As Built Spatial Standards
As Built Spatial Standards
As Built Spatial Standards
Open Space
July 2015
1. Background ....................................................................................................................................................1
2. Objective .........................................................................................................................................................1
3. Scope ..............................................................................................................................................................2
4. Data specification ..........................................................................................................................................3
4.1 Datum .......................................................................................................................................................3
4.2 Data source ..............................................................................................................................................3
4.2.1 Civil infrastructure projects .............................................................................................................3
4.2.2 GPS data collection .......................................................................................................................3
4.2.3 Feature survey ...............................................................................................................................3
4.2.4 Digitisation......................................................................................................................................4
4.3 Data structure ...........................................................................................................................................4
4.3.1 Polygon ..........................................................................................................................................4
4.3.2 Point ...............................................................................................................................................4
4.3.3 Line ................................................................................................................................................4
4.4 Data provided by City of Melbourne .........................................................................................................5
4.5 Consultant data presentation ...................................................................................................................5
5. Technical specification .................................................................................................................................6
5.1 Road and park surfaces ...........................................................................................................................6
5.2 Tramways ...............................................................................................................................................10
5.3 Railways .................................................................................................................................................10
5.4 Waterways and watercourses ................................................................................................................10
5.5 Line and point feature.............................................................................................................................11
6. List of layers .................................................................................................................................................11
6.1 Layer list .................................................................................................................................................11
6.1.1 Surface layer ................................................................................................................................11
6.1.2 Point layer ....................................................................................................................................11
6.1.3 Line layer ......................................................................................................................................12
7. Attributes specification ...............................................................................................................................12
8. Appendix .......................................................................................................................................................13
8.1 Sample ESRI (Geodatabase, Shape) ....................................................................................................13
8.2 Sample AutoCAD MAP 3D (Object Data) ..............................................................................................13
8.3 Sample MapInfo (MiTAB) .......................................................................................................................13
8.4 Attribute Lookup Table ...........................................................................................................................13
8.5 Design and Drafting Guidelines .............................................................................................................13
1. Background
All As-Built plans dealing with civil works submitted to the City of Melbourne must comply with this
set of As-Built Spatial Standards. These standards establish a consistent approach to preparing
engineering drawings.
The City of Melbournes CAD drawing standards had remained relatively unchanged since their
introduction in 2002. In contrast, technology in digital data structure and maintenance significantly
advanced. Computer hardware improvements combined with GIS software enhancements have
changed spatial data management from static paper maps into rich, live and dynamic digital maps.
The City of Melbournes corporate spatial data system is now maintained in GIS format and so As-
Built plans in the CAD drawing standard format are no longer required.
2. Objective
We aim to simplify spatial data flow without losing accuracy and completeness from consultants. In
this way we can update the City of Melbournes asset register (AssetMaster) and spatial data (ESRI
suite) using new received As-Built for civil design projects, or data collected in other ways such as
GPS or digitisation.
The flowchart in Figure 1 illustrates the data processing flow from when data is requested on a
particular subject through to the design, construction and preparation of As-Built in GIS format. Only
basic steps are shown such as Original Design, Final Construction and As-Built. Different consultants
may have different steps of civil design project presentations.
Figure 1: As-Built data process flow chart
3. Scope
These As-Built Spatial Standards explain how to submit spatial data to the City of Melbournes
Engineering Services Branch and Parks Services Branch.
2. A set of engineering design and As-Constructed plans of the same, in the format of the
contractors CAD design software, including a PDF.
4. Data specification
4.1 Datum
All GIS data submitted must be in Map Grid Australia Zone 55 projection and referenced to
Geocentric Datum of Australia (GDA) 1994.
Only GPS data collection can be submitted in its original tabular format or in spatial format. Civil
infrastructure and future survey projects must be converted to the As-Built Spatial Standards.
A survey of existing features must be performed using the accuracies required for a feature survey
listed in Table 1.
Table 1: Accuracy required for feature survey
All ground level or sub-ground level linear 0.1 m or better 0.05 m or better
features excluding drainage lines and kerb lines.
These include but are not limited to line marking,
cables and conduits for underground or
overhead, irrigation and water supply lines.
Single point features such as trees, poles, and 0.1 m or better 0.05 m or better
Multi-point features such as pits, tree surrounds 0.1 m or better 0.05 m or better
and seats.
4.2.4 Digitisation
Data from a digitisation process is accepted only when a feature survey is not possible to the
accuracy required. Prior approval by the City of Melbournes Team Leader of Parks or Team Leader
of Asset Management is required before digital data is submitted. This depends on the project
location (open space or a road reserve).
4.3.1 Polygon
All surfaces in the public realm including road reserves, parks and reserves must be depicted as
descript polygons. For example, Carriageway, Footpath, Kerb, Channel, Median, Bridge, Nature Strip,
Playground Surface, Recreation Surface, Retaining Wall, Shrub Bed, Tramway, Tree Plot, Turf, Water
Feature, or Parking Bay.
4.3.2 Point
Each outdoor furniture, recreation and playground asset must have an accurate pair of grid
coordinates in the correct datum set out in Section 4.1 above. Coordinates must be picked at the
approximate centre for large assets. Examples of point data are Banner Pole, Barbeque, Bike Rail,
Bin, Bollard, Drinking Fountain, Floral Crate, Hoop, Horse Trough, Information Pillar, Picnic Setting,
Recreation Equipment, Seat, Sign, Structure Support, Syringe Bin, Stormwater Pit, Litter Trap, Tree,
or Drip Line Pit.
4.3.3 Line
Storm water drainage pipes, irrigation lines and conduits for assets including electrical and optic fibre
must be depicted by lines drawn between the pits or nodes, depending on the type of line asset. See
Section 6 for categories of layers.
4.4 Data provided by City of Melbourne
The City of Melbourne will provide spatial information of a subject area including:
Cadastral (Property)
Road Segment
Park Area
Surface Polygon Asset
Point Asset, such as Outdoor Furniture
Linear Asset such as Drainage, Conduit or Irrigation Line.
1. As-Built spatial data that meets the requirements of these As-Built Spatial Standards on a CD,
DVD or memory stick.
2. Complete As-Built plans of the same project in the consultants original format and PDF.
5. Technical specification
Regardless of the type of software a consultant is using to design a civil project, the As-Built spatial
data must be presented in any of the available GIS formats. These include but are not limited to ESRI
suite (shape, geodatabase), AutoCAD Map 3D (object data) or MapInfo (Mif, MITAB). Data up to a
size of 16MB must be submitted in digital format via email. If it exceeds this size, data must be
submitted on a CD, DVD or memory stick.
Surface polygons will completely cover road reserve area, park and reserve areas as shown in Figure
2. The City of Melbourne will provide road segment and cadastral data as the base map for a subject
Figure 3 and Figure 4 show surface polygons within road segment and park areas. Typical sections of
polygon for road and park areas are shown in Figure 5 and Figure 6.
Appendices 8.1, 8.2 and 8.3 contains sample data in ESRI shape file, AutoCAD Map 3D and
MapInfo MidTAB format with corresponding attributes data.
Figure 4: Park surface polygons composition
Figure 5: Typical road polygon section
Boundaries of tramway polygons must generally accord with the extents of the concrete tramway formation.
However, as shown in Figure 7, when the road pavement asphalt extends to the edge of the outermost tram
rail, the boundaries of any tramway polygons must be created by offsetting the polygon boundary 500 mm
from the running edge of the tram track nearest to the relevant roadway pavement.
5.3 Railways
Where boundaries of railway polygons intersect road pavement polygons, the polygon intersection boundary
must be created at an offset of 2,135 mm from the running edge of the outermost rail nearest to the relevant
roadway pavement.
Where railway embankments abut road or park areas, the boundary of the railway polygon must coincide with
either an appropriate fence or retaining wall or in their absence, with the top or toe of the embankment.
Polygon boundaries must accord with the edge of the embankment forming the waterway or watercourse as
shown in Figure 8.
Line and point features must be presented in their standard native symbols and sizesdot and line for point
and linear features respectively.
6. List of layers
Layers and their attributes are categorised according to their functions to ensure uniform data structure.
Assets that are surface in nature are displayed using polygons, while smaller and singular assets such as
outdoor furniture are drawn as points, and linear assets as lines.
If a layer or layers are not shown below, request direction from the Team Leader of Parks or or Asset
Management, depending on the project area.
Nature Strip
Parking Bay
Retaining Wall
Shrub Bed
Tree Plot
Water Feature
Banner Pole
Bicycle Rail
CCTV Camera
Drinking Fountain
Electrical Meter
Electrical Pillar
Feature Light
Floral Crate
Information Pillar
Litter Trap
Parking Meter
Playground Equipment
Public Light
Pumping Station
Recreation Equipment
Stormwater Pit
Water Meter
Electrical Conduit
Gas Main
Irrigation Line
Optic Fibre
Stormwater Pipe
Sewerage Main
Water Main
7. Attributes specification
So that consultants apply an exact attribute structure and fields and to avoid spelling errors, the City of
Melbourne will provide a standard GIS data sample of the particular subject area in the format that consultants
request. Consultants must resubmit information in the same data structure with all attributes completed and no
blank fields.
In each layer there will be a field Change which consultants should populate with either New, Modify or
Delete for any asset or feature that is new, modified or removed.
Appendix 8.4 shows table of lookup for pavement makeup field. Consultants must use the texts with correct
spelling provided in the lookup for a description of an asset material (pavement makeup). In case of texts not
in the lookup, seek further instructions from the Team Leader of Parks or Asset Management.
8. Appendix
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