Agricultural Transformation in Bangladesh: Extent, Drivers and Implications

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Agricultural Transformation in Bangladesh:

Extent, Drivers and Implications

Conference Paper January 2016


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Uttam Deb
University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff


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Keynote Paper

Agricultural Transformation in Bangladesh:

Extent, Drivers and Implications

Uttam Deb
Principal Scientist (Economics)
Research Program on Markets, Institutions and Policies
International Crops Research Institute for Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT)
Patancheru 502324, Telangana, India. Email:

BAEA 15th Annual Conference

22-23 January 2016
BARC Auditorium, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Agricultural Transformation in Bangladesh:
Extent, Drivers and Implications1

Uttam Deb
Principal Scientist (Economics)
Research Program on Markets, Institutions and Policies
International Crops Research Institute for Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT)
Patancheru 502324, Telangana, India. Email:


Bangladesh agriculture has made remarkable progress in terms of production and diversification towards
high value crops and non-crop agriculture over time. All sub-sectors (crop, forestry, animal farming and
fisheries) of agriculture have registered substantial growth. Agricultural GDP has increased by 5.6 times
since independence. On the other hand, Total GDP has increased by 20.8 times. Per capita income (GNI)
has increased by 6.2 times, from 211 dollars to 1,314 dollars. Bangladesh has achieved lower middle
income country status in 2015 by the World Bank.

Average growth in agricultural GDP reached 3.5% during the Sixth Five Year Plan (FY2010/11 to
FY2014/15), along with exceptional performance during FY2010 and FY2011 (GoB, 2015; p. 289). The
achievement of food self-sufficiency is a major milestone for the country. Steady progress with
diversification in favour of fish, meat and vegetable production has also contributed to the nutritional
improvement. Despite remarkable increase in value of agriculture over the last four decades and
particularly during the Sixth FYP, its share has been declining with the expansion of non-agriculture
sectors (manufacturing and services) in both urban and rural areas. Share of agriculture to the GDP has
declined to 15.6 percent in 2014/15 from 58.4 percent in 1973/74. This transformation is in line with the
national economic goal.

Agriculture sector continues to be the largest employing sector in the economy. Number of persons
engaged in agriculture, forestry and fisheries has increased from 16.4 million in 1983/84 to 25.7 million
in 2010. However, the share of employment in agriculture to the total employment in the country
declined to 47.3 percent in 2010 from 51.7 percent in 2002-03. Agriculture sector will play an important
role in achieving overall goal of accelerating growth, empowering citizens during the Seventh Five
Year Plan (FY2015/16 to FY2020/21). Agriculture will be the mainstay for ensuring food and nutrition
security, and poverty reduction in the country.

Keynote Paper presented at the 15th National Conference of the Bangladesh Agricultural Economists Association (BAEA)
on Transformation of Agricultural Sector in Bangladesh: 21st Century held on 22-23 January 2016 at the Bangladesh
Agricultural Research Council (BARC) Auditorium, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Broad objective of the study is to analyse the extent and drivers of agricultural transformation in
Bangladesh and review the priorities for agriculture sector in the Seventh Five Year Plan. Specific
objectives are as follows:

To analyse the agricultural transformation process, sources of rural livelihood and poverty in
To identify the drivers of change in agriculture, income and rural poverty reduction;
To document the emerging opportunities and challenges for Bangladesh agriculture; and
To articulate implications of the research findings for development strategies and policies.

Next section (Section 2) analyses transformation in rural economy including changes in rural livelihoods
and poverty at the national, district and household level. It has also identified the drivers of change.
Emerging opportunities and challenges for agricultural development in Bangladesh are mentioned in
Section 3. In light of the ground realities, priorities for agriculture sector and poverty reduction in the
seventh plan are reviewed in Section 4. Conclusions are made in the last section (Section 5).


2.1 Transformation at the National Level

Agriculture sector has performed remarkably well over the years. Between 1973/74 and 2014/15,
agricultural GDP has increased by 5.8 times. Value of agriculture GDP has increased from 5.21 billion
dollars to 28.92 billion dollars (Table 1). All sub-sectors of agriculture (crop, livestock, fisheries and
forestry) have increased substantially. Crop GDP has increased by 4.4 times, livestock GDP has
increased by 5.8 times and forestry GDP has increased by eight times. On the other hand, fisheries GDP
has increased by more than six times. During this period, Total GDP has grown by 20.8 times, increased
from 8.92 billion dollars to 185.43 billion dollars.

Until the 1980s, share of the crop and horticulture sector to the total Agricultural GDP was slightly less
than eighty percent (Figure 1). Forestry contributed about 5.5 percent to the agriculture sector in the
early seventies which has gradually increased to about 11 percent in 2014/15. Thanks to the sustained
agro-forestry program which has been supported through distribution of saplings, training and
agricultural loan support for development of private nurseries in the country. Animal farming
particularly poultry, dairy, egg production and animal fattening for meat production has contributed
towards many-fold increase in livestock production. Small scale commercial poultry farming has
expanded in the periphery of towns and cities. Share of animal farming to the Agricultural GDP has
increased from about 7 percent in the seventies to about 11 percent in 2014/15. In the early seventies,
fisheries sector contributed about 10 percent which was declining in the seventies and eighties. Since
late eighties commercial fish farming started to expand along with new management techniques and new
fish breeds developed by scientists. Fisheries sector contributed about 23 percent of the total agricultural

GDP in the recent years. Thus, Bangladesh agriculture has successfully been transformed to a diversified
sector in the recent years from mostly crop oriented agriculture in the seventies.

In terms of growth, Bangladesh agriculture performed remarkably well both in the long-term
(FY1973/74 to FY2007/08) and in the short term or recent years (FY2008/09 to 2014/15). Total GDP of
Bangladesh grew at the rate of 9.72 percent in the recent years against 4.19 percent per annum in the
long-term (Table 2). In the recent years, growth in agriculture was 3.71 percent while long-term growth
was 2.39 percent. Long-term annual growth in crop, livestock, fisheries and forestry sector was 2.03
percent, 3.26 percent, 3.30 percent and 3.55 percent respectively. On the other hand, annual growth in
crop and animal farming GDP in the recent years was 2.67 and 3.71 percent while it was 6.28 percent
for fish farming and 5.36 percent in forestry. A comparison of long-term and short-term growth rates of
different sub-sectors of agriculture revealed that overall agricultural growth and growth of crop, animal
farming and fish farming sub-sector was higher in the recent years. During the Sixth FYP, annual
compound rate of growth in GDP from crop and animal farming was 1.68 and 2.78 percent while it was
6.65 percent for fish farming and 5.22 percent for forestry.

Annual growth rates of different sub-sectors of agriculture during the Sixth FYP are provided in Table 3.
Annual growth rate in the overall agriculture sector ranged between 1.6 percent in FY2013 and 4.4
percent in FY2014. For crop & horticulture subsector it varied between 0.6 percent (in FY2013) and 3.9
percent (in FY2011). Animal farming experienced annual growth between 2.6 percent (in FY2011) and
3.1 percent (in FY2015). On the other hand, forest and related services had annual growth in the range
of 5.0 percent in FY2014 and 6.0 percent in FY2012. Fishing had annual growth between 5.3 percent in
FY2012 and 6.5 percent in FY2015.

Crops: Production of food grains and other agricultural commodities have increased by many times.
Though there were ups and downs but production of food grains generally experienced an upward trend.
Increase in production of food grains was substantial during the last four decades. Total production of
foodgrains (rice and wheat) has increased by 3.2 times and average annual production increased from
10.96 million tons in the early seventies to 35.60 million tons in the mid- 2010s (see Table 4). During
the same period, total rice production has increased by 3.2 times (from 10.85 to 34.30 million metric
tons). Traditionally, Aman rice was the major source of rice in Bangladesh but share of Boro rice to total
rice production superseded that of Aman rice since 1998/99. Thus, Bangladesh has experienced a
structural shift in its rice production from a largely weather influenced crop to an irrigated crop, which is
much more sensitive to the quality of public policy and governance than the vagaries of nature (Deb,
2002). Now, Boro rice contributes about 55 percent to the total foodgarins production against only 18
percent in the early seventies (Figure 2). Wheat production increased from a low base (109 thousand
metric tons) until 2000 (1706 thousand metric tons), and then started to decline. In the recent years,
wheat production increased to 1302 thousand metric tons.

Despite inter-year fluctuations, production of foodgrains had a sustained growth both in the long-term
(FY1969/70 to FY2007/08) and recent years (FY2008/09 to FY2014/15). Long-term annual growth in
production of foodgrains was 2.77 percent while it was 1.88 percent in the recent years (Table 4). Long-

term annual compound rate of growth in total rice production was 2.67 percent against 1.66 percent in
the recent years. In case of Aman and Boro rice, annual growth in production in the recent years was
1.87 percent and 1.20 percent, respectively. On the other hand, production of Aus rice registered an
annual growth of 4.55 percent in the recent years although it had declined annually at the rate of 1.92
percent in the long-term. Wheat production registered an annual growth of 8.87 percent in the recent
years. Thus, increased food production in the recent years was possible through increased production of
rice in all seasons (Aus, Aman and Boro) and wheat. Slowdown in the growth rate of foodgrains
production was linked with market demand and profitability for these commodities as well as for other
agricultural commodities.

Maize was not an important crop until the nineties. Maize production increased from about three
thousand metric tons in the seventies and eighties to 26 thousand metric tons in the early 2000s. Average
maize production has increased to 2216 thousand tons in the recent years (TE2013/14). Increase in
maize production was possible due to increased demand for maize for poultry feed and multiple use of
maize. Thanks to the new maize hybrids which were marketed mainly through the private companies
and NGOs which provide higher profit and scope for growing throughout the year.

Non-Cereal Crops: Production of non-cereal crops has also increased substantially except for sugarcane
and jute. Between early seventies and mid-2010s, potato production has increased by 11.8 times (from
827 thousand metric tons to 8,777 thousand metric tons) while vegetable production has increased by
4.2 times (from 803 thousand metric tons to 2,954 thousand metric tons). Spices production has
increased by 5.7 times. Tea production has increased by 2.6 times. Total oilseed production in the early
seventies was about 274 thousand metric tons which gradually increased to 483 thousand in the mid-
eighties and then declined with a fluctuating trend to 333 thousand tons in the late-2000s. In the recent
years, oilseeds production has increased to 464 thousand metric tons in mid-2010s. Jute production has
declined from 865 thousand bales to 854 thousand bales in the late-2000s. In recent years, jute
production has concentrated in some areas and increased to 4.43 million bales. Sugarcane production in
the recent years was about two-third of the production in the early seventies. Sugarcane production has
declined from 6.9 million metric tons in the early seventies to 4.43 million metric tons in the mid-2010s.
Average annual production of pulses was about 259 thousand metric tons in the early seventies which
increased until mid-nineties but then declined to 217 thousand metric tons in the late 2000s.Since then
gradually increased to 309 thousand metric tons in mid-2010s. Tobacco production has increased in the
recent years.

Annual compound rate of growth in production of non-cereal crops is reported in Table 4. Potato
production increased by 5.1 percent per annum in the long-term (FY1969/70-FY2007/08) and
experienced high annual growth (8.7 percent) in the recent years (FY2008/09-FY2013/14). Vegetable
production in the recent years registered 2.5 percent annual growth against 3.3 percent in the in the long-
term. Pulses production has increased annually at the rate of 10.6 percent in the recent years. Production
of oilseeds increased annually at the rate of 9.2 percent in the recent years. Tea production has increased
annually at the rate of 2.4 percent in the long-term and 0.6 percent in the recent years. Bangladesh has
experienced consistent decline in area under sugarcane and, thereby, production of sugarcane. Sugarcane
production declined annually at the rate of 0.06 percent in the long-term and 2.5 percent in the recent
years. Farmers have shifted from sugarcane to vegetables and fruits in the uplands which provide higher

Livestock: Production of milk, meat and eggs increased substantially. Prior to independence livestock
was an integral part of the farming systems but commercial farming for dairy, meat and egg production
was limited. Court-yard production was common. Between 1991/92 and 2014/15, milk production has
increased to 5.2 times (from 1,352 thousand tons to 6,970 thousand tons), meat production has increased
to 12.7 times (from 460 thousand tons to 5,860 thousand tons) (Figure 3). On the other hand, egg
production has increased to 7.2 times (from 1,517 million eggs to 10,995 million tons eggs). In the
recent years (FY2008/09 to FY2014/15), growth in milk, meat and egg production was 22.9, 32.1 and
15.0 percent respectively. During the Sixth FYP, growth in milk, meat and egg production was 25.7,
32.7 and 16.4 percent respectively.

Rahman, Begum and Alam (2014) analysed the actual headcounts and growth of livestock resources
over a period of 60 years period (1949-2008). During this 60 year period, average annual growth in
bovine population was 1.0 percent per year and for small ruminants (sheep and goats) it was 5.2 percent.
However, the study observed a variable rate of growth between the census periods. High annual growth
(7.4 percent) in poultry (fowls and ducks) was observed. The study opined that growth in poultry
population was largely due to a combined effect of governments emphasis as well as actions of the non-
governmental organisations (e.g., BRAC, Proshika, CARE-Bangladesh) to promote commercial poultry
rearing involving mainly women.

Fisheries: During the time of independence, fish cultivation was limited and most of the fish were
caught from the water bodies. Fish production registered substantial increase during the last quarter
century and exponential growth during the last five years (Figure 4). Bangladesh obtains fisheries from
both inland and marine sources. Currently, major source of production in the country is inland fisheries.
Marine fisheries are comprised of industrial and artisanal fisheries. Inland fisheries have two main
sources of production: capture and culture. Inland open water (capture) fisheries include harvest from
river & estuaries, Sundarban, depression (Beels), Kaptai Lake and flood land. On the other hand, inland
close water (culture) fisheries include fish production in ponds, seasonal cultured water body, Ox-bow
Lake (Baors) and shrimp farms. Between 1988/89 and 2012/13, total fish production increased by 4.1
times, from 841 thousand metric tons to 3410 thousand metric tons. During this period, inland capture
fisheries increased by 2.3 times, from 424 thousand metric tons to 961thousand metric tons. Inland
culture fisheries have increased by 10.1 times, from 184 thousand metric tons to 1860 thousand metric
tons. Production of marine fisheries has increased by 2.5 times, from 233 thousand metric tons to 589
thousand metric tons. In the late 1980s (FY1989), contribution of inland culture fisheries to the total fish
production was 21.8 percent which has increased to 54.5 percent in the recent years (FY2013).
Contribution of inland capture fisheries has reduced from 50.4 percent to 28.2 percent. On the other
hand, contribution of marine fisheries reduced from 27.7 percent to 17.3 percent. According to the FAO
Statistics 2014, Bangladesh ranked 4th in capture fisheries and 5th in world aquaculture production (GoB,
2015; p. 318).
Forestry: Increased demand and remunerative prices for forest products (timber, fruits, etc.) has
contributed to the increase in agro-based forestry in the country. Forestry GDP has increased annually at
the rate of 5.3 percent during the Sixth FYP against long-term growth of 3.6 percent (Table 2).

Performance in Agricultural Trade: Bangladesh has transformed itself from a aid-dependent nation to
a trade dependent nation over the last four decades. Value of both agricultural exports and imports has
increased substantially over time.

Export of agricultural commodities: In the early seventies raw jute, tea and leather were main
agricultural products for exports. Over time it has changed. During the last two decades (FY1996 to
FY2015), value of export of primary and processed agricultural products has tripled, increased from 801
million dollars to 2420 million dollars (Figure 5). During this period, export of frozen foods has
increased by 81percent while leather export increased by 88 percent. Export of jute and jute products
quadrupled, increased from 220 million dollars to 868.53 million dollars. During the Sixth FYP, export
of all agricultural commodities increased by 49 percent, from 1622 million dollars in FY2010 to 2420
million dollars in FY2015.

Import of Agricultural commodities: Bangladesh is a net importer of both rice and wheat even in normal
years. It is also a net importer of pulses, edible oils, spices, fruits, sugar, milk and milk products. Prior to
1993, private sector was not allowed to import foodgrains. Only government agencies used to import
rice and wheat. Since 1993, the government allowed private sector to import foodgrains. Most of the
imports of rice and wheat are done by the private sector in recent years (Figure 6 and Table 5). The
import of rice has declined in normal years but increases substantially in years of floods and cyclones.
Import of wheat has increased in recent years due to (a) decrease in domestic production (b) substantial
reduction in food aid and (c) increase in demand for products made from wheat flour in urban areas.
During the last two decades, import of pulses, edible oils, spices, and sugar have been on the rise at a
rapid rate to meet the growing demand-supply gap. Value of import of all food items in 2014/15 was
about 12 times than that of 1993/94 (Table 6). Total import of food items increased from 408 million
dollars to 5.104 billion dollars. Compared to 1993/94, value of total import of food grains (rice and
wheat) in 2014/15 was 10.4 times while it was 8.2 times for milk & dairy products, 9.8 times for spices
and 14.3 times for pulses. In case of oilseeds, import value was 8.9 times and for edible oil it was 13.1
times than that of 1993/94. On the other hand, total value of sugar import has increased from 13 million
dollars to 730 million dollars in 2014/15. Increase in import of sugar is also linked with rise of
companies in agro-processing sectors and some of the companies also export processed food items.
Liberalized import of food grains helped the country to meet the shortfall in domestic production
particularly after the floods in 1998 and 2004. During the Sixth FYP, value of import of all food items
has increased by 18 percent, from 4326 million dollars in FY2011 to 5104 million dollars in FY2015.

One important objective of the Sixth Five Year Plan (Sixth FYP) was to achieve self-sufficiency in food
grains production. Has Bangladesh achieved self-sufficiency in food grains production? Available
evidence suggests that the country has been able to produce enough to meet its domestic requirement. If
so, then what explains huge import of food grains? As mentioned earlier, import of foodgrains was

mainly done by the private sector in the recent years. During the last three years, the government has not
made any commercial import of rice. Import of rice by private sector was linked with lower import
parity price in the international market particularly in India and Indias policy towards rice export in the
recent years. India is the main source of rice imports for Bangladesh because: (a) it is quicker and
cheaper to bring rice from India; (b) it is possible for importers to bring in small quantities of rice by
road; and (c) India exports parboiled rice, which is preferred by most Bangladeshis (Deb, Hossain and
Jones, 2009).Wheat imports have steadily increased over time, with big jumps in the years following
natural disasters. Import of wheat was associated with increased demand for wheat products such as
wheat flour (atta), super-refined wheat flour (Maida), granulated wheat (Suji) and bakery products
(biscuits, cakes, etc.). Demand for such commodities is likely to increase in the future. Thus, it needs to
be recognised that Bangladesh has achieved self-sufficiency in rice production and import of rice was
driven by other economic factors than inadequate domestic production.

Why rice price is lower in India than in Bangladesh? An analysis of structure of production costs in
India and Bangladesh is reported in Table 7. In India, the cost of production is lower than Bangladesh,
mainly due to the lower cost of fertilizer (due to high subsidies), irrigation (high subsidies for electricity
used in irrigation) and labour. The cost of production is very low in Punjab and Andhra Pradesh, the
states that generate most of the marketable surplus in India. In Punjab, the unit cost of production is
about 35 percent lower than for Boro rice in Bangladesh, and 30 percent lower than for Aman rice. In
the neighbouring State of West Bengal, the cost of production is comparable to Bangladesh.

The above analysis indicates that Bangladesh will not be able to compete with imports from India
(Punjab and Andhra Pradesh) mainly due high cost of irrigation, labour and fertilizers for rice
production in Bangladesh. Then, what should be our actions in the Seventh FYP? We must have to
reduce cost of human labour through development of labour saving rice production techniques through
agronomic research, and promoting farm mechanisation; cost of irrigation can be reduced through
promotion of cost effective irrigation techniques such as alternate wet and drying (AWD). Increase in
rice productivity through cultivation of recently released better rice cultivars can reduce per unit cost of

It may be noted here that rising costs for human labour and labour scarcity is not a case for Bangladesh
agriculture only. Many countries have faced it before and have successfully dealt with it. We can learn
from their experiences. For example, during the late eighties and early nineties, Thailands economy
was growing at a faster rate. Growth in manufacturing and service sector was increasing labour wage
and costs of rice production. Thailand being the worlds largest exporter of rice faced a lot of challenge
in rice production. Until then, Thailand was cultivating rice using transplanting method. Transplanted
rice required a lot of labour (117 man-days per hectare) for rice production. Increase in wage had also
put a pressure on per unit cost of rice production and, thereby, export competitiveness. International
Rice Research Institute (IRRI) in partnership with national research institutes in Thailand successfully
developed direct seeded rice production technique. Direct seeding technique accompanied by
mechanical tillage, weeding and harvesting operations have reduced labour requirement for rice
production to 64 man-days per hectare.
Win-Win solutions for farmers, farm labours and consumers in Bangladesh can be achieved through
three complementary ways. First of all, we have to develop and disseminate labour saving rice
production technologies. Secondly, farm mechanisation measures and policies must be inclusive and
beneficial towards landless labour, smallholder farmers and youth. Third, we have to facilitate
integration of farm and non-farm activities in rural areas through development of better infrastructure,
transport, storage, credit and market access which will ensure higher employment and income in rural
areas and stable supply of rice and other agricultural commodities at a lower price.

2.2 Transformation at the District Level

Crop: At the district level specialization in crop production was observed. Rice and maize are produced
all over the country but specialization has taken place for other crops particularly for cash crops,
vegetables and fruits. In the recent years, sugarcane production is concentrated in 14 districts (Natore,
Rajshahi, Noagaon, Chapai Nawabgonj, Kustia, Meherpur, Chuadanga, Dinajpur, Thakurgaon,
Panchagar, Pabna, Sirajgonj, Jamalpur and Sherpur) which produce more than 70 percent of total
production in the country. About 85 percent of the total potato is produced in 14 districts (Rangpur,
Munsigonj, Bogra, Rajshahi, Joypurhat, Dinajpur, Thakurgaon, Nilphamari, Noagaon, Comilla,
Chandpur, Gaibanda, Panchagar and Narayangonj). More than 90 percent wheat is now produced in 22
districts (Thakurgaon, Rajshahi, Pabna, Natore, Faridpur, Meherpur, Dinajpur, Panchagar, Kustia,
Rajbari, Chapai Nawabgonj, Noagaon, Magura, Kurigram, Jhenaidah, Chuadanga, Tangail, Gopalgonj,
Madaripur, Brahmanbaria, Nilphamari and Jamalpur). About 70 percent of the total jute is now
produced in 16 districts (Faridpur, Jamalpur, Rajbari, Kustia, Pabna, Meherpur, Jessore, Chuadanga,
Magura, Madaripur, Tangail, Jhenaidah, Narail, Sirajgonj, Shariatpur and Bogra). Vegetable production
is spreaded in more districts. Top 10 vegetable producing districts (Tangail, Mymensingh, Jessore,
Jhenaidah, Magura, Narail, Chittagong, CoxsBazar, Kustia, and Meherpur) produce about one third of
the total vegetables in the country. In case of fruits, top 10 growing districts (Tangail, Rajshahi,
Noagaon, Chapai Nawabgonj, Natore, Kustia, Meherpur, Chuadanga, Khagrachari , Bandarban and
Rangamati) grow about 45 percent of the total fruit production. Implication of specialization among
districts in terms of production of various crops indicate that we have to reorient our support strategy for
input delivery, extension services, marketing institutions and storage facilities accordingly.
Reorganization of agricultural support system with differential need for different districts will be an
important aspect for Seventh FYP.

Livestock: Production of milk, meat and eggs increased exponentially during the last five years. A
recent study (Rahman, Begum and Alam (2014) has shown that livestock resources are relatively evenly
distributed across regions with one or two exceptions. For example, the highest per hectare availability
of livestock unit is in Chittagong and lowest in Chittagong Hill tracts. All regions experienced increase
in the stock of livestock over time but at a variable rate, with highest rate of increase is in Chittagong
Hill tracts followed by Rajshahi.

Fisheries: Pond fish has emerged as a major source of fish production in Bangladesh. Within a span of
less than two decades, total production of pond fish has increased by 5.5 times (from 267 thousand
metric tons in 1994/95 to 1,447 thousand metric tons in 2012/13). Detailed analysis of performance in
pond fish production at the national and district level was carried out by (Deb, Faruque, Mandal and
Sadat, 2016). Performance was measured in terms of growth in pond area and production of pond fish,
and share of pond fish to the total fish production during 2001/02-2012/13. The study revealed regional
concentration in pond fish production in some districts located in the northern (Panchagarh, Thakurgaon,
Dinajpur, Jaypurhat, Bogra and Sirajganj), western (Nawabganj, Rajshahi), south-west (Jhenaidah,
Magura, Narail, Jessore), south (Patuakhali and Jhalokathi) and eastern (Brahmanbaria, Comilla,
Noakhali, Feni and Chittagong) part of the country. Pond fish production has association with area under
fish cultivation, human capital engaged in fish production, fish production technology, access to market
and per capita income of the district.

2.3 Drivers of Change at the National and District Level

Several factors have contributed towards agricultural transformation in Bangladesh. These include rapid
technological change and more options for farmers created through agricultural research, increased
market opportunity, higher level of profit and income. Farmers aspirations and positive attitude towards
change were ably supported through policies, public investment in agriculture and delivery of essential
inputs. Development and diffusion of improved crop varieties with useful traits and higher yield and
profitability, expansion and better management of irrigation through innovative ways such as
introduction of prepaid cards in the Barind region for use of DTWs, effective input (seed and fertilizer)
delivery, expanded credit facility for agriculture sector, policy reform and investment in agriculture.
Access to input and output markets through better road networks in the country and to the international
market through trade policy reform (reduction of tariff rates for inputs and cash incentive for export of
vegetables and fisheries products) also contributed towards increase in domestic production and
increased availability of food items to the consumers.

Development and Release of New Varieties, Hybrids and Breeds: Bangladesh has released more than
550 modern varieties of 74 different crops developed by the National Agricultural Research Systems in
partnership with international agricultural research organizations. These include 92 varieties for rice, 37
varieties for wheat, 25 varieties for maize, 44 varieties for jute, 22 varieties for tomato, 61 varieties for
potato and 43 varieties for sugarcane. More than 70 improved varieties were released during last six
years (2009 to 2014). Adoption of these improved varieties and hybrids by replacing low-yielding
traditional varieties have contributed to increase in yield, reduction in per unit cost of production and
increased profitability in farming. Thus, real price of agricultural products declined over time without
hampering production incentives for the farmers. Bangladesh released 92 modern varieties of rice and
approved another 52 hybrids for cultivation during the Boro season. Currently, more than 95 percent of
potato area is under HYVs, all maize area is under hybrids, almost all area under vegetables are under
hybrids and HYVs, more than 95 percent area under Boro rice is under HYVs and hybrids while three-

fourth of the area under Aman rice is under HYVs. Improved cultivars were complemented with better
crop husbandry practices, efficient utilization of fertilizer and irrigation, and pest management methods.
Modern varieties and other inputs, production technologies and knowledge were disseminated to the
farmers field through extension services and other public and private agencies. Fish production has
also benefited from supply of quality fingerlings and improved varieties of Tilapia and other fish
species. New methods of rearing better quality poultry birds and improved breeds of cattle for both milk
and meat production have expanded throughout the country. Livestock production was also supported by
the NGOs and private sector companies.

Better access to Technology Related Information: Farmers received better access to technology related
information through face to face interaction with extension personnel, agricultural information centres,
call centres and knowledge intensive technologies (leaf colour chart, IPM, pollination for Kakrol).

Effective Delivery of Agricultural Inputs: Improved seeds, fertilizer and irrigation are three essential
inputs for crop production. Bangladesh has been able to ensure delivery of improved seeds, fertilizer
and irrigation. Public agencies like Bangladesh Agricultural Development Corporation (BADC) have
increased production and supply of improved crop varieties and hybrids. Private sector is vibrant in
supply of HYV and hybrid seeds.

The government has successfully ensured supply of fertilizers. Availability of fertilizer was a problem in
the early 1990s and agricultural production for many crops was negatively affected because of lack of
fertilizer availability on time. Fertilizer subsidies were reintroduced in 1996, following acute fertilizer
crisis in the domestic market during the 1995 Boro season. The government virtually overtook the
wholesale distribution from the private sector and started operating a buffer stock in order to stabilize
fertilizer prices. The government has introduced heavy subsidy to non-urea fertilizers such as TSP and
MP in 2009 to ensure more balanced use of chemical fertilizers, vitally needed to maintain soil fertility
(Hossain and Deb, 2010). It has promoted use of balanced fertilizers and increased crop productivity.

The technological progress has been supported by both public and private investments for irrigation,
flood control and drainage. The irrigated area has expanded rapidly since late 1980s especially under
private investment by numerous farmers in minor irrigation system (diesel operated Low Lift Pumps
(LLPs) and shallow tubewells (STWs)) which now account for over 70 percent of total irrigated area.
Expansion of irrigation facilities were complemented with the emergence of a water market that
provides irrigation service to adjoining plots in the command area, as a result of which the small and
marginal farmers who cannot afford to invest in irrigation equipment can now have access to irrigation
for cultivation of irrigated Boro rice in the dry season (Hossain and Deb, 2010).

Rapid Actions against Contagious Diseases such as culling of bird to curtail bird flu, vaccination of day
old chicks contributed towards rapid growth in poultry production. Release of fish fingerlings into open
water bodies and distribution of brood stock to the private hatcheries contributed towards increased fish
production. There have been a number of positive changes that are expected to improve fish marketing
environment in the country. These positive drivers for fisheries sector include: (i) the shift from

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subsistence to commercial fish farming, (ii) emergence of super-markets, and (iii) a changing social
attitude towards fish marketing, as it is increasingly considered as a less dishonourable job as was
thought in the past (Alam, Palash, Mian and Dey, 2012).

Trade policy reform: The government had also implemented trade policy reforms in case of other inputs
such as seed, import of fertilizers and irrigation equipment. The seed market in Bangladesh has dual
structure in which major crops such as rice, wheat, jute, potato and sugarcane are classified as notified
crops. For these crops variety development, evaluation, maintenance, multiplication, quality control and
distribution are done by different public agencies. The private sectors role in the seed business has been
restricted to the distribution of non-notified crops, mainly brand name hybrid vegetable seed. In 1999,
the government allowed the private sector to import seeds of hybrid rice. During the last one and a half
decade, some leading NGOs have been obtaining breeder seeds directly from Bangladesh Rice Research
Institute (BRRI) so that they can produce the foundation and certified seeds of rice for distribution. As a
result, the marketing of seeds of high-yielding varieties of rice has substantially increased. Private sector
has been allowed to import fertilizer from the international market since the mid- eighties. In case of
import of diesel engines, import duties were reduced and procedures were simplified. These were
accompanied by withdrawal of restrictions on standardization of minor irrigation equipment, especially
for shallow tube-wells and low lift pumps. These policy changes led to huge import of diesel engines
from China, Taiwan and other low cost exporting countries and massive private investment in minor
irrigation system, which now account for over 70 percent of total irrigated area in the country.

Financial inclusion through expanded credit facilities and policy support: Agriculture credit
disbursement increased significantly during the Sixth FYP. Annual disbursement of agricultural credit
has increased from Taka 6.786 billion in 1982/83 to 85.807 billion in 2007/08. In 2013/14, it has
reached to Taka 160.368 billion in 2013/14. Several policy initiatives undertaken by the Bangladesh
bank has contributed towards financial inclusion in the agriculture sector particularly during the Sixth
FYP. These are: (i) mandatory minimum 25% agricultural lending target for all banks, (ii) government
interest subsidy on loans for specified higher value exotic crops and spices, (iii) Banks with inadequate
rural branch presence can lend through local micro-finance institutes (MFIs), (iv) credit needs of tenant
farmers supported by lending through BRAC, (v) Bank accounts for farmers available at nominal
deposits; 10 million accounts opened so far.

Public, private and international investment in agriculture: Public investment in agriculture was
substantial which has also stimulated private investment in the country. Public investment also
facilitated to harness the potential from investment made by international community through the
international agricultural research institutes.

Profitability and Comparative Advantage in Crop Production: Rashid and Deb (2016) has analysed the
recent trends (FY2010 to FY20113) in productivity, profitability and comparative advantage in
cultivation of 17 major crops grown in Bangladesh using household survey data collected from 503
sample farms located in 12 villages under 11 districts in Bangladesh. These included five cereal crops
(Aus rice, Aman rice and Boro rice, Wheat and Maize), Jute, Potato, Lentil, Groundnut and eight

11 | P a g e
vegetables (Ash gourd, Bitter gourd, Pointed gourd, Brinjal, Cucumber, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Okra). It
has showed that cultivation of these crops was profitable at the farm level. Productivity (per hectare
yield) of these crops in FY2013, compared to FY2010, increased between 5.6 percent (Aus rice) and
37.3 percent (Groundnut). Per unit cost of production in real terms (USD/ton) reduced for Boro rice,
wheat, lentil, potato and maize slightly decreased but it has increased for groundnut during the last four
years (FY2010-FY2013). During this period, average per hectare net return (financial profitability) in
production of different crops ranged between USD 162 (for Aus Rice) to USD 3,985 (for Brinjal). Per
hectare net return from wheat and maize was higher than rice grown in any season (Aus, Aman and
Boro). Net return was higher from cultivation of vegetables but there was fluctuation in prices. The
study added that Bangladesh has comparative advantage in production of Aus rice, Aman rice, Boro
rice, wheat, maize, lentil and groundnut at import parity price implying that increased domestic
production of these crops can reduce import of these crops. On the other hand, Bangladesh has
comparative advantage for production of jute, potato, and vegetables (Ash gourd, Bitter gourd, Pointed
gourd, Brinjal, Cucumber, Cabbage, Cauliflower and Okra) at export parity prices indicating that these
crops can be grown not only for domestic consumption but also for export to the international market.

2.4 Transformation at the Household Level: Insights from Panel Data 2010/11-2014/15

Changes in cropping pattern: Cropping pattern among the rural households was mainly rice
dominated in the rainy season (Figure 7). There was not much change over the last five years. In the
post-rainy season, there was increased production of vegetables, oilseeds, pulses and other high value
crops (Figure 8). More than 60 percent of the total cropped area in the post rainy season was now under
cultivation of non-rice crops among the VDSA Panel households in 2014/15.

Sources of Rural Livelihoods: Household Incomes were computed for all farm and non-farm sources
for all VDSA panel households for the last five years. Farm income sources include crop, livestock, fish
and farm labour. Non-farm income sources include service, business, non-farm labour, caste occupation,
remittances and rental income. Between FY2010/11 and FY2014/15, average per-capita income
increased by 38 percent (from USD 325 to USD 448) (Figure 9). Income sources have diversified.
Increased dependence on non-farm sector as sources of livelihood amongst the VDSA Panel households
was observed. Increase in income among the VDSA Panel households was associated with expansion of
irrigation facility, adoption of modern varieties, accumulation of agricultural and non-agricultural
capital, access to agricultural credit, market access through better roads and infrastructure, educational
attainment, and expansion of rural non-farm economy (Table 8). Migration within country and outside
country has also played an important role for increase in household income.

Agriculture continues to play an important role and contributing more than 40% average income of all
rural households and more than 80% for farm households. Wide variation exists in per capita income
across villages. Per capita income increased rapidly in the villages which has experienced technological

12 | P a g e
change, better market access and accumulation of new income generating assets expansion of non-farm
sectors (Deb, Bantilan, Pramanik and Khan, 2015).

Poverty among Rural Households: The Sixth Plan sought to reduce head-count poverty from 31.5
percent in 2010 to 22.5 percent by 2015. Unfortunately, the last Household Income and Expenditure
Survey (HIES) was done in 2010. Since there is no survey based evidence on what has happened to
poverty since 2010, projections are made in the Seventh FYP based on relationship between GDP
growth and poverty reduction during the two most recent years for which HIES data are available: 2005-
2010. This aggregative elasticity of poverty reduction with respect to GDP assumes unchanged
consumption-GDP relationship and unchanged income distribution (GoB, 2015, p. 8). The projected
decline made by the Planning Commission in poverty is shown in Table 9. The incidence of poverty and
extreme poverty both exhibit considerable reduction, with faster progress in the reduction of extreme
poor. The incidence of poverty falls to below 25 percent while that of extreme poverty declines to below
13 percent. In other words, during the Sixth FYP average annual reduction in poverty was
approximately 1.4 percentage points while it was about 1.0 percentage point for extreme poverty.

To answer the question, What has happened to rural poverty reduction?, we have analysed the VDSA
Panel Household Survey data collected from 500 households located in 12 villages of 11 districts in
Bangladesh during FY2011 to FY 2015. The study villages are located in different agro ecological zones
(favourable, drought prone, flood prone) and socio-economic condition. Therefore, we shall be able to
get pretty good insights from this analysis particularly about rate of poverty reduction in rural areas and
factors associated with poverty reduction in rural areas. These would also allow us about identifying
intervention strategies and action points for poverty reduction in the future. However, these are not
nationally representative samples; therefore, we should not use the estimates to tell about the extent of
poverty in the country.

We have used the Head Count Ratio to measure the extent of poverty among sample households. FAO
norm based calorie intake method was used for calculation of poverty line. Poverty Line represents cost
of balanced food basket that provides 2,110 calorie per person per day plus provision for non-food basic
needs on the assumption that 70 per cent of the poverty threshold level income is spent on food. Extent
of poverty among sample households decreased from 41.4 percent in FY2010/11 to 27.6 percent in
FY2014/15 (Figure 10). Average annual reduction in poverty among VDSA Panel Households was 3.45
percentage points. Rapid reduction in poverty among the sample households were linked with increased
per capita income along with low food inflation and especially with lower rice price during the Sixth
FYP. Relationship between per capita income growth, increase in rice price and rate of poverty
reduction among VDSA Panel Households is depicted in Figure 11. Poverty reduction rate was higher in
FY2014/15 even though income growth was relatively lower than that of other years. It was possible
mainly because of more than 20 percent decrease in rice price compared to the previous year. Therefore,
Seventh FYP must have to prioritise actions towards keeping lower level of food prices in general and
rice prices in particular.

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Employment and Wages in Rural Areas
Labour force has expanded in the country over the years. Number of persons engaged in agriculture,
forestry and fisheries has increased from 16.4 million in 1983/84 to 25.7 million in 2010. Share of
employment in agriculture to the total employment in the country declined from 51.7 percent in 2002-03
to 47.3 percent in 2010. Absorption capacity of the agriculture sector for increasing labour force has
weakened with decline in per capita land availability. But, employment opportunities have expanded in
non-farm enterprises. High mobility of rural population away from farming to nonfarm activities was
observed in recent years. About three-fifth of the VDSA households were employed in non-farm
activities and about 60 percent of the income of the households was from nonfarm sources. Real wages
for agricultural and non-agricultural labourers increased continuously over the last three decades but it
grew rapidly during the last 10 years. Daily real wage of agricultural workers has increased from Taka
19.58 in the early eighties (1983-84) to Taka 72.23 in 2003. It has further increased from Taka 135.67 in
2008 to Taka 262.93 in 2014. Daily real wage of agricultural labour increased from 3.51 kg in 1990/91
to 5.77 kg in 2002/03. Then, it declined to 4.96 kg in 2007/08 during the time of price hike
(Shahabuddin and Deb, 2011). Real wage was about 8 to 10 kg rice in the recent years (Talukder et al.

How did farmers respond to the rising wages in agriculture?

Farmers have dealt with the rising wages in agriculture through replacement of human and bullock
labours for some operations such as tillage, harvesting and threshing, and thus reduced use of human
labour for production of major crops on a per hectare basis, For example, in the late eighties (1988) for
production of HYV rice in a hectare of land would require 104 man-days which has reduced to 52 man-
days in FY2013/14 (Table 10). During the same period, per hectare labour use reduced in production of
wheat (from 69 to 35 man-days), jute (from 104 to 74 man-days), pulses (from 41 to 26 man-days),
oilseeds (from 59 to 33 man-days), sugarcane (from 135 to 77 man-days) and potato (from 116 to 84
man-days). In addition, farmers are also using weedicide to control weeds. Spread of education and
expansion of information through extension services, print and electronic media has also facilitated
promotion of labour saving and knowledge intensive technologies and crop husbandry practices.

2.5 Impacts of Change

Marketing MarginFarmers Share to the Consumers Taka: The marketing margin (the difference
between what consumers pay and what farmers receive) is a good indicator about farmers share to the
consumers Taka. It varies across agricultural commodities and also includes costs of marketing. A
review of marketing studies revealed that vegetable farmers received 51.1 percent of the price paid by
the consumers in Dhaka while Paikers received 20.1 percent, Aratdars received 1.9 percent and Retailers
got 26.5 percent of the payment made by the consumers of summer vegetables (Deb and Bairagi, 2014).

Alam, Palash, Mian and Dey (2012) studied the overall fish marketing system of Bangladesh with
particular emphasis to the extent of value addition during the process of marketing of rohu, catla,
pangas, tilapia, hilsha and shrimp. Farmers share of the consumers prices for different fishes seem to be
reasonable except for hilsha fish. Farmers received 67%, 72% and 76% share of the consumers Taka for
14 | P a g e
major carp-pangas-tilapia, shrimp (overseas value chain) and shrimp(domestic value chain) respectively.
However, for hilsha, the major share (46%) of consumer Taka goes to Mahajon, and fishermen receive
only 31%.

Food Consumption and Nutrition: Increased domestic production and liberalized import of foods has
increased per capita availability as well as consumption of food items. Household Income and
Expenditure Surveys (HIES) conducted by the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics in various years revealed
that per capita daily intake of foodgrains has decreased from 509 grams in 1991-92 to 442 grams in
2010. During the same period, per capita daily consumption of vegetables has increased by 19 grams
(Figure 12). Meat consumption was doubled (increased from 12.8 grams to 25.8 grams). Milk
consumption increased by 75 percent (from 19.1 grams to 33.7 grams). On the other hand, fish
consumption has increased by 15 grams (from 34.5 grams to 49.5 grams). In 2010, fruits consumption
was about 2.5 times than that of early nineties (increased from 16.9 grams to 44.7 grams). Consumption
of edible oils was doubled (increased from 10.1 grams to 20.5 grams). Per capita consumption of poor
and well-off increased both in rural and urban areas. Though per capita consumption has increased but
there are significant differences in food consumption between the poor and well-off households.
According to the Poverty Monitoring Surveys, poor households consumed about 25 percent less food in
term of quantity and about 20 percent less in terms of calories, compared to the well-off households at
the national level. Hence, economic access to food by all, particularly for the poor people of the country
is indeed a major concern. Another pertinent concern is stability in food consumption particularly during
rapid increase in price and during the time of natural disaster.

Trends in Hunger Index: The Global Hunger Index (GHI) is a comprehensive measure to track hunger
globally and by country and region (IFPRI, 2015). International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
calculates the GHI each year. Hunger is usually understood to refer to the distress associated with lack
of food. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) defines food deprivation,
or undernourishment, as the consumption of fewer than about 1,800 kilocalories a daythe minimum
that most people require to live a healthy and productive life. In the IFPRI GHI Report, hunger refers
to the index based on the four component indicators. Taken together, the component indicators
(undernourishment, child stunting, child wasting, and child mortality) reflect deficiencies in calories as
well as in micronutrients. Thus, the GHI reflects both aspects of hunger (food deprivation and
malnutrition). Malnutrition refers more broadly to both under-nutrition (problems of deficiencies) and
over-nutrition (problems of unbalanced diets, which include consuming too many calories in relation to
energy requirements, with or without low intake of micronutrient-rich foods).The GHI ranks countries
on a 100-point scale. Zero is the best score (no hunger), and 100 is the worst, although neither of these
extremes is reached in practice.

Hunger index in Bangladesh has consistently declined from 52.2 in 1990 to 31.0 in 2005 and then to
27.3 in 2015 (Table 11). During the last 10 years reduction in hunger condition was 3.7 points. It implies
that in the early nineties one out of two persons was in the hunger condition. On the other hand, one
out of four persons was in hunger condition in the 2015. This is a significant achievement. However,

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we have to do a lot more for eradicating hunger from the country and ensuring food security for all in all

Factors Affecting Food Security: National and household level food security in Bangladesh is affected
by a number of factors including the performance of the agriculture sector, especially the incidence of
natural disasters such as floods, droughts and cyclones, flow of remittances and trade policies pursued
by trading partner countries. Both availability and consumption of food items increases during the
normal and good production years. On the other hand, natural disasters directly affect household food
security status by undermining their asset base and, indirectly, through a loss of employment
opportunities, an increase in health expenditure and also an increase in necessary food expenditure
(WFP, 2010). International remittances received by Bangladesh have reduced the incidence and severity
of poverty in the country by 6 percentage point (Adams, 2005). Non-Government Organizations (NGOs)
in Bangladesh have contributed towards achieving household food security through increasing food
availability, providing economic access to food, enhancing food utilization and stability over time.
Liberal export policies along with low prices in the international markets have helped to enhance its
food security situation particularly during the time of floods in 1998 (Dorosh et al. 2003). However,
high and volatile prices in the international market accompanied by restrictive and unpredictable export
policies of the major exporting countries in the late 2000s had adverse impact on the food security
situation in Bangladesh.


3.1 Opportunities

There are multiple opportunities for increasing agricultural production, enhancing food security situation
and eradicating hunger during the Seventh FYP. These include:

Promotion of nutritious crop cultivars and production technologies for higher yield, resilience and
better nutrition: In the recent years, Bangladesh has released a number of crop varieties tolerant to
salinity, drought and submergence. Expansion of nutritious rice varieties (BRRI dhan62, BRRI dhan 64
and BRRI dhan72) can contribute towards nutrition security. Research on Vitamin A rich Golden Rice
is in the final stage which can solve the problem of vitamin A deficiency related problems particularly
for mothers, pregnant women and children. Introduction of System of Rice Intensification (SRI) has also
the potential for reduction in cost and increase in yield. Special efforts should be made to promote SRI
technology. Promotion of salt-tolerant rice varieties (BR 23, BRRI Dhan 41, BRRI 47) and submergence
tolerance varieties (Swarna Sub2) will enhance resilience against vagaries of nature.

Water management and improved crop husbandry practices: Efficiency of water used for irrigation is
low in Bangladesh. Scientists have already proved that adoption of alternate wet and dry (AWD)
irrigation technology for Boro rice cultivation can save 25 percent irrigation water and also save energy
(electricity, diesel) without reducing the yield level. Therefore, special efforts should be made to
promote AWD instead of current practice of constant irrigation with standing water in the field.

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Integrated soil fertility management program: Promotion of adequate and balanced fertilizer use can
contribute towards achieving high yield goals and increase production substantially (Karim 2008).
Newly approved organic fertilizers provide a good opportunity for soil fertility improvement but quality
control would be a challenge.

Input delivery for livestock and fisheries sector through private sector: Development of a vibrant private
sector over the last three decades for delivering inputs for fish farming and animal farming is strength
for non-crop farming in the country. Government should encourage private investment in livestock
sector but quality assurance of day old chicks, drugs, vaccines, feeds, and breeding materials through
legal and regulatory framework is necessary for sustainable development of the livestock sector
(Rahman, Begum and Alam, 2014).

Boosting agricultural trade and addressing technical barriers to trade: Cash incentive had positive
contribution to the export of frozen shrimp/prawn, frozen fish and vegetables (Deb and Bairagi, 2014). It
had also contributed to the income of shrimp farmers, fish farmers and vegetable farmers. Cash
incentive had positive impact on labour employment particularly for labour engaged in production and
processing of exported shrimp, and production of fish and vegetables. Bangladesh has been facing the
challenge of ensuring safe food and compliance to sanitary and phyto-sanitary (SPS) rules. On these
grounds, the country is facing the technical barriers to trade (TBT) for export promotion of some
agricultural commodities like vegetables and fruits, and frozen foods for which Bangladesh has
comparative advantage. Establishment of the South Asian Regional Standards Organization (SARSO), a
specialized body of SAARC, has created new opportunity to develop SAARC standards on the products
which are important for Bangladeshs trade. Therefore, SARSO will be able to help Bangladesh to
address technical barriers to trade and facilitate flow of goods and services from Bangladesh in the
region and to the global market.

Innovative means to reduce risks: Minimizing risk in agricultural production is possible through
introduction of effective measures such as insurance in case of any loss occurred due factors which are
beyond their control such as floods and cyclones. Price risk can be reduced and farmers share to the
consumers Taka can be increased through enhanced market linkage and development of cold storage
facilities in the private sector through right kind of policies and regulations.

Converting wastes into wealth: There are several examples of new inventions which have turned wastes
into wealth. For example, use of sugarcane bagasse for making of bricks delivered good results.
Converting rice husks to rice briskets contributed towards reduction in environmental pollution and
solved the fuel problem of rural households. Promoting rice bran oil technology will be good for health
and environment. Shrimp and other fish wastes can be converted into fish feed and animal feed. Maize
straws can be processed as animal feed. Promotion of vermicomposting will enhance soil fertility.
Promotion of biogas for fuel in a large scale would contribute towards energy security. New jobs can be
created for the rural youth through such kind of economic activities.

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Strengthening ICT based agricultural research and extension service: Adequate support for agricultural
research and extension service would be required to achieve higher production. To this end, training and
research supports for frontier rice science particularly for bio-technology and hybrid should get priority.
Training of extension workers particularly for agricultural officers and assistant officers working at the
Upazila and Block level are essential. Use of ICT and electronic media for dissemination of agricultural
technologies should be promoted further.

Nurturing young minds for creative ideas and new technologies: Nurturing talented youth population
would be the key for steering economic growth in the country. A group of Bangladesh students have
utilised sugarcane bagasse (fiber) to make affordable, durable and environment friendly housing
material (bricks) for the rural population of Bangladesh. This innovation brought home glory as runners
up in the Global Social Entrepreneurship Competition (GSEC) 2014. We can organize such completion
on an annual basis and fund for agro-foundation can be used for this.

Designing Social Safety Net Programs: Increased production alone would not be sufficient to ensure
food security for the lower income group. Therefore, expansion of safety net programs for poor and
vulnerable groups would be necessary. Effective implementation of employment generation schemes
during lean season will be beneficial. Based on a nationwide representative household survey for
2009.10 (mid-2009 to mid-2010), Osmani (2014) concluded that the existing system is reasonably
progressive in the incidence of benefits but its coverage is limited. The total amount of benefit is not
even one per cent of the consumption expenditure of an average rural household. Even for the extreme
poor households among the beneficiaries, the contribution of safety net to household consumption was
only about 4 per cent and for the moderate poor just 3.4 per cent. Taking the rural population as a whole,
the extreme poor households received only 2.2 per cent of their household consumption from safety net
programs and moderate poor households received only 1.5 per cent.

Collaboration with SAARC Countries: Ensuring food security is also a challenge for other South Asian
countries. Strengthened collaboration for agricultural development among SAARC will benefit
Bangladesh. Areas for such cooperation include agricultural research and technology development,
technology exchange including exchange of germplasm, variety and breed, crop and animal husbandry
practices; capacity building through development of human resources and development of regional
facilities to ensure food quality and food safety; regional programmes to control transboundary pests and
animal diseases; harmonization of policies and acts (such as protection of plant variety, bio safety
protocols, biodiversity and indigenous knowledge); establishment and functioning of the SAARC Food
Bank and participation in WTO negotiations in agriculture (Deb, 2006).

3.2 Challenges

Bangladesh has made remarkable achievements during the Sixth FYP period. The goal of accelerating
growth, empowering people will require attainment of targets for poverty reduction and sustained
growth in agriculture sector in the Seventh FYP. To this end, there are number of challenges to be faced.

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First of all, maintaining balance between interests of producers and consumers to provide adequate
incentives for the numerous small agri-producers and ensure food security of low income group, hard-
core poor by keeping agricultural prices at affordable level. Low food inflation particularly maintaining
low rice price with adequate profit through increased competitiveness with the global markets including
India will largely define the outcomes. Second challenge is (also linked with the first) dealing with
rising wages, labour scarcity and high costs for irrigation in agriculture. Rising wages have contributed
to the income of labour households and contributed towards rapid poverty reduction in the rural areas.
At the same time, high costs for labour in rice production made Bangladeshi rice farmers uncompetitive
to the Indian farmers. Irrigation costs are high in Bangladesh due to high dependence on diesel operated
irrigation system and lack of low cost power sources (e.g., solar and electricity operated pumps), low
adoption of efficient irrigation techniques such as alternate wet and drying (AWD) in rice production
and micro irrigation (drip and sprinkler) technologies for production of other crops. Third, supporting
specialization process of districts and regions in production of high value agricultural commodities
(potato, vegetables, fruits, fish, shrimp, animal farming) and reduction of price risks. Fourth,
maintaining soil fertility due to overexploitation of soil nutrient, and inadequate use of organic
fertilizers. Fifth, address the challenge of climate change through promotion of salinity, drought and
submergence tolerant crop cultivars. Sixth, ensure safe and nutritious food through maintaining good
agricultural production practices and promotion of pest resistant varieties such as Bt Eggplant, and
nutritionally rich rice varieties (zinc-rich rice varieties BRRI dhan62, BRRI dhan 64and BRRI dhan72,
vitamin A rich Golden Rice). Seventh, increase export of agricultural commodities to the global


To take advantage of the emerging opportunities and also to meet the challenges, a number of priorities
must have to be addressed in the Seventh FYP. These priorities are listed below in five categories: (i) for
boosting agricultural production, (ii) for reduction in production and price risk, (iii) for enhancing food
safety and standards, (iv) for rapid reduction in poverty, enhancing food and nutrition security, and (v)
for boosting agricultural exports.

19 | P a g e
Priority Actions Critical Need/ Addressed in
Importance the Seventh
For boosting agricultural production
Productivity enhancement through promotion of newly released High Yes
crop cultivars
Increase investment for agricultural research and technology High Yes
Dealing with labour scarcity and enhance competiveness in rice Very High Not explicit
production through reduction in per unit cost of production
particularly for fertilizer, labour and irrigation
Ensure availability of quality seed, fingerlings, animal breeds and Very High Yes
Farm mechanization High Yes
Feeds and fodder management High Yes
Expansion of credit facilities High Yes
Strengthening of ICT-based extension services High Yes
Reorientation of agricultural support system to promote revealed Very High No
specialization of districts in crop, fish farming and animal

For reduction in production and price risk

Technology based weather prediction and forecasting Very High Yes
Introduction of crop insurance Medium Not Explicit
Promotion of newly released drought, submergence and salinity High Yes
tolerant crop varieties

For value addition, enhancing food safety and standards

Promote agro-processing High Yes
Diversification towards high value crops High Yes
Better market linkage and storage facilities for highly perishable High Yes
For rapid reduction in poverty, enhancing food and nutrition
security and inclusion of women
Reduction in real prices of agricultural commodities High Not explicit
Increase profitability in crop, fish and animal farming High Yes
Mainstreaming women in agriculture High Yes
Expansion of social safety net programs High Yes
For boosting agricultural exports
Addressing technical barriers to trade High Not explicit
Compliance to safety standards in food production and marketing High Yes
Linking famers to the global market through reorientation of Cash High No
Incentive (export subsidy) scheme

20 | P a g e

Bangladesh has made remarkable progress in agricultural development and structural transformation has
taken place over the years. Production of various agricultural commodities (crops, livestock, fisheries
and agro-forestry) has increased and diversified. During the Sixth Five Year Plan period, agriculture
sector performed well in terms of agricultural production, addressing the challenges of floods and
natural calamities, diversification towards high value crops and non-crop agriculture. Specialization
among districts in production of various crops, vegetables, pond fish production, poultry and dairy
production was observed. Increased rural credit for farm and non-farm sectors and separate credit
program for the tenant farmers with opening Bank Accounts for more than 10 million farmers
contributed towards financial inclusion of the rural households. More than 70 new varieties and hybrids
of different crops were developed and released along with new breeds for poultry during last six years.
In FY2015, compared to FY2010, value of exports of agricultural commodities has increased by 49
percent. During the same period, import of agricultural commodities has also increased by 18 percent.
Rural economy has diversified and increased dependence on rural non-farm sector for livelihoods was
observed. Based on major sources of income and employment, two types of households, farm and
nonfarm, have emerged in rural areas. Farm households depend on agriculture for more than 80 percent
of the total income. Along with expansion of rural non-farm economy part-time farming has expanded.
Part-time farming is going to increase further in the coming years due low per capita availability of land.
Increased production and import of agricultural commodities accompanied by targeted distribution of
food under social safety net programs increased per capita availability and consumption of food items by
both poor and non-poor households. However, inequality exists between poor and non-poor in
consumption of nutritious food items such fruits, vegetables, milk, meat and fish items.

In spite of the remarkable achievements made over the years and particularly during the Sixth FYP,
further increase in agricultural production and ensuring food security (physical availability and
economic access to food) would continue to be a major challenge for Bangladesh in the coming years
particularly due to shrinking resource base, adverse impact of climate change on agriculture sector and
overall economy. Future growth in production of agricultural commodities (such as crop, livestock and
fish) will depend on agricultural productivity growth. To achieve this, we must have technological
breakthrough in agriculture particularly for shifting the yield frontier and development of climate smart
(resilient to drought, submergence and salinity tolerant) crops and production technology. In addition,
longer-term weather forecasting ahead of the cropping season and agro-advisory services in accordance
of the predicted weather will essential.

Integrated development of rural farm and non-farm economy will be the key for prosperity, poverty
reduction and economic viability of rural households. Recently developed crop suitability maps by the
Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council (BARC) along with revealed comparative advantage
(specialization) of districts for production of various crops, vegetables, fruits, fish, milk, meat and egg
production should be the basis for targeting, resource allocation and project formulation at the district
and upazila level.

21 | P a g e
Bangladesh must have to rely on its national capacity (available with public institutes, private companies
and NGO sector) and strengthen its partnership with international agricultural research centres for
achieving the targets to set for food security and agricultural development in the Seventh Plan. To
safeguard the food security of poor and low income households, scope and extent of safety net programs
should be increased including effective implementation of employment generation schemes.
Collaboration with other South Asian countries particularly for effectively tacking trans-boundary pests
and diseases (bird flu, avian influenza) and ensuring food safety standard would be needed. Effective
functioning of the SAARC Food Bank would be beneficial to reduce the food security risks at the time
of disasters. Bangladesh has already achieved the status of lower middle income country status in 2014.
We do strongly believe that our leaders supported by professionals, workers and entrepreneurs will be
able to translate our dream for a hunger free country by the end of Seventh FYP. Then we will be able to
happily celebrate the Golden Jubilee Year of Independent Bangladesh in 2021.


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Small-scale Sector.
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Bangladesh. Chapter 9, pages 289-322, in Regional Cooperation in South Asia: A Review of
Bangladesh's Development 2004. Dhaka: University Press Limited (UPL) and the Centre for Policy
Dialogue (CPD).
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evidences. Chapter 3, pages 65-104, in Bangladesh Facing the Challenges of Globalisation: A Review of
Bangladesh's Development 2001. Dhaka: University Press Limited (UPL) and the Centre for Policy
Dialogue (CPD).
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Asia-Pacific Research and Training Network on Trade (ARTNeT), an Initiative of United Nations
Deb U and Bairagi SK (2014). Impact of Cash Incentives Programme on Export of Shrimp and
Vegetables, Farm Level Income and Employment. The Business Review. Volume 3 (1&2): 63-76.
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Self-sufficiency or self-reliance. Research Monograph 3. Dhaka: UK Department for International
Development (DFID).

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Dhaka Tribune, (2014). Global Social Entrepreneurship Competition 2014.
Dorosh, Paul, Carlo delNinno and Quazi Shahabuddin. (2003), The 1998 Flood and Beyond: Moving
Towards a Comprehensive Food Security in Bangladesh. Dhaka: University Press Ltd.
FAO/WFP (2008). Crop and Food Supply Assessment Mission to Bangladesh. Special Report. Rome:
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and World Food Programme (WFP).

GoB (2015). Seventh Five Year Plan FY2016-FY2020: Accelerating Growth, Empowering Citizens.
Dhaka: General Economics Division (GED), Planning Commission, Government of the Peoples
Republic of Bangladesh.
Hossain, M. and U.K. Deb (2010), Volatility in Rice Prices and Policy Resources in Bangladesh. Pages
91-108, in David Dawe (Ed.) The Rice Crisis: Markets, Policies and Food Security. London and
Washington, D.C.: Earthscan.
Hossain, Mahabub and Uttam Deb. (2009), Food security and containing price escalation:facts and
implications for policy. Pages 77-102, in Development of Bangladesh with Equity and Justice:
Immediate Task for the New Government. Dhaka: Centre for Policy Dialogue.
IFPRI (2015). Global Hunger Index 2015. International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).
Karim, Z. (2008).Current Farm Level Fertilizer Situation and Agricultural Productivity in
Ministry of Finance, Govt. of Bangladesh, Bangladesh Economic Review (various years).
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Ground. Working Paper 31. Dhaka: Institute of Microfinance.
Rahman S, Begum IA and Alam MJ (2014), Livestock in Bangladesh: distribution, growth,
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Talukder RK, Alam F, Islam M and Anik AR (2015). Background Paper on Food Security and
Nutrition prepared for Seventh Five Year Plan Preparation. Dhaka: Bangladesh Planning Commission.

23 | P a g e
Table 1: Trends in sectoral composition of the Bangladesh economy, 1973-74 to 2014-15
(Current GDP in Million USD)
Sectors 1973-74 1980-81 1990-91 2000-01 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15P
Agriculture 5207 5830 8425 11796 21631 21581 23239 26541 28916
(58.4) (41.0) (36.0) (21.9) (16.8) (16.2) (16.3) (16.1) (15.6)
Industry 914 2395 3682 12193 32229 33764 39460 45488 51884
(10.2) (16.8) (15.7) (22.6) (25.1) (25.3) (27.6) (27.6) (28.0)
Service 2798 6008 11279 27309 68260 70905 80083 92729 104626
(31.4) (42.2) (48.2) (50.6) (53.1) (53.2) (56.1) (56.3) (56.4)
Total GDP 8919 14233 23385 53984 128678 133401 142783 164758 185426
(100.0) (100.0) (100.0) (100.0) (100.0) (100.0) (100.0) (100.0) (100.0)
Note: Values in the parenthesis indicating percentage and P indicates Provisional.
Source: Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics

Table 2: Annual Compound Rate of Growth of Real GDP (2005-06 constant pieces) of Different Sub-
Sectors of Bangladesh Agriculture, 1973/74 to 2014/15
(Percent per annum)
Sectors 1973/74-2007/08 2008/09-2014/15 2010/11-2014/15
Agriculture (A+B) 2.39 3.58 3.06
A. Crop and Forestry 2.33 3.51 2.98
i) Crops & horticulture 2.03 3.10 2.25
ii) Animal Farming 3.26 2.69 2.79
iii) Forest and related services 3.55 5.36 5.33
B. Fishing 3.30 5.79 6.19
Total GDP 4.19 6.12 6.31
Source: Authors calculation, based on data from Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics.

Table 3: Growth Performance of Agriculture Sub-Sectors during Sixth Five Year Plan: FY2011 to

Particulars FY2009 FY2010 FY2011 FY2012 FY2013 FY2014 FY2015

Rate of growth (%)
Agriculture (A+B) 3.14 6.61 3.92 2.40 1.59 4.37 3.04
A. Agriculture and Forestry 4.10 5.56 5.09 2.46 1.47 3.81 2.07
i) Crops & horticulture 2.83 7.57 3.85 1.75 0.59 3.78 1.30
ii) Animal farming 2.35 2.51 2.59 2.68 2.74 2.83 3.10
iii) Forest and related services 5.54 5.34 5.56 5.96 5.04 5.01 5.10
B. Fishing 4.94 4.6 6.69 5.32 6.18 6.36 6.41
Total GDP 5.26 6.04 6.46 6.52 6.01 6.06 6.51
Percent of GDP (%)
Agriculture (A+B) 20.49 20.30 18.00 17.38 16.77 16.50 15.96
A. Agriculture and Forestry 15.91 15.81 14.27 13.70 13.09 12.81 12.27
i) Crops & horticulture 11.43 11.42 10.50 10.01 9.49 9.28 8.83
ii) Animal farming 2.73 2.65 1.98 1.90 1.84 1.78 1.73
iii) Forest and related services 1.75 1.73 1.79 1.78 1.76 1.74 1.72
B. Fishing 4.58 4.49 3.73 3.68 3.68 3.69 3.69
Source: BBS (2014) Bangladesh National Accounts Statistics: Sources and Methods (Revised estimates from 1995-96 to
2013-14 with base year 2005-06) and GDP of Bangladesh 2014-15(P) download from BBS website in January 2016.

24 | P a g e
Table 4.Trends in the Average Annual Production of Major Crops: 1969/70 2014/15

Period Production (in 000 tons) Growth Rate (%)

1969/70 1999/00- 2006/07- 2012/13- 1969/70- 2008/09- 2010/11
2001/02 2008/09 2014/15* 2007/08 2014/15* 2014/15*
Cereal Crops
Total Foodgrains (Rice and 10961 25857 29999 35602 2.77 1.88 1.10
Total Rice 10852 24151 29189 34300 2.67 1.66 0.83
Aus Rice 2722 1819 1638 2271 -1.92 4.55 1.74
Aman Rice 6186 10760 10705 13037 1.57 1.87 0.79
Boro Rice 1944 11571 16845 18992 6.48 1.20 0.74
Wheat 109 1706 810 1302 6.47 8.87 9.68
Maize 3 26 992 2216 14.30 24.99 15.96
Non-Cereal Crops
Sugarcane 6901 6718 5329 4434 -0.06 -2.48 -1.92
Potato 827 3048 5694 8777 5.11 8.65 3.94
Vegetables 803 1560 2664 2954 3.26 2.53 NA
Jute (in Bales) 6193 797 856 5439 -6.90 46.13 57.89
Cotton 10 29 22 31 2.53 9.57 14.01
Tobacco 38 37 40 79 -0.47 15.12 1.47
Total pulses 265 364 217 309 1.41 10.64 14.24
Moong 14 35 19 25 3.72 7.79 8.16
Masur 54 123 83 93 3.55 5.02 19.80
Total oilseeds 257 328 333 464 1.18 9.21 6.77
Rape & Mustard 125 240 215 294 2.35 6.42 6.72
Spices 338 407 1323 1826 2.59 9.33 5.36
Tea 24 50 59 64 2.36 0.60 2.11
Note: * indicates average for 2012/13 and 2013/14 for maize and non-cereal crops and 2012/13 for vegetables.

Source: Authors calculation, based on data collected from Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics and MoA for Maize.

25 | P a g e
Table 5. Import of Foodgrains in Bangladesh:1990/91-2014/15
(000 m. tons)
Fiscal Food Aid Arrival GoB Commercial Private Commercial Total National Imports
Year Rice Wheat Total Rice Wheat Total Rice Wheat Total Rice Wheat Total
1990/91 11 1530 1541 0 37 37 0 0 0 11 1566 1577
1991/92 39 1374 1414 0 150 150 0 0 0 39 1524 1564
1992/93 20 716 736 0 93 93 0 355 355 20 1165 1185
1993/94 0 654 654 0 0 0 74 238 312 74 892 966
1994/95 0 935 935 230 390 620 584 430 1014 814 1755 2569
1995/96 1 743 743 490 351 841 650 200 850 1141 1293 2434
1996/97 10 608 618 9 103 112 15 222 237 34 934 967
1997/98 0 549 549 92 156 249 993 142 1135 1085 848 1933
1998/99 60 1174 1235 348 429 777 2660 820 3480 3068 2424 5491
1999/00 5 865 870 0 0 0 428 806 1234 433 1671 2104
2000/01* 33 459 492 0 0 0 529 534 1063 562 993 1555
2001/02* 9 502 511 0 0 0 118 1162 1280 127 1664 1791
2002/03* 4 250 254 0 0 0 1553 1414 2966 1557 1664 3221
2003/04* 4 285 289 0 29 29 797 1684 2480 801 1997 2798
2004/05* 27 263 290 72 30 101 1196 1786 2983 1294 2079 3374
2005/06 34 160 194 0 103 103 498 1767 2265 532 2030 2562
2006/07 13 109 122 12 79 90 695 1514 2209 721 1700 2420
2007/08 77 162 239 616 272 888 1431 1138 2569 2124 1572 3696
2008/09 35 87 122 396 295 691 187 2031 2218 618 2413 3031
2009/10 3.6 56 60 47 444 490 36.6 2863 2899 87 3362 3449
2010/11 6.2 158 164 1264 776 2040 290.5 2818 3109 1561 3752 5313
2011/12 9 46 55 455 540 995 59 1181 1240 523 1767 2290
2012/13 1 130 131 2 338 340 25 1393 1419 29 1862 1890
2013/14 3 73 76 0 853 853 372 1765 2137 375 2691 3065
2014/15 0 10 10 0 324 324 1490 3450 4940 1490 3784 5274
Note: *including Food Aid wheat receipts for Direct Distribution by World Vision
Source: Bangladesh Food Situation Report (various Issues), FPMU, Ministry of Food.
Table 6: Trends in Imports of agricultural Commodities by Bangladesh, 1993/94-2014/15
In million US$
Food Items 1993/94 1996/ 97 2001/ 02 2006/ 07 2010/11 2011/ 12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15
Rice 10 28 15 179 835 277 30 345 554
Wheat 141 156 171 402 1085 602 697 1081 1011
Total Foodgrains 151 184 186 581 1920 879 727 1426 1565
(Rice and Wheat)
Milk &Dairy Products 37 53 59 83 162 221 214 255 304
Spices 22 10 13 76 126 137 118 181 216
Oilseeds 40 62 72 107 103 180 242 483 354
Edible Oil 117 216 251 583 1068 1650 1399 1612 1535
Pulses (all sorts) 28 54 88 196 291 242 422 424 401
Sugar 13 49 24 295 656 1187 732 822 730
Total Food Imports 408 628 692 1920 4326 4495 3855 5203 5104
Source: Economic Trends (various issues), Bangladesh Bank; converted to US dollar by applying annual average exchange

26 | P a g e
Table 7: Cost of production of paddy in India and Bangladesh: 2011/12
Items Punjab, India Andhra West Bengal, Aman HYV, Boro HYV,
(2010-11) Pradesh, India India Bangladesh Bangladesh
(2011/12) (2011/12) (2010/11) (2011/12)
Seed 27.1 30.5 29.7 26.0 22.8
Fertilizer 61.0 89.5 65.4 84.0 124.6
Manure 5.3 19.2 17.5 16.0 49.8
Pesticides 48.9 31.7 14.4 24.0 11.8
Irrigation 31.1 19.6 40.8 28.0 151.4
Machine rental 27.1 30.5 29.7 95.0 159.0
Animal labour 2.4 11.7 44.1 Nil Nil
Human labour 224.7 447.7 499.5 320 371.68
Total cost 427.5 680.3 741.2 593.0 891.1
Yield (t/ha) 4.27 5.56 3.91 4.12 5.78
Unit cost ($/ton) 100.1 122.4 189.6 143.9 154.2
Price ($/ton) 228.60 228.60 228.60 230.00 230.00
Source: Authors calculation for Bangladesh, using VDSA Panel Household Survey data. For India, CACP Report, Report
On Price Policy For Kharif Crops Of 2014-15 Season (Annexure).

Table 8: Changes in economic indicators among VDSA Panel Households: FY2010/11 to FY2014/15

Particulars FY2010/11 FY2011/12 FY2012/13 FY2013/14 FY2014/15

Resource Endowments & Human Capital
Land owned (Acres) 0.46 0.47 0.45 0.46 0.46
Irrigated land (Acres) 0.43 0.44 0.42 0.42 0.42
MV Adoption Rate (%) 73.78 71.99 74.66 74.75 75.12
Household size (Person) 5.40 5.30 5.30 5.30 5.30
Dependency Ratio 0.79 0.76 2.11 2.29 2.28
Agricultural worker (Person) 0.74 0.72 0.68 0.67 0.68
Non-agricultural worker (Person) 1.04 1.04 1.07 1.10 1.11
Total worker (Person) 1.78 1.77 1.75 1.77 1.78
Average education of worker (Years) 7.43 7.19 7.02 7.21 7.25
Assets Ownership and Liabilities and Income
Per-capita Agricultural capital (USD) 3343 3637 4193 4772 5930
Per-capita Non-agricultural capital (USD) 648 689 834 982 1042
Per-capita Total capital (USD) 3991 4327 5027 5754 6792
Total loan (USD) 322 329 311 303 370
Per Capita Income (USD) 325 384 414 445 448
Farm Income (%) 49.65 49.94 45.63 50.70 39.25
Non-farm Income (%) 50.35 50.06 54.37 49.10 60.74
Poverty Line (Per Capita, USD) 224 214 220 243 235
Source: Authors calculation, VDSA Panel Household Survey Database.

27 | P a g e
Table 9: Projected Reduction in Poverty during the Sixth Plan Period (%)

Year Poor (Head Count Poverty with Extreme Poor (Head Count with Lower Poverty Line (%))
Upper Poverty Line (%))
2010 31.5 17.6
2011 29.9 16.5
2012 28.4 15.4
2013 27.2 14.6
2014 26.0 13.7
2015 24.8 12.9
Source: GoB (2015) Seventh FYP, Final Draft (11 Nov 2015). Table 1.4 and Table 2.6

Table 10: Trends in per hectare labour use (days) in crop production, 1988 to 2013

Crop 1988 2004 2007 2010 2011 2012 2013

Rice TVs 72 40 55 54 57 52 36
Rice MVs 104 62 60 55 56 58 52
Wheat 69 50 30 43 39 29 35
Jute 104 82 70 97 83 70 74
Pluses 41 19 20 39 49 27 26
Oilseeds 59 28 28 51 24 36 33
Potato 116 83 115 64 71 76 84
Sugarcane 135 103 85 147 122 111 77

Source: VDSA Household Survey Database.

Table 11: Trends in Hunger Index in Bangladesh: 1990 to 2015.

Year 1990 1995 2000 2005 2015

Hunger Index 52.2 50.3 38.5 31.0 27.3
Source: 2014 Global Hunger Index (, accessed on 13 January 2016.

28 | P a g e
Figure 1: Composition of agriculture GDP (% share) : 1973/74 to 2014/15

Source: Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics.

Figure 2: Annual foodgrain production and crop-wise contribution: TE1972 vs TE2015

Source: Authors calculation, based on data from the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS).

29 | P a g e
Figure 3: Annual Production of Milk, Meat and Eggs in Bangladesh: 1991-92 to 2014/15

Source: Bangladesh Economic Review (various years).

Figure 4: Annual Fish Production (metric ton)in Bangladesh from 1988/89 to 2012/13

Source: Department of Fisheries, Bangladesh.

30 | P a g e
Figure 5: Trends in export of selected agricultural commodities by Bangladesh, 1993/94 to

Source: Bangladesh Bank.

Figure 6: Trends in Import of Food Grains (thousand metric tons) by Bangladesh: 1990/91 to 2014/15

Source: Prepared by the Author, based on data collected from the Directorate of Food.

31 | P a g e
Figure 7: Trends in cropping pattern in rainy (Aman) season among VDSA Panel Households:
FY2010/11 to FY2014/15

Source: Authors calculation, based on VDSA Panel Household Survey Data.

Figure 8: Trends in cropping pattern in post-rainy (Rabi and Aus season among VDSA Panel
Households: FY2010/11 to FY2014/15

Source: Authors calculation, based on VDSA Panel Household Survey Data.

32 | P a g e
Figure 9: Trends in per capita income among VDSA Panel Households, by source: FY2010/11
to FY2014/15

Source: Authors calculation, based on VDSA Panel Household Survey Data.

Figure 10: Trends in per capita income, food inflation and poverty among VDSA panel
households: FY2010/11 to FY2014/15

Source: Authors calculation, based on VDSA Panel Household Survey Data.

33 | P a g e
Figure 11: Relationship between growth in rural income, rice price increase and rate of poverty
reduction among VDSA panel households in Bangladesh, FY2010/11 t0 FY2014/15

Source: Authors calculation, based on VDSA Panel Household Survey Data..

Figure 12: Per capita daily in intake of some food items (grams) in Bangladesh, 1991-2010

Source: Household Income and Expenditure Survey (HIES) , Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS).

34 | P a g e

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