District Wise List of B.E./ B. Tech. Institutions For 2013-14

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(I) University Departments

Cont. S. Name of the Name of competent Name of course Intake

Sr. No. Institution/Status/ year of authority & Address
No. start
1 1. College of Agriculture Engg. hauhisar@hry.nic.in Agricultural 45
& Technology, CCSHAU, www.hau.ernet.in Engg.
Hisar (1992) 01662-284313, 289206
01662 289206 ( O )
01662 228809 ( R)
Fax: 01662 234952
01662 284306
Dr. Pratap Singh (Dean)
2 2. Guru Jambheshwar Prof. Dharminder Kumar, Bio Medical Engg. 60
University of Sc. & Tech., Dean, Chairman, Dept. Computer
Hisar(2002) of CSE Science and 120
Mobile No 9416080030 Engg.
Deputy Registrar Electronics and
(Academic) Communication 120
01662-263536 (Off.), Engg.
09416488758(Mob.) Food Engg. 60
Tele. No.1662-263173, Information
154 (O) Technology 60
01662-263473 ( R)
dr_dk_kumar_02@yahoo Mechanical Engg. 60
.com Printing
dr.dk.kumar.02@gmail.c Technology
om Total
gjuhisar@hry.nic.in 540
3 3 University Institute of Engg. Ph:01744-239155, Bio Technology 54
& Technology Kurukshetra Fax:01262-274640 Computer
University, Kushetra bidhankarambir@rediffm Science and 108
(2004) ail.com Engg.
01744-239155, Electronics and
Dr. Sunita Khatak 108
09416930148 Engg.
www.kuk.info.com Mechanical Engg. 54
director@uietkuk.org Total 324
4 4 Institute of Instrumentation kuk@hry.nic.in Instrumentation 60
Engg. K.U. Kurukshetra Sunil Dhingra Engg.
(formerly USIC ) 094163-62401
Ph. 01744-238191
Fax: 01744-238191

5 5 Institute of Mass Prof. Rajbir Singh- Printing Graphics 40

Communication & Media Director & Packaging
Technology, K.U. 01744-238310 (off.)
Kurukshetra 09253115681
6 6 University institute of Engg. Dr.S.P.Khatkar (Director) Bio Technology 60
& Technology, Maharshi mdurtk@hry.nic.in
Civil Engg. 60
Dayanand University, www.mdurohtak.com
Rohtak 01262-266665, 274642 Computer
(2005) Science and 60
Electrical Engg. 60
Electronics and
Communication 60
Mechanical Engg. 60
Total 360
7 7 Deen Bandhu Chhotu Ram crscemurthal@hry.nic.in Bio Medical Engg. 60
Univ. of Sc. & Tech., www.crscem.ac.in Bio Technology 60
Murthal-131039, Distt. 0130-2484003 Chemical Engg. 60
Sonepat (Earlier known as Fax 0130-2484004
Civil Engg. 60
C.R. State College of 0130-2484007 to 10
Engg.,Murthal)/ (1987) (Ext. 119) Computer Engg. 60
www.dcrumstm.ac.in Electrical Engg. 60
patoregistrar@dcrustm.o Electronics and
rg Communication 60
Mechanical Engg. 60
Total 480
8 8 School of Engg. & Sciences, mpkhanpur@hry.nic.in Computer
BPS Mahila www.bpswomenuniversit Science and 60
Vishwavidyalaya, Khanpur y.ac.in Engg.
Kalan, Sonepat. (2008) 01263 283626, Fax. Electronics and
No. 01263 283779 Communication 60
01263-283001 Engg.
283002, 283006 Fashion
Total 240
9 9 YMCA University of Science Dr. Ashok Kumar, Computer Engg. 60
& Technology, Faridabad. 09911046757, 0129- Electrical Engg. 60
2242143-supdt Electronics and 60
0129-2242141-TPO Communication
0129-2242142-registrar Engg.
contact@ymcaie.ac.in Electronics and 60
director@ymcaie.ac.in Instrumentation
www.in.ymcaie.ac.in Engg.
Fax: 0129-2242143 Information 60
0129-2242141 Technology

Mechanical Engg. 120

Total 420

10 1. Ch. Devi Lal Memorial www.cdlmec.ernet.in Civil Engg. 60

Government Engg. College, (Dir-Principal),
Computer Science
Panniwala Motta, Sirsa 01668-277600,277597, 60
(2003) Fax No. 01668-277598 and Engg.
21 Km Stone, Dabwali Sirsa e-mail: Electrical Engg. 60
Road, NH-10, dyreg@hry.nic.in Electronics and
Panniwala Mota (Sirsa) panniwalamota@yahoo.c Communication 60
o.in, Engg.
cdlmecsirsa@hry.nic.in Food Technology 30
Mechanical Engg. 60
Total 330

(III) Self Financing Institutes

Con Sr. Name of College Contact Nos. Courses Intak

ttSr No. e

11 1 Ambala College of Dr. J.K. Sharma, Director Bio Technology 60

Engg. and Applied Mobile No. 09996644012
Research, Devasthali, Phone No. 0171-2828407 Computer Science and
Village Mithapur, info@ambalacollege.com Engg.
Ambala www.ambalacollege.com Electronics and
Phone No. 0171- Communication Engg.
2822001,2821833 Mechanical Engg. 60
Telefax No. 0171-282202
Total 240
12 2 E-max group of 09896765731, Computer Science and
Institutions, Village 01744-229575 Engg.
Gola, PO Bhadauli, emaxcollege@yahoo.com Electrical Engg. 60
Tehsil Mullana, District www.emaxinstitute.com
Ambala 09355703900, Electronics and
01734-269702 Communication Engg.
Fax- 01734-269703 Information Technology 60
Mechanical Engg. 120
Total 420
13 3 E-max School of Engg. 0172-5012596 (Fax) Automobile Engg. 60
and Applied Research, 09355750428
Village Gola, PO 09815500428 Civil Engg. 120
Bhadauli, Tehsil emaxcollege@yahoo.com
Computer Science and
Mullana, District 60
Ambala (AICTE has not
granted extension of Electronics and
Communication Engg.

approval to the Mechanical Engg. 60

Total 360
14 4 Galaxy Global 0171-2830111, Civil Engg. 60
Educational Trust 2830254, 18001801044
Group of Institution Fax: 0171-2830115 Computer Science and
Faculty of 09254360444 Engg.
Engg.,Shahabad- galaxy.global91@yahoo.co Electrical Engg. 60
Saha,NH-73, Vill. m,
Dinarpur,Ambala galaxy.global91@gmail.co Electronics and
m Communication Engg.
www.galaxyglobaledu.com Mechanical Engg. 120
Fashion & Apparel
Total 480
15 5 Galaxy Global Imperial 0171-2830111, Civil Engg. 60
Technical Camus, Vill. 2830254, 18001801044
Dinarpur,Ambala Fax: 0171-2830115 Computer Science and
(2011) 09254360444 Engg.
galaxy.global91@yahoo.co Electrical and Electronics
m, Engg.
galaxy.global91@gmail.co Electronics and
m Communication Engg.
www.galaxyglobaledu.com Mechanical Engg. 60
Total 240
16 6 Guru Nanak Institute of 01731-274540,275640, Computer Science and
Technology, Vill 09896030899, Engg.
Sohana, Tehsil Barara, 9896700040 Electronics and
District Ambala Fax no.-01731-274540 Communication Engg.
info@gurunanakinstitute.c Information Technology 60
www.gurunanakinstitute.c Mechanical Engg. 120
om Total 420
17 7 Hindustan Institute of 09355547201, Civil Engg. 60
Technology and 09971373300
Management, Jagadhri Fax: 01731-276121 Computer Science and
Ambala Road, VPO 276122 Engg.
Dheen, Barara, District hitm80@gmail.com Electronics and
Ambala www.hitmedu.com Communication Engg.
Information Technology 60
Mechanical Engg. 60
Total 300
18 8 ICL Institute of Engg. www.iclhitech.com Civil Engg. 60
and Technology, Vill 01734-398205, Computer Science and
Sountli, Shahzadpur, 398219, 278680 (Fax) 60
District Ambala info@iclhitech.com Electronics and
sptayal@iclhitech.com 120
Communication Engg.
Information Technology 60
Mechanical Engg. 120

Total 420
19 9 Kalpi Institute of kalpi_campus@hotmail.co Civil Engg. 30
Technology, Ambala m Computer Science and
Jagadhri Road, Vill 0171-3052625, Engg.
Kalpi, District Ambala 09729790477, Electronics and
Fax: 22393889 Communication Engg.
Information Technology 60
Mechanical Engg. 60
Total 270
20 10 Shivalik Institute of shivalik.ambala@gmail.co Civil Engg. 60
Engg. and Technology, m
Dosarka Sadhaura www.shivalikinstitutes.com Computer Science and
Road, Village Aliyaspur, 0171-3054600 to 99 Engg.
District Ambala Helpline: 096712-28002 Electrical and Electronics
0171-3054600 to 99 Engg.
Fax: 01731-272154, Electronics and
info@shivalikgroup.net Communication Engg.
Information Technology 00
Mechanical Engg. 60
Total 300
21 11 Shree Ram Mulakh Er.Moti Lal Jindal Civil Engg. 60
Institute of Engg. and (Chairman)
Technology, Village 09876866688 Computer Science and
Khora Bhara, Tehsil Dr.A.K.Goel Engg.
Naraingarh, District (Principal)09815391019 Electrical Engg. 60
Ambala srmiet@hotmail.com
www.mrm_hitecheducatio Electronics and
nsociety.com Communication Engg.
Tel.No. 01734-208660 Information Technology 60
Fax No. 01734-258196
Mechanical Engg. 90
09813501822 Total 420
22 12 Mahabir Engg. College, CSE 60
Village Bullana, Hisar Mechanical Engg. 60
Road, District Ambala ECE 60
Civil Engg. 60
Electrical & Electronics
Engg. 60

Total 300

23 1 Bhiwani Institute of bitsbhiwani@hry.nic.in Civil Engg. 60

Technology and www.bitsbhiwaniindia.org
Computer Science and
Science, Bhiwani 01664-215925,215930 60
Fax. 271379
Sh. V.P. Bhatia (Principal) Electronics and
09812310170 Communication Engg.
bits_bhiwani@rediffmail.co Mechanical Engg. 120

m Electrical Engg. 60
Total 360
24 2 BRCM College of Engg. brcmbehal@hry.nic.in , Civil Engg.
and Technology, Bahal, infocollege@brcm.edu.inw 120
District Bhiwani ww.brcm.edu.in
Computer Science Engg.
Phone No. 01255-265101 - 120
Fax No. 01255-265217 Electrical and Electronics
Principal-Dr.A.K.Srivastva Engg. 120
Electronics and
Sh.Sanjay Bhatnagar 60
Communication Engg.
Phone No. 01255
265107, 9991700802 Mechanical Engg. 120
Total 540
25 3 Institute of Technology Dir- Prof- RK Singh 98123- Civil Engg.
and Sciences, Bhiwani 24000, 9355688888, LL- 60
Rohtak Road, Bhiwani 09992301000,992302000,
Computer Science and
09992303000 FAX-01664- 60
www.itsbhiwani.com,info@ Electrical Engg.
itsbhiwani.com 60

Electronics and
Communication Engg. 120

Information Technology 60
Mechanical Engg. 120
Total 480
26 4 Technological Institute titsbhiwani@hry.nic.in Computer Science and
of Textile and Sciences, www.titsbhiwani.org Engg. 60
Birla Colony, Bhiwani 01664-242561-243728
Electronics and
Ph.: 01664-242561-64 Communication Engg. 60

Fax: 01664-243728 Electronics and

Instrumentation Engg. 30
Prof. Rishi Jamdagni
(Director) 01664-242650 Fashion and Apparel
Engg. 60

Information Technology 60
Textile Chemistry 60
Textile Technology 70
Total 400

27 1 Advanced Instt. of Dr.R.S. Chaudhary / Computer Science and

Technology & Dr.G.P.Dube Engg. 120
Management , 70 K.M. www.aitm.org.in
Computer Science and
Delhi-Mathura Road, aitmorg@aitm.org.in 60
Engg. (2nd Shift)
Palwal, Distt-Faridabad www.aitm.org.in
(2006) 01275-263789-93. Electronics and
323300-02. Communication Engg. 120

Fax: 01275-263793 Electronics and

Communication Engg. 60
(2nd Shift)
Information Technology 120
Mechanical Engg.

Mechanical Engg. (2nd

Shift) 60

Total 600
28 2 Applied College of Mgt. Sh. Vipin Sharma, Deputy Civil Engg. 60
& Engg, 72 KM stone, Registrar Computer Science and
NH-2, Delhi Mathura 09729026730 Engg. 60
Road, Vill. Mitrol, 01275-206009
Electronics and
Palwal Faridabad- acmefbd@gmail.com , 90
Communication Engg.
121105 (2007) acmefbd@rediffmail.com ,
info@acmecollege.in Information Technology 00
www.acmecollege.in Mechanical Engg. 120
Total 330
01275-206009, 263371
29 3 Advanced College of 01275-263789-92 Civil Engg. 60
Technology & 09354840807 Computer Science and
Management, 70th KM, Engg. 72
Delhi Mathura Road,
Electrical and Electronics
Vill. Aurangabad, Tehsil 48
Hodal, District
Faridabad. (2008) Electronics and
Communication Engg. 48

Information Technology 72
Mechanical Engg. 60
Total 360
30 4 Satya College of Engg. 09810180014 Civil Engg. 60
& Tech., 09254302135 / 36 Computer Science and
72 KM Stone, NH-2, Engg. 120
Delhi Mathura Road,
Mitrol, Distt. Palwal- EEE 60
121105 Electronics and
Communication Engg. 120

Mechanical Engg. 120

Total 480
31 5 Shri Ram College of www.srcem.ac.in Automobile Engg.
Engg. and (Prof.) Dr. Paramjit Singh, 60
Management, 70 KM Director Principal
Civil Engg.
Stone, NH-2, Delhi- 01275-263903,263904, 60
Mathura Road, Palwal- FAX-263905-
121105. (2008) 09355249402 Computer Science and
0129-2220808 Engg. 60
Electronics and
admin@srcem.ac.in 60
Communication Engg.
Dr.Pardeep Kumar
09268188214,0926818821 Information Technology 60

5 info@dctm.org.in Mechanical Engg. 120

www.dctm.org.in Total
5 Fax: 011-46038997 420
32 6 Delhi College of Automobile Engg.
Technology & Mr. N.K. Gautam 60
Management, 77th Km (Registrar)
Computer Science and
Stone, National 09896338324 60
Highway-2, Gudhrana, adminmvniet@gmail.com
Hodal, Distt. Faridabad. www.mvneducation.com Electronics and
(2008) Communication Engg. 120
Tel. 01275-270804 , (F)
01275-270804 Mechanical Engg. 120
Civil Engg. 60
Total 420
33 7 NGF College of Engg. & Dr. Sharat Kaushik Computer Science and
Tech., Village (Principal Director) Engg. 120
Aurangabad, Tehsil 0999233481,
Electrical Engg.
Hodal, Distt. Palwal, 09868051149, 01275- 60
Haryana. (2008) 302142-43
Sh. Ashwani Prabhakar Electronics and
CEO / CAO 09312238019, Communication Engg. 60
01275 302144-45,
Mechanical Engg. 120
ngfcet@yahoo.com, Civil Engg. 60
skngf@k.st , Fashion & Apparel Engg. 60
01275 302140-45, 480
206212 Fax: 302142
34 8 Rattan Institute of 09810362226 Civil Engg. 60
Tech. & Mgmt.,74 KM, 0129-3212390 Computer Science and
Stone,NH-2, Mundkati 09991003547, Engg. 60
Chowk Vill. Saveli, Teh. 09891303031
Electronics and
Hodel, Distt. Palwal. sh_mk@indiatimes.com 60
Communication Engg.
(2008) rattangroup.info@gmail.co
m, www.ritm.co.in Information Technology 60
Mechanical and
Automation Engg. 60

Mechanical Engg. 120

Total 420
35 1 BSA Inst. of Tech & www.bsaitm.org Computer Engg. 120
Mgt, 0129-2206750-753 Electronics and
Alampur, Ballabgarh- Dr. S.K. Gupta (Principal) Communication Engg.
Sohna Road, Faridabad Ph.: 0129-2206750 753, Information Technology 60
121004 (Haryana) 2206946 952 Mechanical Engg. 120
(2001) Mobile: 9810358805 Mechanical Engg. (2nd
Fax: 0129-2206952 60

E-mail: bsaitm@bsaitm.org Civil Engg. 60

36 2 Echelon Institute of www.echeloninstitute.com Civil Engg. 120
Technology (EIT), 0129-2201060, Computer Science and
Village Kabulpur, P.O. 09718312584, Engg.
Tigaon, Distt. 09718312587, Electronics and
Faridabad-121101 09718312581 Communication Engg. 120
(2007) Telefax: 0129-2201040 Mechanical Engg. 120
Prof.(Dr.) K.S.Rao
Computer Science & 60
information Technology
Total 540
37 3 Goldfield Instt. of Tech gfitm@hry.nic.in Computer Science and
& Mgt., Vill. Chhainsa, www.gfitm.net Engg.
Ballabhgarh, Distt. adlakha23@yahoo.co.uk Computer Science and
Faridabad-121004 0129-2372850, 2372931, Engg. (2nd Shift)
(2005) 4049953 Electrical and Electronics
Fax: 0129 - 2372931 Engg.
Dr. R.P. Singh (Principal), Electronics and
09810505304 60
Communication Engg.
Electronics and
Communication Engg. 60
(2nd Shift)
Information Technology 60
Mechanical Engg. 120
Total 510
38 4 Manav Rachna College mrcefbd@hry.nic.in Computer Science and
of Engg., Sector -43, www.mrei.ac.in Engg.
Aravali Hills , info@mrei.ac.in Computer Science and
Surajkund-Badhkal Prof. V.K. Mahna, Director- Engg. (2nd Shift)
Road, Principal, Mobile Electronics and
Faridabad (2004). No.9971498406 Communication Engg.
Tel No. 0129-4198000 Electronics and
Tel. 0129-4198000 Communication Engg. 60
Fax -0129-4198444 (2nd Shift)
Mechanical Engg. (2nd
Information Technology 60
Mechanical Engg. 60
Total 600
39 5 Aravali College of Engg. Dr.R.P.Singh Computer Science and
& Mgmt., Vill. Jasana (Director),9999991530 Engg.
Faridabad. (2008) info@aravali.co.in Electronics and
www.aravali.co.in Communication Engg.
Fax: 0129-6518146 Information Technology 60
Mechanical Engg. 120
Total 270
40 6 Rawal Institute of www.rawalinstitutions.com Civil Engg. 120
Engg. & Tech., Sohna admissions@rawalinstitutio Computer Science and
Road, Near Vill. ns.com Engg.

Zakopur, Tehsil 0129-4165036 Electrical Engg. 60

Ballabhgarh, Distt. 09810630034 Electronics and
Faridabad. (2009) 09654263676 Communication Engg.
Mechanical Engg. 120
Automobile Engg. 60
Total 540
41 7 Delhi Institute of 0129-4033725 Civil Engg. 120
Technology 09811155081 Computer Science and
Management & Engg.
Research, Vill. Firozpur Electrical Engg. 60
Kalan, Tehsil Electronics and
Balabhgarh, Faridabad. 60
Communication Engg.
(2009) Mechanical Engg. 120
Total 420
42 8 Ishwar Institute of www.iitr.info Computer Science and
Technology & 0129-6526027 Engg.
Research, Vill. 09811351353 Electrical Engg. 60
Ghurasan, Post Office 09999615560 Electronics and
Tigaon, Ballabhgarh, Communication Engg.
Faridabad. (2009) Mechanical Engg. 60
43 9 Faculty of Engg. 0129-4043643 Computer Science and
JB Knowledge Park, 09810160778 Engg.
Kheri Manjhavali Road, www.jbcollege.in Electrical Engg. 60
Nahar Par, Village Electronics and
Manjhavali, Faridabad- Communication Engg.
122 002, (2009) Mechanical Engg. 60
Total 240
44 10 Delhi Engg. College, 011-27342709 Computer Science and
Village Ladlyapur, Engg.
Tehsil Ballabhgarh, Electrical Engg. 60
Distt. Faridabad. (2009)
Electronics and
Communication Engg.
Mechanical Engg. 120
Civil Engg. 60
Total 360
45 11 Pt. L.R. College of Computer Science and
Technology (Technical Engg.
Campus), Faridabad. Electrical Engg. 60
Mechanical Engg. 60
Electronics and
Communication Engg.
Civil Engg. 60
Total 300
46 12 Satyug Darshan Computer Science & 60
Institute of Engg. & Engg.
Technology, Satyug Electronics & 60
Darshan Vasundhara, Communication Engg.
Village Bhopani, Lalpur Mechanical Engg. 60
Road, Bhopani, Civil Engg. 60

Faridabad. (2012) Electrical Engg. 60

Total 300
47 13 Lingayas GVKS Computer Science & 120
Institute of Engg.
Management & Electronics & 120
Technology, Kanwara, Communication Engg.
Faridabad (2012) Information Technology 90
Mechanical Engg. 60
Civil Engg. 60
Total 450
48 Anupama College of anuggn@hry.nic.in Civil Engg. (16)
1 Engg., Bhora Kalan, 0124-3253176 00
Pataudi Road, near 09899283449(M),
Computer Engg. (9) 00
Bilaspur Chowk, Delhi 09812833583 fax. 011-
Electrical Engg. (11) 00
Jaipur National 26121328 Dr. D.P. Singh
Highway No. 8 Gurgaon www.anupamaengineering Electronics and
Pin-122413 (1996) .com Communication Engg. 00
e-mail: (2)
Extension of ace@anupamaengineering Information Technology
Approval from AICTE .com (3) 00
for 2011-12 is
Mechanical Engg. (13) 00
MDU Rohtak has 00
also withdrawn the
49 2 BM College of Civil Engg. 60
Technology and Computer Science and
Management, Farukh Engg. 60
Nagar, District Gurgaon
Electrical and Electronics
Engg. 60

Electronics and
Communication Engg. 120

Mechanical Engg. 120

Total 420
50 3 DPG Institute of 01246-465277 Civil Engg. 60
Technology and 09212585277 Computer Science and
Management, Sector 09212385277 Engg. 60
34, Near Hero Honda dpgitmggn@gmail.com
Chowk (NH 8), Gurgaon Electrical Engg. 60
Electronics and
Communication Engg. 60

Mechanical Engg. 60
Total 300
51 4 Dronacharya College of Prof. (Dr.) B.M.K. Prasad, Civil Engg. 120
Engg., Village 0124-2275327
Computer Engg. 180

Khentawas, 09910380104, Electronics and

Frukhnagar, District 09910380122 Communication Engg. 120
Gurgaon info@dronacharya.info
Electronics and
dronaggn@hry.nic.in 60
Computer Engg.
0124-2375502,503,504, Information Technology
Fax: 2275328 120

Mechanical Engg.
Electrical &Electronics
Computer Science &
Information Technology
Total 900
52 5 Faculty of Engg., Mr. Zakir Hussain Civil Engg. 60
Savera Educational (Executive Director)
Trust Group of 09268575004, Computer Science and
Institutions, Hailey Mr. Sushil K Kaushik (Chief Engg. 60
Mandi Road, Admn Officer)
Electrical Engg. 60
Farukhnagar, District 09268575006
Gurgaon Fax: 0124-4275103, Electronics and
Communication Engg. 120
Phone: 0124-3226806
E-mail: Mechanical Engg. 120
www.saverainstitute.com Total 420
53 6 GITM Institute of Civil Engg.
Technology, Bilaspur 60
Tauru Road, Gurgaon
Computer Science and
Engg. 60


Electronics and
Telecommunication 60

Mechanical Engg.

Total 300
54 7 Global Institute of Dr. Narender Singh, Civil Engg. 60
Technology and (Director), Mob. No. Computer Science and
Management, Haily 08053980006, Engg. 120
Mandi Road, 09991553806
Khurampur, Info@gitmgurgaon.com Electronics and
Farrukhnagar, District global@gitmgurgaon.com Communication Engg.
Gurgaon www.gitmgurgaon.com Information Technology 60
0124-2016600, 2016700, Mechanical Engg. 180
2016800, 3272727 Automobile Engg. 60
Total 480

55 8 Gurgaon College of 0124-2279500-503 Computer Science and

Engg. for Women, Engg. 120
Bilaspur Tauru Road,
Electronics and
Gurgaon 120
Communication Engg.
Total 240
56 9 Gurgaon College of Brig. G.K. Dua (Retd.), Civil Engg. 60
Engg., Bilaspur Tauru Admn. Officer Computer Science and
Road, Gurgaon 09050471632 Engg. 120
www.gce-edu.in Electronics and
Communication Engg. 120
0124-2279564, 2279569 Information Technology 60
Fax: 0124-2279568 Mechanical Engg. 120
Total 480
57 10 Gurgaon Institute of Dr. N.C. Prasanna Kumar Computer Science and
Technology and M : 9813103762 Engg. 120
Management, Bilaspur Computer Science and
Tauru Road, Gurgaon 0124-2018975 Engg. (2nd Shift) 60
www.gitm.in Electronics and
(O) 0124-2279501-03 Communication Engg.
Fax: 0124-2279500 Electronics and
Communication Engg. 60
(2nd Shift)
Information Technology 00
Mechanical Engg. 120
Total 480
58 11 Institute of Information 0124-4104377 Computer Science and
Technology and Fax: 4051825 Engg. 60
Management, 7th 09310041378 Electrical and Electronics
Milestone, Village Silani, 09310041385 60
Sohna Palwal Bye Pass, www.iitmedu.in Electronics and
District Gurgaon contact@iitmedu.in 60
Communication Engg.
Mechanical Engg. 60
Total 240
59 12 KIIT College of Engg., Dr. S.S. Aggarwal, Civil Engg.
Sohna Bhondsi Road, 09810198642 60
Gurgaon 0124-3249342(O)
Computer Science and
0124-2265249(f) 120
www.kiit.in Electrical and Electronics
kiitgurgaon@yahoo.co.in Engg. 60
Electronics and
2266667, 09811626767 120
Communication Engg.
Fax: 0124-2265249
Mechanical Engg. 60
Total 420
60 13 SGT Institute of Engg. Civil Engg. 60
and Technology, Computer Science and
Gurgaon Jhajjar Road, Engg. 60

Gurgaon (2010) Electronics and

Communication Engg. 60

Information Technology 00
Mechanical Engg. 60
Automobile Engg. 60
EEE 00
Total 300
61 14 World College of Dr. Narendra Singh Civil Engg. 120
Technology and Chairman 9818223864, Computer Science and
Management, Haley 9810364333 120
Mandi Road, drnarensingh@yahoo.co.in Electrical Engg. 60
Farukhnagar, District , info@wctmgurgaon.org Electronics and
Gurgaon www.wctmgurgaon.org 120
Communication Engg.
Tel: 0124-2016003, Information Technology
092543643333, 60
09254362333 Mechanical Engg. 120
011-26139602 Total 600
62 15 World Institute of www.wit.net.in, Civil Engg. 60
Technology, Sohna director@wit.net.in, Computer Science and
Palwal Road, Sohna, info@wit.net.in Engg. 120
District Gurgaon Dr S.N. Puri
Electronics and
(Prof)Dr.A.K Raghav- 60
Communication Engg.
0124-23392563/ 64/65/ Information Technology 60
68/ 71/73/74/75 Mechanical Engg. 120
Fax No. 0124-23392554 Total 420

63 1 Manav Institute of Dr. C.P. Gupta Civil Engg. 60

Technology and 09416041751 Computer Science and
Management, Village 01693-259114 Engg. 60
Jevra, Barnal Road, info@manavinstitute.com
Electronics and
District Hisar www.manavinstitute.com 60
Communication Engg.
01693-259214, 293118
Electrical Engg. 60
Fax: 259214
Mechanical Engg. 60
Total 300
64 2 Om Institute of www.oitmhisar.com Civil Engg. 60
Technology and oitm_hsr@yahoo.com Computer Science and
Management, 2 KM 09253328416, Engg. 120
Stone, VPO Juglan, 09996789892
District Hisar 01662-253030, Electronics and
01662-264281 (Fax) Communication Engg. 120

Information Technology 60
Mechanical Engg. 60
Printing & Packing Tech. 60
Electrical Engg. 60
Mechanical Engg. (Part 60

Total 600
65 3 Prannath Parnami 09729200072 Automobile Engg. 60
Institute of 01662-260641, 260642 Civil Engg. 120
Management and FAX- 01662-260640
Technology, Near ppimt@rediffmail.com Computer Science and
Engg. 60
Panchmukhi Mandir,
Rajgarh Road, Hisar Electronics and
Communication Engg.
Mechanical Engg.
Electrical & Electronics 60
Footwear Technology 60
Total 600
66 4 Shanti Niketan College shantiniketanss@gmail.co Civil Engg. 60
of Engg., 12 KM Stone, m Computer Science and
Tosham Road, Ladwa, sbcmhisar@gmail.com Engg. 60
District Hisar
Electronics and
Communication Engg. 60

Information Technology 60
Mechanical Engg. 60
Total 300
67 5 Universal Institute of 09254040403 Civil Engg. 00
Technology, VPO Garhi, 09215777109 Computer Science and
Tehsil Hansi, District 01681-259184 (Fax) Engg. 00
Hisar (AICTE has not 09896100407,
Electrical 00
granted extension of 09254040403
approval for the session chairmanuit@gmail.com Electronics and
Communication Engg. 00
203-14) www.universalinstitutions.
org Mechanical Engg. 00
Total 00
68 1 Akido College of Engg., 09354194800 Civil Engg. 60
Sahpur Bupania Road, Computer Science and
Village Lowakhurd, 60
Bahadurgarh, District
Jhajjar Electronics and
Communication Engg. 60

Information Technology 60
Mechanical Engg. 60
Total 300
69 2 CBS Group of Civil Engg. 120
Institutions, Village
Computer Science and
Fathepuri, District 60
Jhajjar (2010)
Electrical Engg. 60

Electronics and
Communication Engg 120

Mechanical Engg. 120

Mechanical Engg. (
2nd Shift)
Total 480
70 3 Dalal Global Institute of www.dalalglobal.com Civil Engg. 60
Technology, VPO 09813383087
Computer Science and
Brahana, Tehsil Beri, 09811083087 60
District Jhajjar 01262-216420
01262-216422 Electronics and
Communication Engg. 60

Information Technology 60
Mechanical Engg. 60
Total 300
71 4 Delhi Technical Civil Engg. (Public
Campus, Village Bir Health Engg.) 120
(Nayagaon), Badli Computer Science and
Road, Bahadurgarh, Engg.
District Jhajjar Electrical and Electronics
Electronics and
Communication Engg. 60
(Industry Integrated)
Mechanical Engg. 60
Total 360
72 5 Ganga Institute of Ph: 011-28351046 (Fax), Civil Engg. 60
Technology and M: 09811066950 Computer Science and
Management, 20KM Engg. 90
Milestone, Jhajjar
Electrical and Electronics
Bhadurgarh Road, 60
Village Kablana, District
Jhajjar Electronics and
Communication Engg. 120
Information Technology 30
Mechanical Engg. 120
Civil Engg. (2nd Shift) 60
Total 540
73 6 Haryana Institute of ceohitgroup@gmail.com Civil Engg. 60
Technology, www.hit.net.in
Computer Science and
Bahadurgarh, District 01276-241158 60
Jhajjar 01276-241158(fax)
hit@hit.net.in Electronics and
M.L.Narula Communication Engg. 120

Information Technology 60
Mechanical Engg. 120
Total 420

74 7 Management Education Prof. V.K Kapoor Civil Engg. 60

and Research 09717791376
Computer Science and
Institute(MERI),Asandh directormericet@meri.edu.i 60
a,Near n
Electrical and Electronics
Sampla,Bahadurgarh,Di www.meri.edu.in 60
strict Jhajjar 01262-264290-91-92-
Electronics and
93,01262-215111 60
Communication Engg.
Information Technology 60
Mechanical Engg. 60
Total 360
75 8 PDM College of Engg. 01276-221700, 221701 Computer Science and
for Women, Vill. Sarai F: 221714 Engg.
Aurangabad, Electronics and
Bahadurgarh, Distt. Communication Engg. 120
Electronics and
Telecommunication 60
Food Engg. &
Total 360
76 9 PDM College of Engg., Dr. Rajesh Sood Computer Science and
Sarai Aurangabad, Jt. Director Engg.
Bahadurgarh, District Mobile No: 0986010701 Computer Science and
Jhajjar Phone No:01276- 221744 Engg. (2nd Shift)
Electronics and
Ms. Ankita Malik Communication Engg. 180
Registrar, PDMCE
Mobile No: 09416056211 Electronics and
Phone No: 01276-221746 Telecommunication 60
pdmcollege@vsnl.net Engg.
www.pdmce.com Information Technology 60
Phone No.:01276 - 221761, Mechanical Engg. 120
748 Mechanical Engg. (2nd
Fax No.: 01276 221714, Shift)
221743 Civil Engg. 60
Chemical Engg. 60
ECE 2nd Shift 60
Total 780
77 10 PDM College of Automobile Engg. 60
Technology and
Civil Engg. 120
Management (Technical
Campus), Sec 3A, Sarai Computer Science and
Aurungabad, 60
Information Technology
Bahadurgarh, District Electrical Engg. 60
Jhajjar Electronics and
Telecommunication 60
Printing & Packing
Mechanical Engg. 120

Total 540
78 11 Sat Kabir Institute of 09991187052 Civil Engg. 60
Technology and 01276-270022
Computer Science and
Management, VPO skitm@rediffmail.com 60
Ladrawan, Tehsil
Electrical Engg. 60
Bahadurgarh, District
Jhajjar Electronics and
Communication Engg.
Mechanical Engg. 60
Total 300
79 12 School of Engg. & Computer Science & 60
Technology, Soldha, Engg.
Bahadurgarh-Badli Electronics & 60
Road, Bahadurgarh, Communication Engg.
Soldha, Distt. Jhajjar. Mechanical Engg. 60
(New Institute) Civil Engg. 60
Electrical Engg. 60
Total 300
80 1 BLS Institute of Engg. Automobile Engg. 60
And Technology, Village Civil Engg. 60
Igrah, Bhiwani Road,
District Jind (2010) Computer Science and
Engg. 60

Electronics and
Communication Engg. 60

Information Technology 60
Mechanical Engg. 60
Electrical Engg. 60
Total 420
81 2 Indus Institute of Engg. Sh. Subhash Sheoran Civil Engg. 60
and Technology, VPO 09812546632 Computer Science and
Kinana, District Jind iietjind@gmail.com Engg. 60
01683-260666, Electrical Engg. 60
260667(Fax) Electronics and
Communication Engg. 60

Information Technology 60
Mechanical Engg. 120
Total 420
82 3 Jind Institute of Engg. jiejind@hry.nic.in Computer Science and
and Technology, Jind vinayeq@yahoo.com Engg. 120
Extension of www.jiet-jind.com
Electrical and
Approval from AICTE 01681-248416,247714. 60
Electronics Engg.
from 2011-12 Fax: 01681-246466.,
onwards is awaited. Dr. V.Athavale (Principal) Electronics and
principal@jiet-jind.com Communication Engg. 120

Information Technology 60

Mechanical Engg. 120

Electrical Engg. 60
Civil Engg. 60
Total 500
83 4 Vardey Devi Institute of Dr. S.P. Sharma Applied Electronics and
Engg. and Technology, 09812412412 Instrumentation 60
Village Brahamanwas, 01683-275120
Civil Engg. 60
Tehsil Julana, District vite.bw@gmail.com
Jind www.vdite.com Computer Science and
Fax: 01683-220221 Engg. 60

Electronics and
Communication Engg. 60

Information Technology 60
Mechanical Engg. 60
Total 360

84 1 Haryana College of Hctm98@rediffmail.com Civil Engg. 120

Technology and www.hctmkaithal-edu.org Computer Science and
Management, Ambala 01746-280100, 280102, Engg. 120
Road, Kaithal 280103
Computer Science and
Fax: 01746-280711 60
Engg. (2nd Shift)
Dr. D.P. Gupta (Principal)
09996038003, 01744- Electrical and
208774 Electronics Engg. 120
Ph.: 01746-280100-102-
103 (O) Electronics and
Communication Engg. 120
Extn. No. 202(O)
01746-28094 I Electronics and
Communication Engg. 60
(2nd Shift)
Information Technology 90
Mechanical Engg. 120
Mechanical Engg. (2nd
Shift) 60

Total 870
85 2 Haryana Institute of Ph: 0124-2222000, Civil Engg. 00
Engg. and Technology, 2225987 Computer Science and
6 KM Stone, Ambala Fax: 0124-2225991 Engg. 00
Road, Kaithal (AICTE
Electronics and
has granted approval 00
Communication Engg.
for progressive closure
of the institute w.e.f. Information Technology 00
the session 2013-14) Mechanical Engg. 00
Total 00
86 3 SB Institute of Engg. Phone No. (Landline) Civil Engg. 60
and Technology, VPO 01746-270503 Computer Science and
Fatehpur Pundri, Dhand Fax No.: 01746-270503 Engg. 60

Road, District Kaithal Mobile No. 09215038001, Electronics and

09215038002, Communication Engg. 60
Information Technology 60
sbiet2008@rediffmail.com Mechanical Engg.
Dr. K.C. Goyal Principal
Phone No. (Landline) Total
01746-270503 360
Mobile No. 094664-35856

87 1 Apex Institute of Ph: 01744-327899 Civil Engg. 60

Management and Mob: 9896175215, Computer Science and
Technology, Village 9416323604 Engg. 60
Gorgarh, Tehsil Indri, Fax: 01744-327899
District Karnal Electronics and
Communication Engg. 60

Information Technology

Mechanical Engg. 60
Electrical Engg. 60
Total 360
88 2 Doon Valley College of Civil Engg. 60
Engineering, Sector 17, Computer Science and
New Fire Brigade Engg. 60
Station, Karnal
Electrical and
Electronics Engg. 60

Electronics and
Communication Engg. 60

Mechanical Engg. 60
Total 300
89 3 Doon Valley Institute of Dr. Harish Abichandani, Computer Engg. 90
Engg. and Technology, Principal Electrical and
Outside Jundla Gate, 09254000671 Electronics Engg. 60
Karnal 0184-6451901
dietknl@yahoo.com Electronics and
Communication Engg. 120
0184-6537304, 2272338 Food Technology 30
2254670(Fax) Information Technology
Fax: 0184-2254670 60
Mobile: 09254000671
Mechanical Engg. 120
Civil Engg. 60
90 4 Faculty of Engineering, 0184-2254152, 4041152, Automobile Engg. 00
Naraini Educational and Fax: 0184-2261832
Charitable Societys necsknl@gmail.com Civil Engg. 00

Group of Institutions, Computer Science and

8th Mile Stone, Engg.
Assandh Road, Karnal Electronics and
(Court Case) (AICTE 00
Communication Engg.
has not granted Mechanical Engg. 00
extension of
approval) Total 00
91 5 Faculty of Engineering, 09814079006 Civil Engg. 60
RP Educational Trust 0184-2220238 Electrical Engg. 60
Group of Institutions, Fax: 0184-2220235 Electronics and
Village Bastara, Tehsil 60
Communication Engg.
Gharaunda, District Total
92 6 Galaxy Institute of gitmkarnal@rediffmail.com, Civil Engg. 60
Technology and info@gitmkarnal.org
Computer Science and
Management, Village www.gitmkarnal.org 60
Bhaini Kalan, Nilokheri, 0184-2388334(Fax)
Electrical Engg. 60
District Karnal 09466241628
Electronics and
09416329592 60
Communication Engg.
Information Technology

Mechanical Engg. 60
Total 360
93 7 Karnal Institute of Sh. Attar Singh Sandhu Civil Engg. 60
Technology and 9215345250
Computer Science and
Management, Kunjpura, info@kitmkarnal.com, 60
District Karnal www.kitmkarnal.com
0184-2001762 (Fax) Electrical and
0184-2001762, Electronics Engg. 60
9215345250, 9215345170
Electronics and
Communication Engg. 60

Mechanical Engg. 60
Total 300
94 8 Maharishi Civil Engg. 60
Markandeshwar Group
Computer Science and
of Institutions 60
(Integrated Campus),
Electronics and
Village Ramba, Indri 60
Communication Engg.
Road, District Karnal
Mechanical Engg. 60
Total 240
95 9 RPI Institute of Dr. N.D. Sharma, Principal Computer Science and
Technology, Vill 09215678929, Engg. 90
Bastara,Tehsil 09416037661,
Electronics and
Gharaonda, District 09215678930, 01748- 60
Communication Engg.
Karnal 251611-12,15
rpiit@gmail.com Mechanical Engg. 90
www.rpinstitutions.com Total
Fax: 01748-251611
0184- 2220238 240


96 1 Geeta Institute of Sh. Raman Gupta, Civil Engg. 120
Management and 09996909803 / Computer Science and
Technology, Kanipla, 01744-279800 Engg. 120
GT Road, District Dr. D.K. Soni, 09996909801
Electrical Engg. 60
Kurukshetra 01744-279800
geetaedutrust@yahoo.com Electronics and
Communication Engg. 120
Information Technology 60
01744-279800, Mechanical Engg. 120
9215710391,9215710291 Total
Phone No. 01744-279800 600
Fax- 01744-279801
97 2 International Institute M: 9254195001, Civil Engg. 60
of Engg. and 9416031269
Computer Science and
Technology, Village 60
Samani, Tehsil
Thanesar, Kurukshetra Electrical Engg. 60
Electronics and
Communication Engg. 60

Mechanical Engg. 60
Total 300
98 3 Kurukshetra Institute of Dr. P.J George Computer Science and
Technology and Ph. No. 01741-283841 Engg. 120
Management, Bhor Mobile. 094164-73577 Electrical Engg. 60
Saidan, Pehowa, kitmkkr@gmail.com Electronics and
District Kurukshetra 120
www.kitm.in Communication Engg.
Information Technology 60
Mechanical Engg. 60
Fax No. 01741-283843
99 4 Modern Institute of Ph: 0172-5045983 (F) Civil Engg. 120
Engg. and Technology, M: 09216470100
Computer Science and
Village Mohri, Tehsil 09216870800 90
Shahabad, District
Kurukshetra Electronics and
Communication Engg.
Information Technology 60
Mechanical Engg. 120
Total 480
100 5 Shri Krishna Inst. of Dr.J.R.Mehta, Principal, Civil Engg. 60
Engg. & Tech, Rattan 01744-229309,224221(O)
Computer Science and
Dera Road, Kurukshetra 94165-66049 (M) 120
Post Box No. 35, skietkurukshetra@rediffmail
Kurukshetra (1997) .com Electronics and
www.skietkurukshetra.org Communication Engg. 120

Ph.Nos.01744- Information Technology 60

224221,229309, 229641 Mechanical Engg. 120
Fax : 01744-229641 Total

101 6 Technology Education Mr. Rajeev Singh, OSD Civil Engg. 60

and Research Institute, +91 9729074246
Computer Science and
9th Milestone, Kaithal gyankund@yahoo.co.in 60
Raod, Kurukshetra gyankund@gmail.com
www.teriindia.org Electrical and
terikkr@gmail.com Electronics Engg. 60
Electronics and
Dr. Krishna Gopal, Principal 60
Communication Engg.
Fax: 01744-274961
Information Technology 00
Mechanical Engg. 120
Total 360
102 1 DAV College of Engg. 01285-235126, 235104 Civil Engg. 60
and Technology, Fax : 01285-235126 Computer Science and
Kanina, District www.davcetkanina.org 60
Mahendergarh davkanina@hry.nic.in Electronics and
davcetkanina@gmail.com Communication Engg. 120
Dr. Ashok Kumar
Mob. No: 09416065126 Information Technology 60
Phone No: 01285-235126 Mechanical Engg. 60
Mobile: 0941665126 Total

103 2 KD College of Engg. 01285-240270 Computer Science and

and Technology for ssdss.679@gmail.com Engg. 60
Women, Pali, Tehsil
Electrical Engg. 60
and District
Electronics and
Mahendergarh 60
Communication Engg.
104 3 Maharana Pratap Civil Engg. 120
Institute of Technology
Computer Science and
and Management, 60
Dhanonda, Kanina,
Electrical Engg. 60
District Mohindergarh
Electronics and
Communication Engg.
Information Technology 60
Mechanical Engg. 60
Electrical Engg. 60
Total 360
105 4 Rao Pehlad Singh 01285-222645, Civil Engg. 120
College of Engg. and 9416150201 Computer Science and
Technology, Village 90
Balana, District Electronics and 120

Mohindergarh Communication Engg.

Mechanical Engg. 120
Electrical Engg. 60
Total 510
106 5 Suraj College of Engg. 01285-221950 Computer Science and
and Technology, Engg. 90
Bucholi Road,
Electronics and
Mahendergarh 120
Communication Engg.
Information Technology 60
Mechanical Engg. 120
Civil Engg. 60
Total 390
107 6 Yaduvanshi College of 01285-220944 Computer Science and
Engg. and Technology, Engg. 90
Patikara, Tehsil Electrical Engg. 60
Narnaul, District
Mahendergarh Electronics and
Communication Engg.
Total 240
108 1 Mewat Engineering www.mecw.ac.in Civil Engg. 60
College, Moosa Palla, Computer Science and
Tehsil Nuh, District info@mecw.ac.in Engg. 60
Mewat (Minority 01267-202212
Institute) 09050090786, Electrical and
01267-274753 Electronics Engg. 60

Electronics and
Communication Engg. 60

Mechanical Engg. 60
Total 300
109 2 SD Mewat Institute of Civil Engg. 60
Engineering and Computer Science and
Technology, Technical Engg.
Campus, Village Rawali, Electrical Engg. 60
Tehsil Firozpur Jhirka, Mechanical Engg. 60
District Mewat Total 240
110 3 Deep Institute of Computer Science and
Engineering Technology Engg.
Group Institute, Village Electrical Engg. 60
Rithoda, Tehsil Nuh, Electronics and
Distt. Mewat (2010) 120
Communication Engg.
Information Technology 60
Mechanical Engg. 60
Total 360
111 1 Panchkula Engg. Mr. Sarwan Gupta , Civil Engg. 60
College, Vill Mouli, Chairman Computer Science and
District Panchkula 09814102972(Mob) Engg. 60

Mr Y.R.Gupta, President Electrical and

Prof. P.Prabhakar, Director- Electronics Engg. 60
Electronics and
09814851477,09896591389 60
Communication Engg.
pec.balaji@yahoo.co.in Mechanical Engg. 60
Phone : 01734 -258708 Total
Fax :01734 - 258707
0172-2597475, 4638756,
112 2 Swami Devi Dayal sdibarwala@hry.nic.in Computer Engg. 90
Institute of Engg. and www.sddhitech.com
Electrical Engg. 60
Technology, Village 01734- 258298, 258266,
Electronics and
Golpura, Barwala, Fax:01734-258197 120
Communication Engg.
District Panchkula Dr. Y.C. Chopra (Principal)
Information Technology 60
Mechanical Engg. 120
Civil Engg. 120
Total 570
113 3 Swami Devi Dayal Civil Engg. 60
Institute of Engg., Computer Science and
rg 90
Village Golpura, Tehsil Engg.
Barwala, District Ph: 01734-258196,97 Electronics and
Panchkula Fax: 258197 Communication Engg. 120

sddie_panchkula@yahoo.i Information Technology 60

Mechanical Engg. 60
Total 390
114 1 Asia Pacific Institute of Computing in
Information Computing
Technology, Panipat Computing in
Computing in Software
Engg. 60

Electrical and
Electronics Engg. 60

Electronics Engg. 60
Mechatronic Engg. 60
Total 300
115 2 DR College of Engg. Ph: 011-27418182, Computer Science and
and Technology, Village Fax: 27418181 Engg. 90
Kakoda, Tehsil Israna, M: 09310193939
Electronics and
District Panipat www.drcolleges.com 90
Communication Engg.
director admin.
09310629666 Information Technology 60
principal:Narayana Mechanical Engg. 60
Sabhahit09355703363 Total
fax:0180-2005800 300
116 3 Nav Nirman Sewa ajaygoel@sgi.ac.in Civil Engg. 60

Samitis Samalkha 09811040267, Computer Science and

Group of Institutions, 09996640267 Engg.
Village Hathwala, F: 011-27494909 Electrical and
Samalkha, District Electronics Engg. 60
Electronics and
Communication Engg.
Mechanical Engg. 120
Aeronautical Engg. 60
Mechanical Engg.
Total 540
117 4 Geeta Engg. College, info@geetainstitutes.com Civil Engg. 60
Vill Naultha, Gohana www.geetainstitutes.com Computer Science and
Road, District Panipat Ph: 9996623011, Engg.
9996022268 Electronics and
M: 9896766601 Communication Engg.
Fax:0180-4001948 Information Technology 60
Mechanical Engg. 120
Total 360
118 5 NC College of Engg., Dr. B.R.Marwah 0180- Civil Engg. 60
Israna, District Panipat 25796780, Computer Science and
180-2579835 Engg. 120
(Autonomous info@ncce.edu
Institution) Phone Numbers: +91 +180 Electronics and
Communication Engg. 120
2579678, 2579764,
2579835 Information Technology 60
Mechanical Engg. 120
Total 480
119 6 NC Institute of Prof.(Dr.) I .K Pandey Computer Science and
Technology, Village 0180-3252064 Engg. 120
Balana, Tehsil Israna, 093153-77667
Electrical and
District Panipat info@nccew.org 24
Electronics Engg.
0180-3252064 Electronics and
Fax: 0180-2579004 Communication Engg. 120
Ph: 0180-2598606,
Information Technology 72
Fax: 2579678 Mechanical Engg. 60
Total 396
120 7 Panipat Institute of Sh. S.K. Khanna, Computer Science and
Engg. and Technology, Administrator 09354713020 Engg. 120
Samalkha, District Sh. Rakesh Tayal, Member
Electronics and
Panipat Secretary 09354913020 120
Communication Engg.
Dr. S.N.Puri, Director
09354613020 Information Technology 60
Mechanical Engg. 120
09466256318 Textile Engg. 60
0180-2569700, Civil Engg. 120
2569800 (Fax) Total 480
121 8 RN College of Engg. Sh. Ramniwas Sharma Chemical Engg. 60

and Technology, Vill 09215512171, Civil Engg. 60

Mohidinpur Thirana, 09215512173 Computer Science and
Tehsil Madlauda, 60
District Panipat ram@rncet.com
Electronics and
www.rncet.com 90
Communication Engg.
Information Technology 60
Mechanical Engg. 120
0180-2665100 (Fax)
Total 450
122 9 SD Institute of Dr. P. K. Sinha (Director, Civil Engg. 00
Technology and SDITM) Computer Science and
Management, Vill. Mobile No. 9996010249, Engg. 00
Balana, Israna, District Ph. No. 0180-2005771(O),
Panipat (State NOC 0180-2005590 (R) Electronics and
for closure of sdcharitable@rediffmail.co Communication Engg.
institute has been m Information Technology 00
issued) www.sditm.org Mechanical Engg. 00
0180-2579061, Fax No. Total
123 1 Mata Raj Kaur Institute 01274-225255 (Fax) Computer Science and
of Engg. and 09416330627, Engg. 60
Technology, Village 09416067273
Electrical Engg. 60
Gangoli, PO
Electronics and
Saharanwas, District 60
Communication Engg.
Mechanical Engg.
Fire Technology &
Total 360
124 2 Somany Institute of sitrewari@hry.nic.in Computer Engg. 90
Technology and www.sitm.in
Electrical Engg. 60
Management, Rewari 01274-261444, 261175
Fax. 261191 Electronics and
Communication Engg. 120
Sh. I.D. Bansal (Principal)
e-mail contact@sitm.in Mechanical Engg. 120
directorsitm@gmail.com Printing Technology 30
Total 420
125 1 Matu Ram Institute of Ph: 01262-295667, 274667, Civil Engg. 30
Engg. and 274767,292585 Computer Science and
Management, Delhi 09992000181 Engg. 30
Road, Rohtak (AICTE Fax: 295667
has reduced the Electronics and
intake of the ins Communication Engg.
titute) Mechanical Engg. 60
IT 30
Total 180
126 2 RN College of Engg. Dr. S. S. Dubbey, Principal Computer Science and
And Management, 98121-97816 Engg. 72
`Village Makrauli Kalan, 01262-343501 04
Electrical Engg. 48

Tehsil and District info@rnemcrohtak.org Electronics and

Rohtak www.rnemcrohtak.org Communication Engg.
01262-343501, 02, 03 04. Mechanical Engg.
Fax No. 01262-211400 &
01262-213030 Information Technology 72
Total 300
127 3 Rohtak Institute of Mr. Subhash Garg Computer Science and
Engg. and Chairman- Engg. 60
Management, 5 KM, 09254211701
Electrical and
Rohtak Panipat Road, Abhinav kaushik-depty 60
Electronics Engg.
NH 71A, Rohtak registrar- 9254211704
info@riem.in Electronics and
registrar@riem.in Communication Engg. 60
Information Technology 60
01262-645153 Civil Engg.
Mechanical Engg. 60
Mechanical Engg. (2nd
Total 360
128 4 Sat Priya Institute of Prof. Dr. S.P. Taneja, Civil Engg. 60
Engg. and Technology, Director-Principal Computer Science and
0.5KM Milestone, Jind 09355565143, Engg. 60
Road, Rohtak 01262-290500
Electronics and
spiet2007@gmail.com 120
Communication Engg.
01262-290500, 231230 Information Technology 60
Mechanical Engg. 60
Total 360
129 5 Vaish College of Engg., Dr. K.K.Garg Computer Science and
Behind Railway Station, (Officiating Principal) Engg. 120
Rohtak 01262-249572, 270335
Electrical Engg. 60
Telefax: 01262-248443
Electronics and
Mobile: 09896324110 120
Communication Engg.
www.vcenggrtk.com Information Technology 60
Mechanical Engg. 60
Total 420
130 6 Shri Baba Mastnath Phone no. 01262-215781 Civil Engg. 60
Engineering College, Fax= 01262-292007 CSE 120
Asthal Bohar, Rohtak Electrical Engg. 60
ECE 60
Mechanical Engg. 120
ECE (2nd Shift) 60
Mechanical Engg. (2nd
Total 540
131 7 Maa Saraswati Dr. Ajay pratap CSE 60
Institute of Engg. & (Director Principal) ECE 60
Technology, Near Mobile no. 09311038754 Civil Engg. 60

kalanaur Mor Mechanical Engg. 60

Khurd, District Electrical Engg. 60
Rohtak (New Institute) Total 300

132 1 Jan Nayak Ch. Devi Lal Dr. Gurcharan Dass, Civil Engg. 120
College of Engg., Principal, Computer Science and
Barnala Road, Sirsa oceandass@gmail.com Engg.
www.jcdv.org Electrical and
01666-238106 (O) Electronics Engg.
01666-238100 (Fax) Electronics and
Communication Engg.
Information Technology 60
Mechanical Engg. 120
Total 540
133 1 Bhagwan Mahavir bmisonipat@hry.nic.in Computer Science and
Institute of Engg. and director@bmiet.net Engg. 120
Technology, Behind www.bmiet.in
Electrical and Electronics
Fazilpur Power Sub Telefax:0130-2242163, 60
Station, Sonipat 2233662,2232193,
(Minority Institute) 2233790, 2236911-14 Electronics and
Dr. R.P.Jain(Dir.), Communication Engg.
09812021696, Information Technology 60
Mechanical Engg. 60
Civil Engg. 60
Total 480
134 2 Bhagwan Parshuram Dr. Binod Kumar Dubey, Computer Science and
College of Engg., Bali Director-Principal. Engg.
Barahamana, Gohana, 09968821121, 01263- Electrical Engg.
District Sonipat 325396 60
Electronics and
m, bprcollege@gmail.com , 60
Communication Engg.
www.bprcegohana.com Mechanical Engg. 120
01263-325396, 329771 Civil Engg. 60
Fax: 01263-210723 Total 390
135 3 Bharat Institute of www.bitsonepat.com Civil Engg. 60
Technology, Sonepat Dr.A.K.Shrivastava Computer Science and
Gohana Highway, Near 09355594010, Engg. 60
Mohana Police Station, Ph: 0130-2555871-876
Electrical and Electronics
Sonepat 09355594006, 60
09355594015 Electronics and
Fax:0130-2555875 120
Communication Engg.
E-mail: Information Technology 60
bits.sonepat@gmail.com Mechanical Engg. 60
Total 420
136 4 Darsh Institute of Engg. 9215353001, 9215353002 Computer Science and
and Technology, Engg.

Gohana Sonipat Road, Electronics and

Village Kaliana, Communication Engg.
Gohana, District Information Technology 60
Sonepat Mechanical Engg.
Total 240
137 5 Delhi Institute of Dr. P. S. Vishnoi (Director) Civil Engg. 120
Technology and 09215215180
Management, Baraut, www.ditmcollege.com Computer Science and
Gannaur, District info@ditmcollege.com Engg.
Sonipat ditmcollege@gmail.com Electronics and
Communication Engg. 120
Ph.: 0130-3200053,
3200087 Information Technology 60
Mob: 09717550577, Mechanical Engg. 120
Fax: 0130-2460399, 011- Total
138 6 Gateway Institute of 0130-2218847(Fax) Civil Engg. 60
Engg. And Technology, 098120-40120, Computer Science and
Village Fazilpur and 098124-46685 Engg. 60
Garh Sahahjanpur, gietsonipat@gmail.com
Electronics and
Tehsil and District 60
Communication Engg.
Mechanical Engg.
Total 240
139 7 Hindu College of Engg., Dr. G.C Jain Director Civil Engg. 60
Sonipat /Principal Computer Science and
hce.snp@vidyasonepat.com Engg. 60
www.vidyasonepat.com Electrical Engg. 60
0130-2212756, 2212551, Electronics and
2212755 (Fax) Communication Engg. 60

Information Technology 60
Mechanical Engg. 60
Total 360
140 8 Innovative Institute of Computer Science and
Technology and Engg.
Management, 64th Electronics and
milestone, NH 1, Communication Engg.
Gannaur, District Information Technology 60
Sonipat Mechanical Engg. 60
Civil Engg. 60
Total 300
141 9 International Institute www.i2tb.org.in Civil Engg. 60
of Technology and 09996787090 Computer Science and
Business, Village 09891265698 60
Jhundpur, PO and 09416015104 Electrical Engg. 60
District Sonipat 2008gres@gmail.com Electronics and 60

Communication Engg.
Mechanical Engg. 120
142 10 International Institute Dr. K.S. Yadav, Director Civil Engg. 60
of Technology and Principal Computer Science and
Management, 49 KM Dr. Parveen Aneja, Director Engg.
Stone, NH 1, Murthal, www.iitmanagement.com Electrical Engg. 60
District Sonepat dmeducational@yahoo.in Electronics and
09812427894 60
Communication Engg.
09416260242 Information Technology 60
09416397852 Mechanical Engg.
Total 420
143 11 Mahaveer Swami Ph: 0261-3947110 Civil Engg. 60
Institute of Technology, Fax: 2255299 Computer Science and
Village Jagdishpur, Near Engg. 60
Railway Crossing, Electronics and
District Sonepat 60
Communication Engg.
(Minority Mechanical Engg.
Institution) 120
Total 300
144 12 PM College of Engg., 0130-2285107 Civil Engg. 60
Village Kami, District 2285105, 106 Computer Science and
Sonepat www.pmkami.com Engg. 60
Mr. Vijay Pal Nain, Electrical Engg. 60
President Electronics and
Communication Engg. 120
09810095048 Mechanical Engg. 120
Automobile Engg. 60
Aeronautical Engg. 60
Total 540
145 13 Royal Institute of www.rimt.edu Civil Engg. 60
Management and Ph: 01263-278751-55 Computer Science and
Technology, Chidana, 09215512108 Engg. 90
Gohana, District 09215705625
Electronics and
Sonepat Fax: 01263-278751-53 90
Communication Engg.
Information Technology 60
Mechanical Engg. 120
Total 420
146 14 Rukmani Devi college of Computer Science and
Engg. & Allied Sciences, Engg.
Village Kishora, Electronics and
Bahalgarh, Sonepat Communication Engg.
Total 120

147 15 Shri Balwant Institute www.sbit.in Computer Science and

of Technology, Meerut sbit@hry.nic.in Engg. 120
Road, Pallri, District 0130 2340237, 3202040,
Electrical and Electronics
Sonepat 09212110908 60
Fax: 0130-2340237
Prof M M Jha Electronics and
Ph.: 011-27472905 Communication Engg. 120
Email: info@sbit.in
Information Technology 120
Mechanical Engg. 60
Total 480
148 16 Sonipat Institute of F: 011-2731168 Civil Engg. 60
Engg. and 09818007652 Computer Science and
Management, Village 09310627652 Engg. 60
Baghru, District Sonipat skkes.sonipat@gmail.com
Electronics and
09810627652 60
Communication Engg.
Mechanical Engg. 60
Total 240
149 17 South Point Institute of Ms. Nisha Joshi, Trustee & Computer Science and
Technology and Secretary Engg.
Management, Purkhas 09812338460 Electronics and
Road, Vill. Jawahari, Sh. Dilbag Singh, Chairman, 120
Communication Engg.
Near Sugar Mill, Sec 20, 09812020033 Civil Engg. 60
Sonipat southpoint9@gmail.com
www.swiet.org Mechanical Engg. 60
Ph: 0130-2216823,
09812020033, 360
Fax: 0130-2216802
150 18 Sri Venkateswara Engg. 08554-221463, Civil Engg. 60
College, 52 KM Stone, F: 247576
Computer Science and
NH 1, Village Pipli 60
Khera, Tehsil Gannaur,
District Sonipat Electrical Engg. 60
Electronics and
Communication Engg.
Mechanical Engg.
Total 300
151 19 Tek Chand Mann tcmcollege@gmail.com Computer Science and
College of Engg., VPO www.tcmengineering.com Engg. 90
Chirsami, Gannaur,
Electronics and
District Sonipat 0130- 2460350 90
Communication Engg.
9999885350, 9896008302
Fax : 0130-2463300 Information Technology 60
Civil Engg. 60
Mechanical Engg. 60
Total 360

152 1 Asian Institute of Sh. Ram Gopal Gupta, Civil Engg. 60
Management and Registrar Computer Science and
Technology, Village 01732-282014, 282015, Engg. 90
Dhaurang, District 09991354346,
Electrical Engg. 60
Yamunanagar 09991999964
omtrust@yahoo.com Electronics and
Communication Engg. 60
Fax: 01732-282015 Information Technology 60
Mechanical Engg. 60
Total 390
153 2 Faculty of Engg., Shree Dr. Rajni Bala Civil Engg. 60
Siddhivinayak 01732:200999, Computer Science and
Educational Trusts 01735:274862 Engg. 60
Group of Institutions, 94160:22299, 94161:87070
Electrical Engg. 60
Shahpur, Tehsil 01732:262000 (FAX)
Bilaspur, District ganpati_sset@rediffmail.co Electronics and
Yamunanagar m Communication Engg.
director@ganpatis.com Mechanical Engg. 60
www.ganpatis.com Total
01735:274862 300
94160:22299, 94161:87070
01732:262000 (FAX)
154 3 Ganpati Institute of ganpati2006@rediffmail.co Civil Engg. 60
Technology and m
Management, Bilaspur, 01735-306000 (30 LINES) Computer Science and
Jagadhri, District , 94160-22299, Engg.
Yamunanagar 9416187070 Electrical Engg. 60
Fax: 01735-306112 Electronics and
www.ganpatiinstitutes.com Communication Engg.
Dr. S.C.Verma Information Technology 60
Mechanical Engg. 60
Total 360
155 4 Global Research Ch. Mewa Ram, Chairman Civil Engg. 60
Institute of 9812030342 Computer Science and
Management and Sh. Sanjay Jindal, 60
Technology, Village 9416026372 Electrical and
Nachraun, Radaur, Dr. R. C. Bhattacharjee, 60
Electronics Engg.
Tehsil Jagadhri, District Director Mob. No. Electronics and
Yamunanagar 9355688202 120
Communication Engg.
info@grimtradaur.com Information Technology 60
Mechanical Engg. 60
01732-296104, 296106
Fax: 01732-296106 420

156 5 Haryana Engineering hcejagadhari@hry.nic.in Civil Engg. 60

College, Old www.hec.ac.in
Computer Science and
Chhachhrauli Road, 01732-246403, 247403, 120
Jagadhari, 247905
Yamunanagar Dr. P.N.Sharma (Dir./ Computer Science and
Principal) Engg. (2nd Shift) 60

Ph.: 01732-247505 (O) Electronics and

01732-247905 I Communication Engg. 120
Mobile: 098135-56196
Electronics and
e-mail: hec@hec.ac.in
Communication Engg. 60
(2nd Shift)

Electronics Engg. 00
Mechanical Engg. 120
Civil Engg. (2nd Shift) 60
Electrical Engg. 60
Total 660
157 6 Institute of Science and Dr. B.S. Gill. Principal Computer Science and
Technology, Vill. M: 09996116097 Engg. 120
Kalawad, Jagadhri, info@istk.org
Electronics and
District Yamunanagar www.istk.org 120
Communication Engg.
01735-260301, 302 Information Technology 60
F: 01735-260301 Mechanical Engg. 60
Total 360
158 7 Maharishi Ved Vyas 01732-242324, 243833 Civil Engg. 60
Engg. College, Old 09355242324 Computer Science and
Bilaspur Road, Near Engg.
Jaroda Gate, Jagadhri, Electronics and
District Yamunanagar 60
Communication Engg.
EEE 60
Mechanical Engg. 60
Total 300
159 8 Seth Jai prakash sjpradaur@hry.nic.in Applied Electronics and
Mukand Lal Institute of www.jmit.ac.in Instrumentation 60
Engg. and Technology, 01732-284195 ,284778
Chemical Engg. 60
Radaur, District ,284779 ,283800(O)
Computer Science and
Yamuna Nagar 120
Fax: 01732-283800,283700 Engg.
Prof. Randhir Singh, F.N.A. Electrical Engg. 60
(Principal), Electronics and
Communication Engg. 120
info@jmit.ac.in, Information Technology 60
principal@jmit.ac.in Mechanical Engg. 120
Total 600
160 9 Shree Ram Institute of Civil Engg. 60
Engg. And Technology, Computer Science and
Village Urjani, Tehsil Engg.
Chhachhrauli, District Electrical Engg. 60
Yamunanagar Electronics and
Communication Engg.
Mechanical Engg. 60
Total 300
161 10 Yamuna Institute of Dr. U.P. Singh, Principal, Civil Engg. 120
Engg. and Technology, 09355584527, 01732- Computer Science and 120

Vill Gadholi, PO 286745 Engg.

Gadhola, District yietgadholi@gmail.com
Electrical Engg. 60
Yamunanagar srm1940@rediffmail.com
Electronics and
chlekhraj@gmail.com 120
Communication Engg.
Ph: 01732-286750, Mechanical Engg. 120
286745(F) Total 540
162 11 Jai Parkash Mukand Lal B. Tech in Civil Engg. 60
Innovative Engg. & B. Tech ME 60
Technology Institute, B. Tech in CSE 60
Village Chhotabans, B. Tech in ECE 60
Tehsil Radaur, Distt. Total
Yamuna Nagar (2012)

Admissions are being made by the following institutions / Deemed Universities /

Private Universities at their own level:
1. Al- Falah School of Engg. & Tech., Vill. Dhauj, Faridabad-121004 (Minority Institution)
2. Brown Hills College of Engg. & Tech. Dhauj, Faridabad. (2008) (Minority Institution).
3. O.P. Jindal Global University, Sonepat (Private University)
4. AMITY University, Manesar, Gurgaon (Private University)
5. National Institute of Technology (NIT Kurukshetra) Deemed University,
Kurukshetra, Haryana (Deemed University)
6. Maharishi Markandeshwar University, Mullana, Ambala, Haryana (Deemed
7. Manav Rachna International University Faridabad, Haryana. (Deemed
8. Lingayas University Nachauli, Old Faridabad, Jasana Road Faridabad, Haryana.
(Deemed University)
9. ITM University, Gurgaon (Private University)
10. APEEJAY Stya university, Gurgaon (Private University)
11. Maharishi Markandeshwar University,Sadopur, Ambala (Private University)
12. MVN University (Gopal Sharma Modern Vidya Niketan Institute of Engg. &
Tech., 74th KM Stone, National Highway-2, Palwal and Les Filles MVN Institute
of Engg. & Tech.(For Girls), 74th KM stone, National Highway-2, Faridabad,
Haryana have been merged into Private University)
13. Baba Mast Nath University, Asthal Bohar, Rohtak (1. Sh. Baba Mast Nath
Institute of Engg. College, Asthal Bohar, District Rohtak (B. Tech.), 2. Sh. Baba
Mast Nath Institute of Management Studies, Asthal Bohar, District Rohtak (MBA),
3. Shri Baba Mast Nath Institute of Management and Research, Asthal Bohar,
Rohtak (MCA), 4. Sh. Baba Mast Nath Inst. of Pharm. Sci. & Research., Asthal
Bohar, Rohtak (Pharmacy) have been merged into Private University).
14. Ansal University, Sector-55A, Gurgaon.

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