P8 Breastfeeding Basics: Smooth Sailing To The Island of Breastfeeding Paradise
P8 Breastfeeding Basics: Smooth Sailing To The Island of Breastfeeding Paradise
P8 Breastfeeding Basics: Smooth Sailing To The Island of Breastfeeding Paradise
P9 Raising a Healthy Eater healthier feeding behaviors. Preliminary results suggest this
Heather Harvey, MHSc, University of Wisconsin- program is worth pursuing with a larger audience. Funding
Extension, 432 N. Lake Street, Room 301, Madison, WI for this project was provided by the CDC.
53706, heather.harvey@uwex.edu; Gayle Coleman, MS,
RD, University of Wisconsin-Extension, 432 N. Lake P10 Impact of Using the Internet to Share
Street, Room 301, Madison, WI 53706,
Local Solutions to Global Issues
gayle.coleman@uwex.edu; Barbara Duerst, RN, MS,
Alice Henneman, MS, RD, University of Nebraska-
University of Wisconsin-Extension Green County,
Lincoln Extension, 444 Cherrycreek Road, Suite A,
N3150B Highway 81, Monroe, WI 53566-9397,
Lincoln, NE 68528, ahennema@unlnotes.unl.edu; Beverly
barbara.duerst@ces.uwex.edu; Angela Flickinger, RD,
Benes, PhD, RD, Nebraska Department of Education, 301
MPH, University of Wisconsin-Extension Rock County,
Centennial Mall South, PO Box 9498787, Lincoln, NE
Courthouse 51 South Main Street, Janesville, WI 53545-
68509, Bev.Benes@nde.ne.gov; Linda Boeckner, PhD, RD,
3978, angela.flickinger@ces.uwex.edu; Mary Novak, MS,
University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension, 4502 Avenue
University of Wisconsin-Extension Kewaunee County,
I, Scottsbluff, NE 69361, LBoeckner1@unl.edu; Joyce
810 Lincoln Street, Kewaunee, WI 54216,
Jensen, Lincoln-Lancaster County Health Department,
mary.novak@ces.uwex.edu; Lucia Patrillo, MA, University 3140 N Street, Lincoln, NE 68510,
of Wisconsin-Extension Iron County, Courthouse 300 JJensen@ci.lincoln.ne.us
Taconite Street, Suite 118, Hurley, WI 54534,
lucia.patritto@ces.uwex.edu; Jenny Wehmeier, MS, It is well documented a nutritious diet can help reduce the
University of Wisconsin-Extension Walworth County, incidence of various illnesses and chronic conditions. With
W3929 County Road NN, Elkhorn, WI 53121-4362, decreasing nutrition education budgets at all levels, it is
jenny.wehmeier@ces.uwex.edu; Lori Zierl, MS, University important to leverage our efforts for maximum outreach
of Wisconsin-Extension Pierce County, 412 West Kinne and effectiveness. The purpose of this project was to eval-
Street, Box 69, Ellsworth, WI 54011-0069, uate and quantify the potential helpfulness and time-
lori.zierl@ces.uwex.edu; Judy Arneson, BS, University of savings to other educators by using the Internet to share
Wisconsin-Extension, 4287 Windsong Place, Plover, WI successful local program materials. Four nutrition Power-
54467, aarneson@uwsp.edu Point lesson presentations were shared with other educators
via a Web site. During the first five months on the Web,
Unhealthy weight has become a national health crisis. Poor 12,034 downloads were recorded; 613 individuals (about 5
eating habits and limited physical activity contribute to this percent of the total number of downloads) completed and
crisis. The development of eating behaviors begins in early returned a Web survey after downloading the PowerPoint.
childhood and occurs through a multifaceted process, in- These 613 responses indicated a minimum savings of 8,462
cluding the feeding relationship with the parent. The Rais- hours of PowerPoint development time (equivalent to
ing a Healthy Eater intervention used facilitated dialogue about four years, based on fifty 40-hour weeks/year or an
techniques to provide education for parents of two to five average of 13.8 hours per individual response). As this
year old children. The intervention included nine, small represented only a segment of potential users, total hours
saved could be much higher. Though it wasnt possible to
group lessons focused on parenting, child eating behaviors,
collect data on the overall number of people taught by
and nutrition using a learner-centered approach. Lessons
using these materials, the total outreach was likely multi-
emphasized increased fruit and vegetable consumption, re-
plied many times through sharing. Comments indicated
duced sweetened beverage consumption, and turning off
educators both saved development time that could be spent
television during meals through discussion of individual
helping clientele in other ways and were prepared to give
experiences, activities, food preparation, tasting and goal
programs that otherwise might not have been given. Other
setting. Trained Family Living professionals used facilitated
educators are encouraged to use the Internet to share suc-
dialogue techniques throughout the intervention to pro-
cessful local programs for potential global impact. This
mote active participation and engage learners, resulting in
project was funded by regular office operating funds.
a safe environment that supported behavior change. Results
of evaluations with 25 learners in six sites indicated that
learners enjoyed the lessons and would recommend the P11 Using the Healthy Diabetes Plate
program to friends or family with young children. Partici- Curriculum
pants set unique, personal goals to improve their feeding Martha Raidl, PhD, RD, University of Idaho 322 E. Front
practices, making it difficult to report on a single outcome. Street, Suite 180, Boise, ID 83702; Rhea Lanting, MS,
The most common behavior change cited by participants University of Idaho, 322 E. Front Street, Suite 180,
was trying new foods with their children. Other changes Boise, ID 83702; Marnie Spencer, MS, RD, University of
included turning off TV during meals, serving smaller por- Idaho, 322 E. Front Street, Suite 180, Boise, ID 83702;
tions, and making healthier food choices. Overall trends
were towards increased knowledge of, and practice of, Continued on page S20