Eberron Powered by FATE Incomplete Draft
Eberron Powered by FATE Incomplete Draft
Eberron Powered by FATE Incomplete Draft
O Divination, Enchantment: By seeing what is lost, turning others to your side, or other
means, you can get through a problem with your spells.
C All Schools: Magic can change the rules of the game, figuratively speaking, and give you
an edge. Making phantom noises to distract guards can help when trying to sneak past them.
Increasing the size of another can certainly help them reach high places or jump long gaps. Walls
of fire do a good job of keeping people and creatures away and making it hard for them to reach
A Evocation: By calling on the elements, you can create powerful and dangerous shows of
force. As a rule of thumb you can make an attack in-zone at no penalty, -1 per zone distance.
These are normal attacks, but may have additional effects based on the Storm used.
Summoning, both Conjuration and Necromancy, are handled using the same system and the
same skill: Summoning.
To obtain the Summoning skill:
It costs 1 refresh.
You need to specify whether you are using Conjuration or Necromancy.
o Effects flavoring of summons, nothing more.
If you are using default character generation, purchase the skill rank as normal.
If you are using the race/class system, use the rank given by the class.
If you are using a skill mode, put it in your Good(+3) mode.
Once you have the Summoning skill, summoning can be summarized as such:
Cast a spell to summon your companion at a difficulty from Average (+1) to Superb (+5)
depending on the number summoned and their collective ranking. Thats the difficulty
you need to reach, and thats the skill it operates at. It will last for one scene.
o You may have a number of summons whose total ranking equals your skill+4 or
lower at one time.
For example, you can summon one Huge creature or five Tiny creatures.
Creatures come in five sizes:
o Tiny (Average(+1), 0 stress, no consequences)
o Small (Fair(+2), 0 stress, 1 mild consequence)
o Normal (Good(+3), 2 stress, 2 mild consequences)
o Large (Great(+4), 3 stress, 1 mild and 1 moderate consequence)
o Huge (Superb(+5), 4 stress, 1 armor, 1 mild and 1 moderate consequence)
The Summoning Skill
The Summoning skill is the art of calling upon creatures to aid you in battle. It uses either the
forces of conjuration to summon living creatures or the dark forces of negative energy to revive
or summon the dead.
O Summoning can also be used to renew the bond of an already-summoned creature without
the time and effort spent on the initial summoning. This simply requires an overcome roll against
the combined rating of the creature(s)see the previous page.
Fail: The creature is immediately released and it will vanish or flee.
Tie: The bond is not renewed, and will expire normally.
Success: Renew the bond for a scene.
Success With Style: Renew the bond for a day.
A Summoning can also dismiss a bound elemental at will, so long as it is within his presence.
C Summoning is a specific sort of advantage creation. Summoning a creature takes your turn,
as normal, but, instead of making an advantage, it creates a creature to follow you for some time.
Roll against a difficulty based on the type of creature(s) being summonedsee the previous
Fail: The creature is summoned, but immediately breaks free. They will flee or return to
their own domain immediately.
Tie: The creature appears, but will only perform a single service for one turn or action.
Success: The creature appears and is bound to your service for a scene.
Success With Style: The creature appears and is bound for a day.
A Summoning may be used as an attack skill against summoned creatures, with damage
serving as progress towards banishment.
D Summoned may be used to defend against attacks by summoned creatures. This defense
may be enhanced by staying within a circle, with the value ranging from +1 to a hastily drawn
circle of dirt or salt to +4 for a mathematically perfect circle of precious metal covered in ancient
runes of power
Despite its names, only the lesser races, as the dragons would call them, are blessed with the
Dragonmarks. The humanoid races of the world who are born with these twelve marks can call
upon them to enhance a particular ability within that marks domain.
To take a Dragonmark:
Reduce your Refresh by 1.
Pick the particular Dragonmark and take the aspect Mark of [Type]
o Or include it in another aspect.
Describe where the physical mark is on your body
When you use a skill associated with that mark, your efforts are magical, more like deeds
out of legend than mundane efforts. This does not translate into a bonus, but it just means
a generally more awesome outcome, depending on the situation.
o Detection: Notice, Empathy
o Finding:
o Handling:
o Healing:
o Hospitality:
o Making:
o Passage:
o Scribing:
o Sentinel:
o Shadow:
o Storm:
o Warding:
Psionics is not a magic, but follows a similar principal: with the powers of the mind, you can
bend the world and perform the fantastical.
To handle the power of Psionics:
You must buy Power Points by reducing your Refresh at 2:1 rate and mention your
psionic nature in an aspect.
o In other words, you get two Power Points per Refresh reduced.
o Power Points refresh like Fate Points.
If you reduce Refresh by 2, you have four Power Points. Whenever Fate
Points refresh, you also reset to four Power Points, for example.
For every Refresh that is reduced, you get one Power.
o Powers are like stunts.
o Powers will ask for Power Points to activate.
Often, this will allow for control on the intensity of the effect.
Whenever one of your aspects is compelled, you may choose to get two Power Points
instead of one Fate Point.
The List of Powers are:
Ephemeral Weapon: You form a weapon of Weapon:X until the end of the scene where
X equals the number of Power Points used to summon it (max: 4).
Eberron may be set further in time, but armor and weapon mastery are still very much in need.
While there may be a strenuous peace between the nations, the world is far from peaceful.
Fate Core isnt a game for long item lists, but it does have a few methods to reward good use of
equipment: Weapon and Armor Ratings. There are handled as stunts you can purchase and
doesnt, necessarily, handle the equipment itself. In other words, you have Heavy Armor
Mastery, you get Armor:2 in Heavy Armor because you are skilled in it. Heavy Armor doesnt
give this benefit, or any benefit, to someone without this stunt. Also, you are assumed to have
Heavy Armor starting off if you have this stunt.
The available Weapon Stunts are:
Light Melee Weapon Mastery: When you are using a light melee weapon, you have
Weapon:1 and +2 to attack with melee when the enemy is unaware of your presence.
Light Ranged Weapon Mastery: When you are using a light ranged weapon, you have
Weapon:1: and +2 to attack with ranged when you are in the same zone.
Heavy Melee Weapon Mastery: When you are using a heavy melee weapon, you have
Heavy Ranged Weapon Mastery: When you are using a heavy ranged weapon, you
have Weapon:2.
The available Armor Stunts are:
Light Armor Mastery: When you are wearing light armor, you have Armor:1 and +2 to
overcome with athletics when jumping, swimming, or climbing.
Heavy Armor Mastery: When you are wearing heavy armor, you have Armor:2.
Character Generation
You cant play a roleplaying game without characters and people will have different feelings on
how to handle. As this was a D&D setting originally, some would likely prefer a class system for
the game. Others might like more freeform character generation, but would prefer pushing the
genre conventions with character generation.
Of course, you could use standard character generation and that would be fine. Just bear in mind
that we suggest a different skill list as well as other extras for the game if you go with that
D&D Race/Class System
Our emulation of Dungeons and Dragons race/class system uses the race and profession rules in
the FATE System Toolkit.
Aspects are categorized as follows when using this system:
Concept Aspect
Race Aspect
Class Aspect
Free Aspect
Trouble Aspect
Races in FATE:
Provide a list of aspects:
o Choose one, but not more than two.
o You can make your own, if you want to.
A racial skill:
o Slot your racial skill into whatever free slot you wish that is provided by your
o It comes with a list of backgrounds: choose one.
o You can take additional flavors as stunts
A Face For Every Occasion, Fluid Identity, Parasitic Culture, Unjustly Hated By All,
Wanderer Without A True Home
You may use your changeling skill to blend into the crowd, take on the appearance of another,
or make another trust you as one of their own. In addition, you may choose one of the
following flavors; you may choose another as a stunt:
Master Manipulator: Choose Contacts or Resources. You can use the Changeling skill in
place of that skill when you use anothers form.
On-The-Run Since Birth: You can use the Changeling skill in place of Knowledge (Local)
and Knowledge (History).
Allies Of The Lost Coutals, Ancient And Proud Warriors Of Light, Faint Memories Of
Lives Past, Reborn Again And Again Into The World, Without Home Or Country
You may use your Deva skill to understand the mysteries of positive energy and Siberys, to
sense and seek out evil forces, or remember and/or interact with relics of the past. In addition,
you may choose one of the following flavors; you may choose another as a stunt:
Redeemed Rashaka: You may use your Deva skill to understand Khyber and the mysteries of
negative energy.
Warrior of Light: You may use your Deva skill in place of your Will skill to determine your
mental stress.
Dweller Of The Jungle, Followers Of The Dragons, Remnants Of A Fallen Colony,
Scholars Of The Draconic Prophecy, Warlike And Vicious
You may use your Dragonborn skill to perform feats of brute force, interact and know of the
dragons and their culture, or shrug off pain. In addition, you may choose one of the following
flavors; you may choose another as a stunt:
Fire Within: Choose one to be the element of your breathe: Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, or
Poison. You may use your Dragonborn skill instead of the Ranged skill when attacking with
your elemental breathe.
Image Of Their Emissaries: You may use your Dragonborn skill to fly.
From A Frozen Land, (S)He Who Holds The Kingdoms Purse, Inheritors Of Ancient
Grudges And Distrust, Loyal To Clan And Family, Miners By Trade And Lineage
You may use your Dwarf skill to know of the workings of the underground, broker deals,
especially financial ones, or tough it through rough weather. In addition, you may choose one
of the following flavors; you may choose another as a stunt:
Frostfell Descendant: You may use your Dwarf skill in place of your Physique skill for
determining physical stress boxes.
New Rich: You may use your Dwarf skill in place of your Resource skill when drumming up
monetary resources.
Bitter About Exile, Born In The Feywilds, From The Day Of Mourning, Newcomers From
A Strange World, Uncomfortable About The Horrors Of War
You may use your Eladrin skill to know of the feywilds and the mystical, charm through
beauty, or move with grace and speed. In addition, you may choose one of the following
flavors; you may choose another as a stunt:
Move Through Worlds: You may, once per session, teleport to a nearby location.
Never Blind: You may use your Eladrin skill in place of your Notice skill when deep in trance
Descended From The Giants Slaves, Embodiment Of Those Before, Guided By The
Ancestors, Intimately Familiar With Undeath, Lusting For Battle
You may use your Elf skill to confer on the wisdom of your ancestors, to know of the
mysteries of positive energy and undeath, or move gracefully. In addition, you may choose
one of the following flavors; you may choose another as a stunt:
As My Ancestor Would: Once per session, you can use your Elf skill in the place of any skill.
Trained In The Old Ways: Choose Melee or Ranged. You may use your Elf skill in place of
this skill.
Topple Governments With The Truth, Fascinated By Deception, From A Strange Land,
Happiest When Unearthing Secrets, Innately Magical And Devious
You may use your Gnome skill to search for secrets, fool others with a charming ruse, or hide
in plain sight. In addition, you may choose one of the following flavors; you may choose
another as a stunt:
Forked Tongue: +2 to create a Deceive advantage against someone who has believed one of
your lies already during this session.
See Through People: You may use your Gnome skill instead of Empathy when you intend to
fool or manipulate someone.
Between Two Worlds, Elf At Heart, Human At Heart, Melting Pot Of Culture And Genetics,
Native Khovair
Instead of having their own racial skill, Half-Elves choose either to have the Elf or Human
racial skills. They have the access to the flavors of the chosen race. This decision should be
based on which culture the Half-Elf feels closest to.
Classes in FATE:
A collection of skills arranged in the pyramid.
o Some are purposely left free.
A series of aspects.
o Choose one, but not more than two.
A series of class only stunts.
o If youre not that class, you cant take those stunts.
Great (+4)
Good (+3)
Fair (+2)
Average (+1)
Great (+4)
Good (+3)
Fair (+2)
Average (+1)
Skill Modes
While many will want the more traditional D&D race/class system, some might prefer a more
classless freeform system that is more like the normal character generation system. However,
they might still want some structure to help reinforce Eberrons genre and pulp.
Skill modes are a collection of skills that are purchased together at the same rank.
They are grouped based on a share theme.
Every player characters chooses three of the four modes for their character.
o These modes are assigned as Good (+3), Fair (+2), and Average (+1)
o Every skill is, initially, ranked at the same value as their mode.
o Skills that are the same rank as their mode are considered Trained.
o Skills that are one rank higher than their mode are considered Focused.
o Skills that are two ranks higher than their mode are considered Specialized.
o You can never have a skill ranked two higher than its mode.
Every mode has an aspect tied to it.
Skills may appear in multiple modes.
o If a skill appears in two modes, it is Focused in the higher of the two modes.
o If a skill appears in three modes, it is Specialized in the highest mode.
Extra stress boxes are acquired differently with skill modes
o When deciding if you qualify for extra stress boxes, look at the rank of the mode
that holds the relevant skill, not the skills individual rank.
o In addition to Physique and Will, Athletics and Provoke also provide extra stress
boxes when using this chargen method.
o Unlike normal, Average (+1) modes do not provide extra stress boxes.
When advancing, you still spend skill points on the individual skills, never the mode
Skill Improvement Skill Point Cost
Focus a Trained skill 1
Specialize a Focused skill 2
Specialize a Trained skill 3
Race and class are more fluid in this system. You can say you are any race or class. You
must mention your race in your concept aspect.
Aspects using skill modes are categorized as follows:
Concept Aspect
Mode Aspect
Mode Aspect
Mode Aspect
Trouble Aspect
Eberron, Powered By FATE has four modes, inspired by Evil Hat Productions Atomic Robo.
These modes are: Action, Banter, Knowledge, and Intrigue.
Action: Athletics, Melee, Notice, Physique, Provoke, Ranged, Ride
Banter: Contacts, Deceive, Empathy, Provoke, Rapport, Resources, Will
Knowledge: Craft, Knowledge, Notice, Will
Intrigue: Burglary, Contacts, Deceive, Investigate, Notice, Resources, Stealth
Action Banter Knowledge Intrigue Summary
Athletics Action
Burglary Intrigue
Contacts Contacts Banter, Intrigue
Craft Knowledge
Deceive Deceive Banter, Intrigue
Empathy Banter
Investigate Intrigue
Knowledge Knowledge
Melee Action
Notice Notice Notice Action, Knowledge, Intrigue
Physique Action
Provoke Provoke Action, Banter
Ranged Action
Rapport Banter
Resources Resources Banter, Intrigue
Ride Action
Stealth Intrigue
Will Will Banter, Knowledge
After choosing your modes:
After choosing your modes, choose one improvement from the list:
o Specialize one trained skill.
o Focus one trained skill and specialize one focused skill.
o Focus three trained skills.
If you use the Knowledge mode, get the above and all of the following:
o Specialize one trained skill.
o Focus one trained skill.
o Specialize one focused skill.