Semarang Digestive Week 6

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Semarang Digestive Week

Symposium and Workshop

Pre-Symposium Workshop : 19th October, 2017

WS Laparoscopic Liver Resection

Main Symposium : 20th 21st October 2017

Post-Symposium Workshop : 22nd October 2017
WS Endoscopic Management of Upper GI Tract Bleeding and Obstruction
WS Perianal Fistula Management
WS Endoscopy

Gumaya Tower Hotel Semarang : Main Symposium
RS Nasional Diponegoro : Workshop

Sub Bagian Bedah Digestif

FK UNDIP / RSUP dr.Kariadi / RS Nasional Diponegoro
IDI Accreditation
Advisors : Prof. Dr. dr. Ign. Riwanto, SpB-KBD
dr. Andy Maleachi, SpB-KBD
Chairman : dr. Erik Prabowo, MSi.Med, SpB-KBD
Secretary : dr. Sigit Adi Prasetyo, MSi.Med, SpB-KBD
Treasurer : dr. B. Parish Budiono, MSi.Med, SpB-KBD
Exhibiton : dr. Kunsemedi Setyadi, SpB-KBD
dr. Hadi Winoto, SpB
Scientific : dr. Abdul Mughni, MSi.Med, SpB-KBD
dr. Ahmad Fathi, dr. Aditya Rahman, dr. Eko Setiawan, dr. Irene Stephanie,
dr. Antonio Paulus
Equipment : dr. Brantas Pra Azari, dr. Davin RP Silalahi
Transportation : dr. M. Azwin Kamar, dr. Ian Oscar
Accomodation : dr. Hans Marpaung, SpB, dr. Mario Sadar, dr. Aulia Ahimsa
Consumption : dr. Endang Sri Wahyuni

1. Prof. Dr. dr. Ign. Riwanto, SpB-KBD 20. dr. Benny Philippi, SpB-KBD
2. Prof. dr. Sjamsoehidajat , SpB-KBD 21. dr. Dimas Sindu W, SpU
3. Dr. dr. A. Gunawan Santoso, SpRad(K) 22. dr. Emerson B. Masli, SpB-KBD
4. Dr. dr. A. Yuda Handaya, SpB-KBD 23. dr. Errawan R. Wiradisuria, MKes, SpB-KBD
5. Dr. dr. Barlian Sutedja, SpB 24. dr. Erik Prabowo, MSi.Med, SpB-KBD
6. Dr. dr. M. Alsen Arlan, SpB-KBD 25. dr. F. Soemanto P, MSc, Sp.PD-KGEH
7. Dr. dr. Peter Ian Limas, SpB-KBD 26. dr. I Made Mulyawan, SpB-KBD
8. Dr. dr. Reno Rudiman, MSc, SpB-KBD 27. dr. Imam Sofii, SpB-KBD
9. Dr. dr. Rinaldi Lesmana, Sp.PD-KGEH 28. dr. Iqbal Rivai, SpB-KBD
10. Dr. dr. Ronald Lusikooy, SpB-KBD 29. dr. Iwan Kristian, SpB-KBD
11. Dr. dr. Vicky S. Budipramana, SpB-KBD 30. dr. Kipsanang, SpB
12. dr. Abdul Mughni, MSi.Med, SpB-KBD 31. dr. Kunsemedi Setyadi, SpB-KBD
13. dr. Agi Satria Putranto, SpB-KBD 32. dr. Lulik Inggarwati, SpB, SpBA
14. dr. Ahmad Zumaro, MSi.Med, SpB-KBD 33. dr. M. Niam, SpB-KBD
15. dr. Andy Maleachi, SpB-KBD 34. dr. Nurhayat Usman, SpB-KBD
16. dr. Anung Notonugroho, SpB-KBD 35. dr. Rudiyuwono R, MSi.Med, SpB, SpBA
17. dr. Ari Adrianto, SpB-KBD 36. dr. Sigit Adi Prasetyo, MSi.Med, SpB-KBD
18. dr. B. Parish Budiono, MSi.Med, SpB-KBD 37. dr. Sugandi Hardjanto, SpB
19. dr. Bambang Suprapto, SpB-KBD
Dear Partners.
6th Semarang Digestive Week
Minimally Invasive Surgery of The Abdomen

The event is a symposium which we will held on 20-21 October 2017 and workshop on
19 and 22 October 2017 such as HAL-RAR, ERCP, Endoscopic Management of Upper GI
Tract Bleeding and Obstruction, Laparoscopic Liver Resection, Perianal Fistula
Management and Basic Endoscopic Workshop. At the four-day event there will be a
symposium on the benefits of Minimally Invasive Surgery in daily practice, from basic
science to clinical application, making it relevant to digestive surgeons, general
surgeons, general practitioners, trainees, residents and medical students.
At this event we also invite national speakers so that it can provide enormous benefits
for the advancement of surgery on the utilization of Minimally Invasive Surgery.
Your participation is very much expected in the success of the event. We would like to
thank you very much for your participation and to meet in Semarang.

Prof.Dr.dr. Ign. Riwanto, SpB-KBD dr. Erik Prabowo, MSi.Med, SpB-KBD
Advisor Chairman

Pre-Symposium Main Symposium Main Symposium Post-Symposium
Workshop Day 1 Day 2 Workshop
19 October 2017 20 October 2017 21 October 2017 22 October 2017
07.30 08.00 07.30 08.20 07.30 08.00 07.30 08.00
Re-Registration Re-Registration Re-Registration Re-Registration
Opening Ceremony

08.00 done 08.20 09.40 08.00 09.30 08.00 done
Workshop HAL RAR Lecture Minimally Invasive in Workshop Basic
RS Nasional Diponegoro Biliary Tract Surgery Endoscopy
Tembalang RS Nasional Diponegoro

08.00 done 10.00 12.00 09.40 10.50 08.00 done
Workshop ERCP Minimally Invasive in Minimally Invasive in Workshop Endoscopic
RS Nasional Diponegoro Esophageal Disease Liver Surgery Management of Upper GI
Tembalang Tract Bleeding and
RS Nasional Diponegoro

08.00 done 12.00 13.30 10.50 12.20 08.00 done
Workshop Friday Pray and Lunch Minimally Invasive Workshop Perianal
Laparoscopic Liver Surgery of Pancreas and Fistula Management
Resection Spleen RS Nasional Diponegoro
RS Nasional Diponegoro Tembalang

13.30 14.50 12.20 12.50
Minimally Invasive of Lunch
Gastric Surgery

14.50 15.45 12.50 14.30
Minimally Invasive of Minimally Invasive of
Small Intestine Large Bowel

16.00 17.40 14.30 16.20
Minimally Invasive in Minimally Invasive
Abdominal Emergency Surgery of Abdominal

16.40 18.10
Minimally Invasive of
Anus & Rectum

The 6th Semarang Digestive Week 2017
Minimally Invasive Abdominal Surgery
SCIENTIFIC SCHEDULE Day 1 : Friday, 20th October 2017

07.30 08.00 Registration Re-Registration
08.00 08.10 Opening Ceremonial
08.10 08.20 Sambutan
Moderator : Prof. Dr. dr. Ign. Riwanto, SpB-KBD
08.20 08.40 The Development of Minimally dr. Nurhayat Usman, SpB-KBD
Invasive Surgery
08.40 09.00 Ethic in Minimally Invasive Surgery Prof. dr. Sjamsuhidajat, SpB-KBD

09.00 09.20 Body Response in Minimally Invasive dr. Benny Philippi, SpB-KBD
09.20 09.40 Avoiding Iatrogenic Injury in
dr. Andy Maleachi, SpB-KBD
Laparoscopic Colon Surgery
09.40 10.00 Coffee Break
Minimally Invasive in Esophageal Disease
Moderator : dr. Benny Philippi, SpB-KBD
10.00 10.20 Sesi Endoscopy : dr. F. Soemanto Padmomartono, MSc,
Variceal Banding vs Sclerotherapy Sp.PD-KGEH
10.20 10.40 Minimally Invasive in Managing dr. Anung Notonugroho, SpB-KBD
Esophageal Stenosis/Stricture,
Esophageal Stenting, Balloon, Dilator
10.40 11.00 Sesi Laparoscopy : dr. I Made Mulyawan, SpB-KBD
Minimally Invasive Esophageal
Cancer Surgery
11.00 11.20 Laparoscopy Procedure in Achalasia Dr. dr. Vicky S Budipramana, SpB-KBD

11.20 11.40 Minimally Invasive in GERD Prof. Dr. dr. Ign. Riwanto, SpB-KBD

11.40 12.00 Discussion

12.00 13.30 Friday Pray and Lunch Break
Minimally Invasive of Gastric Surgery
Moderator : Prof. dr. Sjamsuhidajat, SpB-KBD
13.30 13.50 Endoscopic Management in Gastric Dr. dr. Rinaldi Lesmana, Sp.PD-KGEH
Pathology (Polypectomy,
Gastroduodenal Bleeding)
13.50 14.10 Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy Dr. dr. Peter Ian Limas, SpB-KBD
14.10 14.30 Laparoscopic Gastrectomy Dr. dr. Reno Rudiman, M.Sc, SpB-KBD
14.30 14.50 Discussion
Minimally Invasive of Small Intestine
Moderator : dr. Nurhayat Usman, SpB-KBD
14.50 15.10 Laparoscopic Adhesiolysis dr. Nurhayat Usman, SpB-KBD
15.10 15.30 Laparoscopic TAPP for Inguinal Hernia dr. M. Iqbal Rivai, SpB-KBD
15.30 15.45 Discussion
15.45 16.00 Coffee Break
Minimally Invasive in Abdominal Emergency
Moderator : dr. Andy Maleachi, SpB-KBD
16.00 16.20 Laparosopic Diagnostic Abdominal dr. Agi Satria Putranto, SpB-KBD
16.20 16.40 Laparoscopic Diagnostic in General dr. Imam Sofii, SpB-KBD
16.40 17.00 Minimally Invasive in Pericolic Abscess dr. Emerson B Masli, SpB-KBD
(Laparoscopic and Percutan)
(Divertikulitis dll)
17.00 17.20 Minimally Invasive in (Laparoscopic and dr. Sigit Adi Prasetyo, MSi.Med,
Percutan) Inflamed Appendix SpB-KBD
17.20 17.40 Discussion
17.40 Closing

The 6th Semarang Digestive Week 2017
Minimally Invasive Abdominal Surgery
SCIENTIFIC SCHEDULE Day 2 : Saturday, 21st October 2017

07.30 08.00 Registration
Minimally Invasive in Biliary Tract Surgery
Moderator : dr. Kunsemedi Setyadi, SpB-KBD
08.00 08.20 Difficult Laparoscopic Dr. dr. A Yuda Handaya, SpB-KBD
08.20 08.40 ERCP (Stone Extraction & Stenting) dr. Ahmad Zumaro, MSi.Med, SpB-KBD

08.40 09.00 Laparoscopy CBD Exploration dr. Bambang Suprapto, SpB-KBD

(Stone Extraction)
09.00 09.20 PTBD (Stone Extraction & Stenting) Dr. dr. A. Gunawan Santoso, SpRad(K)
09.20 09.30 Discussion
09.30 09.40 Coffee Break
Minimally Invasive in Liver Surgery
Moderator : dr. Errawan R Wiradisuria, MKes, SpB-KBD
09.40 10.00 Laparoscopic Unroofing of Liver dr. Abdul Mughni, MSi.Med, SpB-KBD
10.00 10.20 Indication : Minimally Invasive Dr. dr. M. Alsen Arlan, SpB-KBD
Management (Laparoskopi &
Percutan) of Liver Abscess
10.20 10.40 Laparoscopic Liver Resection dr. Erik Prabowo, MSi.Med, SpB-KBD
10.40 10.50 Discussion
Minimally Invasive Surgery of Pancreas and Spleen
Moderator : Dr. dr. Vicky S Budipramana, SpB-KBD
10.50 11.10 Percutaneous Drainage of Pancreatic Dr. dr. A. Gunawan Santoso,
Abscess SpRad(K)
11.10 11.30 Endoscopic Role in Pancreatic Disease Dr. dr. Rinaldi Lesmana, Sp.PD-KGEH
Sphincterotomy in Acute Pancreatitis
and Pancreatic Stone (EUS, FNA)
11.30 11.50 Laparoscopic Pancreatectomy dr. Errawan R Wiradisuria, MKes,
11.50 12.10 Laparoscopic Splenectomy dr. Rudiyuwono Raharjo, MSi.Med,
12.10 12.20 Discussion
12.20 12.50 Lunch Break
Minimally Invasive of Large Bowel
Moderator : Dr. dr. Reno Rudiman, SpB-KBD
12.50 13.10 Laparoscopic Right/Left Colectomy dr. Iwan Kristian, SpB-KBD
13.10 13.30 Laparoscopic Low Anterior Resection dr. Parish Budiono, MSi.Med, SpB-
& Miles KBD
13.30 13.50 NOSE of Rectal Cancer dr. MS Niam, SpB-KBD
13.50 14.10 Trans Anal Submucosal Rectal dr. Kunsemedi Setyadi, SpB-KBD
14.10 14.30 Discussion
Minimally Invasive Surgery of Abdominal Wall
Moderator : Dr. dr. Ronald Lusikooy, SpB-KBD
14.30 14.50 Laparoscopic Surgery of Diagphram Dr. dr. Barlian Sutedja, SpB
and Hiatus Esophageus Hernia
14.50 15.10 Laparoscopic Surgery of Inguinal dr. Sugandi Harjanto, SpB
Hernia TEP
15.10 15.30 Laparoscopy Herniotomi in Children dr. Lulik Inggarwati, SpB, SpBA
15.30 15.50 Laparoscopic Surgery of Umbilical and dr. Kipsanang, SpB
Ventral Hernia
15.50 16.10 Laparoscopy Varicocele Ligation dr. Dimas Sindu Wibisono, SpU
16.10 16.20 Discussion
16.20 16.40 Coffee Break
Minimally Invasive of Anus & Rectum
Moderator : dr. M. Mulyono, SpB-KBD
16.40 17.00 Minimally Invasive of Perianal Fistula dr. Sigit Adi Prasetyo, MSi.Med, SpB-
17.00 17.20 Minimally Invasive of Hemorrhoid dr. Ari Adrianto, SpB-KBD
17.20 17.40 Transanal Surgery of Rectal Prolapse Prof. Dr. dr. Ign. Riwanto, SpB-KBD
17.40 18.00 Laparoscopic Surgery for Rectal Dr. dr. Ronald Lusikooy, SpB-KBD
18.00 18.10 Discussion
18.10 Closing
The 6th Semarang Digestive Week 2017
Minimally Invasive Abdominal Surgery
WORKSHOP SCHEDULE : Thursday, 19 Oktober 2017
Sunday, 22 Oktober 2017

1 WS HAL-RAR 19 Oktober 2017 20 30
2 WS ERCP 19 Oktober 2017 20 40
3 WS Laparoscopic Liver Resection 19 Oktober 2017 15 20
WS Endoscopic Management of Upper GI
4 22 Oktober 2017 20 30
Tract Bleeding and Obstruction
5 WS Perianal Fistula Management 22 Oktober 2017 20 30
6 WS Endoscopy 22 Oktober 2017 16 24

* If the workshop participant quota is not fulfilled, the committee is entitled to cancel the workshop

Up to 16 September After 16
2017 September 2017
Specialist Rp. 2.000.000 Rp. 2.500.000 Rp. 3.000.000
Trainee/Resident Rp. 750.000 Rp. 1.000.000 Rp. 1.500.000
General Practition Rp. 500.000 Rp. 750.000 Rp. 1.000.000
Medical Students Rp. 200.000 Rp. 300.000 Rp. 500.000

Up to 16 After 16
September 2017 September 2017
Workshop HAL-RAR Rp. 3.500.000 Rp. 4.000.000
Workshop Endoscopy Rp. 3.500.000 Rp. 4.000.000
Workshop ERCP Rp. 2.500.000 Rp. 3.000.000
Workshop Endoscopic Management of Upper GI Tract Rp. 2.500.000 Rp. 3.000.000
Bleeding and Obstruction
Workshop Laparoscopic Liver Resection Rp. 3.500.000 Rp. 4.000.000
Workshop Perianal Fistula Management Rp. 3.500.000 Rp. 4.000.000

*For General Surgeon Resident or Trainee of Digestive Surgery, you are required an official letter of
certification from the Head of Department / Training Director to qualify for the registration
*Early or Late Payment based on the exact date of fund transfer
*Guarantee Letter will be noted as Late Registration
*Maximal Participant for Workshop
- HAL-RAR : 30 participants
- Endoscopy : 24 participants
- ERCP : 40 participants
- Endoscopic Management of Upper GI
Tract Bleeding and Obstruction : 20 participants
- Laparoscopic Liver Resection : 20 participants
- Perianal Fistula Management : 30 participants
*Onsite payment will not be guaranteed to get all kinds of Symposium Kit or Materials

Registration Payment Method

1. Bank Transfer
Bank Name : Bank Mandiri
Branch : Dr. Kariadi General Hospital / RS. Dr. Kariadi (RSDK)
Account Number : 135 - 00 - 1309047 5
2. Cash to Secretariat
3. On Site Payment

Registration Fee include

1. Symposium kit
2. Symposium document and materials
3. Name Tag
4. Certificate of Attendance with IDI Accreditation
6 th S e m a ra n g D ig e stiv e W e e k 2 0 1 7
M in im a lly In v a s iv e A b d o m in a l Su rg e ry
1 9 2 2 O k to b e r 2 0 1 7


N am e : ________________________________________________

In stitu tio n : ________________________________________________

A d d re ss : ________________________________________________

P ro v in ce : ________________________________________________

Z ip C o d e : _______________________

P h o n e (M o b ile P h o n e ) : _______________________

E -m a il : ________________________________________________

U p to 1 6 A fte r 1 6
S IM P O S IU M O n site
S e p te m b e r 2 0 1 7 S e p te m b e r 2 0 1 7
S p e cia list R p . 2 .0 0 0 .0 0 0 R p . 2 .5 0 0 .0 0 0 R p . 3 0 0 0 .0 0 0
T ra in e e / R e sid e n t R p . 7 5 0 .0 0 0 R p . 1 .0 0 0 .0 0 0 R p . 1 .5 0 0 .0 0 0
G e n e ra l P ra ctitio n R p . 5 0 0 .0 0 0 R p . 7 5 0 .0 0 0 R p . 1 .0 0 0 .0 0 0
M e d ica l S tu d e n ts R p . 2 0 0 .0 0 0 R p . 3 0 0 .0 0 0 R p . 5 0 0 .0 0 0

U p to 1 6 A fte r 1 6
S e p te m b e r 2 0 1 7 S e p te m b e r 2 0 1 7
W o rk sh o p H A L -R A R R p . 3 .5 0 0 .0 0 0 R p . 4 .0 0 0 .0 0 0
W o rk sh o p E n d o sco p y R p . 3 .5 0 0 .0 0 0 R p . 4 .0 0 0 .0 0 0
W o rk sh o p E R C P R p . 2 .5 0 0 .0 0 0 R p . 3 .0 0 0 .0 0 0
W o rk sh o p E n d o sco p ic M a n a ge m e n t o f
R p . 2 .5 0 0 .0 0 0 R p . 3 .0 0 0 .0 0 0
U p p e r G I T ra ct B le e d in g a n d O b stru ctio n
W o rk sh o p L a p a ro sc o p ic L iv e r R e se ctio n R p . 3 .5 0 0 .0 0 0 R p . 4 .0 0 0 .0 0 0
W o rk sh o p P e ria n a l F istu la M a n a ge m e n t R p . 3 .5 0 0 .0 0 0 R p . 4 .0 0 0 .0 0 0
Jl. Gajah Mada 59-61 Semarang
Phone : 024 3551999

Jl. Pemuda 123 Semarang

Jl. Jend.Ahmad Yani 189 Semarang
Phone 024 8412491

Jl. KH. Ahmad Dahlan 2 Semarang
Phone : 024 8450045

Jl. Gajah Mada Semarang
Phone : 024 33000888

Jl. Pandanaran 116-120 Semarang
Phone : 024 8413115

The committee does not provide hotel reservation, reservation can be done by
contacting the desired hotel.
Sub Bagian Bedah Digestif FK UNDIP/RSUP dr.Kariadi
Rini : 085647322392
Telp / Fax : 024 8453484
Email :

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