Screening of Peptide Ligands For Pyrroloquinoline Quinone Glucose Dehydrogenase Using Antagonistic Template-Based Biopanning
Screening of Peptide Ligands For Pyrroloquinoline Quinone Glucose Dehydrogenase Using Antagonistic Template-Based Biopanning
Screening of Peptide Ligands For Pyrroloquinoline Quinone Glucose Dehydrogenase Using Antagonistic Template-Based Biopanning
International Journal of
Molecular Sciences
ISSN 1422-0067
Received: 31 July 2013; in revised form: 31 October 2013 / Accepted: 11 November 2013 /
Published: 25 November 2013
1. Introduction
Phage display is well known as a powerful tool for screening peptides or proteins that bind to
various targets [14], such as proteins [5], DNA [6], biomaterials [7], or inorganic materials [8,9].
Especially, peptides can be easily screened by commercialized phage display library kits. Peptide
ligands selected by phage display have not only been applied as protein inhibitors [10,11] and
molecular recognition elements for biosensors [12,13], but also for the improvement of protein
function, such as enzymatic activity [14], stability [15], or substrate specificity [16]. In general phage
display screening, known as biopanning, it is difficult to control the binding site of the selected phages,
because the selection is performed against whole target proteins. To develop functional peptide
ligands, a screening method yielding peptide ligands recognizing a specific structure of the target
protein is required.
Several approaches for selecting ligands recognizing specific regions of the target protein have been
reported. In some methods, an agonist corresponding to target antagonists [17], an unmodified state of
target molecule [18], a different dimer state of the target multifunctional enzyme [19], and a target
catalytic antibody inactivated with an irreversible inhibitor [20] have been used as target proteins for
negative selection. Some other methods involving competitive selection using proteins from the same
family [21], positive selection by using target proteins from different strains [22], elution with known
ligands [23], or selection of partial peptides as target molecules [24] have also been reported. All these
methods are only applicable to specific target proteins and not to proteins in general. Although a
computational approach is an attractive option for determining a ligand-binding site [25,26],
calculation of the binding ability is limited to short peptides.
In this study, we propose a novel biopanning method to identify peptide ligands recognizing
specific local structures of target proteins (Figure 1). In this method, mutant proteins are used as
antagonistic templates for negative selection. In principle, the antagonistic templates harbor
mutation(s) intended to disrupt local tertiary structure but not the scaffold structure of the target
protein. To verify the usefulness of the method, water-soluble pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ)
dependent glucose dehydrogenase (GDH-B) was used as a model protein. GDH-B is a representative
-propeller protein [2729], which is composed of a simple building unit, having a highly symmetrical
structure with 410 repeats of a four-stranded antiparallel -sheet motif [30,31]. The propeller
structure is a stable scaffold with the top, bottom, side faces, and the central channel capable of
forming proteinprotein interactions. Even substituting an entire four-stranded antiparallel -sheet
motif in PQQGDH with one from sialidase produced a chimeric PQQGDH showing similar structure
and GDH activity [32]. The plasticity behind the rich functional diversity of -propeller proteins is
provided by the loops on the top and bottom faces of the propeller structure.
We [33], and other research groups [34,35], have been engaged in constructing of variety of mutant
GDH-Bs in order to develop an ideal enzyme for glucose monitoring. For example, we have reported
the Asn452Thr GDH-B mutant, showing approximately 50% lower activity for lactose and maltose
than the wild-type GDH-B [36]. The Asn452 residue of GDH-B is located in loop 6BC (amino acids
Thr449 to Gly468) and interacts with Tyr367 located in loop 4D5A (amino acids Tyr349 to Ser377) [28],
suggesting that mutations in these loops resulted in local changes in tertiary structure in these loop
regions. These studies demonstrated that the mutations within the loop regions did not significantly
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influence the overall structure, suggesting that the scaffold -propeller structure can tolerate such
mutations. We, therefore, selected the 4D5A and 6BC loop regions of GDH-B as target regions for the
screening of peptide ligands and constructed two different antagonistic templates in which local
tertiary structure had been disrupted in these loop regions. By using the mutants and wild-type
GDH-B, we performed selection of peptide ligands that recognize the specific local tertiary structure
within the loop regions of the wild-type enzyme.
Figure 1. Schematic representation of the screening procedure for the peptide ligands
involving mutant enzymes with disrupted local tertiary structures as antagonistic templates.
Two different GDH-B mutants, V453D-Q454E-K455E (DEE) and Y367H-N452I (HI), were
constructed as antagonistic templates (Figure 2). The introduction of three consecutive negatively
charged amino acids is expected to cause disruption of local tertiary structure in the loop 6BC of DEE.
HI is a GDH-B mutant bearing one substitution in each of the two loops, 4D5A and 6BC. As Y367 and
N452 form a hydrogen bond interaction, the local tertiary structure in HI is also expected to be altered.
Both, GDH-B mutants, and the wild type, were recombinantly produced in Escherichia coli.
Wild-type GDH-B and HI were expressed in active soluble form. As DEE was expressed in an
insoluble form as inclusion bodies, a 6-His tag was fused to the C-terminal (DEE-His) and active
enzyme prepared by in vitro refolding. Investigation of their kinetic parameters shows an increased
Km value for DEE-His and decreased Vmax values for both mutants, compared to the wild-type enzyme
(Table 1). The substrate specificity of HI is similar to that of the wild-type enzyme, while DEE-His
showed higher relative activity toward galactose (Figure 3). That these mutations resulted in altered
catalytic efficiency indicates that both HI and DEE-His likely harbor different local tertiary structures
around the active site from wild type.
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Figure 2. Structure of GDH-B around the target site with PQQ and -D-glucose
(PDB ID: 1CQ1). Blue boxes show the target position of HI, and the red box shows the
target position of DEE. The image was produced with the program UCSF Chimera [37].
Y367 Glc
V453-Q454-K455 PQQ
HI was expressed in soluble form and could be purified by the same protocol (cation exchange
chromatography) as wild-type GDH-B, indicating that its -propeller scaffold structure was not
significantly influenced by the two amino acid substitutions. As E. coli is not able to synthesize PQQ,
the PQQGDH recombinantly expressed in E. coli were produced in apo-form and incubated with PQQ
prior to the enzyme assay. The binding of PQQ requires multivalent interactions, including the binding
of one molecule of Ca2+ in the active site, and the formation of -propeller scaffold structure is
essential [29]. The fact that the refolded DEE-His showed GDH activity with PQQ indicates that it
retained the characteristic -propeller scaffold structure of PQQGDH. The inability of DEE-His to fold
properly in vivo may be due to inadequate flexibility of three consecutive mutations in the loop 6BC
region. These results indicate that both HI and DEE-His likely have different local tertiary structures
around the active site from wild type, while retaining the characteristic -propeller scaffold structure of
PQQGDH. We, therefore, concluded that these mutants could be suitable antagonistic templates for
screening peptide ligands by phage display.
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A 12-mer random phage display peptide library was used for peptide selection. A phage titer greater
than 4 1011 pfu was used in all rounds (Table S1). In the first and second rounds, GB-His (a GDH-B
fused with 6-His tag to the C-terminal) was used as target protein to enrich the phage library that
bound to GB-His. Selection pressure was maintained low by immobilizing a relatively large amount of
GB-His (78 g for the first round and 29 g for the second round). Amino acid sequence analysis of
the single phage clones after the second round of selection did not show significant convergence
(Table S2), suggesting that the selected phage clones bound to different regions of GB-His, including
the 4D5A and 6BC loops.
To enrich the phage library with peptides that recognize the 4D5A or 6BC loop regions, negative
selection was performed in the third round using the antagonistic templates DEE-His and HI. The
phages eluted in the second round were added at a similar titer (2 1011 pfu) to each antagonistic
template, which were immobilized separately on different supports. The phages that did not bind to
each antagonistic template were recovered and the amino acid sequences of the single phage clones
were determined (Table S3). Considerable similarities were observed in the amino acid sequences.
First, sequences bearing three or four sequential His residues and hydrophilic residues appeared with a
high frequency. Second, sequences bearing one or two acidic residues and hydrophilic residues
were identified.
Phage ELISA was performed to investigate whether the eluted phages from the third round
specifically bound to GB-His. Second-round-eluted phages and third-round-eluted phages from the
control-screening step (biopanning with only GB-His) showed binding to GB-His, DEE-His, and HI
(Figure 4A). On the other hand, phages eluted from the third round (negative-screening round) bound
to GB-His but did not bind to DEE-His or HI. These results reflect the clear effect of negative
screening with antagonistic templates.
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To obtain peptide ligands that bind to GB-His with greater affinity, we performed additional
selection against GB-His with higher selection pressure (lower target quantity, shorter incubation time,
and higher surfactant concentration) than that used for the first three rounds of screening. Similar to the
sequences of the third-round-eluted phages, sequences bearing continuous His residues appeared with
a high frequency and sequences bearing acidic residues were also noted (Table S4). Analysis by phage
ELISA of the binding ability of the single phage clones DEE4-2, DEE4-6, DEE4-9, HI4-3, HI4-7, and
HI4-10 demonstrated that most of the sequences, including those containing both sequential His
residues and acidic residues showed specific binding to GB-His (Figure 4B).
We selected four different amino acid sequences from the third- and fourth-round-eluted phages and
evaluated the binding ability of their synthesized peptides to wild-type GDH-B, DEE-His, and HI. The
peptides HI3-2, DEE4-5 (same to DEE3-4), and DEE4-6 (same to DEE4-9) contain acidic residues in
their N-terminal regions along with a relatively high number of hydrophilic residues. DEE4-10 (same
as HI4-6) is a peptide bearing four sequential His residues and hydrophilic residues in its N-terminal
region. DEE4-10 was the sequence that appeared in the fourth round in both the negative screening
round of DEE-His selection and during HI selection. Using surface plasmon resonance (SPR) analysis,
all peptides were confirmed to bind to GDH-B but not to DEE-His (Table 2). Although HI3-2 and
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DEE4-6 bound to HI, their dissociation constants were much higher than that for GDH-B. These
results suggest that all peptide ligands recognize the 4D5A and 6BC loop regions of GDH-B.
Table 2. Dissociation constant of selected 12-mer peptide ligands against GDH-B, HI, and
DEE-His. (N.B. means not bound).
Kd (M)
Name Sequence
As the 4D5A and 6BC loops are close to the active site of GDH-B, we investigated whether the
selected peptide ligands inhibit wild-type GDH-B activity. Among the selected peptides, DEE4-10
showed non-competitive dominant mixed inhibition in a concentration-dependent manner with an
inhibition constant (Ki) of 7.4 M (Figure 5). Although the 4D5A and 6BC loops are close to the
active site, they do not form the active site. The non-competitive dominant mixed inhibition of
DEE4-10 is therefore consistent with its specific binding to the 4D5A and 6BC loop regions. On
the other hand, HI3-2, DEE4-5, and DEE4-6, which share a common sequence motif bearing
acidic residues in their N-terminal region, did not inhibit GDH-B activity. DEE4-10 has a different
sequence bearing sequential His residues, suggesting that although these peptide ligands recognize the
4D5A and 6BC loop region, the binding site of HI3-2, DEE4-5, and DEE4-6 differ slightly from that
of DEE4-10.
Figure 5. Residual activity of wild-type GDH-B in the presence of the synthetic peptide
ligands. GDH-B activity was measured in the presence of HI3-2 (Orange circles),
DEE4-5 (Red squares), DEE4-6 (Blue diamonds), or DEE4-10 (Green triangles) in 10 mM
MOPSNaOH (pH 7.0), 0.7 nM GDH-B, 3.3 M CaCl2, 3.3 nM PQQ, and 50 mM
D-glucose. The GDH-B activity in the absence of peptide ligands was defined as 100%.
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In this study, we screened peptide ligands using two types of mutants as antagonistic template. One
mutant disrupts looploop interactions and the other mutant has three consecutive negatively charged
residues. These mutants were effective as antagonistic templates by breaking the local tertiary
structure. Determining which amino acids to introduce at the target site is important in constructing an
antagonistic template. As a target protein that undergoes a point mutation may retain the native tertiary
structure, introducing multiple mutations may be more effective at disrupting the local tertiary
structure. In this study, the stable -propeller scaffold of our target GDH-B, would tolerate multiple
mutations in the loop regions that are not related to the -propeller scaffold formation. Most proteins
have several loops that play a vital role in correctly positioning the catalytically important residues.
Mutations in loop regions might affect their functions but not affect their overall structure.
Antagonistic-template-based negative selection would be useful to obtain peptide ligands against
loop regions. Screening for peptide ligands against other regions requires careful selection of the
regions to ensure that mutations do not affect the overall structure. Furthermore, coexpression with
chaperone proteins may help achieve proper folding for the expression of target mutant proteins in
soluble form [38].
A molar excess of target antagonistic template, relative to the phage concentration (approximately
10:1 for DEE-His and 8:1 for HI), was used during the negative-screening round. This resulted in low
selection pressure for antagonistic-template-binding phages and high selection pressure for recovering
the phages that did not bind to the antagonistic templates. This regulation of selection pressure appears
to have been effective in selecting phages that did not bind to the antagonistic template.
3. Experimental Section
E. coli PP2418, in which the GDH-B structural gene was disrupted by insertion mutagenesis, was
used as the host strain for the expression of GDH-B, GB-His, and the antagonistic templates DEE-His
and HI [39]. All the GDH-B structural genes were inserted into the multi-cloning site of the expression
vector pTrc99A. Mutan-Express Km (TaKaRa Bio Inc., Shiga, Japan) was used for the construction
of the mutants. Wild-type PQQGDH-B and mutants were purified as previously described [40].
GB-His and DEE-His were purified using MagExtractor-His-tag- (TOYOBO, Osaka, Japan) according
to manufacturers instructions, followed by Superdex 200 HR 10/30 size exclusion chromatography
(GE Healthcare, Bioscience, Buckinghamshire, UK).
Inclusion bodies produced by E. coli PP2418/pTrc99A-GDH-B-DEE-His were washed by 1%
Triton X-100 and denatured by 6 M GuanidineHCl. The denatured enzyme was purified under
denaturing conditions using MagExtractor-His-tag- and applied to a Bio-Select SEC 250-5 size
exclusion chromatography column (BIO-RAD, Hercules, CA, USA). Purified enzyme sample was
refolded by two-fold serial dilutions of GuanidineHCl from 6 to 0.75 M by 10 mM MOPSNaOH
(pH 7.0) including 1 mM CaCl2. Enzyme solution at each GuanidineHCl concentration was incubated
1 h at room temperature. Enzyme solution in 10 mM MOPSNaOH including 0.75 M GuanidineHCl
was dialyzed in 10 mM MOPSNaOH (pH 7.0), 1 mM CaCl2, and GDH-B-HI was purified with
Resource S cation exchange column (GE Healthcare, Bioscience, Buckinghamshire, UK) and
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Superdex 200 HR 10/30 size exclusion chromatography column. Purification of the enzyme was
confirmed by SDS-PAGE.
First round: The Ph.D.-12 Phage Display Peptide Library Kit (New England Biolabs, Beverly,
MA, USA) was used for biopanning. In the first round, 120 g of GB-His in immobilization buffer
(10 mM TrisHCl (pH 8.0) containing 100 mM NaCl) was added to 120 L of Ni-agarose magnetic
beads of MagExtractor-His-tag- and rotated gently for 1 h at 4 C. After immobilization of GB-His, the
bead surface was blocked with blocking buffer (10 mM MOPSNaOH buffer (pH 7.0), containing 1%
BSA, 0.05% Tween 20, 1 mM CaCl2, and 1 M PQQ) for 1 h at room temperature. The phage display
peptide library (4 1011 pfu in blocking buffer) was incubated with Ni-agarose magnetic beads in
microtubes to eliminate phages binding to the beads or the tubes. The library was subsequently added
to the GB-His immobilized Ni-agarose magnetic beads and incubated for 6 h at 4 C. Prior to
incubation, the phages binding to Ni-agarose magnetic beads and support (microtube) were removed.
This step was followed by five washes in blocking buffer and five washes in washing buffer (10 mM
MOPSNaOH buffer (pH 7.0), 0.05% Tween 20). The bound phages were eluted from the beads by
10-min incubation with 400 L of elution buffer (0.1 M glycineHCl (pH 2.2), 1 mg/mL BSA). The
pH of the collected phage solution was neutralized by the addition of 60 L of 1 M TrisHCl (pH 9.5),
and the phages were then amplified in E. coli ER2738 for the next round. Phage titration was
performed by infecting E. coli ER2738 cells with varying dilutions of phages for 15 min at room
temperature with no shaking. Two hundred microliters of this mixture was then mixed with top agar and
immediately plated on L-broth agar plates containing IPTG (Isopropyl -D-1-thiogalactopyranoside)/X-gal.
The plates were incubated overnight at 37 C, and visible blue plaques were counted and used for the
next round.
Second round: the same procedure as the first round was followed, except that the first-round-eluted
phages were incubated for 3 h at 4 C with 48 g of GB-His. The amount of GB-His not immobilized
on the beads was quantified by measuring the quantity of protein in the supernatant, and it was
confirmed that 78 g (first round) and 29 g (second round) of GB-His was immobilized.
Third round (negative-selection round): a similar procedure was used except that the antagonistic
templates, DEE-His and HI, were used as targets. DEE-His was immobilized on 120 L of Ni-agarose
magnetic beads (33 g of DEE-His was immobilized), and 100 L of 20 g/mL HI was immobilized
in a well of a 96-well ELISA plate (Asahi Glass, Tokyo, Japan). Following the blocking step,
2 1011 pfu of second-round-eluted phages were added to each antagonistic template and incubated
for 3 h at 4 C. The phages that were obtained from positive selection and were not retained on these
antagonistic templates were directly recovered and amplified for the fourth round of selection.
Fourth round: 2-g wild-type GDH-B was immobilized in a well of a 96-well ELISA plate. After
blocking, the third-round-eluted phages, both in the case of DEE-His selection and HI selection, were
added separately to the wild-type GDH-B and incubated for 1 h at room temperature. This step was
followed by washing five times with blocking buffer and five times with washing buffer. In this round,
the concentration of Tween 20 in the blocking buffer and the washing buffer was increased to 0.1%.
The bound phages were eluted from the plate by 10-min incubation with 100 L of elution
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buffer (0.1 M glycineHCl (pH 2.2), 1 mg/mL BSA). The pH of the collected phage solution was
neutralized by 15 L of 1 M TrisHCl (pH 9.5), and the phages were amplified in E. coli ER2738 for
the binding assay.
Control panning: As a control experiment, ordinary biopanning was carried out for the wild-type
GDH-B. In the first and second rounds, GB-His was immobilized onto Ni-agarose magnetic beads, and
in the third round, wild type GDH-B was immobilized into a well of a 96-well ELISA plate.
One hundred microliters of 10 g/mL wild-type GDH-B, antagonistic templates (DEE-His and HI),
and BSA (negative control) in 10 mM MOPSNaOH buffer (pH 7.0) were coated into each well
of a 96-well ELISA plate. The wells were blocked with blocking buffer. Variable amounts of phages
(>2 109 pfu per well) were added and incubated for 90 min in blocking buffer at room temperature.
After four washes with washing buffer, bound phages were detected using 20 ng anti-M13 horseradish
peroxidase-conjugated monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) (New England Biolabs, Beverly, MA, USA).
The binding of labeled mAbs into the well was measured by the addition of 0.2 mg/mL
2,2'-azinobis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) ammonium salt (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO,
USA), a peroxidase substrate, in 50 mM citrate buffer (pH 4.0) with 0.05% H2O2. Absorbance was
read at 405 nm.
3.4. Assay for the Binding of the Synthesized Peptide to Wild-Type GDH-B and to the
Antagonistic Templates
The synthesized peptides HI3-2, DEE4-5, DEE4-6, and DEE4-10 were purchased from Sigma
Aldrich Japan, Tokyo, Japan. The purity was greater than 95%. SPR analysis was performed with a
BIAcore X system (GE Healthcare, Bioscience, Buckinghamshire, UK). The peptide (200 g/mL in
10 mM acetate (pH 4.0), 400 mM NaCl) was immobilized onto the surface of a CM5 chip by injecting
100 L at a flow rate of 5 L/min, using the standard amine coupling procedure. The RU value
corresponding to immobilization was 3202130 RU for each peptide. As analytes, five reagent
concentrations (5 nM to 90 M) of wild-type GDH-B, the antagonistic templates DEE-His or HI in
10 mM MOPSNaOH buffer (pH 7.0) were injected at a flow rate of 10 L/min until the SPR signal
reached a plateau. The Kd value was determined by plotting the RU at the plateau of the binding curve
versus the analytes concentration. In all Scatchard plots, the coefficient of determination was greater
than 0.9. When no significant response (less than 20 RU) was observed for any analyte concentration,
it was judged as not binding.
3.5. Inhibition Assay for the Synthesized Peptide and Wild-Type GDH-B
GDH-B activity was measured using 0.06 mM 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol (DCIP) and 0.6 mM
phenazine methosulfate (PMS) following 30 min pre-incubation in 10 mM MOPSNaOH buffer
(pH 7.0) containing 1 M PQQ and 1 mM CaCl2 at room temperature (25 C). The enzyme activity
was determined by measuring the decrease in absorbance of DCIP at 600 nm [35]. For the inhibition
assay, the residual activity of 0.7 nM GDH-B for 50 mM D-glucose was measured following 1 h
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incubation with various concentrations of each peptide. GDH-B activity in the absence of peptide was
defined as 100%.
4. Conclusions
We have developed a novel screening method using antagonistic templates with multiple point
mutations in the target region for screening of peptide ligands recognizing local tertiary structure of a
target protein. We obtained several peptide ligands that bind to wild-type GDH-B but not to the
antagonistic templates. To screen for site-directed peptide ligands using antagonistic template, the
nature of the mutations introduced to the target site are important. In this study we constructed
two types of effective antagonistic templates whose local tertiary structure would be disrupted.
Site-directed ligands have a wide range of useful applications, including as inhibitors or specific
molecular recognition elements. Our novel strategy can be applied to proteins whose overall scaffold
structures are not affected by the introduced mutations. In addition to peptide ligands, our strategy
would also enable the screening of aptamers and antibody single-chain variable fragments. We believe
this methodology will be beneficial for obtaining useful ligands for many different applications.
Conflicts of Interest
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