Daikin VRV Sizing & Simulation: Plug-In User Guide
Daikin VRV Sizing & Simulation: Plug-In User Guide
Daikin VRV Sizing & Simulation: Plug-In User Guide
No part of the manual is to be copied or reproduced in any form without the express agreement of
Integrated Environmental Solutions Limited.
1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 2
2 System Types ........................................................................................................................................ 3
2.1 2 Pipe Heat Pump Systems ........................................................................................................... 3
2.2 3 Pipe Heat Recovery Systems...................................................................................................... 3
3 Creating a Daikin VRV System .............................................................................................................. 4
3.1 Control Zones ................................................................................................................................ 5
4 Daikin VRV Systems (Sizing and Simulation) Application ..................................................................... 6
4.1 Loads & Autosizing........................................................................................................................ 6
4.2 Thermal Simulation..................................................................................................................... 12
4.3 Simulation Results ...................................................................................................................... 13
4.4 DHW Production ......................................................................................................................... 14
5 Example Pipe Length Explanations .................................................................................................... 16
Before entering the module either one or more VRV systems should be created as Apache Systems. The
number of systems to be created depends on the total building load.
During the simulation, any zone that requires cooling when the master zone requires heating will not
receive any space conditioning until the master zone changes to cooling and vice versa.
The resulting effect on comfort levels can be seen using range tests in Vista to see how zones outside of
the master control zone compare against their setpoint.
A) Loads and Sizing Tab This screen enables load calculation for the model, by changing the options
within this screen you can define the different types of VRV systems that will be automatically
selected based on the calculated loads
B) Selects the VRV system type. VRV III & VRV IV systems are included.
i. 2 pipe - Heating or cooling system
ii. 3 pipe Simultaneous heating and cooling system
C) Selects sub types of VRV systems
a. *2 pipe options VRV III (VRV IV has a single non-changeable sub category)
i. High COP system highest efficiency 2 pipe system larger outdoor footprint 12 to
36 HP
ii. Mini VRV 3 phase Very small footprint 3 phase electrical supply 4 to 6 HP
iii. Mini VRV single phase Very small footprint single phase electrical supply 4 to 6
On completion of the load calculations the condenser and fan coil selections are presented
The selected condenser displays the Daikin model reference, when multiple VRV systems have been
created, click each condenser in turn to view the associated fan coil information in the System & Fan Coil
Unit Data dialogue.
The System & Fan Coil Unit Data dialogue displays the relevant information for each room or zone. The
Total loads tab includes the sensible plus latent loads followed by the sensible loads and heating loads.
The number of fan coils selected follows in the next column, if you require a larger number of fan coils
then double clicking in this field will allow you to overtype the selection with the required number and the
VRV module will re-select the required sized units.
Fan Speed denotes the selected fan speed of the indoor unit. Lower fan speeds give increased protection
against draughts but offer lower capacity.
The Index column shows the size of the Daikin fan coil, the larger the index, the larger the capacity. If you
would like the Daikin VRV Systems plugin to reselect fan coils of a lower index then please change the
number of fan coils required as the plugin will not reselect when changing the index. Changing the index is
usually used when checking the effect of over sizing fan coils.
Both the horizontal and vertical pipe lengths reflect the distance from the fan coil to the condenser. In
order to get an accurate selection and simulation, the pipe lengths should be as accurate as possible.
A pop up will appear asking for the horizontal and vertical distance to the condenser, enter the
relevant values taking into account that if the condenser is below the ceiling level for the selected
room then a negative figure should be used
The module will then calculate estimated distances to all of the other fan coils, the fan coils are all
assumed to be in the middle of the room or zone. These pipe lengths serve as an estimation for early
stage design but should be corrected to the correct lengths for more accurate results, which is why the
pipe lengths themselves are editable. Double click in any of the fields to change pipework lengths. The
more accurate your pipework lengths, the more accurate your simulation will be.
An example of pipe length entry can be found at the end of this document.
The following fields show the available capacities from the fan coils once all corrections have been made
Underneath the Daikin VRV selection information the required condenser loads and available capacity are
displayed along with the published efficiencies. The published efficiencies can be used after a simulation
for comparison purposes.
Some of Daikins design parameters are dependent on pipe length, accurate pipe lengths enable the
module to determine if any of these parameters have been exceeded.
As system diversity can now be accurately assessed you may find that systems are selected with a high
level of diversity (the ability to attach more fan coil capacity than the total capacity available from the
We strongly recommend that any notifications or warnings on your selection are discussed with Daikin
who can be contacted on engineering@daikin.co.uk who will be happy to provide confirmation of
limitations and help with selections.
A) Thermal Simulation Tab Under this menu the settings for performing an accurate simulation of
the selected VRV systems can be performed
B) Timestep setting This setting will alter the frequency of the simulation steps 10 minute
timesteps are usually suitable for an accurate simulation however timesteps as low as 2 minutes
can be selected but are likely to produce very large file sizes
C) Weather file setting It is possible to select a weather file to any of the available .fwt or .epw file
types for the simulation
D) Simulation Results setting select or overtype the name of the simulation results file, multiple
simulation files can be used for comparison purposes
E) Simulate On Site Performance On pressing this button the simulation will begin, the simulation
itself comprises of three parts, an Apache simulation, a data gathering period where the module
collects data from the simulation file, and finally the calculation of the whole system power inputs
which represented by a progress bar
F) KW/h information Once the simulation has run the delivered capacities from the VRV system
appears here. The capacities are listed as Total Heating, Total Cooling, the combined Total
capacity and finally the total condenser power input
G) Condenser Loads In this area the simulated condenser loads appear once the simulation has
completed this figure can be compared against the capacity of the condenser as a quick check to
ensure there is likely to be sufficient capacity in extreme ambient conditions.
In air tight buildings, low heating loads can be produced. In order to maximise the efficiency of the VRV
system its possible to identify zones or rooms that require simultaneous heating and cooling. Placing
these zones onto the same system will significantly increase the efficiency of the VRV system by use of the
heat recovery effect.
Opportunities for heat recovery can be further explored by recovering waste heat and using it in areas
where heat is required. Two examples of this are explained in the next section where the inclusion of
producing high temperature domestic hot water and also using air curtains attached to the Daikin VRV
system can significantly increase the efficiency of the building services within your model.
Ensure that the relevant VRV system is assigned to the DHW demand in the tabular room data and is
reflected in the thermal template for the room usage profile
The most accurate simulation comes from specifying a single period whereby the entire storage capacity
is heated. Using profiles to determine casual demand will be indicative but the operation of the DHW
system is more suited to providing a full tank of heated DHW as this increases the ability to determine
efficient heat up periods by using waste heat rather than from heat produced by using primary energy
from the condensers.
Open the VRV Systems module in Apache and select the relevant rooms to add an HXHD High
temperature water system to the rooms that have a DHW demand. Its important to note that if small
DHW loads are in several rooms or zones then the VE will attribute all of these loads to the room that has
the HXHD unit attached.
Adding the DHW to the room or zone is performed by right clicking on the room with the DHW load and
selecting Add DHW to room from the pop up list. This will add a new row to the sizing grid purely for the
DHW demand.
1.0m 1.0m
9.5x15.9 9.5x15.9
Ind 5 Ind 4
6.0m FXFQ63A FXFQ63A
The above diagram shows 4 rooms with pipework going down a corridor and branching off to each
area. The pipework distance from the condenser (outdoor) unit to the first branch in the refrigerant pipe
network needs to be known as it clarifies the height difference which is set by right clicking the zone
in the plugin that is the first branch from the main pipework from the condenser
On selecting this zone you enter the vertical and horizontal pipe length. In the above example the
condenser is above the fan coils. If the condenser is below the fan coils then a negative number (in
meters) would need to be input into the vertical box.
The other important pipework calculations are initially estimated by the plugin.
In order to maintain accuracy measured pipework lengths should be used by double clicking on the
pipelength boxes in the VRV plugin display