B.tech R16 Regulations

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(Applicable for the batches admitted from 2016-17)



Applicable for the students of B. Tech. (Regular) from the Academic Year 2016-17 onwards

1. Award of B. Tech. Degree

A student will be declared eligible for the award of B. Tech. Degree if he fulfils the following
academic regulations:

1. A student shall be declared eligible for the award of the B. Tech Degree, if he pursues a course of study
in not less than four and not more than eight academic years
2. The candidate shall register for 180 credits and secure all the 180 credits.

2. Courses of Study

The following courses of study are offered at present as specializations for the
B. Tech. Courses:
S. No Branch

01 Civil Engineering

02 Electrical and Electronics Engineering

03 Mechanical Engineering

04 Electronics and Communication Engineering

05 Computer Science and Engineering

06 Information Technology

07 Petro Chemical Engineering

08 Chemical Engineering

09 Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering

10 Aeronautical Engineering

11 Automobile Engineering

12 Bio Technology

13 Electronics and Computer Engineering

14 Mining Engineering

15 Petroleum Engineering

16 Metallurgical Engineering

17 Agricultural Engineering

3. Distribution and Weightage of Marks

(i) The performance of a student in each semester shall be evaluated subject wise with a
maximum of 100 marks for theory subject and 75 marks for practical subject. The
project work shall be evaluated for 200 marks.

(ii) For theory subjects the distribution shall be 30 marks for Internal Evaluation and 70
marks for the End - Examinations.

(iii) For theory subjects, during the semester there shall be 2 tests. The weightage of
Internal marks for 30 consists of Descriptive 15, Assignment - 05 (Theory, Design,
Analysis, Simulation, Algorithms, Drawing, etc. as the case may be and for Physics Virtual
Labs to be consider as Assignments) Objective -10 (Conducted at College level with 20
Multiple choice question with a weightage of Mark each). The objective examination is
for 20 minutes duration. The subjective examination is for 90 minutes duration
conducted for 15 marks. Each subjective type test question paper shall contain 3
questions and all questions need to be answered. The Objective examination
conducted for 10 marks and subjective examination conducted for 15 marks are to be
added to the assignment marks of 5 for finalizing internal marks for 30.

Internal Marks can be calculated with 80% weightage for best of the two Mids and
20% weightage for other Mid Exam As the syllabus is framed for 6 units, the 1st mid
examination (both Objective and Subjective) is conducted in 1-3 units and second test
in 4-6 units of each subject in a semester.

(iv) The end semester examination is conducted covering the topics of all Units for 70
marks. End Exam Paper: Part-A 1st Question is mandatory covering all the syllabus
which contains seven 2 marks questions for 14 marks with atleast 2 marks of
question for each of the six units and in Part-B 4 Questions out of 6 Questions are to
be answered with each carrying 14 marks . Part-A & Part-B put together gives for 70

(v) For practical subjects there shall be continuous evaluation during the semester for 25
internal marks and 50 end examination marks. The internal 25 marks shall be awarded
as follows: day to day work - 10 marks, Record-5 marks and the remaining 10 marks
to be awarded by conducting an internal laboratory test. The end examination shall be
conducted by the teacher concerned and external examiner.

(vi) For the subject having design and / or drawing, (such as Engineering Graphics,
Engineering Drawing, Machine Drawing) and estimation, the distribution shall be 30
marks for internal evaluation ( 20 marks for day to day work, and 10 marks for
internal tests) and 70 marks for end examination. There shall be two internal tests in a
Semester and the Marks for 10 can be calculated with 80% weightage for best of the
two tests and 20% weightage for other test and these are to be added to the marks
obtained in day to day work.

(vii) For the seminar, Each student has to be evaluated based on the presentation of any
latest topic with report of 10-15 pages and a ppt of min 10 slides. The student shall
collect the information on a specialized topic and prepare a technical report, showing
his understanding over the topic, and submit to the department, which shall be
evaluated by the Departmental committee consisting of Head of the department,
seminar supervisor and a senior faculty member. The seminar report shall be
evaluated for 50 marks. There shall be no external examination for seminar.
(viii) Out of a total of 200 marks for the project work, 60 marks shall be for Internal
Evaluation and 140 marks for the End Semester Examination. The End Semester
Examination (Viva Voce) shall be conducted by the committee. The committee
consists of an external examiner, Head of the Department and Supervisor of the
Project. The evaluation of project work shall be conducted at the end of the IV year.
The Internal Evaluation shall be on the basis of two seminars given by each student
on the topic of his project and evaluated by an internal committee.

(ix) Laboratory marks and the internal marks awarded by the College are not final. The
marks are subject to scrutiny and scaling by the University wherever felt desirable.
The internal and laboratory marks awarded by the College will be referred to a
Committee. The Committee shall arrive at a scaling factor and the marks will be
scaled as per the scaling factor. The recommendations of the Committee are final and
binding. The laboratory records and internal test papers shall be preserved in the
respective departments as per the University norms and shall be produced to the
Committees of the University as and when they ask for.

4. Attendance Requirements
1. A student is eligible to write the University examinations if he acquires a minimum of
75% of attendance in aggregate of all the subjects.
2. Condonation of shortage of attendance in aggregate up to 10% (65% and above and
below 75%) in each semester may be granted by the College Academic Committee
3. Shortage of Attendance below 65% in aggregate shall not be condoned.
4. A student who is short of attendance in semester may seek re-admission into that
semester when offered within 4 weeks from the date of the commencement of class
5. Students whose shortage of attendance is not condoned in any semester are not
eligible to write their end semester examination of that class.
6. A stipulated fee shall be payable towards condonation of shortage of attendance.
7. A student will be promoted to the next semester if he satisfies the (i)attendance
requirement of the present semester and (ii) minimum required credits.
8. If any candidate fulfills the attendance requirement in the present semester, he shall
not be eligible for readmission into the same class.
5. Minimum Academic Requirements

The following academic requirements have to be satisfied in addition to the attendance

requirements mentioned in item no.4.

5.1 A student is deemed to have satisfied the minimum academic requirements if he has earned
the credits allotted to each theory/practical design/drawing subject/project and
secures not less than 35% of marks in the end semester exam, and minimum 40% of
marks in the sum total of the internal marks and end semester examination marks.

5.2 A student shall be promoted from first year to second year if he fulfills the minimum
attendance requirement.

5.3 A student will be promoted from II year to III year if he fulfills the academic requirement
of 40% of the credits up to either II year I semester or II year II semester from all
the examinations, whether or not the candidate takes the examinations and secures
prescribed minimum attendance in II year II semester.

5.4 A student shall be promoted from III year to IV year if he fulfils the academic
requirements of 40% of the credits up to either III year I semester or III year II
semester from all the examinations, whether or not the candidate takes the
examinations and secures prescribed minimum attendance in III year II semester.
5.5 A student shall register and put up minimum attendance in all 180 credits and earn all 180

6. Course Pattern

1. The entire course of study is for four academic years, all the years are on semester
2. A student eligible to appear for the end semester examination in a subject, but absent
from it or has failed in the end semester examination, may write the exam in that
subject when conducted next.
3. When a student is detained for lack of credits / shortage of attendance, he may be re-
admitted into the same semester / year in which he has been detained. However, the
academic regulations under which he was first admitted shall continues to be
applicable to him.

Marks Range Marks Range

Theory Letter Level Grade Point
(Max 100) (Max 75) Grade

90 67 >90 Outstanding 10
80 to <90 60 to <67 90-80 Excellent 9
70 to <80 52 to <60 80-70 Very Good 8
60 to <70 45 to <52 70-60 Good 7
50 to <60 37 to <45 60-50 Fair 6
40 to <50 30 to <37 50-40 Satisfactory 5
Pass 4
<40 <30 <40 Fail 0
Absent 0

Computation of SGPA

The following procedure is to be adopted to compute the Semester Grade Point

Averagae. (SGPA) and Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA):

The SGPA is the ratio of sum of the product of the number of credits with the grade
points scored by a student in all the courses taken by a student and the sum of the
number of credits of all the courses undergone by a student, i.e

SGPA (Si) = (Ci X Gi) / Ci

Where Ci is the number of credits of the ith course and Gi is the grade point scored by
the student in the ith course.

Computation of CGPA

The CGPA is also calculated in the same manner taking into account all the
courses undergone by a student over all the semester of a programme, i.e.

CGPA = (Ci X Si) / Ci

Where Si is the SGPA of the ith semester and Ci is the total number of credits
in that semester.

The SGPA and CGPA shall be rounded off to 2 decimal points and reported in
the transcripts.
Equivalent Percentage = (CGPA 0.75) / x 10

8. Award of Class

After a student has satisfied the requirements prescribed for the completion of the program
and is eligible for the award of B. Tech. Degree, he shall be placed in one of the following four

Class Awarded CGPA to be secured

First Class with Distinction 7.75 with no subjects

From the
First Class 6.75 with subjects failures CGPA
secured from
180 Credits.
Second Class 5.75 to < 6.75

Pass Class 4.75 to < 5.75

9. Minimum Instruction Days

The minimum instruction days for each semester shall be 90 working days.

10. There shall be no branch transfers after the completion of the admission process.
11. There shall be no transfer from one college/stream to another within the Constituent Colleges
and Units of Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Kakinada.


If the student has not paid the dues, if any, to the university or if any case of indiscipline is
pending against him, the result of the student will be withheld. His degree will be withheld in
such cases.


1. Discontinued or detained candidates are eligible for readmission as and when next
2. The readmitted students will be governed by the regulations under which the
candidate has been admitted.
3. (a) In case of transferred students from other Universities, the credits shall be
transferred to JNTUK as per the academic regulations and course structure of the
(b) The students seeking transfer to colleges affiliated to JNTUK from various
other Universities / Institutions have to obtain the credits of any equivalent
subjects as prescribed by JNTUK. In addition, the transferred candidates
have to pass the failed subjects at the earlier instiute with already obtained
sessional marks to be conducted by JNTUK.
14. General

1. Wherever the words he, him, his, occur in the regulations, they include she,
her, hers.
2. The academic regulation should be read as a whole for the purpose of any
3. In case of any doubt or ambiguity in the interpretation of the above rules, the decision
of the Vice-Chancellor is final.
4. The University may change or amend the academic regulations or syllabi at any time
and the changes or amendments made shall be applicable to all the students with
effect from the dates notified by the University.

Applicable for the students admitted into II year B. Tech. from the Academic Year 2017-18 onwards

1 Award of B. Tech. Degree

A student will be declared eligible for the award of B. Tech. Degree if he fulfils the following
academic regulations:
1.1 A student shall be declared eligible for the award of the B. Tech Degree, if he pursues a course of study in
not less than three academic years and not more than six academic years.
1.2 The candidate shall register for 132 credits and secure all the 132 credits.

2. The attendance regulations of B. Tech. (Regular) shall be applicable to B.Tech.

3. Promotion Rule

A student shall be promoted from second year to third year if he fulfills the minimum attendance

A student shall be promoted from III year to IV year if he fulfils the academic requirements of 40% of the
credits up to III year I semester from all the examinations, whether or not the candidate takes the
examinations and secures prescribed minimum attendance in III year II semester.

4. Award of Class

After a student has satisfied the requirement prescribed for the completion of the program and is eligible for
the award of B. Tech. Degree, he shall be placed in one of the following four classes:

Class Awarded CGPA to be secured

From the
First Class with Distinction 7.75 with no failures
CGPA secured
from 132
First Class 6.75 to <7.75
Credits from II
Second Class 5.75 to < 6.75 Year to IV
Pass Class 4.75 to < 5.75

The marks obtained in the internal evaluation and the end semester examination shall be shown separately in
the marks memorandum.

5. All the other regulations as applicable to B. Tech. 4-year degree course (Regular) will hold good for B.
Tech. (Lateral Entry Scheme).


Nature of Malpractices/Improper conduct Punishment
If the candidate:
Possesses or keeps accessible in examination hall, Expulsion from the examination hall and cancellation of the
any paper, note book, programmable calculators, Cell performance in that subject only.
phones, pager, palm computers or any other form of
material concerned with or related to the subject of
1. (a) the examination (theory or practical) in which he is
appearing but has not made use of (material shall
include any marks on the body of the candidate
which can be used as an aid in the subject of the
Gives assistance or guidance or receives it from any Expulsion from the examination hall and cancellation of the
other candidate orally or by any other body language performance in that subject only of all the candidates involved.
(b) methods or communicates through cell phones with In case of an outsider, he will be handed over to the police and
any candidate or persons in or outside the exam hall a case is registered against him.
in respect of any matter.
Has copied in the examination hall from any paper, Expulsion from the examination hall and cancellation of the
book, programmable calculators, palm computers or performance in that subject and all other subjects the candidate
any other form of material relevant to the subject of has already appeared including practical examinations and
2. the examination (theory or practical) in which the project work and shall not be permitted to appear for the
candidate is appearing. remaining examinations of the subjects of that Semester/year.
The Hall Ticket of the candidate is to be cancelled and sent to
the University.
Impersonates any other candidate in connection with The candidate who has impersonated shall be expelled from
the examination. examination hall. The candidate is also debarred and forfeits
the seat. The performance of the original candidate who has
been impersonated, shall be cancelled in all the subjects of the
examination (including practicals and project work) already
appeared and shall not be allowed to appear for examinations
3. of the remaining subjects of that semester/year. The candidate
is also debarred for two consecutive semesters from class work
and all University examinations. The continuation of the
course by the candidate is subject to the academic regulations
in connection with forfeiture of seat. If the imposter is an
outsider, he will be handed over to the police and a case is
registered against him.
Smuggles in the Answer book or additional sheet or Expulsion from the examination hall and cancellation of
takes out or arranges to send out the question paper performance in that subject and all the other subjects the
during the examination or answer book or additional candidate has already appeared including practical
sheet, during or after the examination. examinations and project work and shall not be permitted for
the remaining examinations of the subjects of that
semester/year. The candidate is also debarred for two
consecutive semesters from class work and all University
examinations. The continuation of the course by the candidate
is subject to the academic regulations in connection with
forfeiture of seat.
Uses objectionable, abusive or offensive language in Cancellation of the performance in that subject.
the answer paper or in letters to the examiners or
writes to the examiner requesting him to award pass
Refuses to obey the orders of the Chief In case of students of the college, they shall be expelled from
Superintendent/Assistant Superintendent / any examination halls and cancellation of their performance in that
officer on duty or misbehaves or creates disturbance subject and all other subjects the candidate(s) has (have)
of any kind in and around the examination hall or already appeared and shall not be permitted to appear for the
organizes a walk out or instigates others to walk out, remaining examinations of the subjects of that semester/year.
or threatens the officer-in charge or any person on The candidates also are debarred and forfeit their seats. In case
duty in or outside the examination hall of any injury of outsiders, they will be handed over to the police and a police
to his person or to any of his relations whether by case is registered against them.
words, either spoken or written or by signs or by
6. visible representation, assaults the officer-in-charge,
or any person on duty in or outside the examination
hall or any of his relations, or indulges in any other
act of misconduct or mischief which result in damage
to or destruction of property in the examination hall
or any part of the College campus or engages in any
other act which in the opinion of the officer on duty
amounts to use of unfair means or misconduct or has
the tendency to disrupt the orderly conduct of the
Leaves the exam hall taking away answer script or Expulsion from the examination hall and cancellation of
intentionally tears of the script or any part thereof performance in that subject and all the other subjects the
inside or outside the examination hall. candidate has already appeared including practical
examinations and project work and shall not be permitted for
the remaining examinations of the subjects of that
semester/year. The candidate is also debarred for two
consecutive semesters from class work and all University
examinations. The continuation of the course by the candidate
is subject to the academic regulations in connection with
forfeiture of seat.
Possess any lethal weapon or firearm in the Expulsion from the examination hall and cancellation of the
examination hall. performance in that subject and all other subjects the candidate
has already appeared including practical examinations and
project work and shall not be permitted for the remaining
examinations of the subjects of that semester/year. The
candidate is also debarred and forfeits the seat.
If student of the college, who is not a candidate for Student of the colleges expulsion from the examination hall
the particular examination or any person not and cancellation of the performance in that subject and all
connected with the college indulges in any other subjects the candidate has already appeared including
malpractice or improper conduct mentioned in clause practical examinations and project work and shall not be
6 to 8. permitted for the remaining examinations of the subjects of that
semester/year. The candidate is also debarred and forfeits the
Person(s) who do not belong to the College will be
handed over to police and, a police case will be registered
against them.
Comes in a drunken condition to the examination Expulsion from the examination hall and cancellation of the
hall. performance in that subject and all other subjects the candidate
10. has already appeared including practical examinations and
project work and shall not be permitted for the remaining
examinations of the subjects of that semester/year.
Copying detected on the basis of internal evidence, Cancellation of the performance in that subject and all other
such as, during valuation or during special scrutiny. subjects the candidate has appeared including practical
examinations and project work of that semester/year
If any malpractice is detected which is not covered in
the above clauses 1 to 11 shall be reported to the
University for further action to award suitable

Malpractices identified by squad or special invigilators

1. Punishments to the candidates as per the above guidelines.
2. Punishment for institutions : (if the squad reports that the college is also involved in encouraging
(i) A show cause notice shall be issued to the college.
(ii) Impose a suitable fine on the college.
(iii) Shifting the examination centre from the college to another college for a specific period of not
less than one year.
KAKINADA-533003, Andhra Pradesh (India)
For Constituent Colleges and Affiliated Colleges of JNTUK

Prohibition of Ragging in
Educational Institutions Act 26 of
Salient Features
Ragging within or outside any educational institution is prohibited.
Ragging means doing an act which causes or is likely to cause Insult or
Annoyance of Fear or Apprehension or Threat or Intimidation or outrage of
modesty or Injury to a student

Imprisonment upto Fine Upto

Rs. 1,000/-
Embarrassing and 6 Months

+ Rs. 2,000/-
Assaulting or Using
Criminal force or
Criminal intimidation 1 Year

+ Rs. 5,000/-
Wrongfully restraining
or confining or
causing hurt 2 Years

+ Rs. 10,000/-
Causing grievous hurt,

5 Years
kidnapping or Abducts
or rape or committing
unnatural offence

+ Rs. 50,000/-
Causing death or
abetting suicide
10 Months

In Case of Emergency CALL TOLL FREE NO. : 1800 - 425 - 1288


KAKINADA-533003, Andhra Pradesh (India)
KAKINADA-533003, Andhra Pradesh (India)
For Constituent Colleges and Affiliated Colleges of JNTUK
For Constituent Colleges and Affiliated Colleges of JNTUK

1. Ragging is prohibited as per Act 26 of
A.P. Legislative Assembly, 1997.
2. Ragging entails heavy fines and/or
3. Ragging invokes suspension and dismissal
from the College.
4. Outsiders are prohibited from entering the
College and Hostel without permission.
5. Girl students must be in their hostel rooms
by 7.00 p.m.
6. All the students must carry their Identity Cards
and show them when demanded
7. The Principal and the Wardens may visit
the Hostels and inspect the rooms any time.

Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Kakinada

For Constituent Colleges and Affiliated Colleges of JNTUK

In Case of Emergency
In Case CALL
TOLL FREE NO. : 1800
: 1800 - 425
- 425 1288
- 1288


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