Pubcorp Cases 2
Pubcorp Cases 2
Pubcorp Cases 2
Abbas vs. Comelec Plebiscite in 13 provinces and 9 W/N certain provisions of the Organic NO! CONSTI!
cities in Mindanao and Palawan = Act are unconsti
ORGANIC ACT - ARMM schedule for implementation of 1) Contention: Organic Act makes
RA 6734 An Act providing for an creation of AR absolute = even if
organic act for the ARMM only two province vote in favor of
Consolidated petitions: autonomy = AR would still be
1) Enjoin comelec from created
conducting the plebiscite
2) Declare RA 734 unconsti and SC: Sect 13 of OA provides that
in violation of the Tripoli creation of AR shall take effect
agreement only when approved by majority
6) Presumption of constitutionality
Metro Traffic Command vs. Gonong Atty. David filed complaint = car 1) W/N LOI 43 is Valid 1) YES! VALID
license plate was removed by 2) W/N Private respondents license No inconsistency between
CONFISCATED LICENSE PLATE Metropolitan Traffic Command can be confiscated PD 1605 (regulation of traffic
while parked in Escolta flow in Metro Manila) and LOI
Contends that no ordinance or 43 (illegally parked vehicles
law authorizes MTC to remove LP in the Phil)
Judge Gonong issued TRO and BUT applies only against
WPI motor vehicles STALLED in
Judge G said that LOI 43 does the street for some
not empower MTC to confiscate INVOLUNTARY CAUSE and
LP; only removal of cars when not those intentionally parked
they are obstacles to free in violation of traffic laws
**LOI 43 Measures to Effect a passage/traffic flow Removal and confication of
Continuing flow of transpo on streets LOI has been repealed by PD license plate of any illegally
and highways 1605 parked vehicle is not among
specified penalties
6) Presumption of constitutionality
RP VS. CITY OF DAVAO Respondent filed an application W/N LGUs are excluded from the NO!
for a Certificate of Non-Coverage coverage of PD1586, one which
Davao City Artica Sports Dome (CNC) for its proposed project requires an EIA process to secure LGUs are NOT EXEMPTED
with the Environmental Mgmt anECC Section 4 of PD 1856 No
Bureau (EMB) = Davao City person, partnership,
Artica Sports Dome corporation without securing
Denied ! proposed project was ECC ! LGU = juridical person
within an environmentally critical Section 1 of PD 1586 Achieve
area ! Davao must first undergo balance between socio-economic
Environ impact assessment (EIA) development and environmental
to secure Environmental protection ! can only be
Compliance Certificate achieved where all sectors
Respondent filed petition for (private and government) are
mandamus with RTC ! RTC integrated ! LGU X outside
ruled in favor of respondent scope of the EIS system
Allegations of respondent: Artica Sports X within
o Project was neither an environmentally critical area =
environmentally critical RTC finding is binding
project nor within an LGU as a body politic has the