforcement As cm2 24.54 8.04 49.09 16.08 8.04 8.04 49.09 8.04
Perimeter of R-bar U 39.27 78.54 20.11 78.54

Dist. from neutral axis x cm 21.91 40.19 17.94 40.19

Compressive stress sc kgf/cm2 13.1 62.4 10.8 62.4

Allowable stress sca kgf/cm2 90.0 90.0 90.0 90.0
ok ok ok ok
Tensile stress ss kgf/cm2 583 2,554 1,204 2,554
Allowable stress ssa kgf/cm2 2,775 2,775 2,775 2,775
ok ok ok ok
Shearing stress at joint t kgf/cm2 0.93 3.19 1.82 1.95
Allowable stress ta kgf/cm2 8.25 8.25 8.25 8.25
ok ok ok ok

Resisting Moment Mr kgfcm 4,067,715 17,311,334 2,188,388 17,279,913

Mr for compression Mrc kgfcm 4,067,715 17,311,334 5,253,008 17,279,913
x for Mrc cm 18 36 14 36
ss for Mrc kgf/cm2 3,231 3,304 7,766 3,302
Mr for tensile Mrs kgfcm 4,934,281 18,933,061 2,188,388 18,920,938
x for Mrs cm 21 43 15 43
sc for Mrs kgf/cm2 102 99 36 99

Distribution bar (>As/6 and >Asmin) 16~250 16~250 16~125 16~250 16~200 16~200 16~200 16~200
Reinforcement As cm2 8.04 8.04 16.08 8.04 10.05 10.05 10.05 10.05

Re-bar 29/34

Data of Reinforcement Bar

f Sectional Perimeter Arrangement Area Perimeter
(mm) (cm2) (cm) (cm2) (cm)
12 1.131 3.770 12@125 9.05 30.16
12@150 7.54 25.13 Footing (heel)
12@250 4.52 15.08 Section E-E
12@300 3.77 12.57 upper lower
16 2.011 5.027 16@125 16.08 40.21 3,861,855
16@150 13.40 33.51 18,227
16@250 8.04 20.11 0
16@300 6.70 16.76
19 2.835 5.969 19@125 22.68 47.75 125.0
19@150 18.90 39.79 7.0
19@250 11.34 23.88 118.0
19@300 9.45 19.90 100.0
22 3.801 6.912 22@125 30.41 55.29 24
22@150 25.34 46.08
22@250 15.21 27.65 19.44
22@300 12.67 23.04
25 4.909 7.854 25@75 49.09 78.54 25~200 16~250
25@150 32.72 52.36
25@250 19.63 31.42 24.54 8.04
25@300 16.36 26.18 39.27 ok
32 8.042 10.053 32~125 64.34 80.42
32@150 53.62 67.02 31.86
32@250 32.17 40.21
32@300 26.81 33.51 Calculation Check 22.6
12@250 + 16@250 12,16@125 12.56 35.19 12.56 35.19 60.0
12,19@125 15.86 38.96 15.86 38.96 ok
12,22@125 19.73 42.73 19.73 42.73 1,465
12,25@125 24.15 46.50 24.15 46.50 1,850
12,32@125 36.69 55.29 36.69 55.29 ok
16,19@125 19.38 43.99 19.38 43.99 1.54
16,22@125 23.25 47.76 23.25 47.76 5.50
16,25@125 27.67 51.53 27.67 51.53 ok
16,32@125 40.21 60.32 40.21 60.32
19,22@125 26.55 51.53 26.55 51.53 3,623,270
19,25@125 30.97 55.30 30.97 55.30 3623270.48
19,32@125 43.51 64.09 43.51 64.09 22
22,25@125 34.84 59.07 34.84 59.07 2673.99317
22,32@125 47.38 67.86 47.38 67.86 4,289,501
25,32@125 51.80 71.63 51.80 71.63 27
12@300 + 16@300 12,16@150 10.47 29.33 10.47 29.33 59
12,19@150 13.22 32.47 13.22 32.47 4.09 1.34
12,22@150 16.44 35.61 16.44 35.61 16~200 16~300
12,25@150 20.13 38.75 20.13 38.75 10.05 6.70
12,32@150 30.58 46.08 30.58 46.08 ok ok
16,19@150 16.15 36.66 16.15 36.66
16,22@150 19.37 39.80 19.37 39.80
16,25@150 23.06 42.94 23.06 42.94
16,32@150 33.51 50.27 33.51 50.27

Re-bar 30/34

19,22@150 22.12 42.94 22.12 42.94

19,25@150 25.81 46.08 25.81 46.08
19,32@150 36.26 53.41 36.26 53.41
22,25@150 29.03 49.22 29.03 49.22
22,32@150 39.48 56.55 39.48 56.55
25,32@150 43.17 59.69 43.17 59.69
Footing (heel)
Section E-E
upper lower



25~200 16~250

24.54 8.04




16~200 16~300
10.05 6.70

Reinforcement Bar Arrangement
( D1 - Hulu )

1.00 0.50 0.00

+ 79.00

4.00 D16~250

11.50 D16~250

D25~100 D16~125
D16~200 D16~200
7.50 D25~100 C D16~250 + 69.50
B B 0.50

+ 67.50
D16~250 D C
D16~200 D16~250 D16~200

7.50 1.50 1.00


Section of Retaining wall

concrete = 23 m3
reinforcement = 1,315 kg
cost estimate = 19,014,717

4. Wooden Pile (Not applicable for this Project)

4.1 Bearing Capacity of a Pile

(1) Design data

Diameter of wooden pile D = 15.0 cm

Length of pile L = 2.00 m
Area of pile section A = 1/4 x p x D2 = 0.018 m2
Perimeter of pile W = pxD = 0.471 m
SPT N-Value = 30

Ni : Average N value in a soil layer = 30

fi : friction of soil = 0.20 x Ni = 6.00 t/m2

(2) Ultimate vertical bearing capacity, (qu)

qu = (40 x N x A) + (W x fi x li)
= ( 40 x 30.0 x 0.018 )+( 0.471 x 6.00 x 2.0 )
= 21.206 + 5.655 = 26.861 ton/pile

(3) Ultimate vertical bearing capacity, (qu)

qa = qu/n = 26.861 / 3 = 8.954 ton/pile

(safety factor : n = 3)

4.2 Allowable horizontal bearing capacity

Horizontal bearing capacity depend on displacement of a pile

(1) Design data

Class of timber (pile) : III Class

E = 80,000 kg/cm 2
(Young's modulus)
d = Allowable horizontal displacement = 0.01 m
N = SPT N-value is assumed as = 30

p x D4
I = = 2,485.0 cm4 (I : Moment of Inertia for a pile)

(2) Horizontal bearing capacity of one pile (Ha)

a = 0.20 E = 28 x N
Kh = a x E x D-3/4
= 0.20 x( 28 x 30.0 )x( 15.0 )-3/4 = 22.041 kg/cm3

4 Kh x D 4 22.041 x 15.0
b = = = 0.025 cm
4 EI 4 x 80,000 x 2,485.0

Kh x D 22.041 x 15.0
Ha = x d = x 1 = 13,020.22 kg
b 0.025
= 13.020 ton
(3) Allowable horizontal bearing capacity due to the stress of a pile itself

Ha = 2 x b x Ma

s = Allowable stress of timber III class = 75.00 kg/cm2

p x D3
W = = 331.34 cm3 ; (W : section modulus of a pile)

Ma = s x W = 75.00 x 331.34 = 24,850.5 kg cm

Ha = 2 x b x Ma
= 2 x 0.025 x 24,850.5 = 1,262.06 kg/pile = 1.262 ton/pile

Allowable horizontal bearing capacity acting on the pile top depend upon the allowable
stress of pile itself.

4.3 Spacing of Pile

(1) For horizontal load

Ha = 1.262 ton/pile ; (Ha : Horizontal load carried by pile)

Hr = H - Hf = H - V x tan(2f/3) = 56.348 - 78.581 = -22.233 ton/m

Ha 1.262
Spacing of pile = = = -0.06 m
Hr -22.233

Spacing of pile = -0.06 m (center to center) by horizontal force

(2) For vertical load

V = 215.900 ton/m : Vertical load carried by pile

qa = 8.954 ton/pile : Allowable vertical bearing capacity of a pile

qa 8.954
Spacing of pile = = = 0.04 m
V 215.900

Spacing of pile can be determined 0.75 m for a pile ( f 150, L = 2.00 m ),

Vp = ### ton/m : Vertical load carried by pile

qa = 8.954 ton/pile : Allowable vertical bearing capacity of a pile

qa 8.954
Spacing of pile = = = -0.05 m
Vp -177.334

Spacing of pile can be determined 1.50 m for a pile ( f 150, L = 2.00 m ),

12th Oct, Stability Analysis
Uplift pressure are added for stability analysis.

Reinforcement Bar Arrangement

Reinforcement bar for Footing (heel) are collected.

Jan. 7, '03 Stability

Calculation formula in case of (B/6 < e < B/3) under seismic condition are corrected.
(distributed width of reaction of foundation soil)

Calculation formula in case of (B/6 < e < B/3) under seismic condition are corrected.
(distributed width of reaction of foundation soil)

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