Numerical Beam Methods
Numerical Beam Methods
Numerical Beam Methods
using MATLAB
Donald W. Mueller, Jr
Indiana University–Purdue University Fort Wayne, Fort Wayne, IN 46805-1499, USA
Abstract This paper outlines an efficient approach to introducing the finite element method to
undergraduate mechanical engineering students. This approach requires that the students have prior
experience with MATLAB and a fundamental understanding of solid mechanics. Only two-dimensional
beam element problems are considered, to simplify the development. The approach emphasizes an
orderly solution procedure and involves important finite element concepts, such as the stiffness matrix,
element and global coordinates, force equilibrium, and constraints. Two important and challenging
engineering problems – a statically indeterminate beam structure and a stepped shaft – are analyzed
with the systematic solution procedure and a MATLAB program. The ability of MATLAB to manipulate
matrices and solve matrix equations makes the computer solution concise and easy to follow. The
flexibility associated with the computer implementation allows example problems to be easily modified
into design projects.
The finite element method (FEM) is a powerful and versatile tool for practicing engi-
neers that can be used to solve a wide variety of important engineering problems.
Clearly, exposure to the FEM is beneficial to undergraduate engineering students,
and engineering educators have an obligation to introduce students to modern engi-
neering tools. What is not clear is the best specific approach to integrating the FEM
into the undergraduate curriculum. The purpose of this paper is to present an effi-
cient and effective approach to introducing the FEM to undergraduate mechanical
engineering students.
Traditionally, the FEM has been introduced in a senior- or graduate-level techni-
cal elective that relies heavily on the mathematical development. Recently, differ-
ent approaches to introducing students to the FEM have been proposed. The method
can be introduced earlier in the curriculum and integrated throughout the student’s
education [1, 2]. Suggested approaches make use of commercial finite element pack-
ages such as ANSYS [1, 3], ALGOR [4, 5], COSMOS [6] and PRO/MECHANICA
[7], while others suggest the use of a students-written FORTRAN code [8], internet
learning modules [9] or a combination of commercial packages and student-written
software [10]. Knight [11] has written a FEM primer geared for undergraduate
design students that contains the software program FEPC, which solves truss, beam,
and two-dimensional planar problems.
This paper outlines an efficient approach to introducing the FEM to second-
semester sophomore or junior mechanical engineering students. This approach
requires that the students have prior experience with MATLAB and a fundamental
An approach similar to that outlined in this paper has been used in a machine com-
ponent design class at the University of Missouri–Rolla (UMR) and in ‘Intermedi-
ate numerical methods for mechanical engineers’ at Indiana University–Purdue
University Fort Wayne (IPFW). Both UMR and IPFW offer a one-semester techni-
cal elective in the FEM that introduces students to a commercial computer package.
UMR also offers a three-course sequence in the FEM at the technical elective/
graduate level. The purpose of the approach outlined in this paper is to introduce
the FEM to students who are unable to take these courses and to motivate interested
students to study further.
The approach presented in this paper might be referred to as a matrix method to
solve structural mechanics problems and is similar to approaches that are presented
in a number of textbooks [e.g. 11–14]. However, these textbooks often present
the development with much more detail and consider many different types of ele-
ments and cases. While this detail is useful for a full semester course, it is difficult
to extract the relevant information for inclusion within an existing undergraduate
The software of choice for this study is MATLAB. MATLAB is a popular math-
ematical package that conveniently manipulates matrices and solves matrix equa-
tions. At IPFW students are introduced to MATLAB in a freshman course, and
throughout this development students are assumed to be familar with the program-
ming capabilities of MATLAB. MATLAB has also been integrated into solid
mechanics textbooks [15, 16].
Overview of method
A brief overview of the approach is provided in this section. In class, this material
is proceeded by a general overview of the FEM, which includes a description of
nodes, elements, and the concept of domain discretization. For brevity, this mater-
ial will not be included here; however, it should be noted that students can be
motivated by a colorful presentation of ‘real-world’ problems analyzed with the
The approach outlined in this paper is to decompose a structure into a finite
number of elements. Once each element is completely described with appropriate
geometric and material properties, the elements are properly combined or ‘assem-
bled’ to describe the entire structure. The method as outlined is similar to the
approach taken by Knight [11].
Each element is modeled as an elastic member for which the displacement is lin-
early related to the applied loading. That is:
{ f } = [k ]{u} (1)
where {f} is the element load vector, [k] is the element stiffness matrix, and {u} is
the element displacement vector. To indicate the specific element under considera-
tion, a superscript will be used on the quantities in equation 1. The element or
member loads can be a force, in which case the displacement is a linear translation,
or a moment, in which case the displacement is an angular rotation.
In this paper, only two-dimensional beam elements connected end to end are con-
sidered. Two-dimensional beam elements are valid to model ‘beam-like’ structures
in which the loading is in the same plane as the structure. The end-to-end connec-
tion simplifies the ‘book-keeping’ associated with the assembly process. These are
significant limitations that should be noted. However, despite these limitations a
variety of problems of interest to mechanical engineers can be considered.
To model the structure, the individual beam elements are properly combined so
that the entire structure is described by:
where {F} is the nodal load vector, [K] is the global stiffness matrix, and {U} is the
nodal displacement vector. The objective of the type of problems considered in this
paper to is determine the unknown nodal displacements.
For the purposes of this paper, the FEM can be conveniently divided into five (or
six) steps:
(1) construction of the element stiffness matrix in local coordinates,
(2) transformation of the element stiffness matrix into global coorindinates,
(3) assembly to the global stiffness matrix using transformed element stiffness
(4) application of the constraints to reduce the global stiffness matrix,
(5) determination of unknown nodal displacements.
An additional step that might be implemented is the post-processing of results,
i.e. the determination of unknown forces or stresses from the calculated
Í L 0 0 - 0 0 ˙
Í 12 EI 6 EI 12 EI 6 EI ˙
Í 0 0 - ˙
Í L3 L2 L3 L2 ˙
Í 0 6 EI 4 EI 6 EI 2 EI ˙
0 - 2
[k ]( e ) = Í AE L2 L L L ˙
Í AE ˙ (3)
Í- L 0 0
0 0 ˙
Í 12 EI 6 EI 12 EI 6 EI ˙
Í 0 - - 0 - 2 ˙
Í L3 L2 L3 L ˙
Í 0 6 EI 2 EI 6 EI 4 EI ˙
0 - 2 -
ÍÎ L2 L L L ˙˚
Í L 0 0 - 0 0 ˙
Í 12 EI 6 EI 12 EI 6 EI ˙ Ï u x1 ¸
Ï f x1 ¸ Í 0 0 - ˙
Ô f y1 Ô Í L3 L2 L3 L2 ˙ Ô u y1 Ô
Ô Ô Í 6 EI 4 EI 6 EI 2 EI ˙ Ô Ô
Ô fq 1 Ô Í 0 0 - 2
L2 L L L ˙ Ô uq 1 Ô
Ì ˝ = Í AE AE ˙Ì ˝
Ô fx 2 Ô Í- 0 0 0 0 ˙ Ôu x 2 Ô
Ô fy2 Ô Í L L Ôu Ô
Ô Ô Í 0 12 EI 6 EI 12 EI 6 EI ˙ y 2
- - 0 - 2 ˙ Ôuq 2 Ô˛
Ó fq 2 ˛ Í L3 L2 L3 L ˙Ó
Í 0 6 EI 2 EI 6 EI 4 EI ˙
0 - 2
ÍÎ L2 L L L ˙˚
Note that the superscript T denotes a transpose, i.e., {f} and {u} are actually column
To verify that this form of the stiffness matrix is correct and to illustrate several
FEM concepts, consider the situation of a cantilevered beam such that node 1 in Fig.
1, is constrained from movement, i.e., ux1 = uy1 = uq1 = 0. Next, consider a down-
ward force applied at node 2, so that fy2 = -F and fx2 = fq2 = 0. With these consider-
ations, the system of equations in (4) can be simplified and rewritten as:
È AE ˘
Í L 0 0 ˙ Ïu x 2 ¸
Ï fx 2 = 0 ¸
Ô Ô Í 12 EI 6 EI ˙ Ô Ô
Ì fy2 = - F ˝ = Í 0 - 2 ˙ Ìu y 2 ˝ (5)
Ô f =0 Ô Í L3 L ˙
Ó q2 ˛ Í 0 6 EI 4 EI ˙ ÔÓuq 2 Ô˛
- 2
Î L L ˚
The solution to this system of equations yields ux2 = 0, uy1 = -FL3/(3EI), and uq2 =
-FL2/(EI), which agree with the expressions for the slope and deflection at the
tip of a cantilevered beam as given in any mechanics of materials textbook. Further
verification can be achieved with consideration of an applied axial load and then
an applied moment.
The second step in the development is to transform the element load vector {f}
and the element displacement vector {u} into the global coordinate system so that
the individual elements can be combined in the assembly process. Consider a beam
element at an arbitrary orientation described by an angle q, measured counter-
clockwise from the horizontal, and a global coordinate system indicated with a bar,
as shown in Fig. 2. From simple trigonometry, the loads and displacements in the
global coordinate system can be related to the loads and displacements in the element
coordinate system, i.e.
È cos q sin q 0 0 0 0˘
Í - sin q cos q 0 0 0 0˙
Í ˙
Í 0 0 1 0 0 0˙
[l ] = Í ˙ (7)
Í 0 0 0 cos q sin q 0˙
Í 0 0 0 - sin q cos q 0˙
Í ˙
Î 0 0 0 0 0 1˚
The bar in equation 6 indicates that the loads and displacements are in global
The coordinate transformation can be incorporated in the element stiffness matri-
ces using properties of matrix algebra. Substitution of equation 6 into equation 1
[ l ]{ f } = [k ][ l ]{u } (8)
Then, for an orthogonal matrix [l]-1 = [l]T, the element equation (equation 1) can
be written in global coordinates as:
{ f } = [k ]{u} (9)
where the element stiffness matrix transformed to global coordinates is defined as:
[k ] = [ l ]T [k][ l ] (10)
The third step is to properly combine the individual transformed element stiffness
matrices to construct the global stiffness matrix that describes the entire structure.
In this study, only beam elements that are connected ‘end to end’ are considered.
This is significant limitation; however, a wide variety of important problems can be
solved. This step is best illustrated with a two-element example.
Consider the case of two beam elements connected ‘end to end’ as shown in Fig.
3. The global stiffness matrix [K] for the two-element case is 9 ¥ 9 because beam
elements have three degrees of freedom per node and there are three nodes in the
structure. The external loads at the nodes are given by:
{F} = {Fx1 Fy1 Fq 1 Fx2 Fy2 Fq2 Fx3 Fy3 Fq3 }
= {F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 } (11)
which are related to the displacements at the nodes, i.e.
{U} = {U x1 U y1 Uq 1 U x2 U y2 Uq2 U x3 U y3 Uq3 }
= {U1 U2 U3 U 4 U5 U6 U7 U8 U9 } (12)
via equation 2. The member loads in the global coordinates for the elements are
given as:
( )
{ f } 1 = { fx 1 ( )
1 f y(11) fq(11) f x(21) f y(21) fq(21) }
( )
{ f } 2 = { fx 2 ( )
2 f y(22 ) fq(22 ) f x(32 ) f y(32 ) fq(32 ) }
while the element displacements in global coordinates are given as:
{u }(1) = {u x(11) u y(11) uq(11) u x(21) u y(21) uq(21) } and
{u }( 2 ) = {u x(22 ) u y(22 ) uq(22 ) u x(32 ) u y(32 ) uq(32 ) } (14)
Force and moment equilibrium at each node requires that the sum of the element
loads must equal the nodal loads and compatibility at each node requires that the
element displacements must equal the nodal displacements, i.e.
Ï F1 = f x(11) ¸ Ï U1 = u x(11) ¸
Ô Ô Ô (1) Ô
Ô F2 = f y(11) Ô Ô U2 = u y1 Ô
Ô F3 = fq(11) Ô Ô U3 = uq(11) Ô
Ô Ô Ô (1) (2) Ô
ÔF4 = f x(21) + f x(22 ) Ô ÔU 4 = u x2 = u x2 Ô
Ì F5 = f y(21) + f y(22 ) ˝ and ÌU5 = u y(21) = u y(22 ) ˝ (15)
ÔF = fq(21) + fq(22 ) Ô ÔU = u (1) = u ( 2 ) Ô
q2 q2
Ô 6 Ô Ô 6 Ô
(2) (2)
Ô F7 = f x3 Ô Ô U7 = u x3 Ô
Ô (2) Ô Ô (2) Ô
Ô F8 = f y3 Ô Ô U8 = u y3 Ô
ÔÓ F9 = fq(32 ) Ô˛ ÔÓ U9 = uq(32 ) Ô˛
Equations 9 and 15 allow the element stiffness matrices, [ k ](1) and [ k ](2), to be com-
bined to form the global stiffness matrix [K].
In order to easily combine the element stiffness matrices, each element stiffness
matrix is stored in a matrix the size of the global stiffness matrix, with the extra
spaces filled with zeros. In this example, the element stiffness matrix for element 1
is stored in the portion of the global stiffness matrix that involves nodes 1 and 2,
i.e., the upper 6 ¥ 6 portion of the matrix. Thus, the expanded stiffness matrix that
describes element 1 is given by:
The element stiffness matrix for element 2 is stored in the portion of the global
stiffness matrix that involves nodes 2 and 3, i.e., the lower 6 ¥ 6 portion of the
matrix. The expanded stiffness matrix that describes element 2 is given by:
È0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ˘
Í0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ˙
Í ˙
Í0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ˙
Í ˙
Í0 0 0 k11( 2 ) k12( 2 ) k13( 2 ) k14( 2 ) k15( 2 ) k16( 2 ) ˙
[ K ]( 2 ) = Í0 0 0 k21( 2 ) k22( 2 ) k23( 2 ) k24( 2 ) k25( 2 ) k26( 2 ) ˙ (17)
Í ˙
Í0 0 0 k31( 2 ) k32( 2 ) k33( 2 ) k34( 2 ) k35( 2 ) k36( 2 ) ˙
Í0 0 0 k41( 2 ) k42( 2 ) k43( 2 ) k44( 2 ) k45( 2 ) k46( 2 ) ˙
Í ˙
Í0 0 0 k51( 2 ) k52( 2 ) k53( 2 ) k54( 2 ) k55( 2 ) k56( 2 ) ˙
Í0 0 0 k61( 2 ) k62( 2 ) k63( 2 ) k64( 2 ) k65( 2 ) k66( 2 ) ˙˚
If the structure contains additional elements, the stiffness matrices are stored in the
proper portion of the matrix, i.e. each matrix is shifted by three rows and three
columns. That fact that only end-to-end connections are allowed simplifies the
storage of these matrices and eliminates the complicated book-keeping often asso-
ciated with the FEM.
The expanded individual stiffness matrices in equations 16 and 17 can now be
added together so that the global stiffness matrix for the two-element structure is
given as:
This matrix is of block-diagonal form and symmetric with respect to the diagonal.
Extension to structures with more elements is performed in a similar manner and
the matrix has a similar block-diagonal form. At this point in the development, the
global stiffness matrix [K] is singular, i.e., the inverse does not exist and there is no
unique solution to the problem. The physical reason why the problem has no solu-
tion at this point is that any applied loading will cause rigid body motion – the struc-
ture must be constrained so that the applied loading causes the structure to deform.
The fourth step is to apply the constraints and reduce the global stiffness matrix
so that the specific problem of interest can be solved. At the point of constraint, the
displacement of the structure is known. Because these displacements are known (and
in this paper assumed to be zero), matrix algebra allows the removal of the corre-
sponding rows and columns, i.e. the global stiffness matrix can be reduced. The
resulting system of equations can be written as:
{F} r = [ K ]r {U} r (19)
[K]r is the reduced global stiffness matrix that contains information about the struc-
ture and the boundary conditions. With MATLAB, rows and columns can be easily
deleted, and a shift of the remaining elements in the matrix is performed auto-
matically. This step will be illustrated in the example problem below.
The final step is simply to solve the reduced system of equations for the unknown
displacements. Formally, the solution can be written in terms of an inverse:
{U} r = [ K ]r-1 {F} r (20)
although in practice the inverse is seldom computed. MATLAB efficiently solves a
system of equations with the backslash command. The backslash command uses
Cholesky factorization and Gaussian elimination to solve equation 19.
beams is 0.5 in ¥ 0.5 in and q = 45°. If a downward vertical force of 1000 lb is applied
at node 2, find the displacement at node 2.
This problem is solved with the MATLAB code provided in Appendix A. The geo-
metric parameters, material properties, and applied forces are input.
The first step in the solution procedure is to discretize the domain, i.e. select the
number of elements. As a first approximation, the problem is modeled with two beam
elements. The element stiffness matrix for each of the beam elements is of the form
given in equation 3.
The second step is to transform each element stiffness matrix in local coordinates
to the global coordinate system. This transformation is accomplished by equation
10. The transformation angle for element 1 is q = 0, and, thus, the transformation
matrix is simply the identity matrix. Because the rotation angle is measured counter-
clockwise, the transformation angle for element 2 is q = -45°.
The third step is to assemble the global stiffness matrix that describes the entire
structure by properly combining the individual element stiffness matrices. For the
case of two elements, as shown in Fig. 3, the global stiffness matrix is of the form
given in equation 10.
The fourth step is to apply the constraints and reduce the global stiffness matrix
so that the specific problem of interest can be solved. For this problem, the dis-
placements at node 1 and node 3 are known, i.e. U1 = U2 = U3 = U7 = U8 = U9 = 0,
and the loads are applied to node 2 are specified, i.e. F4 = 0, F5 = -1000 lb, and F6
= 0. Thus, the system of equations can be written as:
Ï F1 = ? ¸ È Èk11 ˘ ˘ ÏU1 = 0 ¸
k12(1) k13(1) k14(1) k15(1) k16(1) 0 0 0
Ô F2 = ? Ô Í Ík (1) k22(1) k23(1) k24(1) k25(1) k26(1) 0 0 0 ˙ ˙ ÔU = 0 Ô
Ô Ô Í Í 21 ˙˙ Ô 2 Ô
Ô F3 = ? Ô Í Ík31(1) k32(1) k33(1) k34(1) k35(1) k36(1) 0 0 0 ˙ ˙ ÔU3 = 0 Ô
Ô F4 = 0 Ô Í Ík (1) k42(1) k43(1) k44 + k11(2)
k45 + k12(2)
k46 + k13(2)
k14(2) k15(2)
˙ ˙
k16(2) ˙ ˙ ÔU4 = ? Ô
Ì F5 = -1000 ˝ = Í Ík51(1) k52(1) k53(1) k54(1) + k21(2) k55(1) + k22(2) k56(1) + k23(2) k24(2) k25(2) k26(2) ˙ ˙ ÌU5 = ? ˝ (21)
Ô F6 = 0 Ô Í Ík (1) k62(1) k63(1) k64(1) + k31(2) k65(1) + k32(2) k66(1) + k33(2) k34(2) k35(2)
˙ ˙
k36(2) ˙ ˙ ÔU6 = ? Ô
Ô Ô Í Í 61 Ô Ô
Ô F7 = ? Ô Í Í 0 0 0 k41(2) k42(2) k43(2) k44(2) k45(2) k46(2) ˙ ˙ ÔU7 = 0 Ô
Ô F = ? Ô ÍÍ ˙ ˙ Ô Ô
Ô 8
Ô ÍÍ 0 0 0 k51(2) k52(2) k53(2) k54(2) k55(2) k56(2) ˙ ˙ ÔU8 = 0 Ô
ÔÓ F9 = ? Ô˛ ÍÎ ÍÎ 0 0 0 k61(2) k62(2) k63(2) k64(2) k65(2) k66(2) ˙˚ ˙˚ ÔÓU9 = 0 Ô˛
This problem has three unknowns, U4, U5, and U6, and, thus, requires three inde-
pendent equations. Matrix algebra allows three independent equations to be con-
structed by the removal of the rows and columns that correspond to the known
displacements, i.e. the global stiffness matrix reduces to:
(1) ( 2)
Èk44 + k11 k45(1) + k12( 2) k46(1) + k13( 2) ˘
[K]r = ÍÍk54(1) + k21( 2) k55(1) + k22( 2) k56(1) + k23( 2) ˙˙ (22)
ÍÎk64(1) + k31( 2) k65(1) + k32( 2) k66(1) + k33( 2) ˙˚
This is the form of the reduced global stiffness matrix that contains information
about the structure and the boundary conditions. The numerical values from the code
in Appendix A are given below:
Like the element stiffness matrix and the global stiffness matrix, the reduced stiff-
ness matrix is also symmetric with respect to the diagonal. Numerical values from
the code will be printed to the screen when the semicolon at the end of the line is
The final step is simply to solve the reduced system of equations for the unknown
displacements. The numerical solution from the MATLAB code in Appendix A is
U4 = -0.0016 in, U5 = -0.0064 in, and U6 = -0.0003 radians. Once all the displace-
ments are known, the reactions at the wall can be found with {F} = [K]{U}.
This problem is statically indeterminate, and the solution is not trivial. Additional
information can be found with the addition of nodes. For example, the deflection at
the midpoint of each element can be found if two additional nodes are added. Of
course, then a 9 ¥ 9 system of equations must be solved. Note that the addition of
nodes at the midpoints does not change the solution at node 2.
This problem is solved with the MATLAB code provided in Appendix B. The geo-
metric parameters, material properties, and applied forces are input.
The first step in the solution procedure is to discretize the domain, i.e. select
the number of elements. As a first approximation, this shaft might be modeled
with seven beam elements. A node is required at all locations where ‘something is
happening’. In this case, nodes are required where the cross-section changes or a
force is applied. The element stiffness matrix for each of the beam elements is given
in equation 3.
The second step is to transform each element stiffness matrix in local coordinates
to the global coordinate system with the use of equation 10. In this problem, each
element is horizontal, i.e. q = 0, and the transformation matrix is simply the iden-
tity matrix.
The third step is to assemble the global stiffness matrix that describes the
entire structure by properly combining the individual element stiffness matrices.
A block-diagonal matrix similar in form to that given in equation 18 results.
However, for the case of seven elements (eight nodes), the global stiffness matrix
is 24 ¥ 24.
The fourth step is to apply the constraints and reduce the global stiffness matrix
so that the specific problem of interest can be solved. For this problem, simple sup-
ports are located at each end. Thus, the vertical displacement at each end is zero. It
is also necessary to constrain the shaft in the horizontal direction. This constraint
can be applied at either end. Thus, for this problem the constraints are U2 = U22 =
U23 = 0, and the reduced global stiffness matrix is 21 ¥ 21. Vertical forces are applied
to the structure at nodes 3 and 6. Following the notation in the paper, F8 = -1.5 kN
and F17 = -2.5 kN, while all other applied loads are zero.
The reduced system of equations is solved using MATLAB. The deflection of the
shaft can be shown graphically, as in Fig. 6, with the addition of the following to
the end of the code in Appendix B:
The reaction forces F2 and F23 are unknown but can be found with the FEM once
all the nodal displacements are known. (In this problem, the reaction forces can also
be found with the use of statics.)
This problem is similar to sample problem 5.3 in Juvinall and Marshek [17]. The
solution procedure presented in most machine design textbooks [e.g. 17] is the
double integration method, which is tedious to carry out by hand. With the FEM and
the code in Appendix B, this example can easily be extended to a design problem
in which the students are required to limit the deflection of the shaft to a specified
value by changing the location of the forces and/or the diameter of shaft. Another
quantity of interest is the slope of the shaft at the bearing supports, i.e. U3 and U24.
Closing comments
An efficient, effective approach to introducing the FEM has been outlined. The
approach involves an orderly solution procedure based on stiffness matrices and
matrix algebra. The method makes use of a MATLAB code that must be modified
by the student. At this stage, no attempt has been made to optimize the code with
respect to speed or storage.
Although this approach is limited to beam elements connected end to end, many
other interesting problems can be analyzed. Examples of projects that have been
used to study domain discretization and convergence are shown in Fig. 7. The
approach outlined is useful to introduce students to FEM terminology, provide stu-
dents with a means to solve important problems in solid mechanics, and to motivate
students for future study.
c = cos(theta(n)); s = sin(theta(n));
lamda = [c s 0 0 0 0; -s c 0 0 0 0; 0 0 1 0 0 0;
0 0 0 c s 0; 0 0 0 -s c 0; 0 0 0 0 0 1];
kbar(:,:,n) = lamda’*k(:,:,n)*lamda;
% Step 3: Combine element stiffness matrices to form
global stiffness matrix
for i = 1:6
for j = 1:6
Ke(i+shift,j+shift,n) = kbar(i,j,n);
shift = shift + 3;
K = sum(Ke,3); Kr = K;
% Step 4: Reduce global stiffness matrix with constraints
Kr(:,dof-1) = []; Kr(dof-1,:) = [];
Kr(:,dof-2) = []; Kr(dof-2,:) = [];
Kr(:,2) = []; Kr(2,:) = [];
% Step 5: Solve for unknown displacements
Fr = [0;0; 0;0;0; 0;f1;0; 0;0;0; 0;0;0; 0;f2;0 0;0;0;
Ur = Kr\Fr
% Step 6: Solve for forces
U = [Ur(1); 0; Ur(2:20); 0; 0; Ur(21)];
F = K*U
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