RBI Grade B' Officer's Exam: Test-I General Awareness
RBI Grade B' Officer's Exam: Test-I General Awareness
RBI Grade B' Officer's Exam: Test-I General Awareness
TestI 2) More and more Indian youth under the age of 30 are
getting better healthcare and access to quality
General Awareness technical education.
1. Sometimes we see a reference of least developed 3) The so-called middle class of India is happy as they
country in economic journals/papers etc. Which of the have better housing and earning facilities.
following is one of the parameters on the basis of which 4) More employment opportunities and resultant
a country in economic parlance is labelled as least financial freedom have made young women to pursue
developed? single life and delay marriage.
1) Frequent changes in monetary/fiscal policies 5) Indian youth are now the biggest consumers of
2) No change in the government in last ten years as luxurious goods; they spend discretionary income
general elections did not take place and enjoy the associated status.
3) Low per capita income of a specified level and 5. Some policymakers and thinkers are of the opinion that
instability in agricultural/industrial production the notorious Satyam Scandal of 2009 has proved a
4) Huge losses due to natural disasters resulting in blessing in disguise for India as it intensified the call in
displacement of people in majority the country for
5) Scarcity of trained/skilled manpower in the country 1) Stronger police force
2. Which of the following statements about the Indian 2) Faster legal proceedings and effective judiciary
economy in the last decade is not correct? 3) Greater accounting transparency and corporate
1) The economy of India is the fourth largest in the world Governance
with GDP of about four trillion USD at Purchasing 4) Better employer-employee relationship and active
Power Parity (PPP). participation of employees in managerial functions
2) Agriculture, which was a major concern for the growth 5) All of these
of the economy, is now growing at an average of 7% 6. Frequent changes in the cost of which of the following
per annum. commodities at international levels push inflation
3) A strong Balance of Payment (BOP) position in recent upwards?
years has resulted in a comfortable stock of the 1) Vegetables 2) Foodgrains
foreign exchange reserves. 3) Petroleum products 4) Milk
4) India has emerged as a global leader in software and 5) All of these
business process outsourcing. 7. Indian Parliament in the year 2005 passed Special
5) Indian economy has shown a remarkable average GDP Economic Zones Bill, which gave birth to hundreds of
growth of 6.8% during last ten years. SEZs in the country. How do these SEZs help in the
3. Who among the following is very closely associated growth of the Indian Economy?
with the day-to-day functioning of the Reserve Bank of 1) SEZs attract significant foreign direct investment from
India? overseas and MNCs.
1) Dr Subir Gokarn 2) UK Sinha 2) SEZs give a far better price for land to the farmers and
3) Dr Kaushik Basu 4) Narendra Jadhav others who sell their land for the same.
5) None of these 3) Production in SEZs is done for local consumption
4. Census in India was conducted recently (2011). In the only and is supposed to tame inflation in the country.
eyes of the economists and policymakers, Indias 4) Banks in India are allowed to give loans to SEZs
demographics are very much favourable to growth. liberally as the interest rate on such loans is decided
Which of the following statements is NOT in conformity to be 5% higher than the normal interest rates.
with the traditional demographic characteristics of India 5) All of these
and its relation with growth? 8. In economic terms, the total market value of all final goods
1) India is a young country with low dependency ratio. and services produced in a country in a given year is
known as
2 Previous Papers Bank PO/MT Exams RBI Grade B Officers, 18-12-2011
24. As reported in newspapers, the market borrowings of 31. Which of the following is considered non-tax revenue
the Union Govt have gone up in 2011-12 (up to September of the Govt of India as projected in the Union Budget?
2011). What is the main reason for the same? 1) Income Tax 2) Custom Duty 3) Service Tax
1) Fixing very high target of growth 4) Corporate Tax 5) Dividends & Profits
2) Lower than budgeted collection of revenue 32. What does the letter M denote in the abbreviated term
3) Lower than expected flow of foreign investment MRTP, an act which was applicable in India till recently?
4) RBIs reluctance in giving fresh loans to the govt of 1) Money 2) Moral 3) Minimum
India for developmental projects 4) Monopolies 5) Market
5) Consistent revision in the limit of the ways and means 33. Which of the following is a popular women empowerment
advances given to the Govt of India by the RBI programme in India?
25. Core industries witness lower growth in last few 1) ASHA 2) Swabhiman
months was the news in some major newspapers 3) Mid Day Meal Scheme 4) Bharat Nirman
recently. This means the performance of which of the 5) Self Help Group
following is NOT taken into account for the same? 34. We know that the industrial sector plays an important
1) Steel 2) Cement role in the development of India. Which sector does not
3) Coal 4) Gem and Jewellery come under industrial sector?
5) Crude oil 1) Mining 2) Manufacturing 3) Banking
26. Centre brings the curtain down on DEPB scheme 4) Utilities 5) Construction
was the news recently. What is the full form of the term 35. Who among the following is one of the Deputy
DEPB? Governors of the RBI?
1) Developmental Enterprises Promotion Board 1) UK Sinha 2) Ranjan Mathai
2) Duty Entitlement Pass Book 3) Dr Subir Gokarn 4) Dr MS Ahluwalia
3) Duty Enforcement and Promotion Board 5) None of these
4) Development, Export and Procurement Bureau 36. What does the term AAY denote? It is the short form
5) Deportation and Enforced Prevention Bureau of a social scheme launched by the Govt of India.
27. India recently entered into an agreement to purchase 1) Antyodaya Awas Yojana
LNG from some East Asian Nations. This is the part of 2) Asian Awas Yojana
Indias initiative in the direction of 3) Antyodaya Anna Yojana
1) Look East policy 4) Area Antyodaya Yojana
2) Switch over to LNG 5) None of these
3) Business with most favoured nations only 37. Which of the following organisations of women in India
4) Convention on Supplemental Compensation (CSC) has arisen out of the confluence of three movements
5) New Business: New Partners scheme labour movement, cooperative movement and womens
28. As per recent reports, the Coal Ministry of India has movement based on Gandhian philosophy?
allocated certain coal blocks to four NTPC Thermal Power 1) TISCO 2) SHG 3) AMUL
Plants in four states. Which of the following states is 4) SEWA 5) Gramin Bank
NOT among these four states? 38. The second Green Revolution being planned in India
1) Uttar Pradesh 2) Karnataka will be launched basically in eastern/north-eastern states
3) Orissa 4) Madhya Pradesh and will be based on the production of
5) Gujarat 1) Sugarcane 2) Jute 3) Bamboo
29. The meet of the finance chiefs of G7 countries was held 4) Vegetables 5) Paddy
in September 2011 in 39. Which of the following factors has now put a check on
1) London 2) Tokyo 3) Paris migration of agricultural labourers from one place to
4) Marseille 5) Vienna another in India?
30. Which of the following organisations has given a 1) Lack of irrigation facilities
warning to the nations of the world that there may be 2) Low productivity of land
increased risk to global financial stability in the world? 3) Single-crop cultivation
1) World Bank 4) Higher wages and availability of employment
2) World Trade Organisation 5) Launch of MGNREGA and availability of employment
3) Asian Development Bank opportunities locally
4) International Monetary Fund 40. Which of the following Acts helps a bank in its day-to-
5) United Nations Organisations day activities?
4 Previous Papers Bank PO/MT Exams RBI Grade B Officers, 18-12-2011
1) Competition Act 48. The Govt of India has created a womens Self Help Group
2) Negotiable Instruments Act Development Fund so that it can reduce their interest
3) Hindu Marriage Act burden. What is the size of the fund?
4) Hindu Succession Act 1) `100 crores 2) `200 crores 3) `250 crores
5) NRI Act 4) `400 crores 5) `500 crores
41. Lack of access to financial services is technically known 49. Which of the following is NOT a programme launched
as by the Govt of India?
1) Financial instability 2) Financial inclusion 1) Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan
3) Financial stability 4) Financial exclusion 2) Rastriya Krishi Vikas Yojana
5) Poverty 3) Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Programme
42. Which of the following is NOT one of the major functions 4) National Rural Livelihood Mission
of the National Bank for Agricultural and Rural 5) Jeevan Anand Yojana
Development (NABARD)? 50. Which of the following schemes has been launched to
provide prenatal and postnatal care to mother and child?
1) Acting as a regulator for cooperative banks and RRBs
1) National Mission for Protein Supplements
2) Extending assistance to the government and others
2) Initiative on Vegetable Clusters
in matters related to rural development
3) Promotion of Nutri Cereals
3) Providing refinance to lending institutions in rural
4) Jan Mitra Yojana
areas 5) Janani Suraksha Yojana
4) Acting as a coordinator in the operations of rural 51. Which of the following statements is TRUE about
credit institutions International Monetary Fund (IMF)?
5) Review of monetary and credit policy 1) It provides Ways and Means Funds to member
43. As we all know, Banks in India are required to maintain a countries.
portion of their demand and time liabilities with the 2) It is an agency of the World Bank and is situated in
Reserve Bank of India. This portion is called Prague.
1) Statutory Liquidity Ratio 3) It makes all the rules and regulations in relation to the
2) Cash Reserve Ratio World Trade between the nations.
3) Bank Deposit 4) On becoming its member, countries get finance as
4) Reverse Repo temporary balance-of-payment needs.
5) Government Securities 5) It is an organisation floated by the members of NATO
44. Banks in their daily business face various kinds of risks. and caters to the need of those countries only.
Which of the following is one such major risk? 52. The bank rate is
1) Customer risk 2) Reputation 1) free to fluctuate according to the forces of demand
3) Goodwill risk 4) Protection risk and supply
5) Operational risk 2) set by the RBI
45. Which of the following schemes was launched by the 3) set by the RBI as directed by the Union Ministry of
RBI in 2004, under which Govt of India stated that Finance
Securities/Treasury Bills could be issued to absorb 4) set by the RBI as advised by the Indian Banks
surplus/durable liquidity? Association
1) RTGS 5) set by the Government of India on the recommendation
2) External Commercial Borrowing of the Planning Commissoin
3) Market Stabilisation Scheme 53. Which of the following terms is used in the field of
4) High value clearing scheme Banking and Finance?
5) Prepaid payment instrument facility 1) Special Drawing Rights
2) Affirmative Defence
46. What amount (in `crores) was allocated for raising credit
3) Civil Procedure
to farmers in the Union Budget 2011-12?
4) Informed Consent
1) `475000 crores 2) `575000 crores
5) Question of Fact
3) `675000 crores 4) `775000 crores
54. Which of the following is one of the Millennium
5) None of these Development Goals fixed by the United Nations
47. What does the letter M denote in the name MFI as Organisation (UNO)?
used in financial sector? 1) Develop a global partnership for development
1) Mini 2) Monetary 3) Micro 2) Develop new varieties of food grains which can
4) Mega 5) Multiple ensure bumper crops
RBI Grade B Officers, 18-12-2011 Previous Papers Bank PO/MT Exams 5
3) Ensure that population does not increase in least 63. Which of the following nations is a member of G8?
developed countries at an alarming rate 1) New Zealand 2) Libya 3) China
4) Develop measures to avert deadly hurricanes/ 4) South Sudan 5) Canada
tsunamis etc in an effective way 64. Dr Manmohan Singh addressed the UN General
5) Ensure that a global economy is developed where all Assembly recently. Which of the following was the major
nations can participate according to their strengths issue which he emphasised in his speech?
55. Which of the following countries got a new bailout 1) Usefulness of multilateral lending agencies like IMF
package with the help of the private sector recently? and World Bank in the present context
1) Germany 2) France 3) USA 2) WTOs efforts to introduce more and more GM Crops
4) Greece 5) Russia in the market
56. By which of the following months is Goods and Services 3) Democratic rights in Gulf countries
Tax (GST) to be implemented in India? 4) Mechanism to control oil prices in the world
1) April 2015 2) April 2014 3) April 2013 5) Need of strong Indo-China relations
4) April 2012 5) June 2012 65. Which of the following is called Robinhood Tax and
57. India recently completed negotiations with 16 countries was in news during recent summit of G20 nations?
for entering into a TIEA. TIEA denotes which of the 1) Excise Duty
following? 2) VAT
1) Tax India Exchange Account 3) Goods and Services Tax
2) Tax Information Exchange Agreement 4) Tobin Tax
3) Total Information Exchange Accord 5) None of these
4) Terminal Issue and Exchange Agreement 66. The approach paper of the 12th Five Year Plan got
5) Tax Issues and Export Agreements approval of the Union Cabinet recently. Which of the
58. Famous Sardar Sarovar Dam is built across which of the following has been added for the first time in approach
following rivers? papers?
1) Growth rate and mechanism to achieve it
1) Ganga 2) Tapti 3) Krishna
2) Corruption, transparency and governance
4) Narmada 5) Satluj
3) Strengthening of agriculture sector
59. Which of the following is NOT a credit rating agency?
4) Periodical review of monetary policy by the govt and
1) Credit Analysis & Research Ltd (CARE)
not by RBI
2) Lintas India Pvt Ltd
5) All of these
3) Moodys Investors Service
67. A huge reserve of gas was explored recently in Northern
4) Standard & Poors
Rashidpur Gas Fields of
5) Fitch Ratings
1) Bhutan 2) Bangladesh 3) Sri Lanka
60. Who among the following is the President (Chief) of the
4) Pakistan 5) Afghanistan
World Bank at present?
68. Which of the following agencies recently conducted a
1) Peter Thomson 2) Goran Hadzic
pollution survey of various cities across the world and
3) Robbert B Zoellick 4) Alan Greenspan found out that cities in India, Iran, Pakistan and Mongolia
5) Z Zang are the most polluted cities in the world?
61. Which of the following issues was/is an issue in World 1) World Bank
Trade Organisation on which India and a few other 2) International Monetary Fund
countries were having altogether different views than 3) Asian Development Bank
developed countries? 4) World Trade Organisation
1) Subsidies and Government procurement policy 5) UNESCO
2) GM varieties of certain crops 69. The central banks of five developed countries came
3) Making Yuan as major trade currency together recently and decided to provide unlimited dollar
4) Special treatment to NATO countries loans to banks in their areas. What was the purpose of
5) All of these the same?
62. Who among the following is the Head of the National 1) To prevent China from becoming a bigger lender than
Manufacturing Competitiveness Council, reconstituted the World Bank
recently? 2) To ease the growing tensions in the Eurozones
1) IsherAhluwalia 2) Dr Kaushik Basu financial sector
3) V Krishnamurthy 4) GM Rao 3) To reinstate USAs credit rating at AAA level from
5) None of these the downgraded AA+ level
6 Previous Papers Bank PO/MT Exams RBI Grade B Officers, 18-12-2011
4) To create an emergency pool of dollars to provide 79. Which of the following is the abbreviated name of the
instant help to any country in case of need programme launched by the Govt of India for developing
5) None of these desert areas?
70. Which of the following is a payment and settlement 1) DRDA 2) CAPART 3) DDP
system used by the banks in India? 4) IRDP 5) DWCRA
1) Liquidity Adjustment Facility 80. Who among the following are the two economists who
2) Real Time Gross Settlement got Nobel Prize in 2011 for their contribution in
3) Forward Rate Agreements Economics?
4) Central Depository Service 1) Thomas J Sargent & Christopher A Sims
5) Negotiated Dealing System 2) Peter A Diamond & Thomas J Sargent
71. Federal Reserve is the central bank of which of the 3) Christopher A Sims & Dale T Mortensen
following countries? 4) Olliver O Willamson & Amartya Sen
1) Russia 2) Britain 3) Canada 5) None of these
4) Australia 5) USA Test-II
72. The YH Malegam Committee, which submitted its report
a few months back, was set up to report on further English Language
improvement of functioning of Directions (Q. 81-88): Read the following passage
1) Micro Finance Institutions carefully and answer the questions given below it. Certain
2) Stock Exchanges in India words/phrases are printed in bold to help you locate them
3) Cooperative Banks while answering some of the questions.
4) Regional Rural Banks Food inflation is a significant negative feature of todays
5) Foreign Banks having offices in India economic environment and more so in respect of our country.
73. The Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) of India It has a tremendous impact on quality of life, as people
recently got appointed as External Auditor of which of struggle to maintain nutritional standards that they had
the following organisations/agencies? previously achieved, or give up some other forms of
1) World Bank 2) Bank of America consumption so as to keep themselves well-fed. For a country
3) UNESCO 4) IAEA & WIPO that legitimately believed that it had effectively dealt with its
5) International Monetary Fund (IMF) vulnerability to food shortages in the form of the Green
74. Special Drawing Rights are the rights of countries Revolution of the late 1960s and early 1970s, the current
provided by situation comes as a rude reminder that solutions are rarely
1) World Bank 2) IMF 3) ADB permanent.
4) Federal Reserve 5) None of these To place the current developments in context, it must be
75. Indian citizens are allowed to invest overseas freely pointed out that the world economy is itself facing problems
except in with food prices. Food as a category has been following
1) Sri Lanka 2) UK 3) Bangladesh global trends in commodity prices over the past couple of
4) Nepal 5) Pakistan years. There is a view that this is the outcome of the larger
76. Who among the following represented India in first trend towards financialisation of commodities wherein large
South Asia Forum meeting held in September 2011? increases in global liquidity as a response to the 2008 crisis
1) Dr Manmohan Singh 2) Pranab Mukerjee feed directly into higher asset prices, including commodities.
3) Kamal Nath 4) Anand Sharma Be that as it may, the price dynamics of individual food items
5) Sonia Gandhi suggest that there are also some commodity-specific factors
77. Which of the following schemes has been launched by at work which may either reinforce or counteract the broader
the Govt of India to make Indian cities free from hutments trend. Sugar, for example, shows fluctuations in response to
and slums? current supply conditions, while wheat reflects the effect of
1) Indira Awas Yojana persistent drought in some major cultivating areas.
2) Rajiv Awas Yojana Indias food inflation is certainly linked to global trends,
3) Rashtriya Gram Swaraj Yojana particularly in relatively heavily traded commodities like sugar
4) Central Rural Sanitation Programme and oilseeds, but, given the high degree of self-reliance in
5) None of these many other commodities, domestic factors play a big role.
78. Which of the following is the largest producer of chemical Although the drivers of inflation in recent months have been
fertilizers in the world? energy prices and demand pressures, as reflected in the non-
1) India 2) USA 3) Mexico food manufactured products index, food prices contributed
4) Russia 5) China significantly in the first half of 2010 and remain uncomfortably
RBI Grade B Officers, 18-12-2011 Previous Papers Bank PO/MT Exams 7
high. Apart from the direct impact on the index, it is also likely 3) Food crisis faced globally in 2008
to feed through into the wider inflationary process through 4) Increase in global liquidity
higher wage demands, of which there is some evidence. 5) None of these
It is generally believed that food prices are highly 85. The example of sugar and wheat helps us to conclude
sensitive to monsoon performance, but this belief has been that
tested over the past few years. There is sufficient evidence (A) Certain commodity-specific factors help perpetuate
to suggest that food prices are being driven not by transitory a general tendency.
factors, such as rainfall, but by more fundamental forces. (B) Certain commodity-specific factors make the trend
Essentially, a long period of relatively rapid growth has taken go in reverse direction.
large numbers of households across a threshold at which (C) The current supply conditions are insensitive to
they begin to look for nutritional diversification. The the global trends.
predominance of cereals in the typical household diet gives 1) All the three 2) Only B and C 3) Only A and C
way to greater balance and a consequent increase in the 4) Only A and B 5) None of these
demand for proteinspulses, milk, meat, fish and eggs, 86. Which of the following is/are crucial factor(s) responsible
vegetables and fruit. It is no surprise that these items have for Indias food inflation in the recent period?
been the primary causes of food inflation in the recent period. (A) Escalating energy prices and rising demand
81. Why, according to the passage, does food inflation affect pressures
peoples quality of life? (B) Changing scenario all over the world that influences
1) It is a fundamental requirement of every individual. food inflation
2) Generally, people refrain from maintaining their (C) Peoples inclination to nutritional diversification
nutritional standards. 1) All the three 2) Only B and C 3) Only A and C
3) People generally are averse to change their form of 4) Only A and B 5) None of these
consumption. 87. Which of the following statement/s is/are definitely TRUE
4) People like to keep themselves well-fed. in the context of the passage?
5) None of these (A) Past few years data show that food prices are heavily
82. Which of the following statements contradicts the dependent on monsoon performance.
(B) Increased food prices have exerted an impact on
general belief that our country has achieved self-
the index and instigated higher wage demands.
sufficiency in respect of food?
(C) In the typical Indian household, consumption of
1) Food inflation is a significantly negative feature of
food items with high protein-content is on a higher
todays economic environment.
2) Our country legitimately believes having mastered
1) All the three 2) Only A and B 3) Only B and C
food deficiency.
4) Only C 5) Only A and C
3) Green Revolution of the late 1960s and early 70s has
88. Which of the following best explains the meaning of the
helped us conquer dependence on others for food.
two words fluctuations and sensitive taken together
4) Our vulnerability to food shortages was effectively
in the context of the passage?
dealt with by us in the late 1960s and early 70s.
1) Considerate to establish stability
5) None of these 2) Vulnerability to changes
83. Which of the following best explains the phrase, 3) High impact of change
solutions are rarely permanent as used in the passage? 4) Vulnerability leading to chaos
(A) Our strategies for overcoming food shortages in a 5) Susceptibility to security
specific period have proved to be futile Directions (Q. 89-93): Rearrange the following seven
subsequently. sentences (A), (B), (C), (D), (E), (F) and (G) in the proper
(B) The current situation has been a rude reminder of sequence to form a meaningful paragraph; then answer the
our self-reliance in a specific period in the matter of questions given below.
food. (A) They have to, therefore, necessarily devise
(C) The general tendency of people to keep themselves strategies for product differentiation and pricing,
well-fed leads to food inflation. market segmentation and efficient portfolio
1) Only A and B 2) Only B and C 3) Only A management.
4) Only C 5) None of these (B) There is a great need for the banks to fully exploit
84. What, according to the passage, is definitely the root these sectors to achieve a win-win situation for both
cause of problems with global food prices? the farm and non-farm sector units and the banks.
1) Shortage of commodities that constitute food items (C) The time has now come to consolidate on the gains
2) Financialisation of commodities of the past decades of nationalised banking.
8 Previous Papers Bank PO/MT Exams RBI Grade B Officers, 18-12-2011
(D) This means banks will no longer be operating in a (C) human species, if they regulate their diet,
sellers market. 1) Only (A) and (B) 2) Only (A) and (C)
(E) Undoubtedly, an untapped and vibrant market for 3) Only (C) and (A) 4) Only (C) and (B)
commercial banking exists in the farm and non-farm 5) Either (C) and (A) or (C) and (B)
sectors of rural economy. 96. The Central Governments plans to (_________)
(F) Then, and only then, could it be claimed that the (_________) despite the fact that the opposition parties
nationalisation has, at least to some extent, achieved united front had mobilised support of general public at
the purpose of nationalisation. the outskirts of Mumbai.
(G) The present era of financial liberalisation and (A) defy the curfew imposed to prevent the proposed
globalised banking would entail that banks equip rally from protesting against the hike in petrol prices
themselves to face the rigours of a highly competitive (B) curb the rally called for by the opposition succeeded
financial market. due to ruling partys announcement to
89. Which of the following should be the SECOND sentence (C) cancel all the trains entering Mumbai,
after rearrangement? 1) Only (A) and (B)
1) G 2) F 3) E 2) Only (B) and (A)
4) D 5) C 3) Only (B) and (C)
90. Which of the following should be the THIRD sentence 4) Only (A) and (C)
after rearrangement ? 5) Either (B) and (C) or (A) and (C)
1) G 2) F 3) A 97. The economic gloom was exacerbated yesterday by
4) D 5) B Greek Prime Minister s surprise announcement
91. Which of the following should be the FIFTH sentence (_________) (_________), and vote might put the
after rearrangement? torturously conceived package in jeopardy.
1) G 2) F 3) E (A) that was struck last week
4) B 5) D (B) that he would recommend the Parliament to strike
92. Which of the following should be the FIRST sentence down the obnoxious deal
after rearrangement ? (C) that his country would hold a referendum on the
1) G 2) F 3) E European debt deal
4) D 5) C 1) Only (C) and (A)
93. Which of the following should be the SEVENTH 2) Only (B) and (A)
sentence after rearrangement? 3) Only (A) and (C)
1) G 2) F 3) E 4) Either (C) and (A) or (B) and (A)
4) C 5) D 5) None of these
Directions (Q. 94-98): In each question below, two 98. The worlds most powerful nations were warned
sentences or parts of sentences are given with two blank (_________) (_________) and trigger mass social
spaces between them. From the three parts/sentences unrest.
denoted by (A), (B) and (C) given below each, find out which (A) that could cost millions of jobs around the globe
two can fill up the blanks in proper sequence (ie the order in (B) that international economy was on the brink of a
which these are given in the answer options) to make the deep new economic crisis
sentence/group of sentences meaningfully complete. (C) that the only solution was pumping a huge amount
94. Four years ago, I had a major surgery. (_________). of money in the economy
(_________). I was too ill. 1) Only (C) and (A)
(A) It left me disabled. 2) Only (B) and (A)
(B) My attempts to go back to work could not succeed. 3) Only (B) and (C)
(C) I had fully recovered except for some minor 4) Only (C) and (B)
weakness. 5) None of these
1) Only (B) and (A) 2) Only (C) and (A) Directions (Q. 99-103): Which of the phrases 1), 2), 3)
3) Only (B) and (C) 4) Only (A) and (B) and 4) given below should replace the phrase given in bold in
5) Only (A) and (C) the following sentence to make the sentence meaningful
95. Based on scientific research, scientists conclude that and grammatically correct? If the sentence is correct as it
(_________) (_________), they will live even more than is and no correction is required, mark 5) as the answer.
a hundred years. 99. Innovators create products which is an outgrowing of
(A) keep themselves active all through what they imagine, things that help them create a world
(B) exercise more, ensure proper vitamin intake they would like to live in.
RBI Grade B Officers, 18-12-2011 Previous Papers Bank PO/MT Exams 9
1) what is an outgrowing of what has been imagined by As banks stop lending and (106) eats away at the pay
them packets of those lucky enough to still be in work, the past
2) which are an outgrowth of what they imagine year has seen an (107) in high-cost credit lending in the UK.
3) which are outgrowing what they imagine Payday loan companies and hire purchase stores now (108)
4) which outgrew their imagination town centres around Britain, offering astronomical interest
5) No correction required rates on loans to those who have few other options to (109)
100. The product-driven organisation has the product as the their outgoings. Last year, the payday loan sector was worth
most important element in everything it does. 1.7 bn, a fivefold increase in the past few years. The pace of
1) does everything to have the products most important expansion is (110) too. Between April and May this year
element alone, there was a 58 per cent rise in the number of people
2) does the most important things to have all elements applying for a payday loan via moneysupermarket.com.
of importance in its products 104. 1) paying 2) sweeping 3) fuming
3) had the product as the most important element in 4) gearing 5) giving
everything they do 105. 1) overcome 2) forget 3) sustain
4) keeps the most important element in every product 4) endure 5) minimise
they do 106. 1) interest 2) taxing 3) inflation
5) No correction required 4) spending 5) expenditure
101. He had always have a full measure of a trait that is a 107. 1) explosion 2) invasion 3) exploitation
mark of a successful leaderdetermination. 4) epidemic 5) abstination
1) did always do a full measure of a trait 108. 1) open 2) escalate 3) enshrine
2) had always did have a full measure of a trait 4) cater 5) dominate
3) had always have a fully measured traits 109. 1) check 2) reduce 3) liberate
4) has always had a full measure of a trait 4) cover 5) enhance
5) No correction required 110. 1) accelerating 2) sharpening 3) regulating
102. Most of the people were dumbfounded and obviously 4) falling 5) evolving
uncomfortable by the performance that was expected of
them. TestIII
1) with the performance that they were expecting
2) by the performance that they were expected with Quantitative Aptitude
3) with the performance that was expected of them Directions (Q. 111-115): What will come in place of
4) at the performance which had expectations of them question mark (?) in the following questions?
5) No correction required 111. [(3024 189)1/2 + (684 19)2] = (?)2 + 459
103. If he considered you to be a bright, capable and made 1) 27 2) 29 3) 31
contribution to his proposed project, he would listen to 4) 841 5) 1089
your criticising him. 5
1) are bright, capable and had made contribution to 112. 4.4 times of 30% of 216 = ?
2) to be bright, capable and making contribution to 1) 81.9 2) 83.7 3) 87.3
3) to be bright, capable and had been contributed for 4) 89.1 5) None of these
4) would have been bright, capable and contributing 113. (0.0729 0.1)3 (0.081 10)5 (0.3 3)5 = (0.9)? + 3
with 1) 1 2) 2 3) 4
5) No correction required 4) 7 5) None of these
Directions (Q. 104-110): In the following passage, there
are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These 114. ( ? % of 1764 5) = 149.8 112
numbers are printed below the passage and against each, 1) 18 2) 18 3) 324
five words are suggested, one of which fits the blank
4) 24 5) None of these
appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case.
115. (27)2 6 9 + (7)3 + 71 =(?)3 431
With fairy lights up in shopping centres and crackers on
1) 11 2) (13)3 3) 13
offer in supermarkets, Britain is already (104) up for Christmas. 2
4) (11) 5) None of these
In this tough economic climate, many retailers are hoping the
Directions (Q. 116-120): In the following questions,
festive season will be a chance for the public to (105) their
three equations numbered I, II and III are given. You have to
financial difficulties. And, for some companies, the millions
solve all the equations either together or separately, or two
of Britons now struggling to make ends meet are an early
together and one separately, or by any other method and give
Christmas present.
10 Previous Papers Bank PO/MT Exams RBI Grade B Officers, 18-12-2011
132. The total monthly salary of Arvind in all years together 140. What is three-fourths of the total number of lions in the
is what per cent of the total monthly salary of all the five grasslands of all the four countries in the year 2000?
persons together in the year 2008? 1) 848 2) 868 3) 804
1) 55% 2) 60% 3) 75% 4) 824 5) None of these
4) 70% 5) None of these
133. Among the five persons, whose earning per month over
all the years together is the second lowest?
1) Sumit 2) Anil 3) Jyoti Reasoning Ability
4) Arvind 5) Poonam Directions (Q. 141-148): Study the following information
134. What is the per cent decrease in the monthly salary of carefully and answer the given questions.
Poonam in the year 2009 as compared to her monthly Eight family members, viz A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are
salary in the previous year? sitting around a circular table, facing the centre but not
1) 40% 2) 10% 3) 20% necessarily in the same order.
4) 80% 5) None of these l F, the wife of D, is sitting third to the right of C.
135. If Jyotis monthly salary in the year 2010 was increased l A is the son of H. A is sitting second to the left of D.
by 30 per cent what would her monthly salary be in that
D is an immediate neighbour of neither F nor C. No
male is an immediate neighbour of D.
1) `36,000 2) `39,000 3) `45,000
l G sits second to the left of Ds son. Only two persons
4) `42,000 5) None of these
sit between H and As brother. Neither C nor D is the
Directions (Q. 136-140): Study the table carefully to
brother of A.
answer the questions that follow.
l Ds son and the wife of Ds son are immediate
Number of animals in grasslands of four different
neighbours of each other.
countries in five different years
l F is the mother of H and is an immediate neighbour of
Country neither B nor G.
Year South Africa China Sri Lanka England l G is the sister of E.
Tiger Lion Bear Tiger Lion Bear Tiger Lion Bear Tiger Lion Bear 141. Who among the following is Ds son?
1990 145 156 250 320 346 436 280 468 255 423 342 234 1) E 2) G 3) A
1995 134 165 354 445 256 542 354 354 343 368 136 345 4) B 5) Cannot be determined
2000 120 135 324 583 325 454 433 345 545 354 267 456 142. Who sits second to the left of G?
2005 110 184 285 466 475 322 343 324 546 562 235 567 1) As brother 2) Gs mother 3) D
2010 160 224 264 411 535 534 535 532 453 349 345 324 4) Bs father 5) As aunt
143. How many people sit between A and his brother?
136. What is the average of the number of tigers in the 1) None 2) One 3) Two
grassland of Sri Lanka over all the years together ? 4) Three 5) Four
1) 386 2) 389 3) 369 144. Who among the following sits exactly between H and F?
4) 276 5) None of these
1) Ds wife 2) Ds son 3) C
137. What is the difference between the total number of lions
4) B 5) A
and bears in the grassland of England in the year 2005
145. Who among the following is the brother of A?
and the number of tigers in the grassland of South Africa
1) E 2) G 3) A
in the year 1995?
4) B 5) Cannot be determined
1) 597 2) 558 3) 677
146. Based on the given arrangement, how is A related to D?
4) 668 5) None of these
1) Grandfather 2) Son
138. The total number of animals together in the grassland of
3) Grandson 4) Daughter-in-law
China in the year 1990 is approximately what per cent of
5) Cannot be determined
the total number of bears in the grassland of Sri Lanka
147. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based
over all the years together?
1) 44% 2) 56% 3) 41% on the given arrangement and so form a group. Which is
4) 47% 5) 51% the one that does not belong to that group?
139. If 35 per cent of the total number of animals in the 1) B 2) C 3) H 4) G 5) F
grassland of China in the year 2010 died due to an 148. Which of the following statements regarding H is
epidemic, how many animals remained in the grassland definitely correct?
of China in the year 2010? 1) H is a male.
1) 976 2) 952 3) 986 2) H is the cousin of C.
4) 962 5) None of these 3) Both the immediate neighbours of H are males.
12 Previous Papers Bank PO/MT Exams RBI Grade B Officers, 18-12-2011
4) H is the daughter-in-law of D. given below it. You have to decide whether the data provided
5) H is the father of A. in the statements are sufficient to answer the question. Read
149. Read the following information carefully and answer the both the statements and give answer
question which follows. 1) if the data in statement I alone are sufficient to answer
A recent report points to the fact that what stands the question, while the data in statement II alone are
between girls in village Regari and a good education is not sufficient to answer the question.
the lack of transport to and from the only school in the area. 2) if the data in statement II alone are sufficient to answer
Which of the following can be inferred from the given the question, while the data in statement I alone are
statement ? not sufficient to answer the question.
(An inference is something which is not directly stated 3) if the data either in statement I alone or in statement II
but can be inferred from the given facts.) alone are sufficient to answer the question.
1) Everyone living in Regari faces problems in 4) if the data in neither statement I nor II are sufficient to
commuting. answer the question.
2) Discrimination against girls is more evident in Regari 5) if the data in both the statements I and II together are
than in other villages in India. necessary to answer the question.
3) The report has shown Regari in a poor light. 156. Among P, Q, R, S and T, sitting in a straight line, facing
4) The school in Regari is not at a walking distance from North, who sits exactly in the middle of the line?
the village. I. P sits third to the left of S. T is an immediate neighbour
5) There is also a lack of institute for higher learning in of P as well as R.
Regari. II. T sits second to the the left of S. Q is not an immediate
Directions (Q. 150-155): Study the following information neighbour of either T or S.
to answer the given questions: 157. Among five friends A, B, C, D and E, sitting around a
In a certain code, weapons hidden in town is written as circular table, facing the centre, who sits to the immediate
white black yellow red, ready weapons for attack is written right of A?
as grey indigo red green, hidden for own safety is written I. E sits third to the right of D. A is not an immediate
as silver grey violet white and own town under attack is neighbour of D.
written as violet blue indigo black. II. C sits second to the left of B. A is not an immediate
150. What is the code for ready? neighbour of C.
1) red 2) indigo 3) green 158. Who among P, Q, R, S and T is the tallest?
4) grey 5) Cannot be determined I. P is taller than S and T but shorter than R. Q is taller
151. What does silver stand for? than S.
1) safety 2) own 3) hidden II. T is taller than S. P is not the tallest.
4) for 5) Either ownor for 159. Is EAST the word formed after performing the following
152. black pink yellow could be a code for which of the operations on a word containing these four letters?
following? I. There is only one letter between A and T. E is to the
1) town under attack left of A.
2) hidden for safety II. The word does not begin with T. There is only one
3) attack in town letter between E and S. T is not an immediate
4) my own town neighbour of E.
5) risk in town 160. Is C the grandmother of M?
153. What is the code for attack? I. C is the mother of D. D is the brother of Ms father.
1) grey 2) indigo 3) white II. E is the mother of S. S is the sister of M. F, the aunt of
4) violet 5) blue S, is the only daughter of C.
154. Which of the following may represent all hidden Directions (Q. 161-166): In each question below are
weapons? given two/three statements followed by two conclusions
1) white red orange 2) brown grey red numbered I and II. You have to take the two/three given
3) indigo white red 4) red violet white statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance with
5) orange brown red commonly known facts and then decide which of the given
155. What is the code for own? conclusions logically follows from the given statements
1) silver 2) blue 3) indigo disregarding commonly known facts.
4) violet 5) black 1) if only conclusion I follows.
Directions (Q. 156-160): Each of the questions below 2) if only conclusion II follows.
consists of a question and two statements numbered I and II 3) if either conclusion I or conclusion II follows.
RBI Grade B Officers, 18-12-2011 Previous Papers Bank PO/MT Exams 13
4) if neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows. 168. Who among the following sits exactly between E and B?
5) if both conclusions I and II follow. 1) The person whose joining date is in May
(161162): 2) The person whose joining date is in January
Statements: Some colours are paints. 3) D
All colours are varnishes. 4) A
No varnish is a dye. 5) The person whose joining date is in August
161. Conclusions: I. No paint is a dye. 169. H is related to July in a certain way based on the
II. All paints being varnishes is a above arrangement. B is related to June following the
possibility. same pattern. ___ is related to May following the same
162. Conclusions: I. Some varnishes are paints. pattern.
II. No dye is a colour. 1) F 2) G 3) A
(163-164): 4) D 5) C
Statements: All squares are triangles. 170. Which of the following is true regarding D?
No triangle is a circle. 1) Only two people sit to the left of D.
All circles are rectangles. 2) D is sitting second to the right of the person whose
163. Conclusions: I. No rectangle is a square. joining date is in July.
II. All rectangles being squares is a 3) E and B are immediate neighbours of D.
possibility. 4) Ds joining date is in May.
164. Conclusions: I. No square is a circle. 5) None is true
II. At least some circles are squares. 171. Who among the following has joining date in June?
165. Statements: No paper is a book. 1) F 2) E 3) G
Some books are libraries. 4) D 5) C
Conclusions: I. All libraries being books is a 172. How many people sit between C and the person whose
possibility. joining date is in April?
II. No library is a paper. 1) None 2) One 3) Two
166. Statements: All hills are mountains. 4) Three 5) Four
All mountains are rocks. 173. Who among the following are sitting at extreme ends of
Conclusions: I. All those rocks which are mountains the line?
are also hills. 1) A and the person whose joining date is in August
II. All hills are rocks. 2) The person whose joining date is in May and E
Directions (Q. 167-173): Study the following information 3) C and G
to answer the given questions. 4) The persons whose joining dates are in March and
Eight people, viz A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are sitting in a June
straight line facing North. Each of them has passed a 5) None of these
recruitment exam and must join the office in different months, Directions (Q. 174-178): In these questions, relationship
viz January, February, March, April, May, June, July and between different elements is shown in the statements. The
August but not necessarily in the same order. statements are followed by two conclusions. Give answer
l G sits third to the right of the person who joins in 1) if only conclusion I is true.
May. The person who joins in August sits second to 2) if only conclusion II is true.
the right of G. A and E are immediate neighbours of 3) if either conclusion I or II is true.
each other. Neither A nor E has joining dates in either 4) if neither conclusion I nor II is true.
May or August. Neither A nor E is an immediate 5) if both conclusions I and II are true.
neighbour of G. 174. Statements: N < O R > T; R < A; B T
l H sits third to the right of the person whose joining Conclusions: I. N < A
date is in January. Neither A nor E has joining dates in II. B < A
January. Hs joining date is not in August. 175. Statements: C D = E F; Y < D W
l Only two people sit between E and the person whose Conclusions: I. C Y
joining date is in July. The person whose joining date II. F Y
is in February sits on the immediate left of D. (176-177):
l Only one person sits between E and B. C joins before Statements: S T < U W; T R; G > U
July. E joins after April. G joins after A. 176. Conclusions: I. S < G
167. In which of the following months does H join the office? II. W R
1) April 2) June 3) July 177. Conclusions: I. R S
4) February 5) March II. W < G
14 Previous Papers Bank PO/MT Exams RBI Grade B Officers, 18-12-2011
178. Statements: H G < I ; F G > Z Input: gate 20 86 just not 71 for 67 38 bake sun 55
Conclusions: I. F H Step I: bake gate 20 just not 71 for 67 38 sun 55 86
II. Z < I Step II: for bake gate 20 just not 67 38 sun 55 86 71
Directions (Q. 179-180): Study the following information Step III: gate for bake 20 just not 38 sun 55 86 71 67
and answer the given questions. Step IV: just gate for bake 20 not 38 sun 86 71 67 55
In a certain way, PROJECT is related to CEOPRT, Step V: not just gate for bake 20 sun 86 71 67 55 38
PLANE is related to ELNP and WIN is related to NW. Step VI: sun not just gate for bake 86 71 67 55 38 20
179. Following the same pattern, ORGANISED will be related And Step VI is the last step of the above input.
to As per the rules followed in the above steps, find out in
1) ADEGOIRS 2) ADEGIOSR each of the following questions the appropriate step for the
3) ADEGIORS 4) ADEGBORS given input.
5) Cannot be determined Input: 31 rise gem 15 92 47 aim big 25 does 56 not 85 63 with
180. Following the same pattern, DISTANCE will be related moon
to 186. How many steps will be required to complete the
1) ACDEINST 2) ACDEINS rearrangement?
3) ACDINST 4) ACDNSTI 1) Eight 2) Six 3) Seven
5) Cannot be determined 4) Five 5) None of these
Directions (Q. 181-183): Read the following information 187. Which word/number would be at 7th position from the
carefully and answer the questions which follow. left in step IV?
P, Q, R, S, T and V live on different floors of the same 1) rise 2) aim 3) big
building having six floors numbered one to six (the ground 4) 15 5) 47
floor is numbered 1, the floor above it is numbered 2, and so 188. Which step number is the following output?
on, and the topmost floor is numbered 6). rise not moon gem does big aim 15 with 92 85 63 56 47 31
There are two floors between the floors on which Q and 25
V live. Q lives on a floor below Vs floor. Neither P nor T lives 1) Step V 2) Step VII 3) Step IV
on a floor immediately above or immediately below the floor 4) Step VIII 5) There is no such step.
on which Q lives. P does not live on an odd-numbered floor. 189. Which of the following represents the position of 92 in
There is only one floor between the floors on which S and T step VI?
live. T does not live on a floor immediately above or 1) Ninth from the left
immediately below the floor on which R lives. 2) Fifth from the right
181. On which of the following floors does V live? 3) Sixth from the right
1) 4th 2) 3rd 3) 6th 4) Ninth from the right
4) 5th 5) Cannot be determined 5) Seventh from the left
182. Who among the following lives on the topmost floor, ie 190. Which word/number would be at 5th position from the
floor number 6? right in the last step?
1) T 2) S 3) R 1) gem 2) 63 3) 56
4) P 5) Either V or P 4) 85 5) does
183. How many floors are there between the floors on which 191. Read the following statement and answer the question
R and T live? which follows.
1) None 2) One 3) Two A massive agitation is brewing in State X against the
4) Three 5) Four proposed widening of the national highway.
Directions (Q. 184-185): Four of the following five are Which of the following represents an assumption implicit
alike in a certain way and hence form a group. Which is the in the given statement? (An assumption is something
one that does not belong to that group? that is not directly stated but is supposed or taken for
184. 1) Compare 2) Conflict 3) Distinguish granted.)
4) Contrast 5) Differentiate 1) The agitation is carried out by local villagers who
185. 1) Recollect 2) Retrieve 3) Regain would be worst affected by widening of the highway.
4) Recall 5) Realise 2) Many other states have much wider highways as
Directions (Q. 186-190): Study the following information compared to State X.
carefully and answer the given questions. 3) A national highway already exists in State X.
A word and number arrangement machine when given 4) Commuters are greatly inconvenienced due to
an input line of words and numbers rearranges them following frequent accidents owing to the narrow highway.
a particular rule. The following is an illustration of input and 5) For a road to be declared a highway, a certain width is
rearrangement. (All the numbers are two-digit numbers.) essential.
RBI Grade B Officers, 18-12-2011 Previous Papers Bank PO/MT Exams 15
Directions (Q. 192-195): Read the following information Directions (Q. 196): Read the following statement and
and the five statements given below it carefully and answer answer the question that follows.
the questions which follow. The first ever low-cost tablet with a three-hour battery
Steve Jobs himself said it: Its smart to take an existing which works only with Wi-Fi for accessing the Internet
idea and enhance it beautifully. Apple did it and so did some will be a game changer for Indias rural population who
of the most successful brands worldwide. To be successful, have been on the wrong side of the digital divide in the
it is not essential to innovate every time. Old stuff in new country.Stated Company X, the manufacturers of the
packaging helps as well and is often referred to as imovation tablet on their role in providing access to Internet
which is a combination of innovation and imitation. throughout India.
(A) As an innovation is a standalone product in the Which of the following can be assumed/inferred from
market, it reaps in all the profit till the innovators the given statement? (An assumption is something that
imitate it. Imovation, however, is not profitable as is not directly stated but is supposed or taken for
there are many imitated products in the market at granted and an inference is something which is not
the same time, all reducing each others profits. directly stated but can be inferred from the given facts.)
(B) Brand X duplicated Brand Ys mobile phones with 1) Wi-Fi connections are already available in rural parts
exactly the same features and same price range but of India.
failed to make an impact in the market. 2) Other tablets did not have the features such as Wi-Fi
(C) No one remembers the innovators after some time connectivity.
because they did not turn their idea into success. 3) Improvement in accessibility to Internet would help
On the other hands, the imitators did what they had education sector the most.
to just at the right time. 4) A mere three-hour battery would be grossly
(D) While Sanfy invented portable MP3 players, it was insufficient to maximise its benefits.
Apple which enabled MP3 players to play videos 5) The tablet would not benefit urban population in India
and games at a fairly reasonable price, thus as much as the rural population.
capturing the market. Directions (Q. 197-198): Read the following information
(E) Imovation is a lot less risky business venture. An carefully and answer the questions which follow.
imitator is already equipped with the analysis of l Sudha weighs more than Bharat and Abhishek.
l Rahul weighs less than only Karan.
how market received the innovation.
l Parul weighs as much as Sudha but less than Dana.
192. Blind imitation of a product can never be successful
l Abhishek does not weigh the minimum.
and sustainable.
197. Who among the following is the third heaviest?
Which of the statements (A), (B), (C), (D) and (E)
1) Karan 2) Rahul 3) Bharat
mentioned above proves the above statement most
4) Dana 5) Cannot be determined
198. Which of the following is true?
1) D 2) B 3) C
1) Only four people are heavier than Rahul.
4) E 5) Both A and C
2) Bharat weighs more than Parul.
193. Which of the statements (A), (B), (C), (D) and (E)
3) No one weighs less than Bharat.
mentioned above represents an advantage of imitating 4) Only two people are heavier than Karan.
an existing product? 5) All are true
1) B 2) Both B and D 3) E 199. Read the following information carefully and answer the
4) Both C and B 5) Both A and D question which follows.
194. Which of the statements (A), (B), (C), (D) and (E) A is the brother of B. B is the sister of T. T is the mother
mentioned above would contradict the fact that imitation of P. If it is provided that R is the grandfather of P, how
of products is a successful market strategy? would T be related to R?
1) A 2) C 3) D 1) Daughter 2) Granddaughter
4) E 5) Both B and E 3) Sister 4) Wife
195. Companies must add such values to their imitated 5) Either Daughter or Daughter-in-law
products that not only distinguish their imitation but 200. Which of the following symbols should replace question
also add to customer satisfaction. mark in the given expression in order to make the
Which of the statements numbered (A), (B), (C), (D) and expression O K definitely true but M > I definitely
(E) mentioned above proves the above statement most wrong?
appropriately? I < J K ? M N = O
1) A 2) Both A and B 3) Both A and E 1) 2) < 3) =
4) Both A and C 5) Both B and D 4) > 5)
16 Previous Papers Bank PO/MT Exams RBI Grade B Officers, 18-12-2011
197. 4 T is daughter-in-law of R.
198. 3 or
199. 5; R ()
R( ) A() B() T()
| |
A( ) B() T( )
T is daughter of R.
| 200. 5